2018-09-09: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Where was Osama bin Laden on September 11, 2001?
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-10
On September 10. 2001, Osama was in a Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi, courtesy of America's indefectible ally Pakistan…

Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria
VIPFS | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-10
As Syrian forces back by Russian launch the final showdown in Syria against jihadist extremists, the potential for a U.S.-Russia confrontation has never been greater, as VIPS warns in this memo …

How the U.S. Does Propaganda
Eric Zuesse | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-10
A typical example was on NPR's "Weekend Edition Saturday," on September 8th, when the program-host Scott Simon interviewed the Obama Administration's diplomat Robert Malley, in a segment titled "What's Next In …

Two New Studies Show Just How Underpaid Teachers Are — And That's Exactly How Republicans Want It
Laura Clawson, Daily Kos | alternet.org | 2018-09-09
Low teacher pay is on the way to becoming a crisis, as that and other attacks on the profession make teaching a less appealing career for young people. | Teachers are underpaid, say a majority of Americans . . . and they're right. Two new studies give different ang. . .

How Milwaukee Teachers Beat Back Cuts and Busywork
Shared by Anton Woronczuk | truthout.org | 2018-09-09

| Collective bargaining is all but illegal for public sector workers in Wisconsin. So how did Milwaukee teachers not only block major cuts to public schools but also make gains on workload and health care? | At the height of the red-state teacher strikes in April and May, teachers and school employees in Milwaukee passed around a petition at school committing that to win their demands, they were ready to "do whatever it takes." | The clear subtext: illegal or not, teachers might walk out. "We were assessing our collective willingness to step out further than we have before," said Milwaukee Teachers Education Association President Amy Mizialko, "including shutting down schools." | In May the district blinked. Management backed off its proposed 5 percent cut to schools budget and cuts to health care, and it…

Trump Cuts $25m in Aid for Palestinians in East Jerusalem Hospitals
Middle East Eye | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
US President Donald Trump ordered that $25m earmarked for the medical care of Palestinians in East Jerusalem hospitals be directed elsewhere as part of a review of aid, a State Department …

Video: The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
Barrie Zwicker | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
"They say a conspiracy this large could not be kept secret, but most large covert operations are kept secret. People say 'they', meaning the Bush Administration, wouldn't dare for fear they'd be found out. As for being found out by …

Tony Blair Confirms Receiving Millions in Donation From Saudi
Middle East Monitor | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
Tony Blair's relationship with Saudi Arabia has come under scrutiny following the revelation that the non-government organisation set up under his name has received millions of pounds from Riyadh. | Accounts …

US Cuts off Aid to Pakistan, Obstructing Pakistan's Economic Cooperation with China
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
The US military suspended $300 million in aid to Pakistan. | Technically speaking, the US didn't cut off actual "military aid" in the physical sense that it's widely perceived to have done …

The Amazon Business Model is A Job Killer: The Shift Towards E-Commerce. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 31 Million Jobs Destroyed
Dr. Jack Rasmus | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
Prominent in the news this past week was the report that Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, reached record levels of market valuation and wealth. Amazon is now worth more than …

Britain Should be in the Dock Over Skripal Saga, Not Russia
Strategic Culture Foundation | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
The latest announcement by British authorities of two named Russian suspects in connection with the alleged poison assassination of a former Russian spy and his daughter is more absurd drama in …

Trump Commits US to 'Indefinite' Military Presence in Syria
Jason Ditz | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
According to State Department officials, President Trump has recently abandoned his desire to "get out" of Syria and bring US troops home. He has signed a new strategy, which includes new …

Elections in Sweden: Opening the Door to the Far Right
Petter Nilsson | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
Featured image: The crowd at a Sweden Democrats event in 2013. News Oresund / Flickr | The sociologist Walter Korpi once quipped that "the revolution will not come to Sweden through armed …

Trump's Mission of Distraction: Finding the NYT "Anonymous Author"
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
The Trump presidency has proven to be a set of publicity driven punctuations and blows, riddled by distractions contrived and accidental. Controversy and accusation characterise the next revelation, the next announcement …

We've Come a Long Way: Obama Says Medicare for All Is a "Good New Idea"
Margaret Flowers | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
On September 7, 2018, speaking at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, President Obama said that Democrats are running on "good new ideas like Medicare for All…" | This indicates a significant …

The Israel Lobby's Non-stop Attacks on Corbyn Will Backfire
Jonathan Cook | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
Back in the 1950s, the US intelligence community coined a term: "blowback". It referred to the unintended consequences of a covert operation that ended up damaging one's own cause. | There are …

Brazil: Neoliberalism with a "Human Face"
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
The article below was first published by Global Research more than fifteen years ago on April 25, 2003. The introduction below was drafted in 2016 following the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff. | Today Brazil is living the most serious crisis since …

Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and Turkish despot Recep Yayyip Erdogan met in Tehran on Syria. They agreed to disagree despite pretending otherwise in their communique following talks….

Why I Don't Speak of the Fake News of "9/11" Anymore
Edward Curtin | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-09
Tuesday, September 11, 2001, was a non-teaching day for me. I was home when the phone rang at 9 A.M. It was my daughter, who was on a week's vacation with …

Leading Cancer Researcher Fails to Disclose Corporate Payments
Staff | truthdig.com | 2018-09-09
A senior official at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has received millions of dollars from companies involved in medical research. His omissions expose how weakly conflict-of-interest rules are enforced by research journals. | The post Leading Cancer Researcher Fails to Disclose Corporate Payments appeared first on Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists.

A Father Took His 10-Year-Old Fishing. She Fell in the Water and Drowned. It Was a Tragic Accident — Then He Was Charged With Murder
Jordan Smith | theintercept.com | 2018-09-09
Wendell Lindsey is serving life in a Texas prison, but his conviction relied on dubious drowning science and a key witness with secrets of her own. | The post A Father Took His 10-Year-Old Fishing. She Fell in the Water and Drowned. It Was a Tragic Accident — Then He Was Charged With Murder. appeared first on The Intercept.

Prisoners Strike Across America & Canada to End Penal Enslavement
Shared by Hezvo Mpunga | therealnews.com | 2018-09-08
Prisoners Across US & Canada go on hunger and work strike to protest no wages/low wages, end of solitary confinement, for education programs & an end to mass incarceration | The post Prisoners Strike Across America & Canada to End Penal Enslavement appeared first on The Real News Network.

This School Year, Let's Keep Kids in Classrooms
Shared by Anton Woronczuk | truthout.org | 2018-09-08
It's no secret that our country incarcerates people of color at much higher rates than white people. What might be less well known is that this can begin in the classroom. | Across the country, schools routinely punish, suspend, and expel students of color at higher rates than white students — setbacks that can follow students for years. Those were the findings of a new Institute for Policy Studies report called Students Under Siege. | I saw this firsthand going to school in Indiana. A report by the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights found that Indiana "ranks second in the country in its rate of black male out-of-school suspensions" and "ranks fourth in the rate of black female out-of-school suspensions." | It's not an issue of one group…

Let's Heal Kids, Not Harden Schools
Suzanne Bohan | progressive.org | 2018-09-08
Betsy DeVos has proposed to make federal funding available for schools to purchase weapons. But the proliferation of guns will not curb violence in schools.

More Jobs Fictions. Payroll Job Reports and Labor Statistics in America
DPCR | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
According to today's payroll jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy created 200,000 new jobs in August. These jobs, assuming that they exist, are reported to be in …

Idlib: Al Qaeda's Last Stand
Tony Cartalucci | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
The United States has raised tensions further amid Syria's ongoing conflict. It has issued a threat in the form of a "warning" against Damascus against retaking the northern region of Idlib. …

9/11 Truth: War on Terror or "War on Democracy"? The Physical Intimidation of Legislatures
Prof. Graeme McQueen | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
First, there is the sense of threat. The population then goes through a phase of intense, felt unity. Party loyalties and ideological divides are cast aside. There are solemn declarations, there is singing, there is the calling down of blessings on the nation, there is hugging and there are tears.

Demonization of Middle East Leaders Prior to Invasion and "Regime Change". Trump's Iran Policy
Farhang Jahanpour | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
1. The US Iran policy aims at nothing but conflict-building followed by economic, political and military violence | From all the remarks made by President Donald Trump and his senior officials, it …

Where's the Rest of Our Country? America's Illegal and Immoral Invasions and Occupations
Philip A Farruggio | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
In the 1942 epic film King's Row actor Ronald Reagan (of all people) played a down and out working stiff (Drake McHugh) who just had his legs amputated due to an …

The New York Times Anonymous Op-Ed – A Neocon Generated Document?
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
It seems that the entire world now knows that an Anonymous senior official on the White House staff has described an administration in chaos, headed by an "amoral" ignoramus, which only …

I Really Can't Cast Your Ballot for You, Ma'am
Barbara Nimri Aziz | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
"The fight of my life…"; "Republicans take a sledgehammer to Medicare…"; "Triple your impact to STOP…"; "Lowering our chance…"; "What's at stake? Everything…"; "Last chance…"; "Numbers don't lie…"; "They're scared we'll …

Netanyahu Regime Secretly Arming and Funding Twelve or More Terrorist Groups in Syria
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2018-09-08
On September 6, Foreign Policy (FP), an establishment media discussed Israel's "secret program to back Syrian rebels" — code name for terrorists, supported by the Trump and Netanyahu regimes, along with …

CIA out of University of Illinois Chicago!
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-09-08
The CIA partnership is an expression of the militarization of life in the US and internationally that must be opposed by students and young people.

Reject the sellout in Seattle! For a statewide and national teachers strike!
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-09-08
The WSWS Teacher Newsletter urges Seattle teachers meeting today to vote "no" and immediately constitute themselves as an independent rank-and-file committee to plan a serious struggle.

'Punitive Discipline Policies Have Proven to Be Destructive to Children'
Janine Jackson | fair.org | 2018-09-07
CBS News ( 8/14/18) | Janine Jackson: Nothing says America 2018 like a spate of stories on how back-to-school shopping includes bulletproof backpacks. Arming teachers and gearing kids up like commandos are presented as more-or-less reasonable responses to concerns about school safety. | Any violence in schools is too much, of course, but a conversation about school safety that's focused on guns and bullets is a narrow and distorted conversation. Recasting our definition of a "safe school environment" could lead us in some very different directions. | Karen Dolan is director of the Criminalization of Race and Poverty Project at the Institute for Policy Studies, and co-author, with Ebony Slaughter-Johnson and Myacah Sampson, of the recent report Students Under Siege: How the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Poverty and Racism Endanger Our Schoolchildren. She joins us now by phone…

SPLC: Florida Supreme Court's decision to remove misleading ballot measure on education is a 'victory for schoolchildren'
splcenter | splcenter.org | 2018-09-07
The Florida Supreme Court today affirmed a lower court's ruling to strike a proposed state constitutional amendment that would have eliminated local school boards' exclusive duty to regulate some new public schools — including charter schools — from the ballot.

Can the Wall Between Church and State Survive Brett Kavanaugh?
aclu | aclu.org | 2018-09-07
The Supreme Court nominee's testimony this week signals an intent to weaken the separation of church and state. | Public schools are educational institutions, not temples of religious indoctrination. For over half a century, the Supreme Court has thus recognized that the Constitution prohibits public schools from imposing prayer on children and that religious education is the province of parents and religious communities, not government bureaucrats. | On Wednesday, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, however, strongly suggested that he disagrees and that, if confirmed, he will vote to weaken the separation of…

Healing in North Lawndale
Robert Koehler | counterpunch.org | 2018-09-07
"This isn't rocket science," Jackie Ingram said, humorously downplaying her involvement in the Restorative Justice Community Court, a pilot project of the Cook County Circuit Court, which has brought a new, healing-focused system of justice to her community this past year. My thought in that moment was: She's right. Saving kids and reclaiming a troubled,…

Petroleum Junkies of the World, Unite!
Craig Collins | counterpunch.org | 2018-09-07
Like most Americans, I was born into a lifestyle of cheap energy and took it for granted. Growing up in the latter half of the 20th century, cars and electricity were just part of daily life. Nobody thought of it as addiction; it was progress. Every new electronic device and labor saving appliance was a testament to the miracle of modern science and technology. The future was usually portrayed as a technological utopia where all our wants and needs would be met by some new scientific wonder. Remember The Jetsons?

Words Get in the Way
Missy Comley Beattie | counterpunch.org | 2018-09-07
If compassion were contagious, they'd mandate a vaccine to prevent transmission. I write but the words get in the way. Words, bombarding my conscience, breaking my heart. I write. I delete. It's a release to let my fingers dance across the keyboard. And reassuring that I can delete the dance. I write more words and…

Striking Tacoma, Washington, teachers demand better pay, funding for education
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-09-07
On Thursday, teachers in Tacoma joined thousands of striking teachers throughout the state of Washington as the unions work to contain and isolate the struggles in each district.

Waste plastics poison the food chain and contribute to global warming
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-09-07
A variety of recent research highlights the ways in which the huge amounts of discarded plastic products are harmful to the environment and human health.

Los Angeles Teachers Prepare to Strike: An Organizing Drive Long in the Making
Shared by Hezvo Mpunga | therealnews.com | 2018-09-06
LA teachers voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike, should contract negotiations fail. Each side accusing the other of illegal tactics. However, teachers say this is not mainly about wages, but about improving children's education. Jane McAlevey explains | The post Los Angeles Teachers Prepare to Strike: An Organizing Drive Long in the Making ap…

In Louisville, a Web of Private Interests Conspire to Expand Charter Schools
Jeff Bryant | progressive.org | 2018-09-06
Members of the Kentucky Board of Education have allied with corporate interests to privatize education, including involvement in potential real estate deals.

When Sea Turtles and Fishermen Collide
Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski | therealnews.com | 2018-09-06
Ecologically sustainable fishing communities and marine life can coexist and great community-level efforts are underway to maintain their livelihood, says Bryan Wallace, Senior Scientist with the Conservation Science Partners | The post When Sea Turtles and Fishermen Collide appeared first on The Real News Network.

Tacoma teachers strike as walkouts spread across Washington
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-09-06
School officials in three districts threatened disciplinary action against striking teachers while educators in Tacoma joined walkouts in 10 other districts Thursday.

Only three percent of students have received Governor Cuomo's "free tuition" scholarship
wsws | wsws.org | 2018-09-06
Despite the fact that the SUNY and CUNY systems are the second and third largest public higher education systems in the United States, with about 700,000 students in all, fewer than 21,000 Excelsior Scholarships were awarded last academic year.

US billionaire Richard DeVos, Amway co-founder and Orlando Magic owner, dies at 92
RT | rt.com | 2018-09-06
American billionaire Richard DeVos, the co-founder of Amway, owner of the Orlando Magic basketball team and father-in-law of US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has died at the age of 92.

Does Hogan's Schools Rhetoric Match his Track Record?
Shared by Hezvo Mpunga | therealnews.com | 2018-09-05
Some Democrats say Larry Hogan is taking credit for their educational accomplishments, but will either candidate's policy be transformational for public schools? | The post Does Hogan's Schools Rhetoric Match his Track Record? appeared first on The Real News Network.

Plutocracy Now!
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2018-09-05
The United States today qualifies as a plutocracy — on a number of grounds, and it is having a profound impact on the media, education and think tanks–indeed on the whole of society, says Michael Brenner. By Michael Brenner Plutocracy… Read more ?…

Last Process: 50 Postees 2018-09-10 05:49:33 GMT (23:49 MDT)