2020-08-21: News Headlines

Andrew Korybko (2020-08-21). NATO Poses a Threat to Belarus: Why Did Russia Reaffirm Its CSTO Support to Belarus but Not to Armenia? globalresearch.ca Russia's reaffirmation of its CSTO mutual defense obligations to Belarus was made in response to Lukashenko's claims that NATO poses a threat to Belarus, which Moscow evidently believes are at least credible enough to remind the alliance about its red …

Staff (2020-08-21). Headlines for August 21, 2020. democracynow.org Joe Biden Accepts Presidential Nomination, Pledging End to "Season of Darkness", CDC Director: Up to 60 Million U.S. Residents Were Infected with Coronavirus, White House Declares Teachers "Essential Workers" as Unions Threaten Strikes over Coronavirus, Stock Markets Surge Even as 1.1 Million U.S. Workers File New Unemployment Claims, Protesters Call on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to #MakeBillionairesPay, Postmaster General to Face Congressional Grilling over "Sabotage" of Postal Service, Massive California Wildfires Leave 5 Dead, 700,000 Acres Burned, Steve Bannon Arrested, Charged with Pocketing Private Border W…

F. William Engdahl (2020-08-21). Belarus: Why Is Lukshenko Being Color Revolutioned Just Now? globalresearch.ca The globalist Powers That Be have clearly decided to topple the long-standing sole-ruler of Belarus, President Aleksander Lukashenko. The question is why at just this time? There is a case to be made that one reason is he is …

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2020-08-21). Drug Trafficking Militias Massacre Social Leaders in Colombia. globalresearch.ca In Colombia, a terrible wave of violence affects the people and especially traditional indigenous communities. According to United Nations data, more than 40 murders of social leaders have occurred this year alone. | Last Tuesday, August 18, three Indians of the …

Mark Taliano (2020-08-21). Mismanagement of the Covid Crisis: Governments and Their Agencies Are Killing Their Own People? globalresearch.ca Governments subservient to globalist diktats are willfully killing their own people in the name of fighting a misnamed "pandemic". | SARS-COV-2, the virus said to be the causative agent of COVID-19, has been neither isolated nor purified. Nevertheless, even according to …

Martha Grevatt (2020-08-21). Fired for striking, grad students win reinstatement. workers.org Graduate student workers at the University of California-Santa Cruz, represented by United Auto Workers Local 2865, have won the rehiring of 41 teaching assistants fired in February for striking. "In large part, this is a win for Santa Cruz workers — for workers in general," said Veronica Hamilton, the UAW . . . |

Kim Petersen (2020-08-21). How America's Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice. dissidentvoice.org Any conditions that compel the teacher to take note of failures rather than of healthy growth give false standards and result in distortion and perversion. — John Dewey,1 Academic Fredrik deBoer has written a book, The Cult of Smart: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice (All Points Books, 2020), that questions the enormous …

Rob Urie (2020-08-21). The Day After Election Day. counterpunch.org The view passed down from on high in the U.S. is that elections are the effective and legitimate means of collective decision-making in the realm of the political. Conversely, on matters of war and peace, economic distribution, environmental wellbeing, healthcare, education, housing, and social welfare— the areas where collective outcomes matter, these are either considered

Steve Sweeney (2020-08-21). Murders of women rising in Turkey; government does nothing. peoplesworld.org Nearly 250 women have been killed in Turkey so far this year, new statistics suggest, prompting a call for international solidarity from women's organizations in a bid to save lives. Four women were detained in Istanbul Thursday after they unveiled a banner in Taksim Square charging that the "patriarchal state" was responsible for the death …

Subodh Varma (2020-08-21). Understanding India's low COVID-19 death rate. peoplesdispatch.org Contrary to the Narendra Modi government's claims, India's low case fatality rate in the COVID-19 pandemic is not because of any well-thought out strategy. It is rather due to a relatively young population and some statistical tricks…

Caleb Granger (2020-08-21). Houston car caravan demands a safe reopening for students and workers. liberationnews.org Across the nation, schools are reopening despite surging cases.

A Guest Author (2020-08-21). Florida education workers organize week of action. workers.org By Sharon Paige Tallahassee, Fla. To protect school staff, bus drivers, students and parents during the COVID-19 crisis, Workers World Party-Central Gulf Coast and the Party for Socialism and Liberation-Central Gulf Coast teamed up to call "Six Days of Actions: Florida Fights Back!" across the state on Aug. 3-8. . . . |

The Canary (2020-08-21). Six million people in UK are behind on bills due to coronavirus, study finds. thecanary.co Six million people across the UK have fallen behind on household bills due to coronavirus (Covid-19), a new study has found. Research from Citizens Advice shows that one in nine people in the UK are behind on bills, with around a fifth of these individuals having to go without essentials including food. | Disparity: | The study finds that carers, those who were shielding during the pandemic, and key workers are twice as likely to have fallen behind on bill payments due to coronavirus. It also found that Black people, those aged between 18 and 34, and disabled people are at least twice as likely to be in a…

The Canary (2020-08-21). Experts 'do not have confidence that R is currently below 1 in England'. thecanary.co There is a risk the overall coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in the UK is growing as figures for the reproduction number (R value) suggest it has risen above 1.0. Data released on Friday by the Government Office for Science and the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) shows the estimate for R across the UK is now between 0.9 and 1.1. This is an increase from the range of between 0.8 and 1.0 one week ago.Transmission: The growth rate of coronavirus transmission, which reflects how quickly the number of infections is changing day by day, has also changed slightly across the UK since last week, wit…

Fred_F (2020-08-21). No fee hikes! Student fightback national day of action. greenleft.org.au The federal government is push to raise the cost of Ar…

Peter Koenig (2020-08-21). Agenda ID2020: The Diabolical Agenda within the Agenda. "Genetically Modified Humanity" globalresearch.ca "A Wakeup Call to the World" — this is what Dr. Carrie Madej calls the hidden agenda within the barely talked about ID2020. | What is envisaged is a "genetically modified humanity" (GMH) so as to better control, command the world …

South Front (2020-08-21). Video: Idlib Is Burning. New Proxy War in Deir Ezzor. globalresearch.ca The series of unfortunate events involving the US-led coalition, Turkey and Turkish proxies continues in Syria's Greater Idlib. | Late on August 19 and early on August 20, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shelled positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near Haranabush …

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-21). Russia/US New START Extension Talks, No Resolution of Major Differences. globalresearch.ca In not renewed, New START expires on February 5, 2021. | Months earlier, Trump falsely called it a "bad deal." | He never read it and knows no more about it than what Pompeo and other regime hardliners told him. | The decade-ago …

Jill Richardson (2020-08-21). Colleges Remain Unchartered Territories. counterpunch.org In a few weeks, I begin my semester as a teaching assistant in an undergraduate sociology class. I am not sure what to expect. Last March, when our school sent the students home, everything happened suddenly. We weren't sure what time zones our students would be in. We didn't know if each student had a

Philip A Farruggio (2020-08-21). The Fault Dear Citizens… Elections… globalresearch.ca " … Is not in our stars but in ourselves". Paraphrased right out of Shakespeare (Julius Caesar) you have it in a nutshell, for all of you, like myself, who actually vote. | It seems that during each and every major …

Tony Cartalucci (2020-08-21). The Real Problem with COVID-19 Vaccines. globalresearch.ca Before even debating the efficacy, safety, and necessity of different vaccines — one must get past the fact that the most corrupt corporations on Earth hold a monopoly over their development (and the profits made from them). | Forbes in their …

Ricardo Vaz (2020-08-21). US to Tighten Venezuela Sanctions after Gasoline Seizure. globalresearch.ca The Trump administration is reportedly considering ending all Venezuela oil sanctions exemptions in October. | "Whatever oil business is left has to be completed (by the deadline)," an anonymous source told …

Daniel Larison (2020-08-21). The 'Snapback' Iran Stunt Will Blow Up in Pompeo's Face. globalresearch.ca Following last week's humiliating rebuke of the U.S. at the Security Council, Mike Pompeo is

WSWS (2020-08-21). Trump administration brands educators "critical infrastructure workers" to force schools to open. wsws.org The move comes in response to the growing opposition of educators, parents and students to the catastrophic reopening of schools, which has already infected over 2,500 students and staff across the country.

_____ (2020-08-21). New York Teachers Union To Strike Against School Reopening. popularresistance.org Despite Donald Trump's administration pressure for schools reopening, several states and institutions postponed the resume of learning activities or issued not-in-person strategies due to new spikes of COVID-19 cases. | The U.S New York United Federation of Teachers (UFT) on Wednesday said the organization would strike or sue district authorities if they do not enforce an accurate precautionary plan before schools reopening. | "The minute we feel that the mayor is trying to force people into a situation that is unsafe, we go to court, we take job action," UFT President Michael Mulgrew said.

yenisafak (2020-08-21). What you need to know about the coronavirus right now. yenisafak.com Here's what you need to know about the coronavirus right now: New, milder, virus variant foundResearchers in Singapore have discovered a new variant of the COVID-19 coronavirus that causes milder infections, a study published in The Lancet medical journal found.The study showed that COVID-19 patients infected with the variant of SARS-CoV-2 had better clinical outcomes, with a lower proportion developing low blood oxygen or requiring intensive care.The study also showed the variant elicited a more robust immune response.The variant, which likely came from Wuhan, China, was detected in a cluster of infections from J…

yenisafak (2020-08-21). UK public debt crosses $2T for first time in history. yenisafak.com The UK's public debt has crossed £2 trillion ($2.6 trillion) for the first time in its history, the country's official statistics agency said on Friday.The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the public debt increased £227.6 billion at the end of July compared to the same time last year.Borrowing hit a record £150.5 billion this year, which the ONS said was $128.4 billion more than between April and July last year.British Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: "This crisis has put the public finances under significant strain as we have seen a hit to our economy and taken action to support millions o…

Binoy Kampmark (2020-08-21). Underpaying Casual Staff and Forgetting Education: The Australian University Formula. dissidentvoice.org Scandalous underpayment has become common fare at Australia's universities. An inverse relationship can be identified here: the wealthier the institution, the more likely it will short change staff and avoid coughing up the cash. If anything is coughed up, it will be meagrely rationed. We are not all in this together. The casualization of the …

Daniel Espinosa (2020-08-21). Lancetgate: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to Treat Covid-19 Patients. Why Was this "Monumental Fraud" Not a Huge Scandal? globalresearch.ca A high-profile and highly influential scientific

Jais Adam-Troian, Elif àáelebi, Yara Mahfud (2020-08-21). [Letter] Police use of force during street protests: A pressing public mental health concern. thelancet.com Street protests are a common means of civic expression and occur across the globe. In the past few years, millions of citizens have attended street protests worldwide. Sometimes however, street protests can constitute significantly stressful and violent contexts. Research has highlighted the physical health impact of street protests due to clashes between protesters and law enforcement or use of CS gas [1]. In addition, police use of less-lethal weapons, such as rubber pellet launchers, is known to cause severe ocular injuries [2].

Andrew Korybko (2020-08-20). The Belarusian Labor Strike Movement Could Bring Down Lukashenko. globalresearch.ca Belarus' disproportionate budgetary dependence on five big businesses makes it extremely vulnerable to economic destabilization if the tiny percentage of the country's population employed in those companies join in the nationwide labor strike movement to remove Lukashenko. | "The Economic Factor …

Ben Norton (2020-08-20). USAID Document Exposes New US Plot to Overthrow Nicaragua's Elected Socialist Government. globalresearch.ca A disturbing new document outlines plans for a US regime-change scheme against Nicaragua's elected leftist government, overseen by USAID, to bring about a "market economy" and a purge of Sandinistas. | *** | A newly released document exposes a US government operation …

Ben Norton (2020-08-20). How the US Helped Push Lebanon to the Brink of Collapse, and Now Threatens More Sanctions. globalresearch.ca While the media blames the crisis in Lebanon solely on corruption, the US government unleashed a "maximum pressure" campaign to push regime change and crush Lebanese resistance with sanctions and aggressive hybrid warfare. | *** | As the people of Lebanon suffer …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-08-20). The Assassination of Yasser Arafat was Ordered by The Israeli Cabinet: "We will Choose the Right Way and the Right Time to Kill Arafat." globalresearch.ca First published on November 19, 2013. | Author's Note | Who killed Hariri, Who killed Arafat? | According to the August 18, 2020 verdict by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) in The Hague Salim Ayyash was found guilty of killing Prime Minister …

Staff (2020-08-20). Headlines for August 20, 2020. democracynow.org Kamala Harris Accepts Democratic Party's Nomination for Vice President, Hundreds of Wildfires Choke California, as Coronavirus Sidelines Prisoner Firefighters, U.S. Records Nearly 1,300 New Coronavirus Deaths as PPE Shortages Persist, NYC Teachers' Union Threatens Strike If Schools Reopen Without Safety Measures, New Zealand Deploys Troops to Enforce Quarantine; Zambian Vice President Positive for Coronavirus, Emails Reveal Swedish Epidemiologist Urged Coronavirus Spread to Attain Herd Immunity, Iran's Official COVID-19 Death Toll Passes 20,000 as Trump Pushes for New Sanctions, European Union Readies Sanctions A…

Diana Johnstone (2020-08-20). Memoir of a World Watcher: Diana Johnstone. globalresearch.ca We discuss Diana Johnstone's memoir, "Circle in the Darkness": | Yugoslavia under Tito; bombing of Serbia; Camp Bondsteel; spook revelation journalism; | Paris in 1968; anti-war movement of the '60s; legacy of Charles de Gaulle; Europe occupied since WWII; | the Greens; …

Michael D. Yates (2020-08-20). "Your Economics Professor is almost Certainly a Charlatan: A review with commentary of My Mis-Education in 3 Graphics," a film by Mary Filippo. mronline.org Mary Filippo began in 2004 to audit economics classes in the hope that she could "learn something about globalization. Does it really help people in developing countries? What are its downsides?" She did not learn these things.

Michael D. Yates (2020-08-20). "Your Economics Professor is almost Certainly a Charlatan: A review with commentary of 'My Mis-Education in 3 Graphics'," a film by Mary Filippo. mronline.org Mary Filippo began in 2004 to audit economics classes in the hope that she could "learn something about globalization. Does it really help people in developing countries? What are its downsides?" She did not learn these things.

Monika Zgustova (2020-08-20). Prague's Fights Over Kundera: Biography From the Files of the Secret Police. counterpunch.org In 2008, while I was staying in Prague, a scandal broke out involving the Czech writer Milan Kundera, who has lived in Paris since 1975. Respekt magazine published an article claiming that Kundera had informed on a foreign spy of Czech extraction who was staying that night in the students' residence of which Kundera was

Staff (2020-08-20). The Tight Rope #DemConvention Watch Party Ro Khanna Zephyr Teachout Howie Hawkins. therealnews.com Cornel West and Tricia Rose bring you live coverage and commentary of the final night of the 2020 #DemConvention featuring Joe Biden's speech from Wilmington, Delaware and confirmed guests Congressman Ro Khanna, Zephyr Teachout, Howie Hawkins, and Angela Walker.

RT (2020-08-20). Racism cured? Elizabeth Warren displays alphabet toys spelling BLM in background during DNC speech, gets ridiculed. rt.com US Senator Elizabeth Warren's attempt at a Black Lives Matter nod was mocked on Twitter after she had the letters BLM spelled out with toy alphabet letters in the background of her video address to the DNC. | The progressive senator spoke to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday from a childhood education center, located in Springfield, Massachusetts. | Warren's

RT (2020-08-20). Big Brother ain't so bad, after all? Almost half of Muscovites support city's ever-expanding facial recognition system. rt.com Moscow's CCTV system, recently used to catch people violating the Covid-19 quarantine, continues to split opinion. A survey has revealed that just under half of the capital's residents support the expansion of facial recognition. | According to research conducted by the Levada Center, 42 percent of Muscovites oppose the installation of facial recognition cameras, with 47 percent supporting it. The Russian capital has an extensive citywide CCTV system, allowing the authorities to track and find criminals wanted by law enforcement. In recent months, the cameras were used to detect and punish citizens for breakin…

RT (2020-08-20). 'Loneliness epidemic': Half of American singles aren't looking for a relationship or even seeking casual dates, Pew poll shows. rt.com Half of single adults in the US aren't looking for casual dates, let alone a committed relationship, reflecting a trend toward more reclusive lifestyles in Japan and other developed nations, a new Pew Research Center poll showed. | Some 50 percent of Americans who aren't in a relationship aren't seeking a

The Canary (2020-08-20). Williamson was warned of algorithm's impact on poorer pupils last month. thecanary.co Gavin Williamson was warned the exams algorithm would disadvantage poorer pupils around a month before it was axed, it has emerged as the embattled education secretary came under fresh scrutiny.Jon Coles, a former Department for Education director-general, issued a clear warning to Williamson that hundreds of thousands of students could receive the wrong grades, it became clear on Thursday as pupils learned their GCSE results.But Williamson pushed on with using the algorithm in England until he came under cross-party fire after nearly 40% of A-level students had their results downgraded.The Cabinet minister was h…

The Canary (2020-08-20). Record GCSE grades 'likely to prompt more students than ever to attend college'. thecanary.co More students than ever are likely to progress to A-levels and vocational courses following steep rises in the GCSE pass rates for maths and English, college leaders have said.Nearly three in four (71.2%) entries in England received a grade 4 or above — broadly equivalent to a C or above — in English this year, compared with 61.8% last year, according to data published by exams regulator Ofqual.The pass rate for maths has increased by 7 percentage points. Two in three entries received a grade 4 or above, compared with 59.6% in 2019.(PA Graphics)David Hughes, chief executive of the Association of College…

Paul Antonopoulos (2020-08-20). Berlin Dismisses Washington's Threats: The Construction of the Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline with Russia Will Proceed. globalresearch.ca Although the U.S. can threaten Germany, now during the American election campaign, threats cannot prevent the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. It is interesting to observe how for the first time this century …

South Front (2020-08-20). Video: In Mysterious Incident US Military Lost Two MQ-9 Reapers over Idlib. globalresearch.ca The shaky stability established in Syria after the end of the Turkish attack on the Syrian Army in Idlib in February and March of 2020 has collapsed. | Just a day after the confrontation between the US military and the Syrian …

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-20). Trump Regime Unilaterally and Illegally Imposing Snapback Sanctions on Iran. globalresearch.ca Unanimously adopted Security Council Resolution 2231 that affirmed the JCPOA nuclear deal eliminated UN sanctions on Iran. | Its provisions and the P5+1 approved nuclear agreement are binding international and US constitutional law under the Supremacy Clause — Article VI, Clause …

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-20). The Hariri Assassination: Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) Verdict. Fake Justice on Behalf of Israel. globalresearch.ca In May 2007, Security Council Resolution 1757 established the STL "on the outskirts of the Hague." | Ten SC members voted "yes," none "no," Russia, China, South Africa, Indonesia, and Qatar abstaining. | Five judges were involved in proceedings, Judge David Re…

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-20). Trump Regime Further Escalates War on China's Huawei. globalresearch.ca Chinese tech giant Huawei calls itself "an independent, privately-held company that provides information and communication technology (ICT)…connect(ing) over three billion people in (over) 170 countries." | The company is leading the race to roll out 5G technology, its market potential worth …