Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa | 2019-05-24
Dockworkers in Italy and France have refused to handle cargo they say was intended to aid Saudi Arabian war efforts in Yemen while strikes and protests by miners and teachers continue in South Africa.…
Chicago teachers speak on inequality, attacks on public education at downtown rally | 2019-05-24
Teachers at a rally in downtown Chicago Wednesday described the deplorable conditions facing them and their students.…
Thousands Of California Teachers Rally in Sacramento For Funding & To "Reform Charters"
Labor Video Project | | 2019-05-24
Thousands of teachers, parents and supporters of public education rallied in Sacramento on May 22, 2019. The CTA called for reforming the charters and more funding for public education. Teachers talked about their conditions and the effect of charters and privatization of education.
Senators Release Plan to Lower Health Costs, End Surprise Bills
Staff | | 2019-05-24
In a year already marked by a wide variety of congressional health care legislation, Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.), the chair and ranking Democrat of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, on Thursday released the details of a plan they hope can help bring down health costs and eliminate surprise medical bills for patients. | "These are common sense steps we can take, and every single one of them has the objective of reducing the health care costs that you pay for out of your own pocket," Alexander said in a statement. "We hope to move it through the health committee…
Oxford University student calls for defence of Julian Assange | 2019-05-24
The following letter was received from a student at Oxford University who attended the May 12 public meeting in London convened by the SEP, in defence of jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning.…
'Save Our Planet, Save Our Future': Youth Demand Action With Massive Climate Strikes Worldwide
Andrea Germanos, staff writer | | 2019-05-24…
As a GMO Stunt, Professor Tasted a Pesticide and Gave It to Students
Jonathan Latham | | 2019-05-24
Imagine you are an undergraduate attending an Ivy League university. You go to a routine department seminar. In the middle of his presentation the professor picks up a container from the lectern. He says it contains a pesticide. As he opens it, a faint cloud of brown powder rises from the tub. It is, says…
National Abortion Federation Releases 2018 Violence & Disruption Statistics | 2019-05-24
The truth IS out there! Pentagon admits it conducted 'UFO' investigations | 2019-05-24
The Pentagon has finally admitted it had "researched and investigated" UFOs — or UAPs, as it calls them — and may have even dropped hints about ongoing extraterrestrial operations. | …
Turkish Weapons to Libya's Government of National Unity (PNU): Key Obstruction for Haftar's Offensive on Tripoli
Firas Samuri | | 2019-05-24
While the offensive of the Libyan National Army (LNA) under the command of Field Marshal Halifa Haftar in Tripoli against the armed groups controlled by the Government of National Unity (PNU) is well underway, more and more international and regional …
The 2020 Election Sweepstakes Begin. Let's Keep Israel and the Phony Claims of Anti-Semitism Out of It
Philip Giraldi | | 2019-05-24
The more than twenty Democrats who are seeking to become their party's presidential candidate in 2020 have been more than a little reticent about the foreign policy of the United States. There has been some muttering from the more progressive …
Spurious US 18-Count Indictment of Julian Assange: A Mockery of Justice
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-05-24
It was just a matter of time before the Trump regime piled on more spurious charges against Assange, clearly prepared long before Thursday's release. | They're on top of falsely accusing him of "conspiracy to commit computer intrusion," according to an …
Trump Regime Targeting of Venezuela's Food Distribution Program. Starve Venezuelans into Submission?
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-05-24
President Nicolas Maduro initiated Local Provision and Production Committees (CLAPs) in early 2016. | The program distributes subsidized food to around six million Venezuelan families, around two-thirds of the population, part of the nation's participatory social democracy. | From inception with Obama …
Peace with Iran Is a Good Thing
Renee Parsons | | 2019-05-24
After weeks of drama with Iranian 'threats' and having conducted classified briefings with Congress on Tuesday, acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo by his side, informed a press briefing that | "there will be | …
Iran's Relations with India and Pakistan. Couldn't Be More Different
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-05-24
Iran is becoming increasingly desperate after the US intensified the economic component of its Hybrid War on the country, and while Indian Prime Minister Modi snubbed the Islamic Republic's top diplomat during his visit to the country earlier this month …
The Espionage Act and Julian Assange: The US Justice Department Expands Its Case
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-05-24
It seemed flimsy from the start, but the US Department of Justice is keen to get their man. What has certainly transpired of late is that Mike Pompeo was being unusually faithful to the truth when director of the CIA: …
As Millions March to Demand Climate Action, Research Reveals Protests Make People More Optimistic About Affecting Change
Julia Conley, staff writer | | 2019-05-24
As an estimated 1.8 million people in 125 countries took part in a global climate strike Friday, researchers delivered good news about such protests: they work. |……
Most Popular Articles This Week
Global Research News | | 2019-05-24
'Without Putin, Syria Would Have Ceased to Exist': Interview with Flemish Priest Living in Syria
Fr Daniel Maes | | 2019-05-24
The text of this interview was published by Global Research on June 15, 2017 | According to the Flemish Father Daniel Maes, who has lived in Syria since 2010, the coverage of the Syrian war is based on lies. President …
Video: Daniel Ellsberg on Julian Assange's Espionage Charges
Daniel Ellsberg | | 2019-05-24
The US Department of Justice issued an 18-count indictment against Julian Assange for violating the 1917 Espionage Act. We speak to Daniel Ellsberg about the dangerous implications this move has for journalism in the United States | *** | SHARMINI PERIES: It's …
Israel: "Wiped off The Map". The Rumor of the Century, Fabricated by the US Media to Justify An All out War on Iran
Arash Norouzi | | 2019-05-24
Global Research Editor's Note | The following text by Arash Norouzi first published by the Mossadegh Project and Global Research in January 2007 confirms that the alleged "Wiped Off the Map" statement by Iran's president was never made. | In the light …
Life or Death — Corporate Media or Honest Media?
Media Lens | | 2019-05-24
Relying on the corporate media, including BBC News, to provide a reliable account of the world is literally a matter of life or death, on many levels. | Imagine, for example, a Russian dissident living in the UK who had published …
Assange Faces 175 Years in Prison with 17 More Charges
Countercurrents | | 2019-05-24
The U.S. justice department has filed 17 new charges against Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange. In reaction, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeted: It's a war on journalism. Journalists have reacted: "Modern fascism is breaking cover". | The new charges expand the …
The Geography of War: No Iraq…? No Iran!
Brett Redmayne-Titley | | 2019-05-24
As Iraq/ Iran economic ties continue to strengthen, with Iraq recently signing on for billions of cubic meters of Iranian natural gas, the shift towards Russian influence was certified as Iraq sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the S-400 anti-aircraft system.
India's Strategic Alliance with U.S.: Towards an Anti-Russian Military Pivot
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-05-24
India's much-touted and over-hyped policy of "multi-alignment" is seeming more and more like a cover for unconvincingly disguising the country's strategic alliance the US, especially after its Ambassador to America strongly hinted that Modi will undertake an anti-Russian military pivot …
Paul Bremer's Legacy in Iraq Is Being Expanded Across the Arab World
Dr. Mustafa Fetouri | | 2019-05-24
Today marks 16 years since Paul Bremer, the former American diplomat, made history three times in the space of one month. First he was appointed head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), the administration that ran Iraq after it …
Brazil: More than 1 million take to the streets
pip.hinman | | 2019-05-23
A nationwide education strike on May 15 became the platform for the biggest anti-government protests since President Jair Bolsonaro took power. | More than 1 million people demonstrated, some estimating up to 2 million. Protests brought together unions, academics, teachers, students, campaign groups, political parties and other diverse factions — the birth of a movement, and the strongest display of left unity in Brazil in decades, on a scale that took many by surprise. | This is a battle for the country's future: it is the beginning of the fightback against Bolsonaro's war on education — a needless w…
New Haven teachers strike enters fourth day | 2019-05-23
To carry their struggle forward, New Haven teachers must break free from the pro-Democratic Party teachers' unions, which are preparing to sell them out in the same manner as in Los Angeles, Oakland and Sacramento.…
SPLC sues Alabama school board for unfairly blocking two high school seniors from their graduation | 2019-05-23
Two black Alabama high school seniors were unfairly suspended and barred from their graduation ceremony following an incident involving law enforcement, students and parents, according to two separate complaints the SPLC filed this week.
Britain: The Database State. Intrusive Surveillance
True Publica | | 2019-05-23
Britain is a surveillance state, the worst in the democratic West. In a short period of time, it has amassed a rather sordid history of citizen surveillance — and it continues to be unlawful. Last September's damning judgement of British …
EPA will not commit to funding research on health risks to children
Ellen Knickmeyer | | 2019-05-23
WASHINGTON (AP) — Long-running research projects credited with pivotal discoveries about the harm that pesticides, air pollution, and other hazards pose to children are in jeopardy or shutting down because the Environmental Protection Agency will not commit to their continued funding, researchers say. The projects being targeted make up a more than $300 million, federally …
Video: Al Qaeda Militants Develop Large-scale Advance on Syria Army Positions
South Front | | 2019-05-23
Militant groups are attacking key military and civilian infrastructure in the government-controlled area. | The Reconciliation Center for Syria revealed that militants launched 17 rockets at the Russian Hmeimim airbase early on May 22. 8 rockets did not reach the base. …
Hardball Trump Regime Tactics Against China Doomed to Fail
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-05-23
Washington's geopolitical agenda is based on the notion that it can prevail against other nations by pressuring, bullying, warning, and intimidating them to bow to its interests. | It works against some countries, by no means not all, notably not in …
Oiling the Wheels of Injustice. Indigenous Communities in the Amazon
Khaled Diab | | 2019-05-23
After a quarter of a century of legal battles, indigenous communities in the Amazon are still awaiting justice for the damage inflicted on their environments and health by Texaco, which was taken over by US oil giant Chevron. Civil society …
Selected Articles: Risk of Nuclear War Now Highest Since World War 2: UN
Global Research News | | 2019-05-23
Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …
The EU Opens to Colonialism Reparations. "Fundamental rights of people of African descent"
Colonialism Reparation | | 2019-05-23
Colonialism Reparation welcomes that the European Parliament has approved by a large majority the resolution on the "Fundamental rights of people of African descent" recognising the current situation of structural racism and asks that the former colonising Member States follow …
Meddling 101: US Army research center publishes strategy to destabilize Russia | 2019-05-23
The US could use a variety of economic, military and ideological strategies to "overextend and unbalance" Russia, a new report sponsored by the US Army glaringly suggests, offering blueprints to divide and destabilize the country. | …
"Research": The US Navy Wants to Archive 350 Billion Social Media Posts
Mac Slavo | | 2019-05-23
The United States Navy wants to archive 350 billion social media posts in order to conduct "research." What exactly does the military want to study? "Modes of collective expression." | The Department of the Navy has posted a solicitation asking contractors | …
Preparations for War: NATO Intelligence Activity Around Russia's Borders
South Front | | 2019-05-23
In addition to the militarization of Eastern Europe, NATO partakes in active intelligence operations — be it by land, sea and air. | There are numerous reports of various intelligence (spy) aircraft going and even entering Russian airspace, and the …
Five new books for ecosocialists
pip.hinman | | 2019-05-23
In this month's round up of new books, Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus looks at books providing two views of food and farming; the origin of climate science denial; the high cost of living well; and a socialist who mostly disagrees with ecosocialism. | *** | Living Well At Others' Expense: The Hidden Costs of Western Prosperity | By Stephan Lessenich | Polity, 2019 | At the heart of developed societies lies an in…
Teaching Tolerance magazine explores social justice educators' use of social media | 2019-05-22
José Vilson co-founded the EduColor collective the same year that George Zimmerman — who fatally shot unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin — was acquitted of murder, and #BlackLivesMatter was born.
"High-Quality" Charter Schools Versus "Low-Quality" Charter Schools
Shawgi Tell | | 2019-05-22
Charter school promoters want the public, especially poor, low-income, and vulnerable minority families who have long been exploited by the rich and their state, to believe that when it comes to nonprofit and for-profit charter schools the issue is really "high-quality" charter schools versus "low-quality" charter schools. We are told that we need more of …
Sick teachers forced to pay for own substitutes
Evelyn Martinez | | 2019-05-21
At a time when teachers are struggling to find ways to continue living in the most unaffordable city in the country, they are expected to pay for their own substitute teacher after they use up their sick days.
How Johns Hopkins' Influence Haunts Baltimore (2/2)
Staff | | 2019-05-21
In part two, Antero Pietila, author of "The Ghosts Of Johns Hopkins," discusses recent protests by students, community members and Hopkins employees over the institution's relationship with…
US Navy wants to create archive of 350 BILLION social media posts for 'research' purposes | 2019-05-21
The US Navy is seeking to create an archive that will store no less than 350 billion social media posts, as part of the military branch's "research efforts" into "modes of collective expression." | …
What's Trending: Black News Recap
Vanessa Mbonu@naacpnet | | 2019-05-20
Washington Post: Billionaire Robert F. Smith pledges to pay off Morehouse College Class of 2019‚Ä≤s student loans Smith told the graduates how he launched his lucrative career. He gave them wise words on grit and success. Then he deviated from his prepared remarks. "My family is going to create a grant to …
Trump Appointees Refuse to Say They Support Brown v. Board of Education
Staff | | 2019-05-20
65 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 to end school segregation. Now Trump's appointees to the federal bench and Department of Justice refuse to say they support it. What does the future hold?
New Abortion Laws 'Go Against Common Sense'
Staff | | 2019-05-19
Conservatives have launched a new attack on abortion rights, which go against both medical science and common sense, says Anoa Changa, but the point is to bring the issue to the new conservative Supreme Court majority…
NAACP and Civil Rights Groups Hold Rally on the 65th Anniversary of Brown v. Board
Austyn Ross | | 2019-05-17
On May 16, NAACP along with civil rights organizations and members of Congress held a rally on Capitol Hill to make the promise of Brown v. Board of Education a reality for all. In honor of the 65th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, speakers addressed the still urgent struggle for education equity as well …
City College of SF students rally against new funding formula
Claudia Drdul | | 2019-05-17
It is no secret that community colleges across the United States are home to students from working-class backgrounds.