2023-09-02: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-09-02). CPC leadership deliberates regulations, plan for training of officials. ecns.cn The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened a meeting on Thursday to deliberate a set of regulations and a five-year plan (2023-27) concerning the education and training of officials. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

Abeer Ayyoub (2023-09-01). Gaza: Students face shortened terms after UNRWA cuts hit education services. middleeasteye.net Gaza: Students face shortened terms after UNRWA cuts hit education services | Officials at refugee agency warn $200m shortfall in funds could lead to ending the school term early in 2023 | Fri, 09/01/2023 – 14: 38 | Palestinian students attend a class at a government school in Gaza city, on 26 August (Reuters) | Over 300,000 students in Gaza return to school in late August, all of them attendin…

Editor (2023-09-01). 'Oppenheimer,' J. Robert Oppenheimer, and the University of California. scheerpost.com By Tony Platt / Original to ScheerPost This is an excerpt from Tony Platt's new book "The Scandal of Cal: Land Grabs, White Supremacy, and Miseducation at UC Berkeley." The book can be found here. Cal Berkeley was created in the 1860s-1870 and for its first fifty years was the only full-scale campus of the …

sputnikglobe (2023-09-01). Putin Holds Open Lesson to Give Students 'A Talk About Important Things'. sputnikglobe.com Vladimir Putin has already held one of these open lessons – "A talk about important things" – on September 1, 2022, in the museum and theater-educational complex in Kaliningrad when he spoke to schoolchildren – winners of Olympiads and competitions in the fields of culture, art, science and sports.

Liam Sturgess (2023-09-02). Who's Behind "Ban Robert F. Kennedy, Jr"? globalresearch.ca

Daily Ummat (2023-09-02). September 2001 Interview with Osama bin Laden. Categorically Denies his Involvement in 9/11. globalresearch.ca Full text of Pakistani paper's Sept 01 "exclusive" interview. Bin Laden's statements are markedly different from those made in the alleged Osama video tapes.

Elias Davidsson (2023-09-02). Commemorating September 11, 2001: Ten Irrefutable, Devastating 9/11 Facts. globalresearch.ca There is actually no need to resort to speculative arguments that the official account of 9/11 is a fraud since there are hard facts that support this conclusion. Here are 10 such undisputed facts.

Eco Central (2023-09-02). The Devastating Environmental Side Effects of the Electric Car Boom. globalresearch.ca First published on August 7 2020 | The United Nations (U.N.) announced in August 2020 that the electric car boom will result in a number of devastating ecological side effects for the planet. | While the shift to electric cars reflects ongoing …

Ariel Dorfman (2023-09-02). Chile: In Memory of Carlos and Pinochet's "Caravan of Death". Assassination of Political Prisoners Endorsed by Kissinger. globalresearch.ca

Shane Quinn (2023-09-02). Hiroshima 1945, Chile's 1973 Coup d'état, Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003: Four Key Anniversaries Glossed over by Western Media. globalresearch.ca

James Corbett (2023-09-02). VIDEO: 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory. "Because Ignorance is Strength". James Corbett. globalresearch.ca

Julian Rose (2023-09-02). The CO2 Narrative: The Truth About 'Net Zero': A Diabolical Agenda Sold as a Saviour Formula. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-02). Global Coup d'État and the "Great Reset". Global Debt and Neoliberal "Shock Treatment" globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-02). Video: Covid-19 "Pack of Lies": Crimes against Humanity. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 "pandemic". | The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial …

Dean Henderson (2023-09-02). 9/11 Analysis: Osama bin Laden and the 911 Illusion. globalresearch.ca This article was first published on May, 5, 2011 | The alleged killing of Osama bin Laden, which fittingly occurred in his "mansion" within 1,000 yards of a Pakistani military training academy, could signal the winding down of the biggest psychological …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-02). War, Terrorism and the Global Economic Crisis. Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts. globalresearch.ca Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the global economy, financial fraud, corrupt governments, poverty and social inequality, media disinformation, war propaganda, WMD, international law,…

Prof. Graeme MacQueen (2023-09-02). September 11, 2001: Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions in the Twin Towers. globalresearch.ca

Ahmed Adel (2023-09-02). Zelensky "Pissed Off" Biden in Their First Meeting, New Book Reveals. globalresearch.ca

Greg Mitchell (2023-09-02). Hiroshima and Nagasaki: General Groves and the Nuclear Radiation 'Hoax'. globalresearch.ca

Allen L Roland (2023-09-02). Rex 84: FEMA's Blueprint for Martial Law. The Roadmap Towards "Police State America" globalresearch.ca We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84.

Connor Freeman (2023-09-01). Fifty Years Ago: Nixon's Intel Briefings, US-Backed September 11, 1973 Chilean Military Coup. Released Documents. globalresearch.ca

Reinette Senum (2023-09-01). Video: Lahaina Truths and Newly Emerged Satellite Images Tell a Dark Story. Matt Roeske. globalresearch.ca

Team Kennedy (2023-09-01). Video: "Midnight at the Border." Humanitarian Crisis. Running on Truth. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. globalresearch.ca

Terry Tempest Williams (2023-09-01). A Promise to a Utah Prairie Dog. On the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, Looking Back to Look Forward. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-09-01). Mask Toxicity: Four Studies Document Toxic Materials in Masks that Leach Out Many Carcinogens! globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-09-01). Gabon Joins the Club of Military Putchers. globalresearch.ca

W.T. Whitney Jr. (2023-09-01). 'Worse Than the Special Period': Cuba's Food Situation More Desperate by the Day. globalresearch.ca

Michael Snyder (2023-09-01). A Draconian New Law Went Into Effect on August 25th that Institutes Extreme Censorship of the Internet on a Global Basis. globalresearch.ca

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-01). US, Israel to Conduct Joint Drills "Simulating Attacks" on Iran. Report. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-09-02). AI-powered LLMs now open to public. ecns.cn A group of Chinese technology companies and research institutions on Thursday opened their artificial intelligence-powered large language models or LLMs to the public, after receiving approvals from the Chinese authorities.

Georgina Ferry (2023-09-02). Perspectives] Alice Ball: chemist who developed a treatment for leprosy. thelancet.com Despite Alice Ball's tragically short life, her research made a huge difference to the lives of many patients in the first half of the 20th century. Her investigations of chaulmoogra oil, a natural remedy for Hansen's disease (leprosy), resulted in a preparation that was injectable and avoided the side-effects of the oil. Her extract became the standard treatment for Hansen's disease, until it was replaced by sulphur drugs and antibiotics in the late 1930s and 1940s, allowing people with the disease to return from isolation to their communities.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-02). India Launches Its First Solar Research Mission Aditya-L1. sputnikglobe.com The PSLV C57 (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) rocket carrying the station was launched from the national spaceport on the island of Sriharikota in the Bay of Bengal.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-09-02). 1 January 2024, The World's Centre Of Gravity Will Shift. popularresistance.org On the last day of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, the five founding states (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) welcomed six new members: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The BRICS partnership now encompasses 47.3 percent of the world's population, with a combined global Gross Domestic Product (by purchasing power parity, or PPP,) of 36.4 percent. In comparison, though the G7 states (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) account for merely 10 percent of the world's population, their share of…

Anadolu Agency (2023-09-01). Factbox — Recent Coups in Africa. globalresearch.ca

Andrew Korybko (2023-09-01). Was the Gabon Coup d'état Driven by Anti-Imperialist Sentiment? globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton (2023-09-01). NY Times Admits It Sends Stories to US Government for Approval Before Publication. globalresearch.ca The New York Times casually acknowledged that it sends major scoops to the US government before publication, to make sure "national security officials" have "no concerns." | *** | First published on June 26, 2019 | The New York Times has publicly acknowledged …

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-01). Is Bidenomics Working? Harvard University Researchers Say 46% Of American Renters Are Struggling To Make Ends Meet. moguldom.com When Joe Biden toured the U.S. in June on a mission to persuade the public that the economy has improved under his presidency, not everyone was buying it. "Americans are worse off under Biden," said Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. The public agreed. A poll released in late June by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs …

Dr. James A. Thorp (2023-09-01). The Covenant of Death: "Pfizer knew that they were killing babies in utero…" globalresearch.ca

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-09-01). The Disappearance of Integrity: Organized Suppression of the Facts, Only Writers Who Support "Official Narratives" Are Tolerated. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-09-01). Video: Alberta Health Services "Murdered" Transplant Patient for Being Unvaccinated. globalresearch.ca

Drago Bosnic (2023-09-01). US Mulls Resumption of Nuclear Weapons Testing. U.S Strategy of "Nuclear Primacy". WWIII Scenario? globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-09-01). Last Month's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-09-01). Selected Articles: Nation-States as "Business Models": Ukraine as Another Neoliberal Privatization Exercise. globalresearch.ca By Perhaps the leading two veteran critics of US policy in Ukraine, Colonel Douglas MacGregor USA and Major Scott Ritter USMC, have…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-09-01). US Government Sued for Hiding Information on Afghan Refugees in Detention Camps. globalresearch.ca

Mark Curtis (2023-09-01). The Joint CIA/MI6 Iran 1953 Coup d'état: "Operation Boot". MI6 Plots with Islamists to Overthrow Democracy. globalresearch.ca

Mark Keenan (2023-09-01). Was the Universe Really Created by a 'Big Bang'? globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-01). Fifty Years Ago: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup. globalresearch.ca We are commemorating September 11, 2001 as well as September 11, 1973 (Fifty years ago) | *** | Half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-01). Weather Warfare: "Beware the US Military's Experiments with Climatic Warfare" globalresearch.ca 'Climatic warfare' has been excluded from the agenda on climate change.

Samir Bhattacharya (2023-09-01). Role of India-Africa Partnership Towards Shaping a Multipolar World. globalresearch.ca

UCEIRPP (2023-09-01). UN Report: The Legality of the Israeli Occupation, Of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem. globalresearch.ca

Ryan Cristián (2023-09-02). Soiltac Æ Dust Suppressant To Be Deployed In Lahaina, Maui — But Is It Safe? Let's Look At The Facts. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/2/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Luis Chirino (2023-09-01). Cuba to host Group of 77 plus China Summit on science and development. america.cgtn.com The Group of 77 was established in 1964 by 77 developing countries. The group will meet in Havana on September 15 and 16, the coalition will include more than 130 nations looking to promote their economic interests.

TASS (2023-09-01). NASA publishes image of Moon crater, presumably created by Luna-25's fall. tass.com The image of the crater was published on NASA's website…

TASS (2023-09-01). TASS receives greetings upon its 119th anniversary from ISS. tass.com On November 17, 2021, TASS and Roscosmos signed a memorandum of cooperation, according to which the agency's office was opened on the ISS…

sputnikglobe (2023-09-01). US Stocks Rise After New Jobs Report Suggests Fed May Not Hike Interest Rates. sputnikglobe.com The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its report on August employment trends on Friday, helping to assuage investors' fears that the Federal Reserve might again raise interest rates at its September meeting.

TASS (2023-09-01). Cameroon offers cooperation with Russia in processing of agriculture products — envoy. tass.com According to figures provided by the National Institute of Statistics of Cameroon, Russia is the largest supplier of fertilizers to the Central African country, with a 43% share of the market…

ecns.cn (2023-09-02). Life made easier for those facing difficulties. ecns.cn More large-font textbooks are to be published and offered to visually impaired students, thanks to national lawmaker Wang Yongcheng, who is blind.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-02). Organizations to march in Guatemala in defense of democracy. plenglish.com Guatemala City, Sep 2 (Prensa Latina) Social organizations, collectives and students will march today in Guatemala in defense of democracy, against corruption, in order to support the popular will expressed at the polls and prevent a coup d'état.

WSWS (2023-09-02). Two US academics protest ongoing political censorship of IYSSE at Sydney's Macquarie University. wsws.org "This generation of young people faces the threat of world war, the rise of fascism, the COVID pandemic, and the global climate crisis. It is imperative that students' capacity to address these questions not be arbitrarily limited in the name of administrative bookkeeping."

sputnikglobe (2023-09-01). G20, Ukraine, and Forging of New World Order: Key Bits From Lavrov's Big Speech. sputnikglobe.com Friday marked the start of the new school year in Russia. In what has become established tradition, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave a talk to students at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia's top diplomatic school, to brief them on the Foreign Ministry's priorities. A Sputnik correspondent was in attendance.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-02). Defriending Canada: Natural Disasters and Facebook's Information Scrub. dissidentvoice.org Australia experienced this in February 2021. Facebook had gotten nastily stroppy, wishing to dictate public policy to the Commonwealth government. To teach Canberra mandarins a lesson, it literally unfriended the entire country, scrubbing all news platforms of content and making any posted links through the platform inaccessible. It mattered not that the content involved the …

David Giesen (2023-09-02). Saturday 9/2: A US History teacher's walking tour trek through San Francisco's past and present. indybay.org we meet in the lobby of the | American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street…

WSWS (2023-09-02). Detroit teachers denounce DFT union's last-minute sellout deal, low pay, and unsanitary, unsafe working conditions. wsws.org Only 26 percent of the district's teachers voted for the last-minute deal, pushed through at the start of the school year.

WSWS (2023-09-01). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. wsws.org 70,000 South Korean school teachers to strike over dangerous working conditions; Indian sanitation workers protest in Delhi over work deaths; Australia: University academics strike in Victoria over wages and conditions.

WSWS (2023-09-01). New York City public school therapists accept concessions contract on second vote forced by union. wsws.org Occupational and physical therapists who work for New York City's public schools voted to accept a concessions contract after voting against it in June. The re-vote was forced by the United Federation of Teachers which was determined to implement the austerity measures of the right-wing Democratic Administration of Mayor Eric Adams.

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