'We are one, we are back:' Global Strike for Climate 2 is planned for Friday
Ashley Curtin | nationofchange.org | 2019-05-22
Set to make history again, the youth is planning another international climate demonstration for this Friday. The Global Strike for Climate 2, under the organization of Greta Thunberg, who began the global climate action movement encouraging students to walk out of their classrooms to demand system change, said there are 1,351 climate strikes planned around the world. | In 110 countries, students and employees alike plan to walk out of class and work to advocate for climate justice. | The #climatestrike on March 15 had an estimated 1.6 million people demonstrate in 123 countries, but Friday's planned call to a…
Mortgaging their future: Millennials drowning in student debt
Michelle Zacarias | peoplesworld.org | 2019-05-22
McCarthyism in Israel: Left-wing professors targeted
Special to People's World | peoplesworld.org | 2019-05-22
A fascist Israeli organization announced Tuesday, May 14, that it has launched a new website listing Israeli university professors and lecturers who are "anti-Zionist and Leftists" and inviting students to file complaints about teachers who "preach anti-Israel rhetoric." The Im Tirzu movement said the McCarthyite website, "Know Your Professor," already lists 85 academics, among them members of …
Albright & Powell to Speak at Major International Education Conference: What Were They Thinking?
Mark Ashwill | counterpunch.org | 2019-05-22
The last time I used this subtitle was when I first wrote about the morally noxious appointment of Bob Kerrey as chairman of the Fulbright University Vietnam board of trustees in 2016. I had the exact same gut reaction to this message, which appeared in my inbox earlier this year: NAFSA (Association of International Educators*)…
RNs Applaud Reintroduction of Robin Hood Tax Act to Raise Money for Education, Health Care, and Vital Social Programs
commondreams.org | 2019-05-22
"High-Quality" Charter Schools Versus "Low-Quality" Charter Schools
Shawgi Tell | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-05-22
Charter school promoters want the public, especially poor, low-income, and vulnerable minority families who have long been exploited by the rich and their state, to believe that when it comes to nonprofit and for-profit charter schools the issue is really "high-quality" charter schools versus "low-quality" charter schools. We are told that we need more of …
Voltaire's Analysis of Chinese Civilization. A Model for a "Better Europe"
Prof. Dr. Gjergj Sinani | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
The following text by Professor Gjergj Sinani of the University of Tirana, Albania, was presented at the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations, programme organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, May 15-16, 2019 | *** | Voltaire is …
Trump's So-Called "Conscience Rule" Would Allow Dangerous Discrimination Against Marginalized Patients, State AGs Say
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-05-22
Denouncing the Trump administration's rule to protect so-called "conscience rights in healthcare" as an attack on reproductive rights and marginalized patients, two dozen states and cities filed a complaint against the Health and Human Services Department and demanded that the rule be lifted. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files……
Ecuador: Retirees Demand Gov't Pay Their Pensions
telesurenglish.net | 2019-05-22
Hundreds of Ecuadorean pensioners from the public sector took to the streets of Quito on Wednesday to demand Lenin Moreno's government the payment of their severance pensions that have been in default since 2008. | RELATED: | Lenin Moreno's 'Social Deal' Could Raise Retirement Age to 70 | "It is preferable to die fighting than to go begging," the coordinator of the Federation of Retirees of Ecuador, Galo Bacca, said while announcing that the affected retired teachers and health wor…
Teaching Tolerance magazine explores social justice educators' use of social media
splcenter.org | 2019-05-22
José Vilson co-founded the EduColor collective the same year that George Zimmerman — who fatally shot unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin — was acquitted of murder, and #BlackLivesMatter was born.
Teachers strike in New Haven School District, Northern California
wsws.org | 2019-05-22
The California Teachers Association is sponsoring a #RedForEd "Day of Action" at the state capital of Sacramento on Wednesday.
Union, BlueGreen Alliance leaders unveil "green energy" plan at hearings
Mark Gruenberg | peoplesworld.org | 2019-05-22
WASHINGTON –Nine top union leaders, including Steelworkers President Leo Gerard, Teachers President Randi Weingarten, and Communications Workers President Chris Shelton, unveiled a comprehensive and detailed "Green Energy" plan as Congress opened hearings on the issue on May 22. The labor-environmental BlueGreen Alliance also supports it. Their plan came as the House Energy and Commerce Committee …
A civilizaàßà£o moderna à prova
Amir Nour | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
"Nà£o sei com que armas será disputada a terceira guerra mundial, mas a quarta guerra mundial será travada com paus e pedras" (Albert Einstein)[2] | Alerta vermelho num mundo ambivalente | Tendo em vista a sua ediàßà£o de 2018, a …
Labeled 'No Vacation Nation,' US Still Lags Behind Other Wealthy Countries in Giving Workers Paid Holidays
Julia Conley, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-05-22
As the U.S. prepares to celebrate Memorial Day, the Center for Economic and Policy Research released a report Wednesday revealing that the U.S. has made little improvement in guaranteeing paid vacation for workers—falling far behind other wealthy countries. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files……
"The Betrayal of America". Review of Elias Davidson's Book on 9/11
Dr. Ludwig Watzal | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
The events of September 11, 2001, are still unexposed. Instead, the world has narrated a story within 13 minutes that Osama bin Laden was the supposed mastermind, and after 24 hours, the "facts" were set in stone by a congressional …
Video: The Coming War on China. Documentary
John Pilger | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
The Coming War on China (2016) is John Pilger's 60th film for ITV. | Pilger reveals what the news doesn't — that the world's greatest military power, the United States, and the world's second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, are on …
Do Iranian 'Threats' Signal Organized U.S.-Israel Subterfuge?
Gareth Porter | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
President Donald Trump's national security team has been leaking "intelligence" about Iranian threats for a week now in an attempt to justify escalating tensions, including moving American air attack assets to the Persian Gulf. But a closer look suggests …
Haiti: The Unsustainable Presidency
Nancy Roc | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
If the parting of the Red Sea is one of the most dramatic episodes in the Old Testament, Haiti's Moses will not be saved by a miracle; on the contrary, he's about to drown the nation with the support of …
62 Organizations to U.S. Congress: Pass Legislation to Halt a "March to War" with Iran
NIAC Action | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
In light of President Trump and John Bolton's dangerous escalations against Iran and a forthcoming intelligence briefing on Capitol Hill this afternoon, 62 organizations — including J Street, Indivisible, NIAC Action and Win Without War — sent a letter calling …
"MuellerGate", A Report Review: Who Cooked Up the "RussiaGate" Conspiracy"?
Ann Garrison | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
We need a bipartisan Muellergate investigation to determine who cooked up the Russiagate conspiracy that has taken over US foreign policy and driven American political discourse from idiotic to imbecilic. | However, in the schreechfest that our domestic politics has become, …
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Will Not be Thwarted by BLA Terrorist Threats
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
The so-called "Balochistan Liberation Army" (BLA) issued a video ultimatum over the weekend calling on China to cancel the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) or face the consequences of more terrorist attacks against its interests in the Pakistani province that pivotally …
U.S. Immigration Officials' Continued Medical Neglect Leads to Child's Death
Physicians for Human Rights | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
Following the fifth death of a child in U.S. custody in recent months, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) is renewing its call for the immediate release of all detained children to community-based settings, access to independent medi…
US Complicity in Israel's Violations of International Law
James J. Zogby | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
Last week, I addressed a United Nations Security Council meeting on "Israeli settlements". Because I knew other speakers, experts and diplomats, would address the illegality of Israeli settlements, the economic and human rights impact on the Palestinian people and the …
Dear Global Research Readers, Your Support Is Essential
The Global Research Team | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
Dear Readers, | Our team works tirelessly day in, day out, to promote peace and a world without war. Currently, however, peace is not a money making endeavour. Without financial support from our readers, we are faced with a monthly deficit….
The Iraqi National Museum of Modern Art: Journey of Destruction
Ali I. al-Dulaimi | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
A glimpse of the plastic arts in Iraq | The contemporary Iraqi plastic art is considered to be the legitimate heir of the ancient Iraqi civilizations of Sumer and Babylon. Relics have beem found indicating that the Iraqi craftsman is the …
The Trump Administration "Panicked over Nothing". Pompeo Exaggerated Claims. "Do They Think We are Stupid"
Daniel Larison | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
The Trump administration's overhyped claims of an increased Iranian threat went over like a lead balloon with allied officials this week: | A NATO military intelligence official who was briefed on Pompeo's claims about increased Iranian aggression in the Middle East | …
Bombing Black People: The Philadelphia Police's War on MOVE
Michael Welch | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
Military Spending: The "Great Power Competition"
Oriental Review | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
Researchers at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) have concluded that military spending is skyrocketing around the world. According to a report published by the institute in April, the world spent $1.8 trillion on military expenditure in 2018 (2.1 …
The World Would be Much Safer if President Trump Replaced Bolton and Pompeo
Richard H. Black | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-22
It is still uncertain whether the United States will go to war with Iran or not, according to the Virginia State Senator Richard Hayden Black. | According to Senator Richard Hayden Black, the world would be much safer if the …
How Johns Hopkins' Influence Haunts Baltimore (2/2)
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-05-21
In part two, Antero Pietila, author of "The Ghosts Of Johns Hopkins," discusses recent protests by students, community members and Hopkins employees over the institution's relationship with…
New Orleans Argues Whether an All-Charter City Can Be Truly Democratic
Emmanuel Felton | thenation.com | 2019-05-21
New Orleans Argues Whether an All-Charter City Can Be Truly Democratic…
Chicago Teachers Union members re-elects CORE slate to leadership
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-05-21
Chicago, IL – Members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) voted May 19 to re-elect the Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE) leadership slate, headed by President Jesse Sharkey, Vice President Stacy Davis Gates, Financial Secretary Maria Moreno, and Recording Secretary Christel Williams Hayes. The result was 66% for CORE, 34% for the challengers. | The contested election underscores the internal democracy inside the CTU, in which debates about the direction and functioning of the union took place in school meetings across the city, in member forums on the internet, and in the union's governing body, the House…
Sick teachers forced to pay for own substitutes
Evelyn Martinez | liberationnews.org | 2019-05-21
At a time when teachers are struggling to find ways to continue living in the most unaffordable city in the country, they are expected to pay for their own substitute teacher after they use up their sick days.
Rand Corp: come abbattere la Russia
Manlio Dinucci | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-21
Costringere l'avversario a estendersi eccessivamente per sbilanciarlo e abbatterlo: non è una mossa di judo ma il piano contro la Russia elaborato dalla Rand Corporation, il più influente think tank Usa che, con uno staff di migliaia di esperti, si …
Breaking: Federal Judge Orders Release of Trump's Tax Returns
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-21
On May 10, House Dem Ways and Means Committee chairman Richard Neal subpoenaed Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and IRS commissioner Charles Rettig to release Trump's personal tax returns for the 2013-18 period, along with other returns for several of his …
Risk of Nuclear War Now Highest Since World War 2: UN
telesurenglish.net | 2019-05-21
A nuclear doomsday looms closer as the risk of atomic war is at its highest since World War Two, a senior United Nations (U.N.) arms expert said on Tuesday, calling it an "urgent" issue that the world should take more seriously. | RELATED: | China Won't Discuss Trilateral Nuclear Disarmament Deal | The Director of the U.N. Institute for Disarmament Research ( UNIDIR), Renata Dwan, warned that all states with nuclear weapons are pushing for weapon mo…
Tulsi Gabbard: "I Don't" Buy Report that Iran Wants to Strike U.S. Forces, Trump Looking for "Pretext" for War
Rep Tulsi Gabbard | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-21
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic presidential candidate, said she doesn't buy reports saying Iran poses a new threat to U.S. personnel in Iraq in an interview Sunday with ABC's "This Week." | *** | GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You resigned your DNC post …
US Navy wants to create archive of 350 BILLION social media posts for 'research' purposes
rt.com | 2019-05-21
The US Navy is seeking to create an archive that will store no less than 350 billion social media posts, as part of the military branch's "research efforts" into "modes of collective expression." | …
Forevergate: The Pernicious Persistence of the Russian Collusion Delusion. The Trump-Putin Fairy Tale
William Hawes | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-21
The official investigation into Russian collusion is over, after three harrowing, nerve-wracking years. I kid, of course. After endless news cycles, and various non-stories and wild-goose chases disseminated by mainstream media, one would think the country could move on. Yet …
Dueling Agendas: Russia and China v. the US
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-21
Sino/Russian and US geopolitical agendas are world's apart. Together with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi last week, Sergey Lavrov said the following: |…
Selected Articles: Backlash in US-China Trade War. China Defies Sanctions against Iran
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-21
A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer". | . | . | | | If, like us, this is …
Challenging Orthodoxies: Alabama's Anti-Abortion Law
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2019-05-21
It seems like a grand ploy of massive distraction. On the surface, the move by Alabama to place the most onerous restrictions on the granting of an abortion has become a lighting-rod of conviction for Democrat agitators. And not just …
What's Trending: Black News Recap
Vanessa Mbonu@naacpnet | naacp.org | 2019-05-20
Washington Post: Billionaire Robert F. Smith pledges to pay off Morehouse College Class of 2019‚Ä≤s student loans Smith told the graduates how he launched his lucrative career. He gave them wise words on grit and success. Then he deviated from his prepared remarks. "My family is going to create a grant to …
Bernie's Plan to Save Public Schools
Nikhil Goyal | thenation.com | 2019-05-20
Bernie's Plan to Save Public Schools…
Trump Appointees Refuse to Say They Support Brown v. Board of Education
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-05-20
65 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 to end school segregation. Now Trump's appointees to the federal bench and Department of Justice refuse to say they support it. What does the future hold?
Scientists against the machine
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-05-20
Jane Shallice examines the history of radical research at the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science. | Source…
'Coordinated anti-Trump campaign' on Instagram found by data analytics firm
rt.com | 2019-05-20
Italian researchers have uncovered what they called a "coordinated social media operation"on Instagram intended to undermine US President Donald Trump, with many identical posts using hashtags like #ihatetrump and #ImpeachTrump. | …
Pseudo-Socialist Bernie Sanders Finally Opposes Charter Schools
Shawgi Tell | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-05-19
After wavering and making confusing statements about charter schools three years ago when he was running for President, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who is running for President again, finally came out and issued a broad education plan on May 18, 2019 which, among other things, opposes charter schools. Part two of Sanders' ten-part "Thurgood Marshall …
New Abortion Laws 'Go Against Common Sense'
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-05-19
Conservatives have launched a new attack on abortion rights, which go against both medical science and common sense, says Anoa Changa, but the point is to bring the issue to the new conservative Supreme Court majority…
City College of SF students rally against new funding formula
Claudia Drdul | liberationnews.org | 2019-05-17
It is no secret that community colleges across the United States are home to students from working-class backgrounds.