2019-04-15: News Headlines

Dr. Jack Rasmus (2019-04-15). Trump Whacks the Middle Class. globalresearch.ca In 2016 Trump promised tax cuts for the middle class. Now it's clear Trump's 2018 tax cut is making the middle class pay for corporations, businesses, investors and the wealthiest 1% households historic tax cuts totaling no less than $4.5 …

F. William Engdahl (2019-04-15). Glyphosate Worse than We Could Imagine. "It's Everywhere" globalresearch.ca As new studies continue to point to a direct link between the widely-used glyphosate herbicide and various forms of cancer, the agribusiness lobby fights ferociously to ignore or discredit evidence of human and other damage. A second US court jury …

Stephen Lendman (2019-04-15). International Criminal Court: US/NATO Imperial Tool. globalresearch.ca Time and again, the ICC breaches its mandate, calling for "end(ing) impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern." | The court consistently ignores US/NATO imperial war crimes, prosecuting their victims instead. | Established by the Rome Statute of …

Chris Jones (2019-04-15). Moving Stories: From Poverty to Despair, Refugees Moved from Greece's Samos Island to the Mainland. globalresearch.ca Abshir's | Just over a week ago Abshir, from Somalia, was transferred from Samos to a mainland refugee camp at Nea Kavala in northern Greece. He was part of around 350 refugees taken that day from Samos as part of the …

Éric Toussaint (2019-04-15). The mountain of corporate debt will be the seed of the next financial crisis. mronline.org What have they done with the money? Have they invested in research and development, in production, in the ecological transition, in creating descent jobs, warding off climate change? Not at all! | Source

Prof. James Petras (2019-04-15). Why Venezuela Has Not Been Defeated. globalresearch.ca Introduction | Over the past half-decade, a small army of US analysts, politicians, academics and media pundits have been predicting the imminent fall, overthrow, defeat and replacement of the Venezuelan government. They have been wrong on all counts, in each and …

Prof. Anthony A. Gabb (2019-04-15). What is Fascism? Can the "Fascist Germ" Rise to Epidemic Levels in the USA Today? globalresearch.ca To consider the possibility of the rise of fascism in the United State of America (USA) today, this essay examines the success of fascism in Italy and Germany, where hard times gave rise to labor militancy that morphed into an …

Philip A Farruggio (2019-04-15). Victor Laszlo: Role Model for Assange, Manning and Snowden. globalresearch.ca This writer's favorite film of all time, right ahead of Seven Days In May and JFK is of course Casablanca. The film had it all, from WW2 suspense to old fashioned romance… with a good dose of twists and turns. …

Jim Miles (2019-04-15). "The Russians Are Coming" to Canada? Election Meddling? Who to Vote for? globalresearch.ca Chrystia Freeland, jumps on the anti-Russia bandwagon, mimicking the rhetoric stemming from Hillary Clinton's failed presidential run and the fabrications of the DNC, the FBI, CIA, Christopher Steele, and a whole menagerie of other …

Craig Murray (2019-04-15). Why the Assange Allegation Is a Stitch-up. globalresearch.ca I am slightly updating and reposting this from 2012 because the mainstream media have ensured very few people know the detail of the "case" against Julian Assange in Sweden. The UN Working Group ruled that Assange ought never to have …

Scott Ritter (2019-04-15). America Just Declared War on Iran and Nobody Blinked. globalresearch.ca It is no longer a question of if Americans will die in a conflict with Iran, but when. | The United States has long been engaged in a secret shadow war with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), dating back to …

Edward Curtin (2019-04-15). A Marriage of Conscience: Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. globalresearch.ca "About suffering they were never wrong," wrote W. H. Auden in the poem "Musée Des Beaux Arts." | These lines occurred to me last week when all eyes were focused on the brutal British seizure of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian …

Deepal Jayasekera (2019-04-15). Preparing for "Tomorrow's Wars," India Shoots Down Satellite. globalresearch.ca Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a special "address to the nation" last Wednesday to boast that India had become only the fourth ever country to shoot down a satellite. | The Defence Research and Development Organisation's success in using an …

Ricardo Vaz (2019-04-15). US Threatens Venezuela at UNSC as IMF Freezes Funds. globalresearch.ca The United States pressured the United Nations to recognize self-proclaimed "Interim President" Juan Guaido during a Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Wednesday. | US Vice President Mike Pence told the UNSC that "the time has come" for the UN to recognize …

Federico Pieraccini (2019-04-15). Julian Assange Is Guilty Only of Revealing the Evil Soul of US Imperialism. globalresearch.ca Julian Assange was bundled away by British police after Lenin Moreno, the president of Ecuador, gave the green light for the expulsion of the Wikileaks publisher from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Assange's arrest represents an abuse of power, …

Britt Bartenbach (2019-04-15). Is Assange to be the Sacrificial Lamb to the Slaughter? globalresearch.ca With the unlawful seizure of the Wikileaks publisher and founder Julian Assange the powerful have established an ominous prelude to this year's upcoming Easter holidays. | And how is the world reacting to this demonstration of power? Those who question the …

Richard Galustian (2019-04-15). What Happened to "Journalism" in the "Greatest Democracy on Earth"? globalresearch.ca Before discussing the arrest of Assange in some depth, by way of an introduction, its important to mention a Gore Vidal observation | "We Americans should stop going around babbling about how we're the greatest democracy on earth, when we're not …

Kevin Zeese (2019-04-15). The Prosecution of Julian Assange Is a Threat to Journalists Everywhere. globalresearch.ca The arrest of Julian Assange not only puts the free press in the United States at risk, it puts any reporters who expose US crimes anywhere in the world at risk. As Pepe Escobar wrote | "Let's cut to the …

Yves Engler (2019-04-15). Roméo Dallaire and the Toronto Star's Distortion of Rwanda's Tragedy. globalresearch.ca The Toronto Star should get its facts straight and stop distorting Rwanda's tragedy. | A day after the 25th anniversary of when two Hutu presidents were blown out of the sky, the Star's editorial board published " There's no excuse …

(2019-04-15). ICC Refuses to Investigate Crimes in Afghanistan, U.S. Torture. globalresearch.ca In what human rights groups call an appalling decision, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II decided not to grant the Prosecutor's request to open an investigation into alleged crimes committed in Afghanistan and on the territory of other States Parties implicated …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-04-15). Delegitimising Journalism: The Effort to Relabel Julian Assange. globalresearch.ca "Your honour, I represent the United States government". The Westminster Magistrates Court had been left with little doubt by the opening words of the legal team marshalled against the face of WikiLeaks. Julian Assange was being targeted by the imperium …

Whitney Webb (2019-04-15). Wikileaks Reveals: CIA's UMBRAGE Allows Agency to Carry out 'False Flag' Cyber Attacks. globalresearch.ca This Mint Press article was first posted on Global Research on March 10, 2017 | A new release of CIA documents by Wikileaks indicates that the intelligence agency has the means and the intent to mask the cyber-attacks it commits by …

Eds. (2019-04-15). Where next for the student climate strikes? mronline.org Today marks the latest international day of action for the student climate strike movement. The task ahead is to channel the energy and radicalism of the strikes into the labour movement and fight for a social alternative. | Source

True Publica (2019-04-15). Brexit — The Truth About the Economy and What's Next. globalresearch.ca Last December, TruePublica broke the news that the mainstream media had either misunderstood or blatantly misquoted a very particular study about the real cost of Brexit. The most accurate of reports of that study in the MSM stated that —…

plenglish (2019-04-15). Second Belt and Road Forum to Further Boost That Initiative. plenglish.com Beijing, Apr 15 (Prensa Latina) The second Forum of the Belt and Road for International Cooperation, scheduled for this April, will give further boost to this initiative, assured Wang Xiaoquan, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Anne Janks (2019-04-15). Groundbreaking Oakland Policy on Probation/Parole Police Stops. indybay.org Oakland's Police Commission unanimously passed a new policy which requires that police officers have an actual reason to search a person on probation or parole for a non-violent offence. OPD statistics show that random searches based solely on the person being on probation or parole do not promote public safety and little evidence of criminal activity is found. The new policy covers Oakland residents and visitors on probation, parole, mandatory supervision, or post-release community supervision (PRCS).

ORION (2019-04-15). Power and Love Letters teach in Chelsea & Julian. indybay.org Albany Bulb East Bay Regional Park main entrance at end of Buchanan st by the benches…

Dr. Nozomi Hayase (2019-04-14). WikiLeaks' Publication of the Collateral Murder Video, Afghanistan and Iraq Docs, US Diplomatic Cables: Why Assange's Extradition Must be Opposed at All Cost. globalresearch.ca On Thursday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by the UK police inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he was granted political asylum in 2012. This termination of asylum by Ecuador in violation of international law came a week …

STAFF (2019-04-14). To Survive in Texas, Black Bears Need an Open Border. truthout.org As a child Diana Doan-Crider loved hearing her grandfather's tales of the grizzly bears and wolves he saw in the early 1900s while working to build Mexico's railroads through the mountains. A Tepehuán Indian from Durango Mexico, he told vivid stories, and his knowledge of nature inspired her to become a wildlife biologist when she grew up and to spend decades researching black bears in northern Coahuila's mountains, just across the Texas border. | That was an important time for black bears, which had all but vanished from Texas in the 1950s following decades of hunting, trapping and habitat loss. The an…

Wikileaks (2019-04-14). Video: Collateral Murder in Iraq Released by Wikileaks. globalresearch.ca Wikileaks has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007. | It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a …

Edward Curtin (2019-04-14). A Marriage of Conscience: Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. dissidentvoice.org "About suffering they were never wrong," wrote W. H. Auden in the poem "Musée Des Beaux Arts." These lines occurred to me last week when all eyes were focused on the brutal British seizure of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. No one should have been surprised by this despicable spectacle carried out …

Kim Petersen (2019-04-14). What Now Should People of Conscience Do to Protect Julian Assange? dissidentvoice.org Several headlines have blared "Julian Assange Arrested." This is misleading because Assange has been under de facto arrest ever since the Swedish authorities sought his extradition regarding sex-related allegations. Assange always stated that he was amenable to going to Sweden with a guarantee of no-further extradition to the United States. Sweden refused to accede to …

Shawgi Tell (2019-04-14). Chaos, Anarchy, and Violence in the Charter School Sector. dissidentvoice.org Chaos, anarchy, and violence are inherent features of the free market.1 Instability, uncertainty, disequilibrium, unevenness, imbalance, volatility, turmoil, impulsiveness, alienation, greed, anxiety, jealousy, risk, irrational behavior, and "animal spirits" are fellow-travelers of advanced commodity production and exchange, especially in the final and highest stage of capitalism. The free market abhors security, predictability, certainty, stability, and …

RT (2019-04-14). US' only black, all-male college to start taking transgender students who identify as men. rt.com America's only historically black, all-male college has announced a major admissions policy shift, taking in transgender men from 2020. However, Morehouse College in Atlanta says it will not allow transitioning females to attend.

STAFF (2019-04-13). Strikes Are the Only Way Out of Our Current Crisis. truthout.org Over the past year, a wave of teacher strikes — from Los Angeles to West Virginia — have won major victories for public education, including salary increases and smaller class sizes. Inspired in part by the Chicago teachers strike in 2012, they drew on years of grassroots organizing and strategic planning to build stronger unions and establish clear deman…

Diane Ravitch (2019-04-13). Florida: The Graveyard of American Public Education. commondreams.org U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos spoke at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/cc) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

STAFF (2019-04-13). Health Care Corporations Flooded Political Campaigns With Cash in 2017. truthout.org The nation's largest health-care corporations gave at least $61 million directly to political campaigns, nonprofits, ballot initiatives, and trade associations during 2017, according to a MapLight analysis of newly released data. | The data, compiled by the Center for Political Accountability, show the health-care giants gave $37 million alone in donations to political trade association heavyweights that included the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PhRMA); U.S. Chamber of Commerce; America's Health Insurance Plans; and the Healthcare Leader…

Fight Back (2019-04-13). Madison, WI TAA organizes mass occupation of Bascom Hall. fightbacknews.org Madison, WI – On April 5, graduate workers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison occupied Bascom Hall for three hours, organized by the Teaching Assistants Association (TAA). The primary demands were that segregated fees be waived for graduate workers, that the international student fee also be waived, and that the university respect the collective bargaining process. Over 400 graduate workers and supporters, including undergraduates, the faculty and staff union, and community members, turned out in the TAA's largest action in roughly a decade. | For graduate workers, for whom a typical yearly income from the Un…

Eds. (2019-04-13). Is there any way out of the U.S. student debt crisis? mronline.org By working three jobs while in college and with some financial assistance from her mother, Karen Hawkins managed to pay off her undergraduate loans of US$12,000 eight years after completing her bachelor's degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. | Source

Fight Back (2019-04-12). Chicago Teachers Union members vote to strike four operators at five charter schools. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – Five charter schools could face strikes in coming weeks, as educators battle for living wages, adequate student supports, pension rights and protections for immigrant and diverse learners. | After two historic strikes against charter operators, including the first in the nation's history last December, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members who work at five charter schools announced strike vote results April 9, at Instituto del Progreso Latino, one of the charter operators with which union members are bargaining. The five schools employ 134 CTU members who educate almost 1800 students. | 94% of…

Al Neal (2019-04-12). No longer anonymous: MSU student breaks silence on campus sexual assault. peoplesworld.org Last year a courageous victim of sexual assault at Michigan State University, known only to the public as "Jane Doe," filed a lawsuit against her three attackers, and shined a light on MSU's culture of silence when allegations of sexual assault arise. On April 11, exactly one year after filing the legal complaint and four years …

RT (2019-04-12). Georgetown University students vote reparations for slavery into future tuition. rt.com Students at Georgetown University voted by a 2 to 1 landslide to increase their tuition in order to raise funds for reparations to descendants of slaves who were sold to pay off the university founders' debts back in 1838.

David Dayen (2019-04-12). Betsy DeVos Quietly Making It Easier for Dying For-Profit Schools to Rip Off a Few More Students on the Way Out. theintercept.com The Obama administration initially dithered while for-profit colleges preyed on students, but eventually it cracked down on the sector. Not Betsy DeVos.

Editor (2019-04-11). Highlander arson: 'Steadfast in our solidarity'. workers.org An arsonist set a fire on the night of March 29 that destroyed the main office building and decades of irreplaceable activist archives at the Highlander Research and Education Center in New Market, Tenn. The Highlander has been a historic school for justice and liberation movements. Since the early 1930s, . . . | Continue reading Highlander arson: 'Steadfast in our solidarity' at Workers.org

Rann Miller (2019-04-11). Betsy DeVos Uses a Racist Research Study to Defend Rescinding Obama-Era Discipline Guidance. progressive.org The researchers argued that disparities in disciplining of black and white students are due to "prior problem behavior."

Peter Koenig (2019-04-11). NATO: No Need, NEXIT. dissidentvoice.org "EXIT NATO!" was the glaring title on a huge screen greeting the several hundred participants of the Anti-NATO Conference in Florence, Italy, on 7 April 2019. Officially it was called The International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, sponsored by Global Research of Canada and the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW). I …

STAFF (2019-04-11). Students, Residents Protest Johns Hopkins ICE Contracts and Private Police. therealnews.com As student occupation continues, professors join in calls for the university to abandon plan for armed police…

pip.hinman (2019-04-11). The troglodyte politics that is eating the future. greenleft.org.au The farcical political posturing over electric cars by Coalition Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his minister for small and family business Senator Michaelia Cash says a lot about the state of Australian politics. | It's clear we have a government in the pocket of fossil fuel companies and allied rip-off merchants who are hell-bent on sacrificing our future in pursuit of their narrow interests. | That is why the school students who have gone on strike for climate action ar…

Anya Parampil (2019-04-10). OAS Sacrifices Its Charter for Trump's Desperate Venezuelan Regime Change Bid. thegrayzone.com In a legally dubious attempt to legitimize Juan Guaido's shadow regime, the US pushed to install a neoliberal operative implicated…

Kathleen Oropeza (2019-04-09). Ron DeSantis Has 'Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals' for Florida Education and That's Bad. progressive.org The new governor wants to arm teachers, undermine local school boards, and generally double down on decades of education reform efforts that have gutted the state's public schools.