Bolsonaro Fund Cuts Force Scientists to Migrate Brazil for Work | 2019-05-14
Brazilan scientists and students are being forced to leave the country in search of funding to finish their current research and studies fearing major cuts to the public higher education system announced last week by far-right President Jair Bolsonaro. | RELATED: | 'Brazil Needs More Education, Not More Guns', Lula Warns | "Scientists are no longer leaving the country by choice but because it is the only chance to continue doing their job. Brazil does not regard education and science as…
Monsanto Ordered to Pay Record $2 Billion After Jury Finds Roundup Caused Cancer
Jake Johnson | | 2019-05-14
(CD) — A California jury ruled Monday that Monsanto must pay a record $2 billion in damages to a couple that was diagnosed with cancer after using the company's weedkiller Roundup. "We were finally allowed to show a jury the mountain of evidence showing Monsanto's manipulation of science, the media, and regulatory agencies to forward their own agenda ……
A socialist program needed to halt assault on university students and staff | 2019-05-14
The Socialist Equality Party is alone in calling for a vast redistribution of wealth to secure the basic social right to free, high-quality public education at all levels.…
The teachers' revolt and the fight for social equality | 2019-05-14
Three years ago, Detroit teachers were the first to organize sickouts and protests that exposed the crisis of public education to a national and international audience.…
Workers Struggles: The Americas | 2019-05-14
Public university professors and students will strike later this week over cuts by the government of Jair Bolsonaro while educators, petroleum workers and judicial workers in Argentina have set dates for stoppages.…
Students in Berlin support this Saturday's rally to defend Julian Assange | 2019-05-14
SEP and IYSSE campaigners have distributed thousands of leaflets and put up hundreds of posters in workplaces, universities, and shopping centres to promote the "Freedom for Julian Assange" rally in Berlin.…
The Deal of the Century: Trump Team and Netanyahu Conspire to Sell out the Palestinians
Philip Giraldi | | 2019-05-14
In the aftermaths of both the First and Second World Wars national borders were readjusted to suit the victors and entirely new countries were created from the ruins of the empires that had collapsed as a result of the conflict. …
Maximum Pressure in the Strait of Hormuz: The US-Iran Standoff
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-05-14
Hegemons are never going to sound too sensible when they lock horns or joust in spats of childish anger. Power corrupts, not merely in terms of perspective but language, and making sense about the next move, the next statement, is …
Nigeria's Humanitarian Crisis
Asad Ismi | | 2019-05-14
On February 27, Nigerian voters re-elected President Muhammadu Buhari, leader of the All Progressives Congress party (APC), in a poll marred by large-scale violence, accusations of vote-rigging, last-minute delays and military inter- vention. When Buhari was first elected in 2015, | …
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Crucial to the Convergence of Civilizations?
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-05-14
The Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC) opens in Beijing on Wednesday and will be graced by a keynote speech from President Xi about the importance of civilizational harmony. China envisages a community of shared destiny where the …
Is Canada's Minister of Defence an Arms Pusher?
Yves Engler | | 2019-05-14
Would it surprise you to learn that Canada's minister of defence is an arms pusher? | Last Friday members of Mouvement Québécois pour la Paix interrupted a $135-a-plate luncheon to confront defence minister Harjit Sajjan. At an event sponsored by …
The US/NATO Planetary War System
Comitato No Nato | | 2019-05-14
The Following text is Section 15 of 16 | The 70 Years of NATO: From War to War, : | by the Italian Committee No War No NATO | * | Documentation presented at the International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, Florence, April …
The NY Times Invokes Russia & Conspiracy Theories in Attempt to Stifle 5G Opposition
Americans For Responsible Technology | | 2019-05-14
On the eve of the May 15th 5G Day of Action, the first national campaign to push back against the unchecked deployment of 5G-ready small cell infrastructure, the New York Times has published a shameful and wildly inaccurate hit …
The Media's Handling of Bolton's Iran Threats, Recalls the Run-Up to the Iraq War
Ben Armbruster | | 2019-05-14
Media-savvy U.S. government officials, political operatives, and lawmakers and their staffs from all political parties and ideological persuasions have no doubt, throughout the history of our great country, duped a fair-minded but unwitting reporter into writing a juicy story in …
Cleaning Out the Nutters: Paul Keating, China and Australia's Security Establishment
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-05-14
Inimitable to a fault, former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating had been fairly quiet on his party's policies till an impromptu press intervention last week. Catching two journalists of the ABC off-guard, Keating took little time to land a few …
British Government Forced to Delete Millions of Illegal Citizen Biometric Voiceprints
True Publica | | 2019-05-14
Last year, TruePublica published an article about how the British government were now going 'full Orwellian' in their attempt to build a national biometric database. The opening line to the article was — "We said that the government would …
We Take to the Streets of Tel Aviv to Demand an End to the Siege on Gaza
Gush Shalom | | 2019-05-14
Today Tuesday, 14 May, marking one year after 64 protestors were shot dead during the Great March of Return Protests in Gaza, we will take to the streets to demand an end to the siege on Gaza and a better …
The Propaganda Multiplier: How Global News Agencies and Western Media Report on Geopolitics
Swiss Propaganda Research | | 2019-05-14
This study was originally published in 2016. | Introduction: "Something strange" | "How does the newspaper know what it knows?" The answer to this question is likely to surprise some newspaper readers: "The main source of information is stories from news agencies. …
Selected Articles: The American Police State
Global Research News | | 2019-05-14
Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed "volunteers" among our more than 52,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). | Do not send us money. Under Plan A…
NATO Doctrine of "Nuclear Sharing" Putting Europe and the World at Grave Risk
Shane Quinn | | 2019-05-14
Among European populations, it is little known that there are today scores of US nuclear weapons still stationed on the continent. Much of the reason for this broad lack of awareness regarding the sinister presence of nuclear bombs, is that …
Cuba's Earthy Traditions, and Jean Vanier
Prof Susan Babbitt | | 2019-05-14
Jean Vanier, dead last week, was philanthropist and Christian, founder of L'Arche, a remarkable organization for developmentally disabled. Vanier was also a philosopher who left Academia for society's vulnerable. I used his Becoming Human, in class after philosophy class, …
Serbia and NATO's Shameful Legacy
Živadin Jovanović | | 2019-05-14
An interview with ≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá, distinguished author and former Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1998-2000), President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals | Maurizio Vezzosi: Remembering the 1999's bombing over Belgrade, some days ago Serbian …
Why 'Anti-imperialist' in the U.S. Still Means 'Paid for by Russia'
Black Alliance for Peace | | 2019-05-14
We would think the U.S. state would be embarrassed. | All three of Venezuelan neo-fascist Juan Guaido's coup attempts have failed. Donald Trump appears to be raising questions regarding the effectiveness of National Security Advisor John Bolton's pro-coup strategies …
Face to Face with the Truth. The War against Syria and its People
Mark Taliano | | 2019-05-14
Everybody who has been paying attention knows that the war on Syria is not a civil war, that it was and is externally-orchestrated, perpetrated, and sustained, and that the on-going catastrophe was avoidable. | The U.S Empire and its NATO accomplices, …
Tel Aviv Is Afraid of "The Axis of Resistance"
Prof. Tim Anderson | | 2019-05-14
The Australian political economist and author Professor, Tim Anderson, has emphasized that the Zionist entity is afraid of the unrelenting Palestinian resistance, of Syria's looming victory and of an enhanced Axis of Resistance facing the occupied parts of Lebanon …
The Disintegrated Mind: The Greatest Threat to Human Survival on Earth
Robert J. Burrowes | | 2019-05-14
Like many people who have struggled to understand why human beings are driving the sixth mass extinction event in Earth's history, which now threatens imminent human extinction as well, over many decades I have explored the research and efforts of …
Putin Just Pulled a Bush on "Missile Defense Shield". Russia's Dominance in Hypersonic Missiles
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-05-14
Despite almost two decades of criticizing the Bush-era missile defense shield plans for threatening to disrupt the sensitive strategic balance between the US and Russia, Putin now wants his country to be the world leader in hypersonic missile defense technology …
Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Traffic Stops in the American Police State
John W. Whitehead | | 2019-05-14
The Nation. The framers would be appalled."–Herman Schwartz, "The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between us and arbitrary governmental authority. For all practical purposes, that shield has been shattered, leaving our liberty and personal integrity subject to …
US Special Forces Command Issues New Guide for Overthrowing Foreign Governments
Zero Hedge | | 2019-05-14
No kidding — this is not our headline, but Newsweek's: "US Special Forces School Publishes New Guide For Overthrowing Foreign Governments" — and as far as we can tell they are the only major mainstream outlet to have picked …
Guaido Requests US Military 'Cooperation' to Oust Maduro as US Vessel Violates Venezuelan Waters
Paul Dobson | | 2019-05-14
Self-declared "Interim President" Juan Guaido has ordered the setting up of a meeting with the US Armed Forces to discuss "cooperation" in his efforts to oust President Nicolas Maduro. | During a gathering of supporters in the upper middle class …
Trump Intent on Erasing Palestine
Elson Concepción Pérez | | 2019-05-14
U.S. President Donald Trump has come up with what he calls the "Deal of the Century," the sole purpose of which is to finally remove Palestine from the world stage and put an end to the existence of the state….
Brazil Court Gives Green Light in President's Son Graft Probe | 2019-05-13
A Brazilian court will allow investigators to examine the banking records of President Jair Bolsonaro's senator son and his former driver in a money-laundering investigation, two sources with knowledge of the situation told Reuters on Monday. | RELATED: | 'Brazil Needs More Education, Not More Guns', Lula Warns | The office of Senator Flavio Bolsonaro confirmed that a court in a sealed ruling would allow police to examine the banking records of the lawmaker, along with those of his wife.
Following SPLC lawsuit, judge grants New Orleans students the chance to walk on graduation day | 2019-05-13
A state court in Louisiana issued an injunction today that allowed six high school seniors to participate in graduation ceremonies at their New Orleans charter school after they were banned from doing so following a minor senior prank last month.
Princeton Students Are Sitting In for Title IX Reform
Jimin Kang | | 2019-05-13
Princeton Students Are Sitting In for Title IX Reform…
Regents ignore student and faculty protests, select far-right Kennedy as CU President
Jonathan Flowers | | 2019-05-11
Sexist, anti-gay former Congressman Mark Kennedy appointed head of University of Colorado.
House Funding Bill Shows How Far We've Come in the Fight for Reproductive Freedom–And How Far We Have to Go | 2019-05-10
A key bill makes important strides for reproductive health, and shows why we need presidential candidates to show leadership on abortion coverage. | This week the House Appropriations Committee advanced the Labor, Health, and Human Services appropriations bill, the annual bill that funds federal health and education programs. It makes important strides forward on reproductive health and rights–and it also shines a light on the need for presidential leadership on abortion coverage…
Weekend Read: Brown v. Board of Education and modern-day segregation | 2019-05-10
Friday marks the 65th anniversary of the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the unanimous ruling that outlawed racial segregation in public schools as a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
Paradise islands of Pacific increasingly vulnerable to climate change, as UN boosts resilience
United Nations | | 2019-05-10
A seeming paradise, life on the Pacific islands is threatened by climate change and extreme weather, frustrated by remoteness and a lack of educational and economic opportunities. Secretary-General António Guterres begins a visit to the region this weekend, where he will speak to people living on some of the islands and see for himself how the UN is helping to mitigate some of the biggest issues.
Greens, preferences and radical social change
pip.hinman | | 2019-05-10
This federal election is taking place at a time when the need for radical social and economic change is palpable: the escalating climate crisis and rampant and growing inequality are two major symptoms of the bankruptcy of capitalism. | The school climate strike movement is one manifestation of the desire for meaningful change. And there are many others too. | But while radical change is needed, those who campaign for it are still too often derided as extremist or idealist (with the exception of the students who the powers-that-be hope will "grow up" and embrace pragmatism). | There is a strong desire to get rid…
What's in the recent jobs report — and what's not
Deirdre Griswold | | 2019-05-10
Much is being said in the capitalist media about the monthly jobs report for April issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to the BLS, Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 263,000 in April, and the unemployment rate declined to 3.6 percent." This is being reported as good news . . . | Continue reading What's in the recent jobs report — and what's not at…
The Mueller Report Isn't The Only Thing That William Barr Is Hiding | 2019-05-10
Barr's attempt to block a report detailing how often the government seeks to spy on Twitter's users is inappropriate and dangerous. | Attorney General William Barr recently invoked a powerful, rarely used privilege to withhold information from the public, marking a dramatic turn of events in a battle over the release of a highly contested report. | Only this time, we're talking about a report that would provide much-needed information on the government's spying activities. | For the past five years, Twitter has been trying to make public a transparency report with detailed statistics about how often the U.S. gove…
Florida Charter Schools
Shawgi Tell | | 2019-05-10
Under the veil of high ideals, nonprofit and for-profit charter schools across the nation have long been violating the public interest in a variety of ways. One of the most destructive ways is the non-stop siphoning of unthinkable sums of public funds from public schools–schools that are often chronically-underfunded, over-tested, constantly-shamed, and increasingly militarized and …
Shocking UN Report Warns up to a Million Species are at Risk of Extinction Due to Human Activity
Democracy Now! | | 2019-05-09
An alarming new report by a panel of leading scientists warns that human activity is causing the disappearance and deterioration of wildlife at a rate that could represent an existential threat to humanity within our lifetimes. The United Nations' Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services released its conclusions earlier this week, and found that one million plant and animal species could go extinct in the foreseeable future unless current trends are reversed. The study estimates the global extinction rate is "already at least tens to hundreds of times higher than it average……
Chicago Teachers Union signs tentative agreement with charter operator Instituto
Fight Back | | 2019-05-09
Chicago, IL — Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members at charter schools are reforming the industry one charter operator at a time and that campaign won better working conditions for educators and better learning conditions for students at two charter schools run by Instituto del Progresso Latino. Teachers and support staff from two schools, Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy and Instituto Justice Leadership Academy, had been on strike against the charter operator since the end of the day on May 1. The tentative agreement was finalized just before 11 p.m. on May 6. | Strikers won decreases in class sizes……
Charter Schools Have a Big Problem, and Rebranding Won't Help
Peter Greene | | 2019-05-09
Charters promised all sorts of miraculous educational achievements at low, low prices. But those achievements haven't appeared. More people are understanding that what we're really talking about is the privatization of our public school system.
Jacksonville celebrates May Day
Fight Back | | 2019-05-09
Jacksonville, FL — About 35 people gathered on May 1 to celebrate International Workers' Day in Jacksonville. The rally was held in front of the Duval County Courthouse. Members of several local trade unions were present, including Letter Carriers, Teamsters, SEIU, Teachers, and IATSE. Other local activist groups included the Community Action Committee, Students for a Democratic Society, Progressive Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Network, the Northside Coalition, and the local Democratic Black Caucus. | The rally was united under the theme of building alliances between different groups and organizations. A……
From May Day to Teacher Appreciation Week, educators fight for public ed
Nathalie Hrizi | | 2019-05-09
Teachers in Oregon walk out, closing 600 schools to demand services and smaller class sizes for their students.
Trump's China Tariffs: A Misplaced Strategy for the US Economy
Staff | | 2019-05-09
Instead of imposing additional tariffs, which will hurt the Chinese and U.S. economies, the U.S. should have its own research and development strategy, says Richard Vague, author of The Next Economic Disaster…
Remembering the Woman Who Renovated the House that RBG Built | 2019-05-08
Lenora Lapidus led the ACLU's Women's Right Project for nearly two decades. She died on Sunday, May 5. | On the 50th anniversary of Selma's Bloody Sunday, one of the darkest stains in our nation's civil rights history, President Obama spoke with hope and confidence about Americans who were "unencumbered by what is, because you're ready to seize what ought to be." Lenora Lapidus lived her life by this principle. | Public servants come in many forms. They're elected officials, politicians, activists, lawyers, organizers, students, ordinary citizens, and steadfast patriots. Our beloved Lenora represen…
John Hopkins University Occupation Ends with Heavy Police Presence and Seven Arrests
Staff | | 2019-05-08
After a month-long sit in, Baltimore students and residents protesting private police and ICE's ended their occupation. Republished from the Baltimore Beat…