Monthly Archives: January 2019

2019-01-19: News Headlines

Chris Brooks (2019-01-19). LA Parents Standing with Striking Teachers. The more the charters grow, the more money they drain from the public schools budget… and the worse the budget looks, the more the district can justify saving money by squashing even more students into a class…

aljazeera (2019-01-19). Traditional West Bank pottery survives despite occupation. In the occupied West Bank, generations of Palestinians continue to teach glass and ceramic-making to their children but selling their popular wares has become more difficult.

F. William Engdahl (2019-01-19). Monsanto/Bayer Giant Moving to "Genome Edit" Fruits and More. Not surprising, Monsanto, today hidden behind the Bayer logo, as the world leader in patented GMO seeds and the probable carcinogenic Roundup herbicide with glyphosate, is attempting to quietly patent genetically modified or GMO varieties of fruits using controversial gene-editing. …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-01-19). Spy Theories and the White House: Donald Trump as Russian Agent. The level of absurdity in US politics has now reached such vertigo inducing levels as to render all manner of things permissible. Contact with the unwashed implies collaboration; discussion with the enemy implies assent. To go to a dinner party …

teleSUR (2019-01-19). Released Emails Show NYPD Spied on Black Lives Matter. Hundreds of recently released New York Police Department (NYPD) emails show the extent of efforts officers in the city took to closely monitor activists during Black Lives Matter protests that took hold in the city after the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown at the hands of police officers in New York City and Ferguson, Missouri, respectively. | RELATED: | LA Teachers Launch Strike in US Second Largest School District | Internal emails obtained by attorney M.J. Williams thr…

Larry Chin (2019-01-19). CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair. The fact is, there is nothing to "respect" and everything to condemn about Barr's work as a key inner circle operative throughout George H. W. Bush's rise to power. It is a sobering fact that many US presidents have gone out of their way to hire fixers to be their attorney generals.

William Edstrom (2019-01-19). US Crimes against Humanity. The People of Nicaragua. I am writing to request that both the 1) member states of the UN General Assembly and 2) member states of the Security Council hold hearings, debate and vote on an effective plan of action against various crimes that have …

Manlio Dinucci (2019-01-19). VIDEO — Das "Groàüe Spiel" der Milità§rbasen in Afrika. Italienische Soldaten im Einsatz in Dschibuti haben der humanità§ren Organisation, die den Flàºchtlingen in diesem winzigen Land am Horn von Afrika hilft, Nà§hmaschinen angeboten. Es befindet sich in einer strategischen Position an der wichtigsten Handelsroute Asien-Europa, an der Màºndung des …

Fight Back (2019-01-19). Massive show of union power on day 5 of UTLA strike. Los Angeles, CA – Day five of UTLA teachers strike started with citywide enthusiastic picketing at all LAUSD schools, January 18. The night before, parents held a protest outside the home of former Wall Street banker and school Superintendent Austin Beutner. Parents were angered that the LA police department showed up in full force to protect the representative of the super rich. Beutner is pushing a plan to "reimagine LAUSD" – a cover for dismantling and privatizing LAUSD. Leading a misinformation campaign, Beutner has misled parents about student absences. In the media, Beutner is making proposals while belittl…

Marjorie Orellana (2019-01-19). Why I Stand With UTLA's Fight for Teachers, Families and Children. LA teachers are asking for much more than a modest and well-deserved pay raise for themselves. They are advocating for the rights of children and families in a public education system that has been severely eroded over the years since I left the classroom.

Edward Curtin (2019-01-19). We Need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth. First published on MLK day 2018 | As Martin Luther King's birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole. Across the country — in response to the King Holiday and Service Act passed …

E Hanzai (2019-01-19). The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World's Most Evil Corporation" First published by Waking Times, posted by Global Research in May 2014, this article provides a historical viewpoint. It is of particular relevance in relation to the Monsanto-Bayer merger. Monsanto-Bayer is relentlessly pushing the Worldwide adoption of glyphosate, which is …

Sarah Jaffe (2019-01-19). The Radical Organizing that Paved the Way for LA's Teacher's Strike. The Radical Organizing that Paved the Way for LA's Teacher's Strike…

Shane Quinn (2019-01-19). Trump Driving Doomsday Clock Towards Midnight. Next Thursday, 24 January, should the atomic scientists push forward the Doomsday Clock, it will be a third successive year it has progressed towards midnight (apocalypse). The Doomsday Clock is currently set at two minutes to midnight, as advanced a …

Gilbert Mercier (2019-01-19). Neofascist Push for Europe's Implosion Is Not in EU Members National Interest. The European Union is under numerous existential threats. On one hand, there are the internal threats, with the rise to power of the so-called nationalist-populist eurosceptics — which are in reality racist neofascists — in Austria, Hungary, Poland, and to …

RT (2019-01-19). #ExposeChristianSchools: Twitter erupts over Pence's defense of Christian schools. The US vice president has come under fire for defending his wife's teaching appointment to an anti-LGBTQ Christian school. Mike Pence said attacks on Christian schools need to stop, sparking a huge debate on Twitter.

Shared by Merula Furtado (2019-01-19). What's Next for Public Education in 2019. Day after day this week, the streets of Los Angeles hosted an increasingly familiar sight: a wave of striking teachers and their supporters clad in red, marching to strengthen public education by demanding smaller classes, reductions in high-stakes testing, better pay and more support staff. Defying the rain for multiple days of their strike, they held signs declaring themselves "ON STRIKE FOR OUR STUDENTS," implicitly affirming that the #RedForEd movement revived by striking teachers in 2018 remains alive and well in 2019, too. | From surges in teacher organizing to Trump administration attacks on students' s…

Shared by Samantha Borek (2019-01-19). The Shutdown Will Harm the Health and Safety of Americans, Even After It's Ended. With the US federal government shutdown now the longest in history, it's important to understand what a shutdown means for the health and safety of Americans. | The good news is that in the short run, the consequences are relatively few. But, as a researcher who studies natural disaster planning, I believe that Americans should be worried about the federal government's long-term ability to ensure good public health and protect the public from disasters. | As the shutdown draws on, it increasingly weakens the government's ability to protect Americans down the road, long after federal workers are allowed to go b…

Democracy Now (2019-01-19). "Public Education Is Not Your Plaything": L.A. Teachers Strike Against Privatization & Underfunding. Los Angeles public school teachers are on strike for the first time in three decades. On Monday morning, tens of thousands of teachers braved pouring rain on the picket line for the strike's first day. Some 20,000 people marched through downtown Los Angeles, demanding smaller class sizes, higher pay, the regulation of charter schools and more nurses, counselors and librarians. Over 31,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles are striking.

repost (2019-01-19). Oakland Teachers "Day without Educators" 1 Day Work Action To Protest Attack On Pub Ed. Educators and community members from schools all over Oakland will rally at Oakland Technical High School 2101 35th Ave. from 8: 00 am until 9: 00 am. At 9: 00 am, educators will march down Broadway towards the OUSD office at 1000 Broadway and converge there until approximately 1: 00pm.

WSWS (2019-01-19). Oakland teachers hold second wildcat "sickout," call for statewide strike with Los Angeles teachers. In defiance of the official, interminable, negotiations process, Oakland teachers have begun to organize themselves independently in preparation for a broader struggle in defense of public education.

WSWS (2019-01-19). Science and social crisis in 2019. A series of major scientific breakthroughs demonstrate the potential for the progressive development of humanity, even as capitalism drags mankind into war and barbarism.

WSWS (2019-01-19). Mass demonstration as Los Angeles strike reaches fifth day. As anger among teachers builds to fight against the Democratic Party-led campaign to privatize public education, the United Teachers of Los Angeles is working with the school officials to carve up the district.

Thierry Meyssan (2019-01-18). Re-Colonization: France, Turkey and England Return to their Colonial Ambitions. It is difficult to anticipate what form this future colonization will take. Long ago, it was made possible by the huge differences in the level of education. But today?

Heidi Shierholz (2019-01-18). Union membership drops to 16.4 million in 2018. The number of American workers represented by a labor union ticked down last year, extending a decades-long trend. New data on union membership from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released on Friday showed 16.38 million unionized workers in 2018, down from 16.44 million in 2017. However, because employment of wage and salary workers grew by …

Glenn Sacks (2019-01-18). LA Teachers' Strike: Student Voices of the Los Angeles Education Revolt. We live in an era where teachers unions are attacked and scapegoated, our schools are starved of funds, and private charter operators are allowed to choose which students they want to educate and exclude those they don't—and use desperately needed funds from the public school system to do so. It is said that the end More

Sarawak Report (2019-01-18). Malaysia's 1MDB Financial Scandal: Stolen Money Must Not Place Culprits Above the Law. Malaysians have over the past few hours been treated to a disgraceful display of mutual finger pointing and denial by the entities and individuals most culpable over 1MDB, as they seek to blame each other and get off the hook. …

South Front (2019-01-18). Video: 4 Americans Killed, 3 Injured in ISIS Attack in Manbij. On January 16, a suicide bombing attack hit the center of Manbij in the province of Aleppo. According to initial reports, over 25 people were killed or injured in the attack, which also caused casualties among US service members. Minutes …

Eds. (2019-01-18). Scenes from the UTLA Teachers' Strike. I don't remember where I was on September 12, 2012. I was in Chicago, but I wasn't in the streets when the approximately 26,000 members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) walked out of school and onto the picket lines. | Source

Sonali Kolhatkar (2019-01-18). The L.A. Teachers' Strike Is About So Much More Than Wages. Los Angeles teachers are telling the district and the world that their public schools have been deeply damaged by years of austerity…

Fight Back (2019-01-18). Day 4: Momentum building in LA teacher strike. Los Angeles, CA – Citywide, UTLA teachers and parents continue the strong momentum and LAUSD politicians are feeling the pressure. Negotiations have restarted today, January 17. The UTLA strike is getting national attention and the newly elected California Governor Gavin Newsom is calling on LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner and LA Mayor Eric Garcetti to continue with negotiations. Newsom is bringing both politicians in to negotiate at LA City Hall. UTLA has the strength and momentum to win for fully-funded, public, community schools. | Teachers throughout the city held picket lines with parents and students in…

William Blum (2019-01-18). United States Bombings of Other Countries. America's "Bombing List" The important legacy of the late William Blum will live. This article was first posted on GR in June 2016. | *** | It is a scandal in contemporary international law, don't forget, that while "wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages" …

Joshua Frank (2019-01-18). Montana Public Schools Block Pro-LGBTQ Websites. Public high school students in Billings, Montana tell CounterPunch that as of Monday, January 14, they have been denied access to numerous sites, including those associated with pro-LGBTQ issues, as part of a new web filtering program initiated by the school administration. Anti-gay sites, however, appear to be accessible. In an email to staff, Brandon More

Mark Ashwill (2019-01-18). The Metamorphosis of International Students Into Honorary US Nationalists: a View from Viet Nam. We would ensure not only that Vietnam's tens of millions of students, but also their education-obsessed parents, see the United States as a key partner in their personal and collective futures. — US-Viet Nam Education Memo, Spring 2008 This fly-on- the-wall quote is from a US Embassy-Hanoi diplomatic cable that was leaked over a More

Manlio Dinucci (2019-01-18). Video: The "Great Game" of Military Bases in Africa. Italian soldiers on mission in Djibouti have offered sewing machines to the humanitarian organisation which aids the refugees in this tiny country in the Horn of Africa. It is situated in a strategic position on the most important commercial Asia-Europe …

Jeff Bryant (2019-01-18). A Swelling Tide of Major Teacher Strikes Is Shifting Our Politics Against the Charter Agenda. The emergence of charter schools as an important consideration in teacher collective bargaining agreements, and the recognition of charters as a form of privatization, are two major developments in the education policy and politics of choice. (Photo: Fibonacci Blue/flickr/cc) |…

Barbara Nimri Aziz (2019-01-18). How Long Can Nepal Blame Others for Its Woes? "Every family has someone outside." Conversations about Nepal's dysfunctional economy invariably lead to its four million citizens, mainly young men, working abroad. (Some say they number seven million— either way, a sizable slice in a population of 28 million.) | Those …

Askiah Adam (2019-01-18). Is US Hubris Taking the World to the Edge? Another US regime change undertaking is about to begin. Meanwhile, the Syrian misadventure will, hopefully, end soon and Bashar Al Assad's enduring presence in Damascus is Washington's failure writ large. | But that is not stopping the neoconservatives. Washington is …

AFSCME en Español (2019-01-18). En Los àÅngeles, los trabajadores se unen a los maestros en el piquete. Miembros de AFSCME se unieron esta semana al piquete de maestros en Los àÅngeles. Los maestros y maestras, miembros de United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) están en huelga, defendiendo la educación de alta calidad en su ciudad y pidiendo, entre otras cosas, salones de clase de tamaño adecuado, dotación de personal y salarios justos. Jess …

Middle East Eye (2019-01-18). US Military Taught Saudi Coalition Troops How to Drop Bombs on Yemen. (MEE) — Newly obtained documents revealed that the United States, despite past denials, was involved in training United Arab Emirates troops for combat in Yemen, where the UAE is fighting as part of a Saudi-led coalition, Yahoo News reported. The US Air Forces Central Command documents specifically state that units at the US's Air Warfare Center …

WSWS (2019-01-18). Los Angeles teachers battle privatization as union vies to be partner in LAUSD restructuring. The five-day strike by Los Angeles teachers has thrust educators into a direct conflict with the Democratic Party, which has used the city and the state as a test case for school privatization.

amnesty (2019-01-18). Ten things you should know about the latest protests in Sudan. Today marks one month since the ongoing protests in Sudan broke out. Here are ten facts you should know about the protests that have engulfed the eastern African country: | 1. This is the largest wave of protests against the economic policies and allegations of human rights violations by the government of President Omar al-Bashir since he came to power in 1989. | 2. There have been more than 300 protests in 15 out of Sudan's 18 states since the protests began. | 3. The protests were sparked by high school students protest in Atbara city, River Nile state, who were challenging the steep rise in the cost of bread.

Julia Conley, staff writer (2019-01-18). With Students 'Getting Ripped Off' by Wells Fargo, Elizabeth Warren Calls for Kicking Big Bank Off Campus. Nearly a year after angrily grilling Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan over his exorbitant compensation following several scandals at the bank, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took aim at the institution again Thursday with a letter attacking its practice of offering bank accounts to college students and then hitting them with steep fees—which have had what the senator calls "disastrous effects" on students. |…

Fight Back (2019-01-17). LA: Day 3 of teachers strike marked by rallies and street shutdowns. Los Angeles, CA – On day 3 of the UTLA teachers strike, seven regional rallies were held citywide, resulted in major street shutdowns. In East LA, East Area UTLA teachers held a loud enthusiastic rally at Soto Street in front of the LAUSD East Area offices. The rain did not put a damper on the loud, enthusiastic teachers and community supporters numbering in the thousands. | The parents of Jesse Romero, 14-year-old who was a student at Mendez High School who was killed by LAPD August 9, 2016, joined the rally. They held up a large Centro CSO banner with the slogan "Support public education! No privatization of ed…

Sarah Lahm (2019-01-17). Los Angeles Teachers are On Strike: Now's the Time to Press DeVos on School Choice. With a spotlight on the U.S. city with the highest concentration of charters, lawmakers have leverage to take on the famously pro-privatization Secretary of Education.

Democracy Now! (2019-01-17). Native American Communities Bear Brunt of Shutdown with Medicine Shortages & Suspended Food Programs. We look at the widespread impact of the government shutdown on Native American communities, as the Indian Health Service goes understaffed and a federally funded food delivery program to Indian reservations has halted. Democratic members of Congress held a hearing Tuesday on the effects of the shutdown on health, education and employment in Native communities. We speak with Mark Trahant, editor of Indian Country Today and member of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes.

Eds. (2019-01-17). Los Angeles teachers strike to defend public schools from the privatizers. Last spring a teacher uprising swept the red states. Today it reached the West Coast, as the 34,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles began a long-anticipated strike in the nation's second-largest school district. | Source

Zero Hedge (2019-01-17). Israel's Top Commander Finally Spills Secrets of "Invisible War" in Syria. For years Israel denied allegations that it had a role in funding and weaponizing the anti-Assad insurgency in Syria, and more often military officials responded "no comment" even when confronted with overwhelming evidence of Israeli weapons documented in al-Qaeda linked …

Pepe Escobar (2019-01-17). Talk of Western Intervention in the Black Sea Is Pure Fantasy. Crimea is essential to Russia strategically and economically, but speculation over Ankara helping to boost the US presence in the Black Sea is far-fetched given Turkey's energy deals with Moscow | *** | A power struggle over the Black Sea between Russia …

Andrew Korybko (2019-01-17). Russia's Interest in Pakistani Power Projects Could Portend CPEC Investments. Reports are circulating in the Pakistani press that the Russian company is interested in several power projects in the country, which could pave the way for Moscow to unofficially invest in CPEC without angering its Indian partners. | Many Pakistanis are …

2019-01-19: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

US Crimes against Humanity. The People of Nicaragua
William Edstrom | | 2019-01-19
I am writing to request that both the 1) member states of the UN General Assembly and 2) member states of the Security Council hold hearings, debate and vote on an effective plan of action against various crimes that have … | The post US Crimes against Humanity. The People of Nicaragua appeared first on Global Research.

We Need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth
Edward Curtin | | 2019-01-19
First published on MLK day 2018 | As Martin Luther King's birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole. Across the country — in response to the King Holiday and Service Act passed … | The post We Need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth appeared first on Global Research.

Why I Stand With UTLA's Fight for Teachers, Families and Children
Marjorie Orellana | | 2019-01-19
LA teachers are asking for much more than a modest and well-deserved pay raise for themselves. They are advocating for the rights of children and families in a public education system that has been severely eroded over the years since I left the classroom.

Neofascist Push for Europe's Implosion Is Not in EU Members National Interest
Gilbert Mercier | | 2019-01-19
The European Union is under numerous existential threats. On one hand, there are the internal threats, with the rise to power of the so-called nationalist-populist eurosceptics — which are in reality racist neofascists — in Austria, Hungary, Poland, and to … | The post Neofascist Push for Europe's Implosion Is Not in EU Members National Interest appeared first on Global Research.

The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World's Most Evil Corporation"
E Hanzai | | 2019-01-19
First published by Waking Times, posted by Global Research in May 2014, this article provides a historical viewpoint. It is of particular relevance in relation to the Monsanto-Bayer merger. Monsanto-Bayer is relentlessly pushing the Worldwide adoption of glyphosate, which is … | The post The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World's Most Evil Corporation" appeared first on Global Research.

CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair
Larry Chin | | 2019-01-19
The fact is, there is nothing to "respect" and everything to condemn about Barr's work as a key inner circle operative throughout George H. W. Bush's rise to power. It is a sobering fact that many US presidents have gone out of their way to hire fixers to be their attorney generals. | The post CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair appeared first on Global Research.

VIDEO — Das "Groàüe Spiel" der Milità§rbasen in Afrika
Manlio Dinucci | | 2019-01-19
Italienische Soldaten im Einsatz in Dschibuti haben der humanità§ren Organisation, die den Flàºchtlingen in diesem winzigen Land am Horn von Afrika hilft, Nà§hmaschinen angeboten. Es befindet sich in einer strategischen Position an der wichtigsten Handelsroute Asien-Europa, an der Màºndung des … | The post VIDEO — Das "Groàüe Spiel" der Milità§rbasen in Afrika appeared first on Global Research.

Trump Driving Doomsday Clock Towards Midnight
Shane Quinn | | 2019-01-19
Next Thursday, 24 January, should the atomic scientists push forward the Doomsday Clock, it will be a third successive year it has progressed towards midnight (apocalypse). The Doomsday Clock is currently set at two minutes to midnight, as advanced a … | The post Trump Driving Doomsday Clock Towards Midnight appeared first on Global Research.

Released Emails Show NYPD Spied on Black Lives Matter
teleSUR | | 2019-01-19
Hundreds of recently released New York Police Department (NYPD) emails show the extent of efforts officers in the city took to closely monitor activists during Black Lives Matter protests that took hold in the city after the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown at the hands of police officers in New York City and Ferguson, Missouri, respectively. | RELATED: | LA Teachers Launch Strike in US Second Largest School District | Internal emails obtained by attorney M.J. Williams thr…

Traditional West Bank pottery survives despite occupation
aljazeera | | 2019-01-19
In the occupied West Bank, generations of Palestinians continue to teach glass and ceramic-making to their children but selling their popular wares has become more difficult.

Spy Theories and the White House: Donald Trump as Russian Agent
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-01-19
The level of absurdity in US politics has now reached such vertigo inducing levels as to render all manner of things permissible. Contact with the unwashed implies collaboration; discussion with the enemy implies assent. To go to a dinner party … | The post Spy Theories and the White House: Donald Trump as Russian Agent appeared first on Global Research.

LA Parents Standing with Striking Teachers
Chris Brooks | | 2019-01-19
The more the charters grow, the more money they drain from the public schools budget… and the worse the budget looks, the more the district can justify saving money by squashing even more students into a class…

The Radical Organizing that Paved the Way for LA's Teacher's Strike
Sarah Jaffe | | 2019-01-19
The Radical Organizing that Paved the Way for LA's Teacher's Strike…

Massive show of union power on day 5 of UTLA strike
Fight Back | | 2019-01-19
Los Angeles, CA – Day five of UTLA teachers strike started with citywide enthusiastic picketing at all LAUSD schools, January 18. The night before, parents held a protest outside the home of former Wall Street banker and school Superintendent Austin Beutner. Parents were angered that the LA police department showed up in full force to protect the representative of the super rich. Beutner is pushing a plan to "reimagine LAUSD" – a cover for dismantling and privatizing LAUSD. Leading a misinformation campaign, Beutner has misled parents about student absences. In the media, Beutner is making proposals while belittl……

Monsanto/Bayer Giant Moving to "Genome Edit" Fruits and More
F. William Engdahl | | 2019-01-19
Not surprising, Monsanto, today hidden behind the Bayer logo, as the world leader in patented GMO seeds and the probable carcinogenic Roundup herbicide with glyphosate, is attempting to quietly patent genetically modified or GMO varieties of fruits using controversial gene-editing. … | The post Monsanto/Bayer Giant Moving to "Genome Edit" Fruits and More appeared first on Global Research.

#ExposeChristianSchools: Twitter erupts over Pence's defense of Christian schools
RT | | 2019-01-19
The US vice president has come under fire for defending his wife's teaching appointment to an anti-LGBTQ Christian school. Mike Pence said attacks on Christian schools need to stop, sparking a huge debate on Twitter. | …

What's Next for Public Education in 2019
Shared by Merula Furtado | | 2019-01-19
Day after day this week, the streets of Los Angeles hosted an increasingly familiar sight: a wave of striking teachers and their supporters clad in red, marching to strengthen public education by demanding smaller classes, reductions in high-stakes testing, better pay and more support staff. Defying the rain for multiple days of their strike, they held signs declaring themselves "ON STRIKE FOR OUR STUDENTS," implicitly affirming that the #RedForEd movement revived by striking teachers in 2018 remains alive and well in 2019, too. | From surges in teacher organizing to Trump administration attacks on students' s…

The Shutdown Will Harm the Health and Safety of Americans, Even After It's Ended
Shared by Samantha Borek | | 2019-01-19
With the US federal government shutdown now the longest in history, it's important to understand what a shutdown means for the health and safety of Americans. | The good news is that in the short run, the consequences are relatively few. But, as a researcher who studies natural disaster planning, I believe that Americans should be worried about the federal government's long-term ability to ensure good public health and protect the public from disasters. | As the shutdown draws on, it increasingly weakens the government's ability to protect Americans down the road, long after federal workers are allowed to go b…

"Public Education Is Not Your Plaything": L.A. Teachers Strike Against Privatization & Underfunding
Democracy Now | | 2019-01-19
Los Angeles public school teachers are on strike for the first time in three decades. On Monday morning, tens of thousands of teachers braved pouring rain on the picket line for the strike's first day. Some 20,000 people marched through downtown Los Angeles, demanding smaller class sizes, higher pay, the regulation of charter schools and more nurses, counselors and librarians. Over 31,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles are striking.

Oakland Teachers "Day without Educators" 1 Day Work Action To Protest Attack On Pub Ed
repost | | 2019-01-19
Educators and community members from schools all over Oakland will rally at Oakland Technical High School 2101 35th Ave. from 8: 00 am until 9: 00 am. At 9: 00 am, educators will march down Broadway towards the OUSD office at 1000 Broadway and converge there until approximately 1: 00pm.

Science and social crisis in 2019
WSWS | | 2019-01-19
A series of major scientific breakthroughs demonstrate the potential for the progressive development of humanity, even as capitalism drags mankind into war and barbarism.…

Oakland teachers hold second wildcat "sickout," call for statewide strike with Los Angeles teachers
WSWS | | 2019-01-19
In defiance of the official, interminable, negotiations process, Oakland teachers have begun to organize themselves independently in preparation for a broader struggle in defense of public education.…

Mass demonstration as Los Angeles strike reaches fifth day
WSWS | | 2019-01-19
As anger among teachers builds to fight against the Democratic Party-led campaign to privatize public education, the United Teachers of Los Angeles is working with the school officials to carve up the district.…

A Swelling Tide of Major Teacher Strikes Is Shifting Our Politics Against the Charter Agenda
Jeff Bryant | | 2019-01-18
The emergence of charter schools as an important consideration in teacher collective bargaining agreements, and the recognition of charters as a form of privatization, are two major developments in the education policy and politics of choice. (Photo: Fibonacci Blue/flickr/cc) |…

The Metamorphosis of International Students Into Honorary US Nationalists: a View from Viet Nam
Mark Ashwill | | 2019-01-18
We would ensure not only that Vietnam's tens of millions of students, but also their education-obsessed parents, see the United States as a key partner in their personal and collective futures. — US-Viet Nam Education Memo, Spring 2008 This fly-on- the-wall quote is from a US Embassy-Hanoi diplomatic cable that was leaked over a…

Is US Hubris Taking the World to the Edge?
Askiah Adam | | 2019-01-18
Another US regime change undertaking is about to begin. Meanwhile, the Syrian misadventure will, hopefully, end soon and Bashar Al Assad's enduring presence in Damascus is Washington's failure writ large. | But that is not stopping the neoconservatives. Washington is … | The post Is US Hubris Taking the World to the Edge? appeared first on Global Research.

Montana Public Schools Block Pro-LGBTQ Websites
Joshua Frank | | 2019-01-18
Public high school students in Billings, Montana tell CounterPunch that as of Monday, January 14, they have been denied access to numerous sites, including those associated with pro-LGBTQ issues, as part of a new web filtering program initiated by the school administration. Anti-gay sites, however, appear to be accessible. In an email to staff, Brandon…

The L.A. Teachers' Strike Is About So Much More Than Wages
Sonali Kolhatkar | | 2019-01-18
Los Angeles teachers are telling the district and the world that their public schools have been deeply damaged by years of austerity…

Day 4: Momentum building in LA teacher strike
Fight Back | | 2019-01-18
Los Angeles, CA – Citywide, UTLA teachers and parents continue the strong momentum and LAUSD politicians are feeling the pressure. Negotiations have restarted today, January 17. The UTLA strike is getting national attention and the newly elected California Governor Gavin Newsom is calling on LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner and LA Mayor Eric Garcetti to continue with negotiations. Newsom is bringing both politicians in to negotiate at LA City Hall. UTLA has the strength and momentum to win for fully-funded, public, community schools. | Teachers throughout the city held picket lines with parents and students in……

Video: The "Great Game" of Military Bases in Africa
Manlio Dinucci | | 2019-01-18
Italian soldiers on mission in Djibouti have offered sewing machines to the humanitarian organisation which aids the refugees in this tiny country in the Horn of Africa. It is situated in a strategic position on the most important commercial Asia-Europe … | The post Video: The "Great Game" of Military Bases in Africa appeared first on Global Research.

Re-Colonization: France, Turkey and England Return to their Colonial Ambitions
Thierry Meyssan | | 2019-01-18
It is difficult to anticipate what form this future colonization will take. Long ago, it was made possible by the huge differences in the level of education. But today? | The post Re-Colonization: France, Turkey and England Return to their Colonial Ambitions appeared first on MintPress News.

LA Teachers' Strike: Student Voices of the Los Angeles Education Revolt
Glenn Sacks | | 2019-01-18
We live in an era where teachers unions are attacked and scapegoated, our schools are starved of funds, and private charter operators are allowed to choose which students they want to educate and exclude those they don't–and use desperately needed funds from the public school system to do so. It is said that the end…

Malaysia's 1MDB Financial Scandal: Stolen Money Must Not Place Culprits Above the Law
Sarawak Report | | 2019-01-18
Malaysians have over the past few hours been treated to a disgraceful display of mutual finger pointing and denial by the entities and individuals most culpable over 1MDB, as they seek to blame each other and get off the hook. … | The post Malaysia's 1MDB Financial Scandal: Stolen Money Must Not Place Culprits Above the Law appeared first on Global Research.

United States Bombings of Other Countries. America's "Bombing List"
William Blum | | 2019-01-18
The important legacy of the late William Blum will live. This article was first posted on GR in June 2016. | *** | It is a scandal in contemporary international law, don't forget, that while "wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages" … | The post United States Bombings of Other Countries. America's "Bombing List" appeared first on Global Research.

Video: 4 Americans Killed, 3 Injured in ISIS Attack in Manbij
South Front | | 2019-01-18
On January 16, a suicide bombing attack hit the center of Manbij in the province of Aleppo. According to initial reports, over 25 people were killed or injured in the attack, which also caused casualties among US service members. Minutes … | The post Video: 4 Americans Killed, 3 Injured in ISIS Attack in Manbij appeared first on Global Research.

Union membership drops to 16.4 million in 2018
Heidi Shierholz | | 2019-01-18
The number of American workers represented by a labor union ticked down last year, extending a decades-long trend. New data on union membership from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released on Friday showed 16.38 million unionized workers in 2018, down from 16.44 million in 2017. However, because employment of wage and salary workers grew by …

How Long Can Nepal Blame Others for Its Woes?
Barbara Nimri Aziz | | 2019-01-18
"Every family has someone outside." Conversations about Nepal's dysfunctional economy invariably lead to its four million citizens, mainly young men, working abroad. (Some say they number seven million– either way, a sizable slice in a population of 28 million.) | Those … | The post How Long Can Nepal Blame Others for Its Woes? appeared first on Global Research.

Scenes from the UTLA Teachers' Strike
Eds. | | 2019-01-18
I don't remember where I was on September 12, 2012. I was in Chicago, but I wasn't in the streets when the approximately 26,000 members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) walked out of school and onto the picket lines. | Source…

Kent Wong on LA Teachers Strike, Rebecca Vallas on the Threat to Medicaid
CounterSpin | | 2019-01-18
MP3 Link This week on CounterSpin: Corporate media have been declaring organized labor moribund–sometimes abetting efforts to kill it–for many years now. But more than 30,000 public school teachers in Los Angeles, on strike with overwhelming community support, would suggest you ought not believe everything you read. We'll hear about the LA teachers strike, and …

En Los àÅngeles, los trabajadores se unen a los maestros en el piquete
AFSCME en Español | | 2019-01-18
Miembros de AFSCME se unieron esta semana al piquete de maestros en Los àÅngeles. Los maestros y maestras, miembros de United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) están en huelga, defendiendo la educación de alta calidad en su ciudad y pidiendo, entre otras cosas, salones de clase de tamaño adecuado, dotación de personal y salarios justos. Jess …

US Military Taught Saudi Coalition Troops How to Drop Bombs on Yemen
Middle East Eye | | 2019-01-18
(MEE) — Newly obtained documents revealed that the United States, despite past denials, was involved in training United Arab Emirates troops for combat in Yemen, where the UAE is fighting as part of a Saudi-led coalition, Yahoo News reported. The US Air Forces Central Command documents specifically state that units at the US's Air Warfare Center ……

Los Angeles teachers battle privatization as union vies to be partner in LAUSD restructuring
WSWS | | 2019-01-18
The five-day strike by Los Angeles teachers has thrust educators into a direct conflict with the Democratic Party, which has used the city and the state as a test case for school privatization.…

Ten things you should know about the latest protests in Sudan
amnesty | | 2019-01-18
Today marks one month since the ongoing protests in Sudan broke out. Here are ten facts you should know about the protests that have engulfed the eastern African country: | 1. This is the largest wave of protests against the economic policies and allegations of human rights violations by the government of President Omar al-Bashir since he came to power in 1989. | 2. There have been more than 300 protests in 15 out of Sudan's 18 states since the protests began. | 3. The protests were sparked by high school students protest in Atbara city, River Nile state, who were challenging the steep rise in the cost of bread.

With Students 'Getting Ripped Off' by Wells Fargo, Elizabeth Warren Calls for Kicking Big Bank Off Campus
Julia Conley, staff writer | | 2019-01-18
Nearly a year after angrily grilling Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan over his exorbitant compensation following several scandals at the bank, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took aim at the institution again Thursday with a letter attacking its practice of offering bank accounts to college students and then hitting them with steep fees—which have had what the senator calls "disastrous effects" on students. |…

Russia's Interest in Pakistani Power Projects Could Portend CPEC Investments
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-01-17
Reports are circulating in the Pakistani press that the Russian company is interested in several power projects in the country, which could pave the way for Moscow to unofficially invest in CPEC without angering its Indian partners. | Many Pakistanis are … | The post Russia's Interest in Pakistani Power Projects Could Portend CPEC Investments appeared first on Global Research.

Native American Communities Bear Brunt of Shutdown with Medicine Shortages & Suspended Food Programs
Democracy Now! | | 2019-01-17
We look at the widespread impact of the government shutdown on Native American communities, as the Indian Health Service goes understaffed and a federally funded food delivery program to Indian reservations has halted. Democratic members of Congress held a hearing Tuesday on the effects of the shutdown on health, education and employment in Native communities. We speak with Mark Trahant, editor of Indian Country Today and member of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes.…

Los Angeles Teachers are On Strike: Now's the Time to Press DeVos on School Choice
Sarah Lahm | | 2019-01-17
With a spotlight on the U.S. city with the highest concentration of charters, lawmakers have leverage to take on the famously pro-privatization Secretary of Education.

Israel's Top Commander Finally Spills Secrets of "Invisible War" in Syria
Zero Hedge | | 2019-01-17
For years Israel denied allegations that it had a role in funding and weaponizing the anti-Assad insurgency in Syria, and more often military officials responded "no comment" even when confronted with overwhelming evidence of Israeli weapons documented in al-Qaeda linked … | The post Israel's Top Commander Finally Spills Secrets of "Invisible War" in Syria appeared first on Global Research.

LA: Day 3 of teachers strike marked by rallies and street shutdowns
Fight Back | | 2019-01-17
Los Angeles, CA – On day 3 of the UTLA teachers strike, seven regional rallies were held citywide, resulted in major street shutdowns. In East LA, East Area UTLA teachers held a loud enthusiastic rally at Soto Street in front of the LAUSD East Area offices. The rain did not put a damper on the loud, enthusiastic teachers and community supporters numbering in the thousands. | The parents of Jesse Romero, 14-year-old who was a student at Mendez High School who was killed by LAPD August 9, 2016, joined the rally. They held up a large Centro CSO banner with the slogan "Support public education! No privatization of ed……

Los Angeles teachers strike to defend public schools from the privatizers
Eds. | | 2019-01-17
Last spring a teacher uprising swept the red states. Today it reached the West Coast, as the 34,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles began a long-anticipated strike in the nation's second-largest school district. | Source…