Daily Archives: November 28, 2023

2023-11-28: News Headlines

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-28). Cuban Parliament calls for second ordinary session. plenglish.com The sessions will begin on December 20 of this year, starting at 9: 00 a.m. (local time), at the Convention Palace in the capital. | According to previous information, the provincial governments of Cienfuegos and Las Tunas, as well as the Ministry of Industry, in its capacity as an Agency of the Central State Administration, will render an account at the meeting of the Legislative Body. | In both territories, compliance with the objectives and goals of the Economy Plan and the State Budget Law will be evaluated, with emphasis on the performance of basic services to the population, such as health, education, trans…

Henry A. Giroux (2023-11-27). Neoliberalism, Democracy and the University as a Public Sphere. indybay.org What can educators and others concerned about the future of higher education do to make sure it is not colonized by corporate and other antidemocratic interests? First, educators & others need to figure out how to defend more vigorously higher education as a public good & how central it is in producing the formative culture necessary to educate young people to be critical & engaged.

John Perry, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-27). US Sanctions Hit Nicaragua's Social Investment Programs. popularresistance.org Which country spends nearly two-thirds of its budget on tackling poverty? When I met Nicaragua's finance minister, Ivan Acosta, he had just presented his 2024 budget to its National Assembly, and he made clear that a large part of it is aimed at doing just that. | In cash terms, Nicaragua's government will spend about 24% more in 2024 than in the current year, which includes a huge increase (43%) in public sector investment. Acosta explained how the country would continue its recent advances in health, education, transport, energy, water supply, housing and local government services. Less than 3% of spending is f…

WSWS (2023-11-27). Thousands strike once again in Germany against assault on educational and social programmes. wsws.org Around 10,000 public sector employees took strike action once again Wednesday in Berlin for better working conditions and higher wages.These included teachers and educators from daycare centres and schools, as well as employees of the Senate and district administrations, firefighters and university employees.

The Independent (2023-11-28). James Kamwesiga, educationist and church laity leader, has died. independent.co.ug TODAY — Tuesday, November 28 ‚û°Ô∏è12.00 — Mass St Angela Bugema WEDNESDAY November 29 ‚û°Ô∏è 6.00pm —Mass at Home. Official vigil. THURSDAY November 30 ‚û°Ô∏è9.00am — Requiem Mass at Christ the King FRIDAY December 1 ‚û°10.00am — Official burial at home Nyamiyaga 01, Nyarurambi Parish, Nyamirama Sub County West Kinkizi West County Kanungu district. Kampala, …

Ahmed Adel (2023-11-28). Zelensky Paranoid About the Military and Warns Commanders to Stay Out of Politics. globalresearch.ca

Alex Newman (2023-11-28). UNESCO's Insidious Plan to "Regulate Social Media" and "Control Speech Online" globalresearch.ca

Danyal, Emilia (2023-11-28). From a Released Hamas Captive: "I will forever be a prisoner of gratitude because she did not leave here with a lifelong psychological trauma." globalresearch.ca

Dr. Gary G. Kohls (2023-11-28). Why First Nations People Regard America's Thanksgiving Day as a National Day of Mourning. globalresearch.ca

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-11-28). "Lucifer's Banker: The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy" globalresearch.ca

Jeremy Scahill (2023-11-28). Israel's Insidious Narrative About Palestinian Prisoners. globalresearch.ca

John J. Mearsheimer (2023-11-28). The Myth that Putin Was Bent on Conquering Ukraine and Creating a Greater Russia. globalresearch.ca

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-11-28). O acordo com o Hamas revela as dificuldades de Israel. globalresearch.ca Depois de insistir que nà£o negociaria com o Hamas, Israel finalmente anunciou que concordou em participar numa troca de prisioneiros e na interrupàßà£o temporária dos combates. Os termos do acordo foram publicados por representantes do Qatar, sendo Doha o local …

Mohammed al-Hajjar (2023-11-28). In Photos: Israel Leaves Trail of Destruction in Gaza After 48 Days of Bombing. globalresearch.ca

Pelham (2023-11-28). Gaza: More than 20,000 Civilians Killed, Drone Footage of Destruction. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-11-28). Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHO's Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way! globalresearch.ca

Shane Quinn (2023-11-28). The History of US-NATO Led Wars: "Exporting Democracy" through Acts of Subversion and Infiltration. globalresearch.ca

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-11-27). Screen Actors on Strike: SAG-AFTRA Releases Entire Text of Tentative Agreement Pending Ratification. globalresearch.ca

Amanda Yee (2023-11-27). Israel Is Assassinating Journalists in Gaza. globalresearch.ca

Centre for Research on Globalization (2023-11-27). "Worldwide Genocide"? History of U.S. Mass Killings of Civilians: The Monstrous Plan to Kill Palestinians Is Fully Endorsed by Washington. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-11-27). How Glycine Fights Viruses. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Pascal Sacré (2023-11-27). The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a "Test" To Lock Down Society. globalresearch.ca The misuse of the RT-PCR technique is used as an intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society,…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-11-27). "Netanyahu's Vicious Attack on Civilians, The Violence is Unlimited": Unintended Consequences of Israel's Assault on Palestine. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-11-27). Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination — A Disabling Illness. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-11-27). "Dying Suddenly While Driving": Firefighter Stops Ambulance From Going Over Cliff After Her COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Partner Collapses at the Wheel. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-11-26). Chinese scientists unveil middle ear evolution in 120 mln-year-old eutherian mammals. ecns.cn CAS have identified a new eutherian mammal, which marks the first time that Chinese scientists have revealed the middle ear structure of a eutherian mammal from 120 million years ago, filling a gap in research on middle ear evolution in the early Cretaceous era.

ecns.cn (2023-11-27). International communication center opens in Shandong. ecns.cn The center aims to shore up international communication about the province by integrating functions of content production, cultural exchanges, talent cultivation, research and innovation in the field of international communication.

ecns.cn (2023-11-27). 'Father of hybrid millet' cultivates a success story. ecns.cn Autumn is an important time of the year for agricultural researcher Zhao Zhihai because it is when he can harvest what he has planted and also sow seeds in new experimental fields.

ecns.cn (2023-11-27). Chinese scientists unveil middle ear evolution in 120 mln-year-old eutherian mammals. ecns.cn CAS have identified a new eutherian mammal, which marks the first time that Chinese scientists have revealed the middle ear structure of a eutherian mammal from 120 million years ago, filling a gap in research on middle ear evolution in the early Cretaceous era.

Editor (2023-11-27). A New Mood in the World Will Put an End to the Global Monroe Doctrine. scheerpost.com By Vijay Prashad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research Every day since 7 October has felt like an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, with hundreds of thousands gathering in Istanbul, a million in Jakarta, and then yet another million across Africa and Latin America to demand an end to the brutal attack being carried out by Israel (with the collusion …

Ellen Brown (2023-11-27). The One Quadrillion Dollars Derivatives Bubble: "The Great Taking": How They Plan to Own It All. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-11-27). Selected Articles: Unspoken Objective: Israel Wants to Confiscate Gaza's Offshore Gas Reserves Which Belong to Palestine. globalresearch.ca

Hasan Erel (2023-11-27). America's Military Deployment in the Asia-Pacific Region. "Deter China from Invading Taiwan" globalresearch.ca

Mojmir Babacek (2023-11-27). Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System. globalresearch.ca Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain. | It …

Nathan King (2023-11-27). Holiday shopping season kicks off with record spending. america.cgtn.com U.S. consumers spent a record whopping $9.8 billion dollars this Black Friday that's a 7.5% jump according to research firm Adobe Analytics. U.S. consumers also spent over $5 billion dollars on Thanksgiving day itself — and are set to spend even more on what is known as Cyber Monday when online behemoths like Amazon offer deep discounts on online purchases. CGTN's Nathan King has more.

Philip Giraldi (2023-11-27). Marching for Israel? American and Israeli War Criminals Celebrate Together. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-27). There Never Was a "New Virus", There Never was a Pandemic. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-27). There Never Was a Virus, There Never was a Pandemic. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-27). Women's Rights in Afghanistan: "Before" and "After" America's Destructive Wars. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2023-11-27). Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity. globalresearch.ca World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The "climate emergency" is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-27). Bill Gates Is Funding a Scheme to Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Forests in North America. globalresearch.ca

Rima Najjar (2023-11-27). Activists, You Must Shame and Pressure the Palestinian Authority for Its Sins as Much as You Pressure Israel for Its Crimes. globalresearch.ca

The Expose (2023-11-27). Agenda to Depopulate the Planet Through COVID Vaccination. Revealed by Government Reports and Pfizer Documents. globalresearch.ca

Ahmed Adel (2023-11-28). Shortage of Weapons: Germany's Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr: "Would Only Last Two Days in a Battle" Due to Excessive Weapons Deliveries to Kiev. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Pascal Sacré (2023-11-28). The Lord of "Vaccines" and the "Health Terrorist Ideology". Where Do You Think this Is Going? Get Off that Crazy Train. globalresearch.ca "A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse"

Drago Bosnic (2023-11-28). Germany's 'Military Schengen' Proposal: To Ease the Movement of NATO Troops across the European Union" globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-11-27). Yangtze belt development to get boost. ecns.cn A key meeting of the Communist Party of China highlighted on Monday the need to advance the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, calling for unwavering efforts to protect its ecology and environment and propel innovations in science and technology.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-27). Raúl Castro and Díaz-Canel pay tribute to Cuban scientist. plenglish.com Santa Clara, Cuba, Nov 27 (Prensa Latina) Floral offerings from Army General Raúl Castro and Cuban President Miguel-Díaz-Canel on Monday honored Dr. Sergio Rodríguez, an expert in in Agricultural Sciences, who died in this central city on Sunday.

Staff (2023-11-27). 7 Kashmiri students held under UAPA for 'celebrating' India's WC's loss. muslimmirror.com Srinagar : Seven students of an agricultural university have been arrested here under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) for allegedly raising objectionable slogans and celebrating the Indian cricket team's loss in the World Cup final, officials said on Monday. The arrested youths are studying at the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST) …

Wesley Vaughan (2023-11-27). Cities Like Portland Are Spending Staggering Amounts on Police PR Budgets. truthout.org Over the past few years, Portland, Oregon, like several other United States metro areas, has seen a substantial rise in gun violence. Since 2019, statistics show an increase in the homicide rate, non-fatal gun violence crime and other auxiliary metrics used to measure public safety. But as policy makers and advocates debate solutions to this violence, Portland police have scaled up their efforts… |

The Independent (2023-11-27). UBOS, URA and BOU to cooperate on statistics of economy. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Top national economic statistics generating agencies have come together to form a single platform that would ensure accurate and more acceptable indicators. Apart from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), the other major producers of national statistics are the Bank of Uganda (BOU) and the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), …

ecns.cn (2023-11-28). Committee calls for action on adolescents' mental health. ecns.cn New techniques and multidisciplinary measures should be applied to intervention in adolescents' mental health, an expert said in response to the grim psychological issues affecting students in China.

ecns.cn (2023-11-28). BRI links countries together: Malaysian student in China. ecns.cn "The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) is like a bridge, not only bringing countries closer but also profoundly impacting my life," said Joyce Ling Chieng Ying, a Malaysian student at Beijing Jiaotong University.

Students for Justice in Palestine UCSC (2023-11-28). Friday 12/1: Rise Up for Palestine! Defend Our People! Defend Our Students! indybay.org Meet at Baskin Courtyard, UC Santa Cruz…

WSWS (2023-11-28). Suspected shooter arrested on attempted murder charges in shooting of three Palestinian college students in Vermont. wsws.org The Burlington Police Department announced that Jason J. Eaton, 48, was arrested Sunday afternoon near the scene of the shooting.

Chris Walker (2023-11-27). 3 Palestinian College Students Shot by 48-Year-Old Man in Burlington, Vermont. truthout.org Three Palestinian college students were shot and wounded by a 48-year-old white man on Saturday night in Burlington, Vermont, in an act that appears to be motivated by Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism. The students — Hisham Awartani, who attends Brown University; Kinnan Abdalhamid, who attends Haverford College in Pennsylvania; and Tahseen Ahmed, who attends Connecticut's Trinity College — were… |

Christine Schmidt, Elizabeth Schmidt (2023-11-27). Israel, Gaza, and International Law: A Humanitarian Crisis Roils the Academy. counterpunch.org The October 7th terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians and the retaliatory genocide being waged by Israel in a total siege of Gaza have roiled academic communities in the United States and abroad. Charges of antisemitism and Islamophobia have divided colleagues, terrified students, destroyed friendships, and threatened the basic integrity of academic freedom that

ecns.cn (2023-11-27). Four Chinese students killed in traffic accident in Canada. ecns.cn A serious traffic accident occurred near the city of Toronto in Ontario, Canada, on Sunday local time, resulting in the death of four Chinese students.

Editor (2023-11-27). Israel-Palestine war: Jewish students say they won't be silenced by Brown University. mronline.org In their first interview since they were arrested for holding a sit-in, some of the students vow to continue their activism until the US university divests from Israel.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-27). Anti-Arab and Islamophobic hate crimes on the rise in the US amidst Israel's war on Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org This Saturday, three young Palestinian men, Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid were shot in Vermont. The three men, all college students, were shot at four times by 48-year-old Jason J. Eaton. They were speaking Arabic and two of them were wearing Palestinian keffiyehs. All three of the shooting victims are 20 years old. | This comes shortly after three separate videos went viral of former State Department official Stuart Seldowitz harassing an Egyptian halal cart worker with vile Islamophobic and racist remarks. "Did you rape your daughter like Mohammed d…

presstv.ir (2023-11-27). Hundreds of Australian students in Sydney protest for Palestinians. presstv.ir Hundreds of Australian students skipped class in Sydney to protest for the freedom of Palestinians.

Staff (2023-11-27). Headlines for November 27, 2023. democracynow.org Calls Mount to Extend Truce as Dozens of Hamas Captives and Palestinian Prisoners Freed, Israeli Forces Kill at Least 8 West Bank Palestinians Amid Surge in Violence, Vermont Police Arrest Suspect in Shooting of 3 Palestinian Students, Activists Shut Down Manhattan Bridge; Demonstrators Disrupt Macy's Parade Over Protest-Filled Weekend, BBC Censors BAFTA Acceptance Speeches Expressing Solidarity with Palestine, NYU Cancer Doctor Sues After Firing for Racist Posts, Far-Right Xenophobe Geert Wilders on Path to Become Dutch PM After Parliamentary Election, Russia Launches Largest Drone Attack in Ukraine Since…

WSWS (2023-11-27). Berlin: Humboldt University Student Parliament rejects pro-Israel motion proposed by Social Democrats. wsws.org Last week, the Student Parliament (StuPa) of Humboldt University (HU) rejected by a large majority a motion aimed at defending Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip and suppressing criticism of it.

WSWS (2023-11-27). Three Palestinian students shot in Burlington, Vermont in suspected hate crime. wsws.org According to police, a "white man" shot the three students with a pistol as they were walking to a family dinner on Saturday night.

geo.tv (2023-11-27). Vermont: Palestinian students shot for wearing Keffiyeh as Islamophobic crimes spike in US. geo.tv Two students remained in stable condition, while the third suffered more severe injuries.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-27). Cuban authorities recall assassinations of medical students. plenglish.com Havana, Nov 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel noted that the medical students who were assassinated due to the hatred of the volunteers during the Spanish colonial rule in 1871 will never be forgotten, on the occasion of the 152nd anniversary of that event on Monday.

presstv.ir (2023-11-27). Tens of thousands protest in Italy to condemn violence against women. presstv.ir Tens of thousands of people hold protests across Italy, calling for an end to violence against women after the violent murder of a young student earlier this month.

WSWS (2023-11-27). Berlin: Humboldt University Student Parliament rejects Social Democratic motion in favour of solidarity with Israel. wsws.org Last week, the Student Parliament (StuPa) of Humboldt University (HU) rejected by a large majority a motion aimed at defending Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip and suppressing criticism of it. Many visitors attended the public meeting and rejected the war propaganda in harsh terms.

Democracy Now! (2023-11-28). Democracy Now! 2023-11-28 Tuesday. democracynow.org Headlines for November 28, 2023; "Atmosphere of Hate": AFSC Leader & Palestinian Vermonter on Shooting of 3 College Students; Jeremy Scahill: Israel's "Lethal Lie" About Al-Shifa Hospital as Hamas Base Was Co-Signed by Biden; Remembering Pablo Yoruba Guzmán, Young Lords Co-Founder, Afro-Latino Leader, Legendary NYC Journalist | Headlines for November 28, 2023; "Atmosphere of Hate": AFSC Leader & Palestinian Vermonter on Shooting of 3 College Students; Jeremy Scahill: Israel's "Lethal Lie" About Al-Shifa Hospital as Hamas Base Was Co-Signed by Biden; Rememb…

Angela (2023-11-28). Friday 12/1: Writers Against the War on Gaza: Bay Area Teach-In. indybay.org Arab Cultural and Community Center | 2 Plaza St. | San Francisco, CA…

Angela (2023-11-28). Wednesday 11/29: Understanding Christian Zionism Teach-In. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

WSWS (2023-11-28). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Teachers in Uruguay conducted a 24-hour protest strike against cuts while 1,000 Winnipeg, Manitoba transit workers again voted down a sellout deal pushed by their union.

Angela (2023-11-27). Friday 12/1: Writers Against the War on Gaza: Bay Area Teach-In. indybay.org Arab Cultural and Community Center | 2 Plaza St. | San Francisco, CA…

SSLUSC (2023-11-27). Monday 12/11: Teaching (Beyond) Crisis: Black Ecologies and Critical Hope. indybay.org Virtual event, register here: ucsc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_P5GKNY-…

geo.tv (2023-11-27). French teens who beheaded teacher for showing Charlie Hebdo caricatures face in-camera trial. geo.tv French history teacher Samuel Paty was killed by an 18-year-old boy in 2020…

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