Daily Archives: November 18, 2023

2023-11-18: News Headlines

Mel Buer, The Real News. (2023-11-17). Film And TV Production Assistants Are Unionizing. popularresistance.org We won't grasp all the repercussions of 2023's 'Hot Labor Summer' for years to come, but one place where the effects are already being noted is Hollywood. Building on the momentum of the newly-chartered IATSE Local 111, which represents thousands of commercial production workers across the country, production assistants in the Film and TV sector are coming together to fight back against exploitative working conditions in the industry. The Real News speaks with organizers from Production Assistants United to understand the conditions faced by production workers in Film and TV, and how the unionization of these PAs…

WSWS (2023-11-18). US Department of Education announces probe into alleged antisemitism on college campuses. wsws.org The Biden administration's investigations follow the month-long campaign to smear the growing opposition to the war crimes of the US and Israel as "antisemitic."

WSWS (2023-11-17). University and College Union capitulates, ending years long UK higher education dispute. wsws.org The UCU bureaucracy's feigned outrage over anti-democratic legislation the trade unions have never challenged as a cover shutting down strikes it opposed from the very start.

Pressenza Philippines (2023-11-17). BCU Undergoes Internationalization Orientation and Capability Building on Research Digital ToolKits. pressenza.com by Marilou Dela Peña & Genevieve Balance Kupang | Remaining relevant and competitive in the rapidly evolving educational landscape is a top priority. Universities actively participate in diverse rating assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement across instruction, research, and community extension services programs. To meet this challenge, BCU continually adapts and aligns with international standards. | Under the leadership of the Research and Development Office headed by Dr. Marilou Dela Peña, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Elma D. Donaal, BCU…

Pressenza Philippines (2023-11-17). BCU Undergoes Internationalization Orientation and Capability Building on Research Digital ToolKits. pressenza.com by Marilou Dela Peña & Genevieve Balance Kupang | Remaining relevant and competitive in the rapidly evolving educational landscape is a top priority. Universities actively participate in diverse rating assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement across instruction, research, and community extension services programs. To meet this challenge, BCU continually adapts and aligns with international standards. | Under the leadership of the Research and Development Office headed by Dr. Marilou Dela Peña, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Elma D. Donaal, BCU…

Manlio Dinucci (2023-11-18). Le Due Guerre dell'occidente | Grandangolo — Pangea. globalresearch.ca Siamo coinvolti in due guerre, in Europa e Medioriente, che hanno conseguenze sempre più gravi sulle nostre condizioni di vita e sulla nostra sicurezza. | Sul fronte europeo è stato compiuto, nel settembre 2022, quello che il Wall Street Journal definisce …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-17). Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran. globalresearch.ca

Techno Fog (2023-11-17). Is Gavin Newsom Running in the 2024 US Presidential Elections? globalresearch.ca

Javier de la Sotilla (2023-11-17). Gaza, Taiwán y la guerra tecnológica marcan la agenda del segundo cara a cara entre Biden y Xi. globalresearch.ca

Peiyu Li (2023-11-17). "Restoring China-US Ties": Reframing US-China Bipolar Dynamics by Pluralizing into China-West Relations. globalresearch.ca

Al-Jazeera (2023-11-17). Historic Joe Biden — Xi Jinping Meeting at Filoli Estate (Cal). Biden Hails "Real Progress" globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-11-17). Bullous Pemphigoid and Pemphigus Vulgaris: Severe Skin Injuries Caused by Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. globalresearch.ca

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-11-17). Will Palestine Ever be Free? Understanding Elite Strategy in the Global Context. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-11-17). The End of Privacy Is Near. "Artificial Intelligence Scours Social Media… You're Being Spied Upon Everywhere" globalresearch.ca

Stephen Karganovic (2023-11-17). The Limits of Fragmentation. The West Should Beware of Excessive Expectations. Russia and the War in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

CODEPINK (2023-11-17). International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation Into Israel's Alleged War Crimes in Gaza. globalresearch.ca

Younes Arar (2023-11-17). Video: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Left Restaurant After Being Confronted by Pro-Ceasefire Protesters. globalresearch.ca

Barbara Nimri Aziz (2023-11-17). "MK— Mandela's Secret Army". A Film by Osvalde Lewat. "South Africa's Apartheid Parallels Israel's Oppressive Measures" globalresearch.ca

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-11-17). Kenyan Police Deployment to Haiti Remains Uncertain. globalresearch.ca

Rep. Ron Paul (2023-11-17). Video: Israel "Encouraged and started Hamas." America has "A Moral Responsibility for Both Sides" Ron Paul. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-11-17). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-11-17). Selected Articles: Broken by Design: Why the Elites Want Everything and Everyone to Have an "Expiry Date" globalresearch.ca By So, are we living in an era where humanity is being led along a tragic "course in …

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-18). Cuba shows progress in the fight against lung cancer. plenglish.com Cuba has already registered the first therapeutic vaccine against advanced lung cancer in the world, named CIMAVAX-EGF, with which more than 1,000 patients have been treated in the country. | Experts from the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) assure that the vaccine allows turning advanced cancer into a controllable chronic disease. | CIMAVAX-EGF, which is the result of more than fifteen years of research, targets the tumor-related system and does not cause severe adverse effects. | It is based on a protein that is skin growth factor and related to cell proliferation processes. | It is administered at the ti…

Dan Bacher (2023-11-18). Newsom Streamlines Sites Reservoir Project, Despite Opposition by Conservationists, Tribes. indybay.org Recent research by Tell the Dam Truth reveals that the Sites Reservoir Project will emit 362,000 metric tons of CO2e annually, mostly in the form of methane, a significantly more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. This is the equivalent to the annual emissions from over 80,000 gas-powered cars.

ecns.cn (2023-11-18). 94-year-old Kwong Siu-hing becomes richest woman in China. ecns.cn Kwong Siu-hing, wife of Sun Hung Kai Properties' co-founder Kwok Tak-seng, has become China's richest woman for the first time, according to the "Herose Club • Hurun Richest Women in China 2023" released by the Hurun Research Institute on Tuesday.

Brittani Banks (2023-11-17). New Fellow for Human Bridges: Deborah Barsky. independentmediainstitute.org We are pleased to announce that Deborah Barsky, author and researcher of ancient stone tool technologies, joins the Independent Media Institute as a Human Bridges writing fellow. The Human Bridges project brings discussions of human origins studies to a wider audience, illustrating how the latest findings in the field can inform our current social and …

Dan Bacher (2023-11-17). Newsom Streamlines Sites Reservoir Project, Despite Opposition by Conservationists, Tribes. indybay.org Recent research by Tell the Dam Truth reveals that the Sites Reservoir Project will emit 362,000 metric tons of CO2e annually, mostly in the form of methane, a significantly more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. This is the equivalent to the annual emissions from over 80,000 gas-powered cars.

ecns.cn (2023-11-17). 94-year-old Kwong Siu-hing becomes richest woman in China. ecns.cn Kwong Siu-hing, wife of Sun Hung Kai Properties' co-founder Kwok Tak-seng, has become China's richest woman for the first time, according to the "Herose Club • Hurun Richest Women in China 2023" released by the Hurun Research Institute on Tuesday.

isabella (2023-11-17). Why We Need Bayard Rustin's Practical Radicalism Today. inequality.org

isabella (2023-11-17). The Climate Justice Shot Heard 'Round the World: No New Private Jet Infrastructure. inequality.org

Ryan Cristián (2023-11-17). Even MSM Begins Addressing Israel's Blatant Lies & Al-Shifa "Tunnel" Exposed As Water Reservoir. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/17/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

SAM (2023-11-17). Patriotic Millionaires to High Court: Don't Preempt Taxing Grand Fortune. inequality.org

Tyler Walicek, Truthout. (2023-11-17). US Foreign Policy Establishment Is Instrumentalizing Islamophobia. popularresistance.org An incisive new report released by researchers affiliated with Rutgers University lays out in detail the many ways in which the U.S. political establishment has instrumentalized anti-Muslim bigotry and disingenuously redefined the idea of "antisemitism" in order to defuse criticisms of the Israeli government and justify dehumanizing policies toward Palestinians. | Titled "Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine-Israel Discourse," the 68-page report offers a thorough examination of how the domestic foreign policy establishment and the associated Israel lobby employ Islamophobia as a tool of…

The Independent (2023-11-17). PULKOL: School funding should extend beyond numbers. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | David Pulkol, the Executive Director of the Africa Leadership Institute, and a researcher, is advocating for a shift in government funding policies for schools, particularly in regions such as Karamoja that have faced developmental challenges. Currently, the government allocates financial assistance to schools mainly through capitation grants, with the …

Arian X (2023-11-17). 'Enough with the colonial suppression on our fulfillment of the Hippocratic oath'. liberationnews.org "We need healers who are radically committed to healing, to health, to life, and to justice for all, even for Palestine, without these colonial limitations repressing our conscience, our voices, and our work."

Editor (2023-11-17). An Egyptian-Led 'Conscience Convoy' to Rafah. scheerpost.com

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-11-17). Meet the activists fighting Zionism with direct action. therealnews.com With each passing day, more Israeli bombs are falling on Gaza. Over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. The world is bearing witness to a genocidal military campaign to clear out Gaza once and for all. As leaders in the West continue to stand by Israel's outrageous crimes, activists and people of conscience around the world are using direct action to take matters into their own hands and disrupt the war machine themselves.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-17). Israel continues bombing Gaza despite UNSC call for humanitarian pauses. peoplesdispatch.org Israel's genocidal war in Gaza continued on the 42nd day on Friday, November 17, with more airstrikes and ground attacks across the besieged territory. Furthermore, Israeli raids and violent attacks also intensified significantly in the occupied West Bank, causing deaths and injuring dozens with 35 people being arrested. | The death toll in Gaza, according to the latest Palestinian ministry of health statistics, rose to over 11,500, including more than 4,700 children, 3,160 women and 668 elderly people. 29,000 Palestinians have been injured while more than 3,200 Palestinians are reported missing. The death toll i…

Mathieu Levaillant, Béatrice Tran, Nicolas Lerolle, Isabelle Richard, LoàØc Vaillant (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Service learning for health students: do it the French way. thelancet.com Service learning is a pedagogical approach, in which the format of the course contributes as much to the training of students as the content itself.1 There has been a substantial increase in interest in service learning in various fields, including for medical students and public health courses.2…

Palestine Legal (2023-11-18). Pro-Palestine Student Group in Florida Sues University System to Prevent Deactivation. indybay.org University of Florida's Students for Justice in Palestine is represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Florida, and Palestine Legal…

People's Dispatch. (2023-11-18). Solidarity Activists Stage Mass Shutdowns For Palestine. popularresistance.org On November 17, Palestinian and anti-imperialist organizations including the Palestinian Youth Movement, the People's Forum, the ANSWER Coalition, and National Students for Justice in Palestine have called on the Palestine solidarity movement to stage shut downs of "business as usual" in solidarity with Palestine. Across the globe, students will be walking out or occupying their universities, businesses will shutter, and activists will directly target the centers of power which enable Israeli genocide in Gaza. | Actions will be taking place around the world including in Zambia, Puerto Rico, Canada, South Africa,…

Chris Walker (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestine Student Group Sues Ron DeSantis for Violating Free Speech Rights. truthout.org A pro-Palestinian student group in Florida is suing Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and other state officials over a decision last month to "deactivate" the organization, in violation of students' First Amendment speech and assembly rights. The University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (UF-SJP), a student-led organization that advocates for an end to the Israeli occupation of… |

Jerry Long (2023-11-17). Behold All These Collegiate Anti-Semites. counterpunch.org When I was a 17-year-old Freshman during the later half of an earlier century the college I attended ran, I swear to you… its own bar! All that was required to drink there was a student ID. For me, it was the tip of an intoxication iceberg whose mass included Phil's Cozy Corner Cafe —

Michael Arria (2023-11-17). DeSantis, University of Florida sued over SJP ban. mondoweiss.net The ACLU and Palestine Legal are suing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the University of Florida over over the state's ban of Students for Justice in Palestine.

Palestine Legal (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestine Student Group in Florida Sues University System to Prevent Deactivation. indybay.org University of Florida's Students for Justice in Palestine is represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Florida, and Palestine Legal…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-17). Solidarity activists to stage mass shutdowns for Palestine. peoplesdispatch.org On November 17, Palestinian and anti-imperialist organizations including the Palestinian Youth Movement, the People's Forum, the ANSWER Coalition, and National Students for Justice in Palestine have called on the Palestine solidarity movement to stage shut downs of "business as usual" in solidarity with Palestine. Across the globe, students will be walking out or occupying their universities, businesses will shutter, and activists will directly target the centers of power which enable Israeli genocide in Gaza. | Actions will be taking place around the world including in Zambia, Puerto Rico, Canada, South Africa,…

Stephen F. Eisenman (2023-11-17). When Anti, Anti-Zionism Becomes Anti-Semitism. counterpunch.org My friends in academia tell me they are experiencing the most repressive environment of their lives. The campuses of Harvard, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Northwestern (where I taught for almost 25 years), and others have been riven by conflict over the Mideast war. Faculty deemed too sympathetic to Palestine have been tarred by trustees, senior administrators, other faculty, and some students as naive at best and anti-Semitic at worst. A few professors have lost their jobs or been subjected to student petitions demanding their ouster. University presidents have been hounded by pro-Israeli, often Je…

WSWS (2023-11-17). Join Melbourne school strikes against Gaza genocide! Oppose threats and intimidation from politicians. wsws.org The IYSSE calls on the mobilisation of the broadest layers of students to these walkouts. Young people in other cities and regional centres across the country should also develop actions against the genocide in Gaza.

Yoav Haifawi (2023-11-17). Haifa University students face day in Israeli court over social media posts. mondoweiss.net Five students at Haifa University were detained this week for social media posts they made regarding October 7. Yoav Haifawi attended their court hearing to see how "state security" would be upheld.

Ann Brown (2023-11-17). Teacher Is Ranked #3 Profession For American Millionaires: 3 Factors Explain Why. moguldom.com Teachers are not typically associated with wealth and prosperity due to their comparatively modest salaries. However, a recent study titled the "National Study of Millionaires," conducted by Ramsey Solutions under the leadership of personal finance expert Dave Ramsey, reveals that many teachers have managed to amass significant wealth, Yahoo Finance reported. According to the study's …

Ann Brown (2023-11-17). Teacher Is Ranked #3 Profession For American Millionaires: 3 Factors Explain Why. moguldom.com Teachers are not typically associated with wealth and prosperity due to their comparatively modest salaries. However, a recent study titled the "National Study of Millionaires," conducted by Ramsey Solutions under the leadership of personal-finance expert Dave Ramsey, reveals that many teachers have managed to amass significant wealth, Yahoo Finance reported. According to the study's findings …

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