Blackwater Founder Calls For 5,000 Mercenaries to Topple Maduro
ZeroHedge | | 2019-04-30
As if the past months of US push for regime change in Venezuela with officials like Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra conviction infamy at the helm wasn't bizarre enough, things just got weirder, as Erik Prince has apparently been pitching a plan around Washington to privatize US coup efforts using his latest Blackwater inspired mercenary empire. | According to Reuters, Prince — the brother of billionaire Education Secretary Betsy DeVos who has over the past years since selling his mired-in-controversy Blackwater group (now Academi) revived his mercenary empire in China in the form of Frontier Services Group (F…
Year after Arizona strike, teacher walkouts and protests spread in US | 2019-04-30
Mass protests scheduled for North and South Carolina tomorrow are part of a renewed wave of planned strikes and demonstrations by educators, including in New York City, Chicago and Detroit.…
Dallas celebrates May Day 2019
Fight Back | | 2019-04-30
Dallas, TX – About 50 people gathered in Lake Cliff Park in Oak Cliff, Dallas to celebrate International Workers Day. The theme of the celebration was the resurgence of the strike in labor organizing, and recent victories for workers, such as the teachers' strikes. | Organizations present at the celebration included Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Migrante USA, Communist Party USA, Trans Pride Initiative, Communications Workers of America, International Marxist Tendency, and Workers World Party. Jo Hargis was the emcee of the celebration. The celebration opened with D…
Afghanistan, the Forgotten Proxy War
Janelle Velina | | 2019-04-30
July 3, 2019 marks the 40th anniversary of when the United States' first military assault against Afghanistan with the CIA-backed Mujahideen began. It would be a mistake to treat the present-day conflict as being separate from the U.S. intervention that …
Operaàßà£o Aliciaàßà£o das Mentes
Manlio Dinucci | | 2019-04-30
Cerca de 5.000 crianàßas e 212 adolescentes participaram, ontem em Pisa, no "Dia da Solidariedade" em memória do Major Nicola Ciardelli, da Brigada Folgore, que foi morto em 27 de Abril de 2006, num "terrível atentado" em Nassirya, durante a …
The Apparent Surge in America's Rate of Economic Growth (GDP): The Facts Behind the Hype
Dr. Jack Rasmus | | 2019-04-30
Last week's US GDP for the 1st quarter 2019 preliminary report (2 more revisions coming) registered a surprising 3.2% annual growth rate. It was forecast by all the major US bank research departments and independent macroeconomic forecasters to come in …
Just Another Spring in Progress?
Barbara Nimri Aziz | | 2019-04-30
My corner of New York's Catskill Mountains is shortly due to explode in green. Today however, it's brown, beige, russet and auburn: a wrapping of spindly trunks with naked branches cascading uphill draws my eyes to the horizon. I wait. …
Para sair da guerra, é necessário sair da NATO
Vladimir Kozin | | 2019-04-30
A Conferência Internacional dos membros de organizaàßàµes sem fins lucrativos (nà£o-governamentais), realizada em Abril deste ano, em Florenàßa, Itália, poderia permanecer fora do horizonte das personalidades políticas e governamentais, bem como dos representantes da comunicaàßà£o mediática, se nà£o fosse uma …
Per uscire dalla guerra, bisogna uscire dalla NATO
Vladimir Kozin | | 2019-04-30
La conferenza internazionale di membri di organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro (non governative) tenutasi nell'aprile di quest'anno a Firenze, in Italia, potrebbe rimanere al di fuori dal orizzonte di personalità politiche e governative, nonché dei rappresentanti dei media, se non …
Doubts at America's National Security Agency (NSA): Shelving a Mass Surveillance Program?
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-04-30
Earlier this year, Luke Murry, national security adviser for Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, revealed that the National Security Agency had been averse over the last six months to using the phone surveillance program that hoovers information from …
Iran Appeals Directly to Trump: Your Advisers Dragging You into War
Zero Hedge | | 2019-04-30
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told Chris Walls on Fox News Sunday that he believes President Trump's own advisers as well as Middle East allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel are "dragging the United States into a conflict" with …
US and NATO Attack Afghanistan and Iraq
Comitato No Nato | | 2019-04-30
The Following text is Section 5 of | The 70 Years of NATO: From War to War, : | by the Italian Committee No War No NATO | * | Documentation presented at the International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, Florence, April 7, …
Demographic Crisis: Russia to Facilitate the Granting of Russian Citizenship to Ukrainians
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-04-30
President Putin's proposal to make it easier for all Ukrainians to receive Russian citizenship represents a bold effort to court his country's civilizationally similar neighbors as "replacement migrants" and will lead to a competition with Russia's historical rival Poland for …
Blame Palestinians for Gaza
Philip Giraldi | | 2019-04-30
If you have read a recent New York Times op-ed entitled "Care about Gaza? Blame Hamas" written by none other than the White House "special representative for international negotiations" Jason Greenblatt you would understand that the misery being experienced by …
Climate Disruption Is Not Due to CO2
Prof. Claudia von Werlhof | | 2019-04-30
Professor Claudia von Werlhof wrote to Greta Thunberg. In this letter Von Werlhof tells that the disruption of the global climate is not due to CO2. | Following questions arose from this letter for Silvia Terribili, who asked von …
Humpty Dumpty Has Had a Great Fall. Reckless US Foreign Policy. Preemptive Nuclear War against Russia and China
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | | 2019-04-30
While the crazed and corrupt people who comprise the Democratic Party and US print and TV media continue to insist that Russiagate is real, a very real threat is emerging in Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. The threat arises …
Operazione conquista delle menti
Manlio Dinucci | | 2019-04-30
Circa 5.000 bambini e ragazzi di 212 classi hanno partecipato, ieri a Pisa, alla ´Giornata della Solidarietà ª in ricordo del maggiore Nicola Ciardelli della Brigata Folgore, rimasto ucciso il 27 aprile 2006 in un ´terribile attentato ª a Nassirya, durante la …
The BJP Proudly Compared India's "Anti-Terror" Strikes to "Israel's" and the US'
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-04-30
Watch Ed Miliband take John Humphrys to task over his imbecilic questions
Tracy Keeling | | 2019-04-30
Ed Miliband took Today programme host John Humphrys to task over his imbecilic questions on 30 April. The Doncaster North MP was on the show to talk about the climate catastrophe after announcing he'll serve on the Institute for Public Policy Research's (IPPR) Environmental Justice Commission. | Humphrys' interview style, however, left a lot to be desired. And Miliband debunked the host's moronic questioning without hesitation. | H…
Video: Haftar Forces Launch Push to Encircle Tripoli
South Front | | 2019-04-30
The new battle for Tripoli entered its fourth week. Since April 4, when Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar officially announced its Operation Flood of Dignity, the Libyan National Army (LNA) has reached Ayn Zara, but has not been able to capture …
"Self-destruction": Palestinians in East Jerusalem Forced to Demolish Own Homes
B'Tselem | | 2019-04-30
The year 2019 has seen a significant increase in the number of Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem who have had to demolish their own home, or part of it, after having built it without a permit. The residents elect this …
The Facts Behind the Hype: US GDP 1st Quarter 2019 Analysis
Jack Rasmus | | 2019-04-30
US GDP for the 1st quarter 2019 in its preliminary report (2 more revisions coming) registered a surprising 3.2% annual growth rate. It was forecast by all the major US bank research departments and independent macroeconomic forecasters to come in well below 2%. Some banks forecast as low as 1.1%. So why the big difference?One reason may be the problems with government data collection in the first quarter with the government shutdown that threw data collection into a turmoil. First preliminary issue of GDP stats are typically adjusted significantly in the second revision coming in future weeks. (The third revisio…
Erklà§rung Von Florenz. Fàºr Eine Internationale Nato-Austritts-Front
Comitato No Nato | | 2019-04-30
Die Gefahr eines gewaltigen Krieges, der durch den Einsatz von Atomwaffen das Ende der Menschheit bedeuten kà∂nnte, ist real und wà§chst, auch wenn sie von der àñffentlichkeit, die in Unkenntnis àºber diese unmittelbare Gefahr gehalten wird, nicht wahrgenommen wird. | Ein …
Remembering the Revelations of US Torture at Abu Ghraib
Muhammad Hussein | | 2019-04-30
The infamous Abu Ghraib prison complex in Iraq was revealed to be the centre of an extensive network run by the US military after the coalition's invasion of the country in 2003. Abuse and torture of largely innocent civilian Iraqi …
Otto anni dopo: la ´primaverizzazione ª dell'Algeria
Ahmed Bensaada | | 2019-04-30
Una densa folla, un'atmosfera festosa, giovani nel fiore degi anni, slogan incisivi, humor sottile e corrosivo, la foto di un'affascinante ballerina in posa per la posterità [1], giovani che passeggiano per le strade dopo il corteo, altri che baciano i | …
Fascism Is on the March. We Need Radical Education to Fight Back
Staff | | 2019-04-30
"We must believe in the Principle of Hope. A Marxist does not have the right to be a pessimist." –Ernst BlochSomething sinister and horrifying is happening to liberal democracies all over the globe. Democratic institutions, such as the independent media, schools, the legal system, certain financial institutions, and higher education are under siege worldwide. Some of the latest examples of this can be found in the resurgence of vigilantes and right-wing…
Angela Davis: I Would Like to Accept Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Award After BDS Controversy
Democracy Now! | | 2019-04-30
In February, Angela Davis returned to her hometown of Birmingham, Alabama. She originally planned the visit to receive the Fred L. Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award from the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, but the institute withdrew the award in January, soon after the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center sent a letter urging the board to reconsider honoring Davis due to her support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting the Israeli government and Israeli institutions. Facing swift and widespread outcry, the institute then reversed its decision and reinstated the award. While Angela Davis……
Student Parliament at Humboldt University condemns Jà∂rg Baberowski's right-wing think tank | 2019-04-30
The StuPa resolution condemns not only the right-wing historian's dictatorship project, but also the efforts of the university administration to stifle broad student opposition.…
International Workers Day to be celebrated in Chicago
Fight Back | | 2019-04-29
Chicago, IL — Freedom Road Socialist Organization will host a major celebration of International Workers Day, on May 2, 6 p.m. at the UE Hall, 37 S. Ashland. | A teachers and support staff strike is set to begin on May 1, and leaders of the strike will be participating in the event. | Other speakers at the May Day event will include Frank Chapman, Field Organizer of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression; Aurelius Raines, a Chicago Teachers Union leader in the charter school strike that starts May 1; Anne Kirkner, Co-President of the Graduate Employees Organization, fresh from their st…
The Malignant Nature of the Mueller Report and 2020 Election
Massoud Nayeri | | 2019-04-29
The publication of the Mueller report more than anything else confirmed that the working people in America are facing deeply divided and antagonistic "leadership" in Washington. The consequence of the 1% family feud over the Mueller report will be disastrous. …
Selected Articles: Terror Attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS
Global Research News | | 2019-04-29
A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer" | . | . | | | If, like us, this is …
"Progressive" 2020 Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Who Support Charter Schools
Shawgi Tell | | 2019-04-29
More writers, commentators, and researchers are increasingly reminding the public that a large number of democrats at all levels of government have long supported and promoted privately-operated charter schools that annually siphon billions of public dollars from thousands of over-tested and vilified public schools. The oft-repeated myth that the privatization and destruction of public education …
New Report Reveals US Sanctions Have Cost 40,000 Venezuelan Lives
Ricardo Vaz | | 2019-04-29
The Washington DC-based Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) published a report Thursday on the effects of US sanctions against Venezuela. | The 27-page paper was authored by economists Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs, who determined that sanctions have "inflicted very serious harm to human life" in Venezuela. | "The sanctions are depriving Venezuelans of lifesaving medicines, medical equipment, food, and other essential imports," Weisbrot, Co-Director of CEPR, said in a press release. For his part, Sachs added, "American s…
US Navy SEAL Officers Attempted to Cover Up Evidence of War Crimes
Josh Varlin | | 2019-04-29
Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, a US Navy SEAL awaiting a court-martial for war crimes charges, was systematically protected by his SEAL superiors for a year, a Navy investigation report covered by the New York Times reveals. Gallagher's trial …
Study: As Climate Crisis Has Worsened, So Has Global Economic Inequality
Staff | | 2019-04-29
In a new study out by Stanford researchers reviewing half a century of data, researchers found that as rich countries get richer, they also have more temperate climates and face less of the brunt of climate impacts…
Remembering Lyra McKee: A Funeral in Ireland Attended by Leo Varadkar, Michael Higgins, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn
Gwynne Dyer | | 2019-04-29
The Taoiseach (prime minister) of the Republic of Ireland Leo Varadkar and Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom both showed up on Wednesday in Belfast in Northern Ireland for the funeral of a young woman called Lyra McKee…
Assange: So Where Is the Swedish Warrant?
Craig Murray | | 2019-04-29
If the Swedish allegations against Julian Assange were genuine and not simply a ruse to arrest him for extradition to the United States, where is the arrest warrant now from Sweden and what are the charges? | Only the more minor …
Time Machine: Re-Visiting the Golden Age of Greek Science
Evaggelos Vallianatos | | 2019-04-29
I gave a lecture recently at the Hellenic Library at Bellflower, California. I spoke about the Antikythera Mechanism: a 2,200 years-old computer that predicted the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon and tracked the positions of the planets. This machine worked with gears, that is, scientific technology. This technology was so advanced it took…
It's Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda
Pedro Noguera | | 2019-04-29
It's Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda…
Student "lunch debt" skyrockets across the country. Here's how it works
Patrick Ostiguy | | 2019-04-29
Under a socialist system, food and education would no longer be luxuries or sources of debt, but guaranteed social rights…
Some 300,000 Venezuelan children in Colombia need humanitarian assistance; UNICEF looks to boost response funding
United Nations | | 2019-04-29
Without increased support, the health, education and well-being of at least 327,000 children from Venezuela living as migrants and refugees in Colombia will be in jeopardy, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned on Monday.
Filipino labor leaders speak in Boston
Fight Back | | 2019-04-29
Boston, MA — Workers and students packed into the office of Boston's Chinese Progressive Association on April 27 to hear labor activists from the Philippines speak about the state of working-class struggle in their country. The event, sponsored by the Boston chapter of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), featured speakers Raymond "Mong" Palatino and Ed Cubello. | Palatino is the chairperson of BAYAN, an alliance of Filipino progressive organizations, in metro Manila. He guided the crowd through a brief overview of the history of the Philippines, leading up to the current regime of Rodrigo Dut…
SPLC: Louisiana's title of incarceration capital of the world an opportunity for reform
Jamila Johnson, SPLC Senior Supervising Attorney | | 2019-04-26
Louisiana once again has the highest incarceration rate, imprisoning 719 of every 100,000 residents, according to a report released this week by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
All out this weekend: People's mobilization must continue to protect Venezuelan Embassy from illegal seizure
ANSWER Coalition | | 2019-04-26
We are calling for a full mobilization of all people of conscience to join us on Saturday, April 27 at 2: 00 p.m. at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C.
Friday's Daily Brief: UN chief in China, counter-terrorism, updates from Bangladesh, Mali and Mozambique
United Nations | | 2019-04-26
This Friday, we cover: the UN Secretary-General's message in China for sustainable development; the toll of a second cyclone in Mozambique; what UN officials saw first-hand in the Rohingya refugee camp of Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh; the impact of insecurity on education in Mali; and the importance of information-sharing in the fight against terrorism.
Haiti: US mercenaries caught moving $80M from Petrocaribe fund
pip.hinman | | 2019-04-26
Embattled President Jovenel MoàØse used United States' help in a poorly executed, but serious, effort to consolidate power writes Matthew Cole (The Intercept) and Kim Ives (Haiti Liberte). | Reprinted with permission of The Intercept. | *** | Most of the Americans arrived in Port-au-Prince from the United States by private jet early on the morning of February 16. They had packed the eight-passenger charter plane with a stockpile of semiautomatic rifles, handguns, Kevlar bulletproof vests and knives. Most had been p…
Student migrant faces deportation
pip.hinman | | 2019-04-25
Students, unionists and community members protested outside the immigration department on April 11 against the threatened deportation of Kinley Wangchuck, an 18-year-old hearing-impaired student who lives in Queanbeyan, NSW. | Wangchuck's family, who have lived in Australia for 7 years and are seeking permanent residency, was told in early April that their son did not meet Australia's migration health requirements and had to be deported as otherwise he would be a "financial burden" on the country. | Will Edwards from the National Union of Students (NUS) Disabilities Department called the protest, which als…
The Untold Story of the Nation's Biggest School Cheating Scandal (3/3)
Staff | | 2019-04-25
In part three, authors Shani Robinson and Anna Simonton argue a lack of efforts to confront poverty and excessive standardized testing continue to set up students to fail…
Los Angeles high school students lead rally for Yemen
Chakib Mouzaoui | | 2019-04-25
High school students organize the community in solidarity with Yemen.
Interview With Max Ajl: What Internationalist Green New Deal Would Look Like
Kevin Gosztola | | 2019-04-24
For the "Unauthorized Disclosure" weekly podcast, hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola are joined by Max Ajl, who is a doctoral student in development studies at Cornell University. He speaks to them from Tunisia, where he is conducting research on the environment and agriculture as it relates to decolonization and…