Monthly Archives: April 2022

2022-04-28: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-04-28). Inflation intensifies cost of living crisis for workers in Australia. Runaway price rises for food, fuel, housing, education and other essentials are tearing through working-class living conditions. (2022-04-28). China launches learning app for middle, primary school students. China has launched a mobile app to provide middle and primary school students with more convenient ways to study online amid COVID-19 resurgence, according to the Ministry of Education.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-28). Science Saturday: Regenerating damaged vocal cords. Cells from amniotic membrane show potential of repairing vocal cord injuries that don't respond to standard care, Mayo Clinic discovered in preclinical research. The placental membrane provides a rich source of epithelial cells that could regenerate damaged tissue. Research by David Lott, M.D., a laryngeal surgeon in Arizona, found epithelial cells extracted after childbirth triggered healing in animals with vocal cord damage. Dr. Lott's paper is published in Stem Cell Research & Therapy. "We believe our study…

Proma Paul, Jaya Chandna, Simon R. Procter, Ziyaad Dangor, Shannon Leahy, Sridhar Santhanam, Hima B. John, Quique Bassat, Justina Bramugy, Azucena Bardají, Amina Abubakar, Carophine Nasambu, Romina Libster, Clara Sánchez Yanotti, Farah Seedat, Erzsébet Horváth-Puhó, A.K.M. Tanvir Hossain, Qazi Sadeq-ur Rahman, Mark Jit, Charles R. Newton, Kate Milner, Bronner P. Gonàßalves, Joy E. Lawn, GBS long term outcomes LMIC collaborative group (2022-04-28). [Articles] Neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes after invasive Group B Streptococcus in early infancy: A multi-country matched cohort study in South Africa, Mozambique, India, Kenya, and Argentina. Our findings suggest that iGBS disease is on average associated with a higher risk of moderate/severe NDI, however substantial variation in risk was observed between sites and data are consistent with a wide range of values. Our study underlines the importance of long-term follow-up for at-risk neonates and more feasible, standardised assessments to facilitate diagnosis in research and clinical practice. (2022-04-28). Underground neutrino experiment facilities under construction in Guangdong. China's second large-scale neutrino experiment project, Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), is under construction at 700 meters underground in Jiangmen, Guangdong, said the Institute of High Energy Physics, China Academy of Sciences, on Tuesday.

WSWS (2022-04-28). UIC graduate students: Vote no on the GEO-AFT sellout tentative agreement! Form rank-and-file committees to expand the struggle for a living wage! The tentative agreement reached by the GEO-AFT with the University of Illinois Chicago would mean further economic devastation for grad student workers.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-04-27). The Little-Known International Charter At The Center of Ukraine War and China's Future Defense. Jacqueline Luqman The U.S. talks about "rule based order" because international law is not on its side. The 1999 OSCE Charter explains why the Biden administration would rather make up a new phrase out of whole cloth than live up to agreements it signed. In 1999, the United States and the 56 other participating states of…

Matt Sedlar (2022-04-27). Comment Letter in Response to the FTC and DOJ's Request for Information on Merger Enforcement. Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund (AFREF), joined by the Center for Economic Policy and Research, and United for Respect, sent a comment letter responding to the FTC and DOJ's request for information on merger enforcement.

Ann Brown (2022-04-27). Harvard Scholar Dr. Henry Louis Gates Pledges To Trace The Roots Of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors‚ÄØ. Renowned historian, professor and filmmaker Dr. Henry Louis Gates says he will trace the roots of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre survivors. A genealogist and professor of African American Studies, Gates is the director of the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University. He is best known as the creator and …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-04-27). Notes from Wartorn Ethiopia, Part III: Crimes of the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front. Ann Garrison Mass grave site uncovered by Gondar University research team. (Photo: Twitter @Hermela22) BAR contributor Ann Garrison reports on conditions in Ethiopia. The discovery of mass graves and underground prisons in Ethiopia has exposed the crimes of the Tigray Peoples' Liberation Front or TPLF, the U.S. puppets who tyrannized Ethiopia for 27 years with…

Sandipan Talukdar (2022-04-27). Do humans have nutritional wisdom? A new study with a novel approach has shed fresh light on this field of research. It suggests that our food choices are even more sophisticated than was thought previously, and this choice is influenced by nutrients and not only calories, as thought earlier…

Juan Bordera (2022-04-27). How the corporate interests and political elites watered down the world's most important climate report. The IPCC scientist in Working Group III in charge of proposing a concrete mitigation plan, that is, to reduce emissions and seek viable solutions (technological, economic, and social) to the biggest crisis ever faced by humankind. The science has never been clearer: we must drastically reduce emissions to have a chance of maintaining the climate stability that allows us to live on this planet.

William Rivers Pitt (2022-04-27). No, Fauci, a Pandemic Can't End in One Country Only. You Taught Me That. I always believed that when it ended, or came as close to "ending" as science and petulant politics could manage, there would be a shared moment of great rejoicing joined in somber reflection of all that had been lost. | There would have to be one, yeah? After almost a thousand days of COVID, a thousand days of choking death and stifled fear, of refrigerator trucks stuffed with bodies and nurses wearing garbage bags to save their own lives, even the folly of "leaders" and the vandalism of followers has not smothered our need to embrace an ending to this thing, a place where we who are still here can say, "Here we… (2022-04-27). Imperial celebrates science and innovation partnerships with India. Scientists, policymakers and industry leaders celebrated the growing links between Imperial College London and India at a special event.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-27). Colombia's poverty rate down to 39.3% as economy recovers from pandemic. Colombia's poverty rate dropped 3.2 percentage points to 39.3% in 2021 as the country tried to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, according to statistics agency DANE. This implies that an… (2022-04-27). "I want to pass on the belief to be confident in yourself and your ability" For the second year, Imperial students will mentor Black A-Level students with the aim of removing barriers to top-tier universities.

Jake Watkins (2022-04-27). Rather than sell their own blood, Indiana students go on strike. BLOOMINGTON, Indiana — "It is common for student workers to get second jobs and sell plasma to stay afloat," John Ferrand from the Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition told People's World. Ferrand said that salaries at Indiana University can be as much as $20,000 below a living wage," as a calculator developed by the Massachusetts Institute …

Sharon Zhang (2022-04-27). Biden Says He Wants to Fulfill His Campaign Promise to Cancel Student Debt. President Joe Biden may soon fulfill a long-vaunted campaign promise to cancel some amount of student debt without action from Congress, which has become a major touchstone issue for progressives and Democratic lawmakers during Biden's time in office. | During

WSWS (2022-04-27). Teachers throughout Sri Lanka join one-day strike against the Rajapakse government. While teachers joined the strike to fight for their social rights against the government, the trade unions are attempting to divert the struggle behind the opposition parties that would also implement the IMF's austerity agenda.

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