2023-06-07: News Headlines

jamanetwork (2023-06-06). Disrespectful Conduct in the Medical Profession. jamanetwork.com Members of society, and physicians themselves, expect high standards of expertise in those who practice medicine. Excellence in clinical care is appropriately emphasized, but it is less recognized that these standards have also long included exemplary behavior and social responsibility. Indeed, the Hippocratic Oath states "I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings…." The importance of professionalism beyond clinical acumen has gained currency recently, with more than 100 societies adopting a 2002 medical professionalism charter, including the follo…

Sharon Zhang (2023-06-06). "Religious Indoctrination": Oklahoma Officials Approve Catholic Public School. truthout.org A state school board in Oklahoma has voted to approve what would be the nation's first publicly funded religious school in a move that opponents, including the state's attorney general, are saying is blatantly unconstitutional. The application to form the school, an online public charter school that would serve K-12, was submitted by the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma. The purpose of forming the… |

ecns.cn (2023-06-07). China's gaokao begins, with various supporting measures, best wishes. ecns.cn China's gaokao, the country's annual college entrance examination, began on Wednesday, with a new high of 12.91 million students taking part in, an increase of 980,000 over 2022, the Ministry of Education said.

WSWS (2023-06-07). Protests against university staff cuts in New Zealand. wsws.org Pseudo-left organisations at Otago University and Victoria University of Wellington are seeking to subordinate opposition to hundreds of job cuts to the Tertiary Education Union, which has a long record of imposing mass redundancies.

jamanetwork (2023-06-06). Standards of Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse People. jamanetwork.com This article summarizes the recent update of guidelines on health care for transgender and gender diverse people, including primary care, gender-affirming care, mental health care, and education of the clinical workforce.

Arjae Red (2023-06-06). U.S. anti-imperialist delegation meets with Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League. workers.org Beijing, China Workers World Party and International Action Center delegates traveled to the People's Republic of China in May as part of an educational and political exchange organized by the China-U.S. Solidarity Network. The purpose of the delegation was multifold: to conduct research that brings truth to expose the lies . . . |

Arjae Red (2023-06-06). U.S. and Taiwanese delegates meet on seeking a united China. workers.org Beijing, China Workers World Party and International Action Center delegates traveled to the People's Republic of China in May as part of an educational and political exchange organized by the China-U.S. Solidarity Network. The purpose of the delegation was multifold: to conduct research that brings truth to expose the lies . . . |

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-06-07). Russia Forewarned UNSC and UN Secretary General of Kiev's Plan to Destroy the Kakhovskaya Dam. globalresearch.ca

Salim Lamrani (2023-06-07). Argentina's President Gabriel Boric, Venezuela and the Question of Human Rights. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Gary Null (2023-06-07). America Is No Longer Exceptional. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Bill Willers (2023-06-07). The Insidious "State of Academia" in Support of "World Government" and the "Davos Crowd" globalresearch.ca

Drago Bosnic (2023-06-07). Mainstream Propaganda Finally Admits Trying to Whitewash Openly Nazi Affiliation of Kiev Regime Forces. globalresearch.ca

Zero Hedge (2023-06-07). Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers to Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits. globalresearch.ca

Steven Sahiounie (2023-06-07). Resistance to the Occupation of Palestine Heats Up the Egyptian-Israeli Border. globalresearch.ca

Jp Cortez (2023-06-07). Rep. Alex Mooney Aims to Block Fed's Digital Currency Scheme. globalresearch.ca

Don Fitz (2023-06-07). Nuclear Fusion: Eternal Energy Is Eternal Damnation. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-06-07). The Great COVID Death Coverup. globalresearch.ca

John W. Whitehead (2023-06-07). Rule by Decree: The Emergency State's Plot to Override the Constitution. globalresearch.ca

Zero Hedge (2023-06-07). Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers to Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits. globalresearch.ca

Steven Sahiounie (2023-06-07). Resistance to the Occupation of Palestine Heats Up the Egyptian-Israeli Border. globalresearch.ca

Jp Cortez (2023-06-07). Rep. Alex Mooney Aims to Block Fed's Digital Currency Scheme. globalresearch.ca

Don Fitz (2023-06-07). Nuclear Fusion: Eternal Energy Is Eternal Damnation. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-06-07). The Great COVID Death Coverup. globalresearch.ca

John W. Whitehead (2023-06-07). Rule by Decree: The Emergency State's Plot to Override the Constitution. globalresearch.ca

Mac Slavo (2023-06-07). WHO Wants a "Simulation" to Ensure Pandemic Accord Is Effective. globalresearch.ca

Defense for Children Palestine (2023-06-07). Israeli Forces' Systemic Denial of Fair Trial Rights to Palestinian Child Prisoners Amounts to Arbitrary Detention. globalresearch.ca

Michael Diamond (2023-06-07). The Mandate to End War in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-06-07). Pilot Deaths: Four Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated Singapore Airlines Pilots Died Suddenly in May 2023. globalresearch.ca

Ahmed Adel (2023-06-07). CIA Was Aware of Ukrainian Plan to Attack Nord Stream Pipelines — Washington Post. globalresearch.ca

Edward Curtin (2023-06-07). Rehearsed Lives and Planned History. globalresearch.ca

Jordan Schachtel (2023-06-07). Pre-pandemic Event 201 Coronavirus Simulation Was Devised at Infamous World Economic Forum Confab in Davos. globalresearch.ca

Real Science (2023-06-07). 1884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1310 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Emanuel Garcia (2023-06-07). The Subtle Art of Propaganda. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-06-07). Selected Articles: Why Do We Elect Politicians and Governments that Wage War on Sovereign States? globalresearch.ca By The people and their citizens are deprived of the management of their own affairs, the determination of their own …

Dr. William Makis (2023-06-07). Doctors Who Poisoned Themselves and Their Families, Including Small Children, with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. globalresearch.ca

Andrew Korybko (2023-06-07). France Is Reportedly Making a Principled Stand Against NATO's Expansion to Asia. globalresearch.ca

Mike Whitney (2023-06-07). Marburg — Genocide or Nothingburger? "Prepare for a Disease Deadlier than Covid" globalresearch.ca

teleSUR (2023-06-07). Climate Change Could Cause Disease to 77 Pct of Corals by 2100. telesurenglish.net Researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) has estimated that 76.8 percent of corals across the world would catch disease by 2100 amid global warming. | RELATED: | In a study published in the Ecology Letters journal on Wednesday, the researchers created a data set encompassing 108 papers on global coral disease for a further meta-analysis. | They found that both rising average summer sea surface temperatures…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-07). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic doctor visits of the future could be powered by 'omics' research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org To glimpse the future of medicine, step inside Mayo Clinic's cutting-edge Center for Individualized Medicine. There, physicians, researchers, data scientists, artificial intelligence engineers and bioethicists are working side-by-side to investigate massive "omics" data sets. The innovative approach is the result of thousands of patients who are participating in omics-related research studies and clinical trials. The multidisciplinary teams are in pursuit of discovering hidden biological signatures and patterns of diseases, including cancer. Their hope and expectations are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-07). Science Saturday: Pharmacists play key role in clinical research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org When people think of a pharmacist, they usually think of someone dispensing medication. Pharmacists do fill prescriptions, but there's another type of pharmacist who plays a vital role in clinical research. The research pharmacist is skilled in making the clinical trial part of drug development possible. Indeed, research pharmacists are part of multidisciplinary teams that investigate new pharmaceuticals and drugs developed for patient care. There are two types of research pharmacists at Mayo Clinic. One…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-07). From lift off to splash down: An update on Mayo Clinic stem cells in space. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's been six years since Mayo Clinic physician Abba Zubair, M.D., Ph.D., watched stem cells from his regenerative medicine laboratory blast into space as part of a research effort to see if zero gravity would help the cells multiply faster. Approximately 15 million people worldwide experience a stroke annually, according to the World Health Organization. Currently, stroke remains a top cause of death and disability in the world. Finding new therapies for stroke is important…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-07). Patient seeks to give back by participating in clinical trials to advance research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mark Lewis is an advocate for participating in clinical trials. As a person who is immunocompromised and has been a Mayo Clinic patient for decades, he hopes to inspire others to join clinical trials for "the greater good." Lewis has lived with Crohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) marked by inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract, since he was in high school in the mid-1970s. He's struggled with debilitating symptoms. Now, he's…

infobrics (2023-06-07). Russia With Expert Support for Development of Research Station With BRICS on Svalbard. infobrics.org Russia's company on Svalbard, Trust Arktikugol, has recently entered into a strategic partnership with a university in Arkhangelsk. The company will actively develop a research station together with the BRICS states and needs support in this work, says the director…

jamanetwork (2023-06-06). Gamma Activity and Connectivity Increased in Patients' Brains Before Death. jamanetwork.com Activity in the brain can surge during cardiac arrest, according to a small study. High-frequency brain waves and gamma connectivity in a posterior cortical "hot zone" for consciousness increased in the brains of 2 of 4 patients after life support was removed with their families' consents, mirroring patterns of activation that researchers have observed in people who are awake or dreaming.

rebekah (2023-06-06). Protecting Safety Net Programs Means Protecting People From Poverty. inequality.org You could say the blues have followed me wherever I've gone. My mom came from a family of 18, picking cotton and peanuts in Georgia. My dad, who played the blues, couldn't read. He learned numbers selling produce. I was born in Massachusetts, where my mom worked in the factories and raised me alone after …

Caden Pearson (2023-06-06). DARPA's AI Can Now Control Actual F-16s in Flight. globalresearch.ca

Captain Liner (2023-06-06). Kiev Regime's "Upcoming Counteroffensive", Assessing Russia's "Military Industrial Complex". globalresearch.ca

Carey Wedler (2023-06-06). The Best Way to Honor Fallen Soldiers Is to Stop Sending Troops to War. globalresearch.ca

Chris Hedges (2023-06-06). The Democratic Party's Crucifixion of Matt Taibbi. No Journalist Is Safe Anymore? globalresearch.ca

Dr. Emanuel Garcia (2023-06-06). Our "Abnormal New Normal". Bored, Bludgeoned, and Tired: "When Covid Hit, the Iron Fist of the Ruling 'Elites' came Down Hard" globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-06-06). Warum wà§hlen wir Politiker und Regierungen, die souverà§ne Staaten bekriegen? globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Klicken Sie …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-06-06). Why Do We Elect Politicians and Governments that Wage War on Sovereign States? globalresearch.ca

Edward Curtin (2023-06-06). The Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy: Questions, Hints and Allegations. globalresearch.ca If you were going to arrange a political assassination in an indoor crowded setting, would you plan to have one of your operatives (not the assassin) at the murder site be a strikingly curvaceous young woman in a conspicuous white …

Jeffrey Brodsky (2023-06-06). Independent Nord Stream Expedition Discovers Clue Missed by Official Investigators. globalresearch.ca

Jenna Moon (2023-06-06). Deep Fake Video of Putin Declaring Martial Law Is Broadcast in Parts of Russia. globalresearch.ca

Khaled Mouammar (2023-06-06). Israel to 'Judaize' Galilee and Expand West Bank Settlements? globalresearch.ca

Kurt Nimmo (2023-06-06). The Deadly Delusions of NATO and the Atlantic Council. globalresearch.ca

Michael Snyder (2023-06-06). They Are Doing Their Best to Provoke a Nuclear War with Russia. globalresearch.ca

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-06). Australian researchers reveal ants inflict pain with neurotoxins. plenglish.com Washington, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) Researchers at the University of Queensland, Australia, have shown for the first time that some of the world's most painful ant stings target nerves, like snake and scorpion venom, Nature Communications reported Tuesday.

Peter Koenig (2023-06-06). Listen to Dr. Naomi Wolf Talk About Pfizer's Depopulation Agenda. globalresearch.ca

Philip Giraldi (2023-06-06). Is a Change of Course at State Department Coming? globalresearch.ca

Prof. Sam Ben-Meir (2023-06-06). Dancing Waters: Rita Blitt at Mulvane Art Museum. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-06-06). Selected Articles: Pericarditis: The Other, Less Talked About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-Induced Heart Inflammation that Disables or Kills You. globalresearch.ca By Pericarditis is an inflammation of t…

Patrick Chura (2023-06-07). 'The Hollywood Motion Picture Blacklist 75 Years Later': A review. peoplesworld.org This fascinating book doesn't advance just one argument, nor is it uniform in its methods or style. Instead, its eight chapters take fresh and varied approaches to problems old and new—issues of history, politics, culture, and conscience. What holds it all together is author Larry Ceplair's supple wisdom, hard-earned over a long career, about the …

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-07). Scientific importance of Agrosciences 2023 highlighted. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) The opportunity to unify different personalities and specialties at the Fifth International Congress of Agricultural Sciences (Agrociencias 2023) is of great scientific value, highlighted the speaker from Mexico Marisol Taja.

midwesternmarx (2023-06-06). Science and Imperialism: Scientists as Workers for Peace By: Archishman Raju. midwesternmarx.com Imperialism and militarism have always disguised and justified themselves as the defense of freedom. The American President recently called for the unity of the free world, outlining the fight for democracy against autocracy as the defining challenge of our times.1 There is little doubt his fight for "democracy" means the continued funding of the American military apparatus around the world, which will continue to "free" unwilling people who have not yet reali …

Elliott Wallace (2023-06-06). Life expectancy in U.S. falls behind other comparable countries. america.cgtn.com U.S. health officials show the average life expectancy for Americans improved last year, but it's still lower than its been in more than two decades years. According to statistics drawn from government agencies around the world, life expectancy in the U.S. is nearly seven years …

Press Associates (2023-06-06). United Electrical Workers gain landslide win at University of Minnesota. peoplesworld.org MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL and DULUTH, Minn.—By a 2,487-70 vote, graduate student workers at the main University of Minnesota campus in the Twin Cities—known statewide as "The U"—and its campus in Duluth voted to unionize with the United Electrical Workers. The victory was the latest in a string of wins on university campuses for the independent union …

Amanda Yee (2023-06-06). Revolution and Counterrevolution: Remembering Tiananmen 34 Years Later. orinocotribune.com By Amanda Yee — Jun 3, 2023 | The story we are typically told in the West is that young student activists had gathered in Tiananmen Square, uniting around the liberal demands of democracy and freedom, bravely defying the repressive Chinese government. After weeks of these ongoing protests, the Communist Party of China had had enough and cracked down on the peaceful protesters. As the story goes, in the early morning hours of June 4, 1989, People's Liberation Army tanks rolled into the square. They were said to be indiscriminately shooting and mowing down innocent, unarmed protesters, killing thousands. | To…

Editor (2023-06-06). Spy on your fellow (pro-Palestinian) students to get a scholarship. mronline.org Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) offers scholarships to proponents of the world's most aggressive European settler colonial outpost. It's a small part of a broader campaign to harass internationalist activism at Canadian universities.

Newtown Action Alliance & Activate America (2023-06-07). Wednesday 6/14: Gun Violence Prevention and the 2024 Election Teach-in. indybay.org Online webinar…

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