2023-09-09: News Headlines

sputnikglobe (2023-09-09). G20 Leaders Say Had Different Views on Ukraine Conflict During Summit Discussions. sputnikglobe.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The G20 leaders said in the New Delhi Summit Declaration on Saturday they had different views on and assessments of the Ukraine conflict during discussions of the issue, while jointly calling for respect for the UN Charter.

ecns.cn (2023-09-09). Special education provides love for children in Tibet. ecns.cn Nagqu City in Tibet Autonomous Region sits at an average altitude of more than 4,500 meters, with a sparse population and harsh natural environment. It is also the only city in Tibet Autonomous Region with two special education schools.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-08). Bolivian President praises National Alternative Education Day. plenglish.com La Paz, Sep 8 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian President Luis Arce praised on his X Social Media account the National Day of Alternative Education and the International Day of Literacy, and stressed the democratization of this activity.

Andy Miller (2023-09-08). House GOP Proposes $1.6 Billion in Cuts to CDC Budget, Including HIV Program. truthout.org More than four years ago, then-President Donald Trump declared an ambitious goal that had bipartisan support: ending the HIV epidemic in the United States. Now, that Trump program is one of several health initiatives targeted for substantial cuts by members of his own party as they eye next year's elections. Pushing a slate of conservative political priorities that also takes aim at sex education… |

ecns.cn (2023-09-08). Special education provides love for children in Tibet. ecns.cn Nagqu City in Tibet Autonomous Region sits at an average altitude of more than 4,500 meters, with a sparse population and harsh natural environment. It is also the only city in Tibet Autonomous Region with two special education schools.

Staff (2023-09-08). Protecting Free Speech and the Right to Learn in Florida. aclu.org In classrooms and educational spaces across our country, a coordinated attack on our students' right to learn is underway. Perhaps nowhere are those attacks more pronounced than in Florida, where state officials have led a coordinated effort to restrict free speech in classrooms under the guise of protecting children. | Last July, the "

WSWS (2023-09-08). Evergreen teachers in Washington state continue strike as Camas Education Association in splitting move rams through agreement on short notice. wsws.org As teachers enter into struggles internationally, Evergreen and Camas public school teachers in Washington state are striking for cost-of-living salary increases, smaller class sizes and increased funding for schools.

Aarathi Prasad (2023-09-09). Perspectives] Femi Oyebode: entering into the human story. thelancet.com Growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, psychiatrist Femi Oyebode, known for his decades of research on clinical psychopathology and delusional misidentification syndromes, had two main preoccupations: the mind and literature. "I'm one of those strange people who probably already knew they wanted to be a psychiatrist before going to medical school, even though I didn't know what psychiatry was…I suppose I had some sort of notion about the mind", he recalls. His love of literature took hold in childhood. Oyebode has written since he was 8 years old and, at school, "read very, very widely", including "a lot of Black Americ…

ecns.cn (2023-09-09). First atlas of urban nighttime light remote-sensing data released. ecns.cn The world's first atlas of urban nighttime light remote-sensing data was released on Wednesday by the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS). "ÄÄ…

TASS (2023-09-09). Putin points to importance of laser physics research for Russia's national economy. tass.com Laser physics research allows to study the properties of matter and trace the evolution of the universe…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-09-09). What If There Had Been No Coup In Chile In 1973? popularresistance.org Imagine this scenario. On 11 September 1973, the reactionary sections of the Chilean army, led by General Augusto Pinochet and given a green light by the US government, did not leave their barracks. President Salvador Allende, who led the Popular Unity government, went to his office in La Moneda in Santiago to announce a plebiscite on his government and to ask for the resignation of several senior generals. Then, Allende continued his fight to bring down inflation and to realise his government's programme to advance the socialist agenda in Chile. | Until the moment when the Chilean Army descended upon La Moneda i…

WSWS (2023-09-09). Protests against cuts at West Virginia University continue as lawmakers allocate tens of millions to war-related research. wsws.org The cuts at WVU are part of a systematic effort to divert all social resources to the war effort and the enrichment of the financial oligarchy.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-08). Children in Police Watch Houses: A Nasty Queensland Experiment. asia-pacificresearch.com

Dr. Suzanne Burdick (2023-09-08). U.S. Spy Agencies to Launch Computerized "Smart Clothing" Under Guise of "Better Health Monitoring" globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-09-08). Mask Harm: Children Are Being Harmed by Masks! globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-09-08). Pilot Incapacitation: Air Canada Flight AC348 (YVR-YOW) Vancouver to Ottawa (Aug. 27, 2023) —. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-09-08). First atlas of urban nighttime light remote-sensing data released. ecns.cn The world's first atlas of urban nighttime light remote-sensing data was released on Wednesday by the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS). "ÄÄ…

Global Research News (2023-09-08). Selected Articles: Is It Time to Fire Your Doctor? CDC VAERS Records More Deaths from COVID Vaccines Than Total of All Previous Vaccines Combined. globalresearch.ca By The evidence is in. The COVID jabs kill. Autopsies prove it. …

Global Research News (2023-09-08). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Jake Johnson (2023-09-08). Outrage Grows as Pentagon Confirms Depleted Uranium Rounds Headed to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Juan Diego Cardenas (2023-09-08). Expanding Drug Trafficking on Peru's Borders with Colombia and Brazil. globalresearch.ca

Laura Llach (2023-09-08). Up to €3,400 Per Month: Meet the Spanish Company Recruiting Fighters for Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-09-08). Stoltenberg Bluffs About Ukrainian NATO Access. globalresearch.ca

Megan Redshaw (2023-09-08). U.S. Government Gave Millions to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to Promote COVID-19 Vaccines to Pregnant Women. globalresearch.ca

Michael Welch (2023-09-08). Remembering the Other 9/11: The Chilean September 11, 1973 Coup D'Etat. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-08). Fifty Years Ago: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup. globalresearch.ca We are commemorating September 11, 2001 as well as September 11, 1973 (Fifty years ago) | *** | Half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-08). 9/11 Analysis: "Who Is Osama Bin Laden?" globalresearch.ca In the course of the month of September, Global Research will be featuring a selection of articles by prominent authors, which indelibly reveal the lies and fabrications underlying the official 9/11 story. | The following article entitled "Who is Osama bin …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-08). Bill Gates Is Funding a Scheme to Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Forests in North America. globalresearch.ca

Ryan Cristián (2023-09-08). mRNA Platform Is Dangerous Dual Use Technology, Self-Spreading mRNA & Altering Evolution w/ Nanotech. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

scorinoco (2023-09-08). Venezuela Signs Agreement With China's International Research Center of Big Data. orinocotribune.com Venezuela has signed a memorandum of understanding with China's International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS), in order to establish broader cooperation in the processing and analysis of satellite images, according to an announcement from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Venezuela. | "The Minister of Science and Technology [Gabriela Jiménez] signed a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Science and Technology and CBAS," read the press release published by the ministry this Thursday, September 7, "with the aim of establishing broader cooperation in the p…

Stephen Karganovic (2023-09-08). Bosnia-Herzegovina: US-NATO's "Neocolonial Backwater" globalresearch.ca

Ted Walter (2023-09-08). 9/11 News Coverage: How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers' Explosive Demolition on 9/11. globalresearch.ca The widely held belief is that the Twin Towers collapsed as a result of the airplane impacts and the resulting fires. Among those who witnessed the event firsthand, the more prevalent hypothesis was that the Twin Towers had been brought down by massive explosions.

Will Porter (2023-09-08). Pentagon Developing AI Drone Swarms to 'Deter' China. globalresearch.ca

Colin Todhunter (2023-09-09). An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance. globalresearch.ca The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system that serves the interests of corporate agribusiness traders and suppliers of inputs at the expense of people's needs and genuine food security.

Colin Todhunter (2023-09-09). Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order. globalresearch.ca Food, Dispossession and Dependency.: | Resisting the New World Order: | by: | Colin Todhunter: | We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of …

David Skripac (2023-09-09). Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity's March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes. globalresearch.ca

Dean Henderson (2023-09-09). History: The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2023-09-09). History of American Hegemony: USA as "Global Greatest Power". From Alaska (1867) to Europe (1917). globalresearch.ca

F. William Engdahl (2023-09-09). How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis. globalresearch.ca The energy crisis is a long-planned strategy of western corporate capital to dismantle industrial economies in the name of a dystopian Green Agenda. That has its roots well before February 2022, when Russia launched its military action in Ukraine.

James A. Lucas (2023-09-09). The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 "Victim Nations" Since World War II. globalresearch.ca

Manlio Dinucci (2023-09-09). Cile 11 Settembre 1973: Attualità Di Un Golpe | Grandangolo — Pangea. globalresearch.ca Cinquant'anni fa, l'11 Settembre 1973, avveniva il colpo di stato in Cile. Anche se è passato mezzo secolo, esso conserva una drammatica attualità . Questa, in sintesi, è la storia. | Nel novembre 1970 diviene Presidente del Cile Salvador Allende, eletto da …

Mark Keenan (2023-09-09). 1500 Scientists Say "Climate Change Not Due to CO2" — The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked. globalresearch.ca

Mike Adams (2023-09-09). The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech "Vaccines" globalresearch.ca

Mike Adams (2023-09-09). World War III Has Already Begun, but the Truth Is Being Withheld from the Public Until the Very Last Moment. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-09-09). Towards Digital Tyranny? Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? globalresearch.ca It's Agenda ID2020 on steroids. It's the worldwide invasion of the QR code — QR coding of everything, all of your most intimate data, health, personal behaviors, habits — track records of where we have been and even where we may be planning to go. Nothing will escape the QR code. Nobody talks about it.

Peter Koenig (2023-09-09). Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHO's Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way! globalresearch.ca

Richard Horton (2023-09-09). Comment] Offline: A job is important, but so is life. thelancet.com A debate has fermented over this fading English summer, one with hard consequences for medical science. The squall began in June with a column in The Times by Emma Duncan, formerly a deputy editor at The Economist and someone who declares an "obsessive" taste for 19th-century novels. Her article, "We should cheer decline of humanities degrees", asked why a younger generation felt so betrayed by their parents. Her answer was their rising levels of debt. And the cause of those debts? "Elite overproduction." A society's elite is small in number.

TASS (2023-09-09). ISS orbit adjusted by 3.5 km before Soyuz MS-24 launch. tass.com According to Roscosmos, the average height of the station's orbit increased by 3.5 km and amounted to 419.24 km above the Earth's surface…

Catherine Crockett (2023-09-09). Wednesday 10/25: A Conversation with Paul Hawken: An Evening of Hope. indybay.org Otter Student Union at CSU Monterey Bay. 3118 Inter-Garrison Rd, Seaside, CA, Building #552. | Map and Directions: csumb.edu/map/ | Parking Permits: pmb.csustan.edu/dailypermits/#!/

WSWS (2023-09-09). Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE holds memorial meeting in Jaffna to honour Wije Dias. wsws.org About 50 people, including workers, farmers, fishermen, youth and students attended the Weerasingham Hall meeting in Jaffna…

imperial.ac.uk (2023-09-08). Swimming with sharks and student support: News from the College. imperial.ac.uk Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.

WSWS (2023-09-08). As student loan payments resume, millions face a lifetime of debt while Wall Street profits. wsws.org The banks, hedge funds, investment companies and other Wall Street parasites are raking in billions of dollars in profits from the immiseration of tens of millions of student loan borrowers and their families—perhaps a third of the US population in all.

WSWS (2023-09-08). Students and faculty voice opposition to slashing programs at West Virginia University. wsws.org Faculty, staff and students of West Virginia University spoke with the World Socialist Web Site outside the College of Creative Arts Wednesday afternoon and voiced opposition to plans for the elimination of 169 faculty and slashing of 39 majors.

WSWS (2023-09-08). Chicago Teachers Union scuttles strike at ChiArts High School and helps keep students and teachers in sweltering classrooms during a dangerous heatwave. wsws.org Both the ChiArts agreement and the decision to force students into schools during a dangerous heatwave underscore the need for teachers to build the Chicago Educators Rank-and-File Committee to take control over negotiations and safety out of the hands of union officials.

ecns.cn (2023-09-09). Xi urges teachers to contribute more to realizing national rejuvenation. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on the country's teachers to make greater contributions to building a stronger China and realizing the national rejuvenation.

WSWS (2023-09-08). Ontario teacher unions conspire to divide 200,000 educators after forcing them to work for a year without a contract. wsws.org The Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation has ordered its 60,000 members to vote on a proposal to send all outstanding contract issues to binding arbitration by October 27, ruling out all strike action in this bargaining round in the process. Unions representing elementary teachers and Catholic teachers are dragging their feet with strike votes.

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