Daily Archives: February 5, 2019

2019-02-05: News Headlines

Jeff Mackler (2019-02-05). L.A Teachers Strike: Wins, Losses and Prospects. counterpunch.org After seven solid days on the picket lines in drenching rains and in the face of a poor-mouthing school district that swore to the high heavens that they were dead broke, 34,000 Los Angeles teachers overwhelming voted to approve a three-year contract that most teachers saw as an important first step toward stemming the decades More

ZANU PF UK (2019-02-05). Video: Call for Sanctions to be Lifted Against Zimbabwe. globalresearch.ca

Dimitri Lascaras (2019-02-05). Video: Evenly Matched Pro- and Anti-Government Marches in Venezuela. globalresearch.ca TRNN Correspondent Dimitri Lascaris reports from the ground in Caracas about Saturday's pro- and anti-government marches, highlighting their peacefulness and equal size | Full transcript below. | *** | DIMITRI LASCARIS: This is Dimitri Lascaris, reporting for The Real News from Caracas, …

Jim Miles (2019-02-05). Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History. globalresearch.ca The Israeli narrative of a nation/state returning to its homeland after a fifteen hundred year exile requires ongoing deft work by the David Ben-Gurion initiated Governmental Names Committee (Va'adat Hashemot Hamimshaltit, 1949). The Hebraization of Palestine is described in Nur …

Oleg Tsarov (2019-02-05). "Fort Trump" in Poland Is a Gold Mine for the US Military-Industrial Complex. globalresearch.ca "The Americans need us only for the purpose of manipulation" | The former commander of the Polish Land Forces General Skrzypczak doubted the expediency of creating the American military base Fort Trump in Poland. | The Americans have their own interests — …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-02-05). Paul Craig Roberts: "Maduro Would Have to Arrest Juan Guaido" globalresearch.ca American Herald Tribune: Why did the US suspend the INF treaty with Russia? Is it a matter of Trump breaking treaties or is it the will of the establishment? | Paul Craig Roberts: Washington withdrew from the INF treaty as part …

Eric London (2019-02-05). US Issues New Threats of War for Oil Against Venezuela. globalresearch.ca President Trump, Vice President Pence and National Security Advisor John Bolton escalated threats to launch a war against Venezuela, as large pro- and anti-government demonstrations filled Venezuela's streets on Saturday. | In an interview with CBS's "Face the Nation" program that …

Nick Turse (2019-02-05). U.S. Military Says It Has a "Light Footprint" in Africa. These Documents Show a Vast Network of Bases. globalresearch.ca The U.S. military has long insisted that it maintains a " light footprint" in Africa, and there have been reports of proposed drawdowns in special operations forces and closures of outposts on the continent, due to a 2017 ambush

Romain Migus (2019-02-05). Propaganda contra a Venezuela: O que eles esquecem. globalresearch.ca O presidente francês, Emmanuel Macron, ordena a Nicolas Maduro que nà£o reprima a oposiàßà£o MAS ELE ESQUECE as 3 300 prisàµes e os 2 000 feridos ligados à repressà£o do movimento dos coletes amarelos. | O presidente do governo espanhol, Pedro …

Philip Giraldi (2019-02-05). How to Start a World War. globalresearch.ca The White House decision to withdraw American troops from Syria as soon as possible may or may not be on track depending on whom one believes. But one thing that is for sure is that the recent suicide bomber attack …

Whitney Webb (2019-02-05). Washington Follows Ukraine, Syria Roadmap in Push for Venezuela Regime Change. globalresearch.ca What happens in Venezuela going forward will have major consequences for the entire region and the world; and, with the U.S. already pushing countries to pick sides, the world may soon become as divided as it was immediately preceding WW …

Pepe Escobar (2019-02-05). Venezuela: Let's Cut to the Chase. Will China's Petroyuan Displace America's Petrodollar? globalresearch.ca Cold War 2.0 has hit South America with a bang — pitting the US and expected minions against the four key pillars of in-progress Eurasia integration: Russia, China, Iran and Turkey. | It's the oil, stupid. But there's way more than …

WSWS (2019-02-05). Lack of teachers, work overload undermine Dutch education system. wsws.org A survey held amongst teachers exposes the disastrous working conditions in the primary schools, high schools and universities of the Netherlands.

Manlio Dinucci (2019-02-05). Washington, a razà£o da foràßa. globalresearch.ca Há duas semanas, Washington proclamou Presidente da Venezuela, Juan Guaidà≤, apesar de ele nem sequer ter participado nas eleiàßàµes presidenciais e declarou ilegítimo, o Presidente Maduro, juridicamente eleito, anunciando a sua deportaàßà£o para Guantánamo. | Na semana passada, anunciou a suspensà£o …

WSWS (2019-02-05). West Virginia teachers battle legislative "education reform" wsws.org Teachers in West Virginia are set to vote on possible "statewide work action" against a raft of right-wing education policies being fast-tracked through the state legislature.

DSA (2019-02-05). Rally to Call on Oakland City Council to Support Oakland Teachers. indybay.org Oscar Grant Plaza (Frank H. Ogawa Plaza) in front of Oakland City Hall 1 Frank H Ogawa Plz, Oakland, CA, 94612…

Manlio Dinucci (2019-02-05). Washington, la ragione della forza. globalresearch.ca Due settimane fa Washington ha incoronato presidente del Venezuela Juan Guaidà≤, pur non avendo questi neppure partecipato alle elezioni presidenziali, e ha dichiarato illegittimo il presidente Maduro, regolarmente eletto, preannunciando la sua deportazione a Guantanamo. | La scorsa settimana ha annunciato …

teleSUR (2019-02-04). 16th Pedagogy Congress Begins in Cuba For Better Education. telesurenglish.net The 16th International Congress of Pedagogy started in Cuba Monday. Delegates from all over the world joined the Congress. | RELATED: | Cuban Revolution Hero Jose 'El Gallego' Fernandez Dies at 95 | The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), on its website, called on "teachers, professors, educators, researchers and leaders in the region to participate in the Congress Pedagogy 2019." | "The complexity of today's world, with its acute economic an…

RT News (2019-02-04). Italy Vetoed EU Recognition of Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido. globalresearch.ca Rome has effectively derailed an EU statement meant to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim leader if President Nicolas Maduro fails to set up snap elections, a Five Star Movement source confirmed to RT. | Italy announced the veto at an …

South Front (2019-02-04). Video: US-led Coalition Warplane Struck Syrian Army Near Al-Bukamal. globalresearch.ca Late on February 2nd, a US-led coalition warplane attacked an artillery position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the area of al-Sukkariya west of the town of al-Bukamal in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to the …

Federico Pieraccini (2019-02-04). The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics in a Multipolar World Order. globalresearch.ca The protests seen in France and the interference in the domestic politics of Venezuela highlight Western double standards, which stand in contrast to the respect for international law maintained by China, India and Russia. | In France on November 17, 2018, …

Eric Margolis (2019-02-04). Back to the Dear Old Cold War. globalresearch.ca President Donald Trump and the neocon sofa samurais who surround him seem determined to pick a fight with China or Russia, or both at the same time. | Later this month, the US and China are due to try to end …

Global Research News (2019-02-04). Selected Articles: Donald Trump's Twenty Biggest Follies. globalresearch.ca Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis provided by Global Research on a daily basis? | At present we are not covering our monthly costs. The support of our readers is much appreciated. | Click to donate or click here to …

Nauman Sadiq (2019-02-04). Afghanistan: From "Soviet" Occupation to American "Liberation" globalresearch.ca During the election campaign of 2008 before he was elected president, Barack Obama made an artificial distinction between the supposedly "just war" in Afghanistan and the unjust war in Iraq. In accordance with the flawed distinction, he pledged that he …

Black Alliance for Peace (2019-02-04). On the White Supremacy of U.S. Interventions. globalresearch.ca As internationalists, we don't shy away from defending a people's right to determine their fate. That is why we have been so ardent in opposing the illegal U.S. intervention in Venezuela. Read and share our statement on Venezuela. (If you …

Kevin Zeese (2019-02-04). US-led Coup in Venezuela: The Plot Thickens. globalresearch.ca A lot has happened and we have learned more since last week when we wrote, Venezuela: What Activists Need To Know About The US-Led Coup. This article updates activists so we remain well-informed and can educate others in the …

Julian Rose (2019-02-04). 'Synthetic Electric Shock': From Electrification to 5G WiFi. globalresearch.ca We are by nature electric; but the man-made 'synthetic' variety, that apes nature's version, is not helping us to live a full and healthy life, but is rather stultifying that condition. In fact Edison, Tesla et al. were not really …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2019-02-04). Donald Trump's Twenty Biggest Follies. globalresearch.ca American President Donald Trump has done a lot of unheard-of things since his 2016 election, most of them have been controversial and some have been utterly scandalous. The biggest folly of all is to enter politics when one is inexperienced and incompetent

Gary Webb (2019-02-04). Video: How Crack Cocaine Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996). globalresearch.ca 1996 C-SPAN interview with Gary Webb | Gary Webb died mysteriously in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner's office. | Investigative journalist …

Miko Peled (2019-02-04). As Malaysia and Ireland Find Out, You Stand Up for Palestinian Rights at Your Peril. globalresearch.ca It takes an enormous effort for any country to oppose Israel, but particularly a small country that has to rely on bigger powers. It is even harder to impose effective pragmatic measures against Israel, as in the case of Ireland …

Robert Hunziker (2019-02-04). Thwaites Glacier Startles Scientists. counterpunch.org "It's a disturbing discovery," according to Pietro Milillo, a radar scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, who co-authored a recently published study: Heterogeneous Retreat and Ice Melt of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, Science Advances, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan. 30, 2019. It's only within the past 10 years that NASA's IceBridge Mission has served as More

RT (2019-02-03). Over a dozen injured as bus carrying girls high school basketball team rolls over in West Virginia. rt.com A bus carrying a high school team from a basketball tournament overturned in Raleigh County, West Virginia. Over a dozen people were injured, with one student airlifted to a trauma center.

Jesse Hagopian (2019-02-01). How Los Angeles Teachers Organized and What They Won. progressive.org "It's really hard to overstate the incredible feeling of empowerment, solidarity, and joy that you saw in school site picket lines and at the massive rallies that we held every single day."

Sarah Lahm (2019-02-01). The Charter School Next Door. progressive.org What happens when public education becomes a marketplace?

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2019-02-01). Losing a Generation: UNICEF Sees Saudi War Robbing Yemeni Children of Their Future. mintpressnews.com "Without education [young Yemenis] will not be able to find jobs… A generation that is not educated has a very bleak future. We are losing a generation — many children are losing their education, and displacement makes it worse." — Meritxell Relano, Yemen's Director of UNICEF

Fight Back (2019-02-01). LAUSD Board approves cap on new charter schools. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA – As of January 29, UTLA strike victories continue. At a contentious public LAUSD meeting the Board voted 5-1 for a "moratorium on new charter schools." A loud but small rally by the pro-charter forces chanted and gave misleading speeches promoting their lies. The LAUSD boardroom was packed, with many waiting outside and watching on remote TV. The pro-charter forces packed the room hoping to pressure the board members to vote against a resolution to cap new charter schools. To counter, Eastside Parents Against Privatization leader Eloisa Galindo and Julie Regalado spoke in support of a moratorium…

stuart_m (2019-02-01). Iranian workers' protests confront a regime in crisis. greenleft.org.au Protests are continuing throughout Iran by teachers, nurses, labourers, retirees, oil industry workers, bazaar traders and shopkeepers, truck drivers, farmers, the unemployed, students, and other sectors, writes Minna Langeberg. | The current wave of protests continue those from December, which were brutally suppressed by the regime. They signal the deep crisis of legitimacy of the regime, as expressed by one of the most enduring slogans that emerged, "Fundamentalists, reformists, the game is over". | The main slogan of the current protests is "Bread. Work. Freedom". They are sporadic, self-organised, fragmented…

Democracy Now! (2019-02-01). A Modern-Day Lynching?: "Always in Season" Looks at 2014 Hanging in NC & Legacy of Racial Terrorism. democracynow.org As we mark the beginning of Black History Month, we look at "Always in Season," a disturbing new documentary that examines lynching in the United States both past and present. It interviews Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, which built the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery to remember the more than 4,000 African Americans lynched in the United States. It also looks closely at the case of Lennon Lacy, a 17-year-old African-American high school student who, on August 29, 2014, was found hanging from two belts attached to a wooden swing set in a largely white trailer park…

pip.hinman (2019-02-01). Are Baby Boomers really selfish sociopaths? greenleft.org.au It is not unusual to hear someone blame the crisis in affordable housing and healthcare or the very expensive tertiary education system on Baby Boomers, the generation born between 1946-64. | Writing in Business Insider, in an article entitled "This is how our parents became the most selfish generation", senior finance correspondent Linette Lopez quotes Cornell economics professor Lyn Stout as saying: "All of our social cues are telling us to be selfish right now. Lopez adds that Baby Boomers love this because it means they do not have to consider the needs of others, or sacrifice for anyone outside their immedia…

Leighton Akio Woodhouse (2019-02-01). "We Have Exhausted All Our Options": Oakland Teachers May Be the Next to Strike. theintercept.com The expansion of charter schools has been a major contributor to the fiscal crisis in the Oakland Unified School District.

Fight Back (2019-01-31). Minneapolis: Fundraising event nets more than $3000 for Fight Back! fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN — More than 75 trade unionists, anti-police-terror, immigrant rights, anti-war and student activists came together January 26 for a successful house party that netted more than $3000 for Fight Back!. | One of the event organizers, Matt Boynton stated, "The revolutionary press is of major importance in the struggle against capitalism in this country and around the globe. This fundraiser for Fight Back! was an incredible success." | Leader of trade unions and other people's organizations offered short toasts where they explained the importance of Fight Back! to their work. | Fight Back! editor…

Human Rights Watch (2019-01-31). Human Rights Watch Film Festival, London. hrw.org | | Students in front of Wits great hall protesting against the militarized securities in Wits, from the film Everything Must Fall | | © Daylin Paul | The Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented in London from March 13-22, 2019, featuring 15 award-winning documentary and feature films. The international line-up of films from Venezuela, South Africa, Palestine, Thailand, and more offer critical insight into local and global human rights concerns impacting people aroun…

ACLU (2019-01-30). Smith College Overhauls Policing Practices After Black Student Racially Profiled. aclu.org After a Smith College employee called the cops on a Black student as she ate lunch, Smith will take up the ACLU's recommendations for police reforms. | This past July, Oumou Kanoute was a rising sophomore at Smith College, working on campus over the summer to mentor high school students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM, careers. A young Black immigrant and the daughter of a single mother, Oumou is exactly the kind of striver colleges like Smith seek to attract. | But Oumou felt anything but welcome on that late July afternoon. As she ate in a common room, wearing the unofficial Sm…

Fight Back (2019-01-30). SDS says "Hands Off Venezuela!" fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (National). | Trump has recognized the self-appointed presidency of the Venezuelan right-wing opposition leader, Juan Guaido. SDS denounces this move of aggression and says, "Hands Off Venezuela!" | This is a clear violation of the democratic process and sovereignty of Venezuela. The US has a long history of backing right-wing coups, dictators and dirty wars in Latin America, in order to keep the region subjugated by US multinational businesses. Recently Venezuela has been a major target, facing debilitating sanc…

Shared by Hezvo Mpunga (2019-01-30). Draft Bill for Hopkins Private Armed Police Force Already Drawing Backlash. therealnews.com On Tuesday, The Real News obtained a draft version of a bill that would grant John Hopkins an armed private police force. On Wednesday, Hopkins published the draft online and is accepting feedback. | Hopkins is Baltimore's eminent educational and medical institution. Citing an alarming rise in armed violence near its campuses, the institution is seeking a private armed police force. Hopkins already employs an extensive private security force, bu…

Fight Back (2019-01-29). School district threatened to call ICE on striking Denver teachers. fightbacknews.org Denver, CO – Denver Public Schools, in a recent letter to Denver teachers, threatened to call immigration authorities on immigrant teachers if they go on strike. This communication was in response to the teachers, represented by the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), voting overwhelmingly to strike for fair pay, with 93% of members voting in favor of industrial action on January 23. | On January 24, the Human Services Department of Denver Public Schools (DPS) sent out a letter threatening immigrant teachers who were on work visas, that they would be reported to the immigration authorities if they strik…

Democracy Now! (2019-01-29). Headlines for January 29, 2019. democracynow.org U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Venezuela in Latest Challenge to Maduro, White House Raises Specter of Military Intervention in Venezuela, CBO: Gov't Shutdown Caused $3 Billion Permanent Loss to Economy, Joshua Tree Damage from Shutdown Could Take 300 Years to Recover, DOJ Charges Huawei with Bank Fraud, Seeks CFO's Extradition, Yemen: Attack on Camp Kills 8 Civilians as Ceasefire Is Delayed, Polar Vortex Hits Midwest, Bringing Dangerous Conditions, Senate Advances Anti-BDS Bill, Acting AG: Mueller Probe "Close to Being Completed", Virginia Teachers Protest for Fair Wages and Education Funding, Immigrant Rights Activis…

Janine Jackson (2019-01-26). 'It Is a Disgrace That Our Public Schools Are So Poorly Funded' – CounterSpin interview with Kent Wong on LA teachers strike. fair.org Janine Jackson interviewed Kent Wong about the Los Angeles teachers strike (since settled) for the January 18, 2019, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. | Media…

Bacardi Jackson, Managing Attorney (2019-01-23). SPLC: Florida Legislature should reject proposals in Parkland commission report that would threaten school safety and undermine student privacy. splcenter.org The Florida Legislature should reject the harmful recommendations in a report from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission that would threaten, not improve, school safety.

splcenter (2019-01-22). Spring 2019 edition of Teaching Tolerance magazine examines menstrual equity movement in schools. splcenter.org When middle school teacher Kristin Heavner shared a photo on social media of a colorful makeup bag filled with disposable menstrual products, she had no idea how people would react.

2019-02-05: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

L.A Teachers Strike: Wins, Losses and Prospects
Jeff Mackler | counterpunch.org | 2019-02-05
After seven solid days on the picket lines in drenching rains and in the face of a poor-mouthing school district that swore to the high heavens that they were dead broke, 34,000 Los Angeles teachers overwhelming voted to approve a three-year contract that most teachers saw as an important first step toward stemming the decades…

US Issues New Threats of War for Oil Against Venezuela
Eric London | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
President Trump, Vice President Pence and National Security Advisor John Bolton escalated threats to launch a war against Venezuela, as large pro- and anti-government demonstrations filled Venezuela's streets on Saturday. | In an interview with CBS's "Face the Nation" program that … | The post US Issues New Threats of War for Oil Against Venezuela appeared first on Global Research.

Paul Craig Roberts: "Maduro Would Have to Arrest Juan Guaido"
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
American Herald Tribune: Why did the US suspend the INF treaty with Russia? Is it a matter of Trump breaking treaties or is it the will of the establishment? | Paul Craig Roberts: Washington withdrew from the INF treaty as part … | The post Paul Craig Roberts: "Maduro Would Have to Arrest Juan Guaido" appeared first on Global Research.

"Fort Trump" in Poland Is a Gold Mine for the US Military-Industrial Complex
Oleg Tsarov | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
"The Americans need us only for the purpose of manipulation" | The former commander of the Polish Land Forces General Skrzypczak doubted the expediency of creating the American military base Fort Trump in Poland. | The Americans have their own interests — … | The post "Fort Trump" in Poland Is a Gold Mine for the US Military-Industrial Complex appeared first on Global Research.

Propaganda contra a Venezuela: O que eles esquecem
Romain Migus | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
O presidente francês, Emmanuel Macron, ordena a Nicolas Maduro que nà£o reprima a oposiàßà£o MAS ELE ESQUECE as 3 300 prisàµes e os 2 000 feridos ligados à repressà£o do movimento dos coletes amarelos. | O presidente do governo espanhol, Pedro … | The post Propaganda contra a Venezuela: O que eles esquecem appeared first on Global Research.

How to Start a World War
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
The White House decision to withdraw American troops from Syria as soon as possible may or may not be on track depending on whom one believes. But one thing that is for sure is that the recent suicide bomber attack … | The post How to Start a World War appeared first on Global Research.

U.S. Military Says It Has a "Light Footprint" in Africa. These Documents Show a Vast Network of Bases
Nick Turse | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
The U.S. military has long insisted that it maintains a " light footprint" in Africa, and there have been reports of proposed drawdowns in special operations forces and closures of outposts on the continent, due to a 2017 ambush…

Washington Follows Ukraine, Syria Roadmap in Push for Venezuela Regime Change
Whitney Webb | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
What happens in Venezuela going forward will have major consequences for the entire region and the world; and, with the U.S. already pushing countries to pick sides, the world may soon become as divided as it was immediately preceding WW … | The post Washington Follows Ukraine, Syria Roadmap in Push for Venezuela Regime Change appeared first on Global Research.

Venezuela: Let's Cut to the Chase. Will China's Petroyuan Displace America's Petrodollar?
Pepe Escobar | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
Cold War 2.0 has hit South America with a bang — pitting the US and expected minions against the four key pillars of in-progress Eurasia integration: Russia, China, Iran and Turkey. | It's the oil, stupid. But there's way more than … | The post Venezuela: Let's Cut to the Chase. Will China's Petroyuan Displace America's Petrodollar? appeared first on Global Research.

Video: Evenly Matched Pro- and Anti-Government Marches in Venezuela
Dimitri Lascaras | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
TRNN Correspondent Dimitri Lascaris reports from the ground in Caracas about Saturday's pro- and anti-government marches, highlighting their peacefulness and equal size | Full transcript below. | *** | DIMITRI LASCARIS: This is Dimitri Lascaris, reporting for The Real News from Caracas, … | The post Video: Evenly Matched Pro- and Anti-Government Marches in Venezuela appeared first on Global Research.

Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History
Jim Miles | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
The Israeli narrative of a nation/state returning to its homeland after a fifteen hundred year exile requires ongoing deft work by the David Ben-Gurion initiated Governmental Names Committee (Va'adat Hashemot Hamimshaltit, 1949). The Hebraization of Palestine is described in Nur … | The post Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History appeared first on Global Research.

Video: Call for Sanctions to be Lifted Against Zimbabwe
ZANU PF UK | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
The post Video: Call for Sanctions to be Lifted Against Zimbabwe appeared first on Global Research.

Washington, la ragione della forza
Manlio Dinucci | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
Due settimane fa Washington ha incoronato presidente del Venezuela Juan Guaidà≤, pur non avendo questi neppure partecipato alle elezioni presidenziali, e ha dichiarato illegittimo il presidente Maduro, regolarmente eletto, preannunciando la sua deportazione a Guantanamo. | La scorsa settimana ha annunciato … | The post Washington, la ragione della forza appeared first on Global Research.

Lack of teachers, work overload undermine Dutch education system
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-02-05
A survey held amongst teachers exposes the disastrous working conditions in the primary schools, high schools and universities of the Netherlands.

Rally to Call on Oakland City Council to Support Oakland Teachers
DSA | indybay.org | 2019-02-05
Oscar Grant Plaza (Frank H. Ogawa Plaza) in front of Oakland City Hall 1 Frank H Ogawa Plz, Oakland, CA, 94612…

Washington, a razà£o da foràßa
Manlio Dinucci | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-05
Há duas semanas, Washington proclamou Presidente da Venezuela, Juan Guaidà≤, apesar de ele nem sequer ter participado nas eleiàßàµes presidenciais e declarou ilegítimo, o Presidente Maduro, juridicamente eleito, anunciando a sua deportaàßà£o para Guantánamo. | Na semana passada, anunciou a suspensà£o … | The post Washington, a razà£o da foràßa appeared first on Global Research.

West Virginia teachers battle legislative "education reform"
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-02-05
Teachers in West Virginia are set to vote on possible "statewide work action" against a raft of right-wing education policies being fast-tracked through the state legislature.

16th Pedagogy Congress Begins in Cuba For Better Education
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-02-04
The 16th International Congress of Pedagogy started in Cuba Monday. Delegates from all over the world joined the Congress. | RELATED: | Cuban Revolution Hero Jose 'El Gallego' Fernandez Dies at 95 | The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), on its website, called on "teachers, professors, educators, researchers and leaders in the region to participate in the Congress Pedagogy 2019." | "The complexity of today's world, with its acute economic an…

The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics in a Multipolar World Order
Federico Pieraccini | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
The protests seen in France and the interference in the domestic politics of Venezuela highlight Western double standards, which stand in contrast to the respect for international law maintained by China, India and Russia. | In France on November 17, 2018, … | The post The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics in a Multipolar World Order appeared first on Global Research.

Italy Vetoed EU Recognition of Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido
RT News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
Rome has effectively derailed an EU statement meant to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim leader if President Nicolas Maduro fails to set up snap elections, a Five Star Movement source confirmed to RT. | Italy announced the veto at an | … | The post Italy Vetoed EU Recognition of Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido appeared first on Global Research.

As Malaysia and Ireland Find Out, You Stand Up for Palestinian Rights at Your Peril
Miko Peled | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
It takes an enormous effort for any country to oppose Israel, but particularly a small country that has to rely on bigger powers. It is even harder to impose effective pragmatic measures against Israel, as in the case of Ireland … | The post As Malaysia and Ireland Find Out, You Stand Up for Palestinian Rights at Your Peril appeared first on Global Research.

Afghanistan: From "Soviet" Occupation to American "Liberation"
Nauman Sadiq | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
During the election campaign of 2008 before he was elected president, Barack Obama made an artificial distinction between the supposedly "just war" in Afghanistan and the unjust war in Iraq. In accordance with the flawed distinction, he pledged that he … | The post Afghanistan: From "Soviet" Occupation to American "Liberation" appeared first on Global Research.

'Synthetic Electric Shock': From Electrification to 5G WiFi
Julian Rose | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
We are by nature electric; but the man-made 'synthetic' variety, that apes nature's version, is not helping us to live a full and healthy life, but is rather stultifying that condition. In fact Edison, Tesla et al. were not really … | The post 'Synthetic Electric Shock': From Electrification to 5G WiFi appeared first on Global Research.

Video: How Crack Cocaine Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)
Gary Webb | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
1996 C-SPAN interview with Gary Webb | Gary Webb died mysteriously in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner's office. | Investigative journalist … | The post Video: How Crack Cocaine Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996) appeared first on Global Research.

Back to the Dear Old Cold War
Eric Margolis | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
President Donald Trump and the neocon sofa samurais who surround him seem determined to pick a fight with China or Russia, or both at the same time. | Later this month, the US and China are due to try to end … | The post Back to the Dear Old Cold War appeared first on Global Research.

Selected Articles: Donald Trump's Twenty Biggest Follies
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis provided by Global Research on a daily basis? | At present we are not covering our monthly costs. The support of our readers is much appreciated. | Click to donate or click here to … | The post Selected Articles: Donald Trump's Twenty Biggest Follies appeared first on Global Research.

US-led Coup in Venezuela: The Plot Thickens
Kevin Zeese | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
A lot has happened and we have learned more since last week when we wrote, Venezuela: What Activists Need To Know About The US-Led Coup. This article updates activists so we remain well-informed and can educate others in the … | The post US-led Coup in Venezuela: The Plot Thickens appeared first on Global Research.

On the White Supremacy of U.S. Interventions
Black Alliance for Peace | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
As internationalists, we don't shy away from defending a people's right to determine their fate. That is why we have been so ardent in opposing the illegal U.S. intervention in Venezuela. Read and share our statement on Venezuela. (If you … | The post On the White Supremacy of U.S. Interventions appeared first on Global Research.

Donald Trump's Twenty Biggest Follies
Prof Rodrigue Tremblay | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
American President Donald Trump has done a lot of unheard-of things since his 2016 election, most of them have been controversial and some have been utterly scandalous. The biggest folly of all is to enter politics when one is inexperienced and incompetent | The post Donald Trump's Twenty Biggest Follies appeared first on Global Research.

Video: US-led Coalition Warplane Struck Syrian Army Near Al-Bukamal
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-02-04
Late on February 2nd, a US-led coalition warplane attacked an artillery position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the area of al-Sukkariya west of the town of al-Bukamal in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to the … | The post Video: US-led Coalition Warplane Struck Syrian Army Near Al-Bukamal appeared first on Global Research.

Thwaites Glacier Startles Scientists
Robert Hunziker | counterpunch.org | 2019-02-04
"It's a disturbing discovery," according to Pietro Milillo, a radar scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, who co-authored a recently published study: Heterogeneous Retreat and Ice Melt of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, Science Advances, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan. 30, 2019. It's only within the past 10 years that NASA's IceBridge Mission has served as…

Over a dozen injured as bus carrying girls high school basketball team rolls over in West Virginia
RT | rt.com | 2019-02-03
A bus carrying a high school team from a basketball tournament overturned in Raleigh County, West Virginia. Over a dozen people were injured, with one student airlifted to a trauma center. | …

How Los Angeles Teachers Organized and What They Won
Jesse Hagopian | progressive.org | 2019-02-01
"It's really hard to overstate the incredible feeling of empowerment, solidarity, and joy that you saw in school site picket lines and at the massive rallies that we held every single day."

The Charter School Next Door
Sarah Lahm | progressive.org | 2019-02-01
What happens when public education becomes a marketplace?

Losing a Generation: UNICEF Sees Saudi War Robbing Yemeni Children of Their Future
Ahmed Abdulkareem | mintpressnews.com | 2019-02-01
"Without education [young Yemenis] will not be able to find jobs… A generation that is not educated has a very bleak future. We are losing a generation — many children are losing their education, and displacement makes it worse." — Meritxell Relano, Yemen's Director of UNICEF | The post Losing a Generation: UNICEF Sees Saudi War Robbing Yemeni Children of Their Future appeared first on MintPress News.

LAUSD Board approves cap on new charter schools
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-02-01
Los Angeles, CA – As of January 29, UTLA strike victories continue. At a contentious public LAUSD meeting the Board voted 5-1 for a "moratorium on new charter schools." A loud but small rally by the pro-charter forces chanted and gave misleading speeches promoting their lies. The LAUSD boardroom was packed, with many waiting outside and watching on remote TV. The pro-charter forces packed the room hoping to pressure the board members to vote against a resolution to cap new charter schools. To counter, Eastside Parents Against Privatization leader Eloisa Galindo and Julie Regalado spoke in support of a moratorium…

Are Baby Boomers really selfish sociopaths?
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2019-02-01
It is not unusual to hear someone blame the crisis in affordable housing and healthcare or the very expensive tertiary education system on Baby Boomers, the generation born between 1946-64. | Writing in Business Insider, in an article entitled "This is how our parents became the most selfish generation", senior finance correspondent Linette Lopez quotes Cornell economics professor Lyn Stout as saying: "All of our social cues are telling us to be selfish right now. Lopez adds that Baby Boomers love this because it means they do not have to consider the needs of others, or sacrifice for anyone outside their immedia…

"We Have Exhausted All Our Options": Oakland Teachers May Be the Next to Strike
Leighton Akio Woodhouse | theintercept.com | 2019-02-01
The expansion of charter schools has been a major contributor to the fiscal crisis in the Oakland Unified School District. | The post "We Have Exhausted All Our Options": Oakland Teachers May Be the Next to Strike appeared first on The Intercept.

Iranian workers' protests confront a regime in crisis
stuart_m | greenleft.org.au | 2019-02-01
Protests are continuing throughout Iran by teachers, nurses, labourers, retirees, oil industry workers, bazaar traders and shopkeepers, truck drivers, farmers, the unemployed, students, and other sectors, writes Minna Langeberg. | The current wave of protests continue those from December, which were brutally suppressed by the regime. They signal the deep crisis of legitimacy of the regime, as expressed by one of the most enduring slogans that emerged, "Fundamentalists, reformists, the game is over". | The main slogan of the current protests is "Bread. Work. Freedom". They are sporadic, self-organised, fragmented…

A Modern-Day Lynching?: "Always in Season" Looks at 2014 Hanging in NC & Legacy of Racial Terrorism
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-02-01
As we mark the beginning of Black History Month, we look at "Always in Season," a disturbing new documentary that examines lynching in the United States both past and present. It interviews Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, which built the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery to remember the more than 4,000 African Americans lynched in the United States. It also looks closely at the case of Lennon Lacy, a 17-year-old African-American high school student who, on August 29, 2014, was found hanging from two belts attached to a wooden swing set in a largely white trailer park…

Minneapolis: Fundraising event nets more than $3000 for Fight Back!
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-01-31
Minneapolis, MN — More than 75 trade unionists, anti-police-terror, immigrant rights, anti-war and student activists came together January 26 for a successful house party that netted more than $3000 for Fight Back!. | One of the event organizers, Matt Boynton stated, "The revolutionary press is of major importance in the struggle against capitalism in this country and around the globe. This fundraiser for Fight Back! was an incredible success." | Leader of trade unions and other people's organizations offered short toasts where they explained the importance of Fight Back! to their work. | Fight Back! editor…

Human Rights Watch Film Festival, London
Human Rights Watch | hrw.org | 2019-01-31
Students in front of Wits great hall protesting against the militarized securities in Wits, from the film Everything Must Fall | | © Daylin Paul | The Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented in London from March 13-22, 2019, featuring 15 award-winning documentary and feature films. The international line-up of films from Venezuela, South Africa, Palestine, Thailand, and more offer critical insight into local and global human rights concerns impacting people aroun…

SDS says "Hands Off Venezuela!"
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-01-30
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (National). | Trump has recognized the self-appointed presidency of the Venezuelan right-wing opposition leader, Juan Guaido. SDS denounces this move of aggression and says, "Hands Off Venezuela!" | This is a clear violation of the democratic process and sovereignty of Venezuela. The US has a long history of backing right-wing coups, dictators and dirty wars in Latin America, in order to keep the region subjugated by US multinational businesses. Recently Venezuela has been a major target, facing debilitating sanc…

Smith College Overhauls Policing Practices After Black Student Racially Profiled
ACLU | aclu.org | 2019-01-30
After a Smith College employee called the cops on a Black student as she ate lunch, Smith will take up the ACLU's recommendations for police reforms. | This past July, Oumou Kanoute was a rising sophomore at Smith College, working on campus over the summer to mentor high school students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM, careers. A young Black immigrant and the daughter of a single mother, Oumou is exactly the kind of striver colleges like Smith seek to attract. | But Oumou felt anything but welcome on that late July afternoon. As she ate in a common room, wearing the unofficial Sm…

Draft Bill for Hopkins Private Armed Police Force Already Drawing Backlash
Shared by Hezvo Mpunga | therealnews.com | 2019-01-30
On Tuesday, The Real News obtained a draft version of a bill that would grant John Hopkins an armed private police force. On Wednesday, Hopkins published the draft online and is accepting feedback. | Hopkins is Baltimore's eminent educational and medical institution. Citing an alarming rise in armed violence near its campuses, the institution is seeking a private armed police force. Hopkins already employs an extensive private security force, bu…

School district threatened to call ICE on striking Denver teachers
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-01-29
Denver, CO – Denver Public Schools, in a recent letter to Denver teachers, threatened to call immigration authorities on immigrant teachers if they go on strike. This communication was in response to the teachers, represented by the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), voting overwhelmingly to strike for fair pay, with 93% of members voting in favor of industrial action on January 23. | On January 24, the Human Services Department of Denver Public Schools (DPS) sent out a letter threatening immigrant teachers who were on work visas, that they would be reported to the immigration authorities if they strik…

Headlines for January 29, 2019
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-01-29
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Venezuela in Latest Challenge to Maduro, White House Raises Specter of Military Intervention in Venezuela, CBO: Gov't Shutdown Caused $3 Billion Permanent Loss to Economy, Joshua Tree Damage from Shutdown Could Take 300 Years to Recover, DOJ Charges Huawei with Bank Fraud, Seeks CFO's Extradition, Yemen: Attack on Camp Kills 8 Civilians as Ceasefire Is Delayed, Polar Vortex Hits Midwest, Bringing Dangerous Conditions, Senate Advances Anti-BDS Bill, Acting AG: Mueller Probe "Close to Being Completed", Virginia Teachers Protest for Fair Wages and Education Funding, Immigrant Rights Activis…

'It Is a Disgrace That Our Public Schools Are So Poorly Funded' – CounterSpin interview with Kent Wong on LA teachers strike
Janine Jackson | fair.org | 2019-01-26
Janine Jackson interviewed Kent Wong about the Los Angeles teachers strike (since settled) for the January 18, 2019, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. | Media…

SPLC: Florida Legislature should reject proposals in Parkland commission report that would threaten school safety and undermine student privacy
Bacardi Jackson, Managing Attorney | splcenter.org | 2019-01-23
The Florida Legislature should reject the harmful recommendations in a report from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission that would threaten, not improve, school safety.

Spring 2019 edition of Teaching Tolerance magazine examines menstrual equity movement in schools
splcenter | splcenter.org | 2019-01-22
When middle school teacher Kristin Heavner shared a photo on social media of a colorful makeup bag filled with disposable menstrual products, she had no idea how people would react.