Monthly Archives: September 2019

2019-09-09: News Headlines

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-09-09). September 9, 2001: Two Days Before 9/11, Global Research Was Born… We started up in late August with a handmade web design in FrontPage. A student in philosophy gave me a hand in drafting the home page and putting the project online. On the morning of September 8, I took a two hour "crash course" on the use of file transfer FTP software.

Staff (2019-09-09). Betsy DeVos Is Abandoning Students Seeking Loan Forgiveness. | | People who chose to take lower-paying public service jobs after college or graduate school are still getting screwed over by the Trump administration. | A new report from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found that, from May 2018 to May 2019, only 1% of all applications have been approved by the Department of Education, led by Secretary Betsy DeVos. Worst of all, this is…

Prof Susan Babbitt (2019-09-09). Oliver Sacks, the "Neurological Philosopher" Oliver Sacks, the "neurological philosopher", did a "different sort of medicine on behalf of chronic often warehoused and largely abandoned patients." It combined art and science. Lawrence Weschler, in a new biography, says Sacks was from "the period …

Chris Wright (2019-09-09). Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present, and Future of American Labor. We live in a paradoxical time. On the one hand, workers and organized labor are in their worst state since the early 1930s. Only 6.4 percent of private-sector workers belong to unions; average hourly pay is below what it was …

Philip Giraldi (2019-09-09). Revisiting Stuxnet: The Israeli-American Computer Virus that Started Cyber-Warfare. New evidence has surfaced to demonstrate how both American and Israeli intelligence services, aided by European partners, have long been targeting Iran in spite of clear evidence that it constituted no threat. The story involves the Stuxnet virus or "worm," …

Dr. Andrew Glikson (2019-09-09). Wildfires and the Climate Crisis: Brazil, Siberia, California, South Europe, Queensland. The planetary consequences of injecting 910 billion tons CO2 into the atmosphere are playing in real time. | The Arctic Circle is suffering from an unprecedented number of wildfires in the latest sign of a climate crisis. With some blazes …

Kurt Nimmo (2019-09-09). Identity Politics: A Control Mechanism Exploited by the Ruling Elite. There will not be a Peasants' Revolt like the one in 1381. We don't have a Jack Straw, John Ball, or Wat Tyler to lead and guide us. Those revolutionaries were betrayed by officers of Richard II—Richard was 14 at …

Staff (2019-09-09). Government-Granted Patent Monopolies Are Driving Up Drug Prices. | | Most of the leading Democratic presidential contenders have put forward a plan to reduce drug prices. But for some reason, none of them have embraced the simple idea of not making drugs expensive in the first place. Specifically, none of the contenders have proposed moving away from the current system of financing the research and development of new drugs through government-granted patent monopolies. | The point is a simple one that should be obvious to people in policy debates. Drugs are almost in…

Elijah J. Magnier (2019-09-09). A Secret US-Iran Deal over Oil Supplies to Syria. A secret deal has been set up between the US and Iran, through a third party, to enable the Iranian super tanker Adrian Darya 1 (formerly Grace 1) to deliver its 2.1 million barrels of oil to the Syrian government. …

Andre Vltchek (2019-09-09). Both Israel and Hezbollah Imagined a Horrid Black Hole and Stopped… There are rare moments in history, when even the most determined enemies can suddenly recognize the futility of battle. Sometimes, just for a moment or two. Sometimes, for longer. Such moments of sanity may save thousands, even millions of human …

Hannah Mowat (2019-09-09). Europeans Must Face Their Own Role in the Destruction of the Amazon. Images of the Amazon burning have caused global alarm. They have also, say observers, triggered a response unparalleled in the history of the politics around climate change: the setting of international red lines on environmental destruction. For President Macron …

Frik Els (2019-09-09). Gold Price Suffers Biggest Fall in Six Years. The gold price plunged in early morning trade on Thursday, in one of the worst trading sessions in dollar terms in gold market history. | The gold price dropped to $1,514.30 an ounce in mid-morning — down 3% or $46.10 an …

Carlos Eduardo Martins (2019-09-09). Bolsonaro, o falso nacionalismo e a destruiàßà£o do Brasil. A crise ambiental e diplomática promovida pelo governo brasileiro, em razà£o de sua cumplicidade com o Dia do Fogo organizado por setores do agronegócio na Amazà¥nia e das hostilidades que dirigiu ao governo francês, é apenas mais um capítulo de …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-09-09). Spikes of Violence: Protest in West Papua.

Andrew Korybko (2019-09-09). The Taliban's Recent Kabul Attack Inadvertently Tanked the Afghan Peace Talks. Neither the Taliban nor the US wanted to throw away the unprecedented progress that's been made towards peace thus far, but pressure on both sides from within their own ranks and outside regrettably led to the suspension of the Afghan …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-09-09). 9/11 after 18 Years. "Hard Evidence Cannot Prevail over a Transparent Official Lie" I would appreciate hearing from readers whether they have come across a report in the print, TV, or NPR media of the highly professional four-year investigation of WTC Building 7's demise. The international team of civil engineers concluded that the …

Dr. Elisa Song (2019-09-09). Vaccine Exemptions: California Pediatrician Appeals to Governor Newsom: Do the Right Thing and Preserve the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Dear Honorable Governor Newsom, | I am a California-licensed, board-certified, Stanford-, NYU, & UCSF-trained pediatrician. I am not anti-vax. I administer vaccines in my pediatric practice. I believe that vaccines can be effective at reducing the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases for …

William D. Hartung (2019-09-09). The Raytheon United Technologies Merger and the Military Industrial Complex. William Hartung. The planned merger between Raytheon and United Technologies will only further consolidate a bloated military-industrial complex. | That's the take of William D. Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy. | He is is …

WSWS (2019-09-09). Book review: Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South by Keri Leigh Merritt. Merritt's research refutes the New York Times' Project 1619 claim that poor whites benefited from slavery.

Marwa Osman (2019-09-09). Trump Hits Lebanon Bank with His Favorite Econo-Political Battering Ram. The fact that the U.S. sanctions countries whenever its president pleases could in itself be considered a hostile act. Even in wartime, these sorts of collective punishments are illegal under the Geneva Conventions. | *** | Economic sanctions are not only a …

Zero Hedge (2019-09-09). Car Safety Group Pushes for Tesla Recall after Damning NTSB Report on 2018 Crash. The Center For Auto Safety — a non profit car safety advocacy group — is asking the NHTSA for a recall of Tesla vehicles, according to Law 360. | The outcry comes after a an NTSB report blamed a 2018 …

Stephen Lendman (2019-09-09). Netanyahu Fighting for His Political Life. On April 9, Israeli Knesset elections were held, 61 coalition seats needed for majority rule. | New elections were called after Netanyahu failed to cobble together enough support for reelection as prime minister. He remains interim PM. | On September 17, Israelis …

Eric Margolis (2019-09-09). Trade Wars Are a Fool's Game. According to the great military thinker, Maj. Gen. J.F.C. Fuller, 'the object of war is not victory. It is to achieve political goals.' | Too bad President Donald Trump does not read books. He has started economic wars against China, …

Stephen Lendman (2019-09-09). US-Taliban No-Peace "Peace Talks" On Sunday, Pompeo called talks with the Taliban dead, no agreement forthcoming without "significant commitments" from its authorities. | On Saturday, Trump cancelled what he called secret talks with the Taliban and (US-installed Afghan puppet) president Ghani to be held separately …

Staff (2019-09-09). The Future of US Jobs Looks Bleak. Unions Are the Answer. | | We were just handed a wake-up call. Newly released numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics project that six of the ten occupations expected to have the most total job growth over the next decade pay less than $27,000 a year. Three of those six are low-paying jobs in the restaurant industry. Even more striking is the concentration of low-paid healthcare jobs at the top of the list, with personal care aides at number one and home health a…

Johanna Ross (2019-09-09). Boris Johnson Could 'Face Jail' if He Ignores UK Parliament. Just when one thought Brexit could not get any more dramatic, the UK Brexit crisis took on a more serious tone when Prime Minister Boris Johnson was warned he could face jail time if he refuses to respect the law …

True Publica (2019-09-09). Brexit is an Ideological Gamble with many Downsides: What 'Taking Back Control' Actually Looks Like Right Now. Three Prime Ministers in three years. | Boris Johnson has lost four out of four votes over Brexit in parliament. | An election has been denied by the opposition as the opposition has more support and therefore, has more control over what …

Global Research News (2019-09-09). Selected Articles: US Media Propaganda. Drawing "Liberals" and "Leftists" into the CIA's Orbit. Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-09-08). Who Is Osama Bin Laden? It was Eighteen years ago: I started writing on the evening of September 11, late into the night, going through piles of research notes, which I had previously collected on the history of Al Qaeda. This first text on 9/11 …

South Front (2019-09-08). Video: US Seeks to Destabilize Southern Syria. The US is seeking to reanimate insurgency in southern Syria. According to the pro-militant Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a number of Free Syrian Army commanders that fled Syria in 2018 are now working to form a new militant group, …

Ricardo Vaz (2019-09-08). Financial Warfare: Mastercard Blocks Two Venezuelan Banks as Inflation Rises. US-based financial services company Mastercard has cut service to two Venezuelan banks sanctioned by the Donald Trump administration. | Effective this past Wednesday, clients of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces Bank (BANFANB) and the Agricultural Bank of Venezuela have been cut …

Earth Justice (2019-09-08). Devastation of Bee Colonies in America: Trump's EPA Said this Bee-killing Insecticide Is Safe, Now Beekeepers Are Suing. Today, beekeepers, represented by Earthjustice, sued Trump's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for allowing sulfoxaflor, a bee-killing pesticide linked to a nation-wide honeybee die-off, back on the market. The lawsuit comes as beekeepers around the country lost over 40 percent of …

Edward Curtin (2019-09-08). US Media Propaganda. Drawing "Liberals" and "Leftists" into the CIA's Orbit. NPR. Back in the 1960s, the CIA official Cord Meyer said the agency needed to "court the compatible left." He knew that drawing liberals and leftists into the CIA's orbit was the key to efficient propaganda. Right-wing and left-wing collaborators were …

Steve Almond (2019-09-08). What if President Trump Is in "Cognitive Decline"? No, Seriously. For the past few days, our president — back at work after a busy August spent golfing and rage tweeting — has been making stuff up about Hurricane Dorian, the deadly storm currently battering the Southeast. | Late-night comedians have been …

Philip A Farruggio (2019-09-08). You Don't Need a Weatherman… Junior Bush On the Morning of 9/11. Taken from one of Bob Dylan's songs, Subterranean Homesick Blues, this lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" is fitting for what went down on 9/11/01 in that classroom in Sarasota, Florida. | If you …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-09-08). The Courage of Saying No: Children, Rebellion and Greta Thunberg. There is something to be said of wariness when it comes to revolutionary voices. As Albert Camus argued in that beautiful tract of illumination and contradiction, The Rebel, "All modern revolutions have ended in the reinforcement of the power of …

Andrew Korybko (2019-09-08). Will China Invest in Iran's Transport and Industrial Infrastructure? There are Reasons to be Skeptical. Petroleum Economist recently published a report citing an unnamed senior Iranian source who alleged that China will invest $120 billion in the Islamic Republic's transport and manufacturing infrastructure and even deploy 5,000 security personnel to the country to protect those …

Matt Field (2019-09-08). Strangelove Redux: US Experts Propose Having Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control Nuclear Weapons. Hypersonic missiles, stealthy cruise missiles, and weaponized artificial intelligence have so reduced the amount of time that decision makers in the United States would theoretically have to respond to a nuclear attack that, two military experts say, it's time for …

Terje Maloy (2019-09-08). The US Economic War on France. "France does not know it, but we are at war with America. Yes, a permanent war, a vital war, an economic war, a war seemingly without dead. Yes, they are very hard the Americans, they are voracious, and they want …

Andrew Korybko (2019-09-08). Papua New Guinea New Leader James Marape's Ambitious Vision: Make His Country "The Richest Black Christian Nation on Earth"? The new Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (PNG) recently elaborated on his vision to make his country "the richest black Christian nation on earth" through a combination of fairer resource deals with transnational corporations and a renewed focus on …

Stephen Lendman (2019-09-08). Venezuelan Usurper Guaido to be Charged with High Treason? Nicolas Maduro is Venezuela's democratically elected and reelected president — an indisputable hard truth Trump regime hardliners want erased. The Bolivarian Republic's electoral process is "the best in the world," Jimmy Carter earlier explained. | It's scrupulously open, free and …

Don Anair (2019-09-08). Trump Administration Goes after State Governments for Protecting the Environment. Collision course with California. The Trump administration has been on a collision course with California, and it appears that collision is imminent. An administrative action to undermine the authority granted to the state by the Clean Air Act to protect its citizens from vehicle …

Staff (2019-09-08). Corporate TV News Covered Climate Connection to Hurricane Dorian Only Once. | | Even as Hurricane Dorian tore through the Bahamas and crept up the southeastern U.S. seaboard, broadcast news networks were loathe to connect the powerful storm's strength to the climate crisis in spite of the science linking warmer sea surface temperatures to increased frequency of strong hurricanes. | According to a study by watchdog Media Matters For America, on…

True Publica (2019-09-08). No-deal Brexit Warnings Report — A 'Social Catastrophe' Awaits Us, "A Slow Train of Economic Chaos" 'Project Fear' was used to criticise the campaign being run by 'Britain Stronger in Europe', supporters of the UK remaining in the European Union. Ironically, it was Boris Johnson who reintroduced the term after the governments' original use of …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-09-08). Boris Johnson Trips: Duvets, Toothbrushes and the House of Lords. In 2017, MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, a Tory creature trapped in cold storage, suggested that the UK's withdrawal from the European Union was tantamount to fighting the battles of Agincourt, Waterloo and Trafalgar, a true statement of British strength. (Much …

Barbara Boland (2019-09-08). Could Brexit Leave the UK Vulnerable to Pressure from U.S. Hawks? Titanic Shift in Global Alliances. By unyoking London from Europe, a no deal Brexit would unleash a titanic shift in global alliances that could strengthen Washington's hand and help it achieve its "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran. | That's an ironic turn of events for populists …

Shawgi Tell (2019-09-07). Are Charter Schools Public Schools? Charter school advocates have always desperately sought to convince themselves and the public that privately-run nonprofit and for-profit charter schools that operate like businesses are actually public and similar in many ways to public schools. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Charter schools are not public schools. In reality, privately-operated nonprofit and for-profit charter …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-09-07). Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir: Insufficient Evidence to Blame Russia for MH17 Crash over Eastern Ukraine. Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad casts doubt on the controversial Dutch JIT investigation pertaining to the July 2014 crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17 over Eastern Ukraine. | In an interview with Sputnik News at the Vladivostok East Asia Economic Summit, Mahathir …

Fight Back (2019-09-07). Texas protest says "No kids in cages" Arlington, TX – 60 people showed up at a protest organized by the Progressive Student Union (PSU) at the University of Texas at Arlington, September 4, against the Trump administration's change to of policy on the detention of undocumented children. | Mark Napieralski, an organizer from the Progressive Student Union, spoke about how the Flores Agreement banned holding children indefinitely – and how the Trump administration is moving to keep children in indefinite detention in concentration camps along the southern border. | Speakers at the rally included Minister Katie Hays from the Galileo Church and Harold Ch…

Christopher Brauchli (2019-09-07). Betsy DeVos, Redux. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. (Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr/cc) |…

2019-09-09: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

September 9, 2001: Two Days Before 9/11, Global Research Was Born
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-09-09
We started up in late August with a handmade web design in FrontPage. A student in philosophy gave me a hand in drafting the home page and putting the project online. On the morning of September 8, I took a two hour "crash course" on the use of file transfer FTP software.

Betsy DeVos Is Abandoning Students Seeking Loan Forgiveness
Staff | | 2019-09-09
| People who chose to take lower-paying public service jobs after college or graduate school are still getting screwed over by the Trump administration. | A new report from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found that, from May 2018 to May 2019, only 1% of all applications have been approved by the Department of Education, led by Secretary Betsy DeVos. Worst of all, this is…

Betsy DeVos Is Abandoning Students Seeking Loan Forgiveness
Staff | | 2019-09-09
| People who chose to take lower-paying public service jobs after college or graduate school are still getting screwed over by the Trump administration. | A new report from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found that, from May 2018 to May 2019, only 1% of all applications have been approved by the Department of Education, led by Secretary Betsy DeVos. Worst of all, this is…

Oliver Sacks, the "Neurological Philosopher"
Prof Susan Babbitt | | 2019-09-09
Oliver Sacks, the "neurological philosopher", did a "different sort of medicine on behalf of chronic often warehoused and largely abandoned patients." It combined art and science. Lawrence Weschler, in a new biography, says Sacks was from "the period …

9/11 after 18 Years. "Hard Evidence Cannot Prevail over a Transparent Official Lie"
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | | 2019-09-09
I would appreciate hearing from readers whether they have come across a report in the print, TV, or NPR media of the highly professional four-year investigation of WTC Building 7's demise. The international team of civil engineers concluded that the …

Netanyahu Fighting for His Political Life
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-09-09
On April 9, Israeli Knesset elections were held, 61 coalition seats needed for majority rule. | New elections were called after Netanyahu failed to cobble together enough support for reelection as prime minister. He remains interim PM. | On September 17, Israelis …

The Taliban's Recent Kabul Attack Inadvertently Tanked the Afghan Peace Talks
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-09-09
Neither the Taliban nor the US wanted to throw away the unprecedented progress that's been made towards peace thus far, but pressure on both sides from within their own ranks and outside regrettably led to the suspension of the Afghan …

The Raytheon United Technologies Merger and the Military Industrial Complex. William Hartung
William D. Hartung | | 2019-09-09
The planned merger between Raytheon and United Technologies will only further consolidate a bloated military-industrial complex. | That's the take of William D. Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy. | He is is …

Revisiting Stuxnet: The Israeli-American Computer Virus that Started Cyber-Warfare
Philip Giraldi | | 2019-09-09
New evidence has surfaced to demonstrate how both American and Israeli intelligence services, aided by European partners, have long been targeting Iran in spite of clear evidence that it constituted no threat. The story involves the Stuxnet virus or "worm," …

Bolsonaro, o falso nacionalismo e a destruiàßà£o do Brasil
Carlos Eduardo Martins | | 2019-09-09
A crise ambiental e diplomática promovida pelo governo brasileiro, em razà£o de sua cumplicidade com o Dia do Fogo organizado por setores do agronegócio na Amazà¥nia e das hostilidades que dirigiu ao governo francês, é apenas mais um capítulo de …

Car Safety Group Pushes for Tesla Recall after Damning NTSB Report on 2018 Crash
Zero Hedge | | 2019-09-09
The Center For Auto Safety — a non profit car safety advocacy group — is asking the NHTSA for a recall of Tesla vehicles, according to Law 360. | The outcry comes after a an NTSB report blamed a 2018 …

US-Taliban No-Peace "Peace Talks"
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-09-09
On Sunday, Pompeo called talks with the Taliban dead, no agreement forthcoming without "significant commitments" from its authorities. | On Saturday, Trump cancelled what he called secret talks with the Taliban and (US-installed Afghan puppet) president Ghani to be held separately …

Both Israel and Hezbollah Imagined a Horrid Black Hole and Stopped
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-09-09
There are rare moments in history, when even the most determined enemies can suddenly recognize the futility of battle. Sometimes, just for a moment or two. Sometimes, for longer. Such moments of sanity may save thousands, even millions of human …

Gold Price Suffers Biggest Fall in Six Years
Frik Els | | 2019-09-09
The gold price plunged in early morning trade on Thursday, in one of the worst trading sessions in dollar terms in gold market history. | The gold price dropped to $1,514.30 an ounce in mid-morning — down 3% or $46.10 an …

A Secret US-Iran Deal over Oil Supplies to Syria
Elijah J. Magnier | | 2019-09-09
A secret deal has been set up between the US and Iran, through a third party, to enable the Iranian super tanker Adrian Darya 1 (formerly Grace 1) to deliver its 2.1 million barrels of oil to the Syrian government. …

Spikes of Violence: Protest in West Papua
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-09-09

Trade Wars Are a Fool's Game
Eric Margolis | | 2019-09-09
According to the great military thinker, Maj. Gen. J.F.C. Fuller, 'the object of war is not victory. It is to achieve political goals.' | Too bad President Donald Trump does not read books. He has started economic wars against China, …

Europeans Must Face Their Own Role in the Destruction of the Amazon
Hannah Mowat | | 2019-09-09
Images of the Amazon burning have caused global alarm. They have also, say observers, triggered a response unparalleled in the history of the politics around climate change: the setting of international red lines on environmental destruction. For President Macron …

Wildfires and the Climate Crisis: Brazil, Siberia, California, South Europe, Queensland
Dr. Andrew Glikson | | 2019-09-09
The planetary consequences of injecting 910 billion tons CO2 into the atmosphere are playing in real time. | The Arctic Circle is suffering from an unprecedented number of wildfires in the latest sign of a climate crisis. With some blazes …

Identity Politics: A Control Mechanism Exploited by the Ruling Elite
Kurt Nimmo | | 2019-09-09
There will not be a Peasants' Revolt like the one in 1381. We don't have a Jack Straw, John Ball, or Wat Tyler to lead and guide us. Those revolutionaries were betrayed by officers of Richard II–Richard was 14 at …

Government-Granted Patent Monopolies Are Driving Up Drug Prices
Staff | | 2019-09-09
| Most of the leading Democratic presidential contenders have put forward a plan to reduce drug prices. But for some reason, none of them have embraced the simple idea of not making drugs expensive in the first place. Specifically, none of the contenders have proposed moving away from the current system of financing the research and development of new drugs through government-granted patent monopolies. | The point is a simple one that should be obvious to people in policy debates. Drugs are almost in…

Book review: Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South by Keri Leigh Merritt | 2019-09-09
Merritt's research refutes the New York Times' Project 1619 claim that poor whites benefited from slavery.…

Trump Hits Lebanon Bank with His Favorite Econo-Political Battering Ram
Marwa Osman | | 2019-09-09
The fact that the U.S. sanctions countries whenever its president pleases could in itself be considered a hostile act. Even in wartime, these sorts of collective punishments are illegal under the Geneva Conventions. | *** | Economic sanctions are not only a | …

Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present, and Future of American Labor
Chris Wright | | 2019-09-09
We live in a paradoxical time. On the one hand, workers and organized labor are in their worst state since the early 1930s. Only 6.4 percent of private-sector workers belong to unions; average hourly pay is below what it was …

Vaccine Exemptions: California Pediatrician Appeals to Governor Newsom: Do the Right Thing and Preserve the Doctor-Patient Relationship
Dr. Elisa Song | | 2019-09-09
Dear Honorable Governor Newsom, | I am a California-licensed, board-certified, Stanford-, NYU, & UCSF-trained pediatrician. I am not anti-vax. I administer vaccines in my pediatric practice. I believe that vaccines can be effective at reducing the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases for …

The Future of US Jobs Looks Bleak. Unions Are the Answer
Staff | | 2019-09-09
| We were just handed a wake-up call. Newly released numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics project that six of the ten occupations expected to have the most total job growth over the next decade pay less than $27,000 a year. Three of those six are low-paying jobs in the restaurant industry. Even more striking is the concentration of low-paid healthcare jobs at the top of the list, with personal care aides at number one and home health a…

The Future of US Jobs Looks Bleak. Unions Are the Answer
Staff | | 2019-09-09
| We were just handed a wake-up call. Newly released numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics project that six of the ten occupations expected to have the most total job growth over the next decade pay less than $27,000 a year. Three of those six are low-paying jobs in the restaurant industry. Even more striking is the concentration of low-paid healthcare jobs at the top of the list, with personal care aides at number one and home health a…

Boris Johnson Could 'Face Jail' if He Ignores UK Parliament
Johanna Ross | | 2019-09-09
Just when one thought Brexit could not get any more dramatic, the UK Brexit crisis took on a more serious tone when Prime Minister Boris Johnson was warned he could face jail time if he refuses to respect the law …

Brexit is an Ideological Gamble with many Downsides: What 'Taking Back Control' Actually Looks Like Right Now
True Publica | | 2019-09-09
Three Prime Ministers in three years. | Boris Johnson has lost four out of four votes over Brexit in parliament. | An election has been denied by the opposition as the opposition has more support and therefore, has more control over what …

Selected Articles: US Media Propaganda. Drawing "Liberals" and "Leftists" into the CIA's Orbit
Global Research News | | 2019-09-09
Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-09-08
It was Eighteen years ago: I started writing on the evening of September 11, late into the night, going through piles of research notes, which I had previously collected on the history of Al Qaeda. This first text on 9/11 …

Papua New Guinea New Leader James Marape's Ambitious Vision: Make His Country "The Richest Black Christian Nation on Earth"?
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-09-08
The new Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (PNG) recently elaborated on his vision to make his country "the richest black Christian nation on earth" through a combination of fairer resource deals with transnational corporations and a renewed focus on …

Video: US Seeks to Destabilize Southern Syria
South Front | | 2019-09-08
The US is seeking to reanimate insurgency in southern Syria. According to the pro-militant Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a number of Free Syrian Army commanders that fled Syria in 2018 are now working to form a new militant group, …

Financial Warfare: Mastercard Blocks Two Venezuelan Banks as Inflation Rises
Ricardo Vaz | | 2019-09-08
US-based financial services company Mastercard has cut service to two Venezuelan banks sanctioned by the Donald Trump administration. | Effective this past Wednesday, clients of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces Bank (BANFANB) and the Agricultural Bank of Venezuela have been cut …

What if President Trump Is in "Cognitive Decline"? No, Seriously
Steve Almond | | 2019-09-08
For the past few days, our president — back at work after a busy August spent golfing and rage tweeting — has been making stuff up about Hurricane Dorian, the deadly storm currently battering the Southeast. | Late-night comedians have been …

The Courage of Saying No: Children, Rebellion and Greta Thunberg
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-09-08
There is something to be said of wariness when it comes to revolutionary voices. As Albert Camus argued in that beautiful tract of illumination and contradiction, The Rebel, "All modern revolutions have ended in the reinforcement of the power of …

Strangelove Redux: US Experts Propose Having Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control Nuclear Weapons
Matt Field | | 2019-09-08
Hypersonic missiles, stealthy cruise missiles, and weaponized artificial intelligence have so reduced the amount of time that decision makers in the United States would theoretically have to respond to a nuclear attack that, two military experts say, it's time for …

Venezuelan Usurper Guaido to be Charged with High Treason?
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-09-08
Nicolas Maduro is Venezuela's democratically elected and reelected president — an indisputable hard truth Trump regime hardliners want erased. The Bolivarian Republic's electoral process is "the best in the world," Jimmy Carter earlier explained. | It's scrupulously open, free and …

Devastation of Bee Colonies in America: Trump's EPA Said this Bee-killing Insecticide Is Safe, Now Beekeepers Are Suing
Earth Justice | | 2019-09-08
Today, beekeepers, represented by Earthjustice, sued Trump's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for allowing sulfoxaflor, a bee-killing pesticide linked to a nation-wide honeybee die-off, back on the market. The lawsuit comes as beekeepers around the country lost over 40 percent of …

You Don't Need a Weatherman… Junior Bush On the Morning of 9/11
Philip A Farruggio | | 2019-09-08
Taken from one of Bob Dylan's songs, Subterranean Homesick Blues, this lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" is fitting for what went down on 9/11/01 in that classroom in Sarasota, Florida. | If you …

The US Economic War on France
Terje Maloy | | 2019-09-08
"France does not know it, but we are at war with America. Yes, a permanent war, a vital war, an economic war, a war seemingly without dead. Yes, they are very hard the Americans, they are voracious, and they want …

US Media Propaganda. Drawing "Liberals" and "Leftists" into the CIA's Orbit. NPR
Edward Curtin | | 2019-09-08
Back in the 1960s, the CIA official Cord Meyer said the agency needed to "court the compatible left." He knew that drawing liberals and leftists into the CIA's orbit was the key to efficient propaganda. Right-wing and left-wing collaborators were …

Trump Administration Goes after State Governments for Protecting the Environment. Collision course with California
Don Anair | | 2019-09-08
The Trump administration has been on a collision course with California, and it appears that collision is imminent. An administrative action to undermine the authority granted to the state by the Clean Air Act to protect its citizens from vehicle …

Boris Johnson Trips: Duvets, Toothbrushes and the House of Lords
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-09-08
In 2017, MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, a Tory creature trapped in cold storage, suggested that the UK's withdrawal from the European Union was tantamount to fighting the battles of Agincourt, Waterloo and Trafalgar, a true statement of British strength. (Much …

Will China Invest in Iran's Transport and Industrial Infrastructure? There are Reasons to be Skeptical
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-09-08
Petroleum Economist recently published a report citing an unnamed senior Iranian source who alleged that China will invest $120 billion in the Islamic Republic's transport and manufacturing infrastructure and even deploy 5,000 security personnel to the country to protect those …

Corporate TV News Covered Climate Connection to Hurricane Dorian Only Once
Staff | | 2019-09-08
| Even as Hurricane Dorian tore through the Bahamas and crept up the southeastern U.S. seaboard, broadcast news networks were loathe to connect the powerful storm's strength to the climate crisis in spite of the science linking warmer sea surface temperatures to increased frequency of strong hurricanes. | According to a study by watchdog Media Matters For America, on…

No-deal Brexit Warnings Report — A 'Social Catastrophe' Awaits Us, "A Slow Train of Economic Chaos"
True Publica | | 2019-09-08
'Project Fear' was used to criticise the campaign being run by 'Britain Stronger in Europe', supporters of the UK remaining in the European Union. Ironically, it was Boris Johnson who reintroduced the term after the governments' original use of …

Could Brexit Leave the UK Vulnerable to Pressure from U.S. Hawks? Titanic Shift in Global Alliances
Barbara Boland | | 2019-09-08
By unyoking London from Europe, a no deal Brexit would unleash a titanic shift in global alliances that could strengthen Washington's hand and help it achieve its "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran. | That's an ironic turn of events for populists …

Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir: Insufficient Evidence to Blame Russia for MH17 Crash over Eastern Ukraine
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-09-07
Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad casts doubt on the controversial Dutch JIT investigation pertaining to the July 2014 crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17 over Eastern Ukraine. | In an interview with Sputnik News at the Vladivostok East Asia Economic Summit, Mahathir …

Texas protest says "No kids in cages"
Fight Back | | 2019-09-07
Arlington, TX – 60 people showed up at a protest organized by the Progressive Student Union (PSU) at the University of Texas at Arlington, September 4, against the Trump administration's change to of policy on the detention of undocumented children. | Mark Napieralski, an organizer from the Progressive Student Union, spoke about how the Flores Agreement banned holding children indefinitely – and how the Trump administration is moving to keep children in indefinite detention in concentration camps along the southern border. | Speakers at the rally included Minister Katie Hays from the Galileo Church and Harold Ch……