Monthly Archives: October 2023

2023-10-08: News Headlines

Justin A. Davis, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-10-08). United Campus Workers Rack Up Victories In 'Right-To-Work' Tennessee. In recent years, U.S. labor organizing has turned an exciting corner. National headlines have burst with workers putting pressure on far corners of the economy for fair wages and safe, secure jobs — from employees at major logistics corporations like Amazon and UPS to auto workers and Hollywood writers and actors. The world of higher education is no different, and colleges and universities across the country have seen their own wave of new labor campaigns. Last fall, for example, 48,000 workers at the University of California went on a 40-day strike — the largest higher ed strike in U.S. history.

Chris Gilbert, Cira Pascual Marquina, Venezuelanalysis. (2023-10-07). Education, Science, And Sovereignty: PROINPA Vs. The US Blockade. High up in Venezuela's Andes, the township of Mucuchies is home to a campesino-led initiative striving for sustainable agricultural production. Integral Producers of the Highlands [PROINPA, for the organization's Spanish-language initials] is widely recognized not only for its top-notch seed potatoes but also for its scientific initiatives such as a state-of-the-art biotechnology lab, a germplasm bank, and, most recently, an aeroponic seed production facility. | One of the secrets to PROINPA's success is its democratic organization and its emphasis on education. Founded 24 years ago, the organization's structure…

Each For All, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-10-07). The Gulf Islands Food Co-Op. The Gulf Islands Food Co-op was created in 2018 to foster inter-island co-operation and develop new resources and practical supports for food producers and consumers on Galiano, Mayne, Pender and Saturna islands (the Southern Gulf Islands SGI). | The co-op's main goals are to help sustainably increase island food production, food security and resilience by encouraging the growing and purchasing of local food. | Its initiatives range from educational programs, such as "healthy soils and regenerative agriculture," to sharing of local resilient seeds, supporting an Indigenous Venison/Deer workshop offered by The Gal…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-07). Díaz-Canel underscores WFP support for Cuba. At a meeting on Friday with WFP Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean María Dolores Castro, the head of State highlighted how much the organization has done for Cuba in several fields, including family support, the school feeding system, and agricultural development. | According to a report on national television, Díaz-Canel praised the speed with which the WFP has responded to natural disasters in Cuba and noted the program's support to establish the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Law. | Díaz-Canel reaffirmed Cuba's willingness to continue to strengthen cooperation with the WFP to deve… (2023-10-07). Putin: Russia to 'do utmost' to further develop 'already good' ties with Iran. Russia's President Putin says Moscow has very good relations with Tehran and will enhance them in every possible way.

Victoria Saint, Kayvan Bozorgmehr (2023-10-07). Correspondence] Funding for global health research in Germany. Over the past 15 years, Germany has strategically expanded its role in global health against the backdrop of geopolitical developments, upheavals, and crises (appendix p 1) to become one of the largest political and financial contributors in the field. One of Germany's key priorities has been to fortify its strong but fragmented research landscape in global health. In January, 2020, a 5-year infrastructure programme from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; costing approximately ‚Ǩ3 million) culminated in the progressive establishment of the German Alliance for Global Health Res…

Max Colbert, DeSmog. (2023-10-09). Fossil Fuel Giants Have Committed £40.4 Million To UK Universities. Many of these commitments have been accepted by institutions that have actively pledged to divest from oil and gas companies. | According to freedom of information requests submitted by DeSmog, more than £40.4 million has been pledged to 44 UK universities by 32 oil, coal and gas companies since 2022 in the form of research agreements, tuition fees, scholarships, grants, and consulting fees. | Most of the funding spans the current academic year, with a handful of projects running for a number years, up to as far as 2027.

Dimitris Eleas (2023-10-08). "Economic Miracle" or Mass Poverty in Greece? "A Strong Economy means Neoliberalism"

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-10-08). Nuclear-Powered Fixations: The Trump-Pratt Disclosures, Nuclear Warheads on U.S. Submarines for Sale to Australia?

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2023-10-08). The Balkans Geopolitics: Between a Bridge and the Battlefield.

Dr. William Makis (2023-10-08). Pericarditis Is Up 700% in 2022. Pfizer Executives Don't Understand How Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Pericarditis.

Emmaia Gelman (2023-10-08). Conference on the "IHRA definition" of antisemitism launches new Institute. The newly-formed Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) will hold its inaugural bicoastal conference, Battling the "IHRA Definition": Theory & Activism, on October 13-14. Through the lens of research on structural racism, state violence, and social justice movements, the conference will analyze political campaigns that seek to codify the "IHRA definition" of antisemitism, and efforts to oppose IHRA policies. This is the first research conference focusing on IHRA campaigns, which have been a feature of conservative strategy since 2016 and are linked to anti-Critical Race Theory campaigns. IHRA campaign…

Felicity Arbuthnot (2023-10-08). Israel: Gas, Oil and Trouble in the Levant. Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas, if all goes to plan. The giant Leviathan natural gas field, in the eastern Mediterranean, discovered in December 2010, is widely described as "off the coast of Israel."

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-10-08). Dangerous Crossroads: US-NATO Should Engage in Nuclear Blackmail Against Russia? Former US Nuclear Defense Advisor.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-10-08). Expert forecasts Latin Americans to soar travelling by 2024. Havana, Oct 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuban professor and researcher Jose Luis Perello forecasted on Sunday that the upwards trend revealed travelling will soar up in Latin America by 2024.

Philip Giraldi (2023-10-08). Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A False Flag"? They Let it Happen? Their Objective is "to Wipe Gaza off the Map"?

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-08). War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields. The issue of sovereignty over Gaza's gas fields is crucial…

Sandra Tamari (2023-10-08). Yesterday Has Been Unprecedented. Palestine Is Fighting to Dismantle the Barrier Between Gaza and 1948.

Steven Sahiounie (2023-10-08). 91 Dead, 277 Injured by a Uyghur Terrorist Attack in Homs, Syria.

Steven Sahiounie (2023-10-08). Ukraine's Zelensky Attempted to Hire Terrorists in Iraq: Leaked Documents.

Tareq Hajjaj (2023-10-08). Palestinian Resistance in Gaza Launches Unprecedented Surprise Attack on Israel.

The Exposé (2023-10-08). A Contract for COVID-19 Research was issued 3 months before COVID-19 was known to "officially" exist by the U.S. D.O.D to a company in Ukraine. The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually …

Ana Olga Mocumbi, Irene Akua Agyepong, Catherine Kyobutungi (2023-10-07). Comment] Building on current progress to shape the future of biomedical science. The past 200 years have seen rapid advances in western biomedicine. A model arising from western Europe and North America, current biomedical science is largely driven by efforts to prevent or cure diseases. It uses hierarchies of evidence generated from observational and experimental research,1 and is arguably driven by the interests of scientists who hold this underlying philosophy, with recirculation of knowledge through structured dialogue in medical and scientific journals, professional and research settings, scientific meetings, and other medical contexts.

Colin Todhunter (2023-10-07). What Was COVID Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Conrad Keating (2023-10-07). Perspectives] Medical research, clinical trials, evidence, and the shaping of policy. Strong evidence that informs the provision of care in health systems, shapes policy, and reduces premature deaths worldwide lies at the heart of medical practice. Over recent decades the organisation, focus, and sheer scale of biomedical research has expanded exponentially. This unparalleled surge in scientific activity has seen a simultaneous concentration on population health with clinical trials and large-scale epidemiological studies that look at the determinants of disease and health among individuals and societies alongside research at the sub-individual level, comprising cells, molecules, and mechanisms of…

David Skripac (2023-10-07). Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity's March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes.

Douglas Macgregor (2023-10-07). Video: Col. Douglas MacGregor: The Russians Press on, And Take Odessa? Colonel Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls | Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world. | Incisive analysis on the War in Ukraine. Colonel Macgregor focusses on Russia's Security concerns. "This …

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-10-07). Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires. "The Goal Is for You to Own Nothing" The goal is to force people out of their homes. If you cannot afford the required upgrades, you'll be forced to sell your home. Asset management companies will then buy them and turn them into rentals…

Drago Bosnic (2023-10-07). Kiev Regime Repurposing Airfields, Civilian Infrastructure for F-16s.

Emmaia Gelman (2023-10-07). Conference on the "IHRA definition" of antisemitism launches new Institute. The newly-formed Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) will hold its inaugural bicoastal conference, Battling the "IHRA Definition": Theory & Activism, on October 13-14. Through the lens of research on structural racism, state violence, and social justice movements, the conference will analyze political campaigns that seek to codify the "IHRA definition" of antisemitism, and efforts to oppose IHRA policies. This is the first research conference focusing on IHRA campaigns, which have been a feature of conservative strategy since 2016 and are linked to anti-Critical Race Theory campaigns. IHRA campaign…

Global Research News (2023-10-07). Video: Col. Douglas MacGregor: The Russians Press on, And Take Odessa? Colonel Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls — Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world. | Interview with Stephen Gardner on October 5, 2023. …

Hossein Akbarialiabad, Majid Sadigh, Nelson K Sewankambo (2023-10-07). Correspondence] NIH grant reporting policies: bridging gaps or building walls? The revised policy guidance on foreign subaward and consortium written agreements issued in May, 2023,1 directing subawardees to provide regular and transparent data updates, ostensibly enhances research openness and accountability. However, this unilateral decree has attracted rightful concerns, both ethical and scientific. We aim to shed light on the drawbacks of this policy and propose a more balanced, cooperative, and inclusive approach.

Kary B. Mullis (2023-10-07). Video: Dr. Kary Mullis, The Other "Covid Nobel Prize". Inventor of PCR "Test", Died in August 2019. A brilliant scientist Dr. Kary Mullis passed away 4 months before the Covid-19 crisis. His PCR duplication / amplification process, earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1993). According to Mullis The PCR " does not tell you that you are sick."

Kumsal Bayazit (2023-10-07). Comment] The Lancet at 200 years: a timeless mission to drive positive social change through advancing medical research and science. The Lancet was founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley with the vision to drive positive social change by advancing medical research and science for the greater good, by addressing inequities of the time with access to medical knowledge for "medical and surgical practitioners" in the UK and the British colonies (as they were referred to at the time), and by being more than a medical journal. The Lancet has remained true to its core mission to drive positive social change, which is as relevant today as it was groundbreaking then, through the past two centuries amid seismic changes in our world.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-10-07). Relaàßàµes israelo-ucranianas deterioram-se rapidamente. As relaàßàµes entre o regime neonazista ucraniano e o estado israelense parecem estar a piorar. Alguns acontecimentos recentes està£o a prejudicar a posiàßà£o da Ucrânia na política externa israelita. Apesar de ambos os países serem grandes parceiros das potências da …

Manlio Dinucci (2023-10-07). La Ue in Guerra con lo "Strumento Europeo per la Pace" | Grandangolo. L'Alto Rappresentante dell'Unione Europea per gli Affari Esteri e la Politica di Sicurezza, Josep Borrell, ha dichiarato che la prima riunione congiunta dei Ministri degli Esteri al di fuori dei confini dell'Unione Europea, svoltasi a Kiev, ha …

Margaret A Winker, Theodora Bloom, Sandersan Onie, James Tumwine (2023-10-07). Comment] Equity, transparency, and accountability: open science for the 21st century. Knowledge is essential to saving lives and improving wellbeing. The term open science has been applied to improving the transparency of knowledge generation, but open science also has the potential to address many of the problems of inequity, inaccuracy, and misconduct that plague research, as well as to build public trust.1…

Michael Welch (2023-10-07). Indigenous Treaty Relations in Canada: The History and the Cover-up.

People's Dispatch. (2023-10-07). 300+ Journalists, Political Leaders, Artists, And Academics Sign Letter In Support Of Newsclick. Just days after Indian authorities raided the homes of over 100 journalists affiliated with Indian leftist outlet Newsclick, international outlet Peoples Dispatch, and Tricontinental Research Services, over 300 journalists, political leaders, artists, academics, and progressive activists signed an open letter repudiating the repression. The individuals also demanded the immediate release of Newsclick editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha and administrator Amit Chakraborty who were arrested under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and remain in police custody. The letter comes amid an outpouring of support and…

Peter Koenig (2023-10-07). The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF's Stated Objective is "Altering the Human Being" We are all vulnerable — vaxxed or unvaxxed — to mind interference through the worldwide coverage of 5G shortwaves. And the worst is, we may not even notice when it "hits" us.

Prof Denis Rancourt (2023-10-07). COVID-19 Vaccine-associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-07). Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Confronting the "Ugly Sounds" of Corrupt Politicians.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-07). Bombshell: NATO Says "War Started in 2014". "Fake Pretext" to Wage War against Russia? To Invoke Article 5 of Atlantic Treaty?

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-07). 22 Years Ago, US-NATO Invaded Afghanistan: Heroin Is "Good for Your Health": Occupation Forces Support Afghan Narcotics Trade. Multibillion dollar earnings for organized crime and Western financial Institutions…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-07). The Hegemonic UN-WEF-NATO Triad: U.N. "Sustainable Development" (SDG 2030) = Endless Wars, Poverty and Famine Worldwide. First published by Global Research on October 2, 2023 | *** | "Those of us who do understand the nefariousness of the empire, and the ever-increasing danger it represents, must be clear that the effective defense of life on planet Earth, including …

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2023-10-07). Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity. World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The "climate emergency" is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".

Richard Horton (2023-10-07). Comment] Offline: Scientific journals—irrational, perhaps, but necessary. I bought Ken Rothman's book Modern Epidemiology in 1995 and took his course on the "Theory and Practice of Epidemiology" at Tufts University a few months later. I felt then, and still feel now, that his text, first published in 1986, has biblical importance for anyone trying to interpret the growing mass of new (and often doubtful) research published in medical journals. Several quotes deserve headlining. One example: "Hypotheses are not generated by data; they are proposed by scientists." The contingency of the human imagination is a more powerful determinant of progress than we like to admit.

Ryan Cristián (2023-10-07). Israel Declares "A State Of War" After Attacks Despite 75 Years Of War On Palestine. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/7/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Sally Frampton, Roger Kneebone (2023-10-07). Perspectives] The Lancet: an archive of surgical history. From the first days of The Lancet 200 years ago, surgery has had a central role in its existence. The journal has acted as a nerve centre, linking surgical innovation by individuals with challenge and debate in the wider profession. Such innovation shapes and is shaped by the social and political context of its time. Looking back over two centuries, the journal's many research articles, letters, and commentaries relating to surgery provide an invaluable insight that goes far beyond specific discoveries or breakthroughs.

Shotaro Kinoshita, Taishiro Kishimoto (2023-10-07). Correspondence] Decline in Japan's research capabilities: challenges in the medical field. The decline in Japan's research capabilities has been a long-standing issue, particularly in the medical field. Several public surveys have revealed the seriousness of the situation.1,2…

The Expose (2023-10-07). Agenda to Depopulate the Planet Through COVID Vaccination. Revealed by Government Reports and Pfizer Documents.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-10-07). We Have, In Africa, Everything Necessary To Become A Powerful, Modern, And Industrialised Continent. In his 1963 book, Africa Must Unite, Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first president, wrote, 'We have here, in Africa, everything necessary to become a powerful, modern, industrialised continent. United Nations investigators have recently shown that Africa, far from having inadequate resources, is probably better equipped for industrialisation than almost any other region in the world'. Here, Nkrumah was referring to the Special Study on Economic Conditions and Development, Non-Self-Governing Territories (United Nations, 1958), which detailed the continent's immense natural resources.

Israel Shahak (2023-10-08). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

Ryan Cristián (2023-10-08). The War On #OccupiedPalestine Rages On As NATO Ally Turkey Warns US Gov "We Will Defend Palestine" Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

tam welch (2023-10-08). Friday 10/6: Exhibition Opening Celebration: Maria Gaspar: Compositions. Institute of the Arts and Sciences…

Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar, Pramodini Himmatrao Bawaskar (2023-10-07). Correspondence] A four-decade association with The Lancet. We congratulate The Lancet for their efforts to improve the scientific landscape and serve the global population. We share in the journal's success and celebrate its 200-year milestone, having been authors and subscribers since 1978. We believe that The Lancet is the most reputable voice in medical science—since its inaugural issue on Oct 5, 1823, it has published work on a multitude of topics, including infectious diseases, psychological disorders, toxicology, and global health. The journal's editorial team is equally brilliant and provides excellent author service.

John Malkin (2023-10-07). We Lit the Fire and Trusted the Heat: An Interview with Maria Gaspar. Interview with Chicago-based artist Maria Gaspar about her first West Coast solo exhibition "Compositions" at the UC Santa Cruz Institute for the Arts and Sciences (IAS) Gallery from September 26 to March 3, 2024. The opening celebration is Friday, October 6, 6 to 8 PM. An Artist Talk and Performance happens Saturday, October 7, 4 to 5: 30 PM.

Sania Nishtar, Amn Nasir, Mohamed Abdi Jama, Jeanette Vega, Wesam Qaid, K Srinath Reddy (2023-10-07). Comment] The Lancet's enduring legacy: speaking truth to power. When Thomas Wakley founded The Lancet 200 years ago, the publication was labelled as "aggressive, offensive and radical" in science.1 Speaking up against "incompetence, privilege, and nepotism" the journal inevitably caused controversy. Since then, while The Lancet has grown to be among the most celebrated and revered sources of scientific knowledge, it has stayed true to its roots with a commitment to equity and accountability.

tam welch (2023-10-07). Friday 10/6: Exhibition Opening Celebration: Maria Gaspar: Compositions. Institute of the Arts and Sciences… (2023-10-08). China rolls out pilot ethical reviews measures on scientific and technological activities. Chinese authorities released on Sunday the pilot review measures of science and technology ethics. As the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation accelerate progress, ethical issues have become a common challenge facing the whole world.

WSWS (2023-10-07). As federal student loan repayments resume, President Biden covers up government abuse of borrowers. While 28 million out of 43 million college loan borrowers are being forced to resume repayments this month, the Biden administration is continuing to protect the financial interests behind the fleecing of the public by the student loan system.

Jewish Voice for Peace (2023-10-08). Sunday 10/8: Power Hour for Gaza: The Root of Violence is Oppression Teach-in. Online via Zoom…

Mark Giles (2023-10-07). Banned Black History Can Teach Us How to Fight Right-Wing School Censorship. The American Library Association (ALA) recently reported there have been 695 attempts to censor library materials and services, as well as documented challenges to 1,915 unique titles over a seven-month period in 2023. According to the ALA report, "The majority of the targeted books were 'written by or about a person of color or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.' For example, in Iowa's Urbandale… |

2023-10-08 23:19:37 | 23:19 EST | rz | 65 | 0 | 41 | 21 | 2 

2023-10-06: News Headlines

Victoria Saint, Kayvan Bozorgmehr (2023-10-07). Correspondence] Funding for global health research in Germany. Over the past 15 years, Germany has strategically expanded its role in global health against the backdrop of geopolitical developments, upheavals, and crises (appendix p 1) to become one of the largest political and financial contributors in the field. One of Germany's key priorities has been to fortify its strong but fragmented research landscape in global health. In January, 2020, a 5-year infrastructure programme from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; costing approximately ‚Ǩ3 million) culminated in the progressive establishment of the German Alliance for Global Health Res… (2023-10-06). Putin: Russia to 'do utmost' to further develop 'already good' ties with Iran. Russia's President Putin says Moscow has very good relations with Tehran and will enhance them in every possible way.

Eleanor J. Bader (2023-10-05). Colleges Say They're Cash-Strapped Yet Pay Top Dollar for Anti-Union Consultants. When D'Youville College (now D'Youville University) was established by the Catholic Church in 1908, its founders wanted to offer a high-quality liberal arts education to young women living in western New York state. Fast forward 115 years and the school, named to honor patron saint Marie-Marguerite d'Youville (1701-1771), a French-Canadian widow who formed the Order of the Sisters of Charity… | (2023-10-05). Putin: Russia to 'do utmost' to further develop 'already good' ties with Iran. Russia's President Putin says Moscow has very good relations with Tehran and will enhance them in every possible way.

Staff (2023-10-05). Almost 9 Million Students Back to School in Venezuela (+Teachers' Wages). Approximately 8.8 million children have now begun the 2023-2024 school year throughout Venezuela, according to a report made by President Nicolás Maduro during his television program Con Maduro+. | President Maduro elaborated in the report made this Monday, October 2, that 28,304 educational centers—both public and private—have opened their doors to receive students in their classrooms. Around 80% of them belong to the free, quality ensured, scientific, and humanistic public education system, while the remaining 20% are other types of schools, including private schools. | "When the Revolution began, i…

isabella (2023-10-05). The Who-bodies Blocking Donor-Advised Fund Reform.

Ana Olga Mocumbi, Irene Akua Agyepong, Catherine Kyobutungi (2023-10-07). Comment] Building on current progress to shape the future of biomedical science. The past 200 years have seen rapid advances in western biomedicine. A model arising from western Europe and North America, current biomedical science is largely driven by efforts to prevent or cure diseases. It uses hierarchies of evidence generated from observational and experimental research,1 and is arguably driven by the interests of scientists who hold this underlying philosophy, with recirculation of knowledge through structured dialogue in medical and scientific journals, professional and research settings, scientific meetings, and other medical contexts.

Conrad Keating (2023-10-07). Perspectives] Medical research, clinical trials, evidence, and the shaping of policy. Strong evidence that informs the provision of care in health systems, shapes policy, and reduces premature deaths worldwide lies at the heart of medical practice. Over recent decades the organisation, focus, and sheer scale of biomedical research has expanded exponentially. This unparalleled surge in scientific activity has seen a simultaneous concentration on population health with clinical trials and large-scale epidemiological studies that look at the determinants of disease and health among individuals and societies alongside research at the sub-individual level, comprising cells, molecules, and mechanisms of…

Hossein Akbarialiabad, Majid Sadigh, Nelson K Sewankambo (2023-10-07). Correspondence] NIH grant reporting policies: bridging gaps or building walls? The revised policy guidance on foreign subaward and consortium written agreements issued in May, 2023,1 directing subawardees to provide regular and transparent data updates, ostensibly enhances research openness and accountability. However, this unilateral decree has attracted rightful concerns, both ethical and scientific. We aim to shed light on the drawbacks of this policy and propose a more balanced, cooperative, and inclusive approach.

Kumsal Bayazit (2023-10-07). Comment] The Lancet at 200 years: a timeless mission to drive positive social change through advancing medical research and science. The Lancet was founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley with the vision to drive positive social change by advancing medical research and science for the greater good, by addressing inequities of the time with access to medical knowledge for "medical and surgical practitioners" in the UK and the British colonies (as they were referred to at the time), and by being more than a medical journal. The Lancet has remained true to its core mission to drive positive social change, which is as relevant today as it was groundbreaking then, through the past two centuries amid seismic changes in our world.

Margaret A Winker, Theodora Bloom, Sandersan Onie, James Tumwine (2023-10-07). Comment] Equity, transparency, and accountability: open science for the 21st century. Knowledge is essential to saving lives and improving wellbeing. The term open science has been applied to improving the transparency of knowledge generation, but open science also has the potential to address many of the problems of inequity, inaccuracy, and misconduct that plague research, as well as to build public trust.1…

Richard Horton (2023-10-07). Comment] Offline: Scientific journals—irrational, perhaps, but necessary. I bought Ken Rothman's book Modern Epidemiology in 1995 and took his course on the "Theory and Practice of Epidemiology" at Tufts University a few months later. I felt then, and still feel now, that his text, first published in 1986, has biblical importance for anyone trying to interpret the growing mass of new (and often doubtful) research published in medical journals. Several quotes deserve headlining. One example: "Hypotheses are not generated by data; they are proposed by scientists." The contingency of the human imagination is a more powerful determinant of progress than we like to admit.

Sally Frampton, Roger Kneebone (2023-10-07). Perspectives] The Lancet: an archive of surgical history. From the first days of The Lancet 200 years ago, surgery has had a central role in its existence. The journal has acted as a nerve centre, linking surgical innovation by individuals with challenge and debate in the wider profession. Such innovation shapes and is shaped by the social and political context of its time. Looking back over two centuries, the journal's many research articles, letters, and commentaries relating to surgery provide an invaluable insight that goes far beyond specific discoveries or breakthroughs.

Shotaro Kinoshita, Taishiro Kishimoto (2023-10-07). Correspondence] Decline in Japan's research capabilities: challenges in the medical field. The decline in Japan's research capabilities has been a long-standing issue, particularly in the medical field. Several public surveys have revealed the seriousness of the situation.1,2…

Ben Bartee (2023-10-06). FBI Now Explicitly Coming for Trump Supporters: Report.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-10-06). "Conflict of Interest": Joe Biden Nominated Hampton Dellinger, a Former Colleague and Law Partner of Hunter Biden, to Lead the United States Office of Special Counsel.

Dr. William Makis (2023-10-06). The Summer of Dying Suddenly While Sleeping (Fully COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated). Are These Deaths Actually Accelerating?

Erin Blakemore (2023-10-06). Human-Pig Hybrid Created in the Lab.

Gary D. Barnett (2023-10-06). Mass Airborne mRNA Bioweapon 'Administration' for the Proletariat: An Atrocity!

Giulia Vivaldi, Paul E. Pfeffer, Mohammad Talaei, Tariro Jayson Basera, Seif O. Shaheen, Adrian R. Martineau (2023-10-06). Articles] Long-term symptom profiles after COVID-19 vs other acute respiratory infections: an analysis of data from the COVIDENCE UK study. Both SARS-CoV-2 and non-COVID-19 ARIs are associated with a wide range of symptoms more than 4 weeks after the acute infection. Research on post-acute sequelae of ARIs should extend from SARS-CoV-2 to include other pathogens.

Global Research News (2023-10-06). Last Month's Most Popular Articles (September).

Global Research News (2023-10-06). Selected Articles: America's War on Afghanistan, October 7, 2001: From "Soviet-Afghan War" to "Global War on Terrorism" By The Pakistani military…

Jon Miltimore (2023-10-06). Three Questions for Dr. Fauci on His Alleged Secret Visit to CIA Headquarters.

Karsten Riise (2023-10-06). America on the Verge of the Debt Trap.

Lenora Foerstel (2023-10-06). The History of US War Crimes: From Korea to Afghanistan. Important article first published by Global Research in 2002 | Image: Iraqi children | The issue of War Crimes emerged after World War I at the Versailles Conference, but it was not until the end of World War II that a more …

Lottie Limb (2023-10-06). World Animal Day: These Iconic Endlings Remind Us of All the Species that Still Need Saving.

Mac Slavo (2023-10-06). Ruling Class Plans to "Fix" the Wealth Gap by Enslaving Everyone with CBDC.

Max Parry (2023-10-06). The War in Afghanistan: The Real 'Crime of the Century' Behind the Opioid Crisis.

Megan Sherman (2023-10-06). Appraising Wikileaks Through the Prism of Theory.

Michael Snyder (2023-10-06). The Great AI Invasion: Given Enough Time, Artificial Intelligence Would Take Over Every Area of Our Lives.

Mike Whitney (2023-10-06). War Fever: Why China Should Prepare for the Worst.

People's Dispatch. (2023-10-06). International Uproar Following Mass Raids And Arrest Of Indian Journalists. In the hours following the raids of over 100 journalists affiliated with Indian leftist outlet Newsclick, international outlet Peoples Dispatch, and Tricontinental Research Services, and the detention of around 50, leading academics and journalists from across the world have expressed solidarity and outrage. | The coordinated repressive action was carried out as part of an investigation under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, a draconian law which has been widely criticized by human rights organizations in India and internationally as it undermines civil liberties and rights. Newsclick editor-in-chief Pra…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-10-06). 230+ journalists, political leaders, artists, and academics sign statement in support of Newsclick. Just days after Indian authorities raided the homes of over 100 journalists affiliated with Indian leftist outlet Newsclick, international outlet Peoples Dispatch, and Tricontinental Research Services, over 230 journalists, political leaders, artists, academics, and progressive activists signed an open letter repudiating the repression.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-06). Twenty-two Years Ago, October 7, 2001, US-NATO Invaded Afghanistan: It was Presented as "Act of Self Defense". "America was Attacked on 9/11 by an 'Unnamed Foreign Power'" The legal argument used by Washington and NATO to invade Afghanistan was that the September 11 attacks constituted an undeclared "armed attack" "from abroad" by an unnamed foreign power…

Sara Flounders (2023-10-06). U.S.-NATO Offensive Unravels in Afghanistan: The Longest Foreign War in U.S. History.

The Free Thought Project (2023-10-06). "Empire of Drugs": Taliban's Eradication of Opium Reveals Harsh Reality of U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan.

William D. Hartung (2023-10-06). March of the Four—Stars: The Role of Retired Generals and Admirals in the Arms Industry.

Asad Ismi (2023-10-05). Pakistan: An Economy on the Brink.

Belle Carter (2023-10-05). Award-winning Writer Dr. Asad Ismi Blames Food Collapse Caused by the West for Starvation of 278M Africans.

Ben Bartee (2023-10-05). Emerging Science: The True Precipitating Cause of Alzheimer's May be Much Simpler Than Previously Believed.

Black Alliance for Peace (2023-10-05). Hands Off Haiti!

Chris Walker (2023-10-05). Gun Death Rate Among Children in US Grew 87 Percent Over Past Decade — Study. A newly published study finds that pediatric deaths due to gun violence in the U.S. have dramatically increased over the past decade, with researchers noting that not enough is being done to address the horrifying trend. The study, authored by Rebekah Mannix and Mark Neuman, pediatric emergency medicine physicians at Boston Children's Hospital, as well as by Cordelia Mannix, Rebekah Mannix's high… |

Christopher Burns , Portside. (2023-10-05). University Of Maine Graduate Students Win Union Recognition. The Maine Labor Relations Board last week certified the Maine Graduate Workers Union-UAW after an independent arbitrator determined it had a majority support among graduate workers, according to the Maine AFL-CIO. | The university system said in August it would recognize the union and began bargaining if an independent analysis found it had a majority support. | The graduate workers union will represent about 1,000 graduate assistants, research assistants and teaching assistants who make up a large percentage of the teaching and research workforce across the system's seven campuses, according to the Maine AFL-CIO…

Dr. William Makis (2023-10-05). COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Found Dead in Their Vehicles.

Drago Bosnic (2023-10-05). Whitewashing Nazism? There are Nazis who "Weren't so Bad"

Global Research News (2023-10-05). Selected Articles: Women's Rights in Afghanistan: "Before" and "After" America's Destructive Wars. By Unknown to Americans, in the 1970s and early 1980s, Kabul was "a cosmopolitan city. Artists and hippies flocked to the capita… (2023-10-05). Imperial partners in UK's first total-body PET platform for drug discovery. Imperial researchers are partners in a UK initiative to improve clinical imaging for research and the development of new treatments.

Jack Poulson (2023-10-05). British Government Funded a Plan for International Censorship of Critiques of NATO.

Karsten Riise (2023-10-05). Life Getting a Lot Harder for Joe Biden. Close Down US Government? Subpoena Hunter Biden?

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-10-05). Germany's Foreign Minister Baerbock's Words "Are a Mere Bluff": Promises to Add Russian Territories to the EU.

Mac Slavo (2023-10-05). Confidential Pfizer and Government Docs Confirm ADE, VAED, and AIDS from COVID Shots.

Mark Curtis (2023-10-05). Britain Always Seeks a Profit in Wars.

Melissa Garriga (2023-10-05). 11 Activists Arrested in Senator Bernie Sanders's Office Demanding Diplomacy Instead of Funding More War in Ukraine.

Michael Snyder (2023-10-05). List of 30 'Elites' That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation.

midwesternmarx (2023-10-05). 50 detained, over 100 homes raided in sweeping crackdown on press freedom in India. By: Zoe Alexandra. The homes of over 100 journalists, contractors, and former employees associated with the progressive news outlets Newsclick and Peoples Dispatch, as well as Tricontinental Research Services were raided by Indian authorities in the early morning of October 3 in the capital New Delhi. Several raids were also carried out in the cities of Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Mumbai. According to local reports around 50 individuals were taken in to the police station for additional que …

OHCFHR (2023-10-05). United States: End Detention of Venezuelan Special Envoy, UN Experts Say.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-10-05). Looking for a health agenda in the G20 Delhi Declaration. After the conclusion of the recent G20 meeting in New Delhi, health rights activists and researchers point out some of the gaps in the final declaration…

Peter Koenig (2023-10-05). Is Trudeau Selling Out Canada to the World Economic Forum?

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-05). America's War on Afghanistan, October 7, 2001: From Reagan's "Soviet-Afghan War" (1979) to George W. Bush's "Global War on Terrorism" Osama bin Laden was recruited by the CIA in 1979. The US spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-05). America's War on Afghanistan, October 7, 2001: From Reagan's "Soviet-Afghan War" (1979) to George W. Bush's "Global War on Terrorism. Osama bin Laden was recruited by the CIA in 1979. The US spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-10-05). The Hegemonic UN-WEF-NATO Triad: U.N. "Sustainable Development" (SDG 2030) = Endless Wars, Poverty and Famine Worldwide. First published by Global Research on October 2, 2023 | *** | "Those of us who do understand the nefariousness of the empire, and the ever-increasing danger it represents, must be clear that the effective defense of life on planet Earth, including …

Prof. Maurice Okoli (2023-10-05). The Unique Truth and Reality of New World Order.

Prof. Patrick Bond (2023-10-05). The IMF and World Bank Talk "Good Governance", but Walk with Corrupt Governments.

Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin (2023-10-05). An Ominous Context of the Nazi Debacle in Canada.

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-10-05). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?

Shenali D Waduge (2023-10-05). Debt Colonization by IMF and World Bank: Sri Lanka Should Take Lessons from Argentina.

Steven Sahiounie (2023-10-05). US Weapons to Ukraine Are Sold Out of the Back Door to Terrorists.

Sydney Calkin (2023-10-05). The Globalization of Abortion Pills. What was your driving force behind writing Abortion Pills Go Global? I started this research about seven years ago, well before the Dobbs decision was on the horizon. I was interested in the way that technology was changing abortion. At the time, I thought this might involve a wider range of technologies — like the

The Expose (2023-10-05). Government Reports and Pfizer Documents Reveal an Agenda to Depopulate the Planet Through COVID Vaccination.

William D. Hartung (2023-10-05). AI Goes to War. Will the Pentagon's Techno-Fantasies Pave the Way for War with China?

Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar, Pramodini Himmatrao Bawaskar (2023-10-07). Correspondence] A four-decade association with The Lancet. We congratulate The Lancet for their efforts to improve the scientific landscape and serve the global population. We share in the journal's success and celebrate its 200-year milestone, having been authors and subscribers since 1978. We believe that The Lancet is the most reputable voice in medical science—since its inaugural issue on Oct 5, 1823, it has published work on a multitude of topics, including infectious diseases, psychological disorders, toxicology, and global health. The journal's editorial team is equally brilliant and provides excellent author service.

Sania Nishtar, Amn Nasir, Mohamed Abdi Jama, Jeanette Vega, Wesam Qaid, K Srinath Reddy (2023-10-07). Comment] The Lancet's enduring legacy: speaking truth to power. When Thomas Wakley founded The Lancet 200 years ago, the publication was labelled as "aggressive, offensive and radical" in science.1 Speaking up against "incompetence, privilege, and nepotism" the journal inevitably caused controversy. Since then, while The Lancet has grown to be among the most celebrated and revered sources of scientific knowledge, it has stayed true to its roots with a commitment to equity and accountability.

David Carrier (2023-10-06). Rethinking Fundamentals: The Important Lesson of Julian Bell's Art History. Julian Bell, Natural Light. The Art of Adam Elsheimer and the Dawn of Modern Science (London, 2023). How do you present a baroque European painter? We are familiar with monographs. Caravaggio, Nicolas Poussin and the other notable figures are the subjects of such treatises. When there is a lot to say about such an artist, (2023-10-06). Chang'e 8 probe open to foreign payloads. The Chang'e 8 robotic probe — the third to be placed on the moon during China's next lunar exploration endeavor — is open to foreign science payloads, according to the China National Space Administration. (2023-10-06). China's FAST telescope discovers 76 dim and sporadic pulsars. Recently, a team from the National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered 76 intermittent pulsars in the Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot Survey.

John Malkin (2023-10-06). We Lit the Fire and Trusted the Heat: An Interview with Maria Gaspar. Interview with Chicago-based artist Maria Gaspar about her first West Coast solo exhibition "Compositions" at the UC Santa Cruz Institute for the Arts and Sciences (IAS) Gallery from September 26 to March 3, 2024. The opening celebration is Friday, October 6, 6 to 8 PM. An Artist Talk and Performance happens Saturday, October 7, 4 to 5: 30 PM.

tam welch (2023-10-06). Friday 10/6: Exhibition Opening Celebration: Maria Gaspar: Compositions. Institute of the Arts and Sciences… (2023-10-05). Chang'e 8 probe open to foreign payloads. The Chang'e 8 robotic probe — the third to be placed on the moon during China's next lunar exploration endeavor — is open to foreign science payloads, according to the China National Space Administration. (2023-10-05). China's FAST telescope discovers 76 dim and sporadic pulsars. Recently, a team from the National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered 76 intermittent pulsars in the Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot Survey.

John Malkin (2023-10-05). We Lit the Fire and Trusted the Heat: An Interview with Maria Gaspar. Interview with Chicago-based artist Maria Gaspar about her first West Coast solo exhibition "Compositions" at the UC Santa Cruz Institute for the Arts and Sciences (IAS) Gallery from September 26 to March 3, 2024. The opening celebration is Friday, October 6, 6 to 8 PM. An Artist Talk and Performance happens Saturday, October 7, 4 to 5: 30 PM. (2023-10-06). Germany's economy headed for recession amid support for Ukraine. Latest figures from federal statistics agency Destatis show German exports fell more than expected in August.

Staff (2023-10-06). Medical Students & Survivors Demand Columbia U. Notify All Patients of Jailed OB-GYN Sex Abuse Record. On Wednesday, hundreds of medical students and sexual assault survivors of former university obstetrician Robert Hadden protested at Columbia University's campus calling for accountability during the inauguration ceremony of the university's first woman president. We speak with medical students and survivors demanding Columbia take action to notify all former patients of Hadden about his previous sexual assault convictions by the November 23 deadline of New York's Adult Survivors Act. "Wouldn't you want to know if your OB-GYN had sexually assaulted 500 other patients?" asks survivor…

Ann Brown (2023-10-05). Popular Author And Journalist David Dennis: I'm Not Paying My $100K Of Student Loans Back. David Dennis Jr., a well-known author and journalist, is taking a resolute stance against paying back his student loans, totaling over $100,000. His decision not to make good on this debt is rooted in a complex journey that reflects the student debt crisis in the U.S. In 2008, Dennis graduated and pursued graduate school, despite …

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