(2023-01-28). [Correspondence] Medicine should be learned in a conducive environment. thelancet.com Richard Horton argues that an academic health science system must possess societal goals and promote social cohesion and public trust.1 Indeed, medical education should help to promote better health outcomes for vulnerable populations and disadvantaged communities. However, to this end, it is essential that students learn medicine in a conducive environment of public hospitals, community clinics, and health posts.
(2023-01-28). [Correspondence] Let research guide teaching in medical and public health. thelancet.com The pre-eminence of research over teaching in academic activity might be considered as an inheritance from the Enlightenment and, in the past few decades, from evidence-based medicine. Within this framework, teaching is secondary to research because the former is built, at least in part, on the latter. If teaching outweighs research,1 you might leave space for politics and beliefs, if not religion.
(2023-01-28). [Perspectives] Recruitmentology and the politics of consent in clinical research. thelancet.com Bearing the weight of a traumatic history, medical research is often seen as invasive and harmful by subaltern communities. The term subaltern, originating from postcolonial theory, refers to socio-politically silenced groups that are excluded from inner circles of colonial power. Western academia, however, primarily operates on the pretence of colonialism as a historical phenomenon. This myopia allows academia to overlook its continuing contributions to the legacy of colonialism and avoid responsibility for decolonising efforts.
(2023-01-28). [Perspectives] Lynette Denny: women's cancer researcher with global impact. thelancet.com As a young child in apartheid era South Africa, Lynette Denny saw police regularly raid the quarters of her family's domestic staff to find Black people who did not have the documents they were legally required to carry to prove their identity and employment. It left Denny with "a permanent feeling of fear, anxiety, and rage at what people could and did do to others", she recalls. Witnessing the injustice, however, was seminal in defining her path. "Because I was on the White privilege side, I think my whole life I've wanted to undo that, so I stayed in public service, I have worked almost exclusively with Black…
(2023-01-28). [Comment] Offline: America—a codicil. thelancet.com Yes, the US will remain a dominant force in global health for the foreseeable future. But Shannon K O'Neil, in her provocative book The Globalization Myth, casts doubt on the sustainability of America's influence. First, the positive. The US is wealthy and has vastly skilled human resources to draw on. The country is a global leader in creating and defending a rules-based international order. Industries that depend on technology and discovery science thrive. Logistics are a strength. And the quality of American universities is second to none.
(2023-01-27). Low Enrollment Plagues Many Charter Schools. dissidentvoice.org The mainstream media has long made it seem like parents from coast to coast are frantically clamoring to get their kids into a "limited" number of charter schools. And because there is supposedly not enough space in these charter schools, students are put on a waiting list to get into the school. This neoliberal disinformation …
(2023-01-27). Australian school year commences amid ongoing mass COVID infection, workload crisis, staffing shortages, and record inequality—Build rank-and-file committees to fight for a fully funded public education system! wsws.org Anger and oppositional sentiment must be organised in 2023! The Committee for Public Education urges educators to form rank-and-file committees in your schools.
(2023-01-27). Samira's Dream (Ndoto Ya Samira) (2022): Living and Learning Against the Odds. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-27). US Marines Open New Base on Guam to Prepare for Future War with China. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-27). U.S. to test nuclear engine for future Mars missions. ecns.cn NASA and the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced Tuesday a collaboration to demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine in space, the key steps for sending the first crewed missions to Mars.
(2023-01-27). Selected Articles: Leopards vs. the Russian Bear. Alert Memorandum for the President. globalresearch.ca By We are aware that the just-reported
(2023-01-27). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca Mike Whitney, January 19, 2023 | Peter Koenig, January 19, 2023 | Manlio Dinucci, Januar…
(2023-01-27). Meteorites reveal likely origin of Earth's volatile chemicals. imperial.ac.uk Meteorites have told Imperial researchers the likely far-flung origin of Earth's volatile chemicals, some of which form the building blocks of life.
(2023-01-27). BRICS at the G20 and the Centrality of the United Nations Development Agenda. infobrics.org BRICS has an important role in the G20, precisely guided by its own resolutions on the pursuit of development, to drive the agenda and keep pushing until it is done, writes Mikatekiso Kubayi, Researcher at the Institute for Global Dialogue associated with UNISA (South Africa)…
(2023-01-27). Russia Warns Depleted Uranium Will be Considered a Nuclear Weapon. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-27). A Russian Victory in Ukraine Won't End the War. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-27). Science Saturday: Removal of both ovaries in younger women associated with increased risk of Parkinson's. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Surgical removal of both ovaries is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in women younger than 43, Mayo Clinic researchers report in JAMA Network Open. Using health record data from the Rochester Epidemiology Project, the study included 2,750 women who had undergone surgery to remove both ovaries, a procedure called bilateral oophorectomy, and 2,749 who had not. The reasons for the surgery were either a benign (noncancerous) condition — such as endometriosis, cyst, or other reason —…
(2023-01-27). 6 tips to keep your brain healthy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Changes to your body and brain are normal as you age. However, there are some things you can do to help slow any decline in memory and lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Here are six things I recommend to my patients in order of importance: 1. Exercise regularly. Exercise has many known benefits, and regular physical activity also benefits the brain. Multiple research studies show that physical active people are…
(2023-01-27). 10 weight training tips for beginners. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Years ago, weightlifting was thought to be reserved solely for bodybuilders and athletes. However, there has been significant research on the medical benefits of lifting weights. Everyone benefits from stronger bones and muscles. Plan to incorporate weight training into your routine, regardless of your age, ability or fitness level. Weight training is a type of strength training that uses weights for resistance. This could be weight machines or free weights, like dumbbells or barbells, at…
(2023-01-27). Mayo Clinic researchers link ovarian cancer to bacteria colonization in microbiome. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — A specific colonization of microbes in the reproductive tract is commonly found in women with ovarian cancer, according to a new study from Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine. The discovery, published in Scientific Reports, strengthens evidence that the bacterial component of the microbiome — a community of microorganisms that also consists of viruses, yeasts and fungi — is an important indicator for early detection, diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian cancer. Abigail…
(2023-01-27). Mayo Clinic researchers identify women with twice the risk of cancer in both breasts. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Women with cancer in one breast may be at higher risk of developing cancer in the opposite breast if they are carriers of specific genetic changes that predispose them to develop breast cancer, according to a study led by the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, will help personalize approaches to breast cancer screening and risk factors, study authors say. The study used data…
(2023-01-27). Statement on the Killing of Tortuguita by Atlanta Police. dissidentvoice.org On January 18th, Tortuguita, a brave and beloved Weelaunee Forest Defender, was killed by Atlanta Police. As people of conscience, as breathers of air, as anti-imperialists, as feminists, pacifists, activists — we condemn this state-sanctioned murder. Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, AKA Tortuguita, is the victim of an expanding and increasingly militarized machine of state violence, …
(2023-01-27). It Is 90 Seconds to Midnight. scheerpost.com This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.
(2023-01-27). China's natural gas output up 6.5% in December 2022. ecns.cn China's natural gas output logged steady growth in December 2022, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.
(2023-01-27). China remains Germany's main supplier of rare earths. ecns.cn Germany's imports of rare-earth metals from China amounted to 49.3 million euros (53.7 million U.S. dollars) in the first eleven months of 2022, accounting for two-thirds of the total imports, the country's Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Tuesday.
(2023-01-27). Retired teacher killed in Chicago apartment that failed fire alarm test. wsws.org Building management was cited by the city in its last inspection on December 1, 2022 for failing to provide an annual fire alarm test for the building, according to records.
(2023-01-26). –£–õ–¢–ò–ú–ê–¢–£–ú: –£–∫–æ–ª–∏–∫–æ —ò–µ —Ç–µ–∫—Å—Ç ‚Äû–û—Å–Ω–æ–≤–Ω–æ–≥ —Å–ø–æ—Ä–∞–∑—É–º–∞" –æ –ö–æ—Å–æ–≤—É –∏ –ú–µ—Ç–æ—Ö–∏—ò–∏. globalresearch.ca –£—Å—ñ —Å—Ç–∞—Ç—Ç—ñ Global Research –º–æ–∂–Ω–∞ –ø—Ä–æ—á–∏—Ç–∞—Ç–∏ 51 –º–æ–≤–æ—é, –Ω–∞—Ç–∏—Å–Ω—É–≤—à–∏ –∫–Ω–æ–ø–&…
(2023-01-26). Johns Hopkins: Grad Student-Workers Mobilize Ahead Of Union Election. popularresistance.org Back in October, TRNN spoke to graduate student-workers at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University about the growing grassroots effort to unionize grad students under the banner of Teachers and Researchers United. Since then, the union drive has continued to build momentum: After a supermajority of grad student-workers signed union cards in October and November, an official date for the union election has now been set. Eligible bargaining unit members will cast their votes on whether or not to unionize and affiliate with the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (UE) on Monday, Jan. 30, and Tuesday, Jan.
(2023-01-26). Covid Vaccine: Deaths in England Surge Again. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Bill Gates Warns Australia to Prepare for the Next Pandemic — Which Could be Man-made and Far More Brutal Than COVID. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Exaggerating China's Military Spending. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Mexico Becomes First Nation to Admit Harms of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Catastrophic COVID-19 Vaccine Casualties in 2021. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Did Germany Just Officially Declare War on Russia? globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Halt This Crazy Rush to All-out War. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Selected Articles: German Foreign Minister: We Are at War with Russia. globalresearch.ca By Go figure. Why did German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock announce in English that Germany is now at war with Russia? Is this how the …
(2023-01-26). New Research Details Promise of Converting From 'War Economy to a Green Economy'. commondreams.org
A pair of reports published Thursday show that many workers employed in the U.S. military-industrial complex support shifting manufacturing resources from military to civilian use—a conversion seen as vital to the fight against the climate emergency.Moving "from a war economy to a green economy" can help avert the worst consequences of the climate crisis, noted the Costs of War project at Brown University's Watson Institute, publisher of the new research."Ever-higher military spending is contributing to climate catastrophe, and U.S. lawmakers need a better understanding of alternative economic choi…
(2023-01-26). German Foreign Minister: We Are at War with Russia. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Zelenskyy Regime Calls for BlackRock to Do Business in Shell Shocked Ukraine. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). German Leopards: More Killing, Collaterals, No End in Sight. With a Historic Perspective on Germany's Repeated Role in Attempting at Conquering Russia. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Ucrania había perdido la guerra incluso antes de que comenzara. globalizacion.ca Introducción | En el transcurso de los últimos 11 meses, he estado revisando diariamente numerosos artículos cuidadosamente documentados sobre la guerra que se desarrolla en Ucrania, | El consenso en evolución, después de once meses que emana de los altos rangos del…
(2023-01-26). Unspoken Divisions within NATO. "Sleeping with the Enemy" globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Why Does Humanity Still Tolerate the Tragedy of Wars in the 21st Century? The Big Picture. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). North Korea and the "General Theory of Juche"(主體:주체): Seven Questions. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Social Security Benefits Are Not a Gift, but a Sacred Contract With Working People. inequality.org
(2023-01-26). The World Comes to DC to Demand Biden Drop the Case Against Julian Assange. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Middle East Primed to Pounce When EU Bans Russian Diesel. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). "No Evidence of any Vax Benefit". Covid Vaccine "Makes The Problem Worse". Professor Byram Bridle. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Mossad and CIA Are Training Christian Extremist Militia in Lebanon. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). NATO's Phony (and Dangerous) Nonbelligerent Status Regarding the Ukraine War. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Leopards vs. the Russian Bear. Alert Memorandum for the President. globalresearch.ca
(2023-01-26). Evolution is neither theory nor fact. americanthinker.com Anyone who claims something to be 'science' that isn't is a charatan of some sort.
(2023-01-26). Journalist And Author Michael Harriot Drops Science About HBCUs Being Better Managed Than PWIs. moguldom.com On Jan. 15, college football coach Ed Reed, 44, went on Instagram Live to complain about the conditions of the Bethune-Cookman University campus and his personal office there. He claimed his office at the Historically Black University was littered with trash upon his arrival and went into an explicit-filled social media tirade about HBCUs. "I just pulled up …
(2023-01-26). CODEPINK's Statement on the Killing of Tortuguita by Atlanta Police. commondreams.org On January 18th, Tortuguita, a brave and beloved Weelaunee Forest Defender, was killed by Atlanta Police. As people of conscience, as breathers of air, as anti-imperialists, as feminists, pacifists, activists — we condemn this state-sanctioned murder. Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, AKA Tortuguita, is the victim of an expanding and increasingly militarized machine of state violence, …
(2023-01-26). Faculty strike at U of Illinois-Chicago ends with win. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – On January 22, the United Faculty Union of the University of Illinois at Chicago ended a four-day strike, winning major improvements for the 1500 full time, tenured and non-tenured faculty represented by the union. The strike has brought more than 300 days of negotiations to a close. | The stated goals of the strike centered around a few key points in the negotiations, chief among them, increased starting pay for faculty across the board, and stronger mental health support for students and faculty. | Despite publicly and repeatedly claiming that it didn't have the money to pay for these improvemen…
(2023-01-26). Students Plan to Sue DeSantis for Rejecting AP African American Studies Course. truthout.org Three high school students represented by attorney Benjamin Crump are planning to sue Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for rejecting a new high school Advanced Placement African-American studies course, the prominent civil rights lawyer said Wednesday. As Common Dreams reported last week, DeSantis rejected the pilot course in AP African-American studies being tested by the College Board—the… |
(2023-01-26). Trans Students Should Be Treated With Dignity, Not Outed by Their Schools. aclu.org Trans youth are once again under attack in state legislatures across the country. This year,
(2023-01-26). Mexico Issues Alert Over Social Media Tranquilizer Challenge. latinorebels.com Health authorities in Mexico issued an alert Wednesday over an internet "challenge" in which groups of students at three schools in Mexico have taken tranquilizers vying to see who can stay awake longer.
(2023-01-26). Asian American population on the rise in Long Island City. america.cgtn.com Long Island City in the borough of Queens is the fastest growing Asian neighborhood in New York. A large number of migrants to Long Island City are recent graduates and Chinese students. Find out more.
(2023-01-26). District Council candidates prepare to create turning point in the fight against police tyranny. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – 200 people filled up the main hall of the Chicago Teachers Union headquarters on January 22 for a political forum in preparation for the local police District Council elections. There were over 50 District Council candidates in attendance, and other participants included alderpersons, union leaders and community organizers. Over 40 people of various ages, genders, and nationalities spoke at the forum, and they were all united behind the need to use the February 28 elections to create a base of power from which the working and oppressed people of Chicago can hold the police accountable. | "These cand…
(2023-01-26). Dear Opponents of Ron DeSantis Everywhere: Get Your Shit Together. commondreams.org
The entire state of Florida, home to 22 million people, is currently being run as a giant Fox News campaign ad for the Ron DeSantis 2024 presidential campaign. As a method of crafting responsible public policy, this approach has a number of drawbacks. Yet when you set aside the politically archaic concept of "good governing," it becomes clear that the DeSantis culture war strategy is highly effective air cover for the more substantive Republican project of class war. As he waves his hands and dazzles us with soundbites, he is trying to break the back of the Florida teachers union, which would rank as one…
(2023-01-26). Headlines for January 26, 2023. democracynow.org Israeli Forces Kill 9 Palestinians, Including Elderly Woman, in Raid on Jenin, Russia Fires Cruise Missiles Across Ukraine After Biden Agrees to Send M1 Tanks, Peruvian Lawmakers Move to Impeach Dina Boluarte as Protesters Reject "National Truce", Suspect in Half Moon Bay Mass Shooting Charged with 7 Murders, Denied Bail, Vice President Harris Visits Memorial for Monterey Park Shooting Victims, Schools Superintendent Fired over Missed Warnings After 6-Year-Old Shoots Teacher, Kevin McCarthy Denies Committee Assignments to Democratic Reps. Schiff, Swalwell, "Heinous, Reckless and Inhumane":…
(2023-01-26). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org French energy, refinery and dock workers continue strikes and protests against pension reforms; Spanish doctors continue widespread strikes over low staffing levels and pay, with primary care doctors and paediatricians in Madrid on strike for seven weeks; UK university academic staff, teachers, civil servants and train drivers to walk out in day of action over pay, conditions and anti-strike laws; strike by Lebanese teachers continues into week three over pay and working conditions; Makro workers in South Africa to walk out again in year-long dispute over wages and conditions as talks break down…
(2023-01-26). UK schools sinking under teacher retention crisis and billions in funding cuts. wsws.org The impact of real terms cuts in pay, the excessive workload of educators, is exacerbated by the lack of recruitment and high levels of stress and anxiety across the sector.