Monthly Archives: May 2024

2024-05-09: News Headlines

Mayssoun Sukarieh, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-09). How Israeli University Presidents Are Proving The Case For Boycott. On April 26, 2024, the presidents of Israel's nine research universities — Ben-Gurion, Weizmann Insitute of Science, Hebrew University, the Open University, Ariel, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology — issued a collective statement in response to the Palestinian solidarity student encampments that were spreading across university campuses throughout the United States and beyond. The statement was a remarkable condemnation of student protestors in the U.S. as engaging in "severe violence, antisemitism [and] anti-Israel sentiment," characterizing these students as "incited and h…

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-05-09). Dutch Police Smash Pro-Palestine Protest Camp. Riot police bulldozed barricades and temporarily detained 125 people to break up a pro-Palestine student protest at the University of Amsterdam in the early hours of 7 May, Reuters reported. | Four of the protesters are still being held on charges of public violence and insulting an officer, while the remainder have been released. | Organizers said they were "taking back this campus" in solidarity with Palestine and "in the spirit" of student protests that began in the US in response to Israel's genocide in Gaza. | Along with pro-Palestine demonstrators at universities in the US and Europe, the Dutch students are…

The Peoples Art Institute, Left Voice. (2024-05-09). The People's Art Institute Denounces Police Attack On Student Encampment. The People's Art Institute, constituted by SAIC students, announced our encampment situated in the AIC's North Garden, on Saturday morning, May 4, at 11: 30 A.M. The goals of the encampment were clear: to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to demand SAIC and AIC divest from entities profiting off of the occupation and genocide in Palestine. | Students began setting up and by 12: 05 P.M., CPD was onsite and an arrest warning was issued. CPD started kettling protestors on the sidewalk at the corner of Monroe and Michigan and removed them from the North side of the garden with extreme force.

Nashwa Bawab, In These Times. (2024-05-09). It's A Statement About Who The University Belongs To. Students and faculty on campuses across the country are facing repression and violent attacks from police and racist mobs for establishing "Popular University for Gaza" encampments that have become some of the latest sites and frontlines in the U.S. and international resistance to the genocide in Gaza. More than 2,000 students and others have reportedly been arrested since the encampments began. | The students who are organizing the encampments‚Äâ—‚Äâoften with faculty support and assistance from justice groups‚Äâ—‚Ä&ac…

Andrea Levy, André Frappier, Canadian Dimension. (2024-05-09). The Student Intifada Rises At Montréal Universities. Students from all four Montréal universities came together over the last week to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and pressure their institutions to cut ties with Israel. Following the lead of the camps protests in the United States, they set up an encampment on the grounds of McGill University on April 27, calling for a ceasefire and demanding that Montréal's halls of higher learning disclose their investments in companies complicit with the genocide in Palestine and divest from those companies, in addition to cutting ties with Israeli academic institutions. | In the specific case of McGill U…

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2024-05-09). CovertAction Bulletin: As Rafah Invasion Looms, Students and Workers Boost Solidarity & Resistance. Hamas on Monday accepted a ceasefire deal that Israel has effectively rejected, instead moving forward with their invasion plans for Rafah, taking control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah gate that separates Palestine from Egypt, and making incursions into Rafah with tanks and shelling from the air. Over 100,000 Palestinians have been told to evacuate from Rafah, but are left with very few places to go…

WSWS (2024-05-09). Bangladesh students protest Israeli genocide in Gaza. "What Israel has been doing to the people of Gaza is clearly a war crime and genocide. The Netanyahu administration has violated all the humanitarian laws." —Bangladeshi student.

WSWS (2024-05-09). University students protest against Gaza genocide across Europe. Inspired by anti-genocide protests on campuses across the United States defying a nationwide crackdown coordinated by the Biden administration that has led to thousands of arrests, students are occupying university halls and facilities across the continent.

WSWS (2024-05-09). The working class must take up the fight against the genocide in Gaza and in defense of democratic rights. The ruling class is terrified of the student protests because it can arouse the working class. A strike vote by graduate students in California shows there is a growing recognition that the methods of class struggle are required.

WSWS (2024-05-09). Australian youth and students call for immediate release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk. "Alongside Bogdan's arrest, students protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza are being suppressed around the world."

Vijay Prashad (2024-05-09). Youth rebellion over Gaza illuminates the wretchedness of capitalism. It was inevitable that global North governments' full-throated support for Israel's genocide against Palestinians would result in furious retribution from their citizenry. That this retribution began in the U.S. is also not a surprise, given the ongoing cycle of protests that, since October 2023, have contested the U.S. government's blank check to the Israeli government. …

MEE staff (2024-05-09). Ireland: Trinity College Dublin divests from firms involved in Israel's occupation of Palestine. Ireland: Trinity College Dublin divests from firms involved in Israel's occupation of Palestine | Ireland's top university says it shares the horror its students feel over the ongoing assault on Gaza | | Trinity College Dublin said it had one contract with an Israeli company set to expire in 2025 (AFP…

Ofer Aderet (2024-05-09). Israel's population reaches 9.9 million on eve of Independence Day, data reveals. According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel and its West Bank settlements population is expected to reach over 10 million by next year's Independence Day…

Staff (2024-05-09). Headlines for May 9, 2024. Israel "Chokes Off Aid" to Gaza, Rains Down More Bombs on Rafah as Families Have Nowhere to Go, Biden Says U.S. Will Cut Off Some Weapons to Israel If It Goes Further into Rafah, Protesters Greet Biden During Chicago Campaign Stop; Hostage Families Clash with Police in Tel Aviv, Health Workers Uncover 49 More Bodies at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital, Israel Demolishes 47 Bedouin Homes in Negev Desert, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush Hold Press Conference with Students Amid Police Crackdown on Gaza Protests, Professors at The New School Launch First Faculty Encampment for Gaza, Universities in Barcelona, Dubl…

Areeb Ullah (2024-05-09). UK government to fund chaplaincy service that 'advocates for Israel' on campuses. UK government to fund chaplaincy service that 'advocates for Israel' on campuses | £500,000 grant for University Jewish Chaplaincy comes as students around UK set up encampments to oppose war in Gaza | | A passerby wearing a kippah pushes his bicycle past an encampment protesting against t…

No More War with Our Tuition (2024-05-09). Hands Off Rafah Rally at Stanford. Community members provide meals for Stanford student rallies some nights. On May 7, they cheered as students chanted, "Liberation is our mission, no more war with our tuition."

Abayomi Azikiwe (2024-05-09). IDF Enters Rafah Blocking Aid to the Gaza Strip.

Editor (2024-05-09). Listen to the Students.

Martha Grevatt (2024-05-09). Solidarity with Palestine at Kent State shooting commemoration. May 4 marked the 54th anniversary of the killing of four students at Kent State University by the Ohio National Guard during a 1970 anti-war demonstration, part of countrywide protests after the U.S. expanded the Vietnam war with the bombing of Cambodia. Every year, activities on the KSU campus honor . . . |

Alex Darocy (2024-05-09). Carpenters Union Opposes Contractor Bidding on UC Santa Cruz Housing Project. On May 3, members of Carpenters Union Local 505 distributed information at the base of the UC Santa Cruz campus about W.E. O'Neil Construction Co., which is bidding on the 17-acre Family Student Housing development proposal slated for the East Meadow. The union is currently appealing UC Santa Cruz's refusal to disqualify W.E. O'Neil for the construction project, claiming the company falsified the bid. "W.E. O'Neil attempted to hide the fact that a worker was killed by electrocution on a recent Los Angeles project through failed safety practices," said Doug Chesshire of Carpenters Union Local 505 in an April press…

Bill Conroy (2024-05-09). Student encampments are the laboratory of our future. Importantly, in the case of this student movement, it should not be lost on anyone that part of the reason it has been so easily attacked by ill-intentioned critics and demonized in the media and elsewhere is because it is largely composed of and led by people of color. Until we see racism through the prism of power, we will never fully get it.

Union of Agricultural Work Committees (2024-05-09). Palestinian CSO Message to Student Movement. 6 May 2024…

Ohlone SJP (2024-05-09). Thursday 5/9: Ohlone College Walk Out. Ohlone Way (near the Student Store), Ohlone College, Fremont…

Phil Pasquini (2024-05-09). GW Encampment Shut Down by Police; Students Arrested. Pro-Palestinian student protesters and others at the George Washington University tent encampment were arrested after failing to leave university property in an early morning coordinated police action. Around 03: 30 after having been warned to leave the university property and threatened with arrest for failure to do so, a coordinated police action by campus police and 500 Metro DC officers began clearing the area at University Yard (U-Yard).

Phil Pasquini (2024-05-09). GW President Calls for End to Protest; Students Vow to Continue. Student protest leaders at George Washington University (GW) held an afternoon news conference today in the aftermath of an email letter sent out yesterday to the GW community from President Ellen M. Granberg regarding the ongoing campus encampment for Gaza protest.

South Bay Salute (2024-05-09). Olympic Black Power Statue is Site of San José State Students Protest for Palestine. Photos by Len and Nancy…

Union of Agricultural Work Committees (2024-05-09). UAWC in Palestine Letter to Student and Youth Movements. 30 April 2024…

Global Health Project (2024-05-09). WHO Pandemic Treaty's Global Power Grab in May 2024.

Hans Stehling (2024-05-09). High Payload US Munitions Used to Mass Murder Muslim Arabs in Middle East.

James Corbett (2024-05-09). Video: Debunked: The Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11.

MEE staff (2024-05-09). UK: Labour's David Lammy suggests Mandela would oppose Gaza student protests.

WSWS (2024-05-09). Transport Workers Union president threatens legal action against Columbia University protesters. TWU rank-and-file members must reject his slanders and countermand the threats of legal action. Instead, workers must organize actions in defense of the students.

WSWS (2024-05-09). Australian state Labor government austerity budget targets health, education, social services. The austerity budget is another demonstration of the ruthlessly pro-business, anti-working class character of the Victorian state Labor government.

The Independent (2024-05-09). Police arrests enumerator over loss of census tablet. Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police in Luwero district have arrested an enumerator over the theft of a tablet ahead of a census exercise on Thursday. Uganda Bureau of Statistics has deployed 1532 enumerators and 192 supervisors in Luwero district for the National Population Census scheduled to start on Thursday, May 10, 2024. Each enumerator …

bwitanek (2024-05-09). Peoples Organization for Progress, Racial Justice Group Calls Upon Princeton University to Drop the Charges Against Student Protesters. THE PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION FOR PROGRESS PO BOX 22505 NEWARK, NJ 07101 973 801-0001 CONTACT: LAWRENCE HAMM MAY 8, 2024 FOR… (2024-05-09). Indian student Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi reported missing in Chicago since May 2. PTC News Desk: An Indian student, Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi, has been reported missing in Chicago since May 2. The Consulate General of India in Chicago has initiated efforts in coordination with local authorities and the Indian diaspora to locate and reestablish contact with him.In a recent statement posted on X, the Consulate General of India expressed deep concern over Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi's disappearance, stating, "The Consulate is deeply concerned learning that Indian student Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi is incommunicado since May 2. Consulate is in touch with the police and the Indian diaspora hoping…

bwitanek (2024-05-09). Teach Palestine Week May 13 — 17. Integrating lessons about Palestine into our curriculum is vital for challenging the narratives propagated by mainstream media that often demonize a people struggling for survival and dignity on their own land. We must remember that Palestine has endured continuous attacks and systematic destruction for 76 years, and we must never forget the original and ongoing Nakba. | YOUR STUDENTS deserve an honest & truthful understanding of Palestine. We strongly urge educators to incorporate lessons about Palestine into their teaching every day from May 13th to May 17th. We will provide simple 20-minute activities that… (2024-05-09). Ministry picks May as national Mental Health Education Month. The Ministry of Education has designated the month of May as the national Mental Health Education Month to help raise awareness about the issue, it announced on Wednesday.

Neal Meyer (2024-05-09). United States: Crack lines in the Democratic Party — The battle at Columbia University as a mirror of the battle among Democrats. Neal Meyer — It's too soon to draw up a full balance sheet of the students' encampments but one part of the story is clear: the fault lines in the Democratic Party's coalition are growing bigger. (2024-05-09). Dubai-Jamaica flight with Indians sent back, MEA confirms. PTC News Desk: A chartered flight carrying multiple Indian passengers from Dubai to Jamaica has been sent back due to concerns over their documentation, confirmed the Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday. | MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal on Thursday said, "We are given to understand that a chartered flight from Dubai landed in Jamaica with several Indians onboard. They had prior travel and hotel bookings. However local authorities were not satisfied with their documents. They were sent back to Dubai on 7th May."As per the reports, the chartered flight was carrying "253 Indians and other foreign nationals".

The Independent (2024-05-09). CENSUS TONIGHT: UBOS to mount road-blocks. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda's 2024 National Housing and Population Census kicks off in a few hours time, and starting midnight, roadblocks will be staged on highways where individuals in transit will be counted. They will categorized as the 'floating population'. Chris Mukiza, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics-UBOS Executive Director said that with the support …

newarab (2024-05-09). How Nur Shams camp became Israel's West Bank battleground. Tulkarem, occupied West Bank – Since the start of the war on Gaza, Israel has "Israel has executed 22 military operations in the camp since the war began, the first of which was on October 19. This number is notably high when compared to preceding months," Sulaiman Al-Zuhairi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Khadouri University in Tulkarem and a researcher on Palestinian refugee camps, told…

newarab (2024-05-09). Video shows Egyptian soldiers assaulting Palestinian boy. A video showing a violent attack on a Palestinian boy fleeing the Israeli war on Gaza by Egyptian soldiers has triggered outrage across Egypt. | In the video in question, several Egyptian army soldiers are seen beating up a teenage boy believed to have attempted to illegally cross into Egypt. | One Egyptian soldier told his colleagues as he attacked the boy: "Let me teach the kid a lesson." The dialect of the soldier in the video seemed to be Egyptian Arabic; but the timing or the exact location of the incident remains unclear. Neither is the identity or the nationality of the boy. | üö®&…

newarab (2024-05-09). Gaza campus protests 'moral imperative', says Rashid Khalidi. With the dust still settling from protests at Some speakers at the two-day retirement conference drew a line between Khalidi's scholarship and the student protest movement, noting that the now-shuttered Columbia encampments included those who had studied…

newarab (2024-05-09). Extremist rabbi's cousin charged with ramming Gaza protester. A New York real estate developer was charged with felony assault after police said he hit a woman with his car during a pro-Palestine demonstration led by students connected to the Reuven Kahane, 57, was arrested Tuesday morning after driving his car into a 55-year-old safety marshal for the protest, according to witnesses and a New York police department spokesperson. | The woman, who was treated at a hospital for minor injuries, was also arrested, but charges of criminal mis…

newarab (2024-05-09). Nationwide student-led movement grows in France for Gaza. (2024-05-09). Oxford students protest against Gaza genocide. Students at Oxford University protest against the war in Gaza, demanding divestment from, and a boycott of, Israeli institutions that profit from the genocidal war. (2024-05-09). Irish college agrees to divest from Israeli firms following student protest. Students at Dublin have ended their pro-Palestine rally after college authorities agreed to divest from Israeli firms. (2024-05-09). French university students set up tents, protest against Israel's attack on Rafah. Dozens of student protesters demonstrated in front of Sciences Po University in Paris, denouncing Israel's recent attack on Gaza… (2024-05-09). Thousands attend pro-Palestinian protest in Bangladesh. Thousands of Bangladeshi students march in Dhaka in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and with pro-Palestinian student protests around the world. (2024-05-09). Washington police clear pro-Palestine encampment, arrest dozens. Students had been inside the George Washington University Yard since April 25.

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). 'Russia Stopped Shelling After…': Jaishankar Recalls How PM Modi's Call To Putin Helped Indians. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar recalled how India got things done for its stranded citizens when the Russia-Ukraine conflict began in 2022. Speaking at a session in New Delhi, Jaishankar said that once students were caught in shelling and the situation was brought under control as soon as PM Narendra Modi dialled Russian President Vladimir Putin. Watch. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

2024-05-09 14:52:51 | 14:52 EST | by | 54 | 0 | 0 | 57 | 0 

2024-05-07: News Headlines

Staff (2024-05-07). Headlines for May 7, 2024. Israel Begins Ground Invasion of Rafah After Hamas Agrees to Ceasefire, Israel Used U.S. Weapons in Lebanon Attack That Killed 7 Health Workers, Students Continue Gaza Solidarity Protests, Defying Arrests, Suspensions, Harvard and MIT Students Defy Deadlines for Ending Protests, Receive Faculty Support, SUNY Purchase Agrees to Student Demands; Columbia Cancels Commencement Ceremony, Gaza Solidarity Encampments Form in Copenhagen, Barcelona; French High Schoolers Join Movement, Belgian Police Arrest 132 Climate Activists During Act of Peaceful Civil Disobedience, Bomb Attacks on IDP Camps In Democratic Republic of…

Editor (2024-05-07). May 7, 2024. Her Mantle So Green — Sinéad O'Connor The beast of ideology lifts the lid on transformation, by Alastair Crooke I am exhausted from Watching the West Self-destruct, by Paul Craig Roberts Patrick Lawrence: Of Journalists, Students & Power Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society, by Ron Unz MoA: Another Zionist Crime — The Psychopathic Destruction Of Rafah When The Unthinkable Becomes Everyday, by Roger Boyd Why the media have failed Gaza, by Jonathan Cook A Longstanding Thought, by Karl Sanchez Israel Violating US and International Law, Ex Officials Say, by C. Echols The…

Habib Badawi, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-07). Student Resistance To Gaza Genocide Spurs Crisis For Democrats. The defiant student protests erupting across American universities over U.S. support for Israel's assault on Gaza represent something far beyond a cyclical wave of campus activism. These scenes symbolize a profound political crisis that has laid bare the fractures within the Democratic Party and its faltering grip on a disaffected younger generation. As the Biden administration persists in providing military aid and diplomatic imprimatur for Israel's bombardment of the densely populated Palestinian territory, the human suffering in Gaza has become a tragic staging ground for global outrage.

WSWS (2024-05-07). UAW delays strike vote against campus crackdown to next week for California grad students, sparking rank-and-file anger. Workers in Los Angeles and across the US must come to the defense of protesting students against the police repression being spearheaded by the Biden administration and prepare to take strike action themselves to end the Gaza genocide.

WSWS (2024-05-07). 54 years since the Kent State massacre—and a warning for today. The article reviews the experience of the Kent State massacre of anti-war college students in 1970, which has enormous relevance for today amid the massive police crackdown on campus protests against the Gaza genocide.

latintimes (2024-05-07). Columbia Axes Graduation Ceremony As US Colleges Counter Gaza Protests. Columbia University, the epicenter of US student protests against the war in Gaza, on Monday cancelled its main graduation ceremony, as colleges seek to contain the demonstrations that have rocked campuses for weeks.

Editor (2024-05-07). Students Demanding Divestment: You're on the Right Side of History. By Marjorie Cohn Note: The following are remarks I delivered on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at the 55-year reunion of the Stanford University antiwar movement, in which I participated. On April 3, 1969, an estimated 700 Stanford students voted to occupy the Applied Electronics Laboratory (AEL), where classified research on electronic warfare was being conducted at …

Ed Rampell (2024-05-07). The Iron Heel of the State at UCLA: Eyewitness Account. "Biden Biden, Whattaya Say? How Many Kids You Kill Today?" This was one of the militant chants of hundreds of students on May 1 at UCLA. I went to the university after covering the May Day rally in Hollywood, arriving around 4: 00 p.m., and this is what I witnessed at the front lines of the class …

infobrics (2024-05-07). India and Russia Are Closer Than They Seem: Indian Vibes in Moscow. Moscow is a multicultural city. It is home to 13 million people, and only about half of them are native Muscovites. The capital attracts residents of smaller Russian cities, as well as immigrants from CIS countries, Middle Asia, Europe, and even India, with its opportunities both for education and career development and for a rich cultural life…

bwitanek (2024-05-07). NJ Senator Bramnick Thinks He Can Force Speech Into Mouths of Students! Jon Bramnick, a NJ state senator who wants to be Governor was on Fox News and they displayed on the screen a list of demands that Bramnick has for the students of NJ. Bramnick is stating that the Rutgers administrators should have forced the students to meet his (Bramnick's) set of demands. Of the 5 demands he has for students, 4 of them are that student's adopt certain political positions and that they make statements — aligning their political beliefs with his. Also he is demanding that the students succumb to loyalty to Israel which is carrying out a mission to wipe Gaza's population from the face of t…

Mnar Adley, MintPress News. (2024-05-07). The Dust Has Settled: The Aftermath Of Iran's Retaliatory Strikes On Israel. In the wake of escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, MintCast brings you an exclusive interview with Seyed Mohammad Marandi, Professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran. Join MintPress as we delve into the unfolding events and gain insights into Iran's perspective. | As the world's attention remains fixated on the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the subsequent global student protests, focus has shifted to the broader implications of Israel's actions, particularly concerning Iran. Recently, Israel's bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Syria, followed by retaliatory drone attacks f…

MEE staff (2024-05-07). British students launch Gaza sit-ins at Balfour's old universities. British students launch Gaza sit-ins at Balfour's old universities | Author of the 1917 Balfour Declaration was chancellor of Edinburgh and Cambridge, where protests have sprung up against Israel's war on Gaza | | Students set up an encampment at Old College at Edinburgh University (Supplied) | Studen…

Johns Hopkins Justice Collective, Popular Resistance. (2024-05-07). Johns Hopkins Justice Collective Update On Negotiations With University. Baltimore, MD – Over the past few days, the University has sent emails to the JHU student body and faculty attempting to paint the encampment as unwilling to enter negotiations. This framing by the University is incredibly dishonest: an hours long, closed-door meeting is not the only way to negotiate. | Since the beginning of the encampment, we have repeatedly asked that the University send us negotiation offers by email, which they have consistently refused to do. To say we refuse to negotiate until Tuesday is plainly untrue. Our request to begin via email is for a variety of reasons.

Julie Hollar, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2024-05-07). CNN Paints Peace Protests As Hate Rallies As They Are Suppressed. As peace activists occupied common spaces on campuses across the country, some in corporate media very clearly took sides, portraying student protesters as violent, hateful and/or stupid. CNN offered some of the most striking of these characterizations.

José Luis Granados Ceja (2024-05-07). University Students in Mexico Launch Gaza Solidarity Encampment, Call for BDS. Adorning the exterior walls of the National Autonomous University of Mexico's (UNAM) Rectory Tower are three murals by famed Mexican artist David Alfaro Siqueiros, each with an explicit political message. The mural on the north-facing wall, called Dates in Mexican History or the Right for Culture, features two intertwined arms reaching out toward an open book with five years painted inside… |

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-07). Fashion in da' House parade at Cuba's Fine Arts Museum. Havana, May 7 (Prensa Latina) As part of the Month of Europe in Cuba, Fashion in da' House, a parade organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the European Union (EU), will be take place at the National Museum of Fine Arts in this capital on Tuesday.

Angela (2024-05-07). Monday 5/6: Virtual Training: How community can protect student Gaza solidarity encampments. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ohlone SJP (2024-05-07). Thursday 5/9: Ohlone College Walk Out. Ohlone Way (near the Student Store), Ohlone College, Fremont…

Alex Darocy (2024-05-07). Carpenters Union Opposes Contractor Bidding on UC Santa Cruz Housing Project. On May 3, members of Carpenters Union Local 505 distributed information at the base of the UC Santa Cruz campus about W.E. O'Neil Construction Co., which is bidding on the 17-acre Family Student Housing development proposal slated for the East Meadow. The union is currently appealing UC Santa Cruz's refusal to disqualify W.E. O'Neil for the construction project, claiming the company falsified the bid. "W.E. O'Neil attempted to hide the fact that a worker was killed by electrocution on a recent Los Angeles project through failed safety practices," said Doug Chesshire of Carpenters Union Local 505 in an April press…

Phil Pasquini (2024-05-07). GW President Calls for End to Protest; Students Vow to Continue. Student protest leaders at George Washington University (GW) held an afternoon news conference today in the aftermath of an email letter sent out yesterday to the GW community from President Ellen M. Granberg regarding the ongoing campus encampment for Gaza protest.

Occupy 4 Palestine (2024-05-07). Students at UC Davis Launch Gaza Solidarity Encampment. On May 6, students at UC Davis launched an encampment on campus in solidarity with the people of Gaza. Students have issued a set of demands, and are requesting support at the encampment.

Angela (2024-05-07). Wednesday 5/8: Virtual Teach-In about Palestine. Zoom | http: //…

Sit-In Report May 3 through 5 (2024-05-07). Interloper at Stanford Encampment Assaults Students Gets Arrested. On May 3, a belligerent person interrupted a solemn vigil at Stanford University's pro-Palestine encampment. He verbally and and physically assaulted student demonstrators, leading to his arrest by Stanford police.

noreply (2024-05-07). This Is Rich. LOL))). Ah yes, this media whore explains to other media whore–uneducated, corrupted and, in case of Amanpour married to some State Department Mossad asset–about "independent" journalists. Amanpour is a war criminal, as is this NYC schlimazel Leibowitz aka Jon Stewart who was relevant in times of pushing Obama to the White House. Both are classic American "elite" representatives–one is a good ol' Jewish boy from NYC, another is an affirmative action Iranian-born dumb-ass with degree in "journalism" from some vocational school for retards in Rhode Island, a euphemism for having no education at all, which qualifies one…

Ralph Nader (2024-05-07). The Summer of Student Activist Protests. At many college campuses, students are protesting in opposition to the Biden Administration's unconditional backing, with weapons and diplomatic cover, of Netanyahu's continuing serial war crimes slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, most of them children and women. Hundreds of faculty members are defending these valiant youngsters and criticizing excessively harsh crackdowns

Michael Schwalbe (2024-05-07). University Leaders are Teaching Us How Holocausts Happen. Most people, reasonably fearing arrest and its potential consequences, are then less likely to protest, less likely even to speak out. They look away from the violence, foreign and domestic, carried out by their government. They avoid asking how universities, supposedly society's institutional stewards of humane values, might be complicit in the violence. Later, after many innocents have been murdered, they will claim ignorance about what was going on.

Staff (2024-05-07). "Stop Weaponizing Antisemitism": Police "Body-Slam" Jewish Dartmouth Prof. at Campus Gaza Protest. Gaza solidarity protests continue at college campuses across the nation — as does the police crackdown. This comes as more than 50 chapters of the American Association of University Professors have issued a statement condemning the violent arrests by police at campus protests. At Dartmouth College last week, police body-slammed professor and former chair of Jewish studies Annelise Orleck to the ground as she tried to protect her students. She was charged with criminal trespass and temporarily banned from portions of Dartmouth's campus. She joins us to describe her ordeal and respond to claims conflati…

MEE staff (2024-05-07). UK: NUS reaches 'substantial' settlement with former president Shaima Dallali. UK: NUS reaches 'substantial' settlement with former president Shaima Dallali | The UK's national student body conceded that holding pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist views are protected, and that Dallali was entitled to hold those beliefs | | Dallali has maintained she was targeted as a result of her…

Global Research News (2024-05-07). Selected Articles: Madkind vs. Mankind. A Race Against Time. Madkind's Digitalization, A.I. Momentum, Economic Chaos and More… By 'The Great Reset' is the appropriately named most recent clock setting event initiated by Madkind. It has placed …

nosihle (2024-05-07). SA's tourism sector continues on a positive trajectory. SA's tourism sector continues on a positive trajectory | South Africa's tourism sector continues to grow and attract international arrivals from all over the world. | According to the latest official release of international arrival figures by Statistics South Africa for January to March 2024, the country totalled 2.4 million, representing a remarkable 15.4% increase when compared with the same period in 2023. | Minister of Tourism Patricia de Lille has welcomed the increase in international travellers as it is a significant contributor to the economy and job creation. | "We are determined to continue with this m…

Victor Grossman (2024-05-07). No books burned this time in Berlin despite ominous parallels. BERLIN — It was May10 in Germany's terrible year, 1933. Hitler had been in power for hardly three months, when students and staff emptied the university libraries of forbidden books and threw them, an estimated 20,000 books by over a hundred authors, into the flames of a giant bonfire. Most authors were German — Jewish, … (2024-05-07). Iran's Navy to Dispatch Research Team to Antarctic. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Navy will deploy a team of researchers to the Antarctic, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said. (2024-05-06). University strengthens cultural bonds with French schools. Students and members of the public in the French cities of Paris and Lyon recently got the opportunity to take part in a series of traditional Chinese cultural and sports events hosted by East China Normal University.

The Independent (2024-05-07). UBOS trains 500 UPDF soldiers for upcoming census. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has trained 500 Uganda Peoples' Defence Forces (UPDF) soldiers to participate in the enumeration process in the forthcoming National Housing and Population Census. These soldiers have completed a nine-day training program at Gaddaffi Barracks in Jinja district to serve as supervisors and enumerators for … (2024-05-07). Peng Liyuan visits UNESCO headquarters, meets agency chief. Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, visited the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) headquarters on Monday morning in Paris on invitation.

GABIK (2024-05-07). Programme to bridge gap between research, public policymaking. Programme to bridge gap between research, public policymaking | In a move aimed to enhance collaboration between academia and government, the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) have launched the pilot phase of its DSI-NRF Policy Placement Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme. | This initiative is designed to bridge the gap between research and public policymaking, thus addressing societal challenges through evidence-based approaches. | NRF Business Advancement Group Executive, Dr Thandi Mgwebi, said the pilot phase will focus on postdoctoral research fellows and e…

Victor Grossman (2024-05-07). No books burned this time in Berlin despite ominous parallels. BERLIN — It was May10 in Germany's terrible year, 1933. Hitler had been in power for hardly three months, when students and staff emptied the university libraries of forbidden books and threw them, an estimated 20,000 books by over a hundred authors, into the flames of a giant bonfire. Most authors were German — Jewish, …

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2024-05-07). A Polà¥nia encoraja a militarizaàßà£o da UE. No meio da paranóia anti-Rússia na Europa, alguns líderes querem que a UE se militarize. Recentemente, uma autoridade polaca sugeriu a criaàßà£o de uma "brigada" para a Europa, capaz de responder rapidamente em situaàßàµes de risco militar. Considerando o elevado … (2024-05-07). Police raid pro-Palestinian camp at Amsterdam university, arrest 125 students. Dutch police violently break up a pro-Palestinian demonstration camp at the University of Amsterdam, arresting 125 students. (2024-05-07). Inspired by demos in US, students in Lebanon protest for Gaza. They were inspired by similar demonstrations taking American and European campuses by storm. (2024-05-07). Thousands attend pro-Palestinian protest in Bangladesh. Thousands of Bangladeshi students march in Dhaka in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and with pro-Palestinian student protests around the world.

Janine (2024-05-06). Government activities for the week 06 – 10 May 2024. Government activities for the week 06 – 10 May 2024 | On Monday, 06 May, the Provincial Minister of Infrastructure Tertius Simmers together with the Executive Mayor will hand over 600 title deeds in the Overstrand Municipality. | On Tuesday, 07 May, President Cyril Ramaphosa will officially open a new, purpose-built Department of Home Affairs office in Mokopane, Limpopo, and unveil 100 new mobile offices that will extend the reach of the department's services, especially in remote areas. | Also on Tuesday, 07 May, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Professor Blade Nzimande, will launch the 4IR…

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