Monthly Archives: June 2021

2021-06-14: News Headlines

WSWS repost (2021-06-14). Near-unanimous strike authorization vote by 5,000 University of California lecturers. University of California lecturers living on poverty wages have voted 96 percent in favor of striking, while the American Federation of Teachers seeks to prevent any strike from taking place.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2021-06-14). How COVID-19 School Guidelines Are Harming Kids. It became clear …

Staff (2021-06-14). Family avoids mental fatigue associated with Covid-19 in Cuba. Professor Olga Esther Infante, from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, explained that the term 'pandemic exhaustion' is perceived by the Cuban family, a concept coined by the World Health Organization in reference to a state of fatigue, lack of motivation and apathy. Infante specified in a televised conference that this lack of motivation leads to a relaxation of personal self-care and increases the risk of contagion, as well as affectations among group members such as irritability and manifestations of anxiety that can generate conflicts.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2021-06-14). CDC Caught Cooking the Books on COVID Vaccines. COVID-19 has been …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-06-14). Perú — øCuál será la naturaleza de un Gobierno encabezado por Pedro Castillo? Al ir a imprenta, el 11 de junio de 2021, los resultados publicados por la Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales (ONPE) de Perú apuntan a favor del candidato de Perú Libre José Pedro Castillo Terrones frente a Keiko Fujimori de …

Staff (2021-06-14). Over 3,100 Palestinians detained by Israeli occupation in May 2021: Prisoners' associations report. Palestinian prisoners' rights and human rights institutions, the Prisoners' Affairs Commission, Palestinian Prisoners' Society, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, and the Wadi Hilweh Information Center — Jerusalem, issued their monthly report on Sunday, 13 June, detailing the latest statistics and reports on Israeli repression targeting Palestinian detainees. The report covers key issues in the current uprising in Palestine, including ongoing violations and abuses by occupation forces, and documents specific cases followed by the institutions that prepared the report. The report is trans…

United Health Professionals (2021-06-14). International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals. We are more than 1,500 members (including professors of medicine, intensive care physicians and infectious disease specialists) from more than 30 countries. The lockdown has not only killed people, it has destroyed physical and mental health, economy, education and other aspects of social life.

Neal Morton (2021-06-14). Bake Sales and Tesla Raffles: The Unequal World of PTA Wealth. Bake Sales and Tesla Raffles: The Unequal World of PTA Wealth…

Paul Buhle (2021-06-14). Screen Shot 2021-06-14 at 11.26.42 AM.png. Looking back at the teacher strikes of 2018-2019, it's clear that true reform for U.S. public schools will only come from undoing capitalism.

Dr. Shawgi Tell (2021-06-14). Countless U.S. Charter Schools Hire Many Uncertified Teachers. Privately-operated non-profit and …

Teodrose Fikremariam (2021-06-14). Nightmare Scenario: Vaccinated Children Developing Myocarditis, a Debilitating Form of Heart Inflammation, at Alarming Rates. In a …

Andrew Korybko (2021-06-14). Is Nigeria's Twitter Ban a National Sovereignty or Anti-Democratic Move? Observers are divided …

Anonymous007 (2021-06-14). Number Of Nuclear Warheads Went Down, As 'Combat Ready' Nuclear Arsenal Grew In 2021. Click to see full-size image | The global nuclear arsenal grew in 2021, despite the overall number of nuclear warheads going down, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) The nine nuclear-armed states—the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)—together possessed an estimated 13,080 nuclear weapons at…

Global Research News (2021-06-14). Selected Articles: The Killer in the Bloodstream: The "Spike Protein" By The Spike Protein is a "uniquely dangerous" transmembrane fusion protein that is an integral part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. "The S protein plays a crucial …

Staff (2021-06-14). Debt Union Crafts Executive Order for Biden to Cancel All Student Loan Debt. A union of debtors on Monday All that's required now, said the Debt Collective, is President Joe Biden's signature. | "President Biden can cancel all federal student loan debt with a simple executive order. So, we wrote the entire executive order for him," the gr…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2021-06-14). Vague Alternatives and G7 Summitry: The Build Back Better World Initiative. Summits often feature …

Eva Bartlett (2021-06-14). Video: Elections Celebrations and Cruelty of Western Sanctions Against Syrian People. Transcript below. | Speaker …

Eva Bartlett (2021-06-14). I'm on a 'Hit List': Kiev Allows to Silence Dissent and Journalism. That's All You Need to Know About Ukrainian 'Democracy'. Address issues which …

Stephen Sefton (2021-06-14). Truthful Accounts — A View from Nicaragua. Efforts to depict …

Ben Armbruster (2021-06-14). No, European Intel Has Not Concluded Iran Is Seeking to Build Nukes. Iran hawks are …

Rod Driver (2021-06-14). Shock Therapy: How Austerity and Privatisation Destroy Nations. Politicians from rich …

Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay (2021-06-14). Video: Toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay to the CDC: Stop Vaccinations. A veteran toxicologist …

Rick Rozoff (2021-06-14). Biden's Message to NATO Summit: U.S. Has Sacred Obligation to Article 5 War Clause. Voice of America …

The Global Research Team (2021-06-14). Beyond Censorship: Killing the Truth. Dear readers, | Over the past few months, independent media —including Global Research— has felt the sting of increased online censorship, in the form of a crackdown on news that challenges official government narratives. While our core readership has remained (thank …

Adeyinka Makinde (2021-06-14). Nigeria's Buhari-Twitter Spat: Big Tech Power, "Hate Speech" and National Sovereignty. "Many of those …

Robert C. Koehler (2021-06-14). Protecting Borders, Not Life. Remember the Space …

Stephen Sefton (2021-06-14). Truthful Accounts: A View from Nicaragua on Propaganda and Corporate Media Journalists. Efforts to depict …

Al Jazeera (2021-06-14). Amnesty Raises Alarm as Israel Shuts Palestinian Health Provider. Israel's move to …

Klaus Marre (2021-06-14). Pity the Poor Billionaire. It's been a …

Mary Turfah (2021-06-14). The Media Is an Accomplice in Erasing Palestinian Life. The late Palestinian …

Steven Sahiounie (2021-06-14). Embassy Reopenings in Damascus as Syria Returns to Normalcy. Foreign embassies are …

John G. Russell (2021-06-14). Expurgated History, Or What Happens When You Have a Teachable Moment but They Cut Your Mic. There is in America a sizable and powerful community that will do everything in its power to silence voices it does not want to recognize, apparently preferring to listen to its own expurgated fictions. Case in point: Ohio's Hudson American Legion Memorial Day parade organizers cut the volume on Lt. Col. Barnard Kemter's mic when

B.N. Frank (2021-06-14). Joe Biden and Boris Johnson Team Up to Develop U.S./U.K Partnership on 6G Development that Includes A.I. A 2019 survey …

Global Research News (2021-06-14). Video: Bill Gates' Vaccine Experiment with Indian Tribal Girls in 2009. Selected quotations …

Chris Cole (2021-06-14). British MoD Report: Embrace of "Human Augmentation" to Fully Exploit Drones and A.I. for Warfighting. The MoD's internal …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-14). Mayo Clinic study provides clarity on use of anticoagulants in gastrointestinal cancers. ROCHESTER, Minn. — A study by Mayo Clinic researchers provides some clarity in the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), such as apixaban and rivaroxaban, to treat acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with gastrointestinal cancers. The findings were published Wednesday, June 2, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Among the study's findings: Rivaroxaban showed no higher risk …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-14). Science Saturday: Patients need to know how their data affects their health outcomes. In the near future, genome sequencing, among other biological measures, will be as routine as X-rays and cholesterol testing. The challenge, though, will be accurately interpreting the vast amount of data and effectively using it to guide decisions about health care. In a position statement published in Hepatology, Mayo Clinic researchers layout perspectives of various stakeholders …

anonymous (2021-06-14). Journalist, Activist Kevin Gallagher Has Died. Kevin Gallagher, age 36, was found deceased at his home in San Francisco. This announcement was made yesterday on June 10th. Gallagher was an an activist, journalist and researcher who raised awareness about the surveillance industry. Cause of death has not been announced at this time.

Center for Biological Diversity (2021-06-14). Thursday 6/17: Saving Life on Earth: Fighting Extinction of Flora & Fauna from Human Development w/ CBD. Online teach-in…

Staff (2021-06-14). Iranian MP & activists unveil environmental charter. TEHRAN, Jun. 14 (MNA) — Environmental activists unveiled a new environmental charter to express their support to the environment, which has long been forgotten.

Paul Hockenos (2021-06-14). We Don't Need Science Fiction to Avert Climate Catastrophe. We Don't Need Science Fiction to Avert Climate Catastrophe…

WSWS repost (2021-06-13). Near-unanimous strike authorization vote by 5,000 University of California lecturers. University of California lecturers living on poverty wages have voted 96 percent in favor of striking, while the American Federation of Teachers seeks to prevent any strike from taking place.

Shawgi Tell (2021-06-13). Public Money Used to Increase Segregated Charter Schools. It is well-documented that charter schools intensify segregation on the basis of ability, language, race, and socioeconomic status. Charter school demographics frequently do not reflect the demographics of public schools in their communities. This is because privately-operated non-profit and for-profit charter schools routinely engage in selective enrollment practices even though they are "schools of choice" …

Kit Knightly (2021-06-13). Is a "Climate Lockdown" on the Horizon? If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won't be going anywhere. Instead it looks like they'll be rebranded as "climate lockdowns", and either enforced or simply held threateningly over the public's head. | At …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-06-13). Video: Covid-19 Criminality. Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 "pandemic". | SARS-2 is upheld as the "killer virus". And now the Covid vaccine is presented to public opinion …

Staff (2021-06-13). Venezuela's Bolivarian Oxygen Route: How Venezuelans Are Facing COVID-19 Challenges. In Venezuela, workers' productive councils, students' teams from the Jesús Rivero Bolivarian Workers' University (UBTJR), and Workers' Militia in SIDOR, PDVSA Petroleum Services, in coordination with regional governments, mayors, the General Health Services and organized communities, are supplying liquid oxygen to the public healthcare system of Venezuela. | In about two months, they have supplied more than 40% of the demand for oxygen in the public healthcare system, which is particularly necessary for treatment of patients with COVID-19. They have provided 100% of the requirements of the industrial clinics of P…

Mike Whitney (2021-06-13). The Killer in the Bloodstream: the "Spike Protein" "From the beginning Covid has been a conspiracy against health and life. Covid is a profit-making agenda and an agenda for increasing arbitrary government power over people. There should be massive law suits and massive arrests of those who block …

Global Research News (2021-06-13). This is How Doctors are Puppets for Vaccine Manufacturers. First published in November 2014, this incisive article raises several important issues pertaining to vaccines. | Of relevance to the covid-19 crisis, Vac Truth points out the following: | "Manufacturers hide information from doctors about ingredients and conceal their sinister plans for …

Staff (2021-06-13). US: FDA Asks J&J To Discard Millions of COVID-19 Vaccine Doses. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration on Friday said Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) must dump millions of doses of its COVID-19 vaccine manufactured at a Baltimore factory plagued with sanitary problems. | While the federal agency cleared about 10 million doses, …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-06-13). Peru: What Will be the Nature of a Pedro Castillo Government? As we go to press, June 11, 2021, the results published by Peru's National Electoral Processes Office (ONPE) point in favor of Perú Libre's candidate José Pedro Castillo Terrones against Fuerza Popular's Keiko Fujimori. | Fujimori has claimed fraud and …

2021-06-15 05:03 | 01:03 EST | 50 | 0 | 9 | 42 | 0

2021-06-13: News Headlines

Global Research News (2021-06-13). Netanyahu's Last Hurrah? On the cusp of being replaced as Israeli prime minister, Netanyahu isn't going quietly into that good night — far from it. | After extremist settlers and other far-right elements were denied permission for an unacceptable march through Occupied East Jerusalem's …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-06-13). Peru: What Will be the Nature of a Pedro Castillo Government? As we go to press, June 11, 2021, the results published by Peru's National Electoral Processes Office (ONPE) point in favor of Perú Libre's candidate José Pedro Castillo Terrones against Fuerza Popular's Keiko Fujimori. | Fujimori has claimed fraud and …

_____ (2021-06-13). NYT's Africa: A Place of Failure and No Leadership. "…Living in a postcolonial African education system that still relies heavily on Western literature, one becomes intimately aware of how the world sees Africa. Still, I have always bristled against what is now famously called "the single story," which presents Africa as a one-dimensional scene of tragic suffering and endless despair. Coverage of Covid-19 in Africa, despite the continent's relatively low infection rates, is disproportionately grim and macabre compared to the rest of the world, as two New York Times articles illustrated."

Jonathan Flowers (2021-06-13). 'We moved a mountain': Colorado pre-K teachers win a union. Most of all, the Jefferson County preschool teachers are looking forward to having a collective voice.

WSWS repost (2021-06-13). Near-unanimous strike authorization vote by 5,000 University of California lecturers. University of California lecturers living on poverty wages have voted 96 percent in favor of striking, while the American Federation of Teachers seeks to prevent any strike from taking place.

Kit Knightly (2021-06-13). Is a "Climate Lockdown" on the Horizon? If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won't be going anywhere. Instead it looks like they'll be rebranded as "climate lockdowns", and either enforced or simply held threateningly over the public's head. | At …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-06-13). Video: Covid-19 Criminality. Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 "pandemic". | SARS-2 is upheld as the "killer virus". And now the Covid vaccine is presented to public opinion …

Staff (2021-06-13). Venezuela's Bolivarian Oxygen Route: How Venezuelans Are Facing COVID-19 Challenges. In Venezuela, workers' productive councils, students' teams from the Jesús Rivero Bolivarian Workers' University (UBTJR), and Workers' Militia in SIDOR, PDVSA Petroleum Services, in coordination with regional governments, mayors, the General Health Services and organized communities, are supplying liquid oxygen to the public healthcare system of Venezuela. | In about two months, they have supplied more than 40% of the demand for oxygen in the public healthcare system, which is particularly necessary for treatment of patients with COVID-19. They have provided 100% of the requirements of the industrial clinics of P…

Mike Whitney (2021-06-13). The Killer in the Bloodstream: the "Spike Protein" "From the beginning Covid has been a conspiracy against health and life. Covid is a profit-making agenda and an agenda for increasing arbitrary government power over people. There should be massive law suits and massive arrests of those who block …

Staff (2021-06-13). US: FDA Asks J&J To Discard Millions of COVID-19 Vaccine Doses. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration on Friday said Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) must dump millions of doses of its COVID-19 vaccine manufactured at a Baltimore factory plagued with sanitary problems. | While the federal agency cleared about 10 million doses, …

Ben Norton (2021-06-13). How Washington is Positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda's Founder as Its 'Asset'. A PBS Frontline special is the latest vehicle in a PR campaign to legitimize rebranded Syrian al-Qaeda, HTS, and market its leader Mohammad Jolani as a competent American "asset." | ** | March 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Western regime-change …

Robert Hunziker (2021-06-13). Toxic Chemicals Engulf the Planet. Worldwide chemical emissions are six times global warming emissions. This hidden dilemma is fully exposed in a superbly researched new book by science writer Julian Cribb: Earth Detox, How and Why We Must Clean Up Our Planet, Cambridge University Press, scheduled for release August 2021. The planet has become a toxic soup of tested, untested, …

Christopher Black (2021-06-13). The Copenhagen Summit for Democracy: The New Nazis. On May 10-11 a conference was presented by the "Alliance of Democracies" in Copenhagen that claimed to "unite free peoples" against authoritarianism, to promote the rule of law, to advance the "technological control of democracy," freedom of expression and US …

Megan Sherman (2021-06-13). The West should Embrace a Multipolar World Order. There have been many obvious signs of Western defensiveness, protectiveness and isolationism against the emergence of a multipolar BRIC ascendancy, which is interpreted as a threat to hegemon America's unilateral geopolitical strategy, so brutally imposed on the ever evolving politics …

Edward Curtin (2021-06-13). The Elephant in the Room: Cell Phones. It is difficult to talk to addicts about addictions and it is even harder to do so when their embrace of the drug of choice has dire consequences. | I once asked the ether if God had a cell phone, and …

anonymous (2021-06-13). Journalist, Activist Kevin Gallagher Has Died. Kevin Gallagher, age 36, was found deceased at his home in San Francisco. This announcement was made yesterday on June 10th. Gallagher was an an activist, journalist and researcher who raised awareness about the surveillance industry. Cause of death has not been announced at this time.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-13). Science Saturday: Patients need to know how their data affects their health outcomes. In the near future, genome sequencing, among other biological measures, will be as routine as X-rays and cholesterol testing. The challenge, though, will be accurately interpreting the vast amount of data and effectively using it to guide decisions about health care. In a position statement published in Hepatology, Mayo Clinic researchers layout perspectives of various stakeholders …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-13). Mayo Clinic study provides clarity on use of anticoagulants in gastrointestinal cancers. ROCHESTER, Minn. — A study by Mayo Clinic researchers provides some clarity in the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), such as apixaban and rivaroxaban, to treat acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with gastrointestinal cancers. The findings were published Wednesday, June 2, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Among the study's findings: Rivaroxaban showed no higher risk …

Daniel Espinosa (2021-06-12). Will right-wing Peruvian demagogue Keiko Fujimori burn the country down before accepting defeat? Despite a wave of anti-communist propaganda and mysterious "terrorist" massacre, leftist teacher Pedro Castillo has triumphed in Peru's presidential election. But his right-wing rival refuses to accept the results. LIMA, PERU — Keiko Fujimori, the political heiress to the jailed Peruvian former dictator Alberto Fujimori, appears to have lost her third election in a row. This time, she has been defeated by Pedro Castillo, a leftist teacher from the rural Andes who narrowly leads in a deliberately delayed poll. Facing …

Staff (2021-06-12). A National Strike Has Reignited in Colombia — and Is Winning Some Victories. Since April 28, people in Colombia's cities and towns have engaged in an ongoing national strike, el paro nacional. Originally called in November 2019 by the major labor federations in opposition to a package of neoliberal tax, health care, pension and education legislation emerging from the right-wing national government, the strike went dormant for a stretch after the pandemic hit Colombia, but now has resurfaced stronger than ever — and activists are starting to win some national and lo…

Elham Ghasemi, Fatemeh Rajabi, Reza Majdzadeh (2021-06-12). [Correspondence] Intersectionality in UHC: from blue-sky to day-to-day practice. Rajvinder Samra and Olena Hankivsky1 rightly address intersectionality in analysing inequalities and the intersection of social identities in power structures in medical education and its negative consequences on the future of health-care providers.

Labor Video Project (2021-06-12). Palestinians Backed by Education Unions UESF & UTLA Who Protest US Aid For Israel. California education unions UESF in San Francisco and UTLA in Los Angeles have acted to support Palestinians, support the blockade of Israel and opposed US military and economic aid for Israel. Two members discuss their actions…

WSWS repost (2021-06-12). Near-unanimous strike authorization vote by 5,000 University of California lecturers. University of California lecturers living on poverty wages have voted 96 percent in favor of striking, while the American Federation of Teachers seeks to prevent any strike from taking place.

WSWS (2021-06-12). Shepparton: A city that typifies Australia's rural social crisis. Shepparton, where the Victorian Labor government is forcing students into an amalgamated "super-school," is recording alarming levels of acute psychological distress, bullying and disadvantage.

F. William Engdahl (2021-06-12). A Sinister Agenda Behind California Water Crisis? Looming Food Supply Catastrophe. In recent months a crisis in the US food supply has been growing and is about to assume alarming dimensions that could become catastrophic. Atop the existing corona pandemic lockdowns, a looming agriculture crisis could tip inflation measures to cause a financial crisis as interest rates rise.

F. William Engdahl (2021-06-12). A Sinister Agenda Behind California Water Crisis? Looming Food Supply Catastrophe. In recent months a crisis situation in the USA food supply has been growing and is about to assume alarming dimensions that could become catastrophic. | Atop the existing corona pandemic lockdowns and unemployment, a looming agriculture crisis as well could …

Faith McLellan (2021-06-12). [Perspectives] Kirsten Ostherr: mobilising the translational humanities. As the myriad lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic begin to emerge, one is evident: disciplines beyond science and medicine are essential to improve the handling of health crises. Even the most effective COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and public health strategies are likely to falter unless their deployment is informed by behavioural, historical, and cultural insights, trustworthy communication, and the effective use of technology. One scholar seeking to advance these insights is Kirsten Ostherr, the Gladys Louise Fox Professor of English, Director of the Medical Humanities Program, and Director of the Medical Futu…

Julian Rose (2021-06-12). Fakery and Covid Insanity: Must Mankind Bow to "False Gods"? We are living …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-06-12). The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of "Positive Cases" are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis. One year later the WHO retracts. They don't say "We Made a Mistake". It's carefully formulated. While they do not officially deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they recommend RT-PCR "Re-testing" (which everybody knows is an impossibility).

Sharon Lerner (2021-06-12). Expanding Research Complex in Berkeley Highlights Dangers of Biolabs. Questions about the origins of Covid-19 raise concerns about the safety of U.S. biolabs…

WSWS Repost (2021-06-12). University of California researchers petition for United Auto Workers union membership. UC researchers desperately need fighting organizations, but the United Auto Workers will give them nothing but dashed hopes.

anonymous (2021-06-12). Journalist, Activist Kevin Gallagher Has Died. Kevin Gallagher, age 36, was found deceased at his home in San Francisco. This announcement was made yesterday on June 10th. Gallagher was an an activist, journalist and researcher who raised awareness about the surveillance industry. Cause of death has not been announced at this time.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-12). Mayo Clinic study provides clarity on use of anticoagulants in gastrointestinal cancers. ROCHESTER, Minn. — A study by Mayo Clinic researchers provides some clarity in the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), such as apixaban and rivaroxaban, to treat acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with gastrointestinal cancers. The findings were published Wednesday, June 2, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Among the study's findings: Rivaroxaban showed no higher risk …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-12). Science Saturday: Patients need to know how their data affects their health outcomes. In the near future, genome sequencing, among other biological measures, will be as routine as X-rays and cholesterol testing. The challenge, though, will be accurately interpreting the vast amount of data and effectively using it to guide decisions about health care. In a position statement published in Hepatology, Mayo Clinic researchers layout perspectives of various stakeholders …

2021-06-14 01:21 | 21:21 EST | 34 | 0 | 16 | 18 | 0