(2019-01-29). Learning from Gandhi. 'The People's Charter to Create a Nonviolent World'. globalresearch.ca Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869: 150 years ago this year. | There will be many tributes to Gandhi published in 2019 so I would like to add one of my own. | This reflects not just my belief …
(2019-01-29). Statistics of 1,400 Days of the Saudi-led Coalition War on Yemen. globalresearch.ca Ein Insaniah Center for Rights and Development in Sanaa on Wednesday released the latest statistics that included the number of civilian casualties during the 1400 days of the Saudi-led coalition war on Yemen, as well as the loss of infrastructure …
(2019-01-29). Executives at Davos Are Eager for Automation. truthdig.com Donald Trump has often mentioned bringing back manufacturing jobs, 5.5 million of which were lost in the U.S. from 2000 to 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But while the president blames trade deals for the job losses, economic experts and officials, including from the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, see another culprit: the rise in automation, with machines taking over positions tha…
(2019-01-29). Venezuela: What Activists Need to Know About the US-led Coup. globalresearch.ca Two things stand out about the US coup in Venezuela. First, it is unusually open. Typically, the US tries to hide its coups. Second, the coup is built on a series of obvious falsehoods, yet the bi-partisans in Washington, with …
(2019-01-29). Overcoming Divide and Conquer Propaganda to Unite the American People. globalresearch.ca The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated… obstacles and adversity fuel our potential. Here's my first audio podcast… 2 hours to get things started, so much vital info to share while on the trail of our missing trillions……
(2019-01-29). Canada Joins with Imperial 'Mafia' to Threaten Venezuela. globalresearch.ca Most Canadians think of their country as a force for good in the world, but recent efforts by Justin Trudeau's government to overthrow Venezuela's elected government have once again revealed the ugly truth about the Great White North. We …
(2019-01-29). NewsGuard: A Neoconservative Contrivance Which Promotes an Establishment View. globalresearch.ca There's a new thought policeman in town. He calls himself NewsGuard and he promises to restore "Trust and Accountability" to what one reads online. His website elaborates that "NewsGuard uses journalism to fight false news, misinformation, and disinformation. Our trained …
(2019-01-29). UN Security Council Face-Off on Venezuela. globalresearch.ca The Trump regime launched an old-fashioned coup d'etat attempt to gain another imperial trophy — what it's done scores of times before since the 19th century. | Key for the US is controlling what it's coveted since Hugo Chavez's election …
(2019-01-29). How the West Weaponizes Refugees It Creates. globalresearch.ca The only thing more sinister than intentionally creating refugees, is weaponizing them as leverage to further coerce nations and advance hegemonic ambitions. | The United States and its allies have done both extensively — from exploiting the flow of refugees fleeing …
(2019-01-29). Video: Kurdish Leadership at Crossroads Between Turkey and Assad. globalresearch.ca On January 25, hundreds of Kurdish protesters stormed a Turkish military base near the northern Iraqi city of Dahuk in response to Turkish airstrikes that killed two Kurdish civilians on January 23. According to the pro-Kurdish NRT TV, Turkish soldiers …
(2019-01-29). Crises of Governance Escalates in Western Capitalist States. Trump, Macron, May. globalresearch.ca France has once again been the scene of the "gilet jaunes" (yellow vests) demonstrations against the worsening social conditions of workers under the neo-liberal policies of La Republique en Marche government of President Emmanuel Macron. | Protests on January 26 attracted …
(2019-01-29). Trump's Venezuela Fiasco. globalresearch.ca Last week President Trump announced that the United States would no longer recognize Nicolas Maduro as president of Venezuela and would recognize the head of its national assembly, Juan Guaido, as president instead. US thus openly backs regime change. …
(2019-01-29). The CIA Then and Now: Old Wine in New Bottles. globalresearch.ca "And as the flames climbed high into the night | To light the sacrificial rite | I saw Satan laughing with delight | The day the music died" | — Don McLean, "American Pie" | The Nazis had a name for their propaganda and mind-control …
(2019-01-29). Venezuela, and Canada's Duplicitous Criminality. globalresearch.ca Socialism isn't the problem. The problem in Venezuela is the cancer of Western-supported deep state agencies that are subverting its political economy for the perceived benefit of a tiny transnational oligarch class. | The same agencies which helped to renovate the …
(2019-01-29). The History — and Hypocrisy — of US Meddling in Venezuela. globalresearch.ca There isn't a nation in the Western Hemisphere that hasn't at one time or another found itself caught in the far-reaching tentacles of US imperialism. Venezuela is certainly no exception. Washington has been meddling in its internal affairs since the …
(2019-01-29). US Caught Helping ISIS Commanders Escape from Taliban Prison in Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca A large number of prisoners, all of them senior members of Daesh (also ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group, broke out of a Taliban prison in northwest Afghanistan after US troops helped them escape through a covert operation. | According to Tasnim …
(2019-01-29). Will The Planet Recover from Nuclear and Climate Assaults to Flourish Again? globalresearch.ca Around 66 million years ago a city-sized asteroid crashed into south-eastern Mexico, finally leaving behind it a crater almost 100 miles in diameter. The asteroid collided with a force of about one billion atomic bombs, such as the one dropped …
(2019-01-29). The Experimental PolyMet Copper Sulfide Mine in Minnesota, the St Louis River, Lake Superior, and the Recent Brazilian Environmental Catastrophes. globalresearch.ca "ALL tailings 'ponds' are a problem. If they don't breach and spill massive amounts of toxic sludge into the environment like at Mount Polley, they leach that contamination slowly, poisoning the waters and lands (and aquifers) around them for centuries." …
(2019-01-29). Video: Eva Golinger on Venezuela: 'Regime Change & Domination Are Bipartisan US Policies!" globalresearch.ca Afshin Rattansi speaks to Eva Golinger about the US' ongoing attempts at regime change in Venezuela to replace President Nicolas Maduro with Juan Guaido. | She discusses the history of US regime change in Veneuela and Latin America, the Maduro premiership …
(2019-01-29). Headlines for January 29, 2019. democracynow.org U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Venezuela in Latest Challenge to Maduro, White House Raises Specter of Military Intervention in Venezuela, CBO: Gov't Shutdown Caused $3 Billion Permanent Loss to Economy, Joshua Tree Damage from Shutdown Could Take 300 Years to Recover, DOJ Charges Huawei with Bank Fraud, Seeks CFO's Extradition, Yemen: Attack on Camp Kills 8 Civilians as Ceasefire Is Delayed, Polar Vortex Hits Midwest, Bringing Dangerous Conditions, Senate Advances Anti-BDS Bill, Acting AG: Mueller Probe "Close to Being Completed", Virginia Teachers Protest for Fair Wages and Education Funding, Immigrant Rights Activis…
(2019-01-29). AGO proposes nationwide raids on books containing 'banned ideas'. mronline.org Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo is proposing that massive raids be carried out to hunt down books which contain communist teachings and banned ideologies. The proposal was made after the seizure of hundreds of books around the country allegedly containing "banned ideas". — Taufiq Siddiq, Jakarta "I'm proposing that if possible, yes massive raids be carried […] | Source
(2019-01-29). School district threatened to call ICE on striking Denver teachers. fightbacknews.org Denver, CO – Denver Public Schools, in a recent letter to Denver teachers, threatened to call immigration authorities on immigrant teachers if they go on strike. This communication was in response to the teachers, represented by the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), voting overwhelmingly to strike for fair pay, with 93% of members voting in favor of industrial action on January 23. | On January 24, the Human Services Department of Denver Public Schools (DPS) sent out a letter threatening immigrant teachers who were on work visas, that they would be reported to the immigration authorities if they strik…
(2019-01-29). Coming Off LA Strike Victory, a New Wave of Teacher Protests Takes Hold. theintercept.com #RedforEd, the national teacher-led movement that started last year, continues to flex its muscles. On the heels of a successful six-day strike in Los Angeles, teachers in Virginia, Colorado, and elsewhere in California are voicing their demands for better working conditions, and, in some cases, threatening to strike. | On Monday, thousands of public school teachers flooded into Richmond, Virginia, for a one-day demonstration to pressure state lawmakers to increase funding for public education. The Richmond day of action was organized by a grassroots educator group, Virginia Educators United. It came after about…
(2019-01-29). Virginia teachers protest education cuts. wsws.org Several thousand teachers and public school support staff gathered in protest at Virginia's State Assembly building in Richmond Monday.
(2019-01-29). "The Onslaught of ChinaGate": Prof. Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca Prominent billionaire George Soros has launched an attack on China's President Xi Jinping in his annual speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He warned that artificial intelligence and machine learning presented 'unprecedented danger' and 'a mortal threat …
(2019-01-29). Indiana school superintendent arrested, charged with fraud for using insurance to help sick student. wsws.org The arrest of Casey Smitherman has illuminated the wretched living conditions the working class confronts in Indiana and across the US.
(2019-01-29). New punitive "accountability" measures being imposed on Michigan teachers. wsws.org In Betsy DeVos's home state, school privatization interests have carried out a record level of education de-funding, now accompanied by punitive "accountability" measures designed to destroy public education.
(2019-01-29). Venezuela, golpe dello Stato profondo. globalresearch.ca L'annuncio del presidente Trump, che riconosce Juan Guaidà≤ ´legittimo presidente ª del Venezuela è stato preparato in una cabina di regia sotterranea all'interno del Congresso e della Casa Bianca. La descrive dettagliatamente il New York Times (26 gennaio). Principale operatore è …
(2019-01-29). China: Founder of human rights website jailed for five years. amnesty.org | Responding to the five-year prison sentence imposed by a Chinese court against Liu Feiyue, founder of human rights website "Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch, for "inciting subversion of state power", Patrick Poon, China Researcher at Amnesty International, commented: | "Today's deplorable verdict against L…
(2019-01-29). The Fight for Quality Education. indybay.org South Berkeley Senior Center | 2939 Ellis St, Berkeley…
(2019-01-29). Venezuela, o golpe do 'Estado Profundo'. globalresearch.ca O anúncio do Presidente Trump, que reconhece Juan Guaidó "presidente legítimo" da Venezuela, foi preparado numa cabine de direcàßà£o subterrânea, no interior do Congresso e da Casa Branca. Descreve detalhadamente o 'New York Times' (26 de Janeiro). O operador principal …
(2019-01-29). Trudeau Pushes Trump's Regime Change in Venezuela. therealnews.com Why is Canada violating the UN Charter and leading the way for regime change in Venezuela? Paul Jay and Yves Engler join Sharmini Peries
(2019-01-29). Dr Jay L. Zagorsky: "In a cashless economy, the poor tend to suffer" indybay.org As the push towards the abolition of cash grows stronger, Doctor Jay Zagorsky, Professor and researcher at Ohio State University and Boston University, reminds policy-makers that the poorer segments of the population are also the ones who tend to rely the most on cash, and hints at the threat they are under, as banks push for cash to be eliminated.
(2019-01-28). US Economy Suffers Loss of US$3B Over Government Shutdown. telesurenglish.net The recent U.S. government shutdown will cost the economy some US$3 billion, congressional researchers said Monday as 800,000 federal employees returned to work after 35 days without pay. | RELATED: | Voter Disillusionment with Trump Spreads: New Poll | The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the cost of the shutdown would make the U.S. economy 0.02 percent…
(2019-01-28). Some early lessons from the Los Angeles teachers strike. mronline.org Corporate media absolutely won't tell you this, but this year's Los Angeles teachers strike is the latest chapter in the long running struggle against the privatization of public education in the U.S | Source
(2019-01-28). 'When You Take Healthcare Away From People, People Die' – CounterSpin interview with Rebecca Vallas on Medicaid under attack. fair.org Janine Jackson interviewed Rebecca Vallas about Trump's attack on Medicaid for the January 18, 2019, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. | Media…
(2019-01-28). China: Disgraceful 4 and a half years prison term for human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang. amnesty.org | Responding to the 4 and a half years prison sentence handed down by a Chinese court to human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang, who was found guilty of "subverting state power", Doriane Lau, China Researcher at Amnesty International, commented: | "Today's verdict is a gross injustice. It's outrageous that Wang Quanzhang is being punished for peacefully standing up for human rights in China.
(2019-01-28). India: Striking Tamil Nadu teachers and government employees defy state repression. wsws.org In an attempt to break the strike, the state government has arrested hundreds of teachers who face charges of unlawful assembly and other bogus allegations.
(2019-01-28). Colorado Labor Department blocks Denver teachers' strike. wsws.org After a 93 percent vote last week for strike action by 5,600 Denver teachers, the state of Colorado has intervened to prevent the walkout.
(2019-01-27). Duke University professor warns students of 'consequences' for speaking Chinese. rt.com A Duke University professor has stepped down, after an email in which she warned Chinese students to speak English on campus or face "unintended consequences" went viral.
(2019-01-26). 'It Is a Disgrace That Our Public Schools Are So Poorly Funded' – CounterSpin interview with Kent Wong on LA teachers strike. fair.org Janine Jackson interviewed Kent Wong about the Los Angeles teachers strike (since settled) for the January 18, 2019, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. | Media…
(2019-01-25). South Dakota Rejects Restrictions on Trans Athletes. hrw.org | | Rainbow flags for sale are photographed on June 24, 2017. | © 2017 Reuters | South Dakota lawmakers have rejected a bill which would have barred transgender students from participating in athletics consistent with their gender identity. | The ACLU and other organizations spoke out against the bill, with the South Dakota High School Activities Association, the Association of School Boards in South Dakota, the South Dakota Education Associa…
(2019-01-25). Richard Ojeda Drops Out of Presidential Race. theintercept.com Former West Virginia State Sen. Richard Ojeda ended his long-shot presidential bid on Friday. A leader of the state's teachers strikes last year, Ojeda concluded that the campaign ultimately wasn't winnable and told his supporters that he could no longer ask people to contribute money to a cause he thought was lost. | "I don't want to see people send money to a campaign that's probably not going to get off the ground," he said in a video he recorded and provided to The Intercept and The Young Turks. | Hints that he was picking up momentum were strong, he said in an accompanying statement, but not strong enough. "
(2019-01-25). When Teachers Win the People Win & Put Privatization on the Run. therealnews.com LA Teacher's strike shows that unions can win more support for students and can open a battle against the unchecked creation of charter schools. Arlene Inouye, the Chair of the UTLA Bargaining Team discusses the result
(2019-01-24). Headlines for January 24, 2019. democracynow.org Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Attempting to Engineer Coup, Competing Senate Bills to End Government Shutdown Unlikely to Pass, Federal Workers Flood Senate Office Building to Protest Shutdown, Trump to Delay State of the Union Address Until Shutdown Ends, Witness: El Chapo's Sons Murdered Mexican Journalist Javier Valdez, Brazil: Son of President Bolsonaro Linked to Criminal Syndicate, Iowa Anti-Abortion Law Struck Down as New York Pro-Choice Bill Passes, Michael Cohen Cancels Congressional Testimony, Citing Trump's Threats, House Committee to Probe White House Handling of Security Clearances, U.S. Climate Science Ha…
(2019-01-24). Education Finally Gets Global Attention. hrw.org | Today, the global community marks the first International Day of Education. | For students, teachers, and organizations that support children's right to education, it's been a long time coming. Since the 1990s, activists have mobilized to try and ensure education gets more attention globally and nationally. The United Nations hopes to use this day to highlight education's fundame…
(2019-01-23). Safer Schools for Whom? progressive.org The Trump Administration's "safety" recommendations would make schools less safe for black students.
(2019-01-23). SPLC: Florida Legislature should reject proposals in Parkland commission report that would threaten school safety and undermine student privacy. splcenter.org The Florida Legislature should reject the harmful recommendations in a report from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission that would threaten, not improve, school safety.
(2019-01-23). "This Was About the Survival of Public Education": LA Teachers Claim Victory After Week-Long Strike. democracynow.org Public school teachers in Los Angeles are returning to classrooms today after approving an agreement to end a historic 6-day strike. The strike was the first in Los Angeles in three decades. It came after more than 20 months of strained negotiations between the union—United Teachers Los Angeles—and the school district. The strike effectively shut down Los Angeles Unified, the nation's second largest school district. On Tuesday morning, union leaders and Los Angeles city officials announced that they had reached a deal on a new contract. After a vote, the union announced Tuesday night that the contract…
(2019-01-23). Headlines for January 23, 2019. democracynow.org Senators to Vote on Competing Funding Bills as Gov't Shutdown Drags On, Federal Agencies Call Out Consequences of Gov't Shutdown, SCOTUS Green-Lights Trump Ban on Transgender Servicemembers, SCOTUS Will Not Take on Trump's DACA Challenge For Now, SCOTUS to Hear Case Backed by Gun Advocates, DOJ Asks SCOTUS to Review Census Citizenship Case, GOP Considers "Nuclear Option" to Confirm Trump-Nominated Judges, L.A. Teachers End Strike After Agreeing to Contract Deal, Zimbabwe: Popular Protests Met with Violence by Military, Sudan: Authorities Crack Down on Press and Protesters, Venezuela: VP Pence Calls for Overthrow…