Daily Archives: December 26, 2018

2018-12-26: News Headlines

Sara Flounders (2018-12-26). Development vs. Destruction: China and the U.S. globalresearch.ca Escalating U.S. military confrontations, political threats, extreme tariffs and an ominous trade war against China are having global repercussions. These provocations impact the economy and the political alliances of every country, not only China. | The emerging policies of China and …

Michael Welch (2018-12-26). What is Really Happening in Venezuela? globalresearch.ca "In the history of democracy… there isn't one case in which a country has been attacked on so many different fronts … both from the internal power factors to foreign governments over such an extended period of time as …

Tony Cartalucci (2018-12-26). US Withdrawal from Syria Paves Way for Israeli Strikes. globalresearch.ca The US suddenly and unexpectedly announced the withdrawal of US troops from Syria after years of illegally occupying the country. The US presence aimed at ousting the Syrian government, boosting militant groups the US and its partners have armed and …

aljazeera (2018-12-26). China: Three students killed in Beijing university lab explosion. aljazeera.com Beijing fire department says the students died in an accident during an experiment on wastewater treatment.

Emran Feroz (2018-12-26). In Afghanistan, Ignorance Has Become a Crucial Part of the War on Terror. globalresearch.ca Away from the media glare, the war on Afghan civilians at the hands of America and its local allies continues to take a toll on everyday life, with hundreds killed as a result. | Three weeks ago, Mullah Abdul Manan Akhund…

Stephen Lendman (2018-12-26). Trump Administration Indicts Chinese Nationals on Alleged Cyber Espionage Charges. globalresearch.ca Were charges evidence-based or politically motivated? Most likely the latter. More to develop on this ahead. | Hostile US political, economic, and financial actions against China, Russia and Iran risk developing into something much more serious than already. | China is America's …

Environmental Working Group (2018-12-26). GMOs in Many Foods Will Go Undisclosed Under Trump's Final GMO Rule. globalresearch.ca Today the Department of Agriculture released a final rule to implement the mandatory GMO disclosure law passed in 2016. It will allow the genetically engineered ingredients in many foods to remain hidden from consumers. Below is a statement from Scott …

Henry A. Giroux (2018-12-26). The Language of Neoliberal Education. zcomm.org Neoliberalism functions not simply as an economic model for finance capital but as a public pedagogy that operates through a diverse number of sites and platforms…

Yves Engler (2018-12-26). Big Oil, Auto Industries Conspire to Destroy Liveability of Planet. globalresearch.ca Is it simply business as usual or a corporate conspiracy to destroy the planet? However one characterizes it our planet is being cooked so already wealthy people can make even more profit. | Last Friday the New York Times published a …

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2018-12-26). Wakanda Kwanzaa Umoja Celebration ~ Sacramento, CA. indybay.org Kwanzaa is our "California Grown" ancient future holiday showcasing "first fruits of the harvest" continuing ancient traditions from the broader Pan African sacred science of agriculture.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2018-12-25). The Christmas Truce of 1914: Abolish All Wars. Indict Today's War Criminals in High Office. globalresearch.ca The Christmas Truce of 1914 has become an enduring image of the triumph of man's spirit over adversity which should send a strong message to the architects of today's wars including Donald Trump, Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Henry Giroux — Mitja Sardoƒç (2018-12-25). The Language of Neoliberal Education. counterpunch.org Neoliberalism has become the dominant ideology of the times and has established itself as a central feature of politics. Not only does it define itself as a political and economic system whose aim was to consolidate power in the hands of a corporate and financial elite, it also wages a war over ideas. In this instance, it has defined itself as a form of commonsense and functions as a mode of public pedagogy that produces a template for structuring not just markets but all of social life. More

fernando_santamaria (2018-12-25). The STATUTES of the UDNG: on the search of political excellence. zcomm.org In April 2001 I was mandatorily retired by the Department of Education of the Galician Administration, (then leaded by Franco's former minister, Manuel Fraga Iribarne, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Fraga?wprov…), due to "serious mental issues." Some time later, on June 14th, 2006, I legalized and registered in the Political Parties Registry of the Spanish Ministry of Interior a Galician Read more…

RT (2018-12-25). 'With almost $22 trillion of debt, the US is in no position to attack Iran'. rt.com The US is trying to send a message to Tehran, with its aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, that even though it is leaving Syria, this doesn't mean lifting any pressure on Iran, professor of political science Hamed Mousavi said.

Shared by britney (2018-12-25). Kids in the Classroom Can Help Single Moms Rise From Poverty. truthout.org What are the options when child care suddenly falls through and your next class starts in 15 minutes? | Take your baby to class with you? | Kylee Barnes tried that a few years ago when her son was 2 and she was enrolled in community college in Albany, Ore. "We hadn't been there three minutes when the professor said, 'I'm sorry that's not going to work out," she says. | Now a graduate student in Oregon State University's master's program in applied anthropology, Barnes had the opposite experience when she returned to class in January, two weeks after giving birth to her second child. Not only was her newborn we…

Shared by britney (2018-12-25). Before There Was Christmas, There Was the Solstice, and Hope. truthout.org The kindergarten teachers I know each tell the same story: Roundabout the middle of December, all the kids who celebrate Christmas transform into voracious little three-foot monsters bereft of morality or self-control. All the behaviors parents worked so diligently to instill in them collapse under the long duress of waiting for Santa. | Alas, my own daughter fell victim to the phenomenon this year. It was a jarring revelation to watch my sweet, caring, sharing, loving little girl decompensate into this ruthless feral capitalist, a frothing cauldron of I want who sees herself as the only being in all of existe…

Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski (2018-12-25). TRNN Doesn't Have Stances, but the Reporters Do — Q&A with Paul Jay. therealnews.com Paul Jay and Dharna Noor respond to viewer comments that ask the Real News to engage with a wider variety of political opinion and question climate science

Dr. Leon Tressell (2018-12-24). Global Economy Teeters on the Brink of a Recession That Will Transform Geo-Politics. globalresearch.ca As we approach 2019 the global economy teeters on the brink of yet another recession which will plunge geo-political relations into a period of great upheaval and rapid change. In 2019 global stock markets will continue to face unprecedented volatility and gigantic losses

James ONeill (2018-12-24). The US is Planning a Major War with Russia and China. Reports. globalresearch.ca "America's edge is diminishing or has disappeared in many key technologies that underpin US military superiority". Acknowledgements of technological deficiency and strategic disadvantage do not sit comfortably with the image of an all-powerful America willing and able to defeat any threat to its own global interests or those of its allies.

John Nichols (2018-12-24). Charles Dickens Could Teach Trump a Thing or Two About how to 'Keep Christmas Well'. thenation.com Charles Dickens Could Teach Trump a Thing or Two About how to 'Keep Christmas Well'

Peter Koenig (2018-12-24). FREXIT? The "Gilets Jaunes" will Not Let Go. globalresearch.ca The "Gilets Jaunes" will not let go. Not even — or especially not — after Macron's half-hearted, rather cynical and grandstanding concessions — of "too little and too late" — which when analyzed constitute a new lie, especially regarding the increase of the minimum wage.

South Front (2018-12-24). France Plans to Replace the US in Syria, Alongside Proxy Forces from Saudi Arabia and UAE. globalresearch.ca Syrian government and pro-Iranian sources have increased their activity in the eastern part of Syria in response to the announced decision of the US administration to withdraw troops from the country. | On December 22, a spokesperson for Iraq's Kata'ib Hezbollah, …

Siona Peterous (2018-12-24). How Activists Are Moving the Dial on Student Loan Debt. commondreams.org The national conversation has come a long way in the years since activists started pushing the issue of student debt during the 2008 recession.

Nat Ya (2018-12-24). Video: Tropical Christmas. Noella Be Nice! by Nat Ya. globalresearch.ca Merry Christmas in the Tropics. | Christmas Greetings from Global Research | Noella… Be nice!: | Sung by Nat Ya, featuring Snowflake & Elizsabeth | Get the song here | Starring Hainsley Lloyd Bennett as Snowflake, Paola Crisostomo as the Cool Angel. | Sandro Rizzo, Alberto …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2018-12-24). The Misuses of History: The Christmas First World War 1914 Truce. globalresearch.ca All memorialised events, when passing into mythology, must be seen critically. In some cases, there should be more than a hint of suspicion. The Christmas Truce of 1914 remains one sentimentalised occasion, remembered less to scold the mad mechanised forces …

Fight Back (2018-12-24). 2019 recession looms on the economic horizon. fightbacknews.org San José, CA – Casting a shadow on the stock market are the growing number of economic statistics that point to a recession in 2019. Almost all mainstream economic forecasters expect economic growth to slow down in 2019 as the impact of the 2018 tax cuts wear off; the forecast is for 2.4% growth, about the same as in 2017. But few predict a recession. | The most commonly looked at economic statistic is the official unemployment rate. Today the nationwide official unemployment rate stands at 3.7%, the lowest rate in a generation. But while the official definition of when a recession starts depends heavily on a mea…

Kevin Zeese (2018-12-24). Hands Off Syria: We Can End The US War On Syria. globalresearch.ca The US war against Syria was one that people almost stopped. President Obama was unable to get Congress to authorize the war in 2013, but the Pentagon and foreign policy establishment, who have long wanted to control Syria, pushed forward …

WSWS (2018-12-24). Virginia teachers plan statewide protest to demand school funding. wsws.org Thousands of Virginia teachers are expected to march on the state capitol in Richmond on January 28, as the fight in defense of public education continues to spread across the US.

WSWS (2018-12-24). January 10 strike date set for 33,000 Los Angeles teachers. wsws.org Despite union efforts to block a strike, teachers in the second largest school district in America are demanding higher wages, smaller class sizes and the hiring of more nurses and support staff.

WSWS (2018-12-24). Meeting on Oakland school closure expresses hostility to attacks on public education. wsws.org Numerous attendees condemned the school district for its cuts to public education in Oakland and their drive to convert public schools to private charter schools.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2018-12-23). Hungary's Victor Orbán's "Latest Dance" globalresearch.ca Viktor Orbán of Hungary is not to be hectored to. Arching with fury at the EU's September motion to sanction Hungary for bad behaviour under the Article 7 process, he was resolved to ratchet things up. The motion, while getting …

Manlio Dinucci (2018-12-23). L'Italia delle Tre Scimmie di fronte al rischio di guerra nucleare. globalresearch.ca Quale reazione ha suscitato in Italia l'avvertimento del presidente russo Putin che il mondo sottovaluta il pericolo di guerra nucleare e che tale tendenza si sta accentuando? Significativo il commento de La Repubblica che parla di ´toni molto allarmistici ª. Eloquente …

Carla Stea (2018-12-23). UN "Country-Specific" Human Rights Reports: North Korea, A Grotesque Travesty of Reality. globalresearch.ca On December 17, 2018, the UN General Assembly Plenary adopted a series of resolutions, many denounced for their double standards, with fierce official statements of protest against the "country-specific" resolutions, the most nefarious and hypocritical of all. | The voting on …

Michele Ferri (2018-12-23). New U.S. Government Financial Accounting Loopholes. Concealing Where Money is Actually Spent. globalresearch.ca I. Introduction | Financial accountability for the government is a cornerstone of a functioning representative democracy. The ability for the people to know where taxpayer money goes to is crucial to having an informed opinion regarding the actions of your …

RT (2018-12-23). Facebook suspends 'researcher' who faked Russian interference in Alabama election. rt.com Facebook has suspended the account of Jonathon Morgan, the researcher behind a disinformation campaign against an Alabama Republican candidate who ended up losing the race for a Senate seat. Morgan claimed it was "research."

Mark Gruenberg (2018-12-21). Labor 2018 in review: From classroom to courtroom to voting booth. peoplesworld.org

Shared by Hezvo Mpunga (2018-12-21). Skin Color and Gender Determine Privilege and Income, Regardless of Educational Level. therealnews.com A new PERI study finds that women of color benefit less from college education, while white men benefit the most. Since the 1970s, people of color's social mobility has stagnated. Noé Wiener discusses the results of his research

amnesty (2018-12-21). Sudan: Shooting of protestors must be immediately investigated. amnesty.org In response to security officers opening fire on protestors in Sudan leaving at least nine people dead, five of whom were students, and dozens more injured over the past two days, Seif Magango, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes, said: | | "These killings must stop. Opening fire on unarmed protesters cannot be justified and…

amnesty (2018-12-21). United Arab Emirates: Further Information: Possible Verdict For Human Rights Defender: Ahmed Mansoor. amnesty.org On 24 December 2018 the Federal Supreme Court in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to hear the appeal of prominent human rights defender and prisoner of conscience, Ahmed Mansoor. The court may issue a final verdict. On 29 May 2018, Ahmed Mansoor was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges including "insulting the UAE and its symbols".

amnesty (2018-12-21). Taiwan: Open Letter on legal recognition of same-sex unions. amnesty.org Dear Premier Lai, | We write concerning the results of the recent referendums in Taiwan in which same-sex marriage rights and LGBT-inclusive education in schools were rejected by voters on 24 November. We urge the Taiwanese authorities not to implement the outcomes of the referendums as this would violate human rights law, bolster discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and undermine comprehensive and inclusive education on gender and sexuality. | We would like to recall that despite the referendum results, the Taiwanese government still is under court order to enact legislation for recognizing same-se…

Fight Back (2018-12-20). LA teachers announce strike plans. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA – This morning, December 19, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) joined by parents, student and supporters, announced they will strike on Thursday, January 10, 2019. Centro CSO urges parents and students to join the picket line at their local school to stand united with our teachers. | "I am so angry, and ready to strike," says Lupe Torres a public school teacher at Marvin Elementary and East LA resident. "It's time to show the public the bureaucracy of LAUSD." | More than 50,000 teachers and supporters marched on December 14 to show the support in numbers. The march and rally occurred as L…

Democracy Now! (2018-12-20). Trump Pledges to Withdraw U.S. Ground Troops from Syria—But Global Powers & Deadly Air Forces Remain. democracynow.org President Trump has ordered the withdrawal of all 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria, shocking many in Washington and around the world. On Wednesday, Trump tweeted, "We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency." He ordered the withdrawal despite opposition from within the White House. We speak with Yazan al-Saadi, a Syrian-Canadian writer and researcher, who warns that U.S. military presence in the region will continue. "You might have a large chunk of the boots on the ground leaving, but it seems very clear that the American air power is going to remain," al-Saadi says.

ACLU (2018-12-20). The Lives We Changed in 2018. aclu.org Because of the generosity of ACLU members, these people are free to live their lives again. | This year hasn't been easy: Thousands of families are still suffering the effects of family separation; the Muslim ban continues to keep loved ones apart; and whole generations of family trees are being decimated by an unfair, out-of-control mass incarceration machine. But beneath the headlines, the news alerts, and the legal battles are a few glimmers of hope that ACLU supporters made possible., , Here are some of our favorite moments from 2018. | Ansly Breathes Free Again : | Ethics teacher Ansly Damus fled…

Shared by Hezvo Mpunga (2018-12-20). Democrats Want More Police Funding But Punt On Educational Equity. therealnews.com In a sweeping series of public policy moves, Maryland Democrats announced support for bolstering policing in the state's poorest city while signaling delays in initiatives advocates hoped would boost the state's most neglected public school systems.

amnesty (2018-12-20). United Arab Emirates: Further Information: Hunger-Striking Academic In Critical Condition: Dr Nasser bin Ghaith. amnesty.org Dr Nasser bin Ghaith's health has severely deteriorated. The prominent Emirati economist and academic has been on hunger strike for over 70 days in al-Razeen prison in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to protest the detention conditions and the denial of access to medical care. He is a prisoner of conscience.

amnesty (2018-12-20). UAE: Fears grow for health of unjustly imprisoned academic. amnesty.org The authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) must immediately and unconditionally release Dr Nasser bin Ghaith, a prisoner of conscience whose health has deteriorated sharply in recent days, said Amnesty International today. | Dr Nasser bin Ghaith is serving a 10-year sentence for criticizing the UAE in comments posted on Twitter after a grossly unfair politically motivated trial. | "News that Dr Nasser bin Ghaith's health has deteriorated sharply…

ACLU (2018-12-19). Trump Administration Recommends Slashing Civil Rights Protections for Students of Color. aclu.org A federal commission's post-Parkland recommendations include reversing an Obama-era guidance on racial disparities in school discipline. | On Tuesday, the Federal Commission on School Safety issued recommendations that it claims will help makes schools safer following the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. But at the center of the report is a proposal that will endanger millions of public school students, especially students of color and students with disabilities, by reversing federal guidance intended to address racial disparities in school discipline. Doing away with the guidance will weaken federal civil rig…

Democracy Now! (2018-12-19). Mental Health Experts & Rights Groups Call for Unceasing Media Coverage of Separated Migrant Children. democracynow.org It's been more than four months since a judge ordered the Trump administration to reunite all families that were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border, but 140 children are still separated from their parents in U.S. custody. It is believed that 30 children will never be reunited. Despite this, family separation is no longer in the daily headlines. We speak with a Harvard psychologist who is trying to change this by calling on U.S. media outlets to highlight the growing number of days that migrant children have been forcibly separated from their parents. Dr. Paula J. Caplan is a clinical and research psychologist an…

amnesty (2018-12-19). When Best Practice Isn't Good Enough: Large Campaigns of Phishing Attacks in Middle East and North Africa Target Privacy-Conscious Users. amnesty.org We have identified several campaigns of credentials phishing, likely operated by the same attackers, targeting hundreds of individuals spread across the Middle East and North Africa. | In one campaign, the attackers were particularly going after accounts on popular self-described "secure email" services, such as Tutanota and ProtonMail. | In another campaign, the attackers have been targeting hundreds of Google and Yahoo accounts, successfully bypassing common forms of two-factor authentication.

splcenter (2018-12-18). SPLC: Trump's school safety commission recommendations would make schools less safe. splcenter.org The Federal Commission on School Safety—established by President Trump following the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and led by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos—released a report today that recommends withdrawing the 2014 Department of Justice and Department of Education legal guidance on discriminatory discipline.

2018-12-26: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

What is Really Happening in Venezuela?
Michael Welch | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-26
"In the history of democracy… there isn't one case in which a country has been attacked on so many different fronts … both from the internal power factors to foreign governments over such an extended period of time as … | The post What is Really Happening in Venezuela? appeared first on Global Research.

Development vs. Destruction: China and the U.S
Sara Flounders | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-26
Escalating U.S. military confrontations, political threats, extreme tariffs and an ominous trade war against China are having global repercussions. These provocations impact the economy and the political alliances of every country, not only China. | The emerging policies of China and … | The post Development vs. Destruction: China and the U.S. appeared first on Global Research.

China: Three students killed in Beijing university lab explosion
aljazeera | aljazeera.com | 2018-12-26
Beijing fire department says the students died in an accident during an experiment on wastewater treatment.

The Language of Neoliberal Education
Henry A. Giroux | zcomm.org | 2018-12-26
Neoliberalism functions not simply as an economic model for finance capital but as a public pedagogy that operates through a diverse number of sites and platforms…

GMOs in Many Foods Will Go Undisclosed Under Trump's Final GMO Rule
Environmental Working Group | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-26
Today the Department of Agriculture released a final rule to implement the mandatory GMO disclosure law passed in 2016. It will allow the genetically engineered ingredients in many foods to remain hidden from consumers. Below is a statement from Scott … | The post GMOs in Many Foods Will Go Undisclosed Under Trump's Final GMO Rule appeared first on Global Research.

Big Oil, Auto Industries Conspire to Destroy Liveability of Planet
Yves Engler | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-26
Is it simply business as usual or a corporate conspiracy to destroy the planet? However one characterizes it our planet is being cooked so already wealthy people can make even more profit. | Last Friday the New York Times published a … | The post Big Oil, Auto Industries Conspire to Destroy Liveability of Planet appeared first on Global Research.

US Withdrawal from Syria Paves Way for Israeli Strikes
Tony Cartalucci | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-26
The US suddenly and unexpectedly announced the withdrawal of US troops from Syria after years of illegally occupying the country. The US presence aimed at ousting the Syrian government, boosting militant groups the US and its partners have armed and … | The post US Withdrawal from Syria Paves Way for Israeli Strikes appeared first on Global Research.

Trump Administration Indicts Chinese Nationals on Alleged Cyber Espionage Charges
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-26
Were charges evidence-based or politically motivated? Most likely the latter. More to develop on this ahead. | Hostile US political, economic, and financial actions against China, Russia and Iran risk developing into something much more serious than already. | China is America's … | The post Trump Administration Indicts Chinese Nationals on Alleged Cyber Espionage Charges appeared first on Global Research.

In Afghanistan, Ignorance Has Become a Crucial Part of the War on Terror
Emran Feroz | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-26
Away from the media glare, the war on Afghan civilians at the hands of America and its local allies continues to take a toll on everyday life, with hundreds killed as a result. | Three weeks ago, Mullah Abdul Manan Akhund… | The post In Afghanistan, Ignorance Has Become a Crucial Part of the War on Terror appeared first on Global Research.

Wakanda Kwanzaa Umoja Celebration ~ Sacramento, CA
Khubaka, Michael Harris | indybay.org | 2018-12-26
Kwanzaa is our "California Grown" ancient future holiday showcasing "first fruits of the harvest" continuing ancient traditions from the broader Pan African sacred science of agriculture.

The Language of Neoliberal Education
Henry Giroux — Mitja Sardoƒç | counterpunch.org | 2018-12-25
Neoliberalism has become the dominant ideology of the times and has established itself as a central feature of politics. Not only does it define itself as a political and economic system whose aim was to consolidate power in the hands of a corporate and financial elite, it also wages a war over ideas. In this instance, it has defined itself as a form of commonsense and functions as a mode of public pedagogy that produces a template for structuring not just markets but all of social life.

The STATUTES of the UDNG: on the search of political excellence
fernando_santamaria | zcomm.org | 2018-12-25
In April 2001 I was mandatorily retired by the Department of Education of the Galician Administration, (then leaded by Franco's former minister, Manuel Fraga Iribarne, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Fraga?wprov…), due to "serious mental issues." Some time later, on June 14th, 2006, I legalized and registered in the Political Parties Registry of the Spanish Ministry of Interior a Galician Read…

The Christmas Truce of 1914: Abolish All Wars. Indict Today's War Criminals in High Office
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-25
The Christmas Truce of 1914 has become an enduring image of the triumph of man's spirit over adversity which should send a strong message to the architects of today's wars including Donald Trump, Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron and Benjamin Netanyahu. | The post The Christmas Truce of 1914: Abolish All Wars. Indict Today's War Criminals in High Office appeared first on Global Research.

'With almost $22 trillion of debt, the US is in no position to attack Iran'
RT | rt.com | 2018-12-25
The US is trying to send a message to Tehran, with its aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, that even though it is leaving Syria, this doesn't mean lifting any pressure on Iran, professor of political science Hamed Mousavi said. | …

TRNN Doesn't Have Stances, but the Reporters Do — Q&A with Paul Jay
Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski | therealnews.com | 2018-12-25
Paul Jay and Dharna Noor respond to viewer comments that ask the Real News to engage with a wider variety of political opinion and question climate science | The post TRNN Doesn't Have Stances, but the Reporters Do — Q&A with Paul Jay appeared first on The Real News Network.

Before There Was Christmas, There Was the Solstice, and Hope
Shared by britney | truthout.org | 2018-12-25
The kindergarten teachers I know each tell the same story: Roundabout the middle of December, all the kids who celebrate Christmas transform into voracious little three-foot monsters bereft of morality or self-control. All the behaviors parents worked so diligently to instill in them collapse under the long duress of waiting for Santa. | Alas, my own daughter fell victim to the phenomenon this year. It was a jarring revelation to watch my sweet, caring, sharing, loving little girl decompensate into this ruthless feral capitalist, a frothing cauldron of I want who sees herself as the only being in all of existe…

Kids in the Classroom Can Help Single Moms Rise From Poverty
Shared by britney | truthout.org | 2018-12-25
What are the options when child care suddenly falls through and your next class starts in 15 minutes? | Take your baby to class with you? | Kylee Barnes tried that a few years ago when her son was 2 and she was enrolled in community college in Albany, Ore. "We hadn't been there three minutes when the professor said, 'I'm sorry that's not going to work out," she says. | Now a graduate student in Oregon State University's master's program in applied anthropology, Barnes had the opposite experience when she returned to class in January, two weeks after giving birth to her second child. Not only was her newborn we…

Hands Off Syria: We Can End The US War On Syria
Kevin Zeese | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-24
The US war against Syria was one that people almost stopped. President Obama was unable to get Congress to authorize the war in 2013, but the Pentagon and foreign policy establishment, who have long wanted to control Syria, pushed forward … | The post Hands Off Syria: We Can End The US War On Syria appeared first on Global Research.

How Activists Are Moving the Dial on Student Loan Debt
Siona Peterous | commondreams.org | 2018-12-24
The national conversation has come a long way in the years since activists started pushing the issue of student debt during the 2008 recession.

France Plans to Replace the US in Syria, Alongside Proxy Forces from Saudi Arabia and UAE
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-24
Syrian government and pro-Iranian sources have increased their activity in the eastern part of Syria in response to the announced decision of the US administration to withdraw troops from the country. | On December 22, a spokesperson for Iraq's Kata'ib Hezbollah, … | The post France Plans to Replace the US in Syria, Alongside Proxy Forces from Saudi Arabia and UAE appeared first on Global Research.

Video: Tropical Christmas. Noella Be Nice! by Nat Ya
Nat Ya | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-24
Merry Christmas in the Tropics. | Christmas Greetings from Global Research | Noella… Be nice!: | Sung by Nat Ya, featuring Snowflake & Elizsabeth | Get the song here | Starring Hainsley Lloyd Bennett as Snowflake, Paola Crisostomo as the Cool Angel. | Sandro Rizzo, Alberto … | The post Video: Tropical Christmas. Noella Be Nice! by Nat Ya appeared first on Global Research.

The Misuses of History: The Christmas First World War 1914 Truce
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-24
All memorialised events, when passing into mythology, must be seen critically. In some cases, there should be more than a hint of suspicion. The Christmas Truce of 1914 remains one sentimentalised occasion, remembered less to scold the mad mechanised forces … | The post The Misuses of History: The Christmas First World War 1914 Truce appeared first on Global Research.

Charles Dickens Could Teach Trump a Thing or Two About how to 'Keep Christmas Well'
John Nichols | thenation.com | 2018-12-24
Charles Dickens Could Teach Trump a Thing or Two About how to 'Keep Christmas Well'…

2019 recession looms on the economic horizon
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2018-12-24
San José, CA – Casting a shadow on the stock market are the growing number of economic statistics that point to a recession in 2019. Almost all mainstream economic forecasters expect economic growth to slow down in 2019 as the impact of the 2018 tax cuts wear off; the forecast is for 2.4% growth, about the same as in 2017. But few predict a recession. | The most commonly looked at economic statistic is the official unemployment rate. Today the nationwide official unemployment rate stands at 3.7%, the lowest rate in a generation. But while the official definition of when a recession starts depends heavily on a mea…

Global Economy Teeters on the Brink of a Recession That Will Transform Geo-Politics
Dr. Leon Tressell | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-24
As we approach 2019 the global economy teeters on the brink of yet another recession which will plunge geo-political relations into a period of great upheaval and rapid change. In 2019 global stock markets will continue to face unprecedented volatility and gigantic losses | The post Global Economy Teeters on the Brink of a Recession That Will Transform Geo-Politics appeared first on Global Research.

The US is Planning a Major War with Russia and China. Reports
James ONeill | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-24
"America's edge is diminishing or has disappeared in many key technologies that underpin US military superiority". Acknowledgements of technological deficiency and strategic disadvantage do not sit comfortably with the image of an all-powerful America willing and able to defeat any threat to its own global interests or those of its allies. | The post The US is Planning a Major War with Russia and China. Reports appeared first on Global Research.

FREXIT? The "Gilets Jaunes" will Not Let Go
Peter Koenig | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-24
The "Gilets Jaunes" will not let go. Not even — or especially not — after Macron's half-hearted, rather cynical and grandstanding concessions — of "too little and too late" — which when analyzed constitute a new lie, especially regarding the increase of the minimum wage. | The post FREXIT? The "Gilets Jaunes" will Not Let Go appeared first on Global Research.

Meeting on Oakland school closure expresses hostility to attacks on public education
WSWS | wsws.org | 2018-12-24
Numerous attendees condemned the school district for its cuts to public education in Oakland and their drive to convert public schools to private charter schools.

Virginia teachers plan statewide protest to demand school funding
WSWS | wsws.org | 2018-12-24
Thousands of Virginia teachers are expected to march on the state capitol in Richmond on January 28, as the fight in defense of public education continues to spread across the US.

January 10 strike date set for 33,000 Los Angeles teachers
WSWS | wsws.org | 2018-12-24
Despite union efforts to block a strike, teachers in the second largest school district in America are demanding higher wages, smaller class sizes and the hiring of more nurses and support staff.

New U.S. Government Financial Accounting Loopholes. Concealing Where Money is Actually Spent
Michele Ferri | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-23
I. Introduction | Financial accountability for the government is a cornerstone of a functioning representative democracy. The ability for the people to know where taxpayer money goes to is crucial to having an informed opinion regarding the actions of your … | The post New U.S. Government Financial Accounting Loopholes. Concealing Where Money is Actually Spent appeared first on Global Research.

L'Italia delle Tre Scimmie di fronte al rischio di guerra nucleare
Manlio Dinucci | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-23
Quale reazione ha suscitato in Italia l'avvertimento del presidente russo Putin che il mondo sottovaluta il pericolo di guerra nucleare e che tale tendenza si sta accentuando? Significativo il commento de La Repubblica che parla di ´toni molto allarmistici ª. Eloquente … | The post L'Italia delle Tre Scimmie di fronte al rischio di guerra nucleare appeared first on Global Research.

UN "Country-Specific" Human Rights Reports: North Korea, A Grotesque Travesty of Reality
Carla Stea | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-23
On December 17, 2018, the UN General Assembly Plenary adopted a series of resolutions, many denounced for their double standards, with fierce official statements of protest against the "country-specific" resolutions, the most nefarious and hypocritical of all. | The voting on … | The post UN "Country-Specific" Human Rights Reports: North Korea, A Grotesque Travesty of Reality appeared first on Global Research.

Hungary's Victor Orbán's "Latest Dance"
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2018-12-23
Viktor Orbán of Hungary is not to be hectored to. Arching with fury at the EU's September motion to sanction Hungary for bad behaviour under the Article 7 process, he was resolved to ratchet things up. The motion, while getting … | The post Hungary's Victor Orbán's "Latest Dance" appeared first on Global Research.

Facebook suspends 'researcher' who faked Russian interference in Alabama election
RT | rt.com | 2018-12-23
Facebook has suspended the account of Jonathon Morgan, the researcher behind a disinformation campaign against an Alabama Republican candidate who ended up losing the race for a Senate seat. Morgan claimed it was "research." | …

Skin Color and Gender Determine Privilege and Income, Regardless of Educational Level
Shared by Hezvo Mpunga | therealnews.com | 2018-12-21
A new PERI study finds that women of color benefit less from college education, while white men benefit the most. Since the 1970s, people of color's social mobility has stagnated. Noé Wiener discusses the results of his research | The post Skin Color and Gender Determine Privilege and Income, Regardless of Educational Level appeared first on The Real News Network.

United Arab Emirates: Further Information: Possible Verdict For Human Rights Defender: Ahmed Mansoor
amnesty | amnesty.org | 2018-12-21
On 24 December 2018 the Federal Supreme Court in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to hear the appeal of prominent human rights defender and prisoner of conscience, Ahmed Mansoor. The court may issue a final verdict. On 29 May 2018, Ahmed Mansoor was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges including "insulting the UAE and its symbols".

Taiwan: Open Letter on legal recognition of same-sex unions
amnesty | amnesty.org | 2018-12-21
Dear Premier Lai, | We write concerning the results of the recent referendums in Taiwan in which same-sex marriage rights and LGBT-inclusive education in schools were rejected by voters on 24 November. We urge the Taiwanese authorities not to implement the outcomes of the referendums as this would violate human rights law, bolster discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and undermine comprehensive and inclusive education on gender and sexuality. | We would like to recall that despite the referendum results, the Taiwanese government still is under court order to enact legislation for recognizing same-se…

Sudan: Shooting of protestors must be immediately investigated
amnesty | amnesty.org | 2018-12-21
In response to security officers opening fire on protestors in Sudan leaving at least nine people dead, five of whom were students, and dozens more injured over the past two days, Seif Magango, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes, said: | | "These killings must stop. Opening fire on unarmed protesters cannot be justified and…

Trump Pledges to Withdraw U.S. Ground Troops from Syria–But Global Powers & Deadly Air Forces Remain
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2018-12-20
President Trump has ordered the withdrawal of all 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria, shocking many in Washington and around the world. On Wednesday, Trump tweeted, "We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency." He ordered the withdrawal despite opposition from within the White House. We speak with Yazan al-Saadi, a Syrian-Canadian writer and researcher, who warns that U.S. military presence in the region will continue. "You might have a large chunk of the boots on the ground leaving, but it seems very clear that the American air power is going to remain," al-Saadi says.

The Lives We Changed in 2018
ACLU | aclu.org | 2018-12-20
Because of the generosity of ACLU members, these people are free to live their lives again. | This year hasn't been easy: Thousands of families are still suffering the effects of family separation; the Muslim ban continues to keep loved ones apart; and whole generations of family trees are being decimated by an unfair, out-of-control mass incarceration machine. But beneath the headlines, the news alerts, and the legal battles are a few glimmers of hope that ACLU supporters made possible., , Here are some of our favorite moments from 2018. | Ansly Breathes Free Again : | Ethics teacher Ansly Damus fled…

LA teachers announce strike plans
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2018-12-20
Los Angeles, CA – This morning, December 19, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) joined by parents, student and supporters, announced they will strike on Thursday, January 10, 2019. Centro CSO urges parents and students to join the picket line at their local school to stand united with our teachers. | "I am so angry, and ready to strike," says Lupe Torres a public school teacher at Marvin Elementary and East LA resident. "It's time to show the public the bureaucracy of LAUSD." | More than 50,000 teachers and supporters marched on December 14 to show the support in numbers. The march and rally occurred as L…

Democrats Want More Police Funding But Punt On Educational Equity
Shared by Hezvo Mpunga | therealnews.com | 2018-12-20
In a sweeping series of public policy moves, Maryland Democrats announced support for bolstering policing in the state's poorest city while signaling delays in initiatives advocates hoped would boost the state's most neglected public school systems. | The post Democrats Want More Police Funding But Punt On Educational Equity appeared first on The Real News Network.

United Arab Emirates: Further Information: Hunger-Striking Academic In Critical Condition: Dr Nasser bin Ghaith
amnesty | amnesty.org | 2018-12-20
Dr Nasser bin Ghaith's health has severely deteriorated. The prominent Emirati economist and academic has been on hunger strike for over 70 days in al-Razeen prison in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to protest the detention conditions and the denial of access to medical care. He is a prisoner of conscience.

UAE: Fears grow for health of unjustly imprisoned academic
amnesty | amnesty.org | 2018-12-20
The authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) must immediately and unconditionally release Dr Nasser bin Ghaith, a prisoner of conscience whose health has deteriorated sharply in recent days, said Amnesty International today. | Dr Nasser bin Ghaith is serving a 10-year sentence for criticizing the UAE in comments posted on Twitter after a grossly unfair politically motivated trial. | "News that Dr Nasser bin Ghaith's health has deteriorated sharply…

Trump Administration Recommends Slashing Civil Rights Protections for Students of Color
ACLU | aclu.org | 2018-12-19
A federal commission's post-Parkland recommendations include reversing an Obama-era guidance on racial disparities in school discipline. | On Tuesday, the Federal Commission on School Safety issued recommendations that it claims will help makes schools safer following the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. But at the center of the report is a proposal that will endanger millions of public school students, especially students of color and students with disabilities, by reversing federal guidance intended to address racial disparities in school discipline. Doing away with the guidance will weaken federal civil rig…

Mental Health Experts & Rights Groups Call for Unceasing Media Coverage of Separated Migrant Children
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2018-12-19
It's been more than four months since a judge ordered the Trump administration to reunite all families that were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border, but 140 children are still separated from their parents in U.S. custody. It is believed that 30 children will never be reunited. Despite this, family separation is no longer in the daily headlines. We speak with a Harvard psychologist who is trying to change this by calling on U.S. media outlets to highlight the growing number of days that migrant children have been forcibly separated from their parents. Dr. Paula J. Caplan is a clinical and research psychologist an…

When Best Practice Isn't Good Enough: Large Campaigns of Phishing Attacks in Middle East and North Africa Target Privacy-Conscious Users
amnesty | amnesty.org | 2018-12-19
We have identified several campaigns of credentials phishing, likely operated by the same attackers, targeting hundreds of individuals spread across the Middle East and North Africa. | In one campaign, the attackers were particularly going after accounts on popular self-described "secure email" services, such as Tutanota and ProtonMail. | In another campaign, the attackers have been targeting hundreds of Google and Yahoo accounts, successfully bypassing common forms of two-factor authentication.

Marc Lamont Hill Speaks Out After CNN Fires Him for Pro-Palestine Speech at U.N
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2018-12-18
Less than a month after CNN fired Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill for giving a speech at the United Nations supporting Palestinian rights, we speak with him about the international attention his comments have received, academic freedom and why he feels it's more important than ever to speak out about Israeli human rights abuses. Marc Lamont Hill is a professor of media studies and urban education at Temple University. He is the author of several books, including "Nobody: Casualties of America's War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond." We also speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning journa…

SPLC: Trump's school safety commission recommendations would make schools less safe
splcenter | splcenter.org | 2018-12-18
The Federal Commission on School Safety–established by President Trump following the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and led by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos–released a report today that recommends withdrawing the 2014 Department of Justice and Department of Education legal guidance on discriminatory discipline.