(2018-11-20). U.S Green Party Urges International Criminal Court to Prosecute Israel for Crimes Against Palestinians. globalresearch.ca The Hague, The Netherlands (Monday, November 19, 2018) Members of the Green Party United States traveled to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday, November 29, 2018 to deliver a letter calling for a full investigation of Israel for …
(2018-11-20). Video: Nuclear Winter. Even a Smaller Nuclear War Would be Devastating. globalresearch.ca Alan Robock discusses his research into nuclear winter and considers how devastating even a small nuclear war could be for our climate and for human survival. | . …
(2018-11-20). Selected Articles: Gaza as Israel's Military Training Ground. globalresearch.ca For seventeen years, Global Research, together with partner independent media organizations, has sought Truth in Media with a view to eventually "disarming" the corporate media's disinformation crusade. | To reverse the tide, we call upon our readers to participate in an …
(2018-11-20). Killing Plants Is the Fastest Way to End the World. truthout.org A recently published study has found that "[c]limate change and human activity are dooming species at an unprecedented rate." | The study, " Co-extinctions annihilate planetary life during extreme environmental change," published in the journal Scientific Reports, was a joint effort by Australian and Italian researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, respectively. | To conduct the study, the researchers created 2,000 "virtual E…
(2018-11-20). Eight Million Tonnes of Unexploded Mines and Munitions Endanger All Children in Northern Iraq. globalresearch.ca "I was playing football with friends when a bomb exploded right under my feet. They took me to the hospital: both my legs and also the lower part of my left arm were amputated." | Kaum was just 14 when in …
(2018-11-20). Israeli Supreme Court Upholds Apartheid Rule. globalresearch.ca Repressive Israeli rule way exceeds the worst of South African apartheid. The Occupied Territories are virtual battlegrounds, Gaza most of all. | Palestinians are terrorized daily by Israeli soldiers and police, along with PA security forces, acting as the Jewish state's …
(2018-11-20). Von 1945 bis heute — 20 bis 30 Millionen Menschen von den USA getötet. globalresearch.ca In der Zusammenfassung seines letzten strategischen Dokuments — 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America (dessen gesamter Text geheim ist) — behauptet das Pentagon, dass "die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Verbündeten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg eine freie …
(2018-11-20). Dal 1945 ad oggi 20-30 milioni uccisi dagli Usa. globalresearch.ca Nel riassunto del suo ultimo documento strategico 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America (il cui testo integrale è segretato) il Pentagono sostiene che «dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale gli Stati uniti e i loro …
(2018-11-20). US-China Confrontation in the Asia Pacific Region. globalresearch.ca The parents on the global stage of power are bickering and now, such entertainingly distracting forums as APEC (the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum) are left without a unifying message. This should hardly matter, but the absence of a final communiqué …
(2018-11-20). Registering Israel's "Useful Idiots" globalresearch.ca Depending on what criteria one uses, there are between 200 and 600 groups in the United States that wholly or in part are dedicated to furthering the interests of Israel. The organizations are both Jewish, like the Zionist Organization of …
(2018-11-20). Video: Greatest Crime on Earth. globalresearch.ca I'm willing to bet that if I asked everyone in Ireland whether the Irish government should take orders from Donald Trump, most people would say no. But last year the Irish Ambassador to the United States came to the …
(2018-11-20). Why (Mostly) Men Trophy Hunt: a Biocultural Explanation. counterpunch.org Wolves do not stay anywhere for long. This is partly a function of their prey's movement, but it's also a function of being hunted for seven months of the year, at least in Montana, where residents can "harvest" up to five wolves for a paltry $19 dollars. A quick online search reveals dozens of images and videos of (mostly) men posing with wolves they had killed. The majority of the hunters are wearing what researchers K. R. Child and C. T. Darimont call "pleasure" or "killing" smiles. More
(2018-11-20). Netanyahu's Ceasefire Is Meant to Keep Gaza Imprisoned. globalresearch.ca Palestinians in Gaza should have been able to breathe a sigh of relief last week, as precarious ceasefire talks survived a two-day-long, heavy exchange of strikes that threatened to unleash yet another large-scale military assault by Israel. | Late on Tuesday, …
(2018-11-20). North Korea 'Deception': US Media, Malpractice or Laziness? globalresearch.ca Major news outlets have resumed efforts to pressure President Donald Trump to pull back from trying to negotiate a deal with Pyongyang. In their latest salvo last week, The New York Times and CNN completely misrepresented the findings of a …
(2018-11-20). Abolish Militarism and War: Towards a Shared Vision of a Demilitarized World. globalresearch.ca Dear Friends, | It is good to be here with you all. I would like to thank the organizers for inviting me to address the conference. Firstly I thank you all for your work for peace. It is good that we …
(2018-11-20). US Warns of 'Consequences' as Palestine Joins International Bodies including the ICC. globalresearch.ca The United States has threatened "consequences" as Palestinians step up efforts for statehood demanding accession to almost a dozen international bodies and conventions. | The threat came after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed the documents on Thursday to join the Universal …
(2018-11-20). No Trump, Pakistan Did Everything for the US but Got Nothing in Return. globalresearch.ca The Pakistani Prime Minister is correct in pointing out how much his country did for the US in response to Trump's disrespectful attack against it this weekend. | One of Trump's prerecorded interviews aired this weekend where the American President attacked…
(2018-11-20). Video: Vandana Shiva on GMO and Biodiversity. "Smallholder Farmers Who Feed the World" globalresearch.ca "Agriculture is one of the most creative acts that human beings be involved in. | Small farmers are the real source of real food. Commodities are ruining the farmers, they are ruining the land and the environment. | The chemical industry and …
(2018-11-20). Video: Turkey Attacks Own Proxies in Syria, Netanyahu Names Himself Defense Minister. globalresearch.ca From November 18 to November 20, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) carried out a military operation against their own proxies in the region of Afrin. The TAF attacked and partially disarmed a group of about 200 members of the al-Sharqiyah …
(2018-11-20). First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases. globalresearch.ca At the recent International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases (held on November 16-18, 2018, in Dublin, Ireland), David Swanson, Director of World BEYOND War, noted that when: | "last year the Irish Ambassador to the United States came to …
(2018-11-20). Video: Government Forces Crushed ISIS-held Pocket in Southern Syria. globalresearch.ca On November 17th, the Syrian Army (SAA) and its allies regained control of al-Safa after the collapse of ISIS defense in the area. An SAA source told SouthFront that heavy rain had destroyed most of the fortifications and …
(2018-11-20). Why First Nations People Regard America's Thanksgiving Day as a National Day of Mourning. globalresearch.ca "Grieved by the loss of their lands, dissatisfied with reservation (aka, concentration camp)life, and ultimately brought to a condition of near starvation, the Dakota people appealed to US Indian agencies (involving ex-Minnesota governors Sibley and Ramsey) without success. The …
(2018-11-20). Yemen Genocide About Oil Control. globalresearch.ca The ongoing de facto genocide in the Republic of Yemen in a war whose most intense phase began in 2015, has until very recently been all but ignored in the Western mainstream media. What has also been ignored is the …
(2018-11-20). The Loss of Life, From World War I to World War III. What Would Happen if a Third World War Were to Break Out? globalresearch.ca Corporations invest in the art of destruction. It is a lucrative trade. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright "privatization of nuclear war". A 1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program launched under Obama, and approved under Trump is underway. | The post
(2018-11-20). De 1945 até hoje, 20 a 30 millhões de mortes consumadas pelos USA. globalresearch.ca No resumo de seu último documento estratégico — 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America(cujo texto completo é um segredo) — o Pentágono afirma que "depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, os Estados Unidos e os seus …
(2018-11-20). Amplifying Western Disinformation on Rwanda. globalresearch.ca The Great Lie about the Rwandan bloodbath opened the door to a far larger genocide in Congo and justified US military interventions all over the planet. | "The institutionalization of the 'Rwandan genocide' has been the remarkable achievement of a …
(2018-11-20). Who, Exactly, Is Title IX Meant to Protect? truthdig.com While Betsy DeVos' Department of Education investigates federal claims backed by a men's rights group that women's studies programs discriminate against men and violate Title IX, survivors of sexual assault are fighting for the ability to attend school without fear of violence. | DeVos, the secretary of education, enraged advocates against sexual violence and harassment when she issued proposed changes last week to Title IX, a federal civil rights law that says any school that discriminates against students based on their sex will not receive…
(2018-11-20). SPLC sues Trump administration for records detailing rollback of protections for transgender people in prison. splcenter.org The SPLC, along with Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, sued the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) today.
(2018-11-20). Remaking the Common Good: the Crisis of Public Higher Education in Colombia. counterpunch.org "Let's hope that by the time [President] Duque decides to listen to us, it's not too late." —Alejandro Palacio Restrepo, President of the Colombian Association of Student Representatives in Higher Education (ACREES) after receiving death threats in early November On October 10, with the support of rectors, administrators, and professors, Colombia's students called an indefinite More
(2018-11-20). What Can We Learn From a Headmaster Who Refused to Allow His Students to Celebrate Armistice Day? counterpunch.org On the afternoon of 11 November 1918, my father Claud Cockburn, then aged 14, covertly threw the keys of the main gate of his school out of an upstairs window to a soldier waiting below. His purpose was to allow the soldiers being trained locally to break into Berkhamsted School in Hertfordshire and thrash it in More
(2018-11-19). It's Time for America to Reckon With the Staggering Death Toll of the Post-9/11 Wars. theintercept.com At least half a million people have been killed in the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, a new study by Brown University researchers finds.
(2018-11-19). Fusão PPL-PCdoB: Orgia Política sem Limites no Brasil. globalresearch.ca Como sempre contradizendo suas já pobres ideias, nanicaiada uma vez mais se evidencia tão golpista quanto as oligarquias, contra quem esperneia. Sistema falido: em nome dos interesses políticos dão razão aos que, mal-informados, votaram "contra tudo o que está aí" …
(2018-11-19). Little Rock, Arkansas teachers' union relinquishes due process rights. wsws.org The union-endorsed agreement will open the door to streamlining the ability of the Little Rock School district to fire educators.
(2018-11-19). New York's Insurgent Lawmakers Speak Out against School Privatization and a Flawed Testing System. progressive.org On education issues, newly-elected progressive Democrats are setting a new tone.
(2018-11-19). The Department of Education Has Moved to Increase the Burden of Proof Required in Assault Cases. progressive.org Will the measure allow rapists to walk?
(2018-11-19). Art of the Smear: the Israel Lobby Busted. counterpunch.org In 2016 and 2017 Al Jazeera produced a program that unmistakenly documents the Israel government and U.S. Israel lobby's all-out effort to spy on, smear, and disrupt American students and other activists who are working to build an understanding of the Palestinians' plight. The Lobby — USA, however, has never been broadcast by Al Jazeera. Reporting indicates that it was suppressed after pressure from the lobby on the government of Qatar, which funds Al Jazeera. Nevertheless, it is now available at The Electronic Intifada and on YouTube. Watch all four parts here and here. What the program presents is shocki…
(2018-11-19). Jacksonville high school, police, fair management target Black youth with racist dress code. fightbacknews.org Jacksonville, FL — Students at a local Jacksonville high school are calling foul on a racist dress code policy implemented by administration last week. | On November 14, administrators at Robert E. Lee High School issued a new interpretation of the dress code that prohibits students from wearing memorial clothing on campus or at school-sponsored events. Citing prohibitions of "gang-related paraphernalia," the school administrators banned any clothing with the acronym "RIP," or "Rest in Peace," even if the person commemorated has no proven gang affiliations. | The move comes on the heels of a major local con…
(2018-11-16). Color of Change: Facebook Retaliated Against Protests by Pushing Anti-Semitic, Anti-Black Narratives. democracynow.org A New York Times investigation has revealed that Facebook fought critics and a growing number of scandals following the 2016 election by launching a PR offensive backed by a dubious Republican opposition-research firm: Definers Public Affairs. We speak with Rashad Robinson, president of Color of Change, one of the organizations targeted by Definers Public Affairs. We also speak with Siva Vaidhyanathan, the author of "Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy." He is a professor of media studies and director of the Center for Media and Citizenship at the University of Virginia. Vaidhya…
(2018-11-16). NYT Investigation: How Facebook Used a Republican Firm to Attack Critics & Spread Disinformation. democracynow.org "Delay, Deny and Deflect." That's the name of a new bombshell investigation by The New York Times revealing that Facebook executives, including CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, were aware of a Russian misinformation campaign on the social media network and took a series of extraordinary private actions to preserve the company's reputation, launching an aggressive lobbying campaign to combat critics and spread misinformation. The New York Times investigation reveals that Facebook hired the Republican opposition-research firm Definers Public Affairs to discredit critics of Facebook,…
(2018-11-16). Producing a troublemaker's diary. greenleft.org.au Melbourne-based researcher Iain McIntyre is the author of a number of books including a recent anthology entitled On The Fly! Hobo Literature and Songs, 1879-1941. Rachel Evans spoke to him about the 2019 How To Make Trouble and Influence People Diary he has produced as a fundraiser for the Rainforest Information Centre and Community Radio 3CR. | *** | You've been involved in books and various projects documenting the history of radical movements, the latest of which is the 2019 diary. What inspires you to do this work?: | On a personal level, I find history fascinating and entertaining and I have a stron…
(2018-11-16). Betsy DeVos Wants to Roll Back Civil Rights Protections For Students Filing Complaints of Sexual Harassment or Assault. aclu.org Our analysis of how DeVos' proposed rule would change how colleges and universities deal with allegations of sexual assault under Title IX. | The Department of Education headed by Secretary Betsy DeVos on Friday released a proposed rule that, if implemented, would dramatically limit schools' obligations to students who experience sexual violence and would not further the stated goal of fair process. The ACLU is equally committed to ensuring students can learn in environments free from sexual harassment and violence and to guaranteeing fair process for both respondents and complainants. | The new rule preserv…
(2018-11-16). Month-Long Student Strike Paralyzes Colombia's Public Universities. therealnews.com Colombia's university students face on-going repression of their protests, while they continue their month-long university strike, demanding adequate funding for the public university system. Recently elected conservative president Ivan Duque faces his first crisis. We speak to Prof. Forrest Hylton
(2018-11-15). Chicago Teachers Union set to strike at UNO/Acero on Dec. 4. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL — "The charter schools are working educators to the bone, yet still not adequately staffing our classrooms. This isn't fair to the students or the teachers, and we're not going to take it," states Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) Charter Division Chairman Chris Baehrend. | UNO/Acero management has continued to stall in negotiations on key points that include class size, appropriate and reasonable staffing levels and equal pay for equal work, prioritizing CEO pay at the expense of special education funding and smaller class sizes. | According to a CTU statement, "Our bargaining team will continue to…
(2018-11-15). Transgender Lives Are Not Up for Debate. fair.org Time magazine ( 5/29/14) declared a "transgender tipping point" in 2014, but corporate media continue to treat trans identity as a matter of controversy. | The New York Times ( 10/21/18) received access to a memo from the Trump administration calling for the Department of Health and Human Services to adopt a definition of sex founded on "a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable." The memo called f…
(2018-11-15). Why students are striking for climate action on November 30. greenleft.org.au This November 30, I, along with hundreds — possibly thousands — of high school students will be participating in a student strike for climate action. | Initiated by the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC), the School Strike 4 Climate has gained momentum in recent weeks, with nearly thirty events being organised in capital cities and regional areas around Australia. | We are currently facing an unprecedented climate emergency. With 2018 (once again) being the hottest year on record, we face the prospect of an uncertain and dangerous future. | Climate change is "threatening water security", accord…
(2018-11-15). Congressional proclamation honors slain man at center of historic SPLC lawsuit. splcenter.org Thirty years ago this month, a group of racist skinheads savagely beat an Ethiopian college student to death on a street in Portland, Oregon — an attack that sparked an SPLC lawsuit that decimated the neo-Nazi group responsible for the murder.
(2018-11-14). NY Politician: We Need to Block $3 Billion Handout for Amazon & Use Money to Forgive Student Debt. democracynow.org After a months-long PR campaign, Amazon has officially announced it will split its so-called second headquarters between New York and Arlington, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., after being offered more than $3 billion in tax breaks and other incentives. The news prompted protests at the site of Amazon's future office complex in Long Island City, New York, to condemn the city and state governments for showering Amazon with massive tax breaks and other giveaways to entice the company to expand into the city. As part of the deal, New York taxpayers will even build a helipad for Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who is the…
(2018-11-13). Call to unite against racism. greenleft.org.au About 300 people rallied against racism in Melbourne on November 10. The rally was organised in response to the continued vilification of Melbourne's African community by politicians and the media. | Praise and Shema, two high school students from the Liberian and Sudanese communities, addressed the rally. They called for an end to media attacks on the African community. | The Islamic Council of Victoria's Adel Salman told the rally that the media needs a code of ethics and to stop promoting hate speech. | Taqi Azra, a Hazara refugee and National Union of Workers organiser, said: "They are trying to divide u…
(2018-11-12). Palestine: Fadwa Tuqan's poems and data on women's education. zcomm.org And here is my second attempt at bridging the three areas: poems, justice and data visualization. This time, it's the Palestinian poet, Fadwa Tuqan, whose poems I have highlighted alongside some charts depicting the progress over the years on a number of women's education indicators in the West Bank and Gaza. (Earlier, I had used Read more…
(2018-10-28). Members of Netanyahu's Likud Blame Victims of Pittsburgh Pogrom and Echo the Killer's Rhetoric. grayzoneproject.com As Israeli Minister of Education Naftali Bennett sets out to Pittsburgh, prominent members of the governing Likud Party have blamed…