Monthly Archives: April 2022

2022-04-07: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-04-07). Tennessee legislature passes bill banning "Critical Race Theory" in higher education. The law prohibits "divisive concepts" while claiming to promote "intellectual diversity" on public college and university campuses.

Washington's Blog (2022-04-07). "U.S. Government Planned False Flag Attacks to Start War with the Soviet Union". Newsweek. This article by Washington Blog was first published by Global Research on December 2017 is relevant to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. | It confirms that the US Government had contemplated a False Flag Attack "to Start a War with the …

Kathryn Joyce (2022-04-06). Betsy DeVos Is Joining Michigan's Far Right Militants in a Devious Campaign. Right-wing groups have launched an unusual political campaign in Michigan, uniting major Republican donors — including In mid-March, a far-right group…

_____ (2022-04-06). DC Protest Calls On Biden To Cancel Student Debt. Washington, D.C. – Hundreds of people converged in Washington, D.C. on Monday for a national day of action to demand that the Biden administration cancel all outstanding federal student loan debt via executive order. | "All it takes is a signature," said the Debt Collective, a debtors' union that organized the "Pick Up the Pen, Joe" demonstration, which was supported by a coalition that includes dozens of progressive advocacy groups and labor unions. Following speeches and performances in front of the Eisenhower Memorial, the crowd marched outside the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). | Monday's rally and march…

Editor (2022-04-06). The problem with 'Don't Say Gay': Children aren't asking about sex. They're asking about love. Queer advocates worry how the 'Don't Say Gay' bill, set to go into effect in Florida, could impact education on gender diversity and sexual orientation of young Canadians.

Robert Fantina (2022-04-06). How Does the US Rally Support for Wars that Kill Millions of Innocent People Worldwide? First published on May 21, 2020 | Campaigns against Native Americans. The War of 1812. World War I, World War II, Iraq and Afghanistan… The United States has been at war for the vast majority of its history. | These wars have …

Dr. Mike Yeadon (2022-04-06). Video: A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon.

Dr. Roxana Bruno (2022-04-06). 57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations. Important article first …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-04-06). Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting "Confirmed Covid-19 Cases"? Smoking Gun: The CDC Says that the PCR Test is Invalid. Does not differentiate between Covid-19 and Seasonal Influenza. Does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. If the PCR test is invalid the 260 Million "Confirmed Covid-19 Cases" collected Worldwide are meaningless. There is no Pandemic.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-04-06). US-NATO False Flags? Ukraine April 2022 vs. Kosovo January 1999. What is a false flag?: | "A false flag is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it. Nations have often done this by staging a real or simulated attack on their own … (2022-04-06). Last words of ancient women central to Chinese scholar's research. A Chinese scholar has collected a total 236 pieces of last words spoken by ancient women of the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907), trying to make up for the lack of history on both eras.

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-04-06). Debate Breaks Out In Black America Over Washing Chicken Before Cooking: Here's What The Science Says. Actress and producer Paula Patton set off a viral debate on Friday when a video resurfaced that she had posted of herself on Instagram cooking fried chicken using her mother's recipe. Some criticized Patton for her methods — including how long it seemed she cleaned her chicken and the fact that Patton seasoned the poultry … (2022-04-06). Students develop six-armed robot drummer in Russia. Students of the Kvantorium children's technopark have developed a design and software for a six-armed robot that can play a drum kit, repeat and make the rhythm of any melody.

Staff (2022-04-06). VIDEO: Student raises Palestine flag in graduation ceremony. At the graduation ceremony of the University of Manchester in the UK, the flag of Palestine was raised by one of the graduates.

Fight Back (2022-04-06). Arlington, TX: Bigot removed from student government. Arlington, TX — April 4 was a great victory for the student movement at the University of Texas at Arlington. The impeachment proceedings against Caitlyn Burge-Surles, the racist Turning Point USA leader and then-president of student government, happened with over 50 people in attendance both inside and outside the student government chambers. | This impeachment was only possible due to the intense pressure that came from within the senate, and from the student movement calling for accountability last week. There was a great amount of anticipation regarding this, as this impeachment is the first within UTA…

Fight Back (2022-04-06). Arlington, TX: Students demand Turning Point USA bigots get out of student government. Arlington, TX – On March 24, an email went out to senators of the University of Texas at Arlington student government detailing screenshots from the Turning Point USA discord server that revealed the student government President Caitlyn Burge-Surles and student government Chief of Staff Alyssa Spencer engaging in racist, transphobic and generally bigoted rhetoric. | Some examples of these messages include a screenshot of Caitlyn at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2021 with the caption "twins, but one of us is a woman!" Burge-Surles and Spencer spouting off about the racist conspiracy theory that…

WSWS (2022-04-06). What is American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten doing in Poland? The AFT president traveled to the Polish-Ukrainian border not as a humanitarian but as a long-time operative of the US State Department.

WSWS (2022-04-06). UK schools face teacher shortage as government makes derisory pay offer. More and more teachers are being forced to call in sick with COVID-19, meaning schools are having to send children home, sometimes for days at a time. In most cases, online teaching is not available owing to the lack of teachers.

WSWS (2022-04-06). Sacramento teachers: Vote "NO" on the sellout deal! Form rank-and-file committees to carry the struggle forward! The SCTA and SEIU ended the strike of over 5,000 teachers and school workers Sunday and are attempting to rush through an austerity agreement before they have adequate time to review.

2022-04-07 11:27 | 07:27 EST | jz | 21 | 0 | 19 | 2 | 0 

2022-04-06: News Headlines (2022-04-06). Last words of ancient women central to Chinese scholar's research. A Chinese scholar has collected a total 236 pieces of last words spoken by ancient women of the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907), trying to make up for the lack of history on both eras. (2022-04-06). Students develop six-armed robot drummer in Russia. Students of the Kvantorium children's technopark have developed a design and software for a six-armed robot that can play a drum kit, repeat and make the rhythm of any melody.

Staff (2022-04-06). VIDEO: Student raises Palestine flag in graduation ceremony. TEHRAN, Apr. 06 (MNA) — At the graduation ceremony of the University of Manchester in the UK, the flag of Palestine was raised by one of the graduates.

Fight Back (2022-04-06). Arlington, TX: Students demand Turning Point USA bigots get out of student government. Arlington, TX – On March 24, an email went out to senators of the University of Texas at Arlington student government detailing screenshots from the Turning Point USA discord server that revealed the student government President Caitlyn Burge-Surles and student government Chief of Staff Alyssa Spencer engaging in racist, transphobic and generally bigoted rhetoric. | Some examples of these messages include a screenshot of Caitlyn at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2021 with the caption "twins, but one of us is a woman!" Burge-Surles and Spencer spouting off about the racist conspiracy theory that…

____ (2022-04-06). What is American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten doing in Poland? The AFT president traveled to the Polish-Ukrainian border not as a humanitarian but as a long-time operative of the US State Department.

____ (2022-04-06). Sacramento teachers: Vote "NO" on the sellout deal! Form rank-and-file committees to carry the struggle forward! The SCTA and SEIU ended the strike of over 5,000 teachers and school workers Sunday and are attempting to rush through an austerity agreement before they have adequate time to review.

Umer Beigh (2022-04-05). Controversial Hijab ban in India a form of "religious apartheid" The verdict by a court in the Indian State of Karnataka in mid-March against the wearing of headscarves or the Hijab across colleges, preventing Muslim girls from entering educational premises with a certain dress code, has created a political furor in the country. | Since the verdict was announced on March 15, several protest actions have been carried out such as a complete strike in the State of Karnataka on March 17. | For many women activists the verdict is seen as a major disappointment and betrayal by the judicial system. Many fear that the "headscarf ban" will only add to the growing hostility against the…

JANET (2022-04-05). World hunger and the war in Ukraine. By Vijay Prashad April 5, 2022 During this war on Ukraine, No Cold War launched a new publication called Briefings, which will be factual texts on matters of global concern. Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research shared this first briefing: Billions of people around the world will suffer from this hunger crisis. The war in Ukraine, along with sanctions imposed by the United States and Western countries against Russia, have caused global food, fertilizer and fuel prices to skyrocket and endanger the world food supply. This conflict is exacerbating the existing crisis of global hunger and imperils the living…

Prof. Anthony J. Hall (2022-04-05). Canada's War Propaganda, Censorship and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In Canada the CBC has suffered a tremendous loss of audience and credibility by making itself a publicity operation for the COVID officialdom whose key figure heads include Justin Trudeau. Seeking the votes of Ukrainian nationalists in Canada, many of …

_____ (2022-04-05). Higher Ed Labor Unites For Equity For All: Faculty, Staff And Students. Students swell the picket lines of dining service workers. Staff fight for cancellation of exorbitant graduate student workers' fees. Undergraduate student workers learn about the precarity and low pay behind the title "adjunct" and demand their university administrations do better. Tenured faculty insist that part-time instructors receive benefits. Across higher education, workers are realizing that they depend on each other to get work done, from faculty, academic staff, graduate and undergraduate student workers, to janitors and clerical and technical workers—and the landscape of organizing is changing.

_____ (2022-04-05). Debt Collective Day Of Action Urges Biden To Cancel Student Debt. The Debt Collective is upping the ante in their fight for full federal student debt cancellation with their Pick Up the Pen, Joe! rally and day of action today in front of the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC. The event comes roughly a month before the pause on loan repayments is set to expire on May 1. Some White House sources have indicated the Biden administration may move that deadline again or forgive some amount of debt, but regardless, the Debt Collective's focus remains squarely on eliminating federal student debt in full. | A broad coalition of more than 50 community organizations and labor…

Jamal Rich (2022-04-05). D.C. hit by mass student debt protest before payments resume in May. WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Monday, April 4 at noon, student debtors and allies from across the United States came to the Department of Education to demand that the Biden administration cancel all federally-held student loan debt. The rally and march was held by the Debt Collective, which is a union for debtors. "Just like workers need to …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-04-05). A Poor People's Pandemic Report links poverty, race, coronavirus deaths. WASHINGTON—Poverty is inextricably linked with the almost one million U.S. deaths, so far, from the coronavirus pandemic, a new and detailed report says. And the county-by-county statistics also reveal a disproportionate impact on people of color, it adds. A Poor People's Pandemic Report: Mapping The Intersection Of Poverty, Race And Covid-19—the formal name for the …

Dana Sanchez (2022-04-05). Biden Administration Expected To Extend Student Loan Moratorium To Aug. 31. The Biden administration plans to again delay the repayment of federal student loans through the end of August 2022, according to an administration official and people familiar with the matter. The current pause on payments was about to expire on May 1, impacting more than 40 million Americans. The new Aug. 31 extension is shorter than …

_____ (2022-04-05). 'Pausing a Crisis Doesn't End It': Biden to Extend Student Loan Payment Freeze Again. "We have to keep pushing. This isn't enough," said the Debt Collective.

JANET (2022-04-05). Indian unions stage two-day countrywide strike. By Martha Grevatt April 4, 2022 A gigantic countrywide general strike over political demands — known in India as a "bharat bandh" — brought out workers, students and farmers March 28-29. Media reports claim at least 50 million workers participated. Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary of the All India Trade Union Congress, put the number closer to the 200 million that unions had predicted ahead of the strike. She said more joined the second day. Millions participated in an "All-India Bharat Bandh," a general strike held March 28-29. Nearly all of India's 28 states and eight "union territories" (under fede…

Staff (2022-04-05). 5 suspects detained over deadly stabbing attack on clergymen. TEHRAN, Apr. 05 (MNA) — The prosecutor general of the major Iranian city of Mashhad where a man attacked seminary students in Imam Reza shrine earlier on Tuesday said that 5 people have been arrested so far over the stabbing attack.

_____ (2022-04-05). Why the GOP Is Very Afraid of Students Learning the Real History of Reconstruction. This breathtakingly ambitious effort led by formerly enslaved people to eradicate a brutal and centuries-old form of racist exploitation—and to build an entirely new society—is rarely captured in state standards.

____ (2022-04-05). New Zealand student with Long COVID denounces abandonment of public health measures. A 22-year-old Wellington student spoke to the WSWS about her experience with Long COVID and her deep concern at the Labour government's decision to lift public health restrictions while infections and deaths are surging.

____ (2022-04-05). Sacramento teachers' strike called off. Late Sunday night SCTA and SEIU called off an eight-day strike of teachers and school workers in Sacramento, reaching a sellout deal with the district and leaving workers in the dark about contract details.

2022-04-06 14:37 | 10:37 EST | es | 22 | 0 | 14 | 8 | 0