Monthly Archives: January 2020

2020-01-03: News Headlines

Ceren Sagir (2020-01-03). UN Concerned over British Government's Failure to Investigate Whether Assange Has Been Subjected to Psychological Torture. United Nations special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer has written to governments to press them to investigate properly evidence that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been subjected to psychological torture. | On December 31 Mr Melzer shared on Twitter a letter …

Massoud Nayeri (2020-01-03). Assange and Manning: The Slow Execution of the Voices of Freedom. Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning have exposed corrupt officials and criminal politicians | Assange and Manning are prisoners of conscience | How to free Assange and Manning? | Be the Voice of Assange and Manning in your community by any needs necessary. | ***…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-01-03). America's War for Global Domination. The following is the text of Michel Chossudovsky's public lecture at the Society for the Defense of Civil Rights and Human Dignity (GBM), Berlin, 10-11 December, 2003 and Humboldt University, Berlin, 12 December 2003. | This timely article written 16 years …

Thomas Gebauer (2020-01-03). Solidarity is not a Business. Private charity is the result of neoliberalism. Real services of general interest need global solutions… Ensuring that school buildings and education are intact is not a private responsibility, but a public one. It would be a mistake not to always insist on this public responsibility. Only in this way can human rights be realized… The global stands in relation to the local.

Philip Giraldi (2020-01-03). The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of the End of America's Imperial Ambitions. The United States is now at war with Iran in a conflict that could easily have been avoided and it will not end well. There will be no declaration of war coming from either side, but the assassination of Iranian

Andrew Korybko (2020-01-03). 2020 Might be Challenging for Ethiopia, But It Can Count on China's Help. Ethiopia is in the midst of historic change but also on the edge of what some observers fear is a looming crisis ahead of the upcoming elections in May. It's here where the country's strategic Chinese partner can be of …

Peter Van Buren (2020-01-03). This American Died for Our Lies in Afghanistan. It's common this time of year to write summary articles trying to make sense of the last 12 months; you'll soon see them popping up everywhere. But all of them will omit one of the most important stories of the …

Bouthaina Shaaban (2020-01-03). Video: US Sanctions and the Caesar Act, Oil and Gas, Chemical Weapons, and the Syrian Response. The Caesar Act is one of the main topics discussed by the Media and Political Advisor in the Syrian Presidency Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban in a thorough must watch and learn from interview with Kamal Khalaf of Al-Mayadeen News channel. | Dr. …

Andrew Korybko (2020-01-03). No, a War with Iran Won't Help Trump Win Re-Election. One of the most common opinions circulating around the Alt-Media Community after Major General Soleimani's assassination is that Trump is provoking a war with Iran in order to help win re-election, but this isn't the case since he first of …

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-03). More US Fuel on the Middle East Fire: Trump Orders New Troop Deployment to the Region. Trump began 2020 with a bang by authorizing more US combat troops to the Middle East. | It's already ablaze from endless US wars of aggression on nonbelligerent states threatening no one. | The new deployment is an ominous new year's beginning, …

Philip Giraldi (2020-01-03). The Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act: Why Washington Is Both Corrupt and Ignorant. The creatures that lurk through the corridors of power in Washington DC have refined corruption to the point where almost anything goes and almost no one is ever held accountable. Traditionally, Congressmen reward their various constituencies by inserting riders into …

Philip Weiss (2020-01-03). The ICC Will Likely Throw Out Palestine's Case for War Crimes, Norman Finkelstein Says. Last week supporters of Palestinian human rights were buoyed by the announcement from the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court that she had decided to open a formal investigation of Israel for war crimes in the occupied territories, including the …

Adnan Abu Amer (2020-01-03). Israel's Plan to Overthrow the King of Jordan, Annexing the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. The Israeli right is preparing to present a plan to overthrow the Jordanian king after annexing the Jordan Valley in the West Bank to realise the dream of Jordan being converted to Palestine. They aim to establish a confederation between …

Michael Jansen (2020-01-03). It's About Time the ICC Initiates Probe into Israeli War Crimes. It is about time for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to initiate and actually conduct a probe into war crimes perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people. ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced recently that she would launch a full investigation …

QUDSN (2020-01-03). Turkey Transfers Ottoman Archives to the Palestinian Authority to Counter Israel's Land Claims. Turkey has given a copy of Ottoman-era archived documents to the Palestinian Authority (PA) to help Palestinians legally counter the Israeli occupation's land claims, according to Hebrew news sources. | The archives include tens of thousands of land registries from the …

Yuki Tanaka (2020-01-03). War, Rape and Patriarchy: The Japanese Experience.

Dirk Adriaensens (2020-01-03). Iraq: The October Revolution of 2019 and the Iran-US Conflict. Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.

Ryan Cristián (2020-01-03). US Gov Airstrikes Kill PMU Officials & IRGC General Soleimani, As US Claims "Preemptive" Defense. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/2/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Steven Sahiounie (2020-01-03). Trump Ordered the Assassination of Soleimani, and the Middle East Prepares for Possible War. Qasem Soleimani was assassinated last night in Baghdad by a drone strike ordered by President Trump. The Iranian Commander of the 'Quds Force' was killed alongside the leader of the Iraqi 'Popular Mobilization Forces', Jamal Jaafar Ibrahimi, aka Abu Mahdi …

Andrew Korybko (2020-01-03). Major General Soleimani's Assassination Isn't Going to Start World War III. The US carried out a de-facto act of war against Iran after assassinating Major General Qasem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force in Baghdad last night, but despite the doomsday scenarios that many in Alt-Media are speculating …

The New Arab (2020-01-03). West Bank Settlers Attack Undercover Israeli Police Officers Disguised as Palestinians. Two Israeli settlers attacked undercover police officers disguised as Palestinian labourers in an illegal West Bank settlement this week. | Believing the police to be Palestinian workers, the teenage settlers approached them in the Bat Ayin settlement and started to interrogate …

Asad Ismi (2020-01-03). Old Money and New Questions in AMLO's Mexico. It's been nearly a year since the "leftist firebrand" Andrés Manuel López Obrrador (AMLO) took office as Mexican president, promising to end official corruption and state-linked violence, redistribute wealth to the poor and promote Indigenous rights. Shortly into his term, …

General Wesley Clark (2020-01-03). Global Warfare: "We're Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.." Originally published in March 2007. | Global Research Editor's Note: | This interview serves as a reminder regarding the diabolical timeline of America's hegemonic project. Is Iran the next target "to be taken out"? | All these countries are on the Pentagon's drawing …

Arabi Souri (2020-01-03). America at War with Iran? Pentagon Ordered the Killing of IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani. The Pentagon confirmed the United States of America's responsibility of killing the legendary IRGC Quds Brigade commander Qasem Soleimani in a drone attack near Baghdad Airport. | The Pentagon's statement didn't elaborate on the cost on the US itself and its …

Edward Curtin (2020-01-03). The War Hoax Redux. How to Start Another War. America's hegemonic military agenda has reached a dangerous threshold: The assassination of IRGC General Soleimani ordered by Donald Trump on January 2, 2020 is tantamount to an Act of War against Iran. | US Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper described it …

Andre Vltchek (2020-01-03). Neo-Liberal Colombia — Where Life Has to Defeat Death. In one of the poorest neighborhoods of Bogota, Belen, I saw two people bleeding in the middle of the road. One person was clearly dead. A group of onlookers was moving frantically, shouting loudly. There was an attempt to resurrect …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2020-01-03). Policing, Facial Recognition and Targeting Privacy. The chances for those seeking a world of solitude are rapidly run out. A good case can be made that this has already happened. Aldous Huxley's Savage, made famous in Brave New World, is out of options, having lost to …

WSWS (2020-01-03). One million march in Hong Kong on New Year's Day. To develop a genuine struggle for democratic rights, workers, students and young people must break the bonds that have been placed on the movement by various factions of the capitalist class.

Daniel Warner (2020-01-03). 2019 the Best Year Ever? The Street's the Place to Go. "In the long arc of human history, 2019 has been the best year ever," declared an eminent opinion writer for the New York Times. His statistical proof was that "children were least likely to die, adults were least likely to be illiterate and people were least likely to suffer excruciating and disfiguring diseases," plus more More

Robert Hunziker (2020-01-03). Kill GDP to Help Save the Planet. There's a problem with America's favorite statistic: GDP. It avoids pretty much everything that's actually, truly, really good for society, including the importance of robust ecology. Still, it's the biggest measure of what's happening with the economy and used around the world, even though horribly flawed. According to some forward thinkers, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), …

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-03). Sheer Stupidity Defines the Trump Regime's Foreign Policy. Escalation and the Risk of an All Out War. A personal comment in response to the Trump regime's assassination of redoubtable Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, a national hero now martyred by US imperial rage. | He represented Iranian resilience and resistance against US state-terrorism, its endless wars of aggression, its …

yenisafak (2020-01-03). 'Fighting inflation to be Turkey's top agenda in 2020'. Turkey will stabilize the inflation rate at single digits by improving competition in goods and services markets and enhancing production, the country's treasury and finance minister said Friday."Fight against inflation will be our top agenda in 2020," Berat Albayrak said on Twitter, underlining the year-end inflation rate was below the government's target.Albayrak's comments came after the Turkish Statistical Institute announced that the country's inflation rate last month was 11.84%.Turkey's inflation rate is expected to hit 12% this year as laid out in the new economic program for 2020-2022 announced by the go…

Neil deMause (2020-01-03). Australia Wildfire Coverage Is Long on Koalas, Short on Causes. by Neil deMause Fires making their own weather are interesting (The Hill, 12/30/19)—but not as important as humans making their own climate. | If you've only been following the bushfires ravaging Australia through the headlines popping up on your social media feeds — which, let's face it, is more popular than reading newspapers these days [md…

Staff (2020-01-02). Today's Concentration Camps Go by Many Names, But They're Still Open. "The use of concentration camps changes the world, but going forward, the most predictable outcome of their use is a world with more camps." | Today we use a lot of euphemisms: re-education camps, internment, work camps, prison camps, camps for internally displaced people. But before world war one, these prisons were known simply as concentration camps and they started in Cuba in the 1890s to control an uprising against the Spanish colonizers. Since then, concentration camps have proliferated across the globe, and have become the…

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-02). Failure of Trump-Kim Dialogue: North Korea to Continue Developing Strategic Nuclear Weapons and Missiles. In remarks during Pyongyang's yearend Plenary Meeting, Kim Jong-un said his government will continue development of strategic weapons because of US hostility toward the country, adding he'll no longer be bound by an ICBM test moratorium. | Pyongyang's KCNA news agency …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2020-01-02). The Decline of Democracy in the 21st Century. "In general, unfortunately, the qualifications required to gain power and keep it have almost no connection with those required to govern with competence and impartiality." — Jean-Franàßois Revel (1924-2006), French author and philosopher. (In 'Ni Marx ni Jésus', 1970, p. …

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2020-01-02). Who Is Really in Control of US Foreign Policy? Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild once said "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British …

Hanna Kawas (2020-01-02). Canada, Israel and the UN Security Council. Canadian activists have compiled a study of Canada's 2019 voting record at the United Nations on resolutions [see list below] that document and censure Israeli violations of international law. | There was much fanfare made about Canada's orphan "yes" vote at …

Abayomi Azikiwe (2020-01-02). Africa in Review 2019, From Internal Crises and Conflict to Internationalism. Since mid-2018, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been stricken with another Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak largely impacting the northeastern region of the vast mineral-rich nation in Central Africa. | EVD has its origins in the DRC during the …

James ONeill (2020-01-02). The West's Present "Misconduct" Has a Long History. America's Proclivity for War. One of the persistent themes of western political leaders is that they support the notion of "the rule of law". By this they generally mean the system of law as developed by western nations, and in the international context the …

IMEMC News & Agencies (2020-01-02). TRNN: The Year in Palestine and Israel. The Real News Network's Marc Steiner and Shir Hever discuss the upcoming election, corruption charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and more. Shir Hever is an economic researcher in the Alternative Information Center, a Palestinian-Israeli organization active in Jerusalem and Beit-Sahour. Researching the economic aspect of the Israeli occupation …

Yuri Martins Fontes (2020-01-02). O fascismo brasileiro é racista, nà£o nacionalista. A professora Marilena Chauí, em recente artigo sobre o novo movimento ultrarreacionário (que ascendeu e já dá mostras de cair), afirma que essa extrema direita neoliberal nà£o deve ser denominada "fascista", pois que pratica o enfraquecimento do Estado (conforme receita …

Jim Miles (2020-01-02). I'm Waiting …but in the Meantime…. What is the Future of Humanity? Perhaps I read too many alternative articles on too many internet sites, but with all the counter-perspective information (counter to the MSM), my information addled brain is waiting for one of several events (or a combination thereof). | Essentially there are …

Adam Dick (2020-01-02). Shutter the Gigantic US Embassy in Iraq. This week, amid protests by people upset with United States intervention in Iraq, individuals forced their way into and damaged the US embassy compound in Baghdad. In response, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper declared on Tuesday that 750 …

Carla Stea (2020-01-02). Syria and the Politicization of Human Rights: Double Vetoes and Paralysis at the UN Security Council. "The current situation in Syria is precisely caused by the erroneous actions of some countries. It is these countries that should really reflect on and answer the series of questions before us. If they really care about the Syrian people …

Staff (2020-01-02). All Students Should Receive Free School Meals. In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, an area with a poverty rate of 13.8 percent, about 1,000 families received letters in August warning that unless their arrears were paid in full, they could be taken to Dependency Court for negligence. "The result may be your child being removed from your home and placed in foster care," threatened the missive, which was sent a month before the 2019-2020 school year began…

South Front (2020-01-02). Video: Military and Political Trends of 2019 that Will Shape 2020. In the year 2019 the world was marked with a number of emerging and developing crises. The threat of terrorism, conflicts in the Middle East, expanding instability in South America, never-ending military, political and humanitarian crises in Africa and Asia, …

Manlio Dinucci (2020-01-02). 50 bombas nucleares USA da Turquia para Aviano. "Cinquenta ogivas nucleares estariam prontas para mudar da base turca de Incirlik, na Anatólia, para a base USAF de Aviano, em Friuli Venezia Giulia, já que os EUA desconfiam cada vez mais da lealdade à NATO do presidente turco Erdogan": …

Global Research News (2020-01-02). Selected Articles: Israel's Deliberate Plan to "Destroy Life" in Palestine? Every day of 2019 we have provided you with articles that report, break down and analyze the pressing issues of our times by authors from all over the globe. We have kept access to the site free of charge so …

Ryan Cristián (2020-01-01). US Gov Blames Iraqi Protests On Iran With No Evidence, Despite The US Bombing Of The Iraqi Military. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/31/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

2020-01-03: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

UN Concerned over British Government's Failure to Investigate Whether Assange Has Been Subjected to Psychological Torture
Ceren Sagir | | 2020-01-03
United Nations special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer has written to governments to press them to investigate properly evidence that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been subjected to psychological torture. | On December 31 Mr Melzer shared on Twitter a letter …

Assange and Manning: The Slow Execution of the Voices of Freedom
Massoud Nayeri | | 2020-01-03
Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning have exposed corrupt officials and criminal politicians | Assange and Manning are prisoners of conscience | How to free Assange and Manning? | Be the Voice of Assange and Manning in your community by any needs necessary. | ***…

America's War for Global Domination
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-01-03
The following is the text of Michel Chossudovsky's public lecture at the Society for the Defense of Civil Rights and Human Dignity (GBM), Berlin, 10-11 December, 2003 and Humboldt University, Berlin, 12 December 2003. | This timely article written 16 years | …

America's War for Global Domination
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-01-03
How to reverse the tide of war? Forcefully undermine the media propaganda apparatus which seeks to justify "humanitarian wars" under the banner of responsibility to protect (R2P). Impeach all criminals in high office including POTUS as well the entire Congressional apparatus which pays lip service to US led wars.

America's War for Global Domination
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-01-03
The following is the background text of Michel Chossudovsky's public lecture at the Society for the Defense of Civil Rights and Human Dignity (GBM), Berlin, 10-11 December, 2003 and Humboldt University, Berlin, 12 December 2003. This text written 16 years | …

Solidarity is not a Business
Thomas Gebauer | | 2020-01-03
Private charity is the result of neoliberalism. Real services of general interest need global solutions… Ensuring that school buildings and education are intact is not a private responsibility, but a public one. It would be a mistake not to always insist on this public responsibility. Only in this way can human rights be realized… The global stands in relation to the local.

The War Hoax Redux. How to Start Another War
Edward Curtin | | 2020-01-03
America's hegemonic military agenda has reached a dangerous threshold: The assassination of IRGC General Soleimani ordered by Donald Trump on January 2, 2020 is tantamount to an Act of War against Iran. | US Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper described it …

Iraq: The October Revolution of 2019 and the Iran-US Conflict
Dirk Adriaensens | | 2020-01-03
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.

2020 Might be Challenging for Ethiopia, But It Can Count on China's Help
Andrew Korybko | | 2020-01-03
Ethiopia is in the midst of historic change but also on the edge of what some observers fear is a looming crisis ahead of the upcoming elections in May. It's here where the country's strategic Chinese partner can be of …

US Gov Airstrikes Kill PMU Officials & IRGC General Soleimani, As US Claims "Preemptive" Defense
Ryan Cristián | | 2020-01-03
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/2/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Neo-Liberal Colombia — Where Life Has to Defeat Death
Andre Vltchek | | 2020-01-03
In one of the poorest neighborhoods of Bogota, Belen, I saw two people bleeding in the middle of the road. One person was clearly dead. A group of onlookers was moving frantically, shouting loudly. There was an attempt to resurrect …

America at War with Iran? Pentagon Ordered the Killing of IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani
Arabi Souri | | 2020-01-03
The Pentagon confirmed the United States of America's responsibility of killing the legendary IRGC Quds Brigade commander Qasem Soleimani in a drone attack near Baghdad Airport. | The Pentagon's statement didn't elaborate on the cost on the US itself and its …

It's About Time the ICC Initiates Probe into Israeli War Crimes
Michael Jansen | | 2020-01-03
It is about time for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to initiate and actually conduct a probe into war crimes perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people. ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced recently that she would launch a full investigation …

Old Money and New Questions in AMLO's Mexico
Asad Ismi | | 2020-01-03
It's been nearly a year since the "leftist firebrand" Andrés Manuel López Obrrador (AMLO) took office as Mexican president, promising to end official corruption and state-linked violence, redistribute wealth to the poor and promote Indigenous rights. Shortly into his term, | …

Turkey Transfers Ottoman Archives to the Palestinian Authority to Counter Israel's Land Claims
QUDSN | | 2020-01-03
Turkey has given a copy of Ottoman-era archived documents to the Palestinian Authority (PA) to help Palestinians legally counter the Israeli occupation's land claims, according to Hebrew news sources. | The archives include tens of thousands of land registries from the …

The Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act: Why Washington Is Both Corrupt and Ignorant
Philip Giraldi | | 2020-01-03
The creatures that lurk through the corridors of power in Washington DC have refined corruption to the point where almost anything goes and almost no one is ever held accountable. Traditionally, Congressmen reward their various constituencies by inserting riders into …

Video: US Sanctions and the Caesar Act, Oil and Gas, Chemical Weapons, and the Syrian Response
Bouthaina Shaaban | | 2020-01-03
The Caesar Act is one of the main topics discussed by the Media and Political Advisor in the Syrian Presidency Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban in a thorough must watch and learn from interview with Kamal Khalaf of Al-Mayadeen News channel. | Dr. …

War, Rape and Patriarchy: The Japanese Experience
Yuki Tanaka | | 2020-01-03

Trump Ordered the Assassination of Soleimani, and the Middle East Prepares for Possible War
Steven Sahiounie | | 2020-01-03
Qasem Soleimani was assassinated last night in Baghdad by a drone strike ordered by President Trump. The Iranian Commander of the 'Quds Force' was killed alongside the leader of the Iraqi 'Popular Mobilization Forces', Jamal Jaafar Ibrahimi, aka Abu Mahdi …

Policing, Facial Recognition and Targeting Privacy
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-01-03
The chances for those seeking a world of solitude are rapidly run out. A good case can be made that this has already happened. Aldous Huxley's Savage, made famous in Brave New World, is out of options, having lost to …

More US Fuel on the Middle East Fire: Trump Orders New Troop Deployment to the Region
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-03
Trump began 2020 with a bang by authorizing more US combat troops to the Middle East. | It's already ablaze from endless US wars of aggression on nonbelligerent states threatening no one. | The new deployment is an ominous new year's beginning, …

The ICC Will Likely Throw Out Palestine's Case for War Crimes, Norman Finkelstein Says
Philip Weiss | | 2020-01-03
Last week supporters of Palestinian human rights were buoyed by the announcement from the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court that she had decided to open a formal investigation of Israel for war crimes in the occupied territories, including the …

West Bank Settlers Attack Undercover Israeli Police Officers Disguised as Palestinians
The New Arab | | 2020-01-03
Two Israeli settlers attacked undercover police officers disguised as Palestinian labourers in an illegal West Bank settlement this week. | Believing the police to be Palestinian workers, the teenage settlers approached them in the Bat Ayin settlement and started to interrogate …

This American Died for Our Lies in Afghanistan
Peter Van Buren | | 2020-01-03
It's common this time of year to write summary articles trying to make sense of the last 12 months; you'll soon see them popping up everywhere. But all of them will omit one of the most important stories of the …

Major General Soleimani's Assassination Isn't Going to Start World War III
Andrew Korybko | | 2020-01-03
The US carried out a de-facto act of war against Iran after assassinating Major General Qasem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force in Baghdad last night, but despite the doomsday scenarios that many in Alt-Media are speculating …

Global Warfare: "We're Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.."
General Wesley Clark | | 2020-01-03
Originally published in March 2007. | Global Research Editor's Note: | This interview serves as a reminder regarding the diabolical timeline of America's hegemonic project. Is Iran the next target "to be taken out"? | All these countries are on the Pentagon's drawing …

No, a War with Iran Won't Help Trump Win Re-Election
Andrew Korybko | | 2020-01-03
One of the most common opinions circulating around the Alt-Media Community after Major General Soleimani's assassination is that Trump is provoking a war with Iran in order to help win re-election, but this isn't the case since he first of …

Israel's Plan to Overthrow the King of Jordan, Annexing the West Bank and the Jordan Valley
Adnan Abu Amer | | 2020-01-03
The Israeli right is preparing to present a plan to overthrow the Jordanian king after annexing the Jordan Valley in the West Bank to realise the dream of Jordan being converted to Palestine. They aim to establish a confederation between …

The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of the End of America's Imperial Ambitions
Philip Giraldi | | 2020-01-03
The United States is now at war with Iran in a conflict that could easily have been avoided and it will not end well. There will be no declaration of war coming from either side, but the assassination of Iranian …

One million march in Hong Kong on New Year's Day | 2020-01-03
To develop a genuine struggle for democratic rights, workers, students and young people must break the bonds that have been placed on the movement by various factions of the capitalist class.…

Kill GDP to Help Save the Planet
Robert Hunziker | | 2020-01-03
There's a problem with America's favorite statistic: GDP. It avoids pretty much everything that's actually, truly, really good for society, including the importance of robust ecology. Still, it's the biggest measure of what's happening with the economy and used around the world, even though horribly flawed. According to some forward thinkers, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), …

2019 the Best Year Ever? The Street's the Place to Go
Daniel Warner | | 2020-01-03
"In the long arc of human history, 2019 has been the best year ever," declared an eminent opinion writer for the New York Times. His statistical proof was that "children were least likely to die, adults were least likely to be illiterate and people were least likely to suffer excruciating and disfiguring diseases," plus more…

2019 the Best Year Ever? The Street's the Place to Go
Daniel Warner | | 2020-01-03
"In the long arc of human history, 2019 has been the best year ever," declared an eminent opinion writer for the New York Times. His statistical proof was that "children were least likely to die, adults were least likely to be illiterate and people were least likely to suffer excruciating and disfiguring diseases," plus more…

Sheer Stupidity Defines the Trump Regime's Foreign Policy. Escalation and the Risk of an All Out War
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-03
A personal comment in response to the Trump regime's assassination of redoubtable Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, a national hero now martyred by US imperial rage. | He represented Iranian resilience and resistance against US state-terrorism, its endless wars of aggression, its …

'Fighting inflation to be Turkey's top agenda in 2020' | 2020-01-03
Turkey will stabilize the inflation rate at single digits by improving competition in goods and services markets and enhancing production, the country's treasury and finance minister said Friday."Fight against inflation will be our top agenda in 2020," Berat Albayrak said on Twitter, underlining the year-end inflation rate was below the government's target.Albayrak's comments came after the Turkish Statistical Institute announced that the country's inflation rate last month was 11.84%.Turkey's inflation rate is expected to hit 12% this year as laid out in the new economic program for 2020-2022 announced by the go…

Today's Concentration Camps Go by Many Names, But They're Still Open
Staff | | 2020-01-02
"The use of concentration camps changes the world, but going forward, the most predictable outcome of their use is a world with more camps." | Today we use a lot of euphemisms: re-education camps, internment, work camps, prison camps, camps for internally displaced people. But before world war one, these prisons were known simply as concentration camps and they started in Cuba in the 1890s to control an uprising against the Spanish colonizers. Since then, concentration camps have proliferated across the globe, and have become the…

The Decline of Democracy in the 21st Century
Prof Rodrigue Tremblay | | 2020-01-02
"In general, unfortunately, the qualifications required to gain power and keep it have almost no connection with those required to govern with competence and impartiality." — Jean-Franàßois Revel (1924-2006), French author and philosopher. (In 'Ni Marx ni Jésus', 1970, p. …

Africa in Review 2019, From Internal Crises and Conflict to Internationalism
Abayomi Azikiwe | | 2020-01-02
Since mid-2018, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been stricken with another Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak largely impacting the northeastern region of the vast mineral-rich nation in Central Africa. | EVD has its origins in the DRC during the …

TRNN: The Year in Palestine and Israel
IMEMC News & Agencies | | 2020-01-02
The Real News Network's Marc Steiner and Shir Hever discuss the upcoming election, corruption charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and more. Shir Hever is an economic researcher in the Alternative Information Center, a Palestinian-Israeli organization active in Jerusalem and Beit-Sahour. Researching the economic aspect of the Israeli occupation …

I'm Waiting …but in the Meantime…. What is the Future of Humanity?
Jim Miles | | 2020-01-02
Perhaps I read too many alternative articles on too many internet sites, but with all the counter-perspective information (counter to the MSM), my information addled brain is waiting for one of several events (or a combination thereof). | Essentially there are …

Who Is Really in Control of US Foreign Policy?
Timothy Alexander Guzman | | 2020-01-02
Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild once said "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British …

Shutter the Gigantic US Embassy in Iraq
Adam Dick | | 2020-01-02
This week, amid protests by people upset with United States intervention in Iraq, individuals forced their way into and damaged the US embassy compound in Baghdad. In response, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper declared on Tuesday that 750 …

Syria and the Politicization of Human Rights: Double Vetoes and Paralysis at the UN Security Council
Carla Stea | | 2020-01-02
"The current situation in Syria is precisely caused by the erroneous actions of some countries. It is these countries that should really reflect on and answer the series of questions before us. If they really care about the Syrian people …

O fascismo brasileiro é racista, nà£o nacionalista
Yuri Martins Fontes | | 2020-01-02
A professora Marilena Chauí, em recente artigo sobre o novo movimento ultrarreacionário (que ascendeu e já dá mostras de cair), afirma que essa extrema direita neoliberal nà£o deve ser denominada "fascista", pois que pratica o enfraquecimento do Estado (conforme receita …

Canada, Israel and the UN Security Council
Hanna Kawas | | 2020-01-02
Canadian activists have compiled a study of Canada's 2019 voting record at the United Nations on resolutions [see list below] that document and censure Israeli violations of international law. | There was much fanfare made about Canada's orphan "yes" vote at …

The West's Present "Misconduct" Has a Long History. America's Proclivity for War
James ONeill | | 2020-01-02
One of the persistent themes of western political leaders is that they support the notion of "the rule of law". By this they generally mean the system of law as developed by western nations, and in the international context the …

How Low Can You Go?
Philip A Farruggio | | 2020-01-02
This writer has always been told, since childhood, that I was a 'funny guy'. I was, and is, able to bring humor to everyday occurrences. Having attempted at times to do 'Stand Up comedy' way back when, the thought of …

Failure of Trump-Kim Dialogue: North Korea to Continue Developing Strategic Nuclear Weapons and Missiles
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-02
In remarks during Pyongyang's yearend Plenary Meeting, Kim Jong-un said his government will continue development of strategic weapons because of US hostility toward the country, adding he'll no longer be bound by an ICBM test moratorium. | Pyongyang's KCNA news agency …

All Students Should Receive Free School Meals
Staff | | 2020-01-02
In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, an area with a poverty rate of 13.8 percent, about 1,000 families received letters in August warning that unless their arrears were paid in full, they could be taken to Dependency Court for negligence. "The result may be your child being removed from your home and placed in foster care," threatened the missive, which was sent a month before the 2019-2020 school year began…

Video: Military and Political Trends of 2019 that Will Shape 2020
South Front | | 2020-01-02
In the year 2019 the world was marked with a number of emerging and developing crises. The threat of terrorism, conflicts in the Middle East, expanding instability in South America, never-ending military, political and humanitarian crises in Africa and Asia, …