2023-07-24: News Headlines

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-24). Study: Affirmative Action for the Richest 1 Percent Is Common at Elite Colleges. truthout.org Just weeks after the Supreme Court ruled to end race-based affirmative action in college admissions, a new study suggests that "affirmative action" for the rich is very much alive when wealthy Americans seek acceptance to the most elite colleges in the U.S. According to a study released Monday by Opportunity Insights, a Harvard University-based research group, students from families within the… |

Anonymous103 (2023-07-24). US Grows Tired Of Zelensky, Who Burning Bridges With Europe — Former Pentagon Official. southfront.org Click to see full-size imageAnglo Alliance enables Zelensky's petulant behaviour. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | US officials are growing tired of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky making endless demands for Western support, writes Douglas MacKinnon, a former adviser for policy and communications at the Pentagon, in an op-ed for The Hill. Even without MacKinnon's insight, it is evident that Western leaders are becoming weary of Zelensky's demands, as seen at the rece…

Anonymous103 (2023-07-24). Ukraine Is Ammunition-Starved, And The West Simply Cannot Keep Up With Its Pledges. southfront.org Illustrative ImageThe current state of affairs, with a Western deindustrializations crisis, makes it very difficult for the West to pursue its proxy attrition war: it simply cannot produce all the weapons it promises to give Ukraine. | Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts | While Western discussions have focused on sending sophisticated weapons to Kiev, Hal Brands, a Henry Kissinger Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-24). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-24). Mayo Clinic expert weighs in on WHO labeling aspartame sweetener as low, but possible, cancer risk. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A popular artificial sweetener that's widely found in sugar-free foods and beverages is being labeled as a possible cancer risk by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO's cancer research agency, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), determined aspartame to be a possible carcinogen after reviewing and assessing the potential carcinogenic effect of the sweetener, but says it's safe to consume in limited amounts. Dr. Donald Hensrud, a Mayo Clinic physician specializing in nutrition and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-24). Mayo Clinic researchers pave the way for individualized obesity therapy, tailoring interventions to a person's needs. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In a pilot study of 165 people, Mayo Clinic researchers looked at the effectiveness of two different approaches to weight loss: a standard lifestyle intervention and individualized therapy. The standard lifestyle intervention included a reduced diet, exercise and behavior therapy. The individualized approach was based on phenotypes and included different interventions depending on the person's predominant underlying cause of obesity. A diet based on phenotypes considers a person's genetic and phenotypic characteristics to create a…

Mark Keenan (2023-07-24). Is Psychiatry "Fake Science"? globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-07-24). Unvaccinated Transplant Patients Denied Treatment in Canada, Resulting in Death. globalresearch.ca

Ivan Timofeev (2023-07-24). Why Russia and the US Will Never Go Back to the Pre-2022 State of Affairs. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2023-07-24). The International Systems of States and Security. globalresearch.ca

Great Game India (2023-07-24). Pandemic 2025: US Creates Permanent New Pandemic Agency for Decade of Vaccines."Catastrophic Contagion" Simulation. globalresearch.ca

Samir Bhattacharya (2023-07-24). On Russia-Africa Matters and the Emerging Multipolar World. globalresearch.ca

Julian Rose (2023-07-24). Alert! New 'Redesigned GMOs' Being Forced on Farmers and Consumers. globalresearch.ca

Steven Sahiounie (2023-07-24). The Cold War Between Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates Heats Up. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-07-24). Selected Articles: Trudeau, NATO and Climate Change, Another Boondoggle. globalresearch.ca By The more the government of Canada piles on the hocus pocus of climate change/net zero, the more the incentive grows for the Trudeau-Singh regime …

Karsten Riise (2023-07-24). US Is Losing Culture. We Don't See Masterworks From Hollywood Anymore. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-07-24). Congressional Concerns: Stalling Nuclear Submarines for Australia. asia-pacificresearch.com

Mary Hudetz (2023-07-23). Indigenous Remains Destroyed as Federal Studies Undermine Repatriation Efforts. truthout.org Two decades ago, an anthropology professor at the University of Utah asked the National Science Foundation to fund research on Native American ancestors to determine when the cultivations of crops like corn first became prevalent in their cultures. The studies, according to the research proposals, would involve analyzing Ancestral Pueblo remains that museums had excavated around 1900 from some of… |

Julian Rose (2023-07-24). Alert! New 'Redesigned GMOs' Being Forced on Farmers and Consumers. globalresearch.ca

Steven Sahiounie (2023-07-24). The Cold War Between Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates Heats Up. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-07-24). Selected Articles: Trudeau, NATO and Climate Change, Another Boondoggle. globalresearch.ca By The more the government of Canada piles on the hocus pocus of climate change/net zero, the more the incentive grows for the Trudeau-Singh regime …

Karsten Riise (2023-07-24). US Is Losing Culture. We Don't See Masterworks From Hollywood Anymore. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-07-24). Congressional Concerns: Stalling Nuclear Submarines for Australia. asia-pacificresearch.com

Mary Hudetz (2023-07-23). Indigenous Remains Destroyed as Federal Studies Undermine Repatriation Efforts. truthout.org Two decades ago, an anthropology professor at the University of Utah asked the National Science Foundation to fund research on Native American ancestors to determine when the cultivations of crops like corn first became prevalent in their cultures. The studies, according to the research proposals, would involve analyzing Ancestral Pueblo remains that museums had excavated around 1900 from some of… |

_____ (2023-07-23). Across the West, People Are Dying in Greater Numbers. Nobody Wants to Learn Why. strategic-culture.org There's only one plausible explanation for continuing silence on excess deaths: governments, media and regulators are frightened of what the research may uncover | Join us on , , and . | During the pandemic, the challenge fo…

_____ (2023-07-23). NATO's Shame — Ukraine's Epidemic of Human Trafficking. strategic-culture.org As millions of Ukrainian women and children fled into the supposed safety of NATO, their new hosts were researching how to rape them. | Join us on , , and . | Because our objective is to identify the guilty parties implicate…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-23). Joe Biden Triggers Paralysis in the Production of Strategic Semiconductor Chips. Worldwide Collapse of the Automobile Industry? globalresearch.ca Semiconductors constitute a strategic commodity, used in a variety of sectors including electronics, medical devices, electronic and communications networks etc. | There is evidence of manipulation, which has led to artificial shortages of semiconductors affecting a number of key sectors of …

Pepe Escobar (2023-07-23). Neocons Want War with China. globalresearch.ca

Karsten Riise (2023-07-23). The US "Chip War" Takes Aim at all of China. globalresearch.ca

South Front (2023-07-23). Video: "Saving Ukraine": NATO Prepares for War. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-07-23). How Central Bankers Rule the World. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Anthony J. Hall (2023-07-23). Trudeau, NATO and Climate Change, Another Boondoggle. globalresearch.ca

Lauren Smith (2023-07-23). Nicaraguans Celebrate 44th Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-23). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. globalresearch.ca US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

Karsten Riise (2023-07-23). Ukraine's Surprising Admission. globalresearch.ca

Steven Sahiounie (2023-07-23). Netanyahu Is Powerless to Stop the Protests. Will His Government Collapse? globalresearch.ca

James Howard Kunstler (2023-07-23). The Downfall of Blobism. "Joe Biden must go, and as soon as possible?" globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-07-23). Cardiac Arrests: Young Women Are Dropping Dead Everywhere. COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis in Women Is Up to 1 in 30 Per Jab. globalresearch.ca

Ethan Huff (2023-07-23). WHO, CDC and Bill Gates Pushing for Peel-and-Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly to People's Homes. globalresearch.ca

imperial.ac.uk (2023-07-24). Plant pathogens and science festivals: News from the College. imperial.ac.uk Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.

The Lever (2023-07-24). üéß LEVER TIME PREMIUM: Attribution Science Can Help Curb Climate Change. levernews.com On this week's bonus episode of Lever Time Premium, exclusively for The Lever's supporting subscribers, producer Frank Cappello and reporter Julia Rock sit down with climate scientist Dr. Andrew Pershing, who explains the advent of 'attribution science.'üëâTo get access to Lever Premium Podcasts, click

_____ (2023-07-24). Coronavirus/COVID Pandemic: New Doubts, Revelations by US Congress. transcend.org 18 Jul 2023 – Communications between officials and scientists who wrote the key paper promoting a natural origin for Covid-19 show doubts, interference, politicized science, and more.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-07-24). Imperial students win climate prize for peatland wet farms funding project. imperial.ac.uk

WSWS (2023-07-24). Striking actors and writers in New York speak to the WSWS: "This money, this greed, could ultimately end art as an industry" wsws.org The WSWS spoke to a variety of people, including actors and writers, but also scenic artists, members of IATSE. Also present were New York City teachers and high school students.

WSWS (2023-07-24). Stop the censorship of socialist students at Macquarie University! wsws.org The IYSSE is being targeted because it "is the only organization that advances a genuine anti-war perspective based on the unification of the international working class against the capitalist nation-state system."

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-07-24). Podcast Ep 80: From NYC to Florida, students fight lobby smears. electronicintifada.net Fatima Mohammed and Ahmad Daraldik stand strong against racist campaigns over their Palestine advocacy.

ecns.cn (2023-07-24). Mainland university delegation wraps up visit to Taiwan island, a 1st in 3 years. ecns.cn A group of 37 teachers and students from Chinese mainland universities concluded their exchange visit to the Taiwan island on Sunday and returned to the mainland.

teleSUR (2023-07-23). Guatemalans Call 'The Flowers March' to Defend Democracy. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, the Highlands Farmers Committee (CCDA), the Palin Indigenous Mayor's Office, and students from the University of San Carlos (USAC) called for a "march of flowers" to defend democracy in Guatemala. | RELATED: | This happens at a time when the Prosecutor's Office is carrying out persecutory actions against the Seed Movement party (Semilla), which might jeopardize the holding of the presidential run-off sch…

Fight Back (2023-07-23). Milwaukee Anti-War Committee rallies against the Milwaukee Air & Water Show. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On Saturday, July 22, activists and community members united at The Calling sculpture in downtown Milwaukee to protest the annual Milwaukee Air & Water Show. The rally was organized by the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) to demonstrate that the show is not a harmless family event as it is often portrayed, but a celebration of U.S. militarism and a polarizing affair for the city. | Members from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR), and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) came together with the community to demand an…

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