Monthly Archives: April 2020

2020-04-19: News Headlines

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-04-19). Video: "The House Cat Flu" is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse… The following episode of the Simpsons was released in 2010. | It is a satire. But at the same time it reveals the unspoken truth. The writer of the script is award winning author Michael Price. | This episode was not taken …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-04-19). After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program… The tendency is towards a Worldwide lockdown spearheaded by fear and media disinformation. Currently, hundreds of millions of people Worldwide are under lockdown. | What is the next step in the evolution of the COV-19 Crisis? A multibillion dollar coronavirus vaccination program to be implemented in the wake of the Lockdown.

en.mehrnews (2020-04-19). 60 days of living with COVID-19. TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA) — The outbreak of coronavirus, COVID-19, in the country was confirmed with the official announcement of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education on Feb. 18.

teleSUR (2020-04-19). Iran Will Allow Low-Risk Businesses to Resume Work. Iran's capital Tehran was allowed to resume low-risk businesses on Saturday, a week after kindred deregulations were adopted in other parts of the country amid the COVID-19 epidemic. | RELATED: | The move came as per the smart distancing plan, whereby Iran loosened quarantine regulations and allowed the re-opening of businesses with lower risk indices. | According to Iran's Ministry of Health and Medical Education, high-r…

Ann Garrison (2020-04-19). The USS Navy's Pacific Command COVID-19, from Guam to Puget Sound. While the world confronts a real-life deadly epidemic, the Covid-afflicted US Navy struggles to maintain the farce of keeping the planet safe from fictitious threats. | "The US Navy's Pacific Command is not in its normal operational mode." | On April …

teleSUR (2020-04-19). China Denies the Coronavirus Came from One of Its Labs. Authorities at a maximum-security laboratory in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus outbreak emerged last December, rejected claims that they could be the source of the COVID-19 surge, following recent accusations by the President of the United States, Donald Trump. | RELATED: | "In no way has this virus left us," said researcher Yuan Zhiming, director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, capital of central Chi…

Julian Rose (2020-04-19). Puppet Dictators Play a Covid Card Too Far. The attempt to make the irrational and implausible appear rational and plausible has now reached dizzying new heights. The ceaseless flow of blatantly contradictory proclamations and actions emanating out of governments and global institutions that represent health, the economy and …

Renee Parsons (2020-04-19). The Coronavirus Death Toll Numbers Game. To the casual observer, there appear to be 'hot' pockets of coronavirus infections in certain areas of the country such as NYC which reportedly has been ravaged by CV infections as well as the State of Michigan which, according to …

Stephen Lendman (2020-04-19). US COVID-19 vs. Economy Related Polls: Homelessness, Unemployment and Hunger in America. A new Gallup poll showed Trump's mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis and indifference toward infected Americans is catching up to him. | Concerned only about his own self-interest and monied ones he serves at the expense of the health and welfare …

Tony Cartalucci (2020-04-19). Oil Profits for Protection: US Extorts Saudi Arabia. Legislation circulating in the US Congress threatens to withdraw military support from Saudi Arabia. | This is not because Saudi Arabia is an absolute dictatorship which still severs heads off in public. It is not because Saudi Arabia arms and funds …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2020-04-19). Science Saturday: The new super power of hand-washing. Researchers are hard at work identifying ways to help patients with COVID-19, which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But in the meantime, one common household object can be used to help prevent infection. Soap. Good old soap, the Clark Kent of clean, is really the superhero fatty acid salt, the Superman of clean. Soap …

Stephen Lendman (2020-04-19). Trump's Best Ever Economy Craters. Time and again, Trump's hyperbole defies reality. | As US economic conditions peaked in mid-February and began declining sharply, he falsely claimed that "(o)ur economy (is) the greatest…we've had in the history of our country." | His fantasy assessment was reminiscent of …

Michael Snyder (2020-04-19). Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy? In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. And as …

Steven Sahiounie (2020-04-19). A Line in the Sand Is Drawn: The US Military Must Leave Iraq. The chaos that Iraq is experiencing today has roots in the 2003 US invasion, which set-up sectarian divisions that have been used to keep the country in turmoil. The US foreign policy is based on creating chaos in Afghanistan, Iraq, …

Stephen Lendman (2020-04-19). China Bashing, a Bipartisan US Obsession. For bipartisan US hardliners and their establishment media press agents, any pretext will do to bash China and other sovereign independent nations on the US target list for regime change. | Blaming China for spreading COVID-19 outbreaks plays out daily in …

Edward Curtin (2020-04-19). Rotating on Boredom's Spit. "And all the news just repeats itself | Like some forgotten dream we've both seen" | — John Prine, Hello in There | Without the ability to forget, we become imprisoned within a collective mental habit that induces us to repeat things that …

Tony Cartalucci (2020-04-19). Stanford Study Proves Covid-19 Was Overhyped. "Death Rate Is Likely Under 0.2%" MIT Tech Review's hyped coverage of the Covid-19 outbreak is led by the tag-line, "Navigating a world reshaped by Covid-19." | Their articles reflect an eager embracement of the public hysteria prompted by Covid-19's spread, the socioeconomic paralysis it has created, …

Pascal Sacré (2020-04-19). Politics and Corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO). This article, translated from French, was written prior to Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic outbreak | *** | The WHO [OMS in French] is the World Health Organisation. 'WHO' in English — and that's much more appropriate. WHO: who is it really? | Would the …

en.mehrnews (2020-04-19). Free, universal access to AI-MED Covid-19 detection system. TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA) — "In cooperation with the Mustafa (pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF), AI-MED Covid-19 Detection System will be offered to all medical and research centers around the world for free", said the head of the Mustafa (pbuh) prize Information and Communication Science and Technology group.

RT (2020-04-19). Herd immunity? 1 in 3 test positive for Covid-19 ANTIBODIES in pilot Massachusetts street study. Nearly a third of 200 randomly tested residents of Chelsea, Massachusetts were found to have Covid-19-related antibodies in yet another indication that the virus could be far more widespread and much less lethal than believed. | All of the participants "generally appeared healthy," but around half of them admitted that they had suffered at least one coronavirus symptom in the past month, according to the Massachusetts General Hospital researchers. Those who had previously tested positive for Covid-19 in the regular nasal swab were deliberately excluded from the study. | A total of 64 out of 200 blood samples t…

Stephen Lendman (2020-04-19). US Blame Game Twist: Suing China for COVID-19 Outbreaks. No evidence suggests that COVID-19 originated in a Chinese lab or from bat-eating Chinese people. | Writer Allen Yu explained that no Chinese tradition of bat-eating exists. Videos suggesting otherwise weren't from Wuhan or elsewhere in China. | Filming was "in Palau …

Philip A Farruggio (2020-04-19). Memories of Old Brooklyn: The Man in the Yard. He was standing there, in the middle of the school yard…alone. At first I envisioned him as a pitcher, standing on the mound with a field full of players, some behind him, and some facing him, in the middle of …

F. William Engdahl (2020-04-19). Lock Step, This Is No Futuristic Scenario: Panic and the Post-Pandemic Future? First published by New Eastern Outlook and Global Research March 10, 2020 | Every day world mainstream news reports more people in more countries diagnosed "positive" for the coronavirus illness, now called COVID-19. As the reported numbers grow, so does widespread …

Dan Bacher (2020-04-19). Feinstein implores Newson to collaborate with Trump to weaken fish protections. "It is imperative that California not only stand up to the Trump administration to protect our water supply, but also restore our rivers and protect our drinking water quality with regulations that are guided by science, not politic," said Regina Chichizola, co-director of Save California Salmon.

en.mehrnews (2020-04-19). Iran getting prepared to commence exports of anti-coronavirus medical equipment: VP. TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA) — Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari announced on Sunday that Iran has now the the ability to export medical equipment required in fight against the coronavirus and will start exports of such products in near future.

yenisafak (2020-04-19). Iran extends prisoner furloughs, closure of holy sites amid coronavirus. Iran has extended furloughs for prisoners for another month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday, as the Islamic Republic endeavours to stem the spread of the new coronavirus in its crowded jails. Iran's reported temporary release of 100,000 prisoners since February – including prisoners of conscience and dual and foreign nationals – was welcomed by the United Nations on Friday as a good step, but one that must be expanded."Furloughs of those prisoners, who pose no threat to the society, have been extended until May 20," Rouhani said in a televised cabinet meeting.However, a letter by U.N. human right…

sputniknews (2020-04-19). Mystery of Hotter Than Should be Solar Winds Hitting Earth Finally Revealed. Earth is constantly bombarded by winds coming from the centre of our Solar System, yet the problem that has been puzzling scientists is why the solar winds that reach our planet are hotter than they should be, in defiance of the laws of physics.

sputniknews (2020-04-19). Elvis Has Left the Planet, and Returned? Gravitational Wave Detectors Catch Harmony From Pop Hit. The King's fascination with UFOs and alien life forms has been written about extensively, with his shocking death in 1977 dismissed by some fans who desperately wanted to believe that maybe he was abducted by aliens, or that he was an alien himself. Now, scientists monitoring space for gravitational waves may have given them another reason to hope.

en.mehrnews (2020-04-19). 2nd group of Iranian students arrive in Tehran from Italy. TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA) — The second group of Iranian students, stranded in Italy due to the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic, arrived in Tehran on Sunday morning.

The Canary (2020-04-19). More evidence that official figures don't reflect the true scale of care home deaths from coronavirus. A study of deaths linked to Covid-19 in care homes predicts that thousands more people have died than official figures show. | The National Care Forum (NCF), which represents not-for-profit care providers, has estimated that more than 4,000 people may have died after contracting Covid-19 across all residential and nursing homes before April 13. | This is significantly higher than the official weekly figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which recorded 217 care home deaths connected to the virus up until April 3. | The NCF collected data from 47 care homes which support more than 30,000 peo…

Fight Back (2020-04-18). Texas students fight for Dreamer Center. Arlington, TX — The Progressive Student Union commenced a call-in campaign April 13 to get the administration at the University of Texas at Arlington to formally establish a Dreamer Center on their campus. Dreamer Centers exist already on several campuses, including University of Utah, Mountain View College, as well as UTA's sister school the UT San Antonio. The latter has existed since 2018 due to student concerns that the undocumented students did not have adequate resources or protections due to the constant attacks on immigrants by the Trump administration. | This campaign was commenced as the universit…

Dean Baker (2020-04-18). Bret Stephens' Employers May Keep Big Pharma Haters Out of the New York Times, but We Are Everywhere Else. The sub-headline of Bret Stephens' latest column tells readers "there should be no big-pharma haters in pandemics." The point is that researchers at Gilead Sciences, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies, are working tirelessly on the testing of remdesivir, which at the moment is the most promising treatment for the coronavirus. Stephens' column focuses on …

Dr. Annie Bukacek (2020-04-18). Video: How COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated. Montana Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek. First published by GR on April 8, 2020 | Dr. Annie Bukacek is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job. | In this brief video, Dr. Bukacek blows …

Peter Koenig (2020-04-18). Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation. Robert F Kennedy Jr, an avid Defender of Children's Rights and anti-vaccination activist, has launched a petition sent to the White House, calling for "Investigations into the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' for Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity"

Eds. (2020-04-18). Decades of science denial related to climate change has led to denial of the coronavirus pandemic. After the fossil fuel industry spent hundreds of millions of dollars undermining climate science, it's easy to see how epidemiology came next.

WSWS (2020-04-18). Calls for early reopening of UK schools met with widespread opposition. The plan is for primary schools to start reopening in a "regionalised approach," despite reports of three teacher deaths from COVID-19.

The Canary (2020-04-18). 7,500 feared to have died with coronavirus in care homes. As many as 7,500 people are feared to have died after contracting coronavirus (COVID-19) in care homes, according to a leading industry body.Care England, which represents independent care firms, said it had collected data which suggested fatalities are far higher than those released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). ONS recorded 217 care home deaths from the virus until 3 April.Care England's chief executive Martin Green told the Telegraph: If we look at some of the death rates since 1 April and compare them with previous years' rates, we estimate a figure of about 7,500 people may have died as a resul…

Beau Peters (2020-04-18). The Important Role of the Gig Economy Worker in Times of Crisis. In 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 55 million Americans were gig economy workers, making up 34% of the working population. At that time, it was expected for the number to rise to 43%, but due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the gig economy is changing. Currently, about 95% of Americans are on …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-04-17). Towards A New World Order? The Global Debt Crisis and the Privatization of the State. This is the true picture of what is happening. Poverty is Worldwide. While famines are erupting in Third World countries, closer to home, in the richest country on earth, "millions of desperate Americans wait in long crowded lines for handouts"

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-04-17). Video: COVID-19. The Unspoken Truth. The Most Serious Global Crisis in Modern History. This video featuring Prof. Michel Chossudovsky is part of a Global Research series on the corona virus crisis. | The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to trigger the …

Eleanor Eagan (2020-04-17). March 2020 Update on the State of Independent Federal Agencies. The federal government's independent federal agencies receive too little attention relative to their importance to our collective safety and prosperity. The Revolving Door Project has worked through multiple channels to shed light on these overlooked agencies and the threats that they face. We hope public education will generate pressure to safeguard the independence of these agencies and …

Eleanor Eagan (2020-04-17). February 2020 Update on the State of Independent Federal Agencies. As we have previously highlighted, the federal government's independent federal agencies receive too little attention relative to their importance to our collective safety and prosperity. The Revolving Door Project has worked through multiple channels to shed light on these overlooked agencies and the threats that they face. We hope public education will generate pressure to safeguard the …

Cal Crilly (2020-04-17). How Complex Is this Pneumonia Crisis? Millions of People Lost Their Jobs, Food is Disappearing… How complex is this? If Today is 8th of April 2020 and as I type this

Bill Van Auken (2020-04-17). Pentagon Escalates Tensions with Iran in Persian Gulf. The US Navy charged Wednesday that 11 Iranian vessels had "repeatedly conducted dangerous and harassing approaches against multiple US naval ships operating in international waters." | The protest, issued by the command of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, represented a further …

graham (2020-04-17). 5G — What's true, what's not and what you really need to know. Last year, TruePublica published statistical and scientific evidence that the 5G was not as safe as we are being told. We also published a report stating that simply saying that more health research is needed on 5G —the latest generation of cell phone technology— was going to be hazardous to your reputation. And so it …

Lorraine Chow (2020-04-17). 5 Million Nigerians Oppose Monsanto's Plans to Introduce GMO Cotton and Corn. This article was originally published in 2016. | Millions of Nigerians are urging the Nigerian government to reject One-hundred organizations representing more than …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2020-04-17). Utopia as a Political Means of Not Sinking into Passivity and Resignation. Over 500 years ago Thomas Morus, English statesman and humanist scholar, wrote the philosophical dialogue "Utopia". As a small island state, "Utopia" — Greek for "Nowhere" or "Non-place" — is a counter-model to contemporary England and a cure for a … (2020-04-17). Further government funding secured for Imperial coronavirus research. Three Imperial research projects have received £2.4 million of national funding to help fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Andrew Korybko (2020-04-17). Russia -China Relations: "Exchange of Criticisms" Regarding COVID-19 Crisis. The recent so-called "exchange of criticisms" between Russia and China over their respective border policies in response to World War C is more of a rare wrinkle in their relations caused by media reports than a growing rift that could …

Almasdar News (2020-04-17). Surrendered US-backed Rebels Admit to Receiving Training to Destroy Syrian Oil Sites. The head of the Russian Reconciliation Center affiliated with the Russian Ministry of Defense, Oleg Goralev, announced on Wednesday that the 27 militants who surrendered to the Syrian authorities, reported that they had received training by the American military …

2020-04-19: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

Video: "The House Cat Flu" is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-04-19
The following episode of the Simpsons was released in 2010. | It is a satire. But at the same time it reveals the unspoken truth. The writer of the script is award winning author Michael Price. | This episode was not taken …

After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-04-19
The tendency is towards a Worldwide lockdown spearheaded by fear and media disinformation. Currently, hundreds of millions of people Worldwide are under lockdown. | What is the next step in the evolution of the COV-19 Crisis? A multibillion dollar coronavirus vaccination program to be implemented in the wake of the Lockdown.

Iran Will Allow Low-Risk Businesses to Resume Work | 2020-04-19
Iran's capital Tehran was allowed to resume low-risk businesses on Saturday, a week after kindred deregulations were adopted in other parts of the country amid the COVID-19 epidemic. | RELATED: | COVID-19 Mideast Updates: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel | The move came as per the smart distancing plan, whereby Iran loosened quarantine regulations and allowed the re-opening of businesses with lower risk indices. | According to Iran's Ministry of Health and Medical Education, high-r…

Rotating on Boredom's Spit
Edward Curtin | | 2020-04-19
"And all the news just repeats itself | Like some forgotten dream we've both seen" |

A Line in the Sand Is Drawn: The US Military Must Leave Iraq
Steven Sahiounie | | 2020-04-19
The chaos that Iraq is experiencing today has roots in the 2003 US invasion, which set-up sectarian divisions that have been used to keep the country in turmoil. The US foreign policy is based on creating chaos in Afghanistan, Iraq, …

Herd immunity? 1 in 3 test positive for Covid-19 ANTIBODIES in pilot Massachusetts street study | 2020-04-19
Nearly a third of 200 randomly tested residents of Chelsea, Massachusetts were found to have Covid-19-related antibodies in yet another indication that the virus could be far more widespread and much less lethal than believed. | All of the participants "generally appeared healthy," but around half of them admitted that they had suffered at least one coronavirus symptom in the past month, according to the Massachusetts General Hospital researchers. Those who had previously tested positive for Covid-19 in the regular nasal swab were deliberately excluded from the study. | A total of 64 out of 200 blood samples t…

Politics and Corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO)
Pascal Sacré | | 2020-04-19
This article, translated from French, was written prior to Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic outbreak | *** | The WHO [OMS in French] is the World Health Organisation. 'WHO' in English

The Coronavirus Death Toll Numbers Game
Renee Parsons | | 2020-04-19
To the casual observer, there appear to be 'hot' pockets of coronavirus infections in certain areas of the country such as NYC which reportedly has been ravaged by CV infections as well as the State of Michigan which, according to …

Memories of Old Brooklyn: The Man in the Yard
Philip A Farruggio | | 2020-04-19
He was standing there, in the middle of the school yard…alone. At first I envisioned him as a pitcher, standing on the mound with a field full of players, some behind him, and some facing him, in the middle of …

Puppet Dictators Play a Covid Card Too Far
Julian Rose | | 2020-04-19
The attempt to make the irrational and implausible appear rational and plausible has now reached dizzying new heights. The ceaseless flow of blatantly contradictory proclamations and actions emanating out of governments and global institutions that represent health, the economy and …

Science Saturday: The new super power of hand-washing | 2020-04-19
Researchers are hard at work identifying ways to help patients with COVID-19, which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But in the meantime, one common household object can be used to help prevent infection. Soap. Good old soap, the Clark Kent of clean, is really the superhero fatty acid salt, the Superman of clean. Soap …

Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?
Michael Snyder | | 2020-04-19
In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. And as | …

US Blame Game Twist: Suing China for COVID-19 Outbreaks
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-04-19
No evidence suggests that COVID-19 originated in a Chinese lab or from bat-eating Chinese people. | Writer Allen Yu explained that no Chinese tradition of bat-eating exists. Videos suggesting otherwise weren't from Wuhan or elsewhere in China. | Filming was "in Palau …

US COVID-19 vs. Economy Related Polls: Homelessness, Unemployment and Hunger in America
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-04-19
A new Gallup poll showed Trump's mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis and indifference toward infected Americans is catching up to him. | Concerned only about his own self-interest and monied ones he serves at the expense of the health and welfare …

China Bashing, a Bipartisan US Obsession
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-04-19
For bipartisan US hardliners and their establishment media press agents, any pretext will do to bash China and other sovereign independent nations on the US target list for regime change. | Blaming China for spreading COVID-19 outbreaks plays out daily in …

The USS Navy's Pacific Command COVID-19, from Guam to Puget Sound
Ann Garrison | | 2020-04-19
While the world confronts a real-life deadly epidemic, the Covid-afflicted US Navy struggles to maintain the farce of keeping the planet safe from fictitious threats. | "The US Navy's Pacific Command is not in its normal operational mode." | On April …

Stanford Study Proves Covid-19 Was Overhyped. "Death Rate Is Likely Under 0.2%"
Tony Cartalucci | | 2020-04-19
MIT Tech Review's hyped coverage of the Covid-19 outbreak is led by the tag-line, "Navigating a world reshaped by Covid-19." | Their articles reflect an eager embracement of the public hysteria prompted by Covid-19's spread, the socioeconomic paralysis it has created, …

Trump's Best Ever Economy Craters
Stephen Lendman | | 2020-04-19
Time and again, Trump's hyperbole defies reality. | As US economic conditions peaked in mid-February and began declining sharply, he falsely claimed that "(o)ur economy (is) the greatest…we've had in the history of our country." | His fantasy assessment was reminiscent of …

Lock Step, This Is No Futuristic Scenario: Panic and the Post-Pandemic Future?
F. William Engdahl | | 2020-04-19
First published by New Eastern Outlook and Global Research March 10, 2020 | Every day world mainstream news reports more people in more countries diagnosed "positive" for the coronavirus illness, now called COVID-19. As the reported numbers grow, so does widespread …

Oil Profits for Protection: US Extorts Saudi Arabia
Tony Cartalucci | | 2020-04-19
Legislation circulating in the US Congress threatens to withdraw military support from Saudi Arabia. | This is not because Saudi Arabia is an absolute dictatorship which still severs heads off in public. It is not because Saudi Arabia arms and funds …

China Denies the Coronavirus Came from One of Its Labs | 2020-04-19
Authorities at a maximum-security laboratory in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus outbreak emerged last December, rejected claims that they could be the source of the COVID-19 surge, following recent accusations by the President of the United States, Donald Trump. | RELATED: | G7 to Back Debt Relief for the Poorest Countries If China Joins | "In no way has this virus left us," said researcher Yuan Zhiming, director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, capital of central Chi…

Feinstein implores Newson to collaborate with Trump to weaken fish protections
Dan Bacher | | 2020-04-19
"It is imperative that California not only stand up to the Trump administration to protect our water supply, but also restore our rivers and protect our drinking water quality with regulations that are guided by science, not politic," said Regina Chichizola, co-director of Save California Salmon.

Iran extends prisoner furloughs, closure of holy sites amid coronavirus | 2020-04-19
Iran has extended furloughs for prisoners for another month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday, as the Islamic Republic endeavours to stem the spread of the new coronavirus in its crowded jails. Iran's reported temporary release of 100,000 prisoners since February – including prisoners of conscience and dual and foreign nationals – was welcomed by the United Nations on Friday as a good step, but one that must be expanded."Furloughs of those prisoners, who pose no threat to the society, have been extended until May 20," Rouhani said in a televised cabinet meeting.However, a letter by U.N. human right…

Elvis Has Left the Planet, and Returned? Gravitational Wave Detectors Catch Harmony From Pop Hit | 2020-04-19
The King's fascination with UFOs and alien life forms has been written about extensively, with his shocking death in 1977 dismissed by some fans who desperately wanted to believe that maybe he was abducted by aliens, or that he was an alien himself. Now, scientists monitoring space for gravitational waves may have given them another reason to hope.

Mystery of Hotter Than Should be Solar Winds Hitting Earth Finally Revealed | 2020-04-19
Earth is constantly bombarded by winds coming from the centre of our Solar System, yet the problem that has been puzzling scientists is why the solar winds that reach our planet are hotter than they should be, in defiance of the laws of physics.

2nd group of Iranian students arrive in Tehran from Italy | 2020-04-19
TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA)

60 days of living with COVID-19 | 2020-04-19
TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA)

Prescribing an overdose: A chapter in the opioid epidemic | 2020-04-19

Free, universal access to AI-MED Covid-19 detection system | 2020-04-19
TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA)

Iran getting prepared to commence exports of anti-coronavirus medical equipment: VP | 2020-04-19
TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA)

More evidence that official figures don't reflect the true scale of care home deaths from coronavirus
The Canary | | 2020-04-19
A study of deaths linked to Covid-19 in care homes predicts that thousands more people have died than official figures show. | The National Care Forum (NCF), which represents not-for-profit care providers, has estimated that more than 4,000 people may have died after contracting Covid-19 across all residential and nursing homes before April 13. | This is significantly higher than the official weekly figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which recorded 217 care home deaths connected to the virus up until April 3. | The NCF collected data from 47 care homes which support more than 30,000 peo…

Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation
Peter Koenig | | 2020-04-18
For over twenty years Bill Gates and his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have been vaccinating foremost children by the millions in remote areas of poor countries, mostly Africa and Asia. Most of their vaccination program had …

Bret Stephens' Employers May Keep Big Pharma Haters Out of the New York Times, but We Are Everywhere Else
Dean Baker | | 2020-04-18
The sub-headline of Bret Stephens' latest column tells readers "there should be no big-pharma haters in pandemics." The point is that researchers at Gilead Sciences, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies, are working tirelessly on the testing of remdesivir, which at the moment is the most promising treatment for the coronavirus. Stephens' column focuses on …

Video: How COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated. Montana Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek
Dr. Annie Bukacek | | 2020-04-18
First published by GR on April 8, 2020 | Dr. Annie Bukacek is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job. | In this brief video, Dr. Bukacek blows …

Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation
Peter Koenig | | 2020-04-18
Robert F Kennedy Jr, an avid Defender of Children's Rights and anti-vaccination activist, has launched a petition sent to the White House, calling for "Investigations into the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' for Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity"

Decades of science denial related to climate change has led to denial of the coronavirus pandemic
Eds. | | 2020-04-18
After the fossil fuel industry spent hundreds of millions of dollars undermining climate science, it's easy to see how epidemiology came next.

Texas students fight for Dreamer Center
Fight Back | | 2020-04-18
Arlington, TX

Calls for early reopening of UK schools met with widespread opposition | 2020-04-18
The plan is for primary schools to start reopening in a "regionalised approach," despite reports of three teacher deaths from COVID-19.…

The Important Role of the Gig Economy Worker in Times of Crisis
Beau Peters | | 2020-04-18
In 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 55 million Americans were gig economy workers, making up 34% of the working population. At that time, it was expected for the number to rise to 43%, but due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the gig economy is changing. Currently, about 95% of Americans are on …

7,500 feared to have died with coronavirus in care homes
The Canary | | 2020-04-18
As many as 7,500 people are feared to have died after contracting coronavirus (COVID-19) in care homes, according to a leading industry body.Care England, which represents independent care firms, said it had collected data which suggested fatalities are far higher than those released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). ONS recorded 217 care home deaths from the virus until 3 April.Care England's chief executive Martin Green told the Telegraph: If we look at some of the death rates since 1 April and compare them with previous years' rates, we estimate a figure of about 7,500 people may have died as a resul…

Video: COVID-19. The Unspoken Truth. The Most Serious Global Crisis in Modern History
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-04-17
This video featuring Prof. Michel Chossudovsky is part of a Global Research series on the corona virus crisis. | The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to trigger the …

Towards A New World Order? The Global Debt Crisis and the Privatization of the State
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2020-04-17
This is the true picture of what is happening. Poverty is Worldwide. While famines are erupting in Third World countries, closer to home, in the richest country on earth, "millions of desperate Americans wait in long crowded lines for handouts"

Selected Articles: The 2020 Global Economic Crisis
Global Research News | | 2020-04-17
Towards A New World Order, The Global Debt Crisis and the Privatization of the State | By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 17, 2020 | There is a serious health crisis which must be duly resolved. And this is a number one …

March 2020 Update on the State of Independent Federal Agencies
Eleanor Eagan | | 2020-04-17
The federal government's independent federal agencies receive too little attention relative to their importance to our collective safety and prosperity. The Revolving Door Project has worked through multiple channels to shed light on these overlooked agencies and the threats that they face. We hope public education will generate pressure to safeguard the independence of these agencies and …

February 2020 Update on the State of Independent Federal Agencies
Eleanor Eagan | | 2020-04-17
As we have previously highlighted, the federal government's independent federal agencies receive too little attention relative to their importance to our collective safety and prosperity. The Revolving Door Project has worked through multiple channels to shed light on these overlooked agencies and the threats that they face. We hope public education will generate pressure to safeguard the …

Pentagon Escalates Tensions with Iran in Persian Gulf
Bill Van Auken | | 2020-04-17
The US Navy charged Wednesday that 11 Iranian vessels had "repeatedly conducted dangerous and harassing approaches against multiple US naval ships operating in international waters." | The protest, issued by the command of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, represented a further …

Why Are They Inflating the Numbers? New York City Adding 3,800 Unconfirmed Cases to COVID-19 Death Toll
Timothy Alexander Guzman | | 2020-04-17
New York City recently added close to 3,800 deaths due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19). The problem is that the Coronavirus death toll is unconfirmed. | According to a report by Bloomberg News, 'NYC Adds 3,800 Probable Virus Victims to Death …

Coronavirus vaccine team secures funding to move towards human trials | 2020-04-17
Imperial researchers working on a vaccine for COVID-19 have been awarded government funding to take the work forward towards human trials.

Utopia as a Political Means of Not Sinking into Passivity and Resignation
Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel | | 2020-04-17
Over 500 years ago Thomas Morus, English statesman and humanist scholar, wrote the philosophical dialogue "Utopia". As a small island state, "Utopia"

Exactly 18 Years After US Coup Against Venezuela, Pompeo and Abrams Warn Another Is Coming
Alan MacLeod | | 2020-04-17
On the eighteenth anniversary of the U.S.-backed coup against the government of Venezuela, senior American officials announced that the people should prepare for another imminent push. "The goal is to replace [President Nicolas] Maduro's illegitimate dictatorship with a legitimate …