(2019-04-29). In the Small Canadian City of Regina, Resistance is Brewing. dissidentvoice.org Ed Lehman is a Canadian Communist, and a comrade of mine. I don't say such things often or lightly, especially about Westerners. But he became my comrade, and we struggled shoulder to shoulder, for five days. Not in the South American wilderness, not in Afghanistan or Syria, but in Regina, a small Canadian city, the …
(2019-04-29). International Workers Day to be celebrated in Chicago. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL — Freedom Road Socialist Organization will host a major celebration of International Workers Day, on May 2, 6 p.m. at the UE Hall, 37 S. Ashland. | A teachers and support staff strike is set to begin on May 1, and leaders of the strike will be participating in the event. | Other speakers at the May Day event will include Frank Chapman, Field Organizer of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression; Aurelius Raines, a Chicago Teachers Union leader in the charter school strike that starts May 1; Anne Kirkner, Co-President of the Graduate Employees Organization, fresh from their st…
(2019-04-29). US teachers in the Carolinas to hold mass protests on May Day. wsws.org The simultaneous eruption of teachers struggles in the Carolinas occurs against the backdrop of a continuing wave of teacher strikes and protests around the globe.
(2019-04-29). "Progressive" 2020 Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Who Support Charter Schools. dissidentvoice.org More writers, commentators, and researchers are increasingly reminding the public that a large number of democrats at all levels of government have long supported and promoted privately-operated charter schools that annually siphon billions of public dollars from thousands of over-tested and vilified public schools. The oft-repeated myth that the privatization and destruction of public education …
(2019-04-29). It's Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda. thenation.com It's Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda…
(2019-04-29). Student "lunch debt" skyrockets across the country. Here's how it works. liberationnews.org Under a socialist system, food and education would no longer be luxuries or sources of debt, but guaranteed social rights…
(2019-04-29). Some 300,000 Venezuelan children in Colombia need humanitarian assistance; UNICEF looks to boost response funding. un.org Without increased support, the health, education and well-being of at least 327,000 children from Venezuela living as migrants and refugees in Colombia will be in jeopardy, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned on Monday.
(2019-04-29). Sunrise Movement Says Beto's Climate Plan Is Out of Line With Science and Green New Deal. commondreams.org ______________________________…
(2019-04-29). Time Machine: Re-Visiting the Golden Age of Greek Science. counterpunch.org I gave a lecture recently at the Hellenic Library at Bellflower, California. I spoke about the Antikythera Mechanism: a 2,200 years-old computer that predicted the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon and tracked the positions of the planets. This machine worked with gears, that is, scientific technology. This technology was so advanced it took More
(2019-04-29). The Otto Warmbier Scandal Is All About Challenging Trump's Credibility. globalresearch.ca The Washington Post's surprise revelation that Trump agreed to pay North Korea $2 million in exchange for releasing imprisoned student Otto Warmbier is intended to challenge his credibility by drawing "politically uncomfortable" comparisons between him and his predecessor. | *** | The …
(2019-04-29). Filipino labor leaders speak in Boston. fightbacknews.org Boston, MA — Workers and students packed into the office of Boston's Chinese Progressive Association on April 27 to hear labor activists from the Philippines speak about the state of working-class struggle in their country. The event, sponsored by the Boston chapter of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), featured speakers Raymond "Mong" Palatino and Ed Cubello. | Palatino is the chairperson of BAYAN, an alliance of Filipino progressive organizations, in metro Manila. He guided the crowd through a brief overview of the history of the Philippines, leading up to the current regime of Rodrigo Dut…
(2019-04-29). Is the U.S. Protecting Saudi Fugitives Accused of Serious Crimes? truthdig.com This story was co-published with The Oregonian/OregonLive. | The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies have been aware of the Saudi actions for at least a decade, officials said. But successive American administrations have avoided confronting the government in Riyadh out of concern that doing so might jeopardize U.S. interests, particularly Saudi cooperation in the fight against Islamist terrorism, current and former officials said. | Fleeing Justice | University students from Saudi Arabia studying in the U.S. and Canada have vanished while facing criminal charges. Authorities suspect the S…
(2019-04-29). Puerto Rican Students Show PTSD Symptoms After Hurricane Maria. truthout.org Food shortages, damaged homes, fear of death, loved ones leaving. The cumulative stresses of Hurricane Maria contributed to thousands of schoolchildren developing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, in Puerto Rico, according to a study published Friday. | The study in JAMA Network Open found that 7.2% of the students reported "clinically significant" symptoms of PTSD. More girls tended to show signs of PTSD than boys. | Researchers surveyed 96,108 public school students five to nine mon…
(2019-04-29). Foreign Intrusion: Easter Sunday attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS and Who Else? asia-pacificresearch.com …
(2019-04-29). Boeing Didn't Tell Southwest or FAA that It Had Disabled Critical Safety Alerts on 737 MAX. globalresearch.ca It was a bad enough look for Boeing when reporters uncovered the company's decision to make some safety features optional on its 737 MAX 8s. Worse still that this decision was only made public after the deadly crash of Ethiopian …
(2019-04-29). The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World's Most Evil Corporation" globalresearch.ca First published by Waking Times, posted by Global Research in May 2014, this article provides a historical viewpoint. It is of particular relevance in relation to the Monsanto-Bayer merger. Monsanto-Bayer is relentlessly pushing the Worldwide adoption of glyphosate, which is …
(2019-04-29). US Navy SEAL Officers Attempted to Cover Up Evidence of War Crimes. globalresearch.ca Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, a US Navy SEAL awaiting a court-martial for war crimes charges, was systematically protected by his SEAL superiors for a year, a Navy investigation report covered by the New York Times reveals. Gallagher's trial …
(2019-04-29). 5G: The Big Picture. globalresearch.ca 5G From Space | In November of 2018, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorised the rocket company SpaceX, owned by the entrepreneur Elon Musk, to launch a fleet of 7,518 satellites to complete SpaceX's ambitious scheme to provide global …
(2019-04-29). The Mass Murder of Migratory Birds across America. globalresearch.ca Birds are, quite literally, the proverbial "canary in the coal mine." How birds fare in the world indicates how all wildlife and habitat, and by extension human populations, will fare. It is not just poetry that led Rachel Carson to …
(2019-04-29). Will New Netanyahu Coalition and Kushner's "Deal" Bring Destruction to Jerusalem's Golden Dome? globalresearch.ca Unless action is taken swiftly — and Israel with its anti-Arab, anti-Islamic policies is forced to stop — the world risks losing the most iconic symbol of Jerusalem, and one of the oldest and most beautiful religious structures ever created….
(2019-04-29). The British Government's Secret Hostile Environment Database. globalresearch.ca Back in July 2011, David Cameron made a speech about transparency. He told the electorate of Britain that a new dawn of government transparency had arrived and the release of official data would change the way government delivered public …
(2019-04-29). The Malignant Nature of the Mueller Report and 2020 Election. globalresearch.ca The publication of the Mueller report more than anything else confirmed that the working people in America are facing deeply divided and antagonistic "leadership" in Washington. The consequence of the 1% family feud over the Mueller report will be disastrous. …
(2019-04-29). Assange: So Where Is the Swedish Warrant? globalresearch.ca If the Swedish allegations against Julian Assange were genuine and not simply a ruse to arrest him for extradition to the United States, where is the arrest warrant now from Sweden and what are the charges? | Only the more minor …
(2019-04-29). Measles Vaccines Kill More People than Measles, CDC Data Proves. globalresearch.ca First published by Natural News and Global Research in February 2015 | Parents concerned about their vaccinated children potentially contracting measles from unvaccinated children may want to consider the fact that the bigger health threat is technically the vaccine, not the …
(2019-04-29). Visit our Asia-Pacific Website. https: …
(2019-04-29). Selected Articles: Terror Attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS. globalresearch.ca A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer" | . | . | | | If, like us, this is …
(2019-04-29). Battle for Venezuelan Embassy Continues. globalresearch.ca Demonstrating solidarity with the embattled Bolivarian republic of Venezuela is today's litmus test of anti-imperialism. | As African/Black internationalists, we stand in the tradition of our people's historic anti-war and anti-imperialist positions. We understand that when our folks are clear, they …
(2019-04-29). Sri Lanka: US-Saudi Terror Targets China's Allies. globalresearch.ca As predicted, the Sri Lankan Easter Day blasts which killed hundreds and injured hundreds more — have been connected to the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS). | US Ambassador to Sri Lanka — Alaina Teplitz — would openly claim foreign groups …
(2019-04-29). NATO Expands Eastward to Russia. globalresearch.ca The Following text is Section 4 of | The 70 Years of NATO: From War to War, : | by the Italian Committee No War No NATO | * | Documentation presented at the International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, Florence, April 7, …
(2019-04-29). Fishing to Feed Salmon Farms Is Emptying the Seas, Claims Report. globalresearch.ca Millions of tonnes of sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring, krill and other species are caught and ground into fishmeal and fish oil, known as FMFO. This is fed to salmon caged in hundreds of farms along the west coast. | Now an …
(2019-04-29). Where the Silk Roads Meet the Mighty Mekong. globalresearch.ca The small wooden boats slowly make their way down the brown waters of the Mekong at sunset. Flowing meditation — just enjoying the silence, watching the river flow. Then, suddenly, in the distance, an apparition — a row of cement …
(2019-04-29). New Report Reveals US Sanctions Have Cost 40,000 Venezuelan Lives. mintpressnews.com The Washington DC-based Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) published a report Thursday on the effects of US sanctions against Venezuela. | The 27-page paper was authored by economists Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs, who determined that sanctions have "inflicted very serious harm to human life" in Venezuela. | "The sanctions are depriving Venezuelans of lifesaving medicines, medical equipment, food, and other essential imports," Weisbrot, Co-Director of CEPR, said in a press release. For his part, Sachs added, "American s…
(2019-04-29). Decadent "Western Community of Values". Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery. globalresearch.ca Actually I thought I was sufficiently informed by the books of my friend Manfred Paulus about the shameful excesses of human trafficking and sex slavery. But his meritorious lifelong research is mainly related to Germany and Europe. An article by …
(2019-04-29). Remembering Lyra McKee: A Funeral in Ireland Attended by Leo Varadkar, Michael Higgins, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn. globalresearch.ca The Taoiseach (prime minister) of the Republic of Ireland Leo Varadkar and Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom both showed up on Wednesday in Belfast in Northern Ireland for the funeral of a young woman called Lyra McKee…
(2019-04-28). Genetically Modified Bt Brinjal Aubergine Illegally Growing in India: Who Is Really Pulling the Strings? asia-pacificresearch.com …
(2019-04-28). Selected Articles: Genetic Manipulation, Glyphosate, NATO War Agenda. globalresearch.ca Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed "volunteers" among our more than 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). | Do not send us money. Under Plan A…
(2019-04-28). 10 Questions on Sri Lanka Easter Day Bombings? asia-pacificresearch.com …
(2019-04-28). The War on Syria Continues. Iran Is Next? globalresearch.ca The war on Syria is not over. Western -supported terrorists still occupy Idlib, as well as al Tanif, and strategic resource-rich areas East of the Euphrates. The Al- Rukban concentration camp[1] still holds about 40,000 desperate and dying captives, and …
(2019-04-27). Chicago Teachers Union to strike charter schools on May Day. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL — Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members at as many as ten more charter schools could be on the picket lines on May 1 – May Day – in what would be the third CTU strike against charter operators this school year. | This would be the first multi-employer charter strike in U.S. history. | CTU educators announced their strike date in a joint press conference, April 25, with City Colleges clerks and technical workers in AFT/IFT Local 1708, who have been without a contract for almost three years. Local 1708 workers will hit the picket lines the morning of May Day, International Workers' Day, if no agree…
(2019-04-27). In naked sellout, union announces end to strike by 300,000 Polish teachers. wsws.org The union is covering up the fact that it is ending the strike without meeting any of the teachers' demands by claiming the strike is being "suspended."
(2019-04-26). Friday's Daily Brief: UN chief in China, counter-terrorism, updates from Bangladesh, Mali and Mozambique. un.org This Friday, we cover: the UN Secretary-General's message in China for sustainable development; the toll of a second cyclone in Mozambique; what UN officials saw first-hand in the Rohingya refugee camp of Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh; the impact of insecurity on education in Mali; and the importance of information-sharing in the fight against terrorism.
(2019-04-26). All out this weekend: People's mobilization must continue to protect Venezuelan Embassy from illegal seizure. liberationnews.org We are calling for a full mobilization of all people of conscience to join us on Saturday, April 27 at 2: 00 p.m. at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C.
(2019-04-26). Death Can be a Slow Traveler: Peltier, Mumia and Rap Brown. counterpunch.org When the history of our times is recorded, any volume on domestic political prisoners must, per force, begin with the legendary ones of conscience. To these icons of principle, determination and courage we owe much. It is, after all, not by mere default that they risked, and often paid, all to demand the gale of change sweep away generations of ignorance, hatred and greed that have long fed on communities of color and poverty, from coast to coast, in the United States. For them, it was never about personal risk for they knew all too well the price that can be exacted for such integrity. For them, the alternative…
(2019-04-26). Haiti: US mercenaries caught moving $80M from Petrocaribe fund. greenleft.org.au Embattled President Jovenel MoàØse used United States' help in a poorly executed, but serious, effort to consolidate power writes Matthew Cole (The Intercept) and Kim Ives (Haiti Liberte). | Reprinted with permission of The Intercept. | *** | Most of the Americans arrived in Port-au-Prince from the United States by private jet early on the morning of February 16. They had packed the eight-passenger charter plane with a stockpile of semiautomatic rifles, handguns, Kevlar bulletproof vests and knives. Most had been p…
(2019-04-26). PhRMA Is Funding a Democratic Think Tank Trying to Derail Medicare for All. theintercept.com Since 2009, Big Pharma has given a decent amount of money each year to the Third Way Foundation, the parent of the Progressive Policy Institute, a center-left think tank with ties to Democratic Party leadership. The giving wasn't astronomical, ranging between $25,000 and $75,000, but in 2016, the health care debate in the Democratic Party got real, and the contributions swelled, as Sen. Bernie Sanders gave Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton a scare, running on Medicare for All as a signature issue. | According to tax records, PhRMA, or the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, upped its gift t…
(2019-04-26). SPLC: Louisiana's title of incarceration capital of the world an opportunity for reform. splcenter.org Louisiana once again has the highest incarceration rate, imprisoning 719 of every 100,000 residents, according to a report released this week by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
(2019-04-25). The Untold Story of the Nation's Biggest School Cheating Scandal (3/3). therealnews.com In part three, authors Shani Robinson and Anna Simonton argue a lack of efforts to confront poverty and excessive standardized testing continue to set up students to fail…
(2019-04-25). Los Angeles high school students lead rally for Yemen. liberationnews.org High school students organize the community in solidarity with Yemen.
(2019-04-25). Greta Thunberg has enraged Toby Young. The mud he slings at her can only land on himself. thecanary.co Climate activist Greta Thunberg appears to have enraged pro-establishment commentator Toby Young. But given she's a 16-year-old who has already inspired a movement across 100 countries, the mud Young slings at her only reflects badly on himself. | "Privileged daughter": | Young first asked when someone's going to 'call Thunberg out': | Just saw a clip of Greta Thunberg on the BBC News saying "since no one els…
(2019-04-25). Student migrant faces deportation. greenleft.org.au Students, unionists and community members protested outside the immigration department on April 11 against the threatened deportation of Kinley Wangchuck, an 18-year-old hearing-impaired student who lives in Queanbeyan, NSW. | Wangchuck's family, who have lived in Australia for 7 years and are seeking permanent residency, was told in early April that their son did not meet Australia's migration health requirements and had to be deported as otherwise he would be a "financial burden" on the country. | Will Edwards from the National Union of Students (NUS) Disabilities Department called the protest, which als…