Monthly Archives: April 2022

2022-04-13: News Headlines

_____ (2022-04-13). Crisis in Ukraine Through the Prism of Middle Eastern Social Media. The Russian special operation in Ukraine continues to resonate prominently on social media in the Middle East region. Local analysts monitor how the Internet views these events and their impact on different areas of life and politics. According to a Moroccan researcher, the picture here is a mosaic, as evidenced by the flood of user …

Staff (2022-04-13). Third night of the Revolution Art Week. TEHRAN, Apr. 13 (MNA) — In the ceremony on the third night of the Revolution Art Week, researchers and narrators of the Islamic Revolution and the sacred defense were honored.

Michael Welch (2022-04-13). The Collapse of America: Distant Early Warning Signs of Uncle Sam's Demise. Andrei Martyanov.

Jenny Pierson (2022-04-13). Kids Are Really Worried About the Climate Crisis. Middle school student activists write their elected representatives to urge climate action. By Reynard Loki In 2019, Earth | Food | Life writing fellow Lucy Goodchild van Hilten, a science writer and mother of a young child, wrote a piece titled, "How to Talk to Kids About Climate Change." Now I am pleased to report …

Mark Niu (2022-04-13). How artificial intelligence helps students learn. It's been a challenging time for schools and students around the world. Many studies have shown a drop in test scores during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. But some educators believe there may be a new tool ready to help rejuvenate …

ROSE (2022-04-13). Rising Up for Abortion Rights in Berkeley. On April 9, about a hundred demonstrators rallied in Sproul Plaza on the University of California campus, then marched across campus and through the city's downtown. They stopped at high rise student dorms where they shouted and cheered in the courtyards, calling up for students to join in.

United We Dream (2022-04-13). Wednesday 4/20: Know Your Immigration Rights, Know Your Power w/ UWD. Online teach-in / webinar…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-04-12). Venezuela Seeks Investigation by International Criminal Court (ICC) as to Whether U.S. Sanctions Constitute Crimes Against Humanity. Ryan Swan Adopted as part of regime-change operation, sanctions have killed at least 40,000 Venezuelans. Economic coercive measures, commonly known as economic sanctions, are a means of coercive pressure through disruption of trade relations and economic isolation. The use of sanctions under international law is governed chiefly by Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter,…

teleSUR (2022-04-12). Scientists Find Trends of 'Enhanced Warming' in the Arctic. Researchers have reconstructed the Arctic amplification index over the past 1,000 years and found that the index has decreased during the time range, according to the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences. | RELATED: | The Arctic has warmed more than twice the global average since the preindustrial era. The "Arctic amplification" refers to the enhancement of near-surface air temperature change over t…

Staff (2022-04-12). China's carbon emissions soar to record high. Beijing [China], May 22 (ANI): While the world is battling COVID-19 pandemic, China's carbon emissions has reached a new record high with a growth of 14.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2021 as compared to the previous year, according to a report by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). (2022-04-12). Chinese experts reveal genetic variation basis in watermelon seed size. Chinese researchers have revealed the genetic variation basis in watermelon seed size based on a systematic study on the molecular basis of natural variation, according to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Bousquet C, Coulet A. (2022-04-12). Supporting Diagnosis With Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence. To the Editor A recent Viewpoint proposed to support diagnosis with next-generation artificial intelligence that not only predicts diagnosis but also accompanies physicians on their journey. The wayfinding metaphor poses interesting research questions about the best way to represent the map from an ergonomic point of view, but it also calls into question the volume of interventions of the system and its level of autonomy. A high volume of alerts accompanied clinical decision support systems for prescription and laboratory ordering. The strategy of alerting physicians initially seemed relevant and necessary to hel…

Abbasi J. (2022-04-12). Large US Study Examines First 6 Months of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data. During the first 6 months of the US COVID-19 vaccination campaign, most adverse events reported to surveillance systems were mild and short-lived, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in The Lancet Infectious Diseases. The study examined safety data collected through the new v-safe surveillance system and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

Keane F, Du M, O'Reilly EM. (2022-04-12). Incidence of Pancreatic Cancer by Age and Sex in the US From 2000 to 2018. To the Editor A recent Research Letter highlighted concerning trends in the incidence of pancreatic cancer in individuals younger than 55 years, with a significantly greater increase in the average annual percentage change in women compared with men. The difference was most pronounced in individuals aged 15 to 34 years, with the average annual percentage change of 7.68% in women and 4.20% in men. These directional trends are profoundly worrisome.

Michas-Martin S. (2022-04-12). Transfigured in the Underground. When I have a learning in me I go to science a place soundproofed by the heavy breathing of strangers who stay strange behind a-tonal language in the concrete halls winding between fact and personhood I search for open doors when I have an embryo in me and thus a learning science says it knows from urine and blood and the brain's profound anatomical changes science says neurogenesis for adaptive purposes or becoming less voluminous in the head…

Kuehn BM. (2022-04-12). Food Insecurity Common Among US Children. About 1 in 10 US children lived in a food-insecure household, according to a new report from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

Peoples Dispatch (2022-04-12). King's forces occupy University of Swaziland campus; students evicted using live fire, tear gas. Students in various campuses across the country have been boycotting classes since April 7, demanding the transfer of living allowances that remain unpaid for many since the academic year began in November 2021…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-04-12). Protests Return To Howard University: Hospital Staff Go On Strike Over Pay, Working Conditions. Howard University faced another strike yesterday, just months after students took over the school's Blackburn Center last October and November for 33 days to protest unsuitable living conditions. This time staff at its namesake hospital protested staffing conditions and wages. More than 300 nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and social workers began striking on Monday, April 11, … (2022-04-12). Imperial teams reach semi-finals of Mayor's Entrepreneur Competition. Scores of students from Imperial have been named semi-finalists at the Mayor of London's annual Entrepreneur Competition.

WSWS (2022-04-12). Race versus class at Howard University: $20 million for Hannah-Jones' racialist journalism center. While student and faculty demands for improved housing conditions and higher wages have been ignored, the promotion of racialist politics has been showered with money.

WSWS (2022-04-12). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Truckers in Honduras began a strike April 7, blocking various highways around the country while teachers in Peru joined forces with other workers to demand an increase in minimum wages.

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2022-04-12: News Headlines

Staff (2022-04-12). China's carbon emissions soar to record high. Beijing [China], May 22 (ANI): While the world is battling COVID-19 pandemic, China's carbon emissions has reached a new record high with a growth of 14.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2021 as compared to the previous year, according to a report by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). (2022-04-12). Chinese experts reveal genetic variation basis in watermelon seed size. Chinese researchers have revealed the genetic variation basis in watermelon seed size based on a systematic study on the molecular basis of natural variation, according to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-04-12). King's forces occupy University of Swaziland campus; students evicted using live fire, tear gas. Students in various campuses across the country have been boycotting classes since April 7, demanding the transfer of living allowances that remain unpaid for many since the academic year began in November 2021…

WSWS (2022-04-12). Race versus class at Howard University: $20 million for Hannah-Jones' racialist journalism center. While student and faculty demands for improved housing conditions and higher wages have been ignored, the promotion of racialist politics has been showered with money. (2022-04-12). Imperial teams reach semi-finals of Mayor's Entrepreneur Competition. Scores of students from Imperial have been named semi-finalists at the Mayor of London's annual Entrepreneur Competition.

WSWS (2022-04-12). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Truckers in Honduras began a strike April 7, blocking various highways around the country while teachers in Peru joined forces with other workers to demand an increase in minimum wages.

United We Dream (2022-04-12). Wednesday 4/20: Know Your Immigration Rights, Know Your Power w/ UWD. Online teach-in / webinar…

Brian Berletic (2022-04-11). Australia vs China-Solomon Islands Security Deal feat. Robbie Barwick. Robbie Barwick — Research Director Australian Citizens Party — joins me to discuss Australia's role within US foreign policy vis-a-vis China and more specifically in regards to the Solomon Islands and a recent security pact being worked on with Beijing. | References: | Australian Citizens Party — CITIZENS INSIGHT — Veteran Australian diplomat speaks out against war danger — John Lander: | The New Atlas — Solomon Islands and China's Security Pact: Why is the…

Jeff Bryant (2022-04-11). Biden Takes Aim at Wasteful Spending on Charter Schools. For years, charter schools have gotten away with wasting billions in federal funding, but a wave of new proposals would end the grift.

_____ (2022-04-11). Right-Wing College Expanding Charter School Network to Combat 'Progressive' Teaching. "I've never seen a governor attempting to use charters in such an overtly political way," one scholar said after Tennessee invited Hillsdale College to open 50 schools in the state.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-04-11). Biden Administration Budgets Record $27.6 Billion for Militarization of Outer-Space. 10 Apr 2022 – As homeless rates skyrocket and public education flounders, the Biden administration has proposed a record $27.6 billion budget for the militarization of outer space in 2023—a 25% increase from the 2022 budget. New cold war provides continued backdrop for misallocation of public resources into weaponry right out of science fiction films.

Christopher Blackwell (2022-04-11). 'When You Learn, You Don't Return': How Education in Prison Reduces Recidivism. When I was sentenced to forty-five years in prison, I never thought I'd earn a college degree or be successful in any way. I couldn't have been more wrong. (2022-04-11). Imperial and NTU Singapore explore new collaborations after LKCMedicine success. Imperial and NTU are exploring new opportunities for collaboration in education and research as they enter the next phase of their partnership.

WSWS (2022-04-11). Budget cuts to deepen in Australian universities. The opposition Labor Party voted for the federal budget, which targets higher education for further steep cuts, on top of the elimination of up to 90,000 jobs in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-04-11). 7th National Toy Festival & Exhibition opened in Tehran. The 7th National Toy Festival was inaugurated in Tehran on Sunday in presence of Minister of Education Yousef Nouri and CEO of Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (IIDCYA) Mehdi Ali Akbarzadeh.

VINS (2022-04-11). Corporations Increasingly Held Accountable for "Greenwashing" According to international research by TerraChoice, a Canadian-based environmental marketing agency, 98 percent of North American big-box retail brands are guilty of greenwashing, a practice in which a company promotes its…

Staff (2022-04-11). Palestine as a Song: Grandmothers' Journeys into Musical Steadfastness. Painting land and people in vivid colors, Nazareth-born vocalist and researcher Dalal Abu Amneh embarked in Summer 2021 on a trip around Palestine for the Al Araby 2 series "Mishwar Sitti" (My Grandmother's Journey), singing (2022-04-11). Mechanosensory system found on insect wings could inform future wing designs. Researchers studying dragonflies have put together the most complete description of an insect wing sensory system ever recorded.

BreakThrough News (2022-04-11). MIT Grad Students Vote Overwhelmingly For A Union. MIT is a world renowned research institution. Yet, the 3,800 grad students who make it so are barely scraping by. Now they've unionized…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-04-11). Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence. 4 Apr 1967 – I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. I join with you in this meeting because I am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam…

Karen Conner (2022-04-11). PREVIEW: What to Look for in the March Consumer Price Index. (The monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) is scheduled for release by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Tuesday, April 12 at 8: 30 AM Eastern Time.) | With the core and overall CPI rising at unusually rapid rates, analysts will be looking at the March data for evidence that inflation is either accelerating or slowing. | The inflation dove's view is that we had one-time increases in many areas due to supply chain problems associated with reopening after the pandemic shutdown. These problems are being resolved, albeit slowly, which should mean that many of the price jumps seen over the last year will be largely revers…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-11). Support for Colombia's "right" plummets: poll. The number of people who identify themselves as right-wing has decreased dramatically since 2019, according to Colombia's statistics agency DANE. The statistics agency asked people to ranked their political bias… (2022-04-11). China's PPI up 8.3 pct in March. Factors including price hikes of bulk commodities in the international market led to the monthly PPI increase in March, according to senior NBS statistician Dong Lijuan.

_____ (2022-04-11). Texas: Progressive Student Union Wins Victory At Referendum. On April 4 and 5, the University of Texas at Arlington held its semester student elections. In addition to these elections was a referendum brought forth by the administration of UTA to justify raising tuition and fee costs related to the school. This fee increase would be a four-fold increase, from $39 per semester to $150, making it more expensive than most of the UT system schools student union fees. The caveat was that this fee increase would not take place until "significant construction" had been completed on the New UC. What had not been properly conveyed is that the UT Systems Board and UTA administration…

Fight Back (2022-04-11). Arlington, TX: Second Turning Point USA bigot forced out of student government. Arlington, TX – On April 5, the second student government bigot, a member of the conservative group Turning Point USA, had their impeachment trial in the student senate. Alyssa Spencer, now ex-chief of staff, faced similar charges to Caitlyn Burge-Surliest in being unable to perform her duty as an executive officer of student government due to her bigoted views alongside her poor performance as a chief of staff. | One of the key aspects in impeachment manager Jacqueline Avila's case was that Alyssa Spencer had waited an entire month to post a very necessary document needed for student senators to perform their du…

Fight Back (2022-04-11). Texas: Progressive Student Union wins victory at referendum, fee hike stopped. Arlington, TX – On April 4 and 5, the University of Texas at Arlington held its semester student elections. In addition to these elections was a referendum brought forth by the administration of UTA to justify raising tuition and fee costs related to the school. | This all began in 2019 when the Texas State legislature allowed UTA to raise the student union fee, which is a fee associated with the University Center (UC) on campus which most students have to pay. In January of 2022 the administration had presented a proposal to student government for them to adopt a resolution that would help make this happen. Thi…

Nathan King (2022-04-11). U.S. students ask questions to Chinese Taikonauts. Some U.S. students got a chance to ask questions to three taikonauts on the Chinese space station. The Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. hosted a big event to showcase the answers from space to students. CGTN's Nathan King reports.

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