Monthly Archives: November 2019

2019-11-27: News Headlines

Jimmy Carter, Karin D. Ryan (2019-11-27). How Empowering Women and Girls Can Help Solve the Climate Crisis. Making sure girls receive equal access to education and professional opportunities will unleash the untapped creativity that could produce needed breakthroughs. (Photo: Greenpeace) |…

The Canary (2019-11-27). Nurses grill Boris Johnson on policies during hospital visit. Boris Johnson faced probing questions from nurses on a visit to the West Cornwall Hospital in Penzance as he kicked off a day of campaigning in the county.The prime minister met patients and nurses as he toured the wards but was challenged on his general election campaign pledges as he drank tea with staff on a medical ward.One student nurse told the PM how she was "struggling" financially because of tuition fees and asked him about his plans to bring back the nursing bursary.Johnson said: "We're definitely bringing back the bursary … but I'll have to check that (on tuition fees)."Boris Johnson speaks with pati…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-11-27). Global Warming and the Ozone Layer: What's More Dangerous, CO2 or Nuclear War? Prof. Max Gluckman (1911-1975) showed how ritualized forms of rebellion against those in power "through a controlled expression of hostility" ultimately leads to the reinforcement of the established structures of authority. Is that not what is happening today? The movement against capitalism is funded and supported by capitalism.

Staff (2019-11-27). States Could Soon Be Forced to Fund Religious Education. In January, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could result in states being required to use taxpayer money to fund religious education. | The case, Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, asks whether Montana must provide tax credits for scholarships to private religious schools. With the addition of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to…

Robert Fantina (2019-11-27). Trump and Netanyahu: A Tale of Two Criminals. It has been interesting to watch the slow-moving arc of justice, or some semblance of it, at play in Israel and the United States. The trajectories of both nations has been somewhat astounding. | In the United States, the past several …

Arabi Souri (2019-11-27). Syria: 70% of Internally Displaced (IDP) Families Have Returned to Their Liberated Villages in Idlib Province. Idlib liberated villages in the province's eastern countryside are being rehabilitated by state's workshops which helped the return of the majority of the IDPs to their homes. | Over the past 1.5 years since cleaning these villages form NATO terrorists, and …

F. William Engdahl (2019-11-27). Glyphosate Worse than We Could Imagine. "It's Everywhere" Glyphosate residues have been found in tap water, orange juice, children's urine, breast milk, chips, snacks, beer, wine, cereals, eggs, oatmeal, wheat products, and most conventional foods tested. It's everywhere.

Tom Anderson (2019-11-27). The Role of British Universities in Supporting Israel's Demolitions of Palestinian Homes. Palestinians are calling for people internationally to take action against the companies complicit in Israel's systematic demolition of Palestinian homes. This article focuses on British university partnerships with JCB, Caterpillar,…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-11-27). The Problem of Wikipedia. Over the course of my life I have watched integrity shrivel up and die everywhere in the Western world. It is not like it was ever really abundant, but there was a goodly amount of it, and it had authority. …

Andrew Korybko (2019-11-27). Evo the 'Terrorist' and the Weaponization of Fear-Mongering Labels. The coup-imposed "Interior Minister" of Bolivia demanded that ("former") President Morales be jailed for life because of his supposedly "terrorist" activities, which amounts to the weaponization of fear-mongering labels for purely political reasons intended to intimidate his majority-indigenous supporters into …

Environmental Health Trust (2019-11-27). The Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation. The Right to Know. Don't Put in Your Shirt Pocket. Of relevance to the ongoing debate on the health impacts of cell phones. First published on July 10, 2019 | A landmark Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the City of Berkeley's cell phone right to know ordinance rejecting industries argument …

Stephen Lendman (2019-11-27). Turkey Rejects US Demand to Return Russian S-400s. The capabilities of Russia's S-400 air defense system is unmatched by anything in the West. | China was Russia's first foreign buyer, its military saying it "saw that the S-400 system by its capabilities today is unparalleled in the world in …

Simon Watkins (2019-11-27). A New Pipeline Could Undo America's Influence in Asia. From the moment that the U.S. re-imposed sanctions in earnest on Iran late last year, Pakistan has been looking at ways to resuscitate a deal that had been agreed in principle before the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive …

Philip Giraldi (2019-11-27). Media Lies About Syria, Trump Flip-Flops, Blunders? Recently The New York Times featured two op-eds by resident hacks Bret Stephens and Tom Friedman as well as a featured editorial, all on the subject of Syria and how the Trump administration has betrayed the American people. The pieces …

Peter Koenig (2019-11-27). Iran's Barter Trade Deals with China, By-Passing the US-Dollar, "Dedollarizing" Her Economy. According to a PressTV Report of 24 November, 2019, Iran and China are working on a trade or barter deal that would circumvent US sanctions. It would bypass US-dollar denominated transactions, exchanging Iranian oil for Chinese goods and services and …

Areeb Ullah (2019-11-27). Boris Johnson's Tory Party Manifesto Vows to Ban Boycott Campaigns (BDS) against Israel. Britain's ruling Conservative party has vowed to ban UK public bodies from participating in boycott and divestment campaigns of any foreign country in its manifesto. | The Conservative Party's proposals could mean new legislation will bar local government bodies and universities …

Journeyman Pictures (2019-11-27). Video: The Revolution Business: Does the USA Sponsor "Color Revolutions" and "Regime Change"? First published in 2011, this carefully researched documentary, how the US manipulate protest movements and carry out "color revolutions". | The Revolution Business, 2011 — Consultants are helping people countries like Ukraine and Egypt build a foundation of knowledge in order …

Stefan Andreasson (2019-11-27). Fossil Fuel Divestment Will Increase Carbon Emissions, Not Lower Them — Here's Why. A global campaign encouraging individuals, organisations and institutional investors to sell off investments in fossil fuel companies is gathering pace. According to, US$11 trillion has already been divested worldwide. | But, while it may seem a logical strategy, divestment …

Stephen Lendman (2019-11-27). Why the Trump Regime Toppled Bolivia's Evo Morales. "He Wasn't Our Guy" In a word, he wasn't "our guy" in La Paz, Bolivia's political capital. | He didn't surrender the sovereign rights of the nation and people to US interests. | He was democratically elected and reelected four times, serving from January 22, 2006 …

Ken Stone (2019-11-27). The War on Syria: Vanessa Beeley's Lecture Tour in Canada. We are pleased to announce a lecture tour of Canada by the internationally-acclaimed British journalist, Vanessa Beeley. | Ms. Beeley is one of only a handful of journalists in the world qualified to answer questions about the war in Syria …

Emanuel Pastreich (2019-11-27). Establishing Fossil-fuel Free (FFF) Communities. The response to the increasing awareness of the threat of continuing a fossil-fuel driven growth and consumption economic model is a ruthless effort to block out serious reporting on climate change in the media and to downplay is seriousness …

Johanna Ross (2019-11-27). BBC Under Increasing Criticism for Biased Reporting. It's almost as British as fish and chips and a pint, but what used to be embraced by the masses as a reliable source of information, the BBC, is now under increasing scrutiny for its overt political bias. With the …

Washington's Blog (2019-11-27). The Real Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan. It Was Not To End the War Or Save Lives. Like all Americans, I was taught that the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to end WWII and save both American and Japanese lives. But most of the top American military officials at the time said otherwise.

Mark Taliano (2019-11-27). Video: "Les cendres de la guerre" with Dr. Ayssar Midani. Reporting from Joubar, a suburb of Damascus, Dr. Ayssar Midani shines a light on realities of the NATO war against Syria, and against civilization itself. | She takes us to places from which terrorists fired their missiles onto children, men, and …

Larry Romanoff (2019-11-27). The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest. Preparing For Civil War? | US authorities have for decades become increasingly prepared for mass civil disturbances resulting from government and corporate attacks on American society. We can recall that in the early 1980s the Hidden State launched its open war …

WSWS (2019-11-27). Students walk out in support of Nashville teacher victimized for assigning homework on the "N-word" Steven Small was the subject of an anonymous complaint from a parent after he gave students an assignment discussing the 1987 Pulitzer Prize-winning play "Fences" and its use of the racial slur.

teleSUR (2019-11-27). 'The Struggle Doesn't End Here': President Evo Morales. Bolivia's exiled President Evo Morales reaffirmed Tuesday that "the struggle does not end here," referring to the Nov. 10 coup and the establishment of a right-wing government in the South American nation. | RELATED: | Bolivia: Police Demand to be Paid for Their Support for Coup | The president who was granted asylum in Mexico gave a speech during a meeting with students of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in which also participated Vice President Alvaro Garci…

Students For Climate Action (2019-11-27). UC Berkeley Climate Strike: UC Green New Deal. Sproul Plaza, UC Berkeley, Bancroft Way, Berkeley, California 94720…

Global Research News (2019-11-27). Selected Articles: By-Passing the US-Dollar. Lying is a money making activity and lies are commodities. There is a profitable global market for media and public figures committed to spreading disinformation. | Needless to say, "Telling the Truth", on the other hand, Is Not a Money-Making Proposition. …

Fred_F (2019-11-27). In defence of human rights in Chile: An open letter to the Australian community. international solidarityIssue 1247 Australia ChileNovember 27, 2019We express our deep concerns about human rights violations taking place in Chile, including the de facto war that billionaire President Sebastian Piñera has unleashed on his people. | On October 18, Chilean students took to the streets to protest a hike in public transport…

RT (2019-11-27). Choked, sexually assaulted & murdered for IGNORING catcalls: Lawyers describe horrific attack on Indian-American student. Disturbing details about the murder of a 19-year-old Indian-American student have emerged after her attacker reportedly confessed that he choked the young woman and sexually assaulted her after she ignored his advances. | Ruth George, a student at the University of Illinois in Chicago who is originally from Hyderabad, India, was found dead in her car in a campus garage on Saturday. | During a court hearing on Tuesday, authorities said that the 26-year-old suspect had confessed to the murder. Local media, citing prosecutors, said that the attacker thought George was "pretty" when he saw her walking to her car,…

RT (2019-11-27). Entrapment? ICE created fake universities to lure foreign students before arresting & deporting them. US immigration authorities created fake universities, lured foreign-born students to enroll, and took large sums of their money — before arresting and deporting them for immigration violations, a new report has revealed. | In recent months, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has deported 90 students enrolled in a fake Michigan-based university, the Detroit Free Press reported on Wednesday. As many as 250 people, mostly from India, have been arrested since January, as part of the sting operation concocted by federal agents. | The scammed students had arrived in the US legally on student visas, but…

Shawgi Tell (2019-11-27). Widespread Poor Performance Persists in Charter Schools. After nearly 30 years of hype surrounding charter schools, a large number of charter schools across the country continue to perform poorly. This is especially disturbing given the fact that non-profit and for-profit charter schools routinely cherry-pick their students, have high teacher turnover rates, are run by unelected individuals, oppose unions, over-pay administrators, and siphon …

WSWS (2019-11-26). Lecturers and students speak out in UK university strike. WSWS reporters spoke to university workers and lecturers on the first day of the strike at 60 higher education institutions in the UK.

Andrew Korybko (2019-11-26). Only Western Loans to Developing Countries are Allowed. US State Department Official. Wells' snide remarks were obviously driven by double standards whereby the US diplomat is making it clear that only Western loans to developing countries are allowed, not Chinese ones. | Alice Wells, the US' Acting Assistance Secretary of State for …

WSWS (2019-11-26). Thousands of UK university staff begin eight-day strike with support of students. Hundreds of strikers mounted picket lines at university campuses at 63 institutions around the UK.

Fight Back (2019-11-26). Chicago conference to relaunch National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression a huge success. Chicago, IL – More than a 1200 joined together for an historic gathering on the weekend of November 22 — 24, at the hall of the Chicago Teachers Union, to refound the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. The newly refounded Alliance will concentrate its efforts on building the fight against police crimes and for community control of the police, and it will campaign for the release of political prisoners and the wrongfully convicted. | Longtime leaders of the Black liberation movement Angela Davis and Frank Chapman, along with elected officials, trade unionists, and other progressive ac…

RT (2019-11-26). 'I've dreamt about this day': Three US friends freed after spending 36 YEARS in prison for murder THEY DIDN'T COMMIT. Three teenagers from Baltimore, wrongfully convicted of killing a school student in cold blood, have been exonerated after spending more than three decades of their lives in jail. | Childhood friends Alfred Chestnut, Ransom Watkins, and Andrew Stewart were arrested in 1983, when they were 16, and subsequently convicted of gunning down a 14-year-old student at Harlem Park Junior High School in Baltimore, Maryland. Authorities said at the time that the boy was shot in the neck with a 22-caliber handgun in an attempt to steal a fancy jacket he was wearing. | The men have always insisted they were innocent. Nevert…

RT (2019-11-26). 'Pete Buttigieg is a lying MF' trends on Twitter after column on past 'racism' goes viral. While he may be enjoying a surge in the Iowa polls, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is trending on Twitter for an entirely different reason, after a column entitled 'Pete Buttigieg Is A Lying MF' went viral. | In the column for the Root, senior writer Michael Harriot scathingly addresses a recently resurfaced video of Buttigieg claiming that black kids in low-income neighborhoods fail at school in high numbers because there "isn't someone who they know personally who testifies to the value of education." Buttigieg made the comment in 2011, while he was running for mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Staff (2019-11-26). Iraqi Scholar Sinan Antoon: Anti-Government Protests Have Led to "Reclaiming of Iraqi Identity" In Iraq, more than 340 people have died since anti-government protests began in early October. More than 15,000 Iraqis have been injured. Tires were set on fire Monday and main roads and bridges were blocked in the cities of Basra and Nassiriya. Over the weekend, security forces opened fire on civilians in Baghdad and other cities. Demonstrators are protesting corruption and lack of jobs and basic services, including clean water and electricity. In Baghdad, many university students are taking part in the demonstrations. To talk more about the protests in Iraq we are joined by the Iraqi poet, novelist, translator,…

Staff (2019-11-26). Headlines for November 26, 2019. Judge Rules Trump Can't Stop Officials from Testifying in Impeachment Inquiry, Supreme Court Temporarily Halts Disclosure of Trump's Financial Records, U.S. Troops Resume Combat Mission Against ISIS, U.N.: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Surged to Record-High Levels in 2018, 56 Killed in Landslides in Kenya, Leaked Documents Reveal China's "Brainwashing" of Uyghur Muslims, Duque Calls for "National Dialogue" as Protests Continue to Rock Colombia, Global Protests Mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Argentine Catholic Priests Sentenced to Prison for Raping Students, Water Protectors Block…

Dorothee Benz (2019-11-26). Talking Turkey About Impeachment Hearings – NYT coverage teaches us how not to discuss the end of democracy. Congratulations, you made it through the public hearings of the impeachment inquiry, one eye on the livestream and one eye on your work email, and somehow you met your deadlines even as you followed along blow by blow. So what are you going to say about it around the Thanksgiving dinner table? | There were certainly some moments designed to stoke feelings of patriotism as we head into the heavily mythologized, uniquely American holiday this week. Alexander Vindman (New York Times, 11/19/19): "The uniform I…

Ashoka Mukpo (2019-11-25). In Nicaragua, She Dodged Bullets. Now She's Stuck at the Border. (Ciudad Juarez, Mexico) The sting of tear gas was still in Julia's eyes when she ran into a public park in the center of the Nicaraguan city of Estelí on June 20, 2018. Earlier that day, she'd wrapped her face in a blue-and-white bandanna — the colors of the Nicaraguan flag — and joined a student-led march against the government of President Daniel Ortega, whose proposed cuts to social benefits were sparking tense street demonstrations across the country. [Note: 'Julia' is a pseudonym; the ACLU is protecting her identity for her safety.] | As the students marched through the streets, paramilitary p…

Max Kalnitz (2019-11-25). Syracuse Students Aren't Backing Down. Syracuse Students Aren't Backing Down…

Fight Back (2019-11-25). USF students rally for more Black enrollment before meeting with administration. Tampa, FL – On November 20, students at the University of South Florida (USF) gathered in front of Cooper Hall to demand that administration increases Black enrollment on campus. Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized and led the demonstration. | This event occurred in anticipation of an upcoming December 4 meeting with administration. SDS will be meeting with the Vice President of Student Success Paul Dosa, VP of Diversity and Inclusion Haywood Brown, Assistant VP of Admissions Glen Besterfield, and Dean of Students Danielle McDonald. The meeting will determine the future of how USF will add…

Dave Zirin (2019-11-25). Harvard and Yale Students Storm the Field for Fossil Fuel Divestment. Harvard and Yale Students Storm the Field for Fossil Fuel Divestment…

Tom O'Neill (2019-11-24). Inside the Archive of an LSD Researcher With Ties to the CIA's MKUltra Mind Control Project. Louis Jolyon West seems to have used chemicals and hypnosis liberally in his medical practice, possibly leading to the death of a child and the execution of an innocent man.

pip.hinman (2019-11-24). Police storm Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong democracy movement Wlam*Issue 1248 Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong KongNovember 25, 2019On November 17, protesters set up roadblocks around the Hong…

Ryan Cristián (2019-11-23). Iran False Flag Prep, US Government's Staggering Bolivia Hypocrisy, Netanyahu Indicted & Patriot Act. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/22/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Fight Back (2019-11-23). Over 1200 rally in Chicago at relaunch of National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Chicago, IL – More than a 1200 joined together November 22, at the hall of the Chicago Teachers Union, to refound the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. The newly refounded Alliance will center its efforts on building the fight against police crimes and for community control of the police, and it will campaign for the release of political prisoners and the wrongfully convicted. | Longtime leaders of the Black liberation movement, Angela Davis and Frank Chapman, along with elected officials, trade unionists, and other progressive activists addressed the packed rally that opened the confere…

2019-11-27: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Global Warming and the Ozone Layer: What's More Dangerous, CO2 or Nuclear War?
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-11-27
Prof. Max Gluckman (1911-1975) showed how ritualized forms of rebellion against those in power "through a controlled expression of hostility" ultimately leads to the reinforcement of the established structures of authority. Is that not what is happening today? The movement against capitalism is funded and supported by capitalism.

How Empowering Women and Girls Can Help Solve the Climate Crisis
Jimmy Carter, Karin D. Ryan | | 2019-11-27
Making sure girls receive equal access to education and professional opportunities will unleash the untapped creativity that could produce needed breakthroughs. (Photo: Greenpeace) |…

States Could Soon Be Forced to Fund Religious Education
Staff | | 2019-11-27
In January, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could result in states being required to use taxpayer money to fund religious education. | The case, Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, asks whether Montana must provide tax credits for scholarships to private religious schools. With the addition of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to…

Iran's Barter Trade Deals with China, By-Passing the US-Dollar, "Dedollarizing" Her Economy
Peter Koenig | | 2019-11-27
According to a PressTV Report of 24 November, 2019, Iran and China are working on a trade or barter deal that would circumvent US sanctions. It would bypass US-dollar denominated transactions, exchanging Iranian oil for Chinese goods and services and …

Turkey Rejects US Demand to Return Russian S-400s
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-11-27
The capabilities of Russia's S-400 air defense system is unmatched by anything in the West. | China was Russia's first foreign buyer, its military saying it "saw that the S-400 system by its capabilities today is unparalleled in the world in …

The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest
Larry Romanoff | | 2019-11-27
Preparing For Civil War? | US authorities have for decades become increasingly prepared for mass civil disturbances resulting from government and corporate attacks on American society. We can recall that in the early 1980s the Hidden State launched its open war …

Glyphosate Worse than We Could Imagine. "It's Everywhere"
F. William Engdahl | | 2019-11-27
Glyphosate residues have been found in tap water, orange juice, children's urine, breast milk, chips, snacks, beer, wine, cereals, eggs, oatmeal, wheat products, and most conventional foods tested. It's everywhere.

Syria: 70% of Internally Displaced (IDP) Families Have Returned to Their Liberated Villages in Idlib Province
Arabi Souri | | 2019-11-27
Idlib liberated villages in the province's eastern countryside are being rehabilitated by state's workshops which helped the return of the majority of the IDPs to their homes. | Over the past 1.5 years since cleaning these villages form NATO terrorists, and …

Media Lies About Syria, Trump Flip-Flops, Blunders?
Philip Giraldi | | 2019-11-27
Recently The New York Times featured two op-eds by resident hacks Bret Stephens and Tom Friedman as well as a featured editorial, all on the subject of Syria and how the Trump administration has betrayed the American people. The pieces …

Video: The Revolution Business: Does the USA Sponsor "Color Revolutions" and "Regime Change"?
Journeyman Pictures | | 2019-11-27
First published in 2011, this carefully researched documentary, how the US manipulate protest movements and carry out "color revolutions". | The Revolution Business, 2011 — Consultants are helping people countries like Ukraine and Egypt build a foundation of knowledge in order …

A New Pipeline Could Undo America's Influence in Asia
Simon Watkins | | 2019-11-27
From the moment that the U.S. re-imposed sanctions in earnest on Iran late last year, Pakistan has been looking at ways to resuscitate a deal that had been agreed in principle before the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive …

Establishing Fossil-fuel Free (FFF) Communities
Emanuel Pastreich | | 2019-11-27
The response to the increasing awareness of the threat of continuing a fossil-fuel driven growth and consumption economic model is a ruthless effort to block out serious reporting on climate change in the media and to downplay is seriousness …

Fossil Fuel Divestment Will Increase Carbon Emissions, Not Lower Them — Here's Why
Stefan Andreasson | | 2019-11-27
A global campaign encouraging individuals, organisations and institutional investors to sell off investments in fossil fuel companies is gathering pace. According to, US$11 trillion has already been divested worldwide. | But, while it may seem a logical strategy, divestment …

Why the Trump Regime Toppled Bolivia's Evo Morales. "He Wasn't Our Guy"
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-11-27
In a word, he wasn't "our guy" in La Paz, Bolivia's political capital. | He didn't surrender the sovereign rights of the nation and people to US interests. | He was democratically elected and reelected four times, serving from January 22, 2006 …

Evo the 'Terrorist' and the Weaponization of Fear-Mongering Labels
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-11-27
The coup-imposed "Interior Minister" of Bolivia demanded that ("former") President Morales be jailed for life because of his supposedly "terrorist" activities, which amounts to the weaponization of fear-mongering labels for purely political reasons intended to intimidate his majority-indigenous supporters into …

The War on Syria: Vanessa Beeley's Lecture Tour in Canada
Ken Stone | | 2019-11-27
We are pleased to announce a lecture tour of Canada by the internationally-acclaimed British journalist, Vanessa Beeley. | Ms. Beeley is one of only a handful of journalists in the world qualified to answer questions about the war in Syria …

The Role of British Universities in Supporting Israel's Demolitions of Palestinian Homes
Tom Anderson | | 2019-11-27
Palestinians are calling for people internationally to take action against the companies complicit in Israel's systematic demolition of Palestinian homes. This article focuses on British university partnerships with JCB, Caterpillar,…

Trump and Netanyahu: A Tale of Two Criminals
Robert Fantina | | 2019-11-27
It has been interesting to watch the slow-moving arc of justice, or some semblance of it, at play in Israel and the United States. The trajectories of both nations has been somewhat astounding. | In the United States, the past several …

The Real Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan. It Was Not To End the War Or Save Lives
Washington's Blog | | 2019-11-27
Like all Americans, I was taught that the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to end WWII and save both American and Japanese lives. But most of the top American military officials at the time said otherwise.

The Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation. The Right to Know. Don't Put in Your Shirt Pocket
Environmental Health Trust | | 2019-11-27
Of relevance to the ongoing debate on the health impacts of cell phones. First published on July 10, 2019 | A landmark Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the City of Berkeley's cell phone right to know ordinance rejecting industries argument …

Boris Johnson's Tory Party Manifesto Vows to Ban Boycott Campaigns (BDS) against Israel
Areeb Ullah | | 2019-11-27
Britain's ruling Conservative party has vowed to ban UK public bodies from participating in boycott and divestment campaigns of any foreign country in its manifesto. | The Conservative Party's proposals could mean new legislation will bar local government bodies and universities …

Video: "Les cendres de la guerre" with Dr. Ayssar Midani
Mark Taliano | | 2019-11-27
Reporting from Joubar, a suburb of Damascus, Dr. Ayssar Midani shines a light on realities of the NATO war against Syria, and against civilization itself. | She takes us to places from which terrorists fired their missiles onto children, men, and …

BBC Under Increasing Criticism for Biased Reporting
Johanna Ross | | 2019-11-27
It's almost as British as fish and chips and a pint, but what used to be embraced by the masses as a reliable source of information, the BBC, is now under increasing scrutiny for its overt political bias. With the …

The Problem of Wikipedia
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | | 2019-11-27
Over the course of my life I have watched integrity shrivel up and die everywhere in the Western world. It is not like it was ever really abundant, but there was a goodly amount of it, and it had authority. …

Widespread Poor Performance Persists in Charter Schools
Shawgi Tell | | 2019-11-27
After nearly 30 years of hype surrounding charter schools, a large number of charter schools across the country continue to perform poorly. This is especially disturbing given the fact that non-profit and for-profit charter schools routinely cherry-pick their students, have high teacher turnover rates, are run by unelected individuals, oppose unions, over-pay administrators, and siphon …

Students walk out in support of Nashville teacher victimized for assigning homework on the "N-word" | 2019-11-27
Steven Small was the subject of an anonymous complaint from a parent after he gave students an assignment discussing the 1987 Pulitzer Prize-winning play "Fences" and its use of the racial slur.…

Nurses grill Boris Johnson on policies during hospital visit
The Canary | | 2019-11-27
Boris Johnson faced probing questions from nurses on a visit to the West Cornwall Hospital in Penzance as he kicked off a day of campaigning in the county.The prime minister met patients and nurses as he toured the wards but was challenged on his general election campaign pledges as he drank tea with staff on a medical ward.One student nurse told the PM how she was "struggling" financially because of tuition fees and asked him about his plans to bring back the nursing bursary.Johnson said: "We're definitely bringing back the bursary … but I'll have to check that (on tuition fees)."Boris Johnson speaks with pati…

UC Berkeley Climate Strike: UC Green New Deal
Students For Climate Action | | 2019-11-27
Sproul Plaza, UC Berkeley, Bancroft Way, Berkeley, California 94720…

'The Struggle Doesn't End Here': President Evo Morales | 2019-11-27
Bolivia's exiled President Evo Morales reaffirmed Tuesday that "the struggle does not end here," referring to the Nov. 10 coup and the establishment of a right-wing government in the South American nation. | RELATED: | Bolivia: Police Demand to be Paid for Their Support for Coup | The president who was granted asylum in Mexico gave a speech during a meeting with students of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in which also participated Vice President Alvaro Garci…

Selected Articles: By-Passing the US-Dollar
Global Research News | | 2019-11-27
Lying is a money making activity and lies are commodities. There is a profitable global market for media and public figures committed to spreading disinformation. | Needless to say, "Telling the Truth", on the other hand, Is Not a Money-Making Proposition. …

In defence of human rights in Chile: An open letter to the Australian community
Fred_F | | 2019-11-27
international solidarityIssue 1247 Australia ChileNovember 27, 2019We express our deep concerns about human rights violations taking place in Chile, including the de facto war that billionaire President Sebastian Piñera has unleashed on his people. | On October 18, Chilean students took to the streets to protest a hike in public transport…

Entrapment? ICE created fake universities to lure foreign students before arresting & deporting them | 2019-11-27
US immigration authorities created fake universities, lured foreign-born students to enroll, and took large sums of their money — before arresting and deporting them for immigration violations, a new report has revealed. | In recent months, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has deported 90 students enrolled in a fake Michigan-based university, the Detroit Free Press reported on Wednesday. As many as 250 people, mostly from India, have been arrested since January, as part of the sting operation concocted by federal agents. | The scammed students had arrived in the US legally on student visas, but…

Choked, sexually assaulted & murdered for IGNORING catcalls: Lawyers describe horrific attack on Indian-American student | 2019-11-27
Disturbing details about the murder of a 19-year-old Indian-American student have emerged after her attacker reportedly confessed that he choked the young woman and sexually assaulted her after she ignored his advances. | Ruth George, a student at the University of Illinois in Chicago who is originally from Hyderabad, India, was found dead in her car in a campus garage on Saturday. | During a court hearing on Tuesday, authorities said that the 26-year-old suspect had confessed to the murder. Local media, citing prosecutors, said that the attacker thought George was "pretty" when he saw her walking to her car,…

Lecturers and students speak out in UK university strike | 2019-11-26
WSWS reporters spoke to university workers and lecturers on the first day of the strike at 60 higher education institutions in the UK.…

Only Western Loans to Developing Countries are Allowed. US State Department Official
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-11-26
Wells' snide remarks were obviously driven by double standards whereby the US diplomat is making it clear that only Western loans to developing countries are allowed, not Chinese ones. | Alice Wells, the US' Acting Assistance Secretary of State for | …

Thousands of UK university staff begin eight-day strike with support of students | 2019-11-26
Hundreds of strikers mounted picket lines at university campuses at 63 institutions around the UK.…

Chicago conference to relaunch National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression a huge success
Fight Back | | 2019-11-26
Chicago, IL – More than a 1200 joined together for an historic gathering on the weekend of November 22 — 24, at the hall of the Chicago Teachers Union, to refound the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. The newly refounded Alliance will concentrate its efforts on building the fight against police crimes and for community control of the police, and it will campaign for the release of political prisoners and the wrongfully convicted. | Longtime leaders of the Black liberation movement Angela Davis and Frank Chapman, along with elected officials, trade unionists, and other progressive ac……

Talking Turkey About Impeachment Hearings – NYT coverage teaches us how not to discuss the end of democracy
Dorothee Benz | | 2019-11-26
Congratulations, you made it through the public hearings of the impeachment inquiry, one eye on the livestream and one eye on your work email, and somehow you met your deadlines even as you followed along blow by blow. So what are you going to say about it around the Thanksgiving dinner table? | There were certainly some moments designed to stoke feelings of patriotism as we head into the heavily mythologized, uniquely American holiday this week. Alexander Vindman (New York Times, 11/19/19): "The uniform I…

'I've dreamt about this day': Three US friends freed after spending 36 YEARS in prison for murder THEY DIDN'T COMMIT | 2019-11-26
Three teenagers from Baltimore, wrongfully convicted of killing a school student in cold blood, have been exonerated after spending more than three decades of their lives in jail. | Childhood friends Alfred Chestnut, Ransom Watkins, and Andrew Stewart were arrested in 1983, when they were 16, and subsequently convicted of gunning down a 14-year-old student at Harlem Park Junior High School in Baltimore, Maryland. Authorities said at the time that the boy was shot in the neck with a 22-caliber handgun in an attempt to steal a fancy jacket he was wearing. | The men have always insisted they were innocent. Nevert…

'Pete Buttigieg is a lying MF' trends on Twitter after column on past 'racism' goes viral | 2019-11-26
While he may be enjoying a surge in the Iowa polls, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is trending on Twitter for an entirely different reason, after a column entitled 'Pete Buttigieg Is A Lying MF' went viral. | In the column for the Root, senior writer Michael Harriot scathingly addresses a recently resurfaced video of Buttigieg claiming that black kids in low-income neighborhoods fail at school in high numbers because there "isn't someone who they know personally who testifies to the value of education." Buttigieg made the comment in 2011, while he was running for mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Iraqi Scholar Sinan Antoon: Anti-Government Protests Have Led to "Reclaiming of Iraqi Identity"
Staff | | 2019-11-26
In Iraq, more than 340 people have died since anti-government protests began in early October. More than 15,000 Iraqis have been injured. Tires were set on fire Monday and main roads and bridges were blocked in the cities of Basra and Nassiriya. Over the weekend, security forces opened fire on civilians in Baghdad and other cities. Demonstrators are protesting corruption and lack of jobs and basic services, including clean water and electricity. In Baghdad, many university students are taking part in the demonstrations. To talk more about the protests in Iraq we are joined by the Iraqi poet, novelist, translator,……

In Nicaragua, She Dodged Bullets. Now She's Stuck at the Border
Ashoka Mukpo | | 2019-11-25
(Ciudad Juarez, Mexico) The sting of tear gas was still in Julia's eyes when she ran into a public park in the center of the Nicaraguan city of Estelí on June 20, 2018. Earlier that day, she'd wrapped her face in a blue-and-white bandanna — the colors of the Nicaraguan flag — and joined a student-led march against the government of President Daniel Ortega, whose proposed cuts to social benefits were sparking tense street demonstrations across the country. [Note: 'Julia' is a pseudonym; the ACLU is protecting her identity for her safety.] | As the students marched through the streets, paramilitary p…

Harvard and Yale Students Storm the Field for Fossil Fuel Divestment
Dave Zirin | | 2019-11-25
Harvard and Yale Students Storm the Field for Fossil Fuel Divestment…

Syracuse Students Aren't Backing Down
Max Kalnitz | | 2019-11-25
Syracuse Students Aren't Backing Down…

USF students rally for more Black enrollment before meeting with administration
Fight Back | | 2019-11-25
Tampa, FL – On November 20, students at the University of South Florida (USF) gathered in front of Cooper Hall to demand that administration increases Black enrollment on campus. Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized and led the demonstration. | This event occurred in anticipation of an upcoming December 4 meeting with administration. SDS will be meeting with the Vice President of Student Success Paul Dosa, VP of Diversity and Inclusion Haywood Brown, Assistant VP of Admissions Glen Besterfield, and Dean of Students Danielle McDonald. The meeting will determine the future of how USF will add……

Inside the Archive of an LSD Researcher With Ties to the CIA's MKUltra Mind Control Project
Tom O'Neill | | 2019-11-24
Louis Jolyon West seems to have used chemicals and hypnosis liberally in his medical practice, possibly leading to the death of a child and the execution of an innocent man.

Iran False Flag Prep, US Government's Staggering Bolivia Hypocrisy, Netanyahu Indicted & Patriot Act
Ryan Cristián | | 2019-11-23
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/22/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Over 1200 rally in Chicago at relaunch of National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Fight Back | | 2019-11-23
Chicago, IL – More than a 1200 joined together November 22, at the hall of the Chicago Teachers Union, to refound the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. The newly refounded Alliance will center its efforts on building the fight against police crimes and for community control of the police, and it will campaign for the release of political prisoners and the wrongfully convicted. | Longtime leaders of the Black liberation movement, Angela Davis and Frank Chapman, along with elected officials, trade unionists, and other progressive activists addressed the packed rally that opened the confere……

CIA helped shape 'Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan' series into bigoted Venezuela regime change fantasy
Max Blumenthal | | 2019-11-22
Analysis by researcher Tom Secker reveals how Amazon's regime change fantasy "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan" was shaped by CIA and…

Hundreds of Thousands Join National Strike in Colombia in Rebuke to Right-Wing President Iván Duque
Staff | | 2019-11-22
In Colombia, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets Thursday in the largest national strike the country has seen in years. Labor unions, students, teachers, Indigenous and Afro-Colombian activists joined in peaceful marches across urban and rural Colombia as anger mounts against right-wing President Iván Duque and his cabinet. The protests were triggered by Duque's proposed labor reforms and cuts to the pension system, as well as a recent military airstrike against a camp of alleged dissident rebel drug traffickers, which killed eight children. Police responded to the movements with repressive tactic……