Monthly Archives: January 2020

2020-01-02: News Headlines

Massoud Nayeri (2020-01-03). Assange and Manning: The Slow Execution of the Voices of Freedom. Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning have exposed corrupt officials and criminal politicians | Assange and Manning are prisoners of conscience | How to free Assange and Manning? | Be the Voice of Assange and Manning in your community by any needs necessary. | ***…

Bouthaina Shaaban (2020-01-03). Video: US Sanctions and the Caesar Act, Oil and Gas, Chemical Weapons, and the Syrian Response. The Caesar Act is one of the main topics discussed by the Media and Political Advisor in the Syrian Presidency Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban in a thorough must watch and learn from interview with Kamal Khalaf of Al-Mayadeen News channel. | Dr. …

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-03). More US Fuel on the Middle East Fire: Trump Orders New Troop Deployment to the Region. Trump began 2020 with a bang by authorizing more US combat troops to the Middle East. | It's already ablaze from endless US wars of aggression on nonbelligerent states threatening no one. | The new deployment is an ominous new year's beginning, …

Asad Ismi (2020-01-03). Old Money and New Questions in AMLO's Mexico. It's been nearly a year since the "leftist firebrand" Andrés Manuel López Obrrador (AMLO) took office as Mexican president, promising to end official corruption and state-linked violence, redistribute wealth to the poor and promote Indigenous rights. Shortly into his term, …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2020-01-03). Policing, Facial Recognition and Targeting Privacy. The chances for those seeking a world of solitude are rapidly run out. A good case can be made that this has already happened. Aldous Huxley's Savage, made famous in Brave New World, is out of options, having lost to …

Staff (2020-01-02). Today's Concentration Camps Go by Many Names, But They're Still Open. "The use of concentration camps changes the world, but going forward, the most predictable outcome of their use is a world with more camps." | Today we use a lot of euphemisms: re-education camps, internment, work camps, prison camps, camps for internally displaced people. But before world war one, these prisons were known simply as concentration camps and they started in Cuba in the 1890s to control an uprising against the Spanish colonizers. Since then, concentration camps have proliferated across the globe, and have become the…

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-02). Trump Regime Torture and Abuse of Chelsea Manning. In March 2019, Manning was imprisoned for invoking her constitutional right of silence. | She courageously refused to be part of the Trump regime's effort to frame and imprison Julian Assange longterm for the "crime" of truth-telling investigative journalism the way …

Answer Coalition (2020-01-02). Sat. Jan. 4 National Day of Action U.S. Troops Out of Iraq! On Saturday, January 4 the ANSWER Coalition, CODEPINK and others are calling on people from around the United States to organize local demonstrations to demand: NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ OR THE MIDDLE EAST! U.S. OUT OF IRAQ NOW! …

Thomas Gebauer (2020-01-02). Solidarity is not a Business. Private charity is the result of neoliberalism. Real services of general interest need global solutions… Ensuring that school buildings and education are intact is not a private responsibility, but a public one. It would be a mistake not to always insist on this public responsibility. Only in this way can human rights be realized… The global stands in relation to the local.

Thomas L. Knapp (2020-01-02). Iraq: America's Other "Longest War" As the calendar prepared to flip from 2019 to 2020, protesters stormed the US embassy in Baghdad. As I write this, the action — a response to US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria which killed at least 25 and …

Tania Hary (2020-01-02). The UN Predicted Gaza Would be "Unliveable" by 2020. Israel's Deliberate Plan to "Destroy Life" in Palestine? While revelers around the world are making new year's resolutions for 2020, in the Gaza Strip, a different kind of assessment is taking place as Palestinians try to determine whether, or how, they can survive the next 10 years. In …

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-02). Failure of Trump-Kim Dialogue: North Korea to Continue Developing Strategic Nuclear Weapons and Missiles. In remarks during Pyongyang's yearend Plenary Meeting, Kim Jong-un said his government will continue development of strategic weapons because of US hostility toward the country, adding he'll no longer be bound by an ICBM test moratorium. | Pyongyang's KCNA news agency …

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-02). Netanyahu Seeking Immunity from Prosecution? According to the Times of Israel, citing a Channel 13 report, Netanyahu "has made a final decision to ask the Knesset to grant him immunity from prosecution in three corruption cases and informed Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein in writing of …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2020-01-02). Australia Burns: Fireworks, Bush Fires and Denial.

Ishaal Zehra (2020-01-02). India's Infringement over Nepal Border Area. As Nepal prepares to fix a date for holding talks with India to resolve the border issue, the seriousness of resolve on Indian side and depth of the issue must be realized. | The history of demarcation of India-Nepal border began …

Jim Miles (2020-01-02). I'm Waiting …but in the Meantime…. What is the Future of Humanity? Essentially there are …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2020-01-02). The Decline of Democracy in the 21st Century. "In general, unfortunately, the qualifications required to gain power and keep it have almost no connection with those required to govern with competence and impartiality." — Jean-Franàßois Revel (1924-2006), French author and philosopher. (In 'Ni Marx ni Jésus', 1970, p. …

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2020-01-02). Who Is Really in Control of US Foreign Policy? Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild once said "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British …

Hanna Kawas (2020-01-02). Canada, Israel and the UN Security Council. Canadian activists have compiled a study of Canada's 2019 voting record at the United Nations on resolutions [see list below] that document and censure Israeli violations of international law. | There was much fanfare made about Canada's orphan "yes" vote at …

Abayomi Azikiwe (2020-01-02). Africa in Review 2019, From Internal Crises and Conflict to Internationalism. Since mid-2018, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been stricken with another Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak largely impacting the northeastern region of the vast mineral-rich nation in Central Africa. | EVD has its origins in the DRC during the …

Shawn Fremstad (2020-01-02). Should We Care How Many People LBJ Would Think are Poor Today? In a new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper, Richard Burkhauser and his coauthors argue that only 2.3 percent of Americans lived in poverty in 2017, if we define poverty in the way they claim "President Johnson defined it." By comparison, the OECD put the US poverty rate at 17.8 percent using the More

James ONeill (2020-01-02). The West's Present "Misconduct" Has a Long History. America's Proclivity for War. One of the persistent themes of western political leaders is that they support the notion of "the rule of law". By this they generally mean the system of law as developed by western nations, and in the international context the …

Yuri Martins Fontes (2020-01-02). O fascismo brasileiro é racista, nà£o nacionalista. A professora Marilena Chauí, em recente artigo sobre o novo movimento ultrarreacionário (que ascendeu e já dá mostras de cair), afirma que essa extrema direita neoliberal nà£o deve ser denominada "fascista", pois que pratica o enfraquecimento do Estado (conforme receita …

Sondus Ewies (2020-01-02). Israel Demolishes Newly Built Houses of Palestinian Families on New Year's Day. Israeli forces demolished two houses 0n Wednesday belonging to Palestinian families in the Silwan neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. | After two years of construction, the al-Khalialeh families had made ready their houses to move into …

Adam Dick (2020-01-02). Shutter the Gigantic US Embassy in Iraq. This week, amid protests by people upset with United States intervention in Iraq, individuals forced their way into and damaged the US embassy compound in Baghdad. In response, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper declared on Tuesday that 750 …

Carla Stea (2020-01-02). Syria and the Politicization of Human Rights: Double Vetoes and Paralysis at the UN Security Council. "The current situation in Syria is precisely caused by the erroneous actions of some countries. It is these countries that should really reflect on and answer the series of questions before us. If they really care about the Syrian people …

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-02). Public Rage in Baghdad over US Terror-Bombing Strikes. In response to last Sunday's terror-bombing strikes by Pentagon warplanes that killed over two dozen Kata'ib Hezbollah members of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces, wounding many others, Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi called what happened "a dangerous aggravation which endangers the …

Mideast Discourse (2020-01-02). US Navy Chief Says Only 'Regime Change' in Iran Can Stop Country's 'Provocative Actions' in Gulf. Russian and Chinese warships joined Iran's Navy and Revolutionary Guards vessels on Friday for four days' worth of maritime exercises in the Gulf of Oman and the northern Indian Ocean, simulating search and rescue, anti-piracy and shooting drills. | The US …

Staff (2020-01-02). All Students Should Receive Free School Meals. In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, an area with a poverty rate of 13.8 percent, about 1,000 families received letters in August warning that unless their arrears were paid in full, they could be taken to Dependency Court for negligence. "The result may be your child being removed from your home and placed in foster care," threatened the missive, which was sent a month before the 2019-2020 school year began…

Staff (2020-01-02). Against Lunch Shaming? Provide Universal Free School Meals to All Students. In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, an area with a poverty rate of 13.8 percent, about 1,000 families received letters in August warning that unless their arrears were paid in full, they could be taken to Dependency Court for negligence. "The result may be your child being removed from your home and placed in foster care," threatened the missive, which was sent a month before the 2019-2020 school year began…

Manlio Dinucci (2020-01-02). 50 bombas nucleares USA da Turquia para Aviano. "Cinquenta ogivas nucleares estariam prontas para mudar da base turca de Incirlik, na Anatólia, para a base USAF de Aviano, em Friuli Venezia Giulia, já que os EUA desconfiam cada vez mais da lealdade à NATO do presidente turco Erdogan": …

Global Research News (2020-01-02). Selected Articles: Israel's Deliberate Plan to "Destroy Life" in Palestine? Every day of 2019 we have provided you with articles that report, break down and analyze the pressing issues of our times by authors from all over the globe. We have kept access to the site free of charge so …

South Front (2020-01-02). Video: Military and Political Trends of 2019 that Will Shape 2020. In the year 2019 the world was marked with a number of emerging and developing crises. The threat of terrorism, conflicts in the Middle East, expanding instability in South America, never-ending military, political and humanitarian crises in Africa and Asia, …

Robert Hunziker (2020-01-02). Kill GDP to Help Save the Planet. There's a problem with America's favorite statistic: GDP. It avoids pretty much everything that's actually, truly, really good for society, including the importance of robust ecology. Still, it's the biggest measure of what's happening with the economy and used around the world, even though horribly flawed. According to some forward thinkers, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), More

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-01-01). Who is Pope Francis? Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina's "Dirty War" Who was Pope Francis before he became Pope? And why was he chosen to become Pope? Jorge Maria Bergoglio, appointed "Provincial" of the Order of Jesus in Argentina was one of the main supporters –within the Catholic hierarchy– of Argentina's military dictatorship which came to power in March 1976.

Global Research News (2020-01-01). Donald Trump: "I Will Take the Oil" "I would take away their wealth, I would take away their oil. Just take all the wealth. | You heard me. I will take the oil." | A compilation video of Donald Trump quotes about 'taking Iraqi oil' by Abizaid N. Alqassier…

teleSUR (2020-01-01). Google System Could Improve Breast Cancer Detection. A series of research made by Alphabet Inc's DeepMind AI unit together with Google Health has shown the potential of artificial intelligence in the early detection of women breast cancer, according to an article published Wednesday in the journal Nature. | RELATED: | Brazil Fines Facebook US$1.6m in Cambridge Analytica Case | The study is the latest to prove the accuracy of screening for the pathology that affects one in eight females globally. Radiologists miss about 20 percent of th…

Ryan Cristián (2020-01-01). US Gov Blames Iraqi Protests On Iran With No Evidence, Despite The US Bombing Of The Iraqi Military. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/31/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Fight Back (2020-01-01). Prominent national groups join Coalition to March on the DNC. Milwaukee, WI – Three national groups with large followings, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, the International League of People's Struggle, and the Students for a Democratic Society recently endorsed the Coalition to March on the Democratic National Convention (DNC). | Ryan Hamann of the Coalition to March on the DNC said, "We are picking up new endorsements for our march in Milwaukee, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, July 13. We are united by a people's agenda and dozens of groups are signing on." | Hamann continued, "We will lead a mass rally and march with…

Liberty Vittert (2020-01-01). Statistic of the decade: The massive deforestation of the Amazon. At the cost of over $2,000 per acre—and that is the cheapest I could find—it isn't cheap, totaling over $30 billion to replace what the Amazon lost this decade.

Julia Conley, staff writer (2020-01-01). 'Ideology Trumping Science': Independent Advisory Board Says Trump EPA Is Ignoring Scientific Evidence as It Shreds Regulations. A federal panel of independent scientific experts says the EPA has flouted its guidance in its push to roll back a number of Obama-era regulations, resulting in the country's regulators dictates rules that will affect public health for millions of Americans without considering environmental science. |…

Staff (2019-12-31). Fossil Fuel Industry Shifts from Climate Denial to "Youthwashing" For decades, the fossil fuel industry funded climate change denial campaigns aimed toward young people to sow seeds of doubt on climate science. As the climate crisis has worsened, it has made a subtle shift to what critics call "youthwashing.".

Vijay Prashad (2019-12-31). India's Democracy is Facing an Existential Threat. Peaceful protests have been taking place across India. Every public event seems to be transformed into a demonstration against not only these laws, but the government itself. In Kolkata — from where I write these words — the annual Rainbow Pride Walk combined Gay Pride with opposition to these laws. Signs at the march read, 'No CAA' and 'No to Fascism.' The Indian flag — not often seen at these events — was everywhere, a symbol of the fight over how 'India' should be understood. More

WSWS (2019-12-31). Australian teachers' defence of Julian Assange welcomed by WikiLeaks supporters. US comedian Jimmy Dore discussed the initiative on the December 19 edition of his "Jimmy Dore Show Podcast."

WSWS (2019-12-31). Australian Labor and Liberal ministers agree on further regressive education measures. The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration subordinates education policy even more explicitly to the demands of the largest corporations for a trained and readily exploited workforce.

Andre Vltchek (2019-12-31). Police in Hong Kong Brutalized by Rioters, While Attacked by the Western Press. It is much more than what you are allowed to see. The Hong Kong police force are heroically fighting both the rioters and a complex and extremely dangerous international network which is aiming at destabilizing the People's Republic of China….

Andrew Korybko (2019-12-31). 20 Years of Vladimir Putin: His Top Domestic and Foreign Policy Successes. Vladimir Putin assumed office as Russia's Acting President 20 years ago on 31 December, 1999, after which he speedily proceeded to transform both his country and the rest of the world in the two decades since. | President Putin became his …

South Front (2019-12-31). Video: Syrian Army Prepares for Operation in Aleppo, Turkish Proxies Move to Libya. The Syrian Army is preparing for a ground operation against radical militants in western Aleppo, sources close to the Damascus government claim. According to reports, the Syrian military was preparing for this operation during the past two months. | The operation …

Prof. Ociel Alí López (2019-12-31). Crisis and Critique: Venezuela, a Paradox of Stability? For Venezuelans, the start of 2019 was perhaps the tensest moment in the past seventeen years. Unlike the political violence of 2017 and the electoral abstention drama of 2018, we faced a real scenario of foreign military intervention in Venezuela. …

Miri Wood (2019-12-31). US Uses False Flag Op to Legitimize Bombing Iraq, Syria. In warfare, the False Flag is a ruse, used to legitimize the abandonment of military rules of engagement. Its name derives from ancient cheaters in nautical warfare. The Nazi Reichstag fire and the US Gulf of Tonkin are two infamous …

2020-01-02: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Assange and Manning: The Slow Execution of the Voices of Freedom
Massoud Nayeri | | 2020-01-03
Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning have exposed corrupt officials and criminal politicians | Assange and Manning are prisoners of conscience | How to free Assange and Manning? | Be the Voice of Assange and Manning in your community by any needs necessary. | ***…

Old Money and New Questions in AMLO's Mexico
Asad Ismi | | 2020-01-03
It's been nearly a year since the "leftist firebrand" Andrés Manuel López Obrrador (AMLO) took office as Mexican president, promising to end official corruption and state-linked violence, redistribute wealth to the poor and promote Indigenous rights. Shortly into his term, | …

Video: US Sanctions and the Caesar Act, Oil and Gas, Chemical Weapons, and the Syrian Response
Bouthaina Shaaban | | 2020-01-03
The Caesar Act is one of the main topics discussed by the Media and Political Advisor in the Syrian Presidency Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban in a thorough must watch and learn from interview with Kamal Khalaf of Al-Mayadeen News channel. | Dr. …

More US Fuel on the Middle East Fire: Trump Orders New Troop Deployment to the Region
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-03
Trump began 2020 with a bang by authorizing more US combat troops to the Middle East. | It's already ablaze from endless US wars of aggression on nonbelligerent states threatening no one. | The new deployment is an ominous new year's beginning, …

Policing, Facial Recognition and Targeting Privacy
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-01-03
The chances for those seeking a world of solitude are rapidly run out. A good case can be made that this has already happened. Aldous Huxley's Savage, made famous in Brave New World, is out of options, having lost to …

Today's Concentration Camps Go by Many Names, But They're Still Open
Staff | | 2020-01-02
"The use of concentration camps changes the world, but going forward, the most predictable outcome of their use is a world with more camps." | Today we use a lot of euphemisms: re-education camps, internment, work camps, prison camps, camps for internally displaced people. But before world war one, these prisons were known simply as concentration camps and they started in Cuba in the 1890s to control an uprising against the Spanish colonizers. Since then, concentration camps have proliferated across the globe, and have become the…

Trump Regime Torture and Abuse of Chelsea Manning
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-02
In March 2019, Manning was imprisoned for invoking her constitutional right of silence. | She courageously refused to be part of the Trump regime's effort to frame and imprison Julian Assange longterm for the "crime" of truth-telling investigative journalism the way …

Sat. Jan. 4 National Day of Action U.S. Troops Out of Iraq!
Answer Coalition | | 2020-01-02
On Saturday, January 4 the ANSWER Coalition, CODEPINK and others are calling on people from around the United States to organize local demonstrations to demand: NO MORE U.S. TROOPS TO IRAQ OR THE MIDDLE EAST! U.S. OUT OF IRAQ NOW! …

Solidarity is not a Business
Thomas Gebauer | | 2020-01-02
Private charity is the result of neoliberalism. Real services of general interest need global solutions… Ensuring that school buildings and education are intact is not a private responsibility, but a public one. It would be a mistake not to always insist on this public responsibility. Only in this way can human rights be realized… The global stands in relation to the local.

Solidarity is not a Business
Thomas Gebauer | | 2020-01-02
Private charity is the result of neoliberalism. Real services of general interest need global solutions… Ensuring that school buildings and education are intact is not a private responsibility, but a public one. It would be a mistake not to always insist on this public responsibility. Only in this way can human rights be realized… The global stands in relation to the local.

The UN Predicted Gaza Would be "Unliveable" by 2020. Israel's Deliberate Plan to "Destroy Life" in Palestine?
Tania Hary | | 2020-01-02
While revelers around the world are making new year's resolutions for 2020, in the Gaza Strip, a different kind of assessment is taking place as Palestinians try to determine whether, or how, they can survive the next 10 years. In …

Should We Care How Many People LBJ Would Think are Poor Today?
Shawn Fremstad | | 2020-01-02
In a new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper, Richard Burkhauser and his coauthors argue that only 2.3 percent of Americans lived in poverty in 2017, if we define poverty in the way they claim "President Johnson defined it." By comparison, the OECD put the US poverty rate at 17.8 percent using the…

The Decline of Democracy in the 21st Century
Prof Rodrigue Tremblay | | 2020-01-02
"In general, unfortunately, the qualifications required to gain power and keep it have almost no connection with those required to govern with competence and impartiality." — Jean-Franàßois Revel (1924-2006), French author and philosopher. (In 'Ni Marx ni Jésus', 1970, p. …

Africa in Review 2019, From Internal Crises and Conflict to Internationalism
Abayomi Azikiwe | | 2020-01-02
Since mid-2018, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been stricken with another Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak largely impacting the northeastern region of the vast mineral-rich nation in Central Africa. | EVD has its origins in the DRC during the …

Who Is Really in Control of US Foreign Policy?
Timothy Alexander Guzman | | 2020-01-02
Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild once said "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British …

Public Rage in Baghdad over US Terror-Bombing Strikes
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-02
In response to last Sunday's terror-bombing strikes by Pentagon warplanes that killed over two dozen Kata'ib Hezbollah members of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces, wounding many others, Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi called what happened "a dangerous aggravation which endangers the …

Australia Burns: Fireworks, Bush Fires and Denial
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2020-01-02

Shutter the Gigantic US Embassy in Iraq
Adam Dick | | 2020-01-02
This week, amid protests by people upset with United States intervention in Iraq, individuals forced their way into and damaged the US embassy compound in Baghdad. In response, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper declared on Tuesday that 750 …

Should We Care How Many People LBJ Would Think are Poor Today?
Shawn Fremstad | | 2020-01-02
In a new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper, Richard Burkhauser and his coauthors argue that only 2.3 percent of Americans lived in poverty in 2017, if we define poverty in the way they claim "President Johnson defined it." By comparison, the OECD put the US poverty rate at 17.8 percent using the…

Syria and the Politicization of Human Rights: Double Vetoes and Paralysis at the UN Security Council
Carla Stea | | 2020-01-02
"The current situation in Syria is precisely caused by the erroneous actions of some countries. It is these countries that should really reflect on and answer the series of questions before us. If they really care about the Syrian people …

O fascismo brasileiro é racista, nà£o nacionalista
Yuri Martins Fontes | | 2020-01-02
A professora Marilena Chauí, em recente artigo sobre o novo movimento ultrarreacionário (que ascendeu e já dá mostras de cair), afirma que essa extrema direita neoliberal nà£o deve ser denominada "fascista", pois que pratica o enfraquecimento do Estado (conforme receita …

I'm Waiting …but in the Meantime…. What is the Future of Humanity?
Jim Miles | | 2020-01-02
Essentially there are …

Canada, Israel and the UN Security Council
Hanna Kawas | | 2020-01-02
Canadian activists have compiled a study of Canada's 2019 voting record at the United Nations on resolutions [see list below] that document and censure Israeli violations of international law. | There was much fanfare made about Canada's orphan "yes" vote at …

The West's Present "Misconduct" Has a Long History. America's Proclivity for War
James ONeill | | 2020-01-02
One of the persistent themes of western political leaders is that they support the notion of "the rule of law". By this they generally mean the system of law as developed by western nations, and in the international context the …

US Navy Chief Says Only 'Regime Change' in Iran Can Stop Country's 'Provocative Actions' in Gulf
Mideast Discourse | | 2020-01-02
Russian and Chinese warships joined Iran's Navy and Revolutionary Guards vessels on Friday for four days' worth of maritime exercises in the Gulf of Oman and the northern Indian Ocean, simulating search and rescue, anti-piracy and shooting drills. | The US …

Israel Demolishes Newly Built Houses of Palestinian Families on New Year's Day
Sondus Ewies | | 2020-01-02
Israeli forces demolished two houses 0n Wednesday belonging to Palestinian families in the Silwan neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. | After two years of construction, the al-Khalialeh families had made ready their houses to move into …

India's Infringement over Nepal Border Area
Ishaal Zehra | | 2020-01-02
As Nepal prepares to fix a date for holding talks with India to resolve the border issue, the seriousness of resolve on Indian side and depth of the issue must be realized. | The history of demarcation of India-Nepal border began …

How Low Can You Go?
Philip A Farruggio | | 2020-01-02
This writer has always been told, since childhood, that I was a 'funny guy'. I was, and is, able to bring humor to everyday occurrences. Having attempted at times to do 'Stand Up comedy' way back when, the thought of …

Palestinians Decry ICC Prosecutor's Delay of Israeli War Crimes Investigation
Prof. Marjorie Cohn | | 2020-01-02
In a significant development for Israeli accountability, Fatou Bensouda, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), seeks to launch an investigation into war crimes committed in Palestine. But she has established an unnecessary and politically suspect condition to …

Iraq: America's Other "Longest War"
Thomas L. Knapp | | 2020-01-02
As the calendar prepared to flip from 2019 to 2020, protesters stormed the US embassy in Baghdad. As I write this, the action — a response to US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria which killed at least 25 and …

Failure of Trump-Kim Dialogue: North Korea to Continue Developing Strategic Nuclear Weapons and Missiles
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-02
In remarks during Pyongyang's yearend Plenary Meeting, Kim Jong-un said his government will continue development of strategic weapons because of US hostility toward the country, adding he'll no longer be bound by an ICBM test moratorium. | Pyongyang's KCNA news agency …

Netanyahu Seeking Immunity from Prosecution?
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-01-02
According to the Times of Israel, citing a Channel 13 report, Netanyahu "has made a final decision to ask the Knesset to grant him immunity from prosecution in three corruption cases and informed Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein in writing of …

Against Lunch Shaming? Provide Universal Free School Meals to All Students
Staff | | 2020-01-02
In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, an area with a poverty rate of 13.8 percent, about 1,000 families received letters in August warning that unless their arrears were paid in full, they could be taken to Dependency Court for negligence. "The result may be your child being removed from your home and placed in foster care," threatened the missive, which was sent a month before the 2019-2020 school year began…

All Students Should Receive Free School Meals
Staff | | 2020-01-02
In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, an area with a poverty rate of 13.8 percent, about 1,000 families received letters in August warning that unless their arrears were paid in full, they could be taken to Dependency Court for negligence. "The result may be your child being removed from your home and placed in foster care," threatened the missive, which was sent a month before the 2019-2020 school year began…

Kill GDP to Help Save the Planet
Robert Hunziker | | 2020-01-02
There's a problem with America's favorite statistic: GDP. It avoids pretty much everything that's actually, truly, really good for society, including the importance of robust ecology. Still, it's the biggest measure of what's happening with the economy and used around the world, even though horribly flawed. According to some forward thinkers, Gross Domestic Product (GDP),…

50 bombas nucleares USA da Turquia para Aviano
Manlio Dinucci | | 2020-01-02
"Cinquenta ogivas nucleares estariam prontas para mudar da base turca de Incirlik, na Anatólia, para a base USAF de Aviano, em Friuli Venezia Giulia, já que os EUA desconfiam cada vez mais da lealdade à NATO do presidente turco Erdogan": …

Selected Articles: Israel's Deliberate Plan to "Destroy Life" in Palestine?
Global Research News | | 2020-01-02
Every day of 2019 we have provided you with articles that report, break down and analyze the pressing issues of our times by authors from all over the globe. We have kept access to the site free of charge so …

Video: Military and Political Trends of 2019 that Will Shape 2020
South Front | | 2020-01-02
In the year 2019 the world was marked with a number of emerging and developing crises. The threat of terrorism, conflicts in the Middle East, expanding instability in South America, never-ending military, political and humanitarian crises in Africa and Asia, …

Who is Pope Francis? Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina's "Dirty War"
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-01-01
Who was Pope Francis before he became Pope? And why was he chosen to become Pope? Jorge Maria Bergoglio, appointed "Provincial" of the Order of Jesus in Argentina was one of the main supporters –within the Catholic hierarchy– of Argentina's military dictatorship which came to power in March 1976.

Donald Trump: "I Will Take the Oil"
Global Research News | | 2020-01-01
"I would take away their wealth, I would take away their oil. Just take all the wealth. | You heard me. I will take the oil." | A compilation video of Donald Trump quotes about 'taking Iraqi oil' by Abizaid N. Alqassier…

US Gov Blames Iraqi Protests On Iran With No Evidence, Despite The US Bombing Of The Iraqi Military
Ryan Cristián | | 2020-01-01
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/31/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Google System Could Improve Breast Cancer Detection | 2020-01-01
A series of research made by Alphabet Inc's DeepMind AI unit together with Google Health has shown the potential of artificial intelligence in the early detection of women breast cancer, according to an article published Wednesday in the journal Nature. | RELATED: | Brazil Fines Facebook US$1.6m in Cambridge Analytica Case | The study is the latest to prove the accuracy of screening for the pathology that affects one in eight females globally. Radiologists miss about 20 percent of th…

Prominent national groups join Coalition to March on the DNC
Fight Back | | 2020-01-01
Milwaukee, WI – Three national groups with large followings, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, the International League of People's Struggle, and the Students for a Democratic Society recently endorsed the Coalition to March on the Democratic National Convention (DNC). | Ryan Hamann of the Coalition to March on the DNC said, "We are picking up new endorsements for our march in Milwaukee, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, July 13. We are united by a people's agenda and dozens of groups are signing on." | Hamann continued, "We will lead a mass rally and march with…

Statistic of the decade: The massive deforestation of the Amazon
Liberty Vittert | | 2020-01-01
At the cost of over $2,000 per acre–and that is the cheapest I could find–it isn't cheap, totaling over $30 billion to replace what the Amazon lost this decade.

'Ideology Trumping Science': Independent Advisory Board Says Trump EPA Is Ignoring Scientific Evidence as It Shreds Regulations
Julia Conley, staff writer | | 2020-01-01
A federal panel of independent scientific experts says the EPA has flouted its guidance in its push to roll back a number of Obama-era regulations, resulting in the country's regulators dictates rules that will affect public health for millions of Americans without considering environmental science. |…

Australian teachers' defence of Julian Assange welcomed by WikiLeaks supporters | 2019-12-31
US comedian Jimmy Dore discussed the initiative on the December 19 edition of his "Jimmy Dore Show Podcast."…

Australian Labor and Liberal ministers agree on further regressive education measures | 2019-12-31
The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration subordinates education policy even more explicitly to the demands of the largest corporations for a trained and readily exploited workforce.…

Opposing Charter Schools Equals Defending the Common Good
Shawgi Tell | | 2019-12-31
There is no shortage of convoluted and bizarre "arguments" for creating and multiplying privately-operated non-profit and for-profit charter schools. The rich and their conscious and anti-conscious allies in politics, the media, think tanks, higher education, and many other spheres have spent an astonishing amount of time, energy, and money promoting and imposing privately-operated non-profit and …

20 Years of Vladimir Putin: His Top Domestic and Foreign Policy Successes
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-12-31
Vladimir Putin assumed office as Russia's Acting President 20 years ago on 31 December, 1999, after which he speedily proceeded to transform both his country and the rest of the world in the two decades since. | President Putin became his | …

What May Follow US Terror-Bombing Strikes on Iraqi Sites?
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-12-31
What's most likely is more of the same, how the US operates under both right wings of its war party — at war on humanity at home and abroad, its killing machine making everyone unsafe everywhere. | Continued US aggression in …