Monthly Archives: September 2019

2019-09-02: News Headlines

Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers (2019-09-02). Linking Popular Movements and Unions is a Winning Strategy for Workers. After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and demanding more rights. A Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the number of striking workers is the highest since 1986. In 2018, 485,000 people went on strike, a number not exceeded since the 533,000 people in 1986, and 2019 will be even …

Staff (2019-09-02). The Era of Cheap and Abundant Clean Energy Is Just Around the Corner. In studies on hydrogen and wind power, researchers point out the way to affordable renewable energy on a massive scale.

Kevin Zeese (2019-09-02). Linking Popular Movements and Unions Is a Winning Strategy for Workers. After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and demanding more rights. A Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the number of striking workers is the highest since 1986. In 2018, 485,000 …

Andre Vltchek (2019-09-02). Several Reasons Why West Papua Should Get Its Freedom… Immediately! More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). | He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he …

Okuaki Satoru (2019-09-02). How Japanese Scientists Confronted the U.S. and Japanese Governments to Reveal the Effects of Bikini H-bomb Tests. Introduction and translation by Steve Rabson. The original Japanese text can be found here. | Introduction | The March, 1954 "Bravo Shot" H-bomb test in the Pacific dumped radioactive debris on the Marshall Islands, U.S. servicemen, and the crew of a …

Julia Conley (2019-09-02). Tipping Point: UN Biodiversity Chief Warns Burning of Amazon Could Lead to 'Cascading Collapse of Natural Systems'. Unless world governments, consumers, and businesses all work together to address the root causes of the current burning of the Amazon rain forest, the Arctic, and forests in the Congo and Angola, the planet will continue careening …

Lorenzo Carrasco (2019-09-02). Amazon, after Greenland? Even Americans who learned about the doctrines of "exceptionalism" and "Manifest Destiny", and are associated to the country's higher decision circles were surprised with President Donald Trump's declaration about his intention to buy Greenland, the world's largest island, and …

A.M.A Television (2019-09-02). Video: Israeli State Sponsored Torture of Young Non-Jewish Children. Israeli State Sponsored Torture of Young non-Jewish children, an Australian documentary film. | This documentary film is laying bare what the Israeli supporting media always tries to cover up. There are a lot of upsetting scenes in this film so viewer …

Eric Zuesse (2019-09-02). America's Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg. The Democratic Presidential candidates who have been the most backed by billionaires have not been doing well in the polling thus far, and this fact greatly disturbs the billionaires. They know that the Democratic nominee will be chosen in the …

Padraig McGrath (2019-09-02). For Denuclearization and Non-proliferation, We Need a "Pax Russica-Sinica" On August 29th, Kazakhstan's first president Nursultan Nazarbayev called for the construction of new global nuclear-arms-control infrastructure. While addressing the awards ceremony for the Nazarbayev Prize for a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World and Global Security, he stated: | "There is a need to …

Pepe Escobar (2019-09-02). BRICS Was Created as a Tool of Attack: Lula. In a wide-ranging, two-hour-plus, exclusive interview from a prison room in Curitiba in southern Brazil, former Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva re-emerged for the first time, after more than 500 days in jail, and sent a clear message …

Jack Peat (2019-09-02). Britain's Home Secretary Priti Patel Paid £1k an Hour to Advise US Company Bidding for £6bn Defence Contract. Priti Patel was paid £1,000 an hour to advise a US company bidding on a lucrative £6 billion defence contract, The Guardian has revealed. | The Home Secretary has been urged to withdraw from cabinet discussions on the contract following …

Dr. Jack Rasmus (2019-09-02). Labor Day 2019: Surveys Show Wages Not Rising & Jobs 500,000 Fewer. What's the condition of the US working class on this Labor Day 2019? Wages and Jobs are of course the best indicators of that condition. So let's look at wages and jobs today in America today. | What we see is …

Stephen Lendman (2019-09-02). US Dirty Hands All Over Hong Kong Violence and Chaos? The UN Charter and other international laws are clear and unequivocal. | No nation may legally interfere in the internal affairs of others for any reasons at any time — except in self-defense if attacked. | The US hasn't been attacked by …

WSWS (2019-09-02). An interview with nurse scientist Judy Davidson on rising nurse suicides. Judy Davidson was part of the psychiatric research team that recently uncovered the high incidence of suicide in the nursing industry.

Diane Abbott (2019-09-02). "Regime Change in the UK": This Is an Anti-parliamentary Coup — and an Internationally Organised One. Around the world, coups are normally international events. Short of war they have been a preferred mechanism to achieve what has become known as 'regime change'. And the last time there was a successful coup in this country in 1688 …

Ed Rampell (2019-09-02). A New Film Blows the Whistle on War. Official Secrets, co-written and directed by Gavin Hood, is one of the best movies ever made about investigative reporting and whistle-blowing—a film in a league with All the President's Men and Snowden. | Like the 1976 Watergate classic starring Robert Redford …

Staff (2019-09-02). Tennessee Voting Rights Activists Fight New Registration Restrictions. | | Young people have the power to greatly impact the 2020 election. In many states, they showed this power in 2018, when youth voter turnout rose 16 percentage points from the previous midterm election, marking the highest level in midterm…

Kurt Nimmo (2019-09-02). Israeli Border Provocation Moves Plan for Regional War Forward. Israel has bombed both Syria and Iraq with impunity. Syria, over the last couple of years, has endured attacks by Israel hundreds of times. In July, the IDF, using US-produced F-35i stealth fighter jets, attacked targets inside Iraq. | From Al-Jazeera

Tom Luongo (2019-09-02). One Last Ceasefire before Oblivion for Jihadists in Syria. The battle to reclaim Syria moved forward this week. Syrian Arab Army forces reclaimed the town of Khan Sheikoun last week prompting a flurry of moves by all involved, most notably Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. | Erdogan was in …

Tony Cartalucci (2019-09-02). The West's "Humanitarian" Claims as Syrian War Nears Endgame. Headlines emanating from the West regarding Syria's ongoing war have a common theme — allegations of Syria and Russia's "ruthless barrage" of the northern region of Idlib. | So often — however — has the US and its allies falsely invoked …

F. William Engdahl (2019-09-02). Is the Fed Preparing to Topple US Dollar? Unusual remarks and actions by the outgoing head of the Bank of England and other central banking insiders strongly suggest that there is a very ugly scenario in the works to end the role of the US dollar as world …

Bruno Sgarzini (2019-09-02). The U.S. Footprint in Bolivia's Incipient Colour Revolution. "Activist groups and members of the opposition reminded President Evo Morales that his policy of expanding the agricultural frontier to favor the country's agribusinesses and ranchers is the cause of the environmental disaster," wrote the opposition daily Página Siete, attributing …

Carla Stea (2019-09-02). Venezuela, Ukraine, Hong Kong, … : Color Revolutions and Regime Change, A Modern Scourge Spawning Economic Destabilization and Civil War. Venezuela | There are innumerable examples throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but three of the most notorious demonstrations of Washington, and its European cohorts incubating massive human tragedy and/or civil wars can be exemplified by Washington's cultivation, indeed creation of …

Miri Wood (2019-09-02). Syria Law Enforcement Makes Another Huge "Captagon" Amphetamine Drug Bust. NATO-backed terrorist remnants in Aleppo countryside have increased attacks against civilian populations of the city, since prior to the Astana meetings and the short-lived 'cessation of hostilities' agreement. | Massive quantities of this criminal drug were found in the wheels of …

Emanuel Pastreich (2019-09-02). Governing the Earth: Current Political Chaos Demands a Transformation of the United Nations. The destruction of the Amazon jungles by right-wing Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro threatens to end our civilization and to condemn the next generation to death and destruction. This is a truly existential moment for us, to use the hackneyed term …

Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Film Series (2019-09-02). Science Fair; a diversity film. Ellen Driscoll Playhouse | 325 Highland Avenue, near Oakland Avenue | Piedmont, CA 94611…

Howie Hawkins (2019-09-02). Workers need more rights and economic democracy. As someone who has been a union member since I was a Marine with the American Servicemen's Union until I retired last year as a Teamster as well as a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, I have lived the reality of mistreatment of workers in the United States. | It is good to see labor rising with teacher and other strikes increasing across the country and with the US public showing its highest support for unions in decades. The next president should harness the energy of working people and build political power for a transformation agenda for working people who have not gotten a real raise in decade…

Robert Koehler (2019-09-02). We Are All Indigenous. "All things are interrelated. Everything in the universe is part of a single whole. Everything is connected in some way to everything else. It is therefore possible to understand something only if we can understand how it is connected to everything else." These words, the first of the Twelve Teachings of the Sacred Tree, quoted More

Global Research News (2019-09-02). Selected Articles: Is the Fed Preparing to Topple US Dollar? Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

Martha Rosenberg (2019-09-02). How Animal Researchers Stay Out of the News. If you are like most people, you know a lot more about how farm animals are treated on factory farms than dogs, primates and other animals are treated in US labs. It is no coincidence. Exposure of what occurs behind the Plexiglass Curtain would be so damaging to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded university research contracts that millions are spent to prevent transparency. More

Mitch Malloy (2019-09-01). Kennewick teachers' strike shows power of the union in Washington state. Teachers win gains on important issues including pay and insurance.

Paul Haeder (2019-09-01). Reintroducing Otters after a Few Centuries of Harassment. Even in the vast and mysterious reaches of the sea we are brought back to the fundamental truth that nothing lives to itself. — Rachel Carson1 "I've never lived on the West Coast, but I really have absolutely fallen in love with the place." Dominique Kone and I are talking at the Hatfield Marine Science …

Andre Vltchek (2019-09-01). Several Reasons why West Papua should get its Freedom: Immediately! More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he kept repeating: Indonesian army, TNI, is kidnapping our little girls in the villages, raping them, …

Debunking Cops (2019-08-31). Debunking the Drug War. This episode covers the US government's and law enforcement's active role in global drug trafficking. Doug Valentine is the author of The Strength of the Wolf and The Strength of the Pack. These are two of the most important books ever written on the drug trade. Doug's research comes mostly from first hand accounts of …

Fight Back (2019-08-31). Chicago students say, 'CIA off campus!'. Chicago, IL – On the afternoon of August 28, members of Students for a Democratic Society and AnakBayan Chicago, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, passed out flyers on the quad to oppose the partnership that the university has with the CIA. SDS members held a banner reading "CIA off campus," the slogan that has been used in past decades by student activists around the country in similar campaigns. Protesters held signs each detailing a different CIA operation and the number of deaths it caused. | In February 2018, the UIC announced that they had become a CIA Signature School. Only three months later, Gina…

Ellen Brown (2019-08-31). The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old. We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his …

WSWS (2019-08-31). Chicago-area college advertises for strikebreakers as faculty walkout looms. After years of pay freezes, hundreds of College of DuPage teachers are determined to restore their wages and prevent further attacks on working conditions.

The Canary (2019-08-31). Standing ovation for sister of Lyra McKee as she delivers speech at Stormont. The sister of murdered journalist Lyra McKee received a standing ovation as she followed in her footsteps to deliver a powerful talk at Stormont.The author's Ted talk about religious education and its impact on the mental health of young LGBT people was viewed thousands of time around the world following her death at the hands of dissident republicans in April.On Saturday, four and a half months after Ms McKee's murder, her sister Nichola Corner delivered her own talk at the TedXStormont event at Parliament Buildings in Belfast.Lyra McKee was shot dead by the New IRA as she observed rioting in Derry (Family hando…

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2019-08-30). The Amazon Inferno. One of the lasting highlights of my teaching at the University of New Orleans in 1991-1992 was my travel to Brazil in January 1992 for a conference on climate change. This was a rehearsal for the June 1992 Earth Summit on Climate Change in Rio. My conference took place in Fortaleza, a beautiful town in More

United Nations (2019-08-30). More than half of world's refugee children 'do not get an education', warns UNHCR. Refugee children in their millions are missing out on an education, the UN said on Friday, in an appeal to host countries to back more inclusive policies to prevent them from "languishing" in camps for years and losing hope.

United Nations (2019-08-30). Friday's Daily Brief: Refugee children missing out on school, Ebola in Uganda, Fresh violence in Yemen, 20 years of Timor-Leste independence, Enforced disappearances. A recap of Friday's stories: Over half of refugee children missing an education; new Ebola case in Uganda; funding gap in Yemen leaves many at risk; Timor-Leste marks 20th anniversary of independence, enforced disappearances spread terror…

Mitch Malloy (2019-08-29). Kennewick, Wa, teachers on strike for much-needed raise. The Kennewick strike is set to be the longest strike in district history.

Sarah Lahm (2019-08-26). St. Paul Teachers Union Picks the Health Care Battle. Skyrocketing insurance costs generated a national wave of teacher strikes last year. Now, Minnesota educators head into a new school year ready to fight for affordable health care.

Staff (2019-08-26). Unreported Deaths, Child Cancer & Radioactive Meat: The Untold Story of Chernobyl. Following a mysterious nuclear accident in Russia that left seven dead, we look back at the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe, but the death toll from Chernobyl remains unknown. Chernobyl is considered the worst nuclear accident in history, but Kate Brown, an MIT professor of science, technology and society, says much of what we understand about the disaster is inaccurate. Her new book, "Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future," chronicles the devastating and underreported impact of radiation on tens of t…

Brad Bennett (2019-08-20). Maryland teacher incorporates hard lessons about slavery into public school curriculum. At a workshop for teachers about educating children on American slavery, one instructor grew angry and insisted that Thomas Jefferson — who fathered biracial children with an enslaved woman on one of his plantations — was an advocate for racial equality.

splcenter (2019-08-17). SPLC Responds to FRC and ADF's Attack Op-Ed. On August 17, 2019, a former Family Research Council (FRC) staff member, who currently works at the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) — two organizations designated as hate groups by the SPLC — attacked the SPLC in a USA Today OpEd for its hate group designations.

ACLU (2019-08-15). The Challenges of Breastfeeding as a Black Person. How our workplaces and healthcare system create barriers to breastfeeding. | The fight to protect individual choices about reproductive care, including breastfeeding, is an ongoing battle. The central lesson of the reproductive justice movement is that choice means little without access. That lesson applies equally to breastfeeding. | Though laws, in the workplace and other contexts, are in place to protect the right to breastfeed, many low-income women and w…

CounterSpin (2019-06-28). Kevin Kumashiro on Student Debt Cancellation. Media…

Paul Kawika Martin (2019-06-19). House Casts Historic Vote to Repeal Authorization for Endless War. Washington, D.C. — June 19, 2019 — In response to the House of Representatives passing H.R. 2740 (Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Legislative Branch, Defense, State, Foreign Operations, and Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2020), which includes language to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) eight months after …

2019-09-02: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Linking Popular Movements and Unions is a Winning Strategy for Workers
Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers | | 2019-09-02
After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and demanding more rights. A Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the number of striking workers is the highest since 1986. In 2018, 485,000 people went on strike, a number not exceeded since the 533,000 people in 1986, and 2019 will be even …

Linking Popular Movements and Unions Is a Winning Strategy for Workers
Kevin Zeese | | 2019-09-02
After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and demanding more rights. A Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the number of striking workers is the highest since 1986. In 2018, 485,000 …

Several Reasons Why West Papua Should Get Its Freedom… Immediately!
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-09-02
More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). | He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he …

An interview with nurse scientist Judy Davidson on rising nurse suicides | 2019-09-02
Judy Davidson was part of the psychiatric research team that recently uncovered the high incidence of suicide in the nursing industry.…

Amazon, after Greenland?
Lorenzo Carrasco | | 2019-09-02
Even Americans who learned about the doctrines of "exceptionalism" and "Manifest Destiny", and are associated to the country's higher decision circles were surprised with President Donald Trump's declaration about his intention to buy Greenland, the world's largest island, and …

The Era of Cheap and Abundant Clean Energy Is Just Around the Corner
Staff | | 2019-09-02
In studies on hydrogen and wind power, researchers point out the way to affordable renewable energy on a massive scale.

Britain's Home Secretary Priti Patel Paid £1k an Hour to Advise US Company Bidding for £6bn Defence Contract
Jack Peat | | 2019-09-02
Priti Patel was paid £1,000 an hour to advise a US company bidding on a lucrative £6 billion defence contract, The Guardian has revealed. | The Home Secretary has been urged to withdraw from cabinet discussions on the contract following …

One Last Ceasefire before Oblivion for Jihadists in Syria
Tom Luongo | | 2019-09-02
The battle to reclaim Syria moved forward this week. Syrian Arab Army forces reclaimed the town of Khan Sheikoun last week prompting a flurry of moves by all involved, most notably Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. | Erdogan was in …

Israeli Border Provocation Moves Plan for Regional War Forward
Kurt Nimmo | | 2019-09-02
Israel has bombed both Syria and Iraq with impunity. Syria, over the last couple of years, has endured attacks by Israel hundreds of times. In July, the IDF, using US-produced F-35i stealth fighter jets, attacked targets inside Iraq. | From Al-Jazeera…

Tipping Point: UN Biodiversity Chief Warns Burning of Amazon Could Lead to 'Cascading Collapse of Natural Systems'
Julia Conley | | 2019-09-02
Unless world governments, consumers, and businesses all work together to address the root causes of the current burning of the Amazon rain forest, the Arctic, and forests in the Congo and Angola, the planet will continue careening …

Syria Law Enforcement Makes Another Huge "Captagon" Amphetamine Drug Bust
Miri Wood | | 2019-09-02
NATO-backed terrorist remnants in Aleppo countryside have increased attacks against civilian populations of the city, since prior to the Astana meetings and the short-lived 'cessation of hostilities' agreement. | Massive quantities of this criminal drug were found in the wheels of …

Pentagon Joins the War on Alternative Media
Kurt Nimmo | | 2019-09-02
"Fake news" is so threatening to America's national security, the Pentagon's DARPA research agency has announced it will launch a project to repel "large-scale, automated disinformation attacks," according to Bloomberg. | The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants custom software | …

Video: Israeli State Sponsored Torture of Young Non-Jewish Children
A.M.A Television | | 2019-09-02
Israeli State Sponsored Torture of Young non-Jewish children, an Australian documentary film. | This documentary film is laying bare what the Israeli supporting media always tries to cover up. There are a lot of upsetting scenes in this film so viewer …

How Japanese Scientists Confronted the U.S. and Japanese Governments to Reveal the Effects of Bikini H-bomb Tests
Okuaki Satoru | | 2019-09-02
Introduction and translation by Steve Rabson. The original Japanese text can be found here. | Introduction | The March, 1954 "Bravo Shot" H-bomb test in the Pacific dumped radioactive debris on the Marshall Islands, U.S. servicemen, and the crew of a …

America's Billionaires Congealing Around Warren and Buttigieg
Eric Zuesse | | 2019-09-02
The Democratic Presidential candidates who have been the most backed by billionaires have not been doing well in the polling thus far, and this fact greatly disturbs the billionaires. They know that the Democratic nominee will be chosen in the …

A New Film Blows the Whistle on War
Ed Rampell | | 2019-09-02
Official Secrets, co-written and directed by Gavin Hood, is one of the best movies ever made about investigative reporting and whistle-blowing–a film in a league with All the President's Men and Snowden. | Like the 1976 Watergate classic starring Robert Redford …

Labor Day 2019: Surveys Show Wages Not Rising & Jobs 500,000 Fewer
Dr. Jack Rasmus | | 2019-09-02
What's the condition of the US working class on this Labor Day 2019? Wages and Jobs are of course the best indicators of that condition. So let's look at wages and jobs today in America today. | What we see is …

For Denuclearization and Non-proliferation, We Need a "Pax Russica-Sinica"
Padraig McGrath | | 2019-09-02
On August 29th, Kazakhstan's first president Nursultan Nazarbayev called for the construction of new global nuclear-arms-control infrastructure. While addressing the awards ceremony for the Nazarbayev Prize for a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World and Global Security, he stated: | "There is a need to | …

How Animal Researchers Stay Out of the News
Martha Rosenberg | | 2019-09-02
If you are like most people, you know a lot more about how farm animals are treated on factory farms than dogs, primates and other animals are treated in US labs. It is no coincidence. Exposure of what occurs behind the Plexiglass Curtain would be so damaging to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded university research contracts that millions are spent to prevent transparency.

Is the Fed Preparing to Topple US Dollar?
F. William Engdahl | | 2019-09-02
Unusual remarks and actions by the outgoing head of the Bank of England and other central banking insiders strongly suggest that there is a very ugly scenario in the works to end the role of the US dollar as world …

Governing the Earth: Current Political Chaos Demands a Transformation of the United Nations
Emanuel Pastreich | | 2019-09-02
The destruction of the Amazon jungles by right-wing Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro threatens to end our civilization and to condemn the next generation to death and destruction. This is a truly existential moment for us, to use the hackneyed term …

US Dirty Hands All Over Hong Kong Violence and Chaos?
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-09-02
The UN Charter and other international laws are clear and unequivocal. | No nation may legally interfere in the internal affairs of others for any reasons at any time — except in self-defense if attacked. | The US hasn't been attacked by …

Venezuela, Ukraine, Hong Kong, … : Color Revolutions and Regime Change, A Modern Scourge Spawning Economic Destabilization and Civil War
Carla Stea | | 2019-09-02
Venezuela | There are innumerable examples throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but three of the most notorious demonstrations of Washington, and its European cohorts incubating massive human tragedy and/or civil wars can be exemplified by Washington's cultivation, indeed creation of …

"Regime Change in the UK": This Is an Anti-parliamentary Coup — and an Internationally Organised One
Diane Abbott | | 2019-09-02
Around the world, coups are normally international events. Short of war they have been a preferred mechanism to achieve what has become known as 'regime change'. And the last time there was a successful coup in this country in 1688 …

BRICS Was Created as a Tool of Attack: Lula
Pepe Escobar | | 2019-09-02
In a wide-ranging, two-hour-plus, exclusive interview from a prison room in Curitiba in southern Brazil, former Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva re-emerged for the first time, after more than 500 days in jail, and sent a clear message …

The West's "Humanitarian" Claims as Syrian War Nears Endgame
Tony Cartalucci | | 2019-09-02
Headlines emanating from the West regarding Syria's ongoing war have a common theme — allegations of Syria and Russia's "ruthless barrage" of the northern region of Idlib. | So often — however — has the US and its allies falsely invoked …

The U.S. Footprint in Bolivia's Incipient Colour Revolution
Bruno Sgarzini | | 2019-09-02
"Activist groups and members of the opposition reminded President Evo Morales that his policy of expanding the agricultural frontier to favor the country's agribusinesses and ranchers is the cause of the environmental disaster," wrote the opposition daily Página Siete, attributing …

Science Fair; a diversity film
Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Film Series | | 2019-09-02
Ellen Driscoll Playhouse | 325 Highland Avenue, near Oakland Avenue | Piedmont, CA 94611…

Workers need more rights and economic democracy
Howie Hawkins | | 2019-09-02
As someone who has been a union member since I was a Marine with the American Servicemen's Union until I retired last year as a Teamster as well as a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, I have lived the reality of mistreatment of workers in the United States. | It is good to see labor rising with teacher and other strikes increasing across the country and with the US public showing its highest support for unions in decades. The next president should harness the energy of working people and build political power for a transformation agenda for working people who have not gotten a real raise in decade…

We Are All Indigenous
Robert Koehler | | 2019-09-02
"All things are interrelated. Everything in the universe is part of a single whole. Everything is connected in some way to everything else. It is therefore possible to understand something only if we can understand how it is connected to everything else." These words, the first of the Twelve Teachings of the Sacred Tree, quoted…

Selected Articles: Is the Fed Preparing to Topple US Dollar?
Global Research News | | 2019-09-02
Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

Several Reasons why West Papua should get its Freedom: Immediately!
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-09-01
More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he kept repeating: Indonesian army, TNI, is kidnapping our little girls in the villages, raping them, …

Reintroducing Otters after a Few Centuries of Harassment
Paul Haeder | | 2019-09-01
Even in the vast and mysterious reaches of the sea we are brought back to the fundamental truth that nothing lives to itself. — Rachel Carson1 "I've never lived on the West Coast, but I really have absolutely fallen in love with the place." Dominique Kone and I are talking at the Hatfield Marine Science …

Kennewick teachers' strike shows power of the union in Washington state
Mitch Malloy | | 2019-09-01
Teachers win gains on important issues including pay and insurance.

Debunking the Drug War
Debunking Cops | | 2019-08-31
This episode covers the US government's and law enforcement's active role in global drug trafficking. Doug Valentine is the author of The Strength of the Wolf and The Strength of the Pack. These are two of the most important books ever written on the drug trade. Doug's research comes mostly from first hand accounts of …

Chicago students say, 'CIA off campus!'
Fight Back | | 2019-08-31
Chicago, IL – On the afternoon of August 28, members of Students for a Democratic Society and AnakBayan Chicago, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, passed out flyers on the quad to oppose the partnership that the university has with the CIA. SDS members held a banner reading "CIA off campus," the slogan that has been used in past decades by student activists around the country in similar campaigns. Protesters held signs each detailing a different CIA operation and the number of deaths it caused. | In February 2018, the UIC announced that they had become a CIA Signature School. Only three months later, Gina……

The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old
Ellen Brown | | 2019-08-31
We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his …

Chicago-area college advertises for strikebreakers as faculty walkout looms | 2019-08-31
After years of pay freezes, hundreds of College of DuPage teachers are determined to restore their wages and prevent further attacks on working conditions.…

Standing ovation for sister of Lyra McKee as she delivers speech at Stormont
The Canary | | 2019-08-31
The sister of murdered journalist Lyra McKee received a standing ovation as she followed in her footsteps to deliver a powerful talk at Stormont.The author's Ted talk about religious education and its impact on the mental health of young LGBT people was viewed thousands of time around the world following her death at the hands of dissident republicans in April.On Saturday, four and a half months after Ms McKee's murder, her sister Nichola Corner delivered her own talk at the TedXStormont event at Parliament Buildings in Belfast.Lyra McKee was shot dead by the New IRA as she observed rioting in Derry (Family hando…

More than half of world's refugee children 'do not get an education', warns UNHCR
United Nations | | 2019-08-30
Refugee children in their millions are missing out on an education, the UN said on Friday, in an appeal to host countries to back more inclusive policies to prevent them from "languishing" in camps for years and losing hope.

Friday's Daily Brief: Refugee children missing out on school, Ebola in Uganda, Fresh violence in Yemen, 20 years of Timor-Leste independence, Enforced disappearances
United Nations | | 2019-08-30
A recap of Friday's stories: Over half of refugee children missing an education; new Ebola case in Uganda; funding gap in Yemen leaves many at risk; Timor-Leste marks 20th anniversary of independence, enforced disappearances spread terror…

The Amazon Inferno
Evaggelos Vallianatos | | 2019-08-30
One of the lasting highlights of my teaching at the University of New Orleans in 1991-1992 was my travel to Brazil in January 1992 for a conference on climate change. This was a rehearsal for the June 1992 Earth Summit on Climate Change in Rio. My conference took place in Fortaleza, a beautiful town in…

Kennewick, Wa, teachers on strike for much-needed raise
Mitch Malloy | | 2019-08-29
The Kennewick strike is set to be the longest strike in district history.

St. Paul Teachers Union Picks the Health Care Battle
Sarah Lahm | | 2019-08-26
Skyrocketing insurance costs generated a national wave of teacher strikes last year. Now, Minnesota educators head into a new school year ready to fight for affordable health care.

Unreported Deaths, Child Cancer & Radioactive Meat: The Untold Story of Chernobyl
Staff | | 2019-08-26
Following a mysterious nuclear accident in Russia that left seven dead, we look back at the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe, but the death toll from Chernobyl remains unknown. Chernobyl is considered the worst nuclear accident in history, but Kate Brown, an MIT professor of science, technology and society, says much of what we understand about the disaster is inaccurate. Her new book, "Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future," chronicles the devastating and underreported impact of radiation on tens of t……

#ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice
patrick | | 2019-08-20
Throughout the 2018–2019 school year, young people around organized massive school climate strikes to demand that the world's leaders take immediate action to address climate change. The strikes started first in Sweden, then spread throughout the European Union and around the world. By March, 15 tens of thousands of students in more than 100 countries … | Continue reading "#ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice"

Maryland teacher incorporates hard lessons about slavery into public school curriculum
Brad Bennett | | 2019-08-20
At a workshop for teachers about educating children on American slavery, one instructor grew angry and insisted that Thomas Jefferson — who fathered biracial children with an enslaved woman on one of his plantations — was an advocate for racial equality.

SPLC Responds to FRC and ADF's Attack Op-Ed | 2019-08-17
On August 17, 2019, a former Family Research Council (FRC) staff member, who currently works at the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) — two organizations designated as hate groups by the SPLC — attacked the SPLC in a USA Today OpEd for its hate group designations.