2024-08-23: News Headlines

aljazeera (2024-08-23). Gaza war extends toll on Israel's economy. aljazeera.com Combat operations are straining Israel's economy, leading to shrinking of the GDP and downgrading of sovereign rating.

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-08-23). Paul Craig Roberts: Defeat for Israel? What the Media Isn't Telling You! — NATO's Devastating Gamble. thealtworld.com Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy. | President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate. From 1975 to 1978, Dr. Roberts served on the congressional staff where he drafted the Kemp-Roth bill and played a leading role in developing bipartisan support for a supply-side economic policy. After leaving the Treasury, he served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Departmen…

infobrics (2024-08-23). The Future of BRICS Countries in a Multipolar World: Humanitarian and Long-Term Dimensions. infobrics.org It is important that efforts be made in a more tangible and practical way to bolster our common humanity should we seek a shared destiny. Drawing upon the uneven distribution of knowledge competences, it could prove useful for the BRICS+ to utilise their capacities and capabilities in science and technology to provide information and technical solutions on a more socialised basis, Rasigan Maharajh writes…

WSWS (2024-08-23). Increased mortgage rates push 320,000 UK adults into poverty. wsws.org The Institute for Fiscal Studies has highlighted the damage being caused by an exploding mortgage timebomb, with those renewing their home loans, or having to take out new loans in the past two years experiencing a sharp fall in their disposable income.

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