Monthly Archives: December 2020

2020-12-02: News Headlines

Beatrice Lumpkin (2020-12-02). Communist teacher turned health minister leads pandemic fight in India. "How Communist Physics Teacher Flattens COVID-19 Curve in Southern India," a headline in the online Science News, caught my eye. That was a contrast to the tragic number of pandemic deaths in the rest of India, or for that matter, in the United States. But I wasn't surprised. I had attended a math teachers conference …

David Rosen (2020-12-02). Covid-19, Schools and the Digital Divide. On November 19th, Mayor Bill de Blasio closed New York's public schools. He has been joined by other mayors and education officials throughout the country struggle over whether to keep their local schools open for in-class or offer only remote learning. The Covid-19 pandemic has entered yet another wave and, as of mid-November, over 11

David Rosen (2020-12-02). Covid-19, Schools and the Digital Divide. On November 19th, Mayor Bill de Blasio closed New York's public schools. He has been joined by other mayors and education officials throughout the country struggle over whether to keep their local schools open for in-class or offer only remote learning. The Covid-19 pandemic has entered yet another wave and, as of mid-November, over 11

Mongabay (2020-12-02). Amazon Deforestation Tops 11,000 sq km in Brazil, Reaching 12-year High. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon topped 11,000 square kilometers for the first time since 2008 reports the Brazilian government. | According to data released today by Brazil's national space research institute

Andrew Korybko (2020-12-02). "Global Policeman": Why's the US in the South China Sea? America regards itself as the "global policeman", hence its arrogant actions, but it was never deputized by the international community to fulfill such a role. Rather, it's more like a dangerously delusional role player than a legitimate law enforcement officer….

Philip Giraldi (2020-12-02). Tony Blinken Replaces Mike Pompeo. I for one am getting really excited by the staff that Honest Joe Biden is pulling together for the White House. When I first heard the name Tony Blinken during the Obama kleptocracy I assumed that he was one of …

Paul Antonopoulos (2020-12-02). Former Officials of the àÅñez Administration Are Fleeing Bolivia for U.S. and Brazil. New Bolivian President Luis Arce is investigating several former officials who served his predecessor Jeanine àÅñez. They are accused of corruption or being responsible for massacres. Dozens fled Bolivia for the U.S. and Brazil to avoid prosecution, while others have …

Jack Rasmus (2020-12-02). A New Technology That Will Dangerously Expand Government Spying on Citizens. If you're worried about the capability of government to conduct surveillance of citizens engaged in political assembly and protest, or even just personal activity, then you should be aware the technological capability of government surveillance is about to expand exponentially. The US Air Force's Research Lab (yes, it has its own lab) has recently signed

Stephen Lendman (2020-12-02). Disputed Election 2020 Results in Key Swing State Pennsylvania. Brazen Election 2020 fraud in Pennsylvania and other key swing states rigged things for Biden/Harris over Trump. | If he's out and they're inaugurated on January 20, the events of that day will be an epitaph for open, free, and fair …

Stephen Lendman (2020-12-02). Millions of Americans Vulnerable to Eviction. During the most severe Main Street economic collapse in US history — with over one-fourth of working-age Americans jobless — additional calamity looms in the coming weeks. | According to Census Bureau estimates, 30 to 40 million Americans face possible eviction …

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2020-12-02). Spain on the Brink of Financial Collapse. The Spanish economic situation worsens day after day. The national manufacturing sector dropped significantly in November, according to data from IHS Markit, which attributes the decline to the drop in production demand due to the pandemic. The decrease in production …

Prof. Anthony J. Hall (2020-12-02). Trump's Landslide Meets the Politics of Electoral Fraud in America. I want the American public to know right now, we will not be intimidated. American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government. We are going to take this country …

Chris Cole (2020-12-02). UK Campaign to Stop Killer Robots Writes to Defence Secretary on the UK's Approach to LAWS. As members of the UK

Matt Sedlar (2020-12-02). PREVIEW: What to Look for in the November Jobs Report. (The monthly Employment Situation is scheduled for release by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, December 4th at 8: 30 AM Eastern Time.) The resurgence of the pandemic is likely to be the biggest factor driving labor market performance in November, especially in a context where most of the CARES Act supports have ended. We are …

WSWS (2020-12-02). Sixteen-year-old Wisconsin high school student dies of COVID-19. Even though Isai Morocho's school was not meeting in person, his father, mother and brother all work in-person jobs, allowing for endless possible encounters with the virus.

GMWatch (2020-12-02). Bayer Lobbying "Very Strongly" to Change EU's GMO Regulations to Exempt Gene Editing. Speaking during the Bayer Future of Farming online conference, Liam Condon, president of crop science at Bayer, said the company is lobbying "very strongly" to change the EU's GMO regulations to exempt gene editing, according to an

Robert J. Burrowes (2020-12-02). Corrupt Science and Elite Power: Covid-19 "Techno-Slavery" and the "Great Reset" Are Now Imminent. Do you like to believe that scientists are studying the evidence — whether in relation to Covid-19 or anything else — and delivering high quality knowledge that can be used to guide public policymaking so that it might better serve …

PEER (2020-12-02). Aerially Sprayed Pesticide Contains the PFAS "Forever Chemicals". Impacts on Human Health. State efforts to control mosquito-borne illnesses may be creating a new health problem. The insecticide Massachusetts and numerous other states use for mosquito control, both applied aerially and sprayed from trucks along roads, contains per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), according to …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2020-12-02). The Davos "Great Reset" 2021 Agenda of the World Economic Forum. A New Phase of Economic and Social Destruction? On June 3, 2020, as a consequence of the "global health crisis", the World Economic Forum WEF in Geneva announced a "unique twin summit" for January 2021 in Davos, Switzerland.(1) The theme should be "The Great Reset". The WEF defines …

Keith Lamb (2020-12-02). Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan Go All the Way to the Top. The Australian Defense Force's (ADF) recent inquiry into Australian special forces conduct in Afghanistan, between 2005 and 2016, reveals that 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians were killed outside of battle, as part of a culture of "competition killings," where commanders …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2020-12-02). Doctored Indignation: Australia-China Relations.

Jasmine Norden (2020-12-02). Hope for the future as increasing number of Europeans support climate change actions. A new Research conducted by eupinions in September surveyed 13,000 UK and EU residents. Two-thirds of respondents said they would support banning short-haul flights and cutting back on meat consumption. Meanwhile, over 50% of the participants said they would back using cars less often. | But while this positive attitude towards dealing with the climate crisis is welcome, personal changes need to be accompanied by c…

Manlio Dinucci (2020-12-02). A Bomba está pronta e, em breve, em Itália. Um vídeo, divulgado, em 23 de Novembro, pelos Sandia National Laboratories, mostra um caàßa F-35A dos EUA que,voando a velocidade supersónica, a uma altitude de 3.000 metros, lanàßa uma bomba nuclear B61-12 (equipada para o ensaio, com uma ogiva nà£o …

Staff (2020-12-02). Bernie Sanders Calls Betsy DeVos Worst Education Secretary in US History. Sen. Bernie Sanders late Tuesday called Betsy DeVos "the worst education secretary in the history of America" and made abundantly clear that he's not mourning her imminent departure after the billionaire school privatization zealot lashed out at "What do you call a bi…

Staff (2020-12-02). Bernie Sanders Calls Betsy DeVos Worst Education Secretary US History. Sen. Bernie Sanders late Tuesday called Betsy DeVos "the worst education secretary in the history of America" and made abundantly clear that he's not mourning her imminent departure after the billionaire school privatization zealot lashed out at "What do you call a bi…

Staff (2020-12-02). "The Dead Are Arising": New Biography on Malcolm X's Childhood, Killing & Secret Meeting with KKK. We speak with the co-author of a major new biography of Malcolm X, "The Dead Are Arising," which recently won the 2020 National Book Award for Nonfiction and offers a sweeping account of Malcolm X's life by weaving together hundreds of interviews with Malcolm X's family, friends, colleagues and enemies. The book is based on decades of research by Les Payne, who died in 2018, and finished by his daughter, Tamara Payne. "The reason why he admired Malcolm is because Malcolm was dealing with the conditions that Black people are facing even internally and how we viewed ourselves in this situation," she says, and descr…

_____ (2020-12-02). 250 Million People Participate In Countrywide Strike In India. On Thursday, November 26, India witnessed the biggest organized strike in human history. Over 250 million workers and farmers, along with their allies among students, feminists and civil society groups participated in the nationwide strike. The strike coincides with India's Constitution Day, which commemorates the adoption of the constitution in 1949, and comes in the background of an unprecedented attack on workers' rights and farmers' protections by the right-wing government of prime minister Narendra Modi.

Global Research News (2020-12-02). Selected Articles: Millions of Americans Vulnerable to Eviction. By During the most severe Main Street economic collapse in US history — with over one-fourth of working-age Americans jobless — additional calamity looms in the coming weeks. …

South Front (2020-12-02). Video: Azerbaijani Troops Are in Lachin, but Unresolved Karabakh Status Remains Source of Tensions. The Nagorno-Karabakh region has been nearing the end of the first phase of the implementation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani ceasefire deal that started on November 10. | Late on November 30, Azerbaijani troops started entering the Lachin district in the Nagorno-Karabkah region. …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2020-12-02). The Proof Is in: The Election Was Stolen. I have read enough of the fraud reports, affidavits, and statements from election security and forensic experts to be comfortable in my conclusion that the election was stolen. But I am not confident that anything will be done about the …

Haymarket Books (2020-12-02). Friday 12/4: Teachers on Strike Are Still Teaching: Union Power & the Fight for Democracy. Online event…

Haymarket Books (2020-12-02). Wednesday 12/2: #BLM Book Launch: "Black Lives Matter at School: An Uprising for Educational Justice" Online Event…

Elise Swain (2020-12-02). Joe Biden's Silence on Ending the Drone Wars. The So-called "Targeted Killings" President-elect Joe Biden has maintained silence for years on the controversial and continued use of so-called targeted killings — lethal strikes by drones, cruise missiles, and occasionally military special operations raids. Biden has never publicly disavowed or criticized former President …

John Oller (2020-12-02). hCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World. Of relevance to the current debate on vaccines, originally published in 2017 | Abstract | In 1993, WHO announced a "birth-control vaccine" for "family planning". Published research shows that by 1976 WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin …

John W. Whitehead (2020-12-02). Warp Speed Ahead: COVID-19 Vaccines Pave the Way for a New Frontier in Surveillance. " Like it or …

Thomas Scripps (2020-12-02). Ten Years Since WikiLeaks Published the US Diplomatic Cables. Today is the tenth anniversary of "Cablegate" when WikiLeaks, leading a group of partner media organisations, began reporting on the contents of hundreds of thousands of leaked United States government diplomatic cables. | The documents revealed the vast scope and global …

Staff (2020-12-01). Vaccine Ethics: Doctor Warns Against Paying People to Get COVID Vaccine as U.S. Preps Distribution. As distribution of coronavirus vaccines draws near, a recent poll suggests that 42% of Americans are reluctant to take the vaccine. In response, some, including former Maryland congressmember and presidential candidate John Delaney, are pushing to pay people to get vaccinated, a move being discouraged by many, including Dr. Monica Peek, a physician, associate professor of medicine and health disparities researcher at the University of Chicago. She says there are major concerns about how to ensure at-risk groups get vaccinated while overcoming public doubts about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, but paying…

John Pilger (2020-12-01). "I spoke to impoverished families in 1975 and little has changed since then" A British family from the film Smashing Kids, 1975. Photograph: John Garrett John Pilger interviewed Irene Brunsden in Hackney, east London about only being able to feed her two-year-old a plate of cornflakes in 1975. Now he sees nervous women queueing at foodbanks with their children as it's revealed 600,000 more kids are in poverty …

Global Research News (2020-12-01). Selected Articles: The Christmas Big Pharma Race Is On. By Despite whatever charges Julian Assange may be accused of, it is well known that the WikiLeaks publisher was targeted for exposing the war crimes of the US …

Global Research News (2020-12-01). Selected Articles: The Christmas Big Pharma Race Is On. By Despite whatever charges Julian Assange may be accused of, it is well known that the WikiLeaks publisher was targeted for exposing the war crimes of the US …

Staff (2020-12-01). "Part of the Solution": Meet the Black Doctor Who Joined a Vaccine Trial After Her Dad Died of COVID. As the drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna seek emergency approval for their coronavirus vaccines, public health bodies and regulators are weighing how to distribute the vaccines and who will get access to them. The pandemic is disproportionately impacting African American, Latinx and Indigenous communities, exposing long-standing inequities and systemic racism in the U.S. healthcare system. These same communities are underrepresented in the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines, due in part to centuries of abusive treatment at the hands of medical researchers. We speak with Dr. Chris Pernell, a public health physician…

Jamal Rich (2020-12-01). Film, communism, radical politics: A conversation between Boots Riley and Charisse Burden-Stelly. WASHINGTON, D.C.— In late October, the Claudia Jones School for Political Education and the New Dawn Podcast co-hosted scholar Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly and artist Boots Riley for an evening conversation titled Anti-capitalism In These Times. Burden-Stelly is a scholar of political theory, political economy, and intellectual history. She is currently a visiting scholar with the …

RT (2020-12-01). Genetic manipulation: HIV-like virus edited out of primate GENOME in major advance towards winning war on AIDS. Researchers have made a major breakthrough in treating and possibly eventually curing HIV, by deploying Nobel-prize-winning CRISPR gene editing techniques to purge the virus from the genomes of non-human primates. | A team of scientists successfully edited out simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) — a virus closely related to HIV. | "We show for the first time that a single inoculation of our CRISPR gene-editing construct, carried by an adeno-associated virus, can edit out the SIV genome from infected cells in rhesus macaque monkeys," explained lead researcher Kamel Khalili, of Temple University in Philadel…

John Pilger (2020-12-01). "I spoke to impoverished families in 1975 and little has changed since then" A British family from the film Smashing Kids, 1975. Photograph: John Garrett John Pilger interviewed Irene Brunsden in Hackney, east London about only being able to feed her two-year-old a plate of cornflakes in 1975. Now he sees nervous women queueing at foodbanks with their children as it's revealed 600,000 more kids are in poverty …

RT (2020-12-01). After years of research, top Moscow health official reveals Russia may be close to unveiling prototype 'HIV vaccine'. Russia's research into the development of a HIV vaccine appears to be bearing fruit with progress reported in relation to a number of prototypes, the head of the country's health regulator said on Tuesday. | Anna Popova, the head of the federal health agency Rospotrebnadzor, explained that several formulas were under investigation by scientists who had worked in the area for "a sufficient number of years." | "We have our own prototypes, we have our own vaccines," she said. Popova added that Novosibirsk's Vector Research Center has a prototype, and "a number of other research organizations in Russia have their…

Staff (2020-12-01). "Part of the Solution": Meet the Black Doctor Who Joined a Vaccine Trial After Her Dad Died of COVID. As the drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna seek emergency approval for their coronavirus vaccines, public health bodies and regulators are weighing how to distribute the vaccines and who will get access to them. The pandemic is disproportionately impacting African American, Latinx and Indigenous communities, exposing long-standing inequities and systemic racism in the U.S. healthcare system. These same communities are underrepresented in the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines, due in part to centuries of abusive treatment at the hands of medical researchers. We speak with Dr. Chris Pernell, a public health physician…

Staff (2020-12-01). Vaccine Ethics: Doctor Warns Against Paying People to Get COVID Vaccine as U.S. Preps Distribution. As distribution of coronavirus vaccines draws near, a recent poll suggests that 42% of Americans are reluctant to take the vaccine. In response, some, including former Maryland congressmember and presidential candidate John Delaney, are pushing to pay people to get vaccinated, a move being discouraged by many, including Dr. Monica Peek, a physician, associate professor of medicine and health disparities researcher at the University of Chicago. She says there are major concerns about how to ensure at-risk groups get vaccinated while overcoming public doubts about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, but paying…

Brett Wilkins, staff writer (2020-12-01). Israel Releases Mays Abu Ghosh, Palestinian Student Jailed for Membership in Leftist Campus Group. Abu Ghosh—imprisoned for 15 months after joining a banned college organization that opposes Israel's illegal occupation—described torture by her jailers. |…

Andrew Korybko (2020-12-01). Germany's Undiplomatic Threat to Russia, Triggers Harsh Rebukes from Moscow, Russia-Germany Relations in Crisis. The German Defense Minister's undiplomatic threat that her country must negotiate "from a position of strength" with Russia, especially regarding military issues, triggered some harsh rebukes from Moscow which aimed to remind her of how unacceptable it is for Berlin …

Junaid S. Ahmad (2020-12-01). Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) Calls Upon Government of Pakistan to Refrain from Recognizing Israel. Dear friends, sisters, brothers, and comrades in the struggle for peace and justice: | We hope this finds all of you well and safe. | The Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC)-Pakistan is deeply distressed at the way in which the US and the …

2020-12-01: News Headlines

Jamal Rich (2020-12-01). Film, communism, radical politics: A conversation between Boots Riley and Charisse Burden-Stelly. WASHINGTON, D.C.— In late October, the Claudia Jones School for Political Education and the New Dawn Podcast co-hosted scholar Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly and artist Boots Riley for an evening conversation titled Anti-capitalism In These Times. Burden-Stelly is a scholar of political theory, political economy, and intellectual history. She is currently a visiting scholar with the …

Andrew Korybko (2020-12-01). Germany's Undiplomatic Threat to Russia, Triggers Harsh Rebukes from Moscow, Russia-Germany Relations in Crisis. The German Defense Minister's undiplomatic threat that her country must negotiate "from a position of strength" with Russia, especially regarding military issues, triggered some harsh rebukes from Moscow which aimed to remind her of how unacceptable it is for Berlin …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-12-01). What is Covid-19, SARS-2. How is it Tested? How is It Measured? The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis. The data and concepts have been manipulated with a view to sustaining the fear campaign. The estimates are meaningless. The figures have been hyped to justify the closure of the national economy. Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2020-12-01). Scientists and Historians Uncover Further Details of Racist 1921 Tulsa Massacre. During World War I (1914-1918) and the immediately following years (1919-1921), racial tensions escalated inside the United States resulting in numerous efforts by white racists to contain and in many cases remove the presence of African Americans. | One of the …

Stephen Lendman (2020-12-01). Initial Iranian Response to Assassination of Its Top Nuclear Scientist. Iranian parliamentarians responded swiftly to last Friday's assassination of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh — more from the country's ruling authorities highly likely. | According to Iran's Intelligence Ministry, Fakhrizadeh was martyred by at least one explosion and gunfire from a number …

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2020-12-01). IMF Refuses to Help Ukraine. Ukraine's economic situation is getting more and more complicated. The country is going through a moment of great crisis, from which it hoped to mitigate the effects by receiving emergency financial aid from the International Monetary Fund. However, the IMF …

Junaid S. Ahmad (2020-12-01). Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) Calls Upon Government of Pakistan to Refrain from Recognizing Israel. Dear friends, sisters, brothers, and comrades in the struggle for peace and justice: | We hope this finds all of you well and safe. | The Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC)-Pakistan is deeply distressed at the way in which the US and the …

His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganà≤ (2020-12-01). Archbishop Viganà≤: Open Letter to Donald Trump, Warns About 'Great Reset' Plot to 'Subdue Humanity,' Destroy Freedom. His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganà≤, has written yet another open letter to President Donald J. Trump. Read it in its entirety below. It is available in PDF by

Prof Mark Crispin Miller (2020-12-01). Petition in Defense of Academic Freedom. "Effectiveness of Face Mask " Banned From Classroom Discussion? Dear President Hamilton, | Herewith I am submitting my petition in defense of academic freedom and free speech, prompted by my unfortunate experience at NYU since Sept. 20, when, as you are well aware, a student in my undergraduate propaganda course, …

Sampath R. (2020-12-01). Always More to Be Done—The Presence of Comfort in Patient Care. In this narrative medicine essay a medical student recalls discovering the power of meaningful palliative care, contrasting patients' relief from suffering through caring and comfort with her father's awful experience of pain and neglect in his closing days.

Brian Berletic (2020-12-01). Video: US-Backed Thai Mobs Remove Barriers at Army Base.

Rubin R. (2020-12-01). Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis and Its Constituents. This Medical News feature discusses research into how cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol affect driving performance.

WSWS (2020-12-01). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Chilean health care workers are protesting for more funding from the government to fight COVID-19 while teachers in Mexico and Peru struck and demonstrated over pay and budgetary support and Washington state health care workers demand adequate staffing and PPE.

Prof. Ruel F. Pepa (2020-12-01). The Dialectics of Justice and Revenge: A Radical Compromise. The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom." — Aristotle | "Revenge is a kind of wild justice; which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out." — Francis Bacon | " If …

WSWS (2020-12-01). In Germany, dozens of students, parents and teacher representatives call for school strikes and safe education. On Friday evening, the network of Action Committees for Safe Education in Germany held its largest online meeting to date.

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2020-12-01). Diversity in Dance Today: Enlightenment and Romanticist Perspectives. The drum is always there. In life and death. In between is dance. Always the drum is everywhere. -Peniel Guerrier | I don't think this world was made for a small minority to dance on the faces of everyone else. -H.G. …

Mehr News Agency (2020-12-01). Enemies unable to stop Iran's scientific progress: Advisor. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Advisor to Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs said that enemies of the country cannot stop scientific progress and development of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Sophia M Rein, Colette J Smith, Clinton Chaloner, Adam Stafford, Alison J Rodger, Margaret A Johnson, Jeffrey McDonnell, Fiona Burns, Sara Madge, Alec Miners, Lorraine Sherr, Simon Collins, Andrew Speakman, Andrew N Phillips, Fiona C Lampe (2020-12-01). [Research Paper] Prospective association of social circumstance, socioeconomic, lifestyle and mental health factors with subsequent hospitalisation over 6—7 year follow up in people living with HIV. Social and socioeconomic disadvantage, adverse lifestyle factors and poorer mental health are strong predictors of hospitalisation in PLHIV, highlighting the need for targeted interventions and care.

WSWS (2020-12-01). COVID-19 and the lessons of 2020: A socialist perspective for the struggles ahead. The Socialist Equality Party and International Youth and Students for Social Equality in Australia are holding an online public meeting to discuss the program the working class must adopt to fight the social, economic and political crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Haymarket Books (2020-12-01). Friday 12/4: Teachers on Strike Are Still Teaching: Union Power & the Fight for Democracy. Online event…

RT (2020-12-01). After years of research, top Moscow health official reveals Russia may be close to unveiling prototype 'HIV vaccine'. Russia's research into the development of a HIV vaccine appears to be bearing fruit with progress reported in relation to a number of prototypes, the head of the country's health regulator said on Tuesday. | Anna Popova, the head of the federal health agency Rospotrebnadzor, explained that several formulas were under investigation by scientists who had worked in the area for "a sufficient number of years." | "We have our own prototypes, we have our own vaccines," she said. Popova added that Novosibirsk's Vector Research Center has a prototype, and "a number of other research organizations in Russia have their…

RT (2020-12-01). Genetic manipulation: HIV-like virus edited out of primate GENOME in major advance towards winning war on AIDS. Researchers have made a major breakthrough in treating and possibly eventually curing HIV, by deploying Nobel-prize-winning CRISPR gene editing techniques to purge the virus from the genomes of non-human primates. | A team of scientists successfully edited out simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) — a virus closely related to HIV. | "We show for the first time that a single inoculation of our CRISPR gene-editing construct, carried by an adeno-associated virus, can edit out the SIV genome from infected cells in rhesus macaque monkeys," explained lead researcher Kamel Khalili, of Temple University in Philadel…

sputniknews (2020-12-01). Pregnant Danish Women's Blood Tests Used in US Business Scheme Linked to Mark Zuckerberg — Reports. Danish participants in a medical research project were never informed of its commercial interests. While the project with the involvement of Facebok CEO and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is tipped to become an international success, Danish experts have slammed it as a violation of data protection and a "bad deal for Denmark".

Js Adams (2020-12-01). The Christmas Big Pharma Race in On: "Back to Normal" When We Get the Covid Vaccine? Ask anyone and they will say things will be back to 'normal' as soon as we all have the vaccine. Furthermore, if your only source of news is sponsored by

South Front (2020-12-01). Video: Iranian Nuclear Program Gains Steam Following Fakhrizadeh Assassination. US President Donald Trump is apparently set to slam the door and go to great lengths to show love to his friends in Tel Aviv before withdrawing from the White House. | On November 27, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a prominent Iranian …

Jasmine Norden (2020-12-01). 'High-risk settings' in our jails means prisoners must get priority for coronavirus vaccines. Researchers have recommended prisoners be prioritised for the coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine, after finding it's difficult to manage outbreaks. | Academics from the University of Oxford conducted a The researchers concluded that vaccinating prisoners early would help to so… (2020-12-01). Majority of COVID-19 deaths in Khartoum, Sudan are undetected. The majority of COVID-19 Deaths in Khartoum, Sudan are not detected, according to a new report from Imperial's researchers.

Staff (2020-12-01). Vaccine Ethics: Doctor Warns Against Paying People to Get COVID Vaccine as U.S. Preps Distribution. As distribution of coronavirus vaccines draws near, a recent poll suggests that 42% of Americans are reluctant to take the vaccine. In response, some, including former Maryland congressmember and presidential candidate John Delaney, are pushing to pay people to get vaccinated, a move being discouraged by many, including Dr. Monica Peek, a physician, associate professor of medicine and health disparities researcher at the University of Chicago. She says there are major concerns about how to ensure at-risk groups get vaccinated while overcoming public doubts about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, but paying…

Staff (2020-12-01). "Part of the Solution": Meet the Black Doctor Who Joined a Vaccine Trial After Her Dad Died of COVID. As the drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna seek emergency approval for their coronavirus vaccines, public health bodies and regulators are weighing how to distribute the vaccines and who will get access to them. The pandemic is disproportionately impacting African American, Latinx and Indigenous communities, exposing long-standing inequities and systemic racism in the U.S. healthcare system. These same communities are underrepresented in the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines, due in part to centuries of abusive treatment at the hands of medical researchers. We speak with Dr. Chris Pernell, a public health physician…

Manlio Dinucci (2020-12-01). La Bomba è pronta: tra breve in Italia. Un video, pubblicato il 23 novembre dai Sandia National Laboratories, mostra un caccia Usa F-35A che, volando a velocità supersonica a 3000 metri di quota, lancia una bomba nucleare B61-12 (dotata per il test di testata non-nucleare). | La bomba non …

Project Censored (2020-12-01). A Note on Research and Evaluation of Censored News Stories. How do we at Project Censored identify and evaluate independent news stories, and how do we know that the Top 25 stories that we bring forward each year are not…

Cailin (2020-12-01). COVID-19, Masks, and School Children in Ontario. Full transcript of the interview below. | Mark: [00: 00: 00We're in] Hamilton, Ontario, across from the City Hall, this is Cailin, and we're at anti lock down rally and everyone that I've interviewed has their own different story and they've all been …

Keroles Riad (2020-12-01). Scientists: How to fight back against anti-maskers, climate deniers and anti-vaxxers. Universities and scientists must recognize the necessity of equipping the next generation with science journalism skills, and adapt their training and professional development accordingly…

sputniknews (2020-12-01). New Technology Can Transform Mars' Salty Water to Oxygen, Fuel. Water is considered to be the basis of life. On Mars, however, much of it is frozen and the rest is full of salt from the Martian soil, making it useless for NASA astronauts who are to land on the red planet by 2033 to "learn how to live and work in another world."

Julian Rose (2020-12-01). The Great Reject — Of the "Great Reset". Dystopian Nightmare for All Humanity. The World that Klaus Schwab, executive director of the World Economic Forum, wants us to rubber stamp is a 100% dystopian nightmare. In fact, if one was to write a film script about the worst of all outcomes for …

Pieter Borger (2020-12-01). External Peer Review of the RT-PCR Test to Detect SARS-CoV-2 Reveals 10 Major Scientific Flaws at the Molecular and Methodological Level: Consequences for False Positive Results. Abstract | In the publication entitled "Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR" (Eurosurveillance 25(8) 2020) the authors present a diagnostic workflow and RT-qPCR protocol for detection and diagnostics of 2019-nCoV (now known as SARS-CoV-2), which they claim to …

Matthew Ehret-Kump (2020-12-01). The Nuremberg Tribunal: 75 Years Later and Still the Basis for Humanity's Survival. "The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating, that Civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated. That four great nations, flushed with victory and …

Black Alliance for Peace (2020-12-01). U.S. Centrism: The Radical Betrayal of Global Solidarity. "… Somebody must say to America, America if you have contempt for life, if you exploit human beings by seeing them as less than human, if you will treat human beings as a means to an end, you thingafy those …

WSWS (2020-12-01). Evictions caused nearly 11,000 excess COVID-19 deaths in six months in the US. Data compiled by researchers at five major US universities illustrates the deadly consequences of throwing workers and their families out of their homes during the pandemic.

Kenny Stancil (2020-12-01). 'Housing is healthcare': Evictions have exacerbated Covid-19 pandemic, research shows. "This is a time where it's not an overstatement to say that for many people, eviction can lead to death."

Elijah J. Magnier (2020-12-01). How Will Iran Answer the Assassination of Fakhri Zadeh? US President Donald Trump and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided that Iran was their worst enemy and that its nuclear and missile programs should be disrupted or destroyed by all means. Perhaps Trump considers Iran to be one of …

Project Censored (2020-12-01). #8. The Public Banking Revolution. In October 2019, California governor Gavin Newsom signed the Public Banking Act, authorizing city and county governments to create or sponsor public banks. As YES! Magazine reported, though establishing the charters for such banks will likely take several years, public banks like the Bank of North Dakota, which was established in 1919, provide a robust alternative to the "big for-profit banks that the government uses to invest public money into Wall Street, rather than local communities." Public banks will provide "public agencies access to loans at interest rates much lower than they could find at private banks,…

Pieter Borger (2020-12-01). RT-PCR Test to Detect SARS-CoV-2 Reveals 10 Major Scientific Flaws at the Molecular and Methodological Level: Consequences for False Positive Results. Abstract | In the publication entitled "Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR" (Eurosurveillance 25(8) 2020) the authors present a diagnostic workflow and RT-qPCR protocol for detection and diagnostics of 2019-nCoV (now known as SARS-CoV-2), which they claim to …

Haymarket Books (2020-12-01). Wednesday 12/2: #BLM Book Launch: "Black Lives Matter at School: An Uprising for Educational Justice" Online Event…

Global Research News (2020-12-01). Global Research's Most Popular Articles in November.

Project Censored (2020-12-01). #25. Studies Document Links between Education, Incarceration, and Recidivism. Two research studies document links between education, incarceration, and recidivism, as covered in articles published by ColorLines, Usable Knowledge, and Citizen Truth. In September 2019, ColorLines reported that attending a…

Carolyn Hendler (2020-12-01). Concerts, Sport Events: World's Largest Ticket Agency Plans to Require COVID-19 Testing or Vaccination. On Nov. 11, 2020, Billboard magazine reported that Ticketmaster, the world's largest ticket agency, revealed it wants to require proof that ticket purchasers have tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus within 24-72 hours before attending an event or have received …

Michael Snyder (2020-12-01). "Dark Winter" Was the Code Name for a Scenario in Which a Biological Weapon Was Used Against the American Populace. Could it be possible that the phrase "dark winter" has some sort of deeper meaning that most of us are not meant to understand? We have heard that phrase over and over again in recent weeks, and usually it has …

Linda McQuaig (2020-12-01). Canada Is Now Paying the Price for Privatizing Its Vaccine Research and Production Lab. Unfortunately, we've ventured a long way from the days when we had a publicly owned and medically innovative enterprise that dazzled on the world stage and kept Canadians at the front of the line for vaccines. |…

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2020-12-01). On the Psychology of Evil. A First Approach to the Subject "Man Is Good". Evil Will Not Succeed! The ringleaders of the global conspiracy against us citizens have already pushed the realisation of their diabolical plans for a New World Order NWO and a One World Government based on the Chinese model as well as a "Great New …