Monthly Archives: August 2024

2024-08-30: News Headlines

Ana Vraƒçar (2024-08-30). Violence and low salaries drive Serbian teachers to protest at the beginning of new school year. Education workers in Serbia are planning industrial action as the new school year begins, driven by widespread violence and unresolved income disputes…

Daniel Falcone (2024-08-30). Bangladesh Confidential: Notes on the 2024 Quota Reform Movement and July Revolution. Introduction As recent as August 2024, a culmination of social, political, and economic challenges has caused turmoil in Bangladesh. In this article, exclusive for Counterpunch, Daniel Falcone shares insights and commentary gathered from scholars, researchers and activists in the country (that wish to remain private). They provided a summary of several important issues currently impacting (2024-08-30). China releases first lunar science multimodal large language model. China's Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Alibaba Cloud, released world's first "Lunar science multimodal large language model" on Thursday.

Evan Jones (2024-08-30). October 7 Has a Prehistory. In belatedly disposing of teaching materials long after retiring, I came across a cutting from the Guardian Weekly (that convenient pre-internet medium for far-flung colonials, comprising articles from the UK Guardian, the Le Monde and the Washington Post). The cutting was a review of David Montgomery's The Fall of the House of Labor; the issue, 22 May 1988. But wait, there's something on

Lior Dattel (2024-08-29). Israeli high school union announces strike amid disputes with Finance Ministry. Israel's Secondary School Teachers Association said that the Finance Ministry is 'trying at all costs to break organized labor, privatize the education system and sign teachers to personal contracts, thus turning them into contracted employees'…

Katy Habr, Labor Notes. (2024-08-29). Bridging Political Divides Through Solidarity. How should unions engage with members drawn to right-wing, anti-worker politics and candidates? One union trying to tackle this disconnect is the Communications Workers (CWA). | Steve Lawton, former president of CWA Local 1102 in New York (now merged with Local 1101), has been heavily involved with political education through his work as a local leader and in the District 1 political department. | In this interview he discusses organizing in a union with many Trump-supporting members, how to talk with members about immigration, and strategies for organizing and building solidarity across political divides.

Ahmed Adel (2024-08-29). US and UK Actively Helped Ukraine to Attack Kursk Region. According to The New York Times, Washington and London collaborated with the Ukrainians in the invasion of Kursk, allowing for better execution of border operations, while American officials have expressed their skepticism that Ukraine will be able to hold …

Julia Conley (2024-08-29). US Leads World in Subsidies for Ineffective Tech Fixes for Climate Crisis. Among the world's wealthiest countries, the U.S. leads the way in spending public money on so-called climate "solutions" that have been proven to "consistently fail, overspend, or underperform," according to an analysis released Thursday by the research and advocacy group Oil Change International. The group's report, titled Funding Failure, focuses on international spending on carbon capture… |

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2024-08-29: News Headlines

noemail (2024-08-29). U.S. Partners with Pacific Islands to Combat Drug Trafficking. The United States is collaborating with Pacific Island nations to tackle the escalating issue of drug trafficking by Chinese criminal networks, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell announced Thursday.

Tareq Saghie, Labor Notes. (2024-08-29). Worker Coops Bring Undocumented Workers Into The Labor Movement. How can immigrants without work authorization avoid being hyper-exploited, and instead find work where they have some autonomy and collective power to raise standards? A movement that has been incubating in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, might offer some answers. | Sunset Park boasts one of the highest concentrations of worker cooperatives in the United States. | This business model, brought to the neighborhood by the Center for Family Life, guarantees all members standard and legal wages, a voice in their company's governance, and control over their schedules. Since members are business owners, not employees, they also…

aljazeera (2024-08-29). Ahead of key interview, five questions Kamala Harris hasn't answered yet. From the Gaza war to immigration to inflation, Harris is yet to spell out how she will accomplish her agenda.

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