Daily Archives: October 14, 2018

2018-10-14: News Headlines

Andre Damon (2018-10-14). Pages Purged by Facebook Were on Blacklist Promoted by Washington Post. globalresearch.ca Media outlets removed by Facebook on Thursday, in a massive purge of 800 accounts and pages, had previously been targeted in a blacklist of oppositional sites promoted by the Washington Post in November 2016. | The organizations censored by Facebook include …

Professor John Ryan (2018-10-14). If NAFTA Has Been Replaced by USMCA, Is Canada Still Haunted by the FTA? globalresearch.ca In a recent article by David Orchard and Marjaleena Repo, concern has been raised that even if NAFTA has been replaced by the USMCA, Canada may still be subject to the provisions of the 1989 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA). …

Elliott Gabriel (2018-10-14). Facebook Partners with Hawkish Atlantic Council, a NATO Lobby Group, to "Protect Democracy" globalresearch.ca The partnership between Facebook and the Atlantic Council is an attempt to ensure the grip of dominant imperialist powers – militaries, multinationals, banks, and philanthropists – who feel threatened by the unrestricted flow of information and anti-systemic narratives on social …

Telesur (2018-10-14). 'We Are Afraid': Anti-Bolsonaro Voters, Journalists Targeted in Wave of Political Violence Across Brazil, Activists Call for Action. globalresearch.ca Thousands of activists, women and young Brazilians marched in Sao Paulo Thursday to protest against right-wing presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, who won the first round of the Brazilian presidential election on Oct. 7. | Angered by Bolsonaro's sexist, misogynist, and …

Kevin Martinez (2018-10-14). Daniel Ellsberg's The Doomsday Machine: A Prescient Warning of the Danger of Nuclear War. globalresearch.ca Daniel Ellsberg is an American anti-war activist who in 1971, while working for the RAND Corporation, leaked a series of documents called "The Pentagon Papers" to the New York Times and other news outlets. The papers revealed to the American …

Middle East Eye (2018-10-14). Media Companies, Executives Quit Saudi Event Over Missing Journalist. globalresearch.ca Media companies including the New York Times and CNN are pulling out of a Saudi investment conference because of growing outrage over the disappearance of a prominent Saudi journalist in Turkey. | British billionaire Richard Branson has also announced that his …

Klaus Dräger (2018-10-14). Aufstehen! (Stand Up!) – A New Left Movement Emerging in Germany? globalresearch.ca In February 2018 Oskar Lafontaine wrote: " Do we need a movement of the political left accumulating broader forces (Sammlungsbewegung)? Yes, if we want social cuts to be halted, wages and pensions to rise again, foreign policy to reinstate Willy

Michael Welch (2018-10-14). Brazilian Elections and the Stakes for Democracy. globalresearch.ca Bolsonaro is a symptom of a much larger disease. He has only reached this level, a head-to-head in the second round against Lula's candidate Haddad, because of a sophisticated, rolling, multi-stage, judicial/congressional/business/media Hybrid War unleashed on Brazil. | -Pepe Escobar [1]…

Aeon (2018-10-14). Here's Why Learning Another Language Should Be Compulsory In Every School. alternet.org Nothing teaches us about the world and how to think more effectively better than learning new languages. | In the 1960s, in our public schools in California along the border with Mexico, Spanish language-learning was a requirement, beginning in sixth grade. I couldn't wait to get to sixth grade to start learning Spanish. Our school was more than 50 per cent Mexican-Americans, and I was keen to understand them as they switched back and forth from fluent English to fluent. . .

Abigail Fielding-Smith (2018-10-14). One Day in Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca The first death was soon after midnight, a policeman killed on night watch near the Tajik border. The bloodshed continued as the sun rose then set again, ending only as the day did. | Three beheadings at a school, and an …

Fred Burks (2018-10-14). HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare. globalresearch.ca This carefully documented article on Weather Warfare was first published by Global Research on August 1, 2010. | Some small edits have been made. The CBC, History Channel and Trutv.com (removed) documentaries quoted in the article can now be viewed. They …

Repost (2018-10-14). Pacifica Radio Network Stands with Wikileaks and Julian Assange. indybay.org Pacifica passed a resolution to defend Julian Assange who is the founder of Wikileaks. "The mainstream media has basically been silent about the harassment of Julian Assange and the attempt to imprison him. And even some so-called progressive outlets have been silent. I think that if Pacifica makes a statement, it will be very important and will serve to educate many people in this country and beyond."

Shared by Anton Woronczuk (2018-10-14). How Genetics and Pollution Are Threatening Wild Dolphins. truthout.org Dolphins are beautiful, highly intelligent and uncannily human in their interactions. Yet, they also have a language we humans cannot fully hear, and a culture that is in some ways similar to our own, and in others, a complete mystery. | Like us, they have circles of friends and acquaintances, with different greetings for different individuals, as if by name. They travel swiftly within a home range of about 100-square kilometers but can go further when they want to. They have the sleek design of a jet plane fuselage and the intelligence that comes with a Shared by Merula Furtado (2018-10-14). Unaffordable Higher Education Leads to Low Graduation Rates. truthout.org After two years of juggling full-time study with full-time work, Josefa, a student at Brooklyn College, decided to take a semester off. "I was exhausted," she said, "and decided to move to Florida where I thought things would be cheaper." This was in 2016. | Josefa quickly found a waitressing job and secured an apartment. But she also learned that as a non-resident of Florida, attending a public college would be even more expensive than continuing at Brooklyn College. Six months after heading to the Sunshine State, she returned to New York and once again registered for classes. | "Right after I got back to the ci…

Prof. James Petras (2018-10-13). Brazil's Neo-Liberal Fascist Road to Power. globalresearch.ca Introduction | The decisive electoral victory of far-right Brazilian presidential candidate, Jair Bolsonaro startled politicians and analysts of the traditional parties of the left and right. | The possible implications for the present and near future raises a number of fundamental questions …

Stephen Lendman (2018-10-13). Washington State Ends Capital Punishment. globalresearch.ca Around one-third of world nations impose the death sentence in judicial rulings. | Of all known state-sponsored executions, 12 nations carry out most of them: America, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Sri Lanka, — according …

Federico Pieraccini (2018-10-13). The Killing of Saudi Journalist Khashoggi Could Spell the End for Mohammad bin Salman? globalresearch.ca The (unconfirmed) death of famous journalist Saudita Jamal Khashoggi is likely to have important repercussions, revealing the hypocrisy of the mainstream media, tensions inside the Saudi regime, and the double standards of Western countries. | On October 2nd, 2018, Saudi journalist …

Stephen Lendman (2018-10-13). US/Saudi Relations Remain Unchanged. Jamal Khashoggi's Abduction and likely Murder. globalresearch.ca Both countries are longstanding allies, partnered in Washington's imperial agenda, waging war OF terror in the Middle East against nations Republicans and undemocratic Dems target for regime change. | As long as Saudi oil keeps flowing and the kingdom continues spending …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2018-10-13). Evacuating Nauru: Médecins Sans Frontières and Australia's Refugee Dilemma. globalresearch.ca It is an organisation not without its problems. Conceived in the heat of idealism, and promoted as the vanguard of medical rescue and human rights advocacy, Médecins Sans Frontières has had its faults. Its co-founder Bernard Kouchner went a bit …

Colin Todhunter (2018-10-13). From GM Potatoes to Glyphosate: Regulatory Delinquency and Toxic Agriculture. globalresearch.ca Food and environment campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason has just produced the report 'Shockingly high levels of weedkiller found in popular breakfast cereals marketed for British children'. In this 68-page document, she draws from new research in the UK that mirrors …

Mark Taliano (2018-10-13). Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. The "War on Terror" is a Fraud. globalresearch.ca Canada is fast-becoming a safe-haven for terrorists. | Al Qaeda/al Nusra Front and ISIS are openly being welcomed[1] and protected from public scrutiny and juridical consequences, including "Anti-Terror" legislation.[2] | All of this exposes yet again that the "War on Terror" is …

Shared by Anton Woronczuk (2018-10-13). It's Time to Write Women Back Into Labor History. truthout.org This article was originally published at Labor Notes. | Union women are leading labor forward. You can see it in the flurry of teacher strikes—Los Angeles teachers were the latest to authorize one—and in the September walkout by McDonald's workers in many major cities, an anti-sexual harassment action linked to the Fight for $15. | Teachers union membership is predominately female, and has been so for decades. In fact, elementary school teaching in the 1970s was a very low-paid "pink-collar ghetto," wrote noted labor historian Philip Foner in his groundbreaking…

RT (2018-10-13). Creepy survey asks 5th-graders about their sex lives. rt.com Parents at a Vermont elementary school were livid after learning their 10-year-old children were queried about their sexual history and gender identity without their permission as part of a university research project.

James Rothenberg (2018-10-12). Propaganda's Long Shadow. counterpunch.org Hierarchal societies, like the one we live in, rely on orthodoxy and their in-place control mechanisms. In order to preserve the class divisions built within them, the ruling elite must be vigilant about lower class discontent, lest its authority be tested. To this end, the lower class is educated to believe that, regardless of its More

leili (2018-10-12). "Educators Who Bravely Act on Principle Should be Championed, Not Punished" bdsmovement.net "Educators Who Bravely Act on Principle Should be Championed, Not Punished": UpdatePalestinian civil society responds to efforts by the University of Michigan to silence teachers who act in support of Palestinian human rights: "As long as Israeli universi…

Wim Laven (2018-10-12). Dangerous White Lies. counterpunch.org When I started teaching at the university level, about 1,500 students ago, I had no idea that I'd ever have to dedicate class time to address honesty. Some brief reminders on plagiarism was all that I was used to. That Melania Trump could use some help, her "Be Best" speech was stolen from Michelle Obama, More

South Front (2018-10-12). Video: ISIS Seizes Toxic Agents Intended to be Used for Provocations in Idlib. globalresearch.ca ISIS terrorists have been able to seize toxic chemicals due to the irresponsible actions of the representatives of the Western countries, Lieutenant General Vladimir Savchenko, chief of the Russian center for the reconciliation of the conflicting sides in Syria, said …

Andrew Korybko (2018-10-12). Mohammed Bin Salman: The Character Behind the Caricatures. globalresearch.ca Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, popularly known by his initials as MBS, is either one of the world's most admired leaders or its most reviled depending on who one asks. His friends characterize him as a noble reformer …

Ed Lehman (2018-10-12). Don't Let Trump Weaponize Space. globalresearch.ca In a number of countries, the week of October 6-13 is being observed as Keep Space for Peace Week. This year the theme for the week is No Space Force, in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump's proposal to …

Mark Gruenberg (2018-10-12). Another month, another win among university researchers for UAW. peoplesworld.org BERKELEY, Calif. —Another month, another win for the Auto Wo…

Joe Emersberger (2018-10-12). Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno's Assault on Human Rights and Judicial Independence. counterpunch.org Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga, is an Ecuadorian legal scholar who teaches human rights and constitutional law at the Central European University in Hungary. He talked to Joe Emersberger about Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno's assault on human rights and judicial independence. Most of Moreno's attacks abuses stem from a referendum of February, 2018 that was called by decree More

Julia Conley (2018-10-12). American College Student Considers Taking BDS Detention Case to Israel's Supreme Court. mintpressnews.com After her legal challenge to end her detention was rejected by an Israeli district court on Friday, academics and activists pledged their support on Friday for Lara Alqasem, the 22-year-old U.S. graduate student who has been held for 10 days by Israel over accusations she has supported the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement that demands rights and freedom for Palestinians. | #LaraAlqasem's case exposed much: #Israel racially profiles those entering & the Joe Catron (2018-10-12). Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters. mintpressnews.com "The Israeli military relies on a network of international companies, supplying everything from sniper rifles to tear gas, to carry out its massacres of protesters in Gaza. These companies are knowingly supporting war crimes, and are complicit in state-orchestrated murder." — Tom Anderson, researcher for Corporate Occupation

Kurt Nimmo (2018-10-12). Social Media Censorship Intensifies. globalresearch.ca Both the Free Thought Project and The Anti-Media lost their social media accounts in a coordinated attack today by Facebook and Twitter. | Facebook alone removed 559 pages and 251 accounts. | . | @AntiMedia and @TFTPROJECT just | …

W.T. Whitney Jr. (2018-10-12). Revolution at Risk: 'Humanitarian Intervention' in Venezuela Aims at Regime Change. globalresearch.ca Turmoil reigns in Venezuela. A story serves to illustrate and to introduce the report presented here. | The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) on its website claims that the national police in Táchira state recently arrested and tortured PCV member José …

Alastair Crooke (2018-10-12). In Trade, as in Foreign Policy, America Goes for 'Broke'. globalresearch.ca Trump's Administration is putting its 'all' on red on the roulette wheel of a radically leveraged US trade and foreign policy. It is a bet that a ruthless 'no prisoners taken' pursuit of naked US commercial interest can restore American …

Democracy Now! (2018-10-12). Decades After Taking Henrietta Lacks's Cells Without Consent, Johns Hopkins Names Building After Her. democracynow.org Johns Hopkins University has announced plans to name a new research building after Henrietta Lacks, an African-American woman who permanently changed modern medicine nearly 70 years ago when it was discovered that her cells could live forever. These "immortal cells" have helped scientists produce remedies for numerous diseases, including the first polio vaccine, that have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. But Lacks's cells were taken without her consent when she was a patient at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in 1951. For decades, the woman whose cells would transform modern medicine was unknown. Instead,…

Press TV (2018-10-12). Maduro: White House Ordered Colombia to Kill Me. globalresearch.ca Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said the Trump administration is seeking to assassinate him, as relations strain between the two nations. | Maduro said in a nationally televised speech on Thursday that the United States had instructed the Colombian government to …

Global Research (2018-10-12). The Silencing of Independent Media: Global Research Needs Your Help. globalresearch.ca Dear Readers, | With constant changes being made to the way search engines and social media reference and display articles from independent media, making sure we do everything in our power to keep our content as accessible to you as we …

wsws (2018-10-12). US student critical of Israel detained at Tel Aviv airport for more than a week. wsws.org Lara Alqasem, 22, was targeted because she is president of the University of Florida's chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, which supports the BDS campaign against Israel.

Shared by Gregory Wilpert (2018-10-12). Israeli Authorities Step Up anti-BDS Policies: Political Test to Enter Israel. therealnews.com Israel border authorities have detained US-Palestinian student for her alleged Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activism, denying her entry into Israel, despite having a visa. Tallie Ben-Daniel of Jewish voice for Peace discusses the case and what it means for the BDS movement

wsws (2018-10-12). Carl Cooley: 1927-2018. wsws.org Cooley, a former autoworker and high school and college teacher, had considered himself a socialist for most of his adult life. He was the US SEP's congressional candidate in Maine in the 2004 election.

RT (2018-10-12). Co-founder of Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS refuses to testify before House committee. rt.com Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, a research firm that commissioned the notorious anti-Trump Steele dossier while funded by Hillary Clinton's campaign money, has refused to testify before the House Judiciary Committee.

wsws (2018-10-12). Lead at some Detroit schools 50 times the allowable federal level. wsws.org A new report on lead and copper in Detroit schools reveals the acute health dangers facing working class families due to the massive deterioration in education funding.

wsws (2018-10-12). Argentine teachers facing massive pay cuts strike for 48 hours. wsws.org Teachers face losing a quarter of their real wages this year, while Macri's austerity policies threaten to cut funding for public education by up to 40 percent in real terms.

Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski (2018-10-12). Israeli Authorities Step Up anti-BDS Policies: Political Test to Enter Israel. therealnews.com Israel border authorities have detained US-Palestinian student for her alleged Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activism, denying her entry into Israel, despite having a visa. Tallie Ben-Daniel of Jewish voice for Peace discusses the case and what it means for the BDS movement

aclu (2018-10-11). Jury Sends Wisconsin a $780,000 Bill for Denying Health Care to Two Transgender Workers. aclu.org A growing number of courts are ruling that transgender public employees should have access to transition-related health care. | Shannon Andrews just helped bring comprehensive health care coverage to transgender state employees across Wisconsin. Even more reassuring, she proved that average Americans understand that discrimination against transgender people comes with a cost. | Shannon supervises a cancer research lab at the University of Wisconsin. Like other state employees, she gets health care insurance through the state. But as a transgender woman, Shannon faced state rules that specifically excluded coverag…

John Thompson (2018-10-11). Education May Spell Doom for Oklahoma's Republican 'Subprime' Gubernatorial Candidate. progressive.org Oklahoma educators have had enough of outsiders imposing their untested opinions on classrooms.

Jordan Smith (2018-10-11). Notre Dame Struck a Secret Deal With the Trump Administration to Deny Birth Control Coverage. Now Students Are Fighting Back. theintercept.com The Trump administration bypassed the judicial system to negotiate a backroom settlement with 74 religiously affiliated institutions, including Notre Dame.

wsws (2018-10-11). Students denounce CIA partnership with University of Illinois Chicago. wsws.org Among the many students who oppose the school's partnership with the CIA is a medical student who told the IYSSE, "The CIA is the greatest terrorist organization in the world, and now it wants its tentacles on our campus."

2018-10-14: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare
Fred Burks | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-14
This carefully documented article on Weather Warfare was first published by Global Research on August 1, 2010. | Some small edits have been made. The CBC, History Channel and Trutv.com (removed) documentaries quoted in the article can now be viewed. They … | The post HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare appeared first on Global Research.

Here's Why Learning Another Language Should Be Compulsory In Every School
Aeon | alternet.org | 2018-10-14
Nothing teaches us about the world and how to think more effectively better than learning new languages. | In the 1960s, in our public schools in California along the border with Mexico, Spanish language-learning was a requirement, beginning in sixth grade. I couldn't wait to get to sixth grade to start learning Spanish. Our school was more than 50 per cent Mexican-Americans, and I was keen to understand them as they switched back and forth from fluent English to fluent. . .

Media Companies, Executives Quit Saudi Event Over Missing Journalist
Middle East Eye | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-14
Media companies including the New York Times and CNN are pulling out of a Saudi investment conference because of growing outrage over the disappearance of a prominent Saudi journalist in Turkey. | British billionaire Richard Branson has also announced that his … | The post Media Companies, Executives Quit Saudi Event Over Missing Journalist appeared first on Global Research.

Daniel Ellsberg's The Doomsday Machine: A Prescient Warning of the Danger of Nuclear War
Kevin Martinez | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-14
Daniel Ellsberg is an American anti-war activist who in 1971, while working for the RAND Corporation, leaked a series of documents called "The Pentagon Papers" to the New York Times and other news outlets. The papers revealed to the American … | The post Daniel Ellsberg's The Doomsday Machine: A Prescient Warning of the Danger of Nuclear War appeared first on Global Research.

Pages Purged by Facebook Were on Blacklist Promoted by Washington Post
Andre Damon | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-14
Media outlets removed by Facebook on Thursday, in a massive purge of 800 accounts and pages, had previously been targeted in a blacklist of oppositional sites promoted by the Washington Post in November 2016. | The organizations censored by Facebook include … | The post Pages Purged by Facebook Were on Blacklist Promoted by Washington Post appeared first on Global Research.

'We Are Afraid': Anti-Bolsonaro Voters, Journalists Targeted in Wave of Political Violence Across Brazil, Activists Call for Action
Telesur | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-14
Thousands of activists, women and young Brazilians marched in Sao Paulo Thursday to protest against right-wing presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, who won the first round of the Brazilian presidential election on Oct. 7. | Angered by Bolsonaro's sexist, misogynist, and … | The post 'We Are Afraid': Anti-Bolsonaro Voters, Journalists Targeted in Wave of Political Violence Across Brazil, Activists Call for Action appear…

One Day in Afghanistan
Abigail Fielding-Smith | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-14
The first death was soon after midnight, a policeman killed on night watch near the Tajik border. The bloodshed continued as the sun rose then set again, ending only as the day did. | Three beheadings at a school, and an … | The post One Day in Afghanistan appeared first on Global Research.

Brazilian Elections and the Stakes for Democracy
Michael Welch | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-14
Bolsonaro is a symptom of a much larger disease. He has only reached this level, a head-to-head in the second round against Lula's candidate Haddad, because of a sophisticated, rolling, multi-stage, judicial/congressional/business/media Hybrid War unleashed on Brazil. | -Pepe Escobar [1]… | The post Brazilian Elections and the Stakes for Democracy appeared first on Global Research.

Pacifica Radio Network Stands with Wikileaks and Julian Assange
Repost | indybay.org | 2018-10-14
Pacifica passed a resolution to defend Julian Assange who is the founder of Wikileaks. "The mainstream media has basically been silent about the harassment of Julian Assange and the attempt to imprison him. And even some so-called progressive outlets have been silent. I think that if Pacifica makes a statement, it will be very important and will serve to educate many people in this country and beyond."

Unaffordable Higher Education Leads to Low Graduation Rates
Shared by Merula Furtado | truthout.org | 2018-10-14
After two years of juggling full-time study with full-time work, Josefa, a student at Brooklyn College, decided to take a semester off. "I was exhausted," she said, "and decided to move to Florida where I thought things would be cheaper." This was in 2016. | Josefa quickly found a waitressing job and secured an apartment. But she also learned that as a non-resident of Florida, attending a public college would be even more expensive than continuing at Brooklyn College. Six months after heading to the Sunshine State, she returned to New York and once again registered for classes. | "Right after I got back to the ci…

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. The "War on Terror" is a Fraud
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-13
Canada is fast-becoming a safe-haven for terrorists. | Al Qaeda/al Nusra Front and ISIS are openly being welcomed[1] and protected from public scrutiny and juridical consequences, including "Anti-Terror" legislation.[2] | All of this exposes yet again that the "War on Terror" is … | The post Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. The "War on Terror" is a Fraud appeared first on Global Research.

Evacuating Nauru: Médecins Sans Frontières and Australia's Refugee Dilemma
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-13
It is an organisation not without its problems. Conceived in the heat of idealism, and promoted as the vanguard of medical rescue and human rights advocacy, Médecins Sans Frontières has had its faults. Its co-founder Bernard Kouchner went a bit … | The post Evacuating Nauru: Médecins Sans Frontières and Australia's Refugee Dilemma appeared first on Global Research.

The Killing of Saudi Journalist Khashoggi Could Spell the End for Mohammad bin Salman?
Federico Pieraccini | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-13
The (unconfirmed) death of famous journalist Saudita Jamal Khashoggi is likely to have important repercussions, revealing the hypocrisy of the mainstream media, tensions inside the Saudi regime, and the double standards of Western countries. | On October 2nd, 2018, Saudi journalist … | The post The Killing of Saudi Journalist Khashoggi Could Spell the End for Mohammad bin Salman? appeared first on Global Re…

Washington State Ends Capital Punishment
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-13
Around one-third of world nations impose the death sentence in judicial rulings. | Of all known state-sponsored executions, 12 nations carry out most of them: America, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Sri Lanka, — according … | The post Washington State Ends Capital Punishment appeared first on Global Research.

Brazil's Neo-Liberal Fascist Road to Power
Prof. James Petras | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-13
Introduction | The decisive electoral victory of far-right Brazilian presidential candidate, Jair Bolsonaro startled politicians and analysts of the traditional parties of the left and right. | The possible implications for the present and near future raises a number of fundamental questions … | The post Brazil's Neo-Liberal Fascist Road to Power appeared first on Global Research.

From GM Potatoes to Glyphosate: Regulatory Delinquency and Toxic Agriculture
Colin Todhunter | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-13
Food and environment campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason has just produced the report 'Shockingly high levels of weedkiller found in popular breakfast cereals marketed for British children'. In this 68-page document, she draws from new research in the UK that mirrors … | The post From GM Potatoes to Glyphosate: Regulatory Delinquency and Toxic Agriculture appeared first on Global Research.

US/Saudi Relations Remain Unchanged. Jamal Khashoggi's Abduction and likely Murder
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-13
Both countries are longstanding allies, partnered in Washington's imperial agenda, waging war OF terror in the Middle East against nations Republicans and undemocratic Dems target for regime change. | As long as Saudi oil keeps flowing and the kingdom continues spending … | The post US/Saudi Relations Remain Unchanged. Jamal Khashoggi's Abduction and likely Murder appeared first on Global Research.

It's Time to Write Women Back Into Labor History
Shared by Anton Woronczuk | truthout.org | 2018-10-13
This article was originally published at Labor Notes. | Union women are leading labor forward. You can see it in the flurry of teacher strikes–Los Angeles teachers were the latest to authorize one–and in the September walkout by McDonald's workers in many major cities, an anti-sexual harassment action linked to the Fight for $15. | Teachers union membership is predominately female, and has been so for decades. In fact, elementary school teaching in the 1970s was a very low-paid "pink-collar ghetto," wrote noted labor historian Philip Foner in his groundbreaking…

Creepy survey asks 5th-graders about their sex lives
RT | rt.com | 2018-10-13
Parents at a Vermont elementary school were livid after learning their 10-year-old children were queried about their sexual history and gender identity without their permission as part of a university research project.

Don't Let Trump Weaponize Space
Ed Lehman | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
In a number of countries, the week of October 6-13 is being observed as Keep Space for Peace Week. This year the theme for the week is No Space Force, in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump's proposal to … | The post Don't Let Trump Weaponize Space appeared first on Global Research.

Video: ISIS Seizes Toxic Agents Intended to be Used for Provocations in Idlib
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
ISIS terrorists have been able to seize toxic chemicals due to the irresponsible actions of the representatives of the Western countries, Lieutenant General Vladimir Savchenko, chief of the Russian center for the reconciliation of the conflicting sides in Syria, said … | The post Video: ISIS Seizes Toxic Agents Intended to be Used for Provocations in Idlib appeared first on Global Research.

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno's Assault on Human Rights and Judicial Independence
Joe Emersberger | counterpunch.org | 2018-10-12
Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga, is an Ecuadorian legal scholar who teaches human rights and constitutional law at the Central European University in Hungary. He talked to Joe Emersberger about Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno's assault on human rights and judicial independence. Most of Moreno's attacks abuses stem from a referendum of February, 2018 that was called by decree…

Decades After Taking Henrietta Lacks's Cells Without Consent, Johns Hopkins Names Building After Her
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2018-10-12
Johns Hopkins University has announced plans to name a new research building after Henrietta Lacks, an African-American woman who permanently changed modern medicine nearly 70 years ago when it was discovered that her cells could live forever. These "immortal cells" have helped scientists produce remedies for numerous diseases, including the first polio vaccine, that have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. But Lacks's cells were taken without her consent when she was a patient at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in 1951. For decades, the woman whose cells would transform modern medicine was unknown. Instead,…

In Trade, as in Foreign Policy, America Goes for 'Broke'
Alastair Crooke | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
Trump's Administration is putting its 'all' on red on the roulette wheel of a radically leveraged US trade and foreign policy. It is a bet that a ruthless 'no prisoners taken' pursuit of naked US commercial interest can restore American … | The post In Trade, as in Foreign Policy, America Goes for 'Broke' appeared first on Global Research.

"Educators Who Bravely Act on Principle Should be Championed, Not Punished"
leili | bdsmovement.net | 2018-10-12
"Educators Who Bravely Act on Principle Should be Championed, Not Punished": UpdatePalestinian civil society responds to efforts by the University of Michigan to silence teachers who act in support of Palestinian human rights: "As long as Israeli universi…

The Silencing of Independent Media: Global Research Needs Your Help
Global Research | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
Dear Readers, | With constant changes being made to the way search engines and social media reference and display articles from independent media, making sure we do everything in our power to keep our content as accessible to you as we … | The post The Silencing of Independent Media: Global Research Needs Your Help appeared first on Global Research.

Maduro: White House Ordered Colombia to Kill Me
Press TV | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said the Trump administration is seeking to assassinate him, as relations strain between the two nations. | Maduro said in a nationally televised speech on Thursday that the United States had instructed the Colombian government to … | The post Maduro: White House Ordered Colombia to Kill Me appeared first on Global Research.

Mohammed Bin Salman: The Character Behind the Caricatures
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, popularly known by his initials as MBS, is either one of the world's most admired leaders or its most reviled depending on who one asks. His friends characterize him as a noble reformer … | The post Mohammed Bin Salman: The Character Behind the Caricatures appeared first on Global Resear…

Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters
Joe Catron | mintpressnews.com | 2018-10-12
"The Israeli military relies on a network of international companies, supplying everything from sniper rifles to tear gas, to carry out its massacres of protesters in Gaza. These companies are knowingly supporting war crimes, and are complicit in state-orchestrated murder." — Tom Anderson, researcher for Corporate Occupation | The post Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters appeared first on MintPress…

Revolution at Risk: 'Humanitarian Intervention' in Venezuela Aims at Regime Change
W.T. Whitney Jr. | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
Turmoil reigns in Venezuela. A story serves to illustrate and to introduce the report presented here. | The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) on its website claims that the national police in Táchira state recently arrested and tortured PCV member José … | The post Revolution at Risk: 'Humanitarian Intervention' in Venezuela Aims at Regime Change app…

Dangerous White Lies
Wim Laven | counterpunch.org | 2018-10-12
When I started teaching at the university level, about 1,500 students ago, I had no idea that I'd ever have to dedicate class time to address honesty. Some brief reminders on plagiarism was all that I was used to. That Melania Trump could use some help, her "Be Best" speech was stolen from Michelle Obama,…

Another month, another win among university researchers for UAW
Mark Gruenberg | peoplesworld.org | 2018-10-12
BERKELEY, Calif. –Another month, another win for the Auto Wo…

Social Media Censorship Intensifies
Kurt Nimmo | globalresearch.ca | 2018-10-12
Both the Free Thought Project and The Anti-Media lost their social media accounts in a coordinated attack today by Facebook and Twitter. | Facebook alone removed 559 pages and 251 accounts. | . | @AntiMedia and @TFTPROJECT just | … | The post Social Media Censorship Intensifies appeared first on Global Research.

Propaganda's Long Shadow
James Rothenberg | counterpunch.org | 2018-10-12
Hierarchal societies, like the one we live in, rely on orthodoxy and their in-place control mechanisms. In order to preserve the class divisions built within them, the ruling elite must be vigilant about lower class discontent, lest its authority be tested. To this end, the lower class is educated to believe that, regardless of its…

US student critical of Israel detained at Tel Aviv airport for more than a week
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-10-12
Lara Alqasem, 22, was targeted because she is president of the University of Florida's chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, which supports the BDS campaign against Israel.

Israeli Authorities Step Up anti-BDS Policies: Political Test to Enter Israel
Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski | therealnews.com | 2018-10-12
Israel border authorities have detained US-Palestinian student for her alleged Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activism, denying her entry into Israel, despite having a visa. Tallie Ben-Daniel of Jewish voice for Peace discusses the case and what it means for the BDS movement | The post Israeli Authorities Step Up anti-BDS Policies: Political Test to Enter Israel appeared first on…

Co-founder of Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS refuses to testify before House committee
RT | rt.com | 2018-10-12
Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, a research firm that commissioned the notorious anti-Trump Steele dossier while funded by Hillary Clinton's campaign money, has refused to testify before the House Judiciary Committee.

Lead at some Detroit schools 50 times the allowable federal level
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-10-12
A new report on lead and copper in Detroit schools reveals the acute health dangers facing working class families due to the massive deterioration in education funding.

Argentine teachers facing massive pay cuts strike for 48 hours
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-10-12
Teachers face losing a quarter of their real wages this year, while Macri's austerity policies threaten to cut funding for public education by up to 40 percent in real terms.

Carl Cooley: 1927-2018
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-10-12
Cooley, a former autoworker and high school and college teacher, had considered himself a socialist for most of his adult life. He was the US SEP's congressional candidate in Maine in the 2004 election.

Jury Sends Wisconsin a $780,000 Bill for Denying Health Care to Two Transgender Workers
aclu | aclu.org | 2018-10-11
A growing number of courts are ruling that transgender public employees should have access to transition-related health care. | Shannon Andrews just helped bring comprehensive health care coverage to transgender state employees across Wisconsin. Even more reassuring, she proved that average Americans understand that discrimination against transgender people comes with a cost. | Shannon supervises a cancer research lab at the University of Wisconsin. Like other state employees, she gets health care insurance through the state. But as a transgender woman, Shannon faced state rules that specifically excluded coverag…

Education May Spell Doom for Oklahoma's Republican 'Subprime' Gubernatorial Candidate
John Thompson | progressive.org | 2018-10-11
Oklahoma educators have had enough of outsiders imposing their untested opinions on classrooms.

Notre Dame Struck a Secret Deal With the Trump Administration to Deny Birth Control Coverage. Now Students Are Fighting Back
Jordan Smith | theintercept.com | 2018-10-11
The Trump administration bypassed the judicial system to negotiate a backroom settlement with 74 religiously affiliated institutions, including Notre Dame. | The post Notre Dame Struck a Secret Deal With the Trump Administration to Deny Birth Control Coverage. Now Students Are Fighting Back. appeared first on The Intercept.

Students denounce CIA partnership with University of Illinois Chicago
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-10-11
Among the many students who oppose the school's partnership with the CIA is a medical student who told the IYSSE, "The CIA is the greatest terrorist organization in the world, and now it wants its tentacles on our campus."

Open letter by students condemns right-wing offensive at Berlin's Humboldt University
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-10-11
Student organisations from Humboldt University and across Germany published an open letter denouncing the cooperation of the university administration with the far right and its attacks on students' social and democratic rights.

Rashid Khalidi: From Iran to Palestine, Nikki Haley Put a Nice Face on Trump's "Horrific" U.S. Policies
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2018-10-10
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has announced she is resigning her post at the end of the year. The former South Carolina governor–one of the few women in Trump's Cabinet–gave no reason for her departure. During Nikki Haley's time as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, the United States withdrew from the Paris climate accord; the U.N. Human Rights Council; the Iran nuclear deal; UNRWA, the U.N. agency that provides humanitarian aid to Palestinians; and UNESCO, the U.N. educational and cultural agency. We speak with Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said professor of Arab studies at Columbia…

I Was Reported to Police as an 'Agitated Black Male' — for Simply Walking to Work
aclu | aclu.org | 2018-10-10
A Black employee at the University of Massachusetts Amherst opens up about the racial profiling incident that rocked the campus and upended his life. | Last month, I walked across the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst to get to work. It was an ordinary stroll. But to a bystander, the sight of an educated Black professional going about his day was apparently cause for alarm. | That bystander called the police. My workplace was shut down. I was, and remain, humiliated. | Racial profiling at predominantly white institutions is nothing new, and this wasn't the first time that I had to grit my teeth th…

Google now plays 'Good Censor' for civility's sake, leaked internal briefing confirms
RT | rt.com | 2018-10-10
Internal research commissioned by Google confirms Orwellian-scale censorship powers enjoyed by tech giants. It says free speech is a "utopian idea," and creating "ordered spaces for safety and civility" is Google's new mission.

Hey, teacher! Don't leave LGBTQ kids alone! RT debate on Virginia lockdown drill controversy
RT | rt.com | 2018-10-10
Trans policy or common sense? Trans lobby or trans phobia? Why is everybody treading on eggshells around LGBTQ issues, and isn't kids' safety the paramount concern? RT discussed the Virginia public school incident with experts.

IPCC's New Climate Report: We Could See Irreparable Damage by 2040
Shared by Marc Steiner | therealnews.com | 2018-10-09
The IPCC climate report once said a 3.6 degree F rise from the pre-industrial era could be disastrous. New research drops that threshold to 2.7 degrees F and says that the point of no-return could be as early as 2040 | The post IPCC's New Climate Report: We Could See Irreparable Damage by 2040 appeared first on The Real News Network.