Monthly Archives: August 2019

2019-08-03: News Headlines

Israel Shahak (2019-08-03). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

Rossen Vassilev Jr. (2019-08-03). Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity? The two most often cited reasons for President Truman's controversial decision were to shorten the war and to save the lives of "between 250,000 and 500,000" American soldiers.

Jack Tucker (2019-08-03). The Canaries That Sang "Things Suck" Don't get me wrong. I am not foul-mouthed or in any way vulgar, having been trained in the niceties of academic discretionary writing and research. I apologize for the title and even for using the personal pronoun "I." As "one" knows, to write as if you are a person with values and beliefs is very …

Alexandria Millet (2019-08-03). The Persistence of School Segregation. Students are still isolated in their own schools because almost no one looks like them, or they are concentrated in schools in which almost everyone does.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-08-03). Hiroshima: A "Military Base" according to President Harry Truman. "The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians.."(President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-08-03). A Major Conventional War Against Iran Is an Impossibility. Crisis within the US Command Structure. What both the media and military analysts fail to acknowledge is that US CENTCOM's forward Middle East headquarters at the al-Udeid military base close to Doha de facto "lies in enemy territory". Since the May 2017 split of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Qatar has become a staunch ally of Iran…

Edward Curtin (2019-08-03). The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times. The Killing of the Kennedys and Today's New Cold War. Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father's death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.

Makia Freeman (2019-08-03). Bioweapons: Lyme Disease, Weaponized Ticks. Bioweapons, specifically Lyme Disease and bioweaponized ticks, were in the news recently when US Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) introduced Amendment 116-19 which was subsequently passed by the US House of Congress on July 11th, 2019. The US House ordered an …

WSWS (2019-08-03). Australian households' cost of living soars above consumer price index. A large gap has emerged between the official statistics and the standard of living, thanks to skyrocketing prices for essential goods and services, as opposed to prices for discretionary items.

Labor Video Project (2019-08-03). The Mural Debate Rages On: Arnautoff Murals Opened Up For Public At George Washington High. The San Francisco Unified School District opened up Washington High School entrance so the public could view the Victor Arnautoff murals. The San Francisco School Board voted unanimously witht he support of SFUSD superintendent to spend $600,000 to destroy the murals. Board vice chair Mark Sanchez said it was "the first payment for reparations" to Native Americans for the genocide and theft of their lands. | Hundreds of people attended the opening and spoke out about the murals, the controversy and the state of public education.

Christopher Black (2019-08-02). The Rise of China and the Decline of American Power. The imperialist powers have a long history of colonialism in China, of reducing its people to beggars in their own land. The British, the French, the Germans, the Americans, the Japanese, all are guilty of crimes against China that cannot …

Svetlana Skarbo (2019-08-02). Climate Change in Siberia: Massive Wildlife Tragedy as Bears and Foxes Flee Taiga, While Smaller Animals Suffocate in Smoke. Wild animals are turning to humans as they escape gas-chamber-like woods, with wildfires continuing to rage across almost 3 million hectares. | Even the Arctic is on fire, with smoke blanketing an area larger than the European Union, and a state …

Steven Sahiounie (2019-08-02). Syria's "Opposition" Fails to Represent Syrians. The Syrian population residing in Syria is suffering from having barely survived eight years of war. They didn't leave for camps in Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon, or they are those who have returned to Syria from having been in camps. …

Eric London (2019-08-02). US Federal Court Exposes Democratic Party Conspiracy Against Assange and WikiLeaks. Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit. In a ruling published late Tuesday, Judge John Koeltl of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York delivered a devastating blow to the US-led conspiracy against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. | In his ruling, Judge Koeltl, …

South Front (2019-08-02). Video: Al Qaeda Idlib "Militants" Rescued by Another "Ceasefire", Israeli Airstrikes against Syrian Army Positions. On August 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies continued their advance on militants' positions in northern Hama liberated the villages of Mushairifah, Aziziah, Abu Raeida Gharbi and Abu Raeida. | According to local sources, SAA units also pushed …

Andrew Korybko (2019-08-02). UAE Withdrawal from Yemen. Turning Point. Did the Ansar Allah Just Win the Yemeni War? The announcement that the UAE is in the process of a large-scale military drawdown in Yemen has been met with rapturous applause by the Ansar Allah's supporters who believe that this unofficially acknowledges their victory in the conflict, but these …

Swiss Propaganda Research (2019-08-02). The American Empire and Its Media. This article was first crossposted on GR in July 2017. | Largely unbeknownst to the public, many media executives and top journalists of almost all major U.S. news outlets, political and business magazines, public broadcasters and press agencies have long been …

Daily Sabah (2019-08-02). A Mother, Six Newborns Die Every Two Hours in Yemen. As the world approaches the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), mothers and children continue to bear the brunt of the ongoing Saudi-led war in Yemen. The brutal conflict continues to cost the lives …

Elijah J. Magnier (2019-08-02). Why Did the UK Commander of HM Montrose Refrain from Firing on Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)? Who in Iran Gave Orders to Capture the "Stena Impero"? The US officially asked Europe, in particular the UK, France, Germany and Italy, to provide a naval force to patrol and protect ships sailing in the Straits of Hormuz, even if the command and control is handled by the Europeans …

Native News Online Staff (2019-08-02). Liz Cheney equates saving bears with destroying American way of life. This article was reposted from Native News Online. RIVERTON, Wyo. — On a momentous day for Tribal Nations, Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY), the House Republican Conference Chairwoman, stated that the successful litigation by tribes and environmentalists to return the grizzly bear in Greater Yellowstone to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) "was not based on science or …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-08-02). The Retainer Solution: The European Union, Libya and Irregular Migration. There is a venom in international refugee policy that refuses to go away: officials charged with their tasks, passing on their labours to those who might see the UN Refugee Convention as empty wording, rather than strict injunction carved upon …

The Canary (2019-08-02). July heatwave 'more intense due to human-induced climate change'. The record-breaking July heatwave in central and western Europe would have been up to 3C (5.5F) cooler if the climate was not changing, new research has found.There is "extremely little chance" that some of the high temperatures would have been reached if humans had not had an impact on the climate, the World Weather Attribution report adds.It said heatwave temperatures recorded in France and the Netherlands in the last week of July, which exceeded 40C, would only occur around once every 1,000 years without climate change.And it said hot spells like the one recorded in the UK and Germany would only occur around e…

Nino Pagliccia (2019-08-02). Defending Venezuela Is Defending Our America. The Sao Paulo Forum (SPF) that took place in Caracas just ended on July 28 fittingly within the framework of remembering the 65th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Chavez with a display of affection and respect for the …

Peter Koenig (2019-08-02). The Western Alliance Is Falling Apart. Turkey has become a de facto lame duck as a NATO member and may soon officially exit NATO which would be a tremendous blow to the Western Alliance — and may tempt other European NATO nations to do likewise. Probably not overnight, but the idea of an ever more defunct NATO is planted.

Sarah Abed (2019-08-02). No, Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Is Not "Assad Apologist" With nearly two dozen declared candidates competing for the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary field and the opportunity to run against Donald Trump in the general election, it's no surprise that candidates are trying their best to "destroy" their opponents during …

GMWatch (2019-08-02). Glyphosate Should be Phased Out Worldwide. Devastating Health Impacts. The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), the only global organisation representing obstetricians and gynaecologists, wants glyphosate phased out worldwide. | A statement published by the Federation's Reproductive and Developmental Environmental Health Committee says: | "Over the past fifteen years, an …

Peter Greene (2019-08-02). Four Truths About For-Profit Charter Schools. 2020 Democratic candidates taking a stand against for-profit charters is like bravely standing up in opposition to yeti attacks.

Mark Taliano (2019-08-02). When the Lie Is Accepted as the Truth. Memes create perceptions, and perceptions are everything. | Memes and slogans are empty and vacuous, but they fabricate consent from broad-based populations. | Evidence is not required. | One persistent "perception" that governing agencies have been implanting in the collective mindset is "You …

Alicia Jrapko (2019-08-02). XXV Sao Paulo Forum Demonstrates that Venezuela Is Not Alone! From July 25-28 the XXV Sao Paulo Forum took place in Caracas, Venezuela, with the participation of 190 organizations, political parties, social movements, workers' movements, parliamentarians and intellectuals from Latin America, the Caribbean and several continents. | The date chosen for …

Nadia Alexan (2019-08-02). The Myth of a Racist Quebec. Translated from French | The accusations of racism brought against the people of Quebec in the wake of Bill 21 on the secularism of the state are very ill-founded. On the contrary, the history of this minority people in North America …

South Front (2019-08-02). Video: Game Changer: What's Behind US-Turkish Conflict over S-400 Deal. According to the Turkish National Defense Ministry, receipt of the first batch of Russian S-400 missile defense systems was completed on July 25th. Besides making headlines all around the world and causing a harsh response from the US, …

Stephen Lendman (2019-08-02). The Geopolitical Wrecking Ball Trump Regime. "MAGA Gone Mad" Wall Street and other monied interests love Trump for handing them a bonanza of riches. Weapons and munitions makers support him and bipartisan congressional war party members for waging endless wars of aggression. | Big Oil, Big Pharma, other corporate predators, …

Staff (2019-08-02). Employment Is High — But Job Growth Is Slowing Down. | | The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy added 164,000 jobs in July, with the employment-to-population ratio (EPOP) inching up to 60.7 percent, a new high for the recovery. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7 percent. There were downward revisions of 41,000 to the prior two months' data, bringing the average rate of job growth for the last three months to 140,000. | The big job gainers in July were professional and technical services, which added 30,800 jobs, and health care, which added 3…

Vijay Prashad (2019-08-02). Homage to OSPAAAL, the organisation of solidarity for the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Dear Friends, Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute of Social Research. A few days ago, the 9th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba came to a close. At the final meeting, Prachanda—the co-chair of the Nepal Communist Party—articulated a sentiment that is shared by billions of people around the world. Cuba, he said, 'is […] | Source

pip.hinman (2019-08-02). 10 reasons to join the September 20 Climate Strike. School Strike 4 Climate outline just 10 of many reasons why you should join students when they go on strike to save the climate on September 20. | 1. Millions of people will be striking around the world with us. Beat the fear of missing out and make a plan to be there. | 2. Australia's climate pollution has never been higher than it is right now. We're on track to be responsible for almost one-fifth of the world's climate pollution by 2030. | 3. The people who did the least to contribute to this are being hit first and worst by climate impacts. And that is deeply unfair. | 4. This is only the biggest challenge hu…

Natalia Abrams, Cody Hounanian (2019-08-01). The Democratic Debates Are an Unprecedented Moment for Americans With Student Debt. The Democratic Debates Are an Unprecedented Moment for Americans With Student Debt…

Staff (2019-08-01). Headlines for August 1, 2019. Presidential Hopefuls Take Aim at Joe Biden During Second Night of Debates, Protesters Confront Joe Biden over Immigration Record, Protesters Confront NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio over Eric Garner's Death, NY Medical Examiner: Layleen Polanco Died of Epilepsy in Solitary Cell, U.N. Warns 21st Century's Worst Humanitarian Crisis Unfolding in Syria, Trump Administration Sanctions Iran's Foreign Minister, Sudan Schools Closed After Soldiers Massacre Students, Greenland Ice Melts at Rapid Pace as Temperatures Climb 30 Degrees Above Normal, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Promotes Climate Justice Proposal, 66 Seek Medical Care…

susan_p (2019-08-01). When Japanese print workers resisted war. Against the Storm: How Japanese Print-Workers Resisted the Military Regime, 1935-1945 | By Masao Sugiura
| Translated by Kaye Broadbent & Masa Sato | Interventions, Melbourne | 2019, $24.95 | "In doing what is normal for any trade union activist today —recruiting, arguing and organising — my comrades and I were made to suffer persecution, imprisonment and death," writes Masao Sugiura. | When researching Japanese working-class resistance to World War II, Kaye Broadbent discovered in a Japanese university archive Sugiura's 1964 memoirs detailing the formation and activities of the Shuppanako Kurabu…

Staff (2019-07-31). "We Don't Want Another President Obama": Activist Urges Democrats to Reframe Immigration Debate. Democratic candidates also sparred on immigration policy, from decriminalizing border crossing to providing healthcare to undocumented immigrants. We hear excerpts of Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, as well as Montana Governor Steve Bullock. Plus we speak to Erika Andiola, chief advocacy officer for RAICES, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services.

unitedEditor (2019-07-31). Turkish-Chinese relations: fighting back against Western hegemony. Turkey and China are attracting attention due to their political past and their recent actions in the economic sphere. Emre Demir, a senior researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the TED University (Turkish Educational Association) commented on the current situation in Turkish-Chinese relations after President Erdogan's recent visit to China. …

Staff (2019-07-30). Headlines for July 30, 2019. Gilroy, CA Shooter Touted White Supremacist Text, Posted Racist Content Before Massacre, Trump Renews Attacks on Rep. Cummings, Lashes Out at Al Sharpton, Senate Fails to Override Trump Vetoes on Bills Blocking Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Air Raids Kill At Least 10 in Northern Yemen, 5 Teenage Students Killed by Security Forces in Sudan, Brazil: At Least 57 Killed in Prison Riot, 164 Environmental Activists Killed in 2018, Indigenous Activists Protest Real Estate Development in New Zealand, Greenland's Ice Sheet at Risk of Record Melting, CNN and MSNBC to Host Climate Crisis-Centered Events, Kamala Harris R…

splcenter (2019-07-29). New report reveals employers, other details about troubled J-1 summer work travel program. The students from the Dominican Republic were told that they could experience American culture while working at resorts and ice cream shops.

Robert Hunziker (2019-07-29). Alaska Governor Demolishes Climate Research. "The University of Alaska Fairbanks ("UAF") is a hub for Arctic climate research, and a magnet for top scientists and international collaborations— and it's in trouble."1 UAF's International Arctic Research Center sits at the pinnacle of worldwide climate research "with experts on permafrost, short-lived climate pollutants, sea ice and more, UAF has earned a reputation …

ACLU (2019-07-26). When Kicking Around an Orange Gets You On Probation. I was in 8th grade. I just didn't want to get in more trouble, so I signed the papers, like I was told to. | I was in 8th grade when it happened. I'll never forget the feeling of those cold, clanky pairs of metal constraints. I was being handcuffed in front of my friends and classmates. | As a lot of middle school students do, I was fooling around with my friends outside at lunch. We found an orange and started kicking it around like a soccer ball. It turns out I picked a bad day to fool around, and a bad person to tick off. A school resource officer — basically a cop — was stationed in the cafeteria,…

Staff (2019-07-26). Child Separation & Prison Camps: China's Campaign Against Uyghur Muslims Is "Cultural Genocide" Chinese authorities have been accused of systematically separating Muslim children from their families in the far western region of Xinjiang. According to a new report commissioned by the BBC, China is rushing to build boarding schools where children, mostly from the Uyghur community, are deliberately removed from their families, as well as their language and culture. This comes as an estimated 1 million adults from the Uyghur community are being imprisoned in camps that China claims are "vocational training centers" designed to combat extremism. We speak with independent researcher Adrian Zenz, who did the resea…

ACLU (2019-07-25). This County Criminalized Students for Bad Grades — Until Now. Today, we filed a landmark settlement that will end the relationship between the probation department and school districts in Riverside. | Since 2001, the Riverside County, California probation department has been needlessly funneling young people struggling with grades, behavior, trauma, and mental health into the criminal justice system. | This direct line to the criminal system is the product of a partnership between local school districts and the county probation department called the Youth Accountability Team (YAT). Instead of counselors or other school and community-based supports stepping in to support and…

Malcolm Clark (2019-07-25). No Place at Northeastern: students, community members rally against DHS. Students university complicity with repression during flash flood.

Dru Maxcy and Joe Tache (2019-07-24). VIDEO: Why members of the Puerto Rican diaspora support #RickyRenuncia. Liberation News spoke with José Hernandez of Puerto Rico Me Llama and Carlos Cabrera, a student at Berklee College of Music.

CounterSpin (2019-06-28). Kevin Kumashiro on Student Debt Cancellation. Media…

Paul Kawika Martin (2019-06-19). House Casts Historic Vote to Repeal Authorization for Endless War. Washington, D.C. — June 19, 2019 — In response to the House of Representatives passing H.R. 2740 (Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Legislative Branch, Defense, State, Foreign Operations, and Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2020), which includes language to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) eight months after …

2019-08-03: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Hiroshima: A "Military Base" according to President Harry Truman
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-08-03
"The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians.."(President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).

Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity?
Rossen Vassilev Jr. | | 2019-08-03
The two most often cited reasons for President Truman's controversial decision were to shorten the war and to save the lives of "between 250,000 and 500,000" American soldiers.

Bioweapons: Lyme Disease, Weaponized Ticks
Makia Freeman | | 2019-08-03
Bioweapons, specifically Lyme Disease and bioweaponized ticks, were in the news recently when US Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) introduced Amendment 116-19 which was subsequently passed by the US House of Congress on July 11th, 2019. The US House ordered an …

"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Israel Shahak | | 2019-08-03
When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

The Persistence of School Segregation
Alexandria Millet | | 2019-08-03
Students are still isolated in their own schools because almost no one looks like them, or they are concentrated in schools in which almost everyone does.

The Canaries That Sang "Things Suck"
Jack Tucker | | 2019-08-03
Don't get me wrong. I am not foul-mouthed or in any way vulgar, having been trained in the niceties of academic discretionary writing and research. I apologize for the title and even for using the personal pronoun "I." As "one" knows, to write as if you are a person with values and beliefs is very …

The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times. The Killing of the Kennedys and Today's New Cold War
Edward Curtin | | 2019-08-03
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father's death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.

A Major Conventional War Against Iran Is an Impossibility. Crisis within the US Command Structure
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-08-03
What both the media and military analysts fail to acknowledge is that US CENTCOM's forward Middle East headquarters at the al-Udeid military base close to Doha de facto "lies in enemy territory". Since the May 2017 split of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Qatar has become a staunch ally of Iran…

The Mural Debate Rages On: Arnautoff Murals Opened Up For Public At George Washington High
Labor Video Project | | 2019-08-03
The San Francisco Unified School District opened up Washington High School entrance so the public could view the Victor Arnautoff murals. The San Francisco School Board voted unanimously witht he support of SFUSD superintendent to spend $600,000 to destroy the murals. Board vice chair Mark Sanchez said it was "the first payment for reparations" to Native Americans for the genocide and theft of their lands. | Hundreds of people attended the opening and spoke out about the murals, the controversy and the state of public education.

Australian households' cost of living soars above consumer price index | 2019-08-03
A large gap has emerged between the official statistics and the standard of living, thanks to skyrocketing prices for essential goods and services, as opposed to prices for discretionary items.…

Why Did the UK Commander of HM Montrose Refrain from Firing on Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)? Who in Iran Gave Orders to Capture the "Stena Impero"?
Elijah J. Magnier | | 2019-08-02
The US officially asked Europe, in particular the UK, France, Germany and Italy, to provide a naval force to patrol and protect ships sailing in the Straits of Hormuz, even if the command and control is handled by the Europeans …

July heatwave 'more intense due to human-induced climate change'
The Canary | | 2019-08-02
The record-breaking July heatwave in central and western Europe would have been up to 3C (5.5F) cooler if the climate was not changing, new research has found.There is "extremely little chance" that some of the high temperatures would have been reached if humans had not had an impact on the climate, the World Weather Attribution report adds.It said heatwave temperatures recorded in France and the Netherlands in the last week of July, which exceeded 40C, would only occur around once every 1,000 years without climate change.And it said hot spells like the one recorded in the UK and Germany would only occur around e…

The Myth of a Racist Quebec
Nadia Alexan | | 2019-08-02
Translated from French | The accusations of racism brought against the people of Quebec in the wake of Bill 21 on the secularism of the state are very ill-founded. On the contrary, the history of this minority people in North America | …

Liz Cheney equates saving bears with destroying American way of life
Native News Online Staff | | 2019-08-02
This article was reposted from Native News Online. RIVERTON, Wyo. — On a momentous day for Tribal Nations, Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY), the House Republican Conference Chairwoman, stated that the successful litigation by tribes and environmentalists to return the grizzly bear in Greater Yellowstone to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) "was not based on science or …

UAE Withdrawal from Yemen. Turning Point. Did the Ansar Allah Just Win the Yemeni War?
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-08-02
The announcement that the UAE is in the process of a large-scale military drawdown in Yemen has been met with rapturous applause by the Ansar Allah's supporters who believe that this unofficially acknowledges their victory in the conflict, but these …

The Retainer Solution: The European Union, Libya and Irregular Migration
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-08-02
There is a venom in international refugee policy that refuses to go away: officials charged with their tasks, passing on their labours to those who might see the UN Refugee Convention as empty wording, rather than strict injunction carved upon …

Video: Al Qaeda Idlib "Militants" Rescued by Another "Ceasefire", Israeli Airstrikes against Syrian Army Positions
South Front | | 2019-08-02
On August 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies continued their advance on militants' positions in northern Hama liberated the villages of Mushairifah, Aziziah, Abu Raeida Gharbi and Abu Raeida. | According to local sources, SAA units also pushed …

When the Lie Is Accepted as the Truth
Mark Taliano | | 2019-08-02
Memes create perceptions, and perceptions are everything. | Memes and slogans are empty and vacuous, but they fabricate consent from broad-based populations. | Evidence is not required. | One persistent "perception" that governing agencies have been implanting in the collective mindset is "You …

Glyphosate Should be Phased Out Worldwide. Devastating Health Impacts
GMWatch | | 2019-08-02
The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), the only global organisation representing obstetricians and gynaecologists, wants glyphosate phased out worldwide. | A statement published by the Federation's Reproductive and Developmental Environmental Health Committee says: | "Over the past fifteen years, an | …

Climate Change in Siberia: Massive Wildlife Tragedy as Bears and Foxes Flee Taiga, While Smaller Animals Suffocate in Smoke
Svetlana Skarbo | | 2019-08-02
Wild animals are turning to humans as they escape gas-chamber-like woods, with wildfires continuing to rage across almost 3 million hectares. | Even the Arctic is on fire, with smoke blanketing an area larger than the European Union, and a state …

The Geopolitical Wrecking Ball Trump Regime. "MAGA Gone Mad"
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-08-02
Wall Street and other monied interests love Trump for handing them a bonanza of riches. Weapons and munitions makers support him and bipartisan congressional war party members for waging endless wars of aggression. | Big Oil, Big Pharma, other corporate predators, …

A Mother, Six Newborns Die Every Two Hours in Yemen
Daily Sabah | | 2019-08-02
As the world approaches the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), mothers and children continue to bear the brunt of the ongoing Saudi-led war in Yemen. The brutal conflict continues to cost the lives …

Syria's "Opposition" Fails to Represent Syrians
Steven Sahiounie | | 2019-08-02
The Syrian population residing in Syria is suffering from having barely survived eight years of war. They didn't leave for camps in Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon, or they are those who have returned to Syria from having been in camps. …

Four Truths About For-Profit Charter Schools
Peter Greene | | 2019-08-02
2020 Democratic candidates taking a stand against for-profit charters is like bravely standing up in opposition to yeti attacks.

Defending Venezuela Is Defending Our America
Nino Pagliccia | | 2019-08-02
The Sao Paulo Forum (SPF) that took place in Caracas just ended on July 28 fittingly within the framework of remembering the 65th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Chavez with a display of affection and respect for the …

The Rise of China and the Decline of American Power
Christopher Black | | 2019-08-02
The imperialist powers have a long history of colonialism in China, of reducing its people to beggars in their own land. The British, the French, the Germans, the Americans, the Japanese, all are guilty of crimes against China that cannot …

US Federal Court Exposes Democratic Party Conspiracy Against Assange and WikiLeaks. Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit
Eric London | | 2019-08-02
In a ruling published late Tuesday, Judge John Koeltl of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York delivered a devastating blow to the US-led conspiracy against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. | In his ruling, Judge Koeltl, …

The American Empire and Its Media
Swiss Propaganda Research | | 2019-08-02
This article was first crossposted on GR in July 2017. | Largely unbeknownst to the public, many media executives and top journalists of almost all major U.S. news outlets, political and business magazines, public broadcasters and press agencies have long been …

XXV Sao Paulo Forum Demonstrates that Venezuela Is Not Alone!
Alicia Jrapko | | 2019-08-02
From July 25-28 the XXV Sao Paulo Forum took place in Caracas, Venezuela, with the participation of 190 organizations, political parties, social movements, workers' movements, parliamentarians and intellectuals from Latin America, the Caribbean and several continents. | The date chosen for …

The Western Alliance Is Falling Apart
Peter Koenig | | 2019-08-02
Turkey has become a de facto lame duck as a NATO member and may soon officially exit NATO which would be a tremendous blow to the Western Alliance — and may tempt other European NATO nations to do likewise. Probably not overnight, but the idea of an ever more defunct NATO is planted.

No, Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Is Not "Assad Apologist"
Sarah Abed | | 2019-08-02
With nearly two dozen declared candidates competing for the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary field and the opportunity to run against Donald Trump in the general election, it's no surprise that candidates are trying their best to "destroy" their opponents during …

Video: Game Changer: What's Behind US-Turkish Conflict over S-400 Deal
South Front | | 2019-08-02
According to the Turkish National Defense Ministry, receipt of the first batch of Russian S-400 missile defense systems was completed on July 25th. Besides making headlines all around the world and causing a harsh response from the US, …

Employment Is High — But Job Growth Is Slowing Down
Staff | | 2019-08-02
| The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy added 164,000 jobs in July, with the employment-to-population ratio (EPOP) inching up to 60.7 percent, a new high for the recovery. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7 percent. There were downward revisions of 41,000 to the prior two months' data, bringing the average rate of job growth for the last three months to 140,000. | The big job gainers in July were professional and technical services, which added 30,800 jobs, and health care, which added 3…

Homage to OSPAAAL, the organisation of solidarity for the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Vijay Prashad | | 2019-08-02
Dear Friends, Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute of Social Research. A few days ago, the 9th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba came to a close. At the final meeting, Prachanda–the co-chair of the Nepal Communist Party–articulated a sentiment that is shared by billions of people around the world. Cuba, he said, 'is […] | Source…

10 reasons to join the September 20 Climate Strike
pip.hinman | | 2019-08-02
School Strike 4 Climate outline just 10 of many reasons why you should join students when they go on strike to save the climate on September 20. | 1. Millions of people will be striking around the world with us. Beat the fear of missing out and make a plan to be there. | 2. Australia's climate pollution has never been higher than it is right now. We're on track to be responsible for almost one-fifth of the world's climate pollution by 2030. | 3. The people who did the least to contribute to this are being hit first and worst by climate impacts. And that is deeply unfair. | 4. This is only the biggest challenge hu…

The Democratic Debates Are an Unprecedented Moment for Americans With Student Debt
Natalia Abrams, Cody Hounanian | | 2019-08-01
The Democratic Debates Are an Unprecedented Moment for Americans With Student Debt…

When Japanese print workers resisted war
susan_p | | 2019-08-01
Against the Storm: How Japanese Print-Workers Resisted the Military Regime, 1935-1945 | By Masao Sugiura | Translated by Kaye Broadbent & Masa Sato | Interventions, Melbourne | 2019, $24.95 | "In doing what is normal for any trade union activist today –recruiting, arguing and organising — my comrades and I were made to suffer persecution, imprisonment and death," writes Masao Sugiura. | When researching Japanese working-class resistance to World War II, Kaye Broadbent discovered in a Japanese university archive Sugiura's 1964 memoirs detailing the formation and activities of the Shuppanako Kurabu…

"We Don't Want Another President Obama": Activist Urges Democrats to Reframe Immigration Debate
Staff | | 2019-07-31
Democratic candidates also sparred on immigration policy, from decriminalizing border crossing to providing healthcare to undocumented immigrants. We hear excerpts of Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, as well as Montana Governor Steve Bullock. Plus we speak to Erika Andiola, chief advocacy officer for RAICES, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services.…

Turkish-Chinese relations: fighting back against Western hegemony
unitedEditor | | 2019-07-31
Turkey and China are attracting attention due to their political past and their recent actions in the economic sphere. Emre Demir, a senior researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the TED University (Turkish Educational Association) commented on the current situation in Turkish-Chinese relations after President Erdogan's recent visit to China. …

Headlines for July 30, 2019
Staff | | 2019-07-30
Gilroy, CA Shooter Touted White Supremacist Text, Posted Racist Content Before Massacre, Trump Renews Attacks on Rep. Cummings, Lashes Out at Al Sharpton, Senate Fails to Override Trump Vetoes on Bills Blocking Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Air Raids Kill At Least 10 in Northern Yemen, 5 Teenage Students Killed by Security Forces in Sudan, Brazil: At Least 57 Killed in Prison Riot, 164 Environmental Activists Killed in 2018, Indigenous Activists Protest Real Estate Development in New Zealand, Greenland's Ice Sheet at Risk of Record Melting, CNN and MSNBC to Host Climate Crisis-Centered Events, Kamala Harris R…

New report reveals employers, other details about troubled J-1 summer work travel program | 2019-07-29
The students from the Dominican Republic were told that they could experience American culture while working at resorts and ice cream shops.

Alaska Governor Demolishes Climate Research
Robert Hunziker | | 2019-07-29
"The University of Alaska Fairbanks ("UAF") is a hub for Arctic climate research, and a magnet for top scientists and international collaborations– and it's in trouble."1 UAF's International Arctic Research Center sits at the pinnacle of worldwide climate research…

Child Separation & Prison Camps: China's Campaign Against Uyghur Muslims Is "Cultural Genocide"
Staff | | 2019-07-26
Chinese authorities have been accused of systematically separating Muslim children from their families in the far western region of Xinjiang. According to a new report commissioned by the BBC, China is rushing to build boarding schools where children, mostly from the Uyghur community, are deliberately removed from their families, as well as their language and culture. This comes as an estimated 1 million adults from the Uyghur community are being imprisoned in camps that China claims are "vocational training centers" designed to combat extremism. We speak with independent researcher Adrian Zenz, who did the resea……

When Kicking Around an Orange Gets You On Probation | 2019-07-26
I was in 8th grade. I just didn't want to get in more trouble, so I signed the papers, like I was told to. | I was in 8th grade when it happened. I'll never forget the feeling of those cold, clanky pairs of metal constraints. I was being handcuffed in front of my friends and classmates. | As a lot of middle school students do, I was fooling around with my friends outside at lunch. We found an orange and started kicking it around like a soccer ball. It turns out I picked a bad day to fool around, and a bad person to tick off. A school resource officer — basically a cop — was stationed in the cafeteria,…

This County Criminalized Students for Bad Grades — Until Now | 2019-07-25
Today, we filed a landmark settlement that will end the relationship between the probation department and school districts in Riverside. | Since 2001, the Riverside County, California probation department has been needlessly funneling young people struggling with grades, behavior, trauma, and mental health into the criminal justice system. | This direct line to the criminal system is the product of a partnership between local school districts and the county probation department called the Youth Accountability Team (YAT). Instead of counselors or other school and community-based supports stepping in to support and…

No Place at Northeastern: students, community members rally against DHS
Malcolm Clark | | 2019-07-25
Students university complicity with repression during flash flood.

VIDEO: Why members of the Puerto Rican diaspora support #RickyRenuncia
Dru Maxcy and Joe Tache | | 2019-07-24
Liberation News spoke with José Hernandez of Puerto Rico Me Llama and Carlos Cabrera, a student at Berklee College of Music.