Monthly Archives: September 2019

2019-09-01: News Headlines

Paul Haeder (2019-09-01). Reintroducing Otters after a Few Centuries of Harassment. Even in the vast and mysterious reaches of the sea we are brought back to the fundamental truth that nothing lives to itself. — Rachel Carson1 "I've never lived on the West Coast, but I really have absolutely fallen in love with the place." Dominique Kone and I are talking at the Hatfield Marine Science …

Mitch Malloy (2019-09-01). Kennewick teachers' strike shows power of the union in Washington state. Teachers win gains on important issues including pay and insurance.

Andre Vltchek (2019-09-01). Several Reasons why West Papua should get its Freedom: Immediately! More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he kept repeating: Indonesian army, TNI, is kidnapping our little girls in the villages, raping them, …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-09-01). Timor-Leste and Australia: A Loveless Affair at Twenty.

Eric Margolis (2019-09-01). Time to Liberate Afghanistan. After 18 years of war in Afghanistan— America's longest — US and Taliban negotiators are said to be close to an agreement that may see the withdrawal of many of the 14,000 US soldiers in that remote nation. | That's the …

Max Van Der Werff (2019-09-01). Video: The Malaysian Airlines MH17 Tragedy. What is Real, What is Fake? "Highly Likely" Can Mean Anything. For all the people who follow the MH17 case, Max van der Werff is an outstanding analyst. After spending thousands of hours of investigation on the crash of the Malaysian airline, Max has become an expert on this case. | His …

Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Film Series (2019-09-01). Science Fair; a diversity film. Ellen Driscoll Playhouse | 325 Highland Avenue, near Oakland Avenue | Piedmont, CA 94611…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-08-31). Heroin Addiction in America Spearheaded by US-led War on Afghanistan. Afghanistan under US military occupation produces approximately 90% of the World's illegal supply of opium which is used to produce heroin. The production of opium in Afghanistan has registered a 49 fold increase since 2001.

WSWS (2019-08-31). IYSSE holds meetings in defence of Assange at Australian universities. One student commented: "What is happening is an injustice to him and his rights and freedom of speech. Young people should join together and fight for what is true and what is honest."

Staff (2019-08-31). DeVos Blasted for Student Debt Relief Rule Change That Hurts Defrauded Borrowers. | | Critics condemned Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Friday for replacing Obama-era federal loan forgiveness regulations for student borrowers who claim that they were defrauded by their schools with new policies that could make it more difficult to access relief. | "On the Friday of Labor Day weekend, Betsy DeVos is gleefully forcing hundreds of thousands of students defrauded by for-profit colleges to suffer yet another indignity," Randi Weingarten, president of the American F…

South Front (2019-08-31). Video: Syrian Army Further Advances in Greater Idlib. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies responded to recent militant attacks near Abu Dail with a limited offensive in the area. | In the first phase of the offensive, SAA units liberated Khuwayn al-Kabir, Ard al-Zurzur, the Aghir hilltop, …

Julie Lévesque (2019-08-31). 9/11: Facts, Fiction and Censorship. The commemoration of 9/11 on September 11, 2019 is fast approaching. | The following text (including a selection of articles) was first posted seven years ago on September 12, 2012. | *** | Whoever dares raise questions about the official 9/11 narrative, will …

Stephen Lendman (2019-08-31). Monster Hurricane Dorian. Currently at Category 4 strength, defined as having sustained winds of from 130 — 156 mph, gusts up to 30% stronger, Dorian is expected hit Florida's Atlantic coast on Tuesday, precisely where unclear so far. | On August 31, the National …

Global Research News (2019-08-31). Mozart Piano Concerto No 15: Yeol Eum Son, the World's Most Outstanding Pianist. Forget geopolitics and the World financial crisis. | Music gives us hope. Listen carefully. | By far Yeol Eum Son is among the World's most outstanding pianists. | It is not only musical excellence and talent. | She translates her feelings into music. Her …

Stephen Lendman (2019-08-31). US/North Korea Talks Undermined by Pompeo and Bolton. Trump's "fire and fury like the world has never seen" remark about North Korea shifted to the appearance of friendship with Kim Jong-un, DJT saying "(h)e wrote me beautiful letters and we fell in love." | Two summits and Trump's …

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2019-08-31). A Conspiracy Theory That Became a "Conspiracy Fact": The CIA, Afghanistan's Poppy Fields and America's Growing Heroin Epidemic. First published by Global Research in July 2016 | The heroin epidemic resembles the days when "Crack cocaine" became the major drug that destroyed communities across the United States and other parts of the world including the Caribbean that began in …

Andre Vltchek (2019-08-31). Subitamente o Ocidente já nà£o consegue derrubar "regimes" Costumava ser feito regularmente e funcionava: o Ocidente identificava um país como seu inimigo, desencadeava sua propaganda profissional contra ele, a seguir administrava uma série de sanàßàµes, esfaimando e assassinando crianàßas, idosos e outros grupos vulneráveis. Se o país nà£o …

Stephen Lendman (2019-08-31). GOP Hardliners Want China Sanctioned. Time and again, the US, its key NATO allies and Israel blame their victims for wrongdoing committed against them. | According to the Daily Beast, Republicans are pushing for sanctions on China over how Hong Kong authorities are handling months …

Stephen Lendman (2019-08-31). America's Economic Dark Side. Widening Social Inequality, Rising Poverty and Joblessness. This incisive ad timely article was first published in October 2013 | Former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich explained, saying: | "Of all developed nations, the United States has the most unequal distribution of income, and we're surging towards every greater …

Prof. Marjorie Cohn (2019-08-31). Amazon Fires Will Have Global Consequences. The UN Must Act. The Amazon is burning. Nearly 75,000 fires have started in the iconic Brazilian rainforest this year to date, an 84 percent increase from the year before. Since August 10, a spate of intentionally set fires have been raging in the …

The Canary (2019-08-31). Street lights glow red to help bats cross the road. A stretch of "bat-friendly" street lighting has been switched on in what is believed to be a UK first.The LED lights, which emit a red glow, will provide bats with a 60-metre-wide crossing area on the A4440, near to Worcester's Warndon Wood nature reserve.Worcestershire County Council has described the lighting as an innovative approach to a much-needed highway crossing with a greatly reduced impact on local wildlife.It said research shows some species of bat are light shy and will not cross roads lit by white lights, which can stop them accessing food supplies and water.Standard street lights also attract insect…

Prof. James Petras (2019-08-31). The Recolonization of Latin America and the War on Venezuela. The US struck first at the 'weakest link' of the decolonization process. The US backed coups in Honduras and Paraguay. Then Washington turned to converting the judiciary and congress as stepping stones for launching a political attack on the strategic regimes in Argentina and Brazil.

Debunking Cops (2019-08-31). Debunking the Drug War. This episode covers the US government's and law enforcement's active role in global drug trafficking. Doug Valentine is the author of The Strength of the Wolf and The Strength of the Pack. These are two of the most important books ever written on the drug trade. Doug's research comes mostly from first hand accounts of …

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2019-08-31). Neoliberal Globalization: Is There an Alternative to Plundering the Earth? Is there an alternative to making war? Is there an alternative to destroying the planet? No one asks these questions because they seem absurd…

Bill Nicholov (2019-08-31). Macedonia Is Macedonian — Common Sense Dictates It. If an ethnic group told you that a certain name used to describe them is deeply offensive, would you continue to use that name and even try to convince them that it is not offensive? | No. So stop calling me …

Nikolai Malishevski (2019-08-31). The Pentagon's Map of Afghanistan: An Eldorado of Mineral Wealth and Natural Resources. Of relevance to an understanding America's military and economic agenda in Afghanistan. First published in August 2012 | Curious information surfaced in the media [2012] — based on space reconnaissance, the US Department of Defense put together a map of Afghanistan …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-08-31). Australia's Foreign Fighters: The Temporary Exclusion "Solution"

South Front (2019-08-31). Video: Yemen's Houthis Carry Out Drone Strike on Saudi Capital. The Ansar Allah movement carried out a new series of strikes on Saudi Arabia in the framework of their operations to oppose the Kingdom-led intervention of Yemen. | On August 25, Yemeni forces fired 10 short-range ballistic missiles at military sites …

Shane Quinn (2019-08-31). Reckless Path to Nuclear Weapons Leaves Us Looking Over the Edge. After two years of analysis and inquiries, Roosevelt formally established America's nuclear program on 19 January 1942, called the Manhattan Project — with a final $2 billion budget supporting it ($36 billion today) and employing over 130,000 people.

Ellen Brown (2019-08-31). The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old. We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt …

Claire Edwards (2019-08-31). 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity. This important article was first published in February 2019. | Disclosure about 5G — and its considerable risk for humanity — is occurring within the United Nations. This is thanks to longtime UN staff member and whistle-blower Claire Edwards, who recently …

Ellen Brown (2019-08-31). The key to a sustainable economy is 5,000 years old. We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his provocative 2018 book, " …and forgive them their debts," debts that can't be paid won't be paid. The question, he says, is…

Fight Back (2019-08-31). Chicago students say, 'CIA off campus!'. Chicago, IL – On the afternoon of August 28, members of Students for a Democratic Society and AnakBayan Chicago, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, passed out flyers on the quad to oppose the partnership that the university has with the CIA. SDS members held a banner reading "CIA off campus," the slogan that has been used in past decades by student activists around the country in similar campaigns. Protesters held signs each detailing a different CIA operation and the number of deaths it caused. | In February 2018, the UIC announced that they had become a CIA Signature School. Only three months later, Gina…

Ellen Brown (2019-08-31). The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old. We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his …

WSWS (2019-08-31). Chicago-area college advertises for strikebreakers as faculty walkout looms. After years of pay freezes, hundreds of College of DuPage teachers are determined to restore their wages and prevent further attacks on working conditions.

The Canary (2019-08-31). Standing ovation for sister of Lyra McKee as she delivers speech at Stormont. The sister of murdered journalist Lyra McKee received a standing ovation as she followed in her footsteps to deliver a powerful talk at Stormont.The author's Ted talk about religious education and its impact on the mental health of young LGBT people was viewed thousands of time around the world following her death at the hands of dissident republicans in April.On Saturday, four and a half months after Ms McKee's murder, her sister Nichola Corner delivered her own talk at the TedXStormont event at Parliament Buildings in Belfast.Lyra McKee was shot dead by the New IRA as she observed rioting in Derry (Family hando…

Jessica Corbett, staff writer (2019-08-31). DeVos Denounced for Student Debt Relief Rule Change That Critics Say 'Takes a Scythe to Defrauded Borrowers'. Critics condemned Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Friday for replacing Obama-era federal loan forgiveness regulations for student borrowers who claim that they were defrauded by their schools with new policies that could make it more difficult to access relief. |…

Sarah Abed (2019-08-31). Putin Balances Turkish Fighter Jet Interest with Syria's Fight Against Terrorism. On Tuesday, the biennial MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Show kicked off in Russia's Zhukovsky International Airport. This important event has drawn spectators, journalists, and photographers from around the world every odd year since 1992. What began as an entertaining …

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2019-08-30). The Amazon Inferno. One of the lasting highlights of my teaching at the University of New Orleans in 1991-1992 was my travel to Brazil in January 1992 for a conference on climate change. This was a rehearsal for the June 1992 Earth Summit on Climate Change in Rio. My conference took place in Fortaleza, a beautiful town in More

United Nations (2019-08-30). More than half of world's refugee children 'do not get an education', warns UNHCR. Refugee children in their millions are missing out on an education, the UN said on Friday, in an appeal to host countries to back more inclusive policies to prevent them from "languishing" in camps for years and losing hope.

WSWS (2019-08-30). Harvard student deported over friends' social media posts. Ismail Ajjawi's deportation is part of a campaign against immigrants and international students over purported concerns over "national security."

United Nations (2019-08-30). Friday's Daily Brief: Refugee children missing out on school, Ebola in Uganda, Fresh violence in Yemen, 20 years of Timor-Leste independence, Enforced disappearances. A recap of Friday's stories: Over half of refugee children missing an education; new Ebola case in Uganda; funding gap in Yemen leaves many at risk; Timor-Leste marks 20th anniversary of independence, enforced disappearances spread terror…

WSWS (2019-08-30). Hong Kong mass rally banned as Chinese troops deployed in show of force. Beijing is well aware that the protracted protests are being driven by underlying student and working class concerns about escalating social inequality.

Mitch Malloy (2019-08-29). Kennewick, Wa, teachers on strike for much-needed raise. The Kennewick strike is set to be the longest strike in district history.

Katrina vanden Heuvel (2019-08-27). Big Business Is Suddenly Showing a Conscience. But Is That Enough? Big Business Is Suddenly Showing a Conscience. But Is That Enough?

Sarah Lahm (2019-08-26). St. Paul Teachers Union Picks the Health Care Battle. Skyrocketing insurance costs generated a national wave of teacher strikes last year. Now, Minnesota educators head into a new school year ready to fight for affordable health care.

Staff (2019-08-26). Unreported Deaths, Child Cancer & Radioactive Meat: The Untold Story of Chernobyl. Following a mysterious nuclear accident in Russia that left seven dead, we look back at the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe, but the death toll from Chernobyl remains unknown. Chernobyl is considered the worst nuclear accident in history, but Kate Brown, an MIT professor of science, technology and society, says much of what we understand about the disaster is inaccurate. Her new book, "Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future," chronicles the devastating and underreported impact of radiation on tens of t…

Brad Bennett (2019-08-20). Maryland teacher incorporates hard lessons about slavery into public school curriculum. At a workshop for teachers about educating children on American slavery, one instructor grew angry and insisted that Thomas Jefferson — who fathered biracial children with an enslaved woman on one of his plantations — was an advocate for racial equality.

splcenter (2019-08-17). SPLC Responds to FRC and ADF's Attack Op-Ed. On August 17, 2019, a former Family Research Council (FRC) staff member, who currently works at the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) — two organizations designated as hate groups by the SPLC — attacked the SPLC in a USA Today OpEd for its hate group designations.

ACLU (2019-08-15). The Challenges of Breastfeeding as a Black Person. How our workplaces and healthcare system create barriers to breastfeeding. | The fight to protect individual choices about reproductive care, including breastfeeding, is an ongoing battle. The central lesson of the reproductive justice movement is that choice means little without access. That lesson applies equally to breastfeeding. | Though laws, in the workplace and other contexts, are in place to protect the right to breastfeed, many low-income women and w…

2019-09-01: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Several Reasons why West Papua should get its Freedom: Immediately!
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-09-01
More than ten years ago, in Nadi, Fiji, during a UN conference, I was approached by the Minister of Education of Papua New Guinea (PNG). He was deeply shaken, troubled, his eyes full of tears: "Please help our children," he kept repeating: Indonesian army, TNI, is kidnapping our little girls in the villages, raping them, …

Video: The Malaysian Airlines MH17 Tragedy. What is Real, What is Fake? "Highly Likely" Can Mean Anything
Max Van Der Werff | | 2019-09-01
For all the people who follow the MH17 case, Max van der Werff is an outstanding analyst. After spending thousands of hours of investigation on the crash of the Malaysian airline, Max has become an expert on this case. | His …

Time to Liberate Afghanistan
Eric Margolis | | 2019-09-01
After 18 years of war in Afghanistan– America's longest — US and Taliban negotiators are said to be close to an agreement that may see the withdrawal of many of the 14,000 US soldiers in that remote nation. | That's the …

Timor-Leste and Australia: A Loveless Affair at Twenty
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-09-01

Reintroducing Otters after a Few Centuries of Harassment
Paul Haeder | | 2019-09-01
Even in the vast and mysterious reaches of the sea we are brought back to the fundamental truth that nothing lives to itself. — Rachel Carson1 "I've never lived on the West Coast, but I really have absolutely fallen in love with the place." Dominique Kone and I are talking at the Hatfield Marine Science …

Science Fair; a diversity film
Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Film Series | | 2019-09-01
Ellen Driscoll Playhouse | 325 Highland Avenue, near Oakland Avenue | Piedmont, CA 94611…

Kennewick teachers' strike shows power of the union in Washington state
Mitch Malloy | | 2019-09-01
Teachers win gains on important issues including pay and insurance.

Heroin Addiction in America Spearheaded by US-led War on Afghanistan
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-08-31
Afghanistan under US military occupation produces approximately 90% of the World's illegal supply of opium which is used to produce heroin. The production of opium in Afghanistan has registered a 49 fold increase since 2001.

IYSSE holds meetings in defence of Assange at Australian universities | 2019-08-31
One student commented: "What is happening is an injustice to him and his rights and freedom of speech. Young people should join together and fight for what is true and what is honest."…

DeVos Blasted for Student Debt Relief Rule Change That Hurts Defrauded Borrowers
Staff | | 2019-08-31
| Critics condemned Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Friday for replacing Obama-era federal loan forgiveness regulations for student borrowers who claim that they were defrauded by their schools with new policies that could make it more difficult to access relief. | "On the Friday of Labor Day weekend, Betsy DeVos is gleefully forcing hundreds of thousands of students defrauded by for-profit colleges to suffer yet another indignity," Randi Weingarten, president of the American F…

A Conspiracy Theory That Became a "Conspiracy Fact": The CIA, Afghanistan's Poppy Fields and America's Growing Heroin Epidemic
Timothy Alexander Guzman | | 2019-08-31
First published by Global Research in July 2016 | The heroin epidemic resembles the days when "Crack cocaine" became the major drug that destroyed communities across the United States and other parts of the world including the Caribbean that began in …

Neoliberal Globalization: Is There an Alternative to Plundering the Earth?
Prof. Claudia von Werlhof | | 2019-08-31
Is there an alternative to making war? Is there an alternative to destroying the planet? No one asks these questions because they seem absurd…

America's Economic Dark Side. Widening Social Inequality, Rising Poverty and Joblessness
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-08-31
This incisive ad timely article was first published in October 2013 | Former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich explained, saying: | "Of all developed nations, the United States has the most unequal distribution of income, and we're surging towards every greater | …

The Recolonization of Latin America and the War on Venezuela
Prof. James Petras | | 2019-08-31
The US struck first at the 'weakest link' of the decolonization process. The US backed coups in Honduras and Paraguay. Then Washington turned to converting the judiciary and congress as stepping stones for launching a political attack on the strategic regimes in Argentina and Brazil.

Mozart Piano Concerto No 15: Yeol Eum Son, the World's Most Outstanding Pianist
Global Research News | | 2019-08-31
Forget geopolitics and the World financial crisis. | Music gives us hope. Listen carefully. | By far Yeol Eum Son is among the World's most outstanding pianists. | It is not only musical excellence and talent. | She translates her feelings into music. Her …

The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old
Ellen Brown | | 2019-08-31
We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt …

Subitamente o Ocidente já nà£o consegue derrubar "regimes"
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-08-31
Costumava ser feito regularmente e funcionava: o Ocidente identificava um país como seu inimigo, desencadeava sua propaganda profissional contra ele, a seguir administrava uma série de sanàßàµes, esfaimando e assassinando crianàßas, idosos e outros grupos vulneráveis. Se o país nà£o …

The Pentagon's Map of Afghanistan: An Eldorado of Mineral Wealth and Natural Resources
Nikolai Malishevski | | 2019-08-31
Of relevance to an understanding America's military and economic agenda in Afghanistan. First published in August 2012 | Curious information surfaced in the media [2012] — based on space reconnaissance, the US Department of Defense put together a map of Afghanistan …

Debunking the Drug War
Debunking Cops | | 2019-08-31
This episode covers the US government's and law enforcement's active role in global drug trafficking. Doug Valentine is the author of The Strength of the Wolf and The Strength of the Pack. These are two of the most important books ever written on the drug trade. Doug's research comes mostly from first hand accounts of …

US/North Korea Talks Undermined by Pompeo and Bolton
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-08-31
Trump's "fire and fury like the world has never seen" remark about North Korea shifted to the appearance of friendship with Kim Jong-un, DJT saying "(h)e wrote me beautiful letters and we fell in love." | Two summits and Trump's …

9/11: Facts, Fiction and Censorship
Julie Lévesque | | 2019-08-31
The commemoration of 9/11 on September 11, 2019 is fast approaching. | The following text (including a selection of articles) was first posted seven years ago on September 12, 2012. | *** | Whoever dares raise questions about the official 9/11 narrative, will …

Amazon Fires Will Have Global Consequences. The UN Must Act
Prof. Marjorie Cohn | | 2019-08-31
The Amazon is burning. Nearly 75,000 fires have started in the iconic Brazilian rainforest this year to date, an 84 percent increase from the year before. Since August 10, a spate of intentionally set fires have been raging in the …

5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity
Claire Edwards | | 2019-08-31
This important article was first published in February 2019. | Disclosure about 5G — and its considerable risk for humanity — is occurring within the United Nations. This is thanks to longtime UN staff member and whistle-blower Claire Edwards, who recently …

Video: Yemen's Houthis Carry Out Drone Strike on Saudi Capital
South Front | | 2019-08-31
The Ansar Allah movement carried out a new series of strikes on Saudi Arabia in the framework of their operations to oppose the Kingdom-led intervention of Yemen. | On August 25, Yemeni forces fired 10 short-range ballistic missiles at military sites …

Reckless Path to Nuclear Weapons Leaves Us Looking Over the Edge
Shane Quinn | | 2019-08-31
After two years of analysis and inquiries, Roosevelt formally established America's nuclear program on 19 January 1942, called the Manhattan Project — with a final $2 billion budget supporting it ($36 billion today) and employing over 130,000 people.

Macedonia Is Macedonian — Common Sense Dictates It
Bill Nicholov | | 2019-08-31
If an ethnic group told you that a certain name used to describe them is deeply offensive, would you continue to use that name and even try to convince them that it is not offensive? | No. So stop calling me …

GOP Hardliners Want China Sanctioned
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-08-31
Time and again, the US, its key NATO allies and Israel blame their victims for wrongdoing committed against them. | According to the Daily Beast, Republicans are pushing for sanctions on China over how Hong Kong authorities are handling months …

Video: Syrian Army Further Advances in Greater Idlib
South Front | | 2019-08-31
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies responded to recent militant attacks near Abu Dail with a limited offensive in the area. | In the first phase of the offensive, SAA units liberated Khuwayn al-Kabir, Ard al-Zurzur, the Aghir hilltop, …

Monster Hurricane Dorian
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-08-31
Currently at Category 4 strength, defined as having sustained winds of from 130 — 156 mph, gusts up to 30% stronger, Dorian is expected hit Florida's Atlantic coast on Tuesday, precisely where unclear so far. | On August 31, the National …

Street lights glow red to help bats cross the road
The Canary | | 2019-08-31
A stretch of "bat-friendly" street lighting has been switched on in what is believed to be a UK first.The LED lights, which emit a red glow, will provide bats with a 60-metre-wide crossing area on the A4440, near to Worcester's Warndon Wood nature reserve.Worcestershire County Council has described the lighting as an innovative approach to a much-needed highway crossing with a greatly reduced impact on local wildlife.It said research shows some species of bat are light shy and will not cross roads lit by white lights, which can stop them accessing food supplies and water.Standard street lights also attract insect…

Australia's Foreign Fighters: The Temporary Exclusion "Solution"
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-08-31

Chicago students say, 'CIA off campus!'
Fight Back | | 2019-08-31
Chicago, IL – On the afternoon of August 28, members of Students for a Democratic Society and AnakBayan Chicago, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, passed out flyers on the quad to oppose the partnership that the university has with the CIA. SDS members held a banner reading "CIA off campus," the slogan that has been used in past decades by student activists around the country in similar campaigns. Protesters held signs each detailing a different CIA operation and the number of deaths it caused. | In February 2018, the UIC announced that they had become a CIA Signature School. Only three months later, Gina……

The key to a sustainable economy is 5,000 years old
Ellen Brown | | 2019-08-31
We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his provocative 2018 book, " …and forgive them their debts," debts that can't be paid won't be paid. The question, he says, is…

The Key to a Sustainable Economy Is 5,000 Years Old
Ellen Brown | | 2019-08-31
We are again reaching the point in the business cycle known as "peak debt," when debts have compounded to the point that their cumulative total cannot be paid. Student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, business debt and sovereign debt are all higher than they have ever been. As economist Michael Hudson writes in his …

Chicago-area college advertises for strikebreakers as faculty walkout looms | 2019-08-31
After years of pay freezes, hundreds of College of DuPage teachers are determined to restore their wages and prevent further attacks on working conditions.…

Standing ovation for sister of Lyra McKee as she delivers speech at Stormont
The Canary | | 2019-08-31
The sister of murdered journalist Lyra McKee received a standing ovation as she followed in her footsteps to deliver a powerful talk at Stormont.The author's Ted talk about religious education and its impact on the mental health of young LGBT people was viewed thousands of time around the world following her death at the hands of dissident republicans in April.On Saturday, four and a half months after Ms McKee's murder, her sister Nichola Corner delivered her own talk at the TedXStormont event at Parliament Buildings in Belfast.Lyra McKee was shot dead by the New IRA as she observed rioting in Derry (Family hando…

DeVos Denounced for Student Debt Relief Rule Change That Critics Say 'Takes a Scythe to Defrauded Borrowers'
Jessica Corbett, staff writer | | 2019-08-31
Critics condemned Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Friday for replacing Obama-era federal loan forgiveness regulations for student borrowers who claim that they were defrauded by their schools with new policies that could make it more difficult to access relief. |…

Putin Balances Turkish Fighter Jet Interest with Syria's Fight Against Terrorism
Sarah Abed | | 2019-08-31
On Tuesday, the biennial MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Show kicked off in Russia's Zhukovsky International Airport. This important event has drawn spectators, journalists, and photographers from around the world every odd year since 1992. What began as an entertaining …

More than half of world's refugee children 'do not get an education', warns UNHCR
United Nations | | 2019-08-30
Refugee children in their millions are missing out on an education, the UN said on Friday, in an appeal to host countries to back more inclusive policies to prevent them from "languishing" in camps for years and losing hope.

Harvard student deported over friends' social media posts | 2019-08-30
Ismail Ajjawi's deportation is part of a campaign against immigrants and international students over purported concerns over "national security."…

Friday's Daily Brief: Refugee children missing out on school, Ebola in Uganda, Fresh violence in Yemen, 20 years of Timor-Leste independence, Enforced disappearances
United Nations | | 2019-08-30
A recap of Friday's stories: Over half of refugee children missing an education; new Ebola case in Uganda; funding gap in Yemen leaves many at risk; Timor-Leste marks 20th anniversary of independence, enforced disappearances spread terror…

Hong Kong mass rally banned as Chinese troops deployed in show of force | 2019-08-30
Beijing is well aware that the protracted protests are being driven by underlying student and working class concerns about escalating social inequality.…

The Amazon Inferno
Evaggelos Vallianatos | | 2019-08-30
One of the lasting highlights of my teaching at the University of New Orleans in 1991-1992 was my travel to Brazil in January 1992 for a conference on climate change. This was a rehearsal for the June 1992 Earth Summit on Climate Change in Rio. My conference took place in Fortaleza, a beautiful town in…

Kennewick, Wa, teachers on strike for much-needed raise
Mitch Malloy | | 2019-08-29
The Kennewick strike is set to be the longest strike in district history.

Big Business Is Suddenly Showing a Conscience. But Is That Enough?
Katrina vanden Heuvel | | 2019-08-27
Big Business Is Suddenly Showing a Conscience. But Is That Enough?

St. Paul Teachers Union Picks the Health Care Battle
Sarah Lahm | | 2019-08-26
Skyrocketing insurance costs generated a national wave of teacher strikes last year. Now, Minnesota educators head into a new school year ready to fight for affordable health care.

Unreported Deaths, Child Cancer & Radioactive Meat: The Untold Story of Chernobyl
Staff | | 2019-08-26
Following a mysterious nuclear accident in Russia that left seven dead, we look back at the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe, but the death toll from Chernobyl remains unknown. Chernobyl is considered the worst nuclear accident in history, but Kate Brown, an MIT professor of science, technology and society, says much of what we understand about the disaster is inaccurate. Her new book, "Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future," chronicles the devastating and underreported impact of radiation on tens of t……

Maryland teacher incorporates hard lessons about slavery into public school curriculum
Brad Bennett | | 2019-08-20
At a workshop for teachers about educating children on American slavery, one instructor grew angry and insisted that Thomas Jefferson — who fathered biracial children with an enslaved woman on one of his plantations — was an advocate for racial equality.

SPLC Responds to FRC and ADF's Attack Op-Ed | 2019-08-17
On August 17, 2019, a former Family Research Council (FRC) staff member, who currently works at the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) — two organizations designated as hate groups by the SPLC — attacked the SPLC in a USA Today OpEd for its hate group designations.