Monthly Archives: April 2022

2022-04-15: News Headlines

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-15). Mayo Clinic, Rochester branch of NAACP seek mentors for RISE for Youth program. This summer, 40 high school and college students will be the first participants in RISE for Youth, a strategic collaboration between Mayo Clinic and the Rochester branch of the NAACP. The program is designed to help Black and underrepresented students find pathways to success in education and employment. "Not all students have the same opportunities to realize their full potential," says Dr. Anjali Bhagra, medical director of Mayo Clinic's Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion….

Benjamin Norton (2022-04-15). German EU official uses racist rhetoric claiming Russians don't value life. A German EU official claimed Russians don't value human life and thus aren't Europeans. The ex NATO researcher was echoing a centuries-old colonialist trope used to justify genocide of Indigenous peoples, US war on Vietnam, and Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-04-15). Forth night of Revolution Art Week. TEHRAN, Apr. 15 (MNA) — In the ceremony on the fourth night of the Revolution Art Week, researchers and narrators of the Islamic Revolution and the sacred defense were honored.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-15). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Blood disorder causes body to make too many red blood cells. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a relative who was diagnosed with polycythemia vera. What is this disorder, and can it be treated? Is any new research being conducted on polycythemia vera? ANSWER: Polycythemia vera is a blood disorder where the body makes too many red blood cells. It's one in a family of diseases called myeloproliferative disorders. In these diseases, bone marrow — the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made — is affected by…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-15). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can diet help with inflammatory bowel disease? More than 6.8 million people worldwide are estimated to be living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is believed to be the result of a malfunctioning immune system, which results in an inappropriate immune response that attacks the lining of the intestines. There is no cure and no exact cause, though researchers continue to look at how genes, the microbiome and environmental factors play a role in this chronic disease. Dr. Amanda Johnson, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, explains… (2022-04-15). Lunar soil found by China's lunar rover shows great cohesion: Scientists. The latest research results found by the Yutu-2 lunar rover indicates that the regolith of the lunar soil resembles dry sand and sandy loam on Earth in bearing properties, demonstrating greater bearing strength than that identified during the Apollo missions.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-15). Mayo Clinic researchers load CAR-T cells with oncolytic virus to treat solid cancer tumors. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine have devised an immunotherapy technique that combines chimeric antigen receptor-T cell therapy, or CAR-T cell therapy, with a cancer-killing virus to more effectively target and treat solid cancer tumors. The combination approach, published in Science Translational Medicine, involves loading CAR-T cells, which are engineered to look for antigens on cancer cells, with an oncolytic virus. Oncolytic viruses are naturally occurring viruses that can infect…

Sarah Anderson (2022-04-15). International Solidarity in Action: Lessons From a Path-Breaking US-Mexico Union Alliance.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-15). 4-08-2022 Media Only News Briefing: The latest advice about COVID-19 boosters. Recently the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorized anyone age 50 and older to receive a 2nd booster dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The guidance also included individual's age 12 and up (Pfizer), and age 18 and older (Moderna) who are moderately-severely immunocompromised. On April 8th, Mayo Clinic vaccine researcher and infectious disease specialist, Gregory Poland, M.D., answered questions about the latest advice for getting a second…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-15). Science Saturday: Mechanisms of defecation, constipation in women explained. Chronic constipation is a reality for many people ‚Äï more often women than men. Fortunately, these symptoms generally respond to dietary fiber supplements or over-the-counter laxatives. But when these symptoms do not respond, tests can determine the cause. Sometimes contents move slowly through the colon, or patients have a rectal disorder related to evacuation of stool. These are called defecatory disorders. Tests guide patients to the best therapy. For example, defecatory disorders respond to pelvic…

Staff (2022-04-15). Argentina Reports Highest Inflation in 20 Years. This Wednesday, April 13, it was reported that Argentina registered its highest inflation in the last 20 years during the month of March, reaching a figure of 6.7% for that single month, while the interannual rate stood at 55.1%. | This information was released by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) via Twitter. Venezuela and Argentina have been the countries in the region most afflicted by inflation in recent years. Especially Venezuela, which was hit hard by a hyperinflation spiral that affected millions of Venezuelans from 2018 until 2021. Last March, the Central Bank of Venezuela reporte…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2022-04-15). Montreal students threatened with funding cut for backing BDS. Under guise of protecting "diversity and inclusion," McGill university administration attempts to crush Palestinian rights policy, student democracy.

WSWS (2022-04-15). Police, far-right youth attack student protests amid French elections. Student occupations of universities in Paris, protesting a presidential election between Macron and the neo-fascist Le Pen, were violently dispersed.

WSWS (2022-04-15). The issues in the Indiana University grad workers strike. Graduate students at Indiana University in Bloomington have gone on strike demanding recognition of their union, the Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition.

Our Reporter (2022-04-15). Missing Kyambogo University student found dead in Luuka. A student of Kyambogo university has been found. The deceased is 22-year-old Nicholas Dhabasadha, who has been pursuing a Bachelor of Business administration degree and resident of Kiyunga town council in Luuka district. His lifeless body was recovered from Mawembe hill in Bulongo sub-county in Luuka district on Thursday with deep cuts on the stomach, …

ROSE (2022-04-15). Rising Up for Abortion Rights in Berkeley. On April 9, about a hundred demonstrators rallied in Sproul Plaza on the University of California campus, then marched across campus and through the city's downtown. They stopped at high rise student dorms where they shouted and cheered in the courtyards, calling up for students to join in.

UC Santa Cruz Climate Coalition (2022-04-15). Friday 4/22: UC Santa Cruz: Earth Day Teach-In & Climate Rally. UC Santa Cruz: Rally 12: 15 PM at Quarry Plaza, then march to Kerr Hall…

_____ (2022-04-14). Ukraine's Non-White Refugees. Over 4 million refugees — mostly women, children, and students — have fled Ukraine over the past month. In response, Europe has opened its arms to Ukrainian refugees and the EU has announced that all Ukrainians are eligible for temporary refugee protection for up to three years, with politicians and the public showing their support. This is how the international refugee protection regime should work. According to official Ukrainian government statistics, Ukraine had over 76,000 foreign students in 2020. About 20,000 of these were Indians and over 15,000 originated from Africa, mainly from Nigeria, Mor… (2022-04-13). Chinese scientists find molecular pathway for critical COVID-19 cases. An international team led by Chinese researchers has identified a molecular pathway that intensifies the severity of critical COVID-19 cases, lending clues to potential treatment for such cases. (2022-04-14). Chinese-built project boosts vocational education in Ghana. A Chinese-built vocational institutions upgrade project in Ghana was completed on Tuesday, injecting a new impetus to the development of vocational education in the West African country.

Sarah Anderson (2022-04-14). Ousted Pakistani Leader Was Challenging Investment Treaties That Give Corporations Excessive Power.

Global Research (2022-04-14). El mundo quiere la paz, Biden amenaza con la guerra. Encuestas recientes muestran que la mayoría de la gente en Estados Unidos teme que la crisis actual pueda escalar a una guerra con Rusia, una guerra de la que no quieren formar parte. Los comentarios del presidente Joe Biden realizados…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Taking Mayo Clinic research beyond the lab and into space. It's a historic mission to space, and Mayo Clinic research will be on board. Larry Connor, a Mayo Clinic benefactor, well-known philanthropist and CEO of The Connor Group, will make history in April 2022 when he pilots the first-ever all-civilian flight to the International Space Station. Connor will take part in some research projects for Mayo Clinic during the 10-day Axiom Space flight. Watch: Taking Mayo Clinic research beyond the lab and into space.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-04-14). U.S. Department of Defense Awarded a Contract for 'COVID-19 Research' in Ukraine 3 Months Before Covid Was Known to Exist. The Exposé The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Science Saturday: Nanopore sequencing method rapidly detects, identifies antibiotic-resistant microbes, Mayo Clinic research shows. A growing number of people are dying from antibiotic-resistant infections. These infections are fueled by microbial species that are mutating to evade the drugs developed to destroy them. More than 1.2 million people worldwide died in 2019 from antibiotic-resistant infections. In response, a team of researchers from Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has developed a sequencing technology to rapidly detect and identify microbes and antibiotic-resistant phenotypes in a single test. The innovative nanopore sequencing method is published in Surgery and mSphere,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: COVID-19 metrics improve, expert still urges caution. Hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19 continue to decline, leading to some optimism about the way forward from pandemic to endemic. But experts still urge caution as the omicron subvariant, named BA.2, has quickly become the dominant strain in the U.S. "When you look around the nation, all of the metrics, with the exception of BA.2, have fallen precipitously," explains Dr. Gregory Poland, head of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group. "But we need to be very cautious about…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-04-14). The US Proxy War in Ukraine: How the Past Became the Present. John Bellamy Foster The following is the text of a presentation by John Bellamy Foster given on March 31, 2022 to the advisory board of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. Thanks for inviting me to make this presentation. In talking about the Ukraine war, the essential thing to recognize at the outset is that this is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Heart procedure to reduce stroke risk should manage small leaks. Leakage after left atrial appendage closure matters more than previously thought, according to new Mayo Clinic research. This research shows that even small leaks are associated with a 10%—15% higher risk of adverse events. A news release from the American College of Cardiology further outlines the research study and the findings published in JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology. The left atrial appendage is a small, irregular-shaped sac on the left side of the heart where blood clots…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-04-14). Understanding Covid-19 as a 'Structural Deep Event'. Dr Piers Robinson As debate over 'The Science' has increased, people are questioning whether there was more to COVID-19 in terms of underlying agendas, in particular with respect to global-level actors. Was it incompetence or coordination? It's been two years since COVID-19 became a dominant and all-consuming issue. Now there are signs we are witnessing…

Asa Winstanley (2022-04-14). Union of Jewish Students admits to faked petition signatures. Pro-Israel group's campaign against UK's National Union of Students hits problems.

WSWS (2022-04-14). Students occupy Sorbonne University as anger mounts at French elections. Students opposed to both of France's right-wing presidential candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, occupied the university on Wednesday afternoon.

Editor (2022-04-14). The Mecca of African Liberation: Walter Rodney in Tanzania. Karim Hirji, a Tanzanian student, was in a good mood when he went to bed on the 10 July 1969. That evening he had heard the most impressive lecture of his life at the University of Dar es Salaam. The lecture was on the Cuban Revolution and its relevance to Africa. Back in his dorm, he praised the speaker in his diary: "one could almost feel the strong conviction and deep emotions from which he spoke". The man he admired and later befriended was Dr Walter Rodney.

United We Dream (2022-04-14). Wednesday 4/20: Know Your Immigration Rights, Know Your Power w/ UWD. Online teach-in / webinar…

John Case (2022-04-14). Workers and democracy vs. the Amazon autocracy. Amazon, Inc. is at the core of the "other" autocracy threatening democracy in the U.S. and beyond. The first, of course, is the Trumpified Republican Party, supported by its followers and corporate backers, which is busily passing legislation at the state level to make voting harder or impossible, block women's reproductive rights, stop teachers from …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Sharing Mayo Clinic: Back on the bandstand. Robert Heintz of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, is no stranger to hospitals. Born with a congenital hip defect, he has had several hip surgeries over the years, beginning as a toddler. When Robert was scheduled for hip revision surgery at Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, in 2021, he was happy to learn he could complete his recovery at home with the Mayo Clinic Advanced Care at Home Program. Hitch in his stride Robert, 66, who teaches…

2022-04-16 02:24 | 20:24 EST | jz | 37 | 1 | 19 | 19 | 0 

2022-04-14: News Headlines (2022-04-13). Chinese scientists find molecular pathway for critical COVID-19 cases. An international team led by Chinese researchers has identified a molecular pathway that intensifies the severity of critical COVID-19 cases, lending clues to potential treatment for such cases. (2022-04-14). Chinese-built project boosts vocational education in Ghana. A Chinese-built vocational institutions upgrade project in Ghana was completed on Tuesday, injecting a new impetus to the development of vocational education in the West African country.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Taking Mayo Clinic research beyond the lab and into space. It's a historic mission to space, and Mayo Clinic research will be on board. Larry Connor, a Mayo Clinic benefactor, well-known philanthropist and CEO of The Connor Group, will make history in April 2022 when he pilots the first-ever all-civilian flight to the International Space Station. Connor will take part in some research projects for Mayo Clinic during the 10-day Axiom Space flight. Watch: Taking Mayo Clinic research beyond the lab and into space.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: COVID-19 metrics improve, expert still urges caution. Hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19 continue to decline, leading to some optimism about the way forward from pandemic to endemic. But experts still urge caution as the omicron subvariant, named BA.2, has quickly become the dominant strain in the U.S. "When you look around the nation, all of the metrics, with the exception of BA.2, have fallen precipitously," explains Dr. Gregory Poland, head of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group. "But we need to be very cautious about…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Science Saturday: Nanopore sequencing method rapidly detects, identifies antibiotic-resistant microbes, Mayo Clinic research shows. A growing number of people are dying from antibiotic-resistant infections. These infections are fueled by microbial species that are mutating to evade the drugs developed to destroy them. More than 1.2 million people worldwide died in 2019 from antibiotic-resistant infections. In response, a team of researchers from Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has developed a sequencing technology to rapidly detect and identify microbes and antibiotic-resistant phenotypes in a single test. The innovative nanopore sequencing method is published in Surgery and mSphere,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Heart procedure to reduce stroke risk should manage small leaks. Leakage after left atrial appendage closure matters more than previously thought, according to new Mayo Clinic research. This research shows that even small leaks are associated with a 10%—15% higher risk of adverse events. A news release from the American College of Cardiology further outlines the research study and the findings published in JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology. The left atrial appendage is a small, irregular-shaped sac on the left side of the heart where blood clots…

WSWS (2022-04-14). Students occupy Sorbonne University as anger mounts at French elections. Students opposed to both of France's right-wing presidential candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, occupied the university on Wednesday afternoon.

Julia Conley (2022-04-14). 'Keep fighting': Schumer 'making progress' on canceling student debt. "Write, call, email," urged the Democratic leader, who said President Joe Biden is "more open" to the proposal than ever before.

ROSE (2022-04-14). Rising Up for Abortion Rights in Berkeley. On April 9, about a hundred demonstrators rallied in Sproul Plaza on the University of California campus, then marched across campus and through the city's downtown. They stopped at high rise student dorms where they shouted and cheered in the courtyards, calling up for students to join in.

Editor (2022-04-14). The Mecca of African Liberation: Walter Rodney in Tanzania. Karim Hirji, a Tanzanian student, was in a good mood when he went to bed on the 10 July 1969. That evening he had heard the most impressive lecture of his life at the University of Dar es Salaam. The lecture was on the Cuban Revolution and its relevance to Africa. Back in his dorm, he praised the speaker in his diary: "one could almost feel the strong conviction and deep emotions from which he spoke". The man he admired and later befriended was Dr Walter Rodney.

United We Dream (2022-04-14). Wednesday 4/20: Know Your Immigration Rights, Know Your Power w/ UWD. Online teach-in / webinar…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-14). Sharing Mayo Clinic: Back on the bandstand. Robert Heintz of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, is no stranger to hospitals. Born with a congenital hip defect, he has had several hip surgeries over the years, beginning as a toddler. When Robert was scheduled for hip revision surgery at Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, in 2021, he was happy to learn he could complete his recovery at home with the Mayo Clinic Advanced Care at Home Program. Hitch in his stride Robert, 66, who teaches…

Michael Welch (2022-04-13). The Collapse of America: Distant Early Warning Signs of Uncle Sam's Demise. Andrei Martyanov.

_____ (2022-04-13). Crisis in Ukraine Through the Prism of Middle Eastern Social Media. The Russian special operation in Ukraine continues to resonate prominently on social media in the Middle East region. Local analysts monitor how the Internet views these events and their impact on different areas of life and politics. According to a Moroccan researcher, the picture here is a mosaic, as evidenced by the flood of user …

Staff (2022-04-13). Third night of the Revolution Art Week. TEHRAN, Apr. 13 (MNA) — In the ceremony on the third night of the Revolution Art Week, researchers and narrators of the Islamic Revolution and the sacred defense were honored.

Olivia Rosane (2022-04-13). Brazilian Amazon endured record deforestation in first three months of 2022. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon during the first three months of 2022 has increased by 64 percent compared to the same time period last year, Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) said in a new report. That's a record increase in deforestation for January through March since data collection began in 2015. The report, …

Jenny Pierson (2022-04-13). Kids Are Really Worried About the Climate Crisis. Middle school student activists write their elected representatives to urge climate action. By Reynard Loki In 2019, Earth | Food | Life writing fellow Lucy Goodchild van Hilten, a science writer and mother of a young child, wrote a piece titled, "How to Talk to Kids About Climate Change." Now I am pleased to report …

Mark Niu (2022-04-13). How artificial intelligence helps students learn. It's been a challenging time for schools and students around the world. Many studies have shown a drop in test scores during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. But some educators believe there may be a new tool ready to help rejuvenate …

2022-04-14 21:21 | 17:21 EST | jz | 20 | 0 | 7 | 13 | 0