Monthly Archives: September 2019

2019-09-03: News Headlines

Nick Pemberton (2019-09-03). Replacing Ideology With Class. There is something very peculiar about how politics is talked about. The things that are true and proven to work are called "left" while the things that are false and are proven to fail are called "right". This is why upon education most everyone becomes left, barring a greater force than truth itself in one's interest in education. This is an unprecedented dynamic. Take any other field. In mathematics, in science, in language, truth is proven and then more or less accepted. In politics this isn't the case. Despite things such as socialism, peace, education, regulation, housing and equality always working, there…

Ellen Brown (2019-09-03). The Key to a Sustainable Economy is 5,000 Years Old. We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his More

David Cantor (2019-09-03). Racist Ideology and Practice Rooted in Speciesism. When perceived authorities like President Trump designate immigrants "animals," they authorize abuse of those officially disparaged people. Conscience-challenged people predictably seek to enhance their status by carrying out apparent or explicit wishes of adored "leaders." Trump probably has not personally killed or rounded up anyone. Neither have many other authoritarian despots whose policies and rhetoric …

WSWS (2019-09-03). Workers Struggles: The Americas. The nationwide strike by educators over education cuts was aimed at pressuring the right-wing government of Iván Duque to reverse its course.

Mark Ashwill (2019-09-03). Whose Bread I Eat, His Song I Sing: An International Education Nonprofit and a Devil's Bargain. 2019 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of International Education (IIE), a well-known US-based private nonprofit that focuses on international student exchange and aid, foreign affairs, and international peace and security. IIE refers to itself as "a world leader in the international exchange of people and ideas." While IIE has numerous More

Van Robison (2019-09-03). The Meaning of Human Life. Human life is precious, limited in time and delicate, fragile and unpredictable. There seems to be two types of humans on earth and they are those with no conscience and those who have compassion, empathy and genuine concern for others….

South Front (2019-09-03). Video: Hezbollah Strikes Israeli Military Vehicle Amid Escalation in Southern Lebanon. A large-scale escalation has taken place on the contact line between Israeli forces and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. | On September 1, the Israeli military launched several shells at unidentified targets in Shebaa Farms, located in the Israeli-occupied area. An Israeli …

Philip A Farruggio (2019-09-03). Hurricane Wars. Awaiting Another Deadly Storm. As we in Florida await in our (hopefully) boarded up and sandbagged homes the arrival of but another deadly storm, one has time to sit and ponder things. This writer lived through a major hurricane assault, when Mathew trampled through …

Robert Chalmers (2019-09-03). The Real Victims of France's 'Yellow Vest' Revolution. Classified 'sublethal', the rubber bullets, teargas and stun grenades used by French police have nevertheless maimed, blinded and killed almost as many in the last six months as in the 20 years before the 'yellow jacket' protests began taking to …

Terje Maloy (2019-09-03). Did Trump Tacitly Threaten to Use Biological Weapons to Exterminate 10 Million? "We could win that war so fast if I wanted to kill 10 million people … which I don't. I'm not looking to kill a big portion of that country [Afghanistan]," | "I have plans on Afghanistan that, if I wanted …

Nino Pagliccia (2019-09-03). Ottawa Goes to Havana to Talk Venezuela. Returns Empty-handed. Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland has just concluded a working visit to Cuba on August 28 intended to discuss the "crisis in Venezuela" with her Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez. A reading of the news release from the Ministry …

Stephen Lendman (2019-09-03). Another US Great Recession Coming? Hindsight is the best foresight, so clarity will arrive as events unfold. | For the vast majority of ordinary Americans, the 2008-09 great recession never ended. | Real unemployment is around 21%, based on how numbers were calculated in the 1980s. | The …

Washington's Blog (2019-09-03). 53 Admitted False Flag Attacks. Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published in February 2015. | Not Theory … Admitted Fact | There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for …

Abshir (2019-09-03). Nea Kavala Refugee Camp: Hell in Northern Greece. I cried when I heard that the Greek government said that it is going to send 1000 refugees from Moiria camp on Lesbos to Nea Kavala on the mainland. They want to relieve the pressure on the camp with all …

Nick Beams (2019-09-03). Trump Imposes New Tariffs on China. The Trump administration has gone ahead with its decision to impose a 15 percent tariff on $110 billion worth of Chinese goods in one of the most significant escalations of the trade war that has now lasted more than a …

The Global Research Team (2019-09-03). Help Global Research Ride the Storm. Dear Readers, | We find ourselves in troubled waters. Global Research, like many independent voices all over the globe, is feeling the effects of online measures set up to curtail access to our website, and by consequence, hinder our finances. We …

Ahmed AbdulKareem (2019-09-03). US and Israeli Collectors Buy Up What Remains of Yemen's Ancient Heritage. Saada's old city, which is among the world's oldest human-carved landscapes, once consisted entirely of historic, centuries-old multi-story homes. Now, it has been wiped out, after Saudi Arabia declared it a military zone — even the city's hand-carved wooden doors …

Stephen Lendman (2019-09-03). Heightened Israeli-Lebanese Tensions. A "Declaration of War" by Israel according to President Michel Aoun. September 17 Israeli elections loom. Were late August IDF attacks on Syria, Iraq and Lebanon "fuel for the fire of (Netanyahu's) campaign," as Haaretz suggested? | Manufacturing nonexistent threats is common US/NATO/Israeli practice. Members of the block and the Jewish state …

The Canary (2019-09-03). Artificial intelligence used to detect risk of heart attack. Artificial intelligence can identify people most likely to have a deadly heart attack five years before it strikes, scientists have found. | Researchers from the University of Oxford used machine learning to develop a new biomarker that detects changes to blood vessels supplying the heart. | Described as a fingerprint, it can identify "biological red flags" such as inflammation, scarring and new blood vessel formation, which are pointers to a future heart attack. | Currently scans known as coronary CT angiograms (CCTA) check the coronary arteries for any narrowed or blocked segments, but there are no methods rout…

Hans Stehling (2019-09-03). Boris Johnson Threatens to Suspend Parliament, Reminiscent of Dissolution of the Reichstag in Nazi Germany? In 1933 Germany, democracy was threatened and finally destroyed by the Nazi Party who eliminated those who opposed their Fascist ideology of mass murder and genocide. Hitler and his cohort of Storm Troopers persuaded the German Head of State, General …

Andrew Korybko (2019-09-03). US Sanctions Threats Won't Stop Russia-Africa Security Cooperation. The US' reported threats to sanction African countries that buy Russian weaponry won't succeed in stopping security cooperation between Moscow and its partners, though it's nevertheless a clever way to try to exploit those nations' "deep state" divisions in a …

Conscience and Action, Huff (2019-09-03). Enough! Open the Louden Bathrooms. 301 Center St.

SF Chronicle (2019-09-03). Climate Forum: SF Chronicle Talks Climate Change–Science and Solutions. Chronicle Center at the San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103…

Staff (2019-09-03). Hong Kong's "Father of Democracy" Calls on Government to Heed Demonstrators. | | Following another weekend of mass protests in Hong Kong, this marks 13 weeks of protesters calling for greater political freedom and the scrapping of a controversial extradition bill with China. For the past two days, thousands of students have boycotted the beginning of classes. On Sunday, protesters returned to Hong Kong's airport, where they barricaded roads in an attempt to shut down the airport again. On Saturday, police fired tear gas and water cannons during a chaotic night of street d…

Staff (2019-09-03). The Women of Standing Rock Are Building Sovereign Economies. | | For Sicangu Lakota water protector Cheryl Angel, Standing Rock helped her define what she stands against: an economy rooted in extraction of resources and exploitation of people and planet. It wasn't until she'd had some distance that the vision of what she stands for came into focus. | "Now I understand that sustainable sovereign economies are needed to replace the system we support with our purchasing power," she said. "Our ancient teachings have all of those economies passed down in traditional fami…

Tommy McKearney (2019-09-03). Brexit and the EU: Social Crisis in The Republic of Ireland. The Brexit storm-clouds are gathering, and the political class in Dublin is in a tizzy. Having placed almost all its emphasis on the mantra of the "hard, militarised border and return to violence," they will be deprived of any coherent …

Staff (2019-09-03). Hong Kong's "Father of Democracy" Martin Lee Calls on Gov't to Heed Demonstrators' Demands. Following another weekend of mass protests in Hong Kong, this marks 13 weeks of protesters calling for greater political freedom and the scrapping of a controversial extradition bill with China. For the past two days, thousands of students have boycotted the beginning of classes. On Sunday, protesters returned to Hong Kong's airport, where they barricaded roads in an attempt to shut down the airport again. On Saturday, police fired tear gas and water cannons during a chaotic night of street demonstrations. Some masked protesters were seen throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. Earlier today, Carrie Lam denied…

Manlio Dinucci (2019-09-03). Amazónia, os incendiários gritam: 'Há fogo!'. Perante a propagaàßà£o dos incêndios na Amazónia, a Cimeira do G7 mudo a sua agenda para 'enfrentar a emergência'. Os Sete — Franàßa, Alemanha, Grà£-Bretanha, Itália, Japà£o, Canadá e Estados Unidos — assumiram, juntamente com a Unià£o Europeia, o papel …

Manlio Dinucci (2019-09-03). Amazzonia, gli incendiari gridano al fuoco. Di fronte al dilagare degli incendi in Amazzonia, il vertice del G7 ha cambiato la sua agenda per ´affrontare l'emergenza ª. I Sette — Francia, Germania, Gran Bretagna, Italia, Giappone, Canada e Stati uniti — hanno assunto, insieme all'Unione europea, il …

Julia Conley, staff writer (2019-09-03). Despite Reversal for Harvard Student, Deportations Based on US Search of Social Media Denounced as Troubling 'New Normal'. Representatives for Ismail Ajjawi, a 17-year-old Palestinian student who was refused entry to the U.S. last week when he arrived to begin his freshman year at Harvard, credited outcry that resulted from Ajjawi's treatment with forcing immigration officials to allow him into the country—while his story drew attention to similar cases. |…

Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers (2019-09-02). Linking Popular Movements and Unions is a Winning Strategy for Workers. After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and demanding more rights. A Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the number of striking workers is the highest since 1986. In 2018, 485,000 people went on strike, a number not exceeded since the 533,000 people in 1986, and 2019 will be even …

Tony Cartalucci (2019-09-02). The West's "Humanitarian" Claims as Syrian War Nears Endgame. Headlines emanating from the West regarding Syria's ongoing war have a common theme — allegations of Syria and Russia's "ruthless barrage" of the northern region of Idlib. | So often — however — has the US and its allies falsely invoked …

Emanuel Pastreich (2019-09-02). Governing the Earth: Current Political Chaos Demands a Transformation of the United Nations. The destruction of the Amazon jungles by right-wing Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro threatens to end our civilization and to condemn the next generation to death and destruction. This is a truly existential moment for us, to use the hackneyed term …

Saad Abdllah (2019-09-02). Refugee Lessons: Let Us be Free Like the Birds! My life has been turned upside down amd inside out. My brain has never had to work so hard to make sense, to survive and to live. For some of my hardest years, the system saw me and treated me …

Carla Stea (2019-09-02). Venezuela, Ukraine, Hong Kong, … : Color Revolutions and Regime Change, A Modern Scourge Spawning Economic Destabilization and Civil War. What we are witnessing is the creation of toxic opposition movements whose goal is the destabilization and destruction of progressive governments. These abhorrent "color revolutions" bear resemblance to the ravages of Attilla the Hun.

Prof. James Petras (2019-09-02). A Recolonizaàßà£o da América Latina e a Guerra na Venezuela. "O Hemisfério Ocidental é a nossa regià£o", disse Michael Pompeo, secretário de Estado dos EUA. | Introduàßà£o | Desde que os EUA declararam que a Doutrina Monroe proclama sua supremacia imperial sobre a América Latina, há quase 200 anos, um regime da …

Martha Rosenberg (2019-09-02). How Animal Researchers Stay Out of the News. If you are like most people, you know a lot more about how farm animals are treated on factory farms than dogs, primates and other animals are treated in US labs. It is no coincidence. Exposure of what occurs behind the Plexiglass Curtain would be so damaging to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded university research contracts that millions are spent to prevent transparency. More

Mitch Malloy (2019-09-01). Kennewick teachers' strike shows power of the union in Washington state. Teachers win gains on important issues including pay and insurance.

Paul Haeder (2019-09-01). Reintroducing Otters after a Few Centuries of Harassment. Even in the vast and mysterious reaches of the sea we are brought back to the fundamental truth that nothing lives to itself. — Rachel Carson1 "I've never lived on the West Coast, but I really have absolutely fallen in love with the place." Dominique Kone and I are talking at the Hatfield Marine Science …

Andre Vltchek (2019-09-01). Several Reasons why West Papua should get its Freedom: Immediately! More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he kept repeating: Indonesian army, TNI, is kidnapping our little girls in the villages, raping them, …

Debunking Cops (2019-08-31). Debunking the Drug War. This episode covers the US government's and law enforcement's active role in global drug trafficking. Doug Valentine is the author of The Strength of the Wolf and The Strength of the Pack. These are two of the most important books ever written on the drug trade. Doug's research comes mostly from first hand accounts of …

Ellen Brown (2019-08-31). The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old. We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his …

Fight Back (2019-08-31). Chicago students say, 'CIA off campus!'. Chicago, IL – On the afternoon of August 28, members of Students for a Democratic Society and AnakBayan Chicago, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, passed out flyers on the quad to oppose the partnership that the university has with the CIA. SDS members held a banner reading "CIA off campus," the slogan that has been used in past decades by student activists around the country in similar campaigns. Protesters held signs each detailing a different CIA operation and the number of deaths it caused. | In February 2018, the UIC announced that they had become a CIA Signature School. Only three months later, Gina…

United Nations (2019-08-30). More than half of world's refugee children 'do not get an education', warns UNHCR. Refugee children in their millions are missing out on an education, the UN said on Friday, in an appeal to host countries to back more inclusive policies to prevent them from "languishing" in camps for years and losing hope.

United Nations (2019-08-30). Friday's Daily Brief: Refugee children missing out on school, Ebola in Uganda, Fresh violence in Yemen, 20 years of Timor-Leste independence, Enforced disappearances. A recap of Friday's stories: Over half of refugee children missing an education; new Ebola case in Uganda; funding gap in Yemen leaves many at risk; Timor-Leste marks 20th anniversary of independence, enforced disappearances spread terror…

Mitch Malloy (2019-08-29). Kennewick, Wa, teachers on strike for much-needed raise. The Kennewick strike is set to be the longest strike in district history.

Sarah Lahm (2019-08-26). St. Paul Teachers Union Picks the Health Care Battle. Skyrocketing insurance costs generated a national wave of teacher strikes last year. Now, Minnesota educators head into a new school year ready to fight for affordable health care.

Staff (2019-08-26). Unreported Deaths, Child Cancer & Radioactive Meat: The Untold Story of Chernobyl. Following a mysterious nuclear accident in Russia that left seven dead, we look back at the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe, but the death toll from Chernobyl remains unknown. Chernobyl is considered the worst nuclear accident in history, but Kate Brown, an MIT professor of science, technology and society, says much of what we understand about the disaster is inaccurate. Her new book, "Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future," chronicles the devastating and underreported impact of radiation on tens of t…

patrick (2019-08-20). #ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice. Throughout the 2018—2019 school year, young people around organized massive school climate strikes to demand that the world's leaders take immediate action to address climate change. The strikes started first in Sweden, then spread throughout the European Union and around the world. By March, 15 tens of thousands of students in more than 100 countries … | Continue reading "#ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice"

Brad Bennett (2019-08-20). Maryland teacher incorporates hard lessons about slavery into public school curriculum. At a workshop for teachers about educating children on American slavery, one instructor grew angry and insisted that Thomas Jefferson — who fathered biracial children with an enslaved woman on one of his plantations — was an advocate for racial equality.

2019-09-03: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Racist Ideology and Practice Rooted in Speciesism
David Cantor | | 2019-09-03
When perceived authorities like President Trump designate immigrants "animals," they authorize abuse of those officially disparaged people. Conscience-challenged people predictably seek to enhance their status by carrying out apparent or explicit wishes of adored "leaders." Trump probably has not personally killed or rounded up anyone. Neither have many other authoritarian despots whose policies and rhetoric …

Workers Struggles: The Americas | 2019-09-03
The nationwide strike by educators over education cuts was aimed at pressuring the right-wing government of Iván Duque to reverse its course.…

Replacing Ideology With Class
Nick Pemberton | | 2019-09-03
There is something very peculiar about how politics is talked about. The things that are true and proven to work are called "left" while the things that are false and are proven to fail are called "right". This is why upon education most everyone becomes left, barring a greater force than truth itself in one's interest in education. This is an unprecedented dynamic. Take any other field. In mathematics, in science, in language, truth is proven and then more or less accepted. In politics this isn't the case. Despite things such as socialism, peace, education, regulation, housing and equality always working, there…

Whose Bread I Eat, His Song I Sing: An International Education Nonprofit and a Devil's Bargain
Mark Ashwill | | 2019-09-03
2019 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of International Education (IIE), a well-known US-based private nonprofit that focuses on international student exchange and aid, foreign affairs, and international peace and security. IIE refers to itself as "a world leader in the international exchange of people and ideas." While IIE has numerous…

The Meaning of Human Life
Van Robison | | 2019-09-03
Human life is precious, limited in time and delicate, fragile and unpredictable. There seems to be two types of humans on earth and they are those with no conscience and those who have compassion, empathy and genuine concern for others….

Artificial intelligence used to detect risk of heart attack
The Canary | | 2019-09-03
Artificial intelligence can identify people most likely to have a deadly heart attack five years before it strikes, scientists have found. | Researchers from the University of Oxford used machine learning to develop a new biomarker that detects changes to blood vessels supplying the heart. | Described as a fingerprint, it can identify "biological red flags" such as inflammation, scarring and new blood vessel formation, which are pointers to a future heart attack. | Currently scans known as coronary CT angiograms (CCTA) check the coronary arteries for any narrowed or blocked segments, but there are no methods rout…

Heightened Israeli-Lebanese Tensions. A "Declaration of War" by Israel according to President Michel Aoun
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-09-03
September 17 Israeli elections loom. Were late August IDF attacks on Syria, Iraq and Lebanon "fuel for the fire of (Netanyahu's) campaign," as Haaretz suggested? | Manufacturing nonexistent threats is common US/NATO/Israeli practice. Members of the block and the Jewish state …

Nea Kavala Refugee Camp: Hell in Northern Greece
Abshir | | 2019-09-03
I cried when I heard that the Greek government said that it is going to send 1000 refugees from Moiria camp on Lesbos to Nea Kavala on the mainland. They want to relieve the pressure on the camp with all …

Did Trump Tacitly Threaten to Use Biological Weapons to Exterminate 10 Million?
Terje Maloy | | 2019-09-03
"We could win that war so fast if I wanted to kill 10 million people … which I don't. I'm not looking to kill a big portion of that country [Afghanistan]," | "I have plans on Afghanistan that, if I wanted …

Video: Hezbollah Strikes Israeli Military Vehicle Amid Escalation in Southern Lebanon
South Front | | 2019-09-03
A large-scale escalation has taken place on the contact line between Israeli forces and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. | On September 1, the Israeli military launched several shells at unidentified targets in Shebaa Farms, located in the Israeli-occupied area. An Israeli …

Boris Johnson Threatens to Suspend Parliament, Reminiscent of Dissolution of the Reichstag in Nazi Germany?
Hans Stehling | | 2019-09-03
In 1933 Germany, democracy was threatened and finally destroyed by the Nazi Party who eliminated those who opposed their Fascist ideology of mass murder and genocide. Hitler and his cohort of Storm Troopers persuaded the German Head of State, General …

Ottawa Goes to Havana to Talk Venezuela. Returns Empty-handed
Nino Pagliccia | | 2019-09-03
Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland has just concluded a working visit to Cuba on August 28 intended to discuss the "crisis in Venezuela" with her Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez. A reading of the news release from the Ministry …

US Sanctions Threats Won't Stop Russia-Africa Security Cooperation
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-09-03
The US' reported threats to sanction African countries that buy Russian weaponry won't succeed in stopping security cooperation between Moscow and its partners, though it's nevertheless a clever way to try to exploit those nations' "deep state" divisions in a …

US and Israeli Collectors Buy Up What Remains of Yemen's Ancient Heritage
Ahmed AbdulKareem | | 2019-09-03
Saada's old city, which is among the world's oldest human-carved landscapes, once consisted entirely of historic, centuries-old multi-story homes. Now, it has been wiped out, after Saudi Arabia declared it a military zone — even the city's hand-carved wooden doors …

The Real Victims of France's 'Yellow Vest' Revolution
Robert Chalmers | | 2019-09-03
Classified 'sublethal', the rubber bullets, teargas and stun grenades used by French police have nevertheless maimed, blinded and killed almost as many in the last six months as in the 20 years before the 'yellow jacket' protests began taking to …

Another US Great Recession Coming?
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-09-03
Hindsight is the best foresight, so clarity will arrive as events unfold. | For the vast majority of ordinary Americans, the 2008-09 great recession never ended. | Real unemployment is around 21%, based on how numbers were calculated in the 1980s. | The …

Hurricane Wars. Awaiting Another Deadly Storm
Philip A Farruggio | | 2019-09-03
As we in Florida await in our (hopefully) boarded up and sandbagged homes the arrival of but another deadly storm, one has time to sit and ponder things. This writer lived through a major hurricane assault, when Mathew trampled through …

Trump Imposes New Tariffs on China
Nick Beams | | 2019-09-03
The Trump administration has gone ahead with its decision to impose a 15 percent tariff on $110 billion worth of Chinese goods in one of the most significant escalations of the trade war that has now lasted more than a …

Help Global Research Ride the Storm
The Global Research Team | | 2019-09-03
Dear Readers, | We find ourselves in troubled waters. Global Research, like many independent voices all over the globe, is feeling the effects of online measures set up to curtail access to our website, and by consequence, hinder our finances. We …

53 Admitted False Flag Attacks
Washington's Blog | | 2019-09-03
Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published in February 2015. | Not Theory … Admitted Fact | There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for …

Climate Forum: SF Chronicle Talks Climate Change–Science and Solutions
SF Chronicle | | 2019-09-03
Chronicle Center at the San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103…

Enough! Open the Louden Bathrooms
Conscience and Action, Huff | | 2019-09-03
301 Center St.

The Key to a Sustainable Economy is 5,000 Years Old
Ellen Brown | | 2019-09-03
We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his…

Hong Kong's "Father of Democracy" Calls on Government to Heed Demonstrators
Staff | | 2019-09-03
| Following another weekend of mass protests in Hong Kong, this marks 13 weeks of protesters calling for greater political freedom and the scrapping of a controversial extradition bill with China. For the past two days, thousands of students have boycotted the beginning of classes. On Sunday, protesters returned to Hong Kong's airport, where they barricaded roads in an attempt to shut down the airport again. On Saturday, police fired tear gas and water cannons during a chaotic night of street d…

The Women of Standing Rock Are Building Sovereign Economies
Staff | | 2019-09-03
| For Sicangu Lakota water protector Cheryl Angel, Standing Rock helped her define what she stands against: an economy rooted in extraction of resources and exploitation of people and planet. It wasn't until she'd had some distance that the vision of what she stands for came into focus. | "Now I understand that sustainable sovereign economies are needed to replace the system we support with our purchasing power," she said. "Our ancient teachings have all of those economies passed down in traditional fami…

Brexit and the EU: Social Crisis in The Republic of Ireland
Tommy McKearney | | 2019-09-03
The Brexit storm-clouds are gathering, and the political class in Dublin is in a tizzy. Having placed almost all its emphasis on the mantra of the "hard, militarised border and return to violence," they will be deprived of any coherent …

Hong Kong's "Father of Democracy" Martin Lee Calls on Gov't to Heed Demonstrators' Demands
Staff | | 2019-09-03
Following another weekend of mass protests in Hong Kong, this marks 13 weeks of protesters calling for greater political freedom and the scrapping of a controversial extradition bill with China. For the past two days, thousands of students have boycotted the beginning of classes. On Sunday, protesters returned to Hong Kong's airport, where they barricaded roads in an attempt to shut down the airport again. On Saturday, police fired tear gas and water cannons during a chaotic night of street demonstrations. Some masked protesters were seen throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. Earlier today, Carrie Lam denied…

Amazzonia, gli incendiari gridano al fuoco
Manlio Dinucci | | 2019-09-03
Di fronte al dilagare degli incendi in Amazzonia, il vertice del G7 ha cambiato la sua agenda per ´affrontare l'emergenza ª. I Sette — Francia, Germania, Gran Bretagna, Italia, Giappone, Canada e Stati uniti — hanno assunto, insieme all'Unione europea, il …

Amazónia, os incendiários gritam: 'Há fogo!'
Manlio Dinucci | | 2019-09-03
Perante a propagaàßà£o dos incêndios na Amazónia, a Cimeira do G7 mudo a sua agenda para 'enfrentar a emergência'. Os Sete — Franàßa, Alemanha, Grà£-Bretanha, Itália, Japà£o, Canadá e Estados Unidos — assumiram, juntamente com a Unià£o Europeia, o papel …

Despite Reversal for Harvard Student, Deportations Based on US Search of Social Media Denounced as Troubling 'New Normal'
Julia Conley, staff writer | | 2019-09-03
Representatives for Ismail Ajjawi, a 17-year-old Palestinian student who was refused entry to the U.S. last week when he arrived to begin his freshman year at Harvard, credited outcry that resulted from Ajjawi's treatment with forcing immigration officials to allow him into the country—while his story drew attention to similar cases. |…

Linking Popular Movements and Unions is a Winning Strategy for Workers
Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers | | 2019-09-02
After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and demanding more rights. A Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the number of striking workers is the highest since 1986. In 2018, 485,000 people went on strike, a number not exceeded since the 533,000 people in 1986, and 2019 will be even …

Governing the Earth: Current Political Chaos Demands a Transformation of the United Nations
Emanuel Pastreich | | 2019-09-02
The destruction of the Amazon jungles by right-wing Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro threatens to end our civilization and to condemn the next generation to death and destruction. This is a truly existential moment for us, to use the hackneyed term …

How Animal Researchers Stay Out of the News
Martha Rosenberg | | 2019-09-02
If you are like most people, you know a lot more about how farm animals are treated on factory farms than dogs, primates and other animals are treated in US labs. It is no coincidence. Exposure of what occurs behind the Plexiglass Curtain would be so damaging to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded university research contracts that millions are spent to prevent transparency.

A Recolonizaàßà£o da América Latina e a Guerra na Venezuela
Prof. James Petras | | 2019-09-02
"O Hemisfério Ocidental é a nossa regià£o", disse Michael Pompeo, secretário de Estado dos EUA. | Introduàßà£o | Desde que os EUA declararam que a Doutrina Monroe proclama sua supremacia imperial sobre a América Latina, há quase 200 anos, um regime da | …

Refugee Lessons: Let Us be Free Like the Birds!
Saad Abdllah | | 2019-09-02
My life has been turned upside down amd inside out. My brain has never had to work so hard to make sense, to survive and to live. For some of my hardest years, the system saw me and treated me …

Venezuela, Ukraine, Hong Kong, … : Color Revolutions and Regime Change, A Modern Scourge Spawning Economic Destabilization and Civil War
Carla Stea | | 2019-09-02
What we are witnessing is the creation of toxic opposition movements whose goal is the destabilization and destruction of progressive governments. These abhorrent "color revolutions" bear resemblance to the ravages of Attilla the Hun.

The West's "Humanitarian" Claims as Syrian War Nears Endgame
Tony Cartalucci | | 2019-09-02
Headlines emanating from the West regarding Syria's ongoing war have a common theme — allegations of Syria and Russia's "ruthless barrage" of the northern region of Idlib. | So often — however — has the US and its allies falsely invoked …

Several Reasons why West Papua should get its Freedom: Immediately!
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-09-01
More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he kept repeating: Indonesian army, TNI, is kidnapping our little girls in the villages, raping them, …

Reintroducing Otters after a Few Centuries of Harassment
Paul Haeder | | 2019-09-01
Even in the vast and mysterious reaches of the sea we are brought back to the fundamental truth that nothing lives to itself. — Rachel Carson1 "I've never lived on the West Coast, but I really have absolutely fallen in love with the place." Dominique Kone and I are talking at the Hatfield Marine Science …

Kennewick teachers' strike shows power of the union in Washington state
Mitch Malloy | | 2019-09-01
Teachers win gains on important issues including pay and insurance.

Debunking the Drug War
Debunking Cops | | 2019-08-31
This episode covers the US government's and law enforcement's active role in global drug trafficking. Doug Valentine is the author of The Strength of the Wolf and The Strength of the Pack. These are two of the most important books ever written on the drug trade. Doug's research comes mostly from first hand accounts of …

Chicago students say, 'CIA off campus!'
Fight Back | | 2019-08-31
Chicago, IL – On the afternoon of August 28, members of Students for a Democratic Society and AnakBayan Chicago, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, passed out flyers on the quad to oppose the partnership that the university has with the CIA. SDS members held a banner reading "CIA off campus," the slogan that has been used in past decades by student activists around the country in similar campaigns. Protesters held signs each detailing a different CIA operation and the number of deaths it caused. | In February 2018, the UIC announced that they had become a CIA Signature School. Only three months later, Gina……

The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old
Ellen Brown | | 2019-08-31
We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his …

More than half of world's refugee children 'do not get an education', warns UNHCR
United Nations | | 2019-08-30
Refugee children in their millions are missing out on an education, the UN said on Friday, in an appeal to host countries to back more inclusive policies to prevent them from "languishing" in camps for years and losing hope.

Friday's Daily Brief: Refugee children missing out on school, Ebola in Uganda, Fresh violence in Yemen, 20 years of Timor-Leste independence, Enforced disappearances
United Nations | | 2019-08-30
A recap of Friday's stories: Over half of refugee children missing an education; new Ebola case in Uganda; funding gap in Yemen leaves many at risk; Timor-Leste marks 20th anniversary of independence, enforced disappearances spread terror…

Kennewick, Wa, teachers on strike for much-needed raise
Mitch Malloy | | 2019-08-29
The Kennewick strike is set to be the longest strike in district history.

St. Paul Teachers Union Picks the Health Care Battle
Sarah Lahm | | 2019-08-26
Skyrocketing insurance costs generated a national wave of teacher strikes last year. Now, Minnesota educators head into a new school year ready to fight for affordable health care.

Unreported Deaths, Child Cancer & Radioactive Meat: The Untold Story of Chernobyl
Staff | | 2019-08-26
Following a mysterious nuclear accident in Russia that left seven dead, we look back at the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe, but the death toll from Chernobyl remains unknown. Chernobyl is considered the worst nuclear accident in history, but Kate Brown, an MIT professor of science, technology and society, says much of what we understand about the disaster is inaccurate. Her new book, "Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future," chronicles the devastating and underreported impact of radiation on tens of t……

#ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice
patrick | | 2019-08-20
Throughout the 2018–2019 school year, young people around organized massive school climate strikes to demand that the world's leaders take immediate action to address climate change. The strikes started first in Sweden, then spread throughout the European Union and around the world. By March, 15 tens of thousands of students in more than 100 countries … | Continue reading "#ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice"

Maryland teacher incorporates hard lessons about slavery into public school curriculum
Brad Bennett | | 2019-08-20
At a workshop for teachers about educating children on American slavery, one instructor grew angry and insisted that Thomas Jefferson — who fathered biracial children with an enslaved woman on one of his plantations — was an advocate for racial equality.