(2019-04-17). AMLO: Past Govt Officials Use State Funds For Plastic Surgeries. telesurenglish.net Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) highlighted the government's austerity plan and other topics, including education reform, during a press conference held at the National Palace in Mexico City. | RELATED: | Mexico to Protect Pemex with Stabilization Funds | The president also used the occasion to lambast previous government officials of using public funds to pay for plastic surgery. "They underwent plastic surgery procedures at the expense of the public treasury," AMLO sai…
(2019-04-17). New Orleans Mayor Visits Cuba to Build Relations. telesurenglish.net New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell traveled to the Cuban capital of Havana on April 2 to meet with officials and to learn about their educational and health systems, ESSENCE magazine reported Tuesday. | RELATED: | US Official Confirms Anti-Cuba Law to Move Forward, Pushing Relations to 'Worst Levels' | According to ESSENCE, the New Orleans Mayor traveled to Cuba wit…
(2019-04-17). Preventing the Sale of Venezuelan Oil to Cuba: Killing Two Birds with a Stone. globalresearch.ca Recent US sanctions have been directed at the heart of Venezuela's economy: the oil industry, an industry that has also been crippled by the continued sabotages on the electric power grid of the country. | But when you think that enough …
(2019-04-17). Video: Haftar Forces Stalled South of Tripoli. GNA Fighters Shot Down LNA Warplane. globalresearch.ca By April 16, the Libyan National Army (LNA) advance on Tripoli has appeared to be dragged into a trench war on the approach to the southern gate of the city. Militias loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) have …
(2019-04-17). Trump Administration Ignores Environmental Impacts of Mining 30 Million Tons of Coal Near Bryce Canyon National Park. globalresearch.ca A lawsuit against the Trump Administration's approval of Alton Coal's mine expansion near Bryce Canyon National Park was filed today by Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), Grand Canyon Trust, Utah Physicians for …
(2019-04-17). Trump Vetoes 'Dangerous' Resolution to End US Military Involvement in Yemen. globalresearch.ca US President Donald Trump has vetoed a congressional resolution that sought to end US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, the White House has said. | "This resolution is an unnecessary, dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities, endangering the …
(2019-04-17). A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future. globalresearch.ca The world reacted with shock to the fire that engulfed the Notre Dame Cathedral. A symbol of Paris, this 13th Century architectural marvel is home to precious historical religious relics and artwork; made even more famous throughout the world …
(2019-04-17). The Price of Participating in Society Is the Sacrifice of Privacy and Self. globalresearch.ca In what is arguably one of the most craven opportunistic moves by a business/media group to increase its circulation/profitability, on 10 April the New York Times (NYT) embarked on what it describes as its Privacy Project. | A day later …
(2019-04-17). Permissible Influences: Israel and the Australian Elections. globalresearch.ca So much hullabaloo; so much pent-up anger and, let's face it, so much opportunity for the political classes of Australia. The theme since 2016 is electoral interference; the object: whichever power so happens to afford an opportunity to gather support …
(2019-04-17). Julian Assange's Victory. globalresearch.ca Throughout history, dark and reactionary forces have always attempted to control the world; by violence, by deceit, by kidnapping and perverting the mainstream narrative, or by spreading fear among the masses. | Consistently, brave and honest individuals have been standing up, …
(2019-04-17). Between Yes and No, Heaven and Earth with Albert Camus on a Spring Morning. globalresearch.ca "To give up beauty and the sensual happiness that comes with it and devote one's self exclusively to unhappiness requires a nobility I lack. However, after all, nothing is true that compels us to make it exclusive. Isolated beauty ends …
(2019-04-17). The Solution to Cities' Sweltering Summers. truthdig.com Tomorrow's sweltering cities could be tamed, thanks to their trees' shade. Leafy figs and magnolias, beeches and birches, planes and chestnuts in the sterile tarmac and cement world of the great modern city could deliver canopies that could bring temperatures down by more than 5 ∞C in the hottest of the heatwave summers. | And researchers now know this, not because they tested it with computer simulations, and not because they interpreted the radiation signal from satellite studies. They know it because one scientist fitted one…
(2019-04-17). Segregated Doctoring: Black Physicians in Augusta, Georgia, 1902—1952. globalresearch.ca African American physicians began arriving in post Reconstruction era Augusta, Georgia during the mid-1880s. Initially these black physicians were offered work at the city's only African American public hospital, but as racial prejudices hardened, they were barred from practicing at …
(2019-04-17). Annexation of West Bank May Provide Key to Unlocking Netanyahu's Legal Troubles. globalresearch.ca After winning the Israeli election with a slim majority, in a campaign that grew more sordid and vilifying by the day, Benjamin Netanyahu is poised to begin his fifth term as Israeli prime minister. | The culmination of his dirty tricks …
(2019-04-17). Polish government vows to fight wage rises as teachers' strike enters second week. wsws.org Both the Polish government and the ZNP union are trying to isolate the national teachers' strike and keep it from sparking a broader movement of the working class.
(2019-04-17). Chilean Students Announce Protest Marches. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Apr 17 (Prensa Latina) Student organizations in Chile called for demonstrations throughout the country to call for solutions to many of the demands of the Youth Movement the Sebastian Piñera government has left unanswered.
(2019-04-16). Nicaragua crisis: One year in, more than 60,000 have fled, seeking refuge. un.org Doctors, journalists, students and farmers are among more than 60,000 Nicaraguans who have fled the country in fear of their lives since anti-Government demonstrations began last April, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, said on Tuesday.
(2019-04-16). AMLO Scraps Education Reforms from Previous Administration. telesurenglish.net A "so-called" reform for Mexico's education system introduced during the Peña Nieto administration is being shelved, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) said Tuesday. | RELATED: | Mexico to Protect Pemex with Stabilization Funds | The reform was "ineffective" and not in line with the needs of the teaching sector, the president said, adding that Congress…
(2019-04-16). The struggle for a just society is long, requiring action on many fronts. mronline.org 'The struggle for a socially just and ecologically sound society requires activity on many fronts. This includes the crucial work of organizing and activist engagement, as well as education about the economic, political, and ecological complexities that exist and why so many of the problems facing humanity are either caused or made worse by capitalism.' | Source
(2019-04-16). US and NATO's Ongoing Support for Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca Over the past few months, NATO's Jens Stoltenberg has continued outlining his organization's "recognition" for Ukraine "to become a member of NATO". Two weeks ago Stoltenberg pronounced publicly in Washington that "we work with Ukraine to help Ukraine move forward …
(2019-04-16). Libya and the Scramble for Africa. globalresearch.ca North Africa is in turmoil again and the cause of it can be found in the plots of the Europeans and Americans to break nations states into pieces in order to control the oil and gas producing areas of the …
(2019-04-16). Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela? What Crisis? globalresearch.ca Will the Trump regime order military action against Venezuela on the phony pretexts of humanitarian intervention and responsibility to protect (R2P)? | Though highly unlikely, we've seen it many times before — "humanitarian" naked aggression, raping and destroying nations for their …
(2019-04-16). Julian Assange Arrested — Murdering Human Rights, Freedom of Speech — Murdering Freedom. globalresearch.ca Indignation has no limits! Arresting Julian Assange is murdering the truth, murdering Human Rights — and eliminating freedom of speech, let alone freedom of the media. The latter has been a farce since a while, but what happened on 11 …
(2019-04-16). Assange Used Ecuadorian Embassy for Spying? Lenin Moreno. globalresearch.ca Unacceptable actions need a veneer of plausibility to make them appear justifiable, no matter how outrageous they are in the cold light of day. | The US unjustifiably justifies naked aggression and other hostile actions on the phony pretexts of humanitarian …
(2019-04-16). Brzezinski's Warning to America. The Liberal World Order is Falling Apart. America's Unavoidable Decline. globalresearch.ca The liberal world order, which lasted from the end of World War 2 until today, is rapidly collapsing. The center of gravity is shifting from west to east where China and India are experiencing explosive growth and where a revitalized …
(2019-04-16). The Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Qods Force. globalresearch.ca When the Islamic Revolution occurred in February 1979 with the return to Iran of the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a political earthquake in the Middle East very visibly began. Until this year, the Iranians had only experienced the rule …
(2019-04-16). 70 Anni della Nato: Di Guerra in Guerra. Dichiarazione di Firenze. globalresearch.ca Il rischio di una grande guerra che, con l'uso delle armi nucleari potrebbe segnare la fine dell'Umanità , è reale e sta aumentando, anche se non è percepito dall'opinione pubblica tenuta all'oscuro dell'incombente pericolo. | àà di vitale importanza il massimo impegno …
(2019-04-16). From Tribe, to King, to 'Democracy' to Mafia. The Criminalization of US Politics. globalresearch.ca The dramatic arrest of Julian Assange, hauled bodily from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, will be touted as an example of 'rules-based' politics, and yet his 'crime' is to have revealed the underside of modern democracy. | The problem is no …
(2019-04-16). No War No NATO: Support the Anti-War Movement. globalresearch.ca Dear Readers, | April 7th, 2019 marked the adoption of the Florence Declaration, drafted by Italy's Anti-war Committee and the Centre for Research on Globalization during the Florence No War No NATO Conference. | The declaration states that | The risk of …
(2019-04-16). The Truth about Venezuela: Speaking events April 18-29. globalresearch.ca Mainstream media is spreading lies and half truths about the crisis in Venezuela. Canadians are not immune to this influence. Recently Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland announced more sanctions against the Maduro government on the grounds that he is …
(2019-04-16). Researchers Tie Climate Crisis to Hurricane Maria's Record-Breaking Rainfall Over Puerto Rico. commondreams.org A new study about the record-breaking rain that Hurricane Maria dropped on Puerto Rico in 2017 offers more evidence that the climate crisis is making extreme weather events more common and destructive. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files……
(2019-04-16). La strategia del caos guidato. globalresearch.ca Tutti contro tutti: è l'immagine mediatica del caos che si allarga a macchia l'olio sulla sponda sud del Mediterraneo, dalla Libia alla Siria. Una situazione di fronte alla quale perfino Washington sembra impotente. In realtà Washington non è l'apprendista stregone …
(2019-04-16). Plankton Research Equipment Inadvertently Reveals Skyrocketing Plastic Pollution Levels in World's Oceans. commondreams.org Equipment that has been towed across millions of miles of ocean over the past six decades by marine scientists was meant to collect plankton—but its journeys have given researchers a treasure trove of data on plastic pollution as well. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files……
(2019-04-16). Decriminalizing the Drug War? globalresearch.ca We live in a time of change, when people are questioning old assumptions and seeking new directions. In the ongoing debate over health care, social justice, and border security, there is, however, one overlooked issue that should be at the …
(2019-04-15). Harvard Law Students Are Taking on Forced Arbitration. thenation.com Harvard Law Students Are Taking on Forced Arbitration…
(2019-04-15). The mountain of corporate debt will be the seed of the next financial crisis. mronline.org What have they done with the money? Have they invested in research and development, in production, in the ecological transition, in creating descent jobs, warding off climate change? Not at all! | Source
(2019-04-14). A Marriage of Conscience: Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. dissidentvoice.org "About suffering they were never wrong," wrote W. H. Auden in the poem "Musée Des Beaux Arts." These lines occurred to me last week when all eyes were focused on the brutal British seizure of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. No one should have been surprised by this despicable spectacle carried out …
(2019-04-14). What Now Should People of Conscience Do to Protect Julian Assange? dissidentvoice.org Several headlines have blared "Julian Assange Arrested." This is misleading because Assange has been under de facto arrest ever since the Swedish authorities sought his extradition regarding sex-related allegations. Assange always stated that he was amenable to going to Sweden with a guarantee of no-further extradition to the United States. Sweden refused to accede to …
(2019-04-14). Chaos, Anarchy, and Violence in the Charter School Sector. dissidentvoice.org Chaos, anarchy, and violence are inherent features of the free market.1 Instability, uncertainty, disequilibrium, unevenness, imbalance, volatility, turmoil, impulsiveness, alienation, greed, anxiety, jealousy, risk, irrational behavior, and "animal spirits" are fellow-travelers of advanced commodity production and exchange, especially in the final and highest stage of capitalism. The free market abhors security, predictability, certainty, stability, and …
(2019-04-14). US' only black, all-male college to start taking transgender students who identify as men. rt.com America's only historically black, all-male college has announced a major admissions policy shift, taking in transgender men from 2020. However, Morehouse College in Atlanta says it will not allow transitioning females to attend.
(2019-04-13). Madison, WI TAA organizes mass occupation of Bascom Hall. fightbacknews.org Madison, WI – On April 5, graduate workers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison occupied Bascom Hall for three hours, organized by the Teaching Assistants Association (TAA). The primary demands were that segregated fees be waived for graduate workers, that the international student fee also be waived, and that the university respect the collective bargaining process. Over 400 graduate workers and supporters, including undergraduates, the faculty and staff union, and community members, turned out in the TAA's largest action in roughly a decade. | For graduate workers, for whom a typical yearly income from the Un…
(2019-04-12). Chicago Teachers Union members vote to strike four operators at five charter schools. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – Five charter schools could face strikes in coming weeks, as educators battle for living wages, adequate student supports, pension rights and protections for immigrant and diverse learners. | After two historic strikes against charter operators, including the first in the nation's history last December, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members who work at five charter schools announced strike vote results April 9, at Instituto del Progreso Latino, one of the charter operators with which union members are bargaining. The five schools employ 134 CTU members who educate almost 1800 students. | 94% of…
(2019-04-12). Betsy DeVos Quietly Making It Easier for Dying For-Profit Schools to Rip Off a Few More Students on the Way Out. theintercept.com The Obama administration initially dithered while for-profit colleges preyed on students, but eventually it cracked down on the sector. Not Betsy DeVos.
(2019-04-11). Betsy DeVos Uses a Racist Research Study to Defend Rescinding Obama-Era Discipline Guidance. progressive.org The researchers argued that disparities in disciplining of black and white students are due to "prior problem behavior."
(2019-04-11). The troglodyte politics that is eating the future. greenleft.org.au The farcical political posturing over electric cars by Coalition Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his minister for small and family business Senator Michaelia Cash says a lot about the state of Australian politics. | It's clear we have a government in the pocket of fossil fuel companies and allied rip-off merchants who are hell-bent on sacrificing our future in pursuit of their narrow interests. | That is why the school students who have gone on strike for climate action ar…
(2019-04-10). Academic Freedom at Risk After Decades of Right-Wing Attacks and Cuts to Education. democracynow.org As higher education faces an increasingly dire crisis of underfunding, we look at one of the consequences of this crisis: the growing threat to academic freedom. Academic and author Henry Reichman takes on this threat in a new book, out this week, titled "The Future of Academic Freedom." In it, he writes, "Academic capitalism—or, as many term it, 'corporatization'—has greatly impacted academic work and the ability of the faculty to unite in defense of professional norms, including academic freedom." Academic capitalism is just one of a number of topics Reichman tackles in the book, which starts by ask…
(2019-04-10). OAS Sacrifices Its Charter for Trump's Desperate Venezuelan Regime Change Bid. thegrayzone.com In a legally dubious attempt to legitimize Juan Guaido's shadow regime, the US pushed to install a neoliberal operative implicated…
(2019-04-09). Ron DeSantis Has 'Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals' for Florida Education and That's Bad. progressive.org The new governor wants to arm teachers, undermine local school boards, and generally double down on decades of education reform efforts that have gutted the state's public schools.
(2019-04-08). Stop Federal Funding of Charter Schools. progressive.org Up to $1 billion of federal grant money went to charter schools that never opened or opened for only brief periods before being shut down.
(2019-04-02). White Supremacist Symbol Found Spray-Painted at the Site of Fire, Civil Rights Center Says. splcenter.org Someone painted a white supremacist symbol at the scene where fire ravaged a building tied to the civil rights movement, according to a statement from the Highlander Research and Education Center.