2023-12-08: News Headlines

Staff (2023-12-07). Guterres invokes UN Charter to call for UNSC action on Gaza. muslimmirror.com United Nations : In a bid to push the paralysed Security Council to act on Gaza, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday invoked a rarely used provision of the Charter to call its attention to the looming "human catastrophe" there and to request a humanitarian ceasefire. In a letter to Council President Javier Dominguez, Guterres wrote, …

ecns.cn (2023-12-07). Amid tensions, students from China seen as positive presence. ecns.cn For the 2022-23 academic year, China remained the top origin for international students in the U.S. with a total of 289,526, according to the 2023 Open Doors Report released by the Institute of International Education.

Pressenza Muenchen (2023-12-07). Scientists call for moratorium on digitalisation in kindergartens and schools. pressenza.com Digitalisation is currently regarded as a modern solution to educational questions for all age groups in the education sector. But the effects and secondary effects of digital media on development, learning and educational processes are often scientifically unclear. In fact, there is growing scientific evidence about the enormous disadvantages and damages caused by digital media to the developmental and educational processes of children and young people. In line with the duty of caring for public educational institutions, we therefore demand a moratorium on digitalisation, particularly for the period of early edu…

WSWS (2023-12-07). Biden's Education Department expands scope of investigations into alleged antisemitism on college campuses. wsws.org Over 20 Title VI Shared Ancestry Investigations have been initiated by the Department of Education since October 7.

Canadians for Justice, Peace in the Middle East (2023-12-08). Anti-Palestinian Racism in Canada. dissidentvoice.org After months of research and analysis, CJPME published a landmark study highlighting the widespread problem of anti-Palestinian racism (APR) in Canada. Entitled, "Anti-Palestinian Racism in Canada: CJPME's 2022 Report," the report constitutes the first-ever, non-exhaustive study of APR in Canada, and exposes more than 500 examples of this form of racism in online written content …

Global Research News (2023-12-08). Selected Articles: Genocide: Israel's Mass Starvation Campaign, Targeting Children. globalresearch.ca By This video is the first major sign that I have seen that food will become a rare commodity and starving Palestinians with skin over bones …

Global Research News (2023-12-08). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Nauman Sadiq (2023-12-08). Sabotage of the Kiev-Moscow March 2022 Peace Agreement in Istanbul. The End Game is the Destruction and Privatization of Ukraine. globalresearch.ca Ukrainian negotiators said that under their proposals, Kyiv would agree not to join alliances or host bases of foreign troops. The proposals, which would require a referendum in Ukraine. They have essentially agreed to to reject NATO membership.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-08). There Never Was a "New Corona Virus", There Never Was a Pandemic. globalresearch.ca The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years in 2003.

The Independent (2023-12-08). Research: Women experience lasting health problems after childbirth. independent.co.ug HEALTH REPORT | FLAVIA NASSAKA | Every year, at least 40 million women are likely to experience a long-term health problem caused by childbirth. This is according to a new study published on Thursday in the Lancet Global Health journal. Part of a special Series on maternal health, the study shows a high burden of …

WSWS (2023-12-08). Postdoctoral workers at Icahn School of Medicine in New York begin strike. wsws.org The strikers are demanding pay increases and wage adjustments for inflation, improved visa and financial support for international researchers, better benefits and healthcare for fellows and increased transparency on authorship and intellectual property.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-12-07). IDF Targets Khan Younis as Massacres of Palestinians Continue Unabated. globalresearch.ca

Ben Bartee (2023-12-07). Damning Analysis: Short-Selling Deluge Points to Foreknowledge of October 7 Attacks. globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton (2023-12-07). US-NATO Sabotaged Ukraine March 2022 Peace Deal with Russia. globalresearch.ca

Brian Berletic (2023-12-07). US Shapes Philippines into Southeast Asia's "Ukraine" asia-pacificresearch.com

CODEPINK (2023-12-07). Peace Coalition Floods US Senate with Demands Ceasefire in Gaza in Day of Action. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-07). Australia's Actuarial Justice: Released Refugees and Secondary Punishment. asia-pacificresearch.com

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar (2023-12-07). Israel-Hamas War: Genocide Resumes. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels (2023-12-07). 82 Years Ago: The Pearl Harbor "False Flag" and The Wars of Corporate America. globalresearch.ca Washington knew a Japanese fleet was on its way to Pearl Harbor, but welcomed the attack since a Japanese aggression would make it possible to "sell" the war to an anti-war American public.

Dr. Paul Larudee (2023-12-07). Most of Gaza Strip Is Now a Wasteland. Children are Being Starved. Military Intervention and Israeli Embargo Are Necessary. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-12-07). What Is Killing Young COVID-19 Vaccinated Men? globalresearch.ca

Drago Bosnic (2023-12-07). The War In Ukraine Would Have Been Over in March 2022, if the U.S. Had not Sabotaged the Istanbul Peace Negotations. Washington Post. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-12-07). Researchers discover that trace gases can speak. ecns.cn The interaction of light and gases can generate sound waves, a team from the Laser Spectroscopy Institute of Shanxi University has discovered.

ecns.cn (2023-12-07). China's ultra-deep underground laboratory commences operations. ecns.cn The Jinping Underground Laboratory, recognized as the world's deepest and largest ultra-deep underground facility, officially begins operations in Sichuan Province, marking China's entry into the realm of ultra-deep underground research.

Eduardo Vasco (2023-12-07). Flagelados houthis humilham os vassalos dos EUA no Oriente Médio. globalresearch.ca Arábia Saudita, Catar, Egito, Turquia e Ir࣠sà£o potências regionais e, portanto, lideranàßas na regià£o do Oriente Médio e entre os países de maioria islâmica. Contudo, a maioria desses países tem sido complacente com a humilhaàßà£o imposta por Israel ao …

Global Research News (2023-12-07). Genocide: Israel's Mass Starvation Campaign, Targeting Children. globalresearch.ca Due to the sealed borders and the minuscule passage of food, water medicine and fuel through the single Rafah crossing from Egypt, many Palestinians are already down to a single meal a day. | . | But now, according to the Israeli …

Global Research News (2023-12-07). Selected Articles: 5G and the Irradiation of Dogs, Cats and Birds. globalresearch.ca By Starting about 10 years ago I noticed strange things happening on our animal sanctuary. I would find a cat dead, not killed by an …

Hayyan Salim Haidar (2023-12-07). 'How many kids did you kill today?': An Episode in the Ongoing Nakba. globalresearch.ca

imperial.ac.uk (2023-12-07). Q&A: Reducing the use of animal tissues for testing the safety of cosmetics. imperial.ac.uk Imperial College London researchers speak to us about their work exploring animal-free methods for the future of testing cosmetics safety.

Irwin Jerome (2023-12-07). Apartheid Israel's Terrorism Against Gaza. A Fascist Zionist Plot. globalresearch.ca

Jonathan Cook (2023-12-07). How Israel Uses an AI Genocide Program to Obliterate Gaza. globalresearch.ca

Karsten Riise (2023-12-07). Israel's Gaza Solution: Let Palestinians Die Before the World. Bombing Hospitals and UN Institutions. Nobody Will Stop Israel. globalresearch.ca

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-12-07). Político alemà£o anti-russo pede que a UE obtenha armas nucleares. globalresearch.ca Está a emergir uma ala radical entre os militantes pró-UE. Numa declaraàßà£o recente, um proeminente político alemà£o de alto escalà£o apelou à Europa para ter armas nucleares para "dissuadir" a Rússia. Além de irresponsáveis, as suas palavras soam verdadeiramente ingênuas …

Matthew Ehret-Kump (2023-12-07). The 'Greater Israel' Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Graeme MacQueen (2023-12-07). Remember Pearl Harbor: Provoking Japan, Provoking North Korea. globalresearch.ca Featured image: A destroyed December 7, 1941. Eighty-two years ago. incisive …

Shane Quinn (2023-12-07). December 7, 1941: The Bombing of Pearl Harbor and Japan's Early Conquests 82 Years Ago. globalresearch.ca

SIPRI (2023-12-07). Rise in SIPRI Top 100 Arms Sales Revenue Delayed by Production Challenges and Backlogs. globalresearch.ca

Unver Sel (2023-12-07). "The US and the UK prefer a long war in Ukraine rather than peace," Interview with Unver Sel. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-12-08). Kannada, English among subjects to be taught in madrasas: Karnataka CM. muslimmirror.com Bengaluru : Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday said Kannada and English along with Maths and science will be taught for two years on an experimental basis in the registered madrasas for two years. "Children studying in waqf properties and registered madrasas run by waqf institutions will be taught continuously for two years in Kannada, …

Joe Lauria, Consortium News. (2023-12-07). Not A Penny Nor A Bullet Off The Table. popularresistance.org In the midst of an Old Testament-style genocide against the Palestinian people, there is a paraphrased line from the Book of Daniel that has come into full view for the Biden administration: "The writing is on the wall." | Everywhere in the U.S. that prominent administration officials go, they are hearing it from a public increasingly alarmed about their complicity in genocide. It is not criticism they can easily ignore. | For one thing, if they have a shred of conscience left they cannot avoid seeing that Israel's military campaign is "deliberately inflicting on the group [Gazans] conditions of life calculated t…

OMAR (2023-12-08). Friday 12/8: Action: Associated Students Executive Council at CCSF is proposing a Ceasefire Resolution! indybay.org City College of San Francisco – Ocean Campus | 50 Frida Kahlo Way | Student Union Room 208…

ecns.cn (2023-12-07). Vietnamese student in China: 'It's more beautiful here than I imagined'. ecns.cn A Vietnamese girl, who is currently studying Tourism Management at Jilin International Students University, has expressed her growing love for China after spending nearly three years in the country. "It's more beautiful here than I imagined," she remarked in Chinese.

Jacob Andrewartha (2023-12-07). Naarm: Second school strike for Gaza. greenleft.org.au Hundreds of school students walked out of school a second time for Palestine. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Jacob Andrewartha (2023-12-07). Second school strike for Gaza. greenleft.org.au Hundreds of school students in Naarm/Melbourne walked out of school for Palestine reports Jacob Andrewartha.

OMAR (2023-12-07). Friday 12/8: Action: Associated Students Executive Council at CCSF is proposing a Ceasefire Resolution! indybay.org City College of San Francisco – Ocean Campus | 50 Frida Kahlo Way | Student Union Room 208…

WSWS (2023-12-07). No to censorship of opponents of war! Stop the genocide in Gaza! Protest December 12 at Ruhr University Bochum! wsws.org While a deliberate massacre of the women and children of Gaza is being committed before the eyes of the whole world, the RUB has banned the International Youth and Students for Social Equality group from organising an event entitled "Stop the genocide in Gaza!"

Angela (2023-12-08). Friday 12/8: Virtual Teach-In: Divest from Militarism, Invest in Life! indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

greenleft.org.au (2023-12-08). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed. greenleft.org.au

OUSD parents, teachers,, community (2023-12-08). Wednesday 12/6: OUSD Gaza Teach-In. indybay.org Virtual panel…

WSWS (2023-12-08). Teacher, author and activist Dr. Refaat al-Ar'eer murdered in Israeli airstrike. wsws.org In his final X/Twitter posts, which have gone viral globally, Dr. al-Ar'eer correctly blamed the Biden administration and Democratic Party for the ongoing genocide.

Angela (2023-12-07). Friday 12/8: Virtual Teach-In: Divest from Militarism, Invest in Life! indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

greenleft.org.au (2023-12-07). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed. greenleft.org.au

Max Blumenthal (2023-12-07). 'If I must die, let it be a tale': a tribute to Refaat Alareer. thegrayzone.com "I am going to use that marker to throw it at the Israeli soldiers, even if that is the last thing that I do," Refaat Alareer vowed in one of his final interviews. My friend Refaat Alareer was murdered by Israeli invaders in Shujaiya, east of Gaza City, on December 6. He is now among the more than 16,000 civilians killed by Israel in the besieged enclave since October 7. Our correspondence continued off-and-on for the past nine years. In …

Max Blumenthal (2023-12-07). A tribute to my friend, Refaat Alareer, a teacher murdered by Israel. thegrayzone.com "I am going to use that marker to throw it at the Israeli soldiers, even if that is the last thing that I do," Refaat Alareer vowed in one of his final interviews. My friend Refaat Alareer was murdered by Israeli invaders in Shujaiya, east of Gaza City, on December 6. He is now among the more than 16,000 civilians killed by Israel in the besieged enclave since October 7. Our correspondence continued off-and-on for the past nine years. In …

Olivia Rosane (2023-12-07). More Than 1,000 UK Union Workers Blockade 4 Weapons Factories That Arm Israel. truthout.org More than 1,000 union members with Workers for a Free Palestine blockaded four weapons factories in the United Kingdom Thursday that make components for planes being used by Israel to bomb Gaza. The workers, who include teachers and healthcare and hospitality professionals, said they had shut down plants in Bournemouth, Lancashire, Brighton, and Glasgow. "As healthcare workers, we are tired of… |

OUSD parents, teachers,, community (2023-12-07). Wednesday 12/6: OUSD Gaza Teach-In. indybay.org Virtual panel…

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