Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup. The Imposition of a Neoliberal Agenda
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | | 2019-10-24
In early 1970s, in a note to the CIA, Henry Kissinger recommended "Make the economy scream." The same concept has been applied to Venezuela, with advanced techniques of financial warfare.
Case Mismanagement in London: Julian Assange, Political Offences and Surveillance
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-10-24
While Australian journalists bonded and broke break in condemning national security legislation that some of them had previously supported, one figure was barely mentioned. Julian Assange was making his first public appearance since April for a case management hearing at …
State Higher Education Cuts Pushed Costs to Students, Worsened Inequality
Michael Mitchell | | 2019-10-24
The overall cost of college is rising at an untenable clip when including other costs that many students incur, such as housing, food, transportation, books and other supplies, and child care. (Photo: Benjamin Esham/flickr/cc) |… …
Chicago Public Schools teachers, staff and students oppose concessions | 2019-10-24
Teachers, staff, parents and students spoke on their demands, the conditions in schools and their opposition to the Democratic Party's decades of attacks on public education.…
Press Conf SF Treasure Island Danger To Students, Residents & Workers
Defend Public Education Now | | 2019-10-24
SF Treasure Island Life Learning Academy | 651 8th St. Bld 229 near Avenue H St | Treasure island San Francisco…
Segregation, Wealth and Education: the Politics of Liberal San Francisco's 'Separate But Equal'
A.M. Hennessey | | 2019-10-24
The actual foundation of racism is not ignorance and hate, but self-interest, particularly economic and political and cultural. — Ibram X. Kendi A recent New York Times article about the segregation of schools across the district of San Francisco (San Francisco Had an Ambitious Plan to Tackle School Segregation. It Made It Worse) cites president…
Warren rallies with striking teachers, calls for structural education reforms
John Bachtell | | 2019-10-24
CHICAGO — "Everyone in America should support this strike. Because when you fight, you don't just fight for yourselves. You fight for the children of this city and this country," declared Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Elizabeth Warren. "I believe in you. I believe in the work that you do every day." Warren stopped at Oscar …
Miners' leader Roberts urges Congress to protect pensions
Mark Gruenberg | | 2019-10-24
WASHINGTON–Mine Workers President Cecil Roberts is urging quick House passage of two pieces of legislation, HR934 and HR935, to protect the solvency of federally promised miners' pension funds. The House Natural Resources Committee approved both on Oct. 23. The Mine Workers lobbied hard for the pensions. The measures, by House Education and Labor Committee Chairman …
The White Helmets: A Terrorist Organization Supported by the Trump Administration
Dr. Ludwig Watzal | | 2019-10-24
The White Helmets are a terrorist affiliate of ISIS and al-Nusra front and not paramedics. A British secret service agent created these pseudo paramedics terrorists with the financial support of Western countries. Great Britain, France, Germany, and the U. S …
Ecuador's Austerity Measures, Repression Based on Media Lies
Joe Emersberger | | 2019-10-24
Bernie Sanders tweeted an Associated Press article in the LA Times ( 10/14/19) about Ecuador's recent protests, in which eight protesters were killed in 11 days. "Economic elites keep pushing austerity worldwide, making life unbearable for working people," Sanders …
Vladimir Putin, Syria's Pacifier-in-Chief
Pepe Escobar | | 2019-10-24
The negotiations in Sochi were long — over six hours — tense and tough. Two leaders in a room with their interpreters and several senior Turkish ministers close by if advice was needed. The stakes were immense: a road map …
The Uncertain Aftermath of the Bolivian Elections
Pablo Solón | | 2019-10-24
Bolivians went to the polls on Sunday, October 20, 2019. According to the country's electoral system, in order to avoid a second round in presidential elections the leading candidate must secure 51 per cent of the vote, or more …
U.S. Anti-war Movement Should Stay Focused on Getting U.S. Out of Syria
Sara Flounders | | 2019-10-24
Oct. 20 — The author visited Syria in 2014 and 2015 in small International Action Center solidarity delegations. At that time, no road in the country was safe and one-third of the population was displaced — taking refuge inside Syria …
Bangladesh's Neo-Colonial Bondage to India Is at Risk of Breaking
Andrew Korybko | | 2019-10-24
Trump air quality deregulation translates into more deaths
Jordan Davidson | | 2019-10-24
Tweeting that the U.S. has the cleanest air in the world does not make it so. Not only do we rank 10th, but a new study says that after steady improvement during the Obama-era, air pollution has gotten worse while Donald Trump has been president. The report issued by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that fine particle air pollution, known as PM2.5, …
Canada's Seizure, Sale and Disbursement of Iranian Assets Are Acts of a Hooligan and Wrecker of International Law
Steve Rutchinski | | 2019-10-24
Documents recently filed in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice reveal that some $30 million realized from the seizure and sale of Iranian government assets in Canada have been transferred to American families who filed for compensation under the Justice …
El Salvador: War and Revolution
Hugo Turner | | 2019-10-24
One of the more horrifying chapters in the history of American imperialism took place in the tiny nation of El Salvador in the 1980's. At least 75,000 civilians were killed in order to stop a revolution in an impoverished country. …
Northern Reindeer that Roamed Taymyr Peninsula Are at the Brink of Extinction
Olga Gertcyk | | 2019-10-24
More than 40,000 wild reindeer perished since the last count in 2017, said scientists who returned from a major expedition to the Taymyr Peninsula. | The Yenisei group of reindeer has disappeared entirely while the westernmost group living along the Tareya …
History of Chinese Inventions. The Present and the Future. Recent Chinese State of the Art Innovations
Larry Romanoff | | 2019-10-24
China as a nation has the longest and by far the most vast record of inventions in the history of the world. It is now reliably estimated that more than 60% of all the knowledge existing in the world today …
US Agitators in Asia "United" over Hong Kong Chaos
Joseph Thomas | | 2019-10-24
Despite the chaos created across Hong Kong, the vast majority of the region's inhabitants do not support the growing violence nor do they benefit from it in any way. | As is typical in other regions of the world the US …
Apocalypse Now? "War is Profitable"
Philip A Farruggio | | 2019-10-24
Every high school and college student, and all their parents and grandparents should watch Francis Ford Cappola's Apocalypse Now Redux. This is the 2001 re-cut and extended version of his 1979 classic of the same name. Set in Vietnam at …
Trump and Erdogan Are Alike: Both Are 'Thin-Skinned' and Relied on 'Deplorables' to Win
Philip Giraldi | | 2019-10-24
The apparent communications problems that have arisen between US President Donald Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are basically due to Trump's failure to understand that Erdogan is essentially his Turkish counterpart in more ways that the title of …
Tulsi a Russian Asset? Censored by Google and YouTube
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-10-24
Time and again, clear evidence proves democracy in America is pure fantasy — how it's been from inception, notably today under its money-controlled system, most politicians bought like toothpaste. | One-party rule with two extremist right wings serves privileged interests exclusively …
De um Chile desperto a um Brasil hibernando
Instituto Humanitas Unisinos | | 2019-10-24
"Onde està£o as foràßas progressistas e os chamados movimentos sociais? Com isso, um governo sem rumo se mantém pela inércia e um presidente incapaz pode andar passeando pelo mundo sem que nada aconteàßa. Como sair da anomia? Desafio para partidos …
Lebanon Protest Movement: Demanding Total Change of State's Political Framework
Michael Jansen | | 2019-10-24
Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets and squares across Lebanon to call for the fall of the country's political class, which they accuse of looting the country. They also demand an end to the sectarian …
We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
Dr. Joel M. Moskowitz | | 2019-10-24
The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of "fear mongering" over the advent of wireless technology's 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is …
Donald Trump: An American Tragedy for the U.S. and the Entire World
Prof Rodrigue Tremblay | | 2019-10-24
If the Donald Trump problem were only a domestic U.S. problem, hope would be that the US legal system would be able to manage it. However, the man not only professes to be above American laws, he also talks and acts as if there were no international law.
Top U.S. Toxicologist Was Barred From Saying PFAS Cause Disease in Humans. She's Saying It Now
Sharon Lerner | | 2019-10-24
Linda Birnbaum, former head of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, says she was barred from saying PFAS is a cause of human disease.
'Fundamentally broken': Student loan official with Trump admin quits, calls for debt forgiveness and wants to be a senator | 2019-10-24
A Trump administration student loan official has left his post, blasting a "broken" loan system and calling for college debt forgiveness. Though it's is a popular progressive view, he's planning to run for office as Republican. | A. Wayne Johnson stepped down from his post at the Office of Federal Student Aid on Thursday, offering a blistering critique of a system that has saddled the average borrower with tens of thousands of dollars in debt that cannot be canceled or, increasingly, repaid. Americans owe $1.5 trillion in student loan debt, and 40 percent of them are expected to default on it by 2023. | Also o…
Chicago teachers strike for their students
Liberation Staff Chicago | | 2019-10-24
The teachers and support staff who are bravely standing up show the way forward for all workers.
Concord Fair Contract Rally! Support Mt. Diablo Teachers & Students
MDEA | | 2019-10-24
MDUSD Offices | 1936 Carlotta Drive in Concord, 94519.
The Last Moments of Indonesia as We Know It
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-10-24
Student protests, West Papua independence struggle, monstrous forest fires, an assassination attempt against Coordinating Minister, sinking capital city, earthquakes and a collapsing economy — the increasingly religiously fundamentalist Indonesia is suddenly facing too many disasters. It cannot cope with any of them. ***** Nothing seems to be going well for Indonesia these days. People in …
70 years after the Chinese Revolution: How the struggle for socialism was betrayed | 2019-10-24
This lecture was delivered at eight campuses in Australia and New Zealand to meetings organised by the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) between September 26 and October 17.…
CSUSF Students Demand Removal Of CSU Pres White At Commemoration of SF State Strike
Labor Video Project | | 2019-10-24
Students at San Francisco State University at an event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco State strike demanded the removal of CSU president Timothy White…
Editorial: In Chile, one abuse too many
Editor | | 2019-10-24
The ideology of the "Chicago Boys" is facing its moment of truth in Latin America. This week, the Chilean government's attempt to impose a fare hike for public transportation in the capital resulted in a full-fledged rebellion. Led by high school students, the protesters obtained support and encouragement from the . . . | Continue reading Editorial: In Chile, one abuse too many at…
Chicago's Citywide Strike Just Spread to Charter School Teachers
Rebecca Burns | | 2019-10-24
Thousands of demonstrators take to the streets, stopping traffic and circling City Hall in a show support for the ongoing teachers strike on October 23, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Scott Heins/Getty Images) |… …
Teacher Strike Confronts Chicago's Long History of Racial Injustice
Staff | | 2019-10-24
Chicago educators took to the picket lines after months of contract negotiations with Mayor Lori Lightfoot's bargaining team. The new mayor ran on a platform that included small class sizes, additional care workers and fully funding public schools. However, Mayor Lightfoot kept Rahm Emanuel's status quo by retaining the same counsel as Emanuel and Mayor Richard M. Daley, and the same schools chief as Emanuel. The new mayor campaigned on improving schools — but now she's fighting against the union…
Tens of thousands of Chicago teachers and staff rally as Lightfoot administration announces austerity budget | 2019-10-24
The powerful strike by 32,000 teachers and school workers in Chicago is completing its third week today, as the city makes clear it will not agree to any of the teachers' demands.…
Philadelphia children poisoned by privatization, underfunding of schools
Jacob Brooks | | 2019-10-24
This egregious risk to the health of children, teachers, and school workers was not due to a simple oversight — a crisis of health hazards exists across Philadelphia schools caused by underfunding and privatization of school resources…
What the Chicago Teachers Union and United Auto Workers strikes teach us
Stansfield Smith | | 2019-10-24
The strikes have enabled the workers to feel their real strength. These two strikes give us a sign of the role the trade unions, the most powerful organizations of working people, will play in the future. | Source…
Erdogan Wants the Bomb
Manlio Dinucci | | 2019-10-24
"Some countries have nuclear missiles, but the West insists that we cannot have them. This is unacceptable": this statement by President Erdogan reveals that the crisis goes beyond that which began with the Turkish offensive in Syria. In Turkey, during …
Johnson's Withdrawal Agreement — Don't Believe MSM Optimism
True Publica | | 2019-10-24
In our article The Brexit Catch 22 we said that the government — "started its own fire, bought no extinguisher and now everyone is engulfed in its flames where a never-ending amount of fuel is added. It's like being …
Selected Articles: 5G Cell Phone Radiation is Not Safe
Global Research News | | 2019-10-24
Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …
The Chicago Teachers Strike: "Until We Get What Our Students Deserve"
Jesse Hagopian | | 2019-10-23
After Mayor Lori Lightfoot rejected the demands of the Chicago Teachers Union, 25,000 teachers and 7,000 support staff launched a strike on Thursday, October 17, shutting down the schools for some 300,000 students. Also on the picket line were members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73, representing Special Education Classroom Assistants. On…
How Kurdish Independence Underpins Israel's Plan to Reshape the Middle East
Jonathan Cook | | 2019-10-23
This October 2017 article by award winning author Jonathan Cook focusses on the unspoken Israel-Kurdistan relationship. | "There has been co-operation, much of it secret, between Israel and the Kurds for decades. Israeli media lapped up tributes from now-retired generals who | …
Trump Says US War With Iran May Be Soon, Putin/Erdogan Syria Deal & Iraq Says No US Troops Allowed
Ryan Cristián | | 2019-10-23
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/22/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …
Apologists of Global Capitalism: Multi-National Corporations Are Functioning as "Amoeba" in Pursuit of Profit
Larry Romanoff | | 2019-10-23
One of the arrows in the quiver of the attack on humanity from globalisation is a new field of study — the biology of corporations. Corporate apologists claim that the overwhelming majority of multi-national companies are amoral organizations in pursuit …
Google claims quantum computing breakthrough
The Canary | | 2019-10-23
Google says it has achieved a breakthrough in quantum computing research. | The technology giant said an experimental quantum processor has completed a calculation in just a few minutes that would take a traditional supercomputer thousands of years. | The findings, published in the scientific journal Nature, show that "quantum speed-up is achievable in a real-world system and is not precluded by any hidden physical laws", the researchers wrote. | Quantum computing is a nascent and somewhat bewildering technology for vastly sped-up information processing. | Quantum computers might one day revolutionise tasks that…
Congress Holds Hearing on Big Oil's War on Climate Science
Staff | | 2019-10-23
The House Oversight Committee heard testimony about the fossil fuel industry's multimillion dollar campaign to suppress knowledge of their contributions to the climate crisis.
India is Confused: where does it go from here?
Andre Vltchek | | 2019-10-23
At J. Nehru University, most students know about China and Russia only from the BBC, Reuters and other Western media outlets. Even those individuals who claim they belong to the left are not immune; influenced mainly by the British propaganda. ***** It has been like this for years: usual confusion, all around India: tough nationalistic, …