Daily Archives: June 20, 2019

2019-06-20: News Headlines

Robert Hunziker (2019-06-20). The Dangerous Methane Mystery. counterpunch.org The East Siberian Arctic Shelf ("ESAS") is the epicenter of a methane-rich zone that could turn the world upside down. Still, the ESAS is not on the radar of mainstream science, and not included in calculations by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and generally not well understood. It is one of the biggest More

teleSUR (2019-06-20). Global Study Finds Europeans Show Lower Trust in Vaccines. telesurenglish.net A global study on attitudes towards science and medicine reported findings Wednesday showing that vaccines, one of the world's most widely- used medical products, is being confronted by increasing skepticism in high-income countries, especially in Europe. | RELATED: | Japan Battles Country's Largest Measles Outbreak in Decade | Most people in the world think vaccines are safe and efficient at preventing infectious diseases including rubella, diphtheria, smallpox, polio, and whoopin…

pip.hinman (2019-06-20). Capitalism makes fishing destructive and deadly. greenleft.org.au Environment, labour and capitalism at sea: 'Working the ground' in Scotland
| By Penny McCall Howard | Manchester University Press, 2018 | This is a compelling first-hand study that shows that fishing is a deadly occupation because capitalism forces workers to take terrible risks to survive. | Working at sea in the British fishing industry is 115 times more dangerous than the British average. It is a startling statistic, that is usually explained by the idea that the sea is "dangerous". Penny McCall Howard's important book is a detaile…

WSWS (2019-06-20). UK sociologist Noah Carl and the cultivation of the far right in academia. wsws.org We are posting today the speech by International Youth and Students for Social Equality member Thomas Scripps at a June 9 public meeting in Cambridge, England on the eugenicist Noah Carl and the far right in academia.

Jake Johnson, staff writer (2019-06-20). Accusing US of 'Intrusion' Into National Airspace, Iran Shoots Down American 'Spy' Drone. commondreams.org "U.S. drone intrusion to the Iranian airspace is clear violation of the U.N. Charter and national sovereignty of the country," said one top Iranian national security official | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2019-06-20). The 5G War — Technology versus Humanity. globalresearch.ca Exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation is an ever-growing health risk in the modern world. The Cellular Phone Task Force website1 has a long list of governments and organizations that have issued warnings or banned wireless …

John W. Whitehead (2019-06-20). The Jackboots Are Coming: Mass Arrests, Power Grabs and the Politics of Fear. globalresearch.ca "Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest— forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the …

Makia Freeman (2019-06-20). Video: US-Russia Relations and the Expiry of Nuclear Treaties. Global Security in Jeopardy. globalresearch.ca Nuclear treaties (mainly between the USA and Russia) have formed the cornerstone of world peace, stability and safety for decades. They have been an essential mechanism in the international security architecture. Nuclear treaties gave assurance to the world that the …

CGTN Africa (2019-06-20). South Sudan lawmakers quit budget presentation over unpaid public salaries. cgtn.com South Sudanese lawmakers stormed out of a budget presentation for the 2019/20 financial year by the finance minister on Thursday, with one citing frustrations over non-payment of salaries of civil servants and soldiers. | The disruption highlights issues affecting South Sudan months after the latest peace deal was signed to end a civil war, often fought along ethnic lines and that has crippled oil production, forced millions to flee and killed 400,000 people. | "Our army is cutting down trees to make a living, our foreign missions … it is now almost one year we are unable to pay them. Our teachers are not be…

teleSUR (2019-06-19). To Succeed in the US, Better to Be Born Rich Than Smart: Study. telesurenglish.net Being born wealthy is a better indicator of adult success in the United States (U.S.) than academic performance, according to a new study from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW). | RELATED: | US: Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion Since 1989, Bottom Half Lost $900 Billion | "People with talent often don't succeed. What we found in th…

teleSUR (2019-06-19). Honduras: Dialogue Starts, Street Rallies Continue. telesurenglish.net The Honduran Platform for Defense of Education & Healthcare (PDSE) committee began its "Alternative Citizen Dialogue" to in Tegucigalpa Tuesday in order to discuss how the government can improve the health and education systems amid austerity protests across the country. | RELATED: | Honduras: Doctors, Teachers Continue Protests Against Gov't | "This democratic exercise has been created by people who cry for a better future," Suyapa Figueroa, the PDSE coordinator and president of the…

Paul Kawika Martin (2019-06-19). House Casts Historic Vote to Repeal Authorization for Endless War. peaceaction.org Washington, D.C. — June 19, 2019 — In response to the House of Representatives passing H.R. 2740 (Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Legislative Branch, Defense, State, Foreign Operations, and Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2020), which includes language to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) eight months after …

Special To The Black Star News (2019-06-19). Uganda MP Bobi Wine a Panelist at U.S. Human Rights forum Organized by Rev. Jesse Jackson — Former Vice President Biden, Special Speaker. blackstarnews.com The Ugandan international human rights leader Robert Kyagulanyi, a.k.a. Bobi Wine, is one of the featured speakers on July 1 at a conference organized by the Rev. Jesse Jackson in Chicago, with former Vice President Joe Biden as a special guest. | | The five-day conference starts June 28 through July…

Alexandra Jacobo (2019-06-19). Seattle ends crucial indigenous youth program. nationofchange.org Seattle Schools' has decided to end Clear Sky, a crucial indigenous youth program that provides tutoring, mentorship, cultural lessons, and leadership and civic engagement training for children in the Seattle School District. | Clear Sky evening program was founded and operated by the Urban Native Education Alliance (UNEA). According to the school district, UNEA was not meeting the appropriate requirements to have space in schools. The district claims that they attempted to communicate and work with UNEA to "bring the goals of the school and practices of the organization into alignment," said district spokespe…

commondreams (2019-06-19). New Analysis of Fracking Science (~1,500 Studies) Finds Serious Harms to Public Health, Environment, and Climate. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Rajan Menon (2019-06-19). America's suicide epidemic. nationofchange.org We hear a lot about suicide when celebrities like Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade die by their own hand. Otherwise, it seldom makes the headlines. That's odd given the magnitude of the problem. | In 2017, 47,173 Americans killed themselves. In that single year, in other words, the suicide count was n…

Lee Camp (2019-06-19). American Inequality Creates the Fascism We Fight Against. truthdig.com See if you can answer the following if / then statement without the help of a calculator, tape measure or quaaludes: | If inequality, then instability. | If instability, then _____ . … | I assume everybody remembers "if / then" statements from middle school? One day your jaded teacher, who had clearly just had some sort of relationship issue, walked into the room and said, "Class, it works like this: IF Tom is a good-looking man, THEN he is a pedophile. …That will be on the exam, so write it down!" | It's unclear whether learning if / then statements ever helped a single child later in life, especially when c…

The Canary (2019-06-19). Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's husband insists Johnson's comments impacted on her. thecanary.co The husband of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has insisted that comments made by Boris Johnson when he was foreign secretary "enabled a propaganda campaign" against her by Iran.Richard Ratcliffe directly contradicted claims by Mr Johnson in the Tory leadership TV debate that his remarks as foreign secretary had no bearing on the fate of the mother-of-one, who is in prison in Iran on spying charges.Apology: Mr Johnson was forced to apologise in 2017 after wrongly stating to a House of Commons committee that Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe had been in Iran to teach journalists.Referring to the remarks, Mr Ratcliffe told BB…

Staff (2019-06-19). How the Charter School Movement Co-Opted Teach for America. truthdig.com ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for ProPublica's Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox as soon as they are published. | When the Walton Family Foundation announced in 2013 that it was donating $20 million to Teach For America to recruit and train nearly 4,000 teachers for low-income schools, its press release did not reveal the unusual terms for the g…

WSWS (2019-06-19). Michigan teachers rally to "fund our schools" after 20 years of bipartisan cuts. wsws.org Teachers across Michigan rallied at the state capitol Tuesday voicing their outrage over a generation of budget cuts.

Adolph Reed Jr., Cornel West (2019-06-19). The Charter School Industry's Dishonest Attack on Bernie Sanders. thenation.com The Charter School Industry's Dishonest Attack on Bernie Sanders…

Dr. Vandana Shiva (2019-06-19). The Industrialisation of Fake Food. globalresearch.ca Food is not a commodity. It is not 'stuff' put together mechanically and artificially in labs and factories. Food is life. | Food holds the contributions of all beings that make the food web, and it holds the potential for maintaining …

Robert Fantina (2019-06-19). America's War against Iran: The Insidious Role of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) Terrorist Entity. globalresearch.ca In 2015, the United States, several other nations and the European Union signed an agreement with the government of Iran that limited Iran's nuclear development program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against Iran. During the final years of …

Philip A Farruggio (2019-06-19). The 'Eve of Destruction' that Never Ends. From the "Old" and "New Cold War"… to the "Hot War"? globalresearch.ca In 1965 songwriter PF Sloan wrote the lyrics for 'Eve of Destruction'. The most famous recording was by singer Barry McGuire in the summer of that same year. Some of the lyrics obviously address the issue of the Cold War …

Global Research News (2019-06-19). Selected Articles: US War Based on Lies and Deception. globalresearch.ca Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed "volunteers" among our more than 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). | Do not send us money. Under Plan A

Marta Harnecker (2019-06-19). Eternal Builder of Dreams and Hopes: Marta Harnecker (1937 — 2019). globalresearch.ca "Well, friends, that's it for today. You have to live in uncertainty and get ahead no matter what it takes. A hug as always, full of dreams and hopes." — Marta | With these words Marta Harnecker bade farewell to all …

Staffan Dahllof (2019-06-19). Chlorpyrifos: The Most Dangerous Pesticide You've Never Heard of. globalresearch.ca Scientists say there is no acceptable dose to avoid brain damage. Its use is banned in several European countries. Yet its residues are found in fruit baskets, on dinner plates, and in human urine samples from all over Europe. Now …

The Global Research Team (2019-06-19). Truly Independent News and Analysis, a Dying Breed. globalresearch.ca Dear Readers, | In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on globalresearch.ca has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide, helping …

(2019-06-19). Trump EPA OKs 'Emergency' Use of Bee-killing Pesticide on 13.9 Million Acres. globalresearch.ca The Environmental Protection Agency announced so-called "emergency" approvals today to spray sulfoxaflor — an insecticide it considers "very highly toxic" to bees — on nearly 14 million acres of crops known to attract bees. | The approval includes 2019 crops of …

Staffan Dahllof (2019-06-19). Chlorpyrifos: The Most Dangerous Pesticide You've Never Heard of. globalresearch.ca Scientists say there is no acceptable dose to avoid brain damage. Its use is banned in several European countries. Yet its residues are found in fruit baskets, on dinner plates, and in human urine samples from all over Europe. Now …

Peter Symonds (2019-06-19). US Preparing "Assault" Against Iran. globalresearch.ca The Pentagon announced on Monday that the US is sending 1,000 additional troops and other military resources to the Middle East amid belligerent threats against Iran by the Trump administration. The troop movement follows the previous deployment of the USS …

Andrew Korybko (2019-06-19). The US Is Now India's Number One Trading Partner and Ally, Jeopardizing Russia's Pipeline Plans. globalresearch.ca Russia's "Return to South Asia" was supposed to see it build the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline as a means of promoting peaceful multipolar regional integration, but the US is about to jeopardize this plan after it was disclosed just days …

Peter Oborne (2019-06-19). In Defence of Jeremy Corbyn's Brave and Lonely Stand on Calls for War Against Iran. globalresearch.ca The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is once again in the doghouse with the British media and the political establishment. | His offence? Once again it's for doing his job. | According to the political editor of the Sunday Times, Tim Shipman, …

Dr. Elias Akleh (2019-06-19). The War of Oil Tankers. globalresearch.ca The economic war waged by Trump's administration against Iran seems to have been escalated to involve false flag attacks against oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz. Within a one-month period two …

Peter Koenig (2019-06-19). "Heightened Tensions With Iran": Provoking the Bear and the Dragon — And Hoping for the Best? globalresearch.ca "We are urging all the sides to show restraint," said President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov, to avoid escalation in the Middle East after the US said it was deploying additional troops due to heightened tensions with Iran" | "We would …

Andrew Korybko (2019-06-19). Overthrown in a 2013 Military Coup, The Passing of Egypt's Mohamed Morsi: Man vs. Myth. globalresearch.ca The passing of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi presents the perfect opportunity for reflecting on his controversial legacy and the real impact that this Muslim Brotherhood leader had on the region. | Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi passed away on Monday …

Eric Peters (2019-06-19). Synthesis Technology, Artificial Intelligence and "Deap-Fake" Videos: "I Don't Think the Public Is Aware of What's Coming" globalresearch.ca "I don't think we're well prepared at all. And I don't think the public is aware of what's coming," said the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He was discussing the rapid advance of synthesis technology. This new artificial …

South Front (2019-06-19). Video: Tanker War in Persian Gulf and US-Iranian Conflict. globalresearch.ca The Persian Gulf region has turned into a new hot point in the Middle East. | On May 12, a supposed sabotage attack targeted very large crude carrier Amjad and crude tanker Al Marzoqah (both owned by Saudi shipping firm Bahri). …

teleSUR (2019-06-19). Over 3.3M Brazilians Unemployed Since 2017: Report. telesurenglish.net The rate of unemployment in Brazil is rising with over three million Brazilians reported still without work after at least two years, new data from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) reveals. | RELATED: | Brazil: Police Repress Rallies Against Pension Reform | Using information from the National Continuous Household Sample Survey (PNAD/IBGE) and t…

Jake Anderson (2019-06-19). New Theory Suggests We Live Inside of a Gigantic Higher Dimensional Black Hole. theantimedia.com (TMU) — New research into black holes has accelerated in recent years, producing some outlandish—though mind boggling—ideas. The newest theory advanced by researchers may take the cake in this regard. A team of astrophysicists at Canada's University of Waterloo have put forth a theory suggesting that our universe exists inside the event horizon of a massive higher …

Manlio Dinucci (2019-06-19). Who Are the Arsonists of the Petrol Tankers in the Gulf? globalresearch.ca While the United States prepares a new escalation of tension in the Middle East by accusing Iran of attacking petrol tankers in the Gulf of Oman, Italian vice-Prime Minister Matteo Salvini met with one of the artisans of this strategy …

Philip Weiss (2019-06-19). 'What Is Trump's Motivation to be Provocative with Iran?' Pelosi Asks— and the Answer Is Adelson. globalresearch.ca Yesterday Nancy Pelosi asked a very pointed question on CNN, Why is Trump threatening a war with Iran? | [W]hat is his motivation? What is their motivation to be provocative with the Iranians? Why did the president turn his back …

Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari (2019-06-19). Idlib and the War of Terror Against the Syrian People. Ambassador Jaafari's Statement at UN Security Council. globalresearch.ca Syria's ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Bashar Jaafari delivered yet another speech at the UNSC focussing on the unfolding situation in Idlib, | The English transcript of his presentation is indicated below. | The video includes the full statement in Arabic …

Federico Pieraccini (2019-06-19). Why Russia's S-400 Is a More Formidable Threat to US Arms Industry than You Think. globalresearch.ca Generally, when discussing air-defense systems here, we are referring to Russian devices that have become famous in recent years, in particular the S-300 (and its variants) and the S-400. Their deployment in Syria has slowed down the ability of such …

Staff (2019-06-19). Poll: Majority Worry About 2020 Foreign Meddling. truthdig.com RALEIGH, N.C. — A majority of Americans are concerned that a foreign government might interfere in some way in the 2020 presidential election, whether by tampering with election results, stealing information or by influencing candidates or voter opinion, a new poll shows. | The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds Democrats far more likely to express the highest level of concern, but Democrats and Republicans alike have at least some concerns about interference. | Overall, half of Americans say they're extremely or very concerned about foreign interference in the form…

Stephen Lendman (2019-06-19). Trump Regime Planning War on Iran Based on Big Lies and Deception? globalresearch.ca Fast-moving events suggest that an unthinkable US preemptive war on Iran is possible, a reckless act if launched — like all wars, based on Big Lies and deception. More on this below. | Years earlier, former NATO commander General Wesley Clark…

Alexander Rubinstein (2019-06-19). Venezuela: Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido's Political Future. globalresearch.ca The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International …

Manlio Dinucci (2019-06-19). Video: 200 Israeli Nuclear Weapons Targeted against Iran. globalresearch.ca For over 50 years, Israel has been producing nuclear weapons, with the help mainly of France and the US. It is not subject to inspections because Israel, the only nuclear power in the Middle East, does not adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran signed fifty years ago.

WSWS (2019-06-18). Baltimore teachers' contract set to expire at end of month. wsws.org Neither one of the factions fighting for control of the Baltimore Teachers Union offers educators any way forward to fight the bipartisan attack on public education.

Jacob Howland (2019-06-18). Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire's Raid on the University of Tulsa. thenation.com Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire's Raid on the University of Tulsa…

2019-06-20: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

The Dangerous Methane Mystery
Robert Hunziker | counterpunch.org | 2019-06-20
The East Siberian Arctic Shelf ("ESAS") is the epicenter of a methane-rich zone that could turn the world upside down. Still, the ESAS is not on the radar of mainstream science, and not included in calculations by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and generally not well understood. It is one of the biggest…

Global Study Finds Europeans Show Lower Trust in Vaccines
telesurenglish.net | 2019-06-20
A global study on attitudes towards science and medicine reported findings Wednesday showing that vaccines, one of the world's most widely- used medical products, is being confronted by increasing skepticism in high-income countries, especially in Europe. | RELATED: | Japan Battles Country's Largest Measles Outbreak in Decade | Most people in the world think vaccines are safe and efficient at preventing infectious diseases including rubella, diphtheria, smallpox, polio, and whoopin…

Capitalism makes fishing destructive and deadly
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2019-06-20
Environment, labour and capitalism at sea: 'Working the ground' in Scotland | By Penny McCall Howard | Manchester University Press, 2018 | This is a compelling first-hand study that shows that fishing is a deadly occupation because capitalism forces workers to take terrible risks to survive. | Working at sea in the British fishing industry is 115 times more dangerous than the British average. It is a startling statistic, that is usually explained by the idea that the sea is "dangerous". Penny McCall Howard's important book is a detaile…

UK sociologist Noah Carl and the cultivation of the far right in academia
wsws.org | 2019-06-20
We are posting today the speech by International Youth and Students for Social Equality member Thomas Scripps at a June 9 public meeting in Cambridge, England on the eugenicist Noah Carl and the far right in academia.

South Sudan lawmakers quit budget presentation over unpaid public salaries
CGTN Africa | cgtn.com | 2019-06-20
South Sudanese lawmakers stormed out of a budget presentation for the 2019/20 financial year by the finance minister on Thursday, with one citing frustrations over non-payment of salaries of civil servants and soldiers. | The disruption highlights issues affecting South Sudan months after the latest peace deal was signed to end a civil war, often fought along ethnic lines and that has crippled oil production, forced millions to flee and killed 400,000 people. | "Our army is cutting down trees to make a living, our foreign missions … it is now almost one year we are unable to pay them. Our teachers are not be…

Accusing US of 'Intrusion' Into National Airspace, Iran Shoots Down American 'Spy' Drone
Jake Johnson, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-06-20
"U.S. drone intrusion to the Iranian airspace is clear violation of the U.N. Charter and national sovereignty of the country," said one top Iranian national security official | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

The Jackboots Are Coming: Mass Arrests, Power Grabs and the Politics of Fear
John W. Whitehead | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-20

The 5G War — Technology versus Humanity
Dr. Joseph Mercola | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-20
Exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation is an ever-growing health risk in the modern world. The Cellular Phone Task Force website1 has a long list of governments and organizations that have issued warnings or banned wireless …

Video: US-Russia Relations and the Expiry of Nuclear Treaties. Global Security in Jeopardy
Makia Freeman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-20
Nuclear treaties (mainly between the USA and Russia) have formed the cornerstone of world peace, stability and safety for decades. They have been an essential mechanism in the international security architecture. Nuclear treaties gave assurance to the world that the …

Seattle ends crucial indigenous youth program
Alexandra Jacobo | nationofchange.org | 2019-06-19
Seattle Schools' has decided to end Clear Sky, a crucial indigenous youth program that provides tutoring, mentorship, cultural lessons, and leadership and civic engagement training for children in the Seattle School District. | Clear Sky evening program was founded and operated by the Urban Native Education Alliance (UNEA). According to the school district, UNEA was not meeting the appropriate requirements to have space in schools. The district claims that they attempted to communicate and work with UNEA to "bring the goals of the school and practices of the organization into alignment," said district spokespe…

House Casts Historic Vote to Repeal Authorization for Endless War
Paul Kawika Martin | peaceaction.org | 2019-06-19
Washington, D.C. — June 19, 2019 — In response to the House of Representatives passing H.R. 2740 (Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Legislative Branch, Defense, State, Foreign Operations, and Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2020), which includes language to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) eight months after …

Honduras: Dialogue Starts, Street Rallies Continue
telesurenglish.net | 2019-06-19
The Honduran Platform for Defense of Education & Healthcare (PDSE) committee began its "Alternative Citizen Dialogue" to in Tegucigalpa Tuesday in order to discuss how the government can improve the health and education systems amid austerity protests across the country. | RELATED: | Honduras: Doctors, Teachers Continue Protests Against Gov't | "This democratic exercise has been created by people who cry for a better future," Suyapa Figueroa, the PDSE coordinator and president of the…

To Succeed in the US, Better to Be Born Rich Than Smart: Study
telesurenglish.net | 2019-06-19
Being born wealthy is a better indicator of adult success in the United States (U.S.) than academic performance, according to a new study from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW). | RELATED: | US: Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion Since 1989, Bottom Half Lost $900 Billion | "People with talent often don't succeed. What we found in th…

New Analysis of Fracking Science (~1,500 Studies) Finds Serious Harms to Public Health, Environment, and Climate
commondreams.org | 2019-06-19

Michigan teachers rally to "fund our schools" after 20 years of bipartisan cuts
wsws.org | 2019-06-19
Teachers across Michigan rallied at the state capitol Tuesday voicing their outrage over a generation of budget cuts.

Michigan teachers rally to "fund our schools" after 20 years of bipartisan cuts
wsws.org | 2019-06-19
Teachers across Michigan rallied at the state capitol Tuesday voicing their outrage over a generation of budget cuts.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's husband insists Johnson's comments impacted on her
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-06-19
The husband of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has insisted that comments made by Boris Johnson when he was foreign secretary "enabled a propaganda campaign" against her by Iran.Richard Ratcliffe directly contradicted claims by Mr Johnson in the Tory leadership TV debate that his remarks as foreign secretary had no bearing on the fate of the mother-of-one, who is in prison in Iran on spying charges.Apology: Mr Johnson was forced to apologise in 2017 after wrongly stating to a House of Commons committee that Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe had been in Iran to teach journalists.Referring to the remarks, Mr Ratcliffe told BB…

American Inequality Creates the Fascism We Fight Against
Lee Camp | truthdig.com | 2019-06-19
See if you can answer the following if / then statement without the help of a calculator, tape measure or quaaludes: | If inequality, then instability. | If instability, then _____ . … | I assume everybody remembers "if / then" statements from middle school? One day your jaded teacher, who had clearly just had some sort of relationship issue, walked into the room and said, "Class, it works like this: IF Tom is a good-looking man, THEN he is a pedophile. …That will be on the exam, so write it down!" | It's unclear whether learning if / then statements ever helped a single child later in life, especially when c…

How the Charter School Movement Co-Opted Teach for America
Staff | truthdig.com | 2019-06-19
ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for ProPublica's Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox as soon as they are published. | When the Walton Family Foundation announced in 2013 that it was donating $20 million to Teach For America to recruit and train nearly 4,000 teachers for low-income schools, its press release did not reveal the unusual terms for the g…

The Charter School Industry's Dishonest Attack on Bernie Sanders
Adolph Reed Jr., Cornel West | thenation.com | 2019-06-19
The Charter School Industry's Dishonest Attack on Bernie Sanders…

Truly Independent News and Analysis, a Dying Breed
The Global Research Team | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Dear Readers, | In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on globalresearch.ca has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide, helping …

Poll: Majority Worry About 2020 Foreign Meddling
Staff | truthdig.com | 2019-06-19
RALEIGH, N.C. — A majority of Americans are concerned that a foreign government might interfere in some way in the 2020 presidential election, whether by tampering with election results, stealing information or by influencing candidates or voter opinion, a new poll shows. | The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds Democrats far more likely to express the highest level of concern, but Democrats and Republicans alike have at least some concerns about interference. | Overall, half of Americans say they're extremely or very concerned about foreign interference in the form…

In Defence of Jeremy Corbyn's Brave and Lonely Stand on Calls for War Against Iran
Peter Oborne | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is once again in the doghouse with the British media and the political establishment. | His offence? Once again it's for doing his job. | According to the political editor of the Sunday Times, Tim Shipman, …

Venezuela: Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido's Political Future
Alexander Rubinstein | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International …

Selected Articles: US War Based on Lies and Deception
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed "volunteers" among our more than 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). | Do not send us money. Under Plan A…

New Theory Suggests We Live Inside of a Gigantic Higher Dimensional Black Hole
Jake Anderson | theantimedia.com | 2019-06-19
(TMU) — New research into black holes has accelerated in recent years, producing some outlandish–though mind boggling–ideas. The newest theory advanced by researchers may take the cake in this regard. A team of astrophysicists at Canada's University of Waterloo have put forth a theory suggesting that our universe exists inside the event horizon of a massive higher …

Why Russia's S-400 Is a More Formidable Threat to US Arms Industry than You Think
Federico Pieraccini | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Generally, when discussing air-defense systems here, we are referring to Russian devices that have become famous in recent years, in particular the S-300 (and its variants) and the S-400. Their deployment in Syria has slowed down the ability of such …

Who Are the Arsonists of the Petrol Tankers in the Gulf?
Manlio Dinucci | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
While the United States prepares a new escalation of tension in the Middle East by accusing Iran of attacking petrol tankers in the Gulf of Oman, Italian vice-Prime Minister Matteo Salvini met with one of the artisans of this strategy …

The War of Oil Tankers
Dr. Elias Akleh | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
The economic war waged by Trump's administration against Iran seems to have been escalated to involve false flag attacks against oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz. Within a one-month period two …

US Preparing "Assault" Against Iran
Peter Symonds | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
The Pentagon announced on Monday that the US is sending 1,000 additional troops and other military resources to the Middle East amid belligerent threats against Iran by the Trump administration. The troop movement follows the previous deployment of the USS …

Trump EPA OKs 'Emergency' Use of Bee-killing Pesticide on 13.9 Million Acres

| globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
The Environmental Protection Agency announced so-called "emergency" approvals today to spray sulfoxaflor — an insecticide it considers "very highly toxic" to bees — on nearly 14 million acres of crops known to attract bees. | The approval includes 2019 crops of …

Chlorpyrifos: The Most Dangerous Pesticide You've Never Heard of
Staffan Dahllof | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Scientists say there is no acceptable dose to avoid brain damage. Its use is banned in several European countries. Yet its residues are found in fruit baskets, on dinner plates, and in human urine samples from all over Europe. Now …

Eternal Builder of Dreams and Hopes: Marta Harnecker (1937 — 2019)
Marta Harnecker | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
"Well, friends, that's it for today. You have to live in uncertainty and get ahead no matter what it takes. A hug as always, full of dreams and hopes." — Marta | With these words Marta Harnecker bade farewell to all …

"Heightened Tensions With Iran": Provoking the Bear and the Dragon — And Hoping for the Best?
Peter Koenig | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
"We are urging all the sides to show restraint," said President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov, to avoid escalation in the Middle East after the US said it was deploying additional troops due to heightened tensions with Iran" | "We would …

Chlorpyrifos: The Most Dangerous Pesticide You've Never Heard of
Staffan Dahllof | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Scientists say there is no acceptable dose to avoid brain damage. Its use is banned in several European countries. Yet its residues are found in fruit baskets, on dinner plates, and in human urine samples from all over Europe. Now …

'What Is Trump's Motivation to be Provocative with Iran?' Pelosi Asks– and the Answer Is Adelson
Philip Weiss | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Yesterday Nancy Pelosi asked a very pointed question on CNN, Why is Trump threatening a war with Iran? | [W]hat is his motivation? What is their motivation to be provocative with the Iranians? Why did the president turn his back | …

Video: 200 Israeli Nuclear Weapons Targeted against Iran
Manlio Dinucci | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
For over 50 years, Israel has been producing nuclear weapons, with the help mainly of France and the US. It is not subject to inspections because Israel, the only nuclear power in the Middle East, does not adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran signed fifty years ago.

Video: Tanker War in Persian Gulf and US-Iranian Conflict
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
The Persian Gulf region has turned into a new hot point in the Middle East. | On May 12, a supposed sabotage attack targeted very large crude carrier Amjad and crude tanker Al Marzoqah (both owned by Saudi shipping firm Bahri). …

The Industrialisation of Fake Food
Dr. Vandana Shiva | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Food is not a commodity. It is not 'stuff' put together mechanically and artificially in labs and factories. Food is life. | Food holds the contributions of all beings that make the food web, and it holds the potential for maintaining …

The 'Eve of Destruction' that Never Ends. From the "Old" and "New Cold War"… to the "Hot War"?
Philip A Farruggio | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
In 1965 songwriter PF Sloan wrote the lyrics for 'Eve of Destruction'. The most famous recording was by singer Barry McGuire in the summer of that same year. Some of the lyrics obviously address the issue of the Cold War …

Over 3.3M Brazilians Unemployed Since 2017: Report
telesurenglish.net | 2019-06-19
The rate of unemployment in Brazil is rising with over three million Brazilians reported still without work after at least two years, new data from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) reveals. | RELATED: | Brazil: Police Repress Rallies Against Pension Reform | Using information from the National Continuous Household Sample Survey (PNAD/IBGE) and t…

America's War against Iran: The Insidious Role of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) Terrorist Entity
Robert Fantina | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
In 2015, the United States, several other nations and the European Union signed an agreement with the government of Iran that limited Iran's nuclear development program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against Iran. During the final years of …

The US Is Now India's Number One Trading Partner and Ally, Jeopardizing Russia's Pipeline Plans
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Russia's "Return to South Asia" was supposed to see it build the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline as a means of promoting peaceful multipolar regional integration, but the US is about to jeopardize this plan after it was disclosed just days …

Trump Regime Planning War on Iran Based on Big Lies and Deception?
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Fast-moving events suggest that an unthinkable US preemptive war on Iran is possible, a reckless act if launched — like all wars, based on Big Lies and deception. More on this below. | Years earlier, former NATO commander General Wesley Clark…

Idlib and the War of Terror Against the Syrian People. Ambassador Jaafari's Statement at UN Security Council
Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
Syria's ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Bashar Jaafari delivered yet another speech at the UNSC focussing on the unfolding situation in Idlib, | The English transcript of his presentation is indicated below. | The video includes the full statement in Arabic …

Overthrown in a 2013 Military Coup, The Passing of Egypt's Mohamed Morsi: Man vs. Myth
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
The passing of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi presents the perfect opportunity for reflecting on his controversial legacy and the real impact that this Muslim Brotherhood leader had on the region. | Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi passed away on Monday …

Synthesis Technology, Artificial Intelligence and "Deap-Fake" Videos: "I Don't Think the Public Is Aware of What's Coming"
Eric Peters | globalresearch.ca | 2019-06-19
"I don't think we're well prepared at all. And I don't think the public is aware of what's coming," said the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He was discussing the rapid advance of synthesis technology. This new artificial …

Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire's Raid on the University of Tulsa
Jacob Howland | thenation.com | 2019-06-18
Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire's Raid on the University of Tulsa…

Record number of school leavers in Scotland moving into work, study or training
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-06-18
The rate of young people in Scotland working, studying or training nine months after leaving school has hit its highest recorded level. | Official statistics show 93.2% of pupils were in "positive destinations", while 5.5% were unemployed. | The largest proportion were in higher education at 39%, while 28.3% were employed, 22.7% were in further education, and 1.7% were in training. | Statistics published today show that: a record percentage of young people went on to a positive destination within nine months of leaving school last year the deprivation gap in positive destinations has fallen by more than half | Re…

Baltimore teachers' contract set to expire at end of month
wsws.org | 2019-06-18
Neither one of the factions fighting for control of the Baltimore Teachers Union offers educators any way forward to fight the bipartisan attack on public education.