(1980). DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAA Basic Project. Teacher's Manual. This is a teacher's manual describing the activities of Detroit, Michigan's Ethnic Literacy Project and providing resource materials and classroom techniques for teaching ethnic heritage. The manual states that the Ethnic Literacy Project was intended to supplement the Detroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORT) Reading System. This system, the manual continues, was designed to develop comprehensive reading skills among students in all grades. Contained in the manual is a test for students to determine their knowledge about the history and culture of Detroit's many ethnic groups. The manual also contains lists of resource materials available from both general sources and from DORT. These materials include books, recordings and films. Various resource centers' addresses and sample suggested activities for extending ethnic literacy to basal readers are also included. A bibliography of books on ethnic subjects primarily for elementary school children, and a list of DORT Comprehension…
(1977). Relationships with Others. Our Human Ties. Monograph #3. This teaching guide, developed by the Los Angeles (California) Unified School District, presents concepts about relationships and a description of instructional objectives and activities which deal with family relationships, qualities of character and personality, and the teaching-learning act. A particular concept and objective are defined for each instructional activity. The activities emphasize role perception and changing roles and functions among members of a social or family group. A format for developing additional activities, a procedure for writing behavioral objectives, a glossary, and a bibliography are appended. (JCD)…
(1976). Interdependence and Social Interaction. Our Human Ties. Monograph #4. Interdependence and social interaction are the topics of this teaching guide developed by the Los Angeles (California) Unified School District. Presented here are instructional objectives and activities which promote cross-cultural communication and cooperation in the development of social value systems. Aspects of verbal and nonverbal communication are explored in relation to individual and group behavior. Attitudes toward physical handicaps, color differences, religion, and the environment are also addressed. An activity record and format for developing additional activities are included together with a glossary and a bibliography. (JCD)…
(1980). Crosscultural Communication: The Hispanic Community of Connecticut. A Human Services Staff Development Training Manual. A TITLE XX Project. This manual was designed for use by Title XX field training personnel involved in providing services for Puerto Ricans in Connecticut. The manual is intended to develop cross cultural awareness by introducing the reader to the cultural orientations, social systems, and values of Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics. Included are background information on Puerto Rican geography, history, economy, and politics; a description of Hispanic value systems, family structure, religion, courtship and marriage practices, and health practices; a discussion of the Puerto Rican experience in the United States in politics, housing, employment and education; and a community social and health service model for Puerto Ricans. Also included are sample lessons for a Spanish language curriculum and a directory of Spanish speaking resource organizations in Connecticut. (MJL)… [PDF]
(1980). A Final Report of the 1979-1980 Independent Evaluation of the Chicago Indian Education Program (Little Big Horn School and O-Wai-Ya-Wa School). Specially Funded Projects. This final report examines an independent evaluation study of the Little Big Horn and O-Wai-Ya-Wa schools conducted by the Chicago, Illinois Indian Education Program during the 1978-79 school year. The report describes the content of each program, and information regarding freshman through senior grade level attendance and enrollment patterns is presented in graphic and tabular form. Vocabulary, reading and mathematics achievement test scores for each grade level, and group score changes and gain scores are also presented. A summary of answers to interview questions about program effectiveness, accomplishments, and future plans, which were answered by parents, community persons, teachers, and administrators, is included in the sections which measure degree of success. Each program is evaluated in separate concluding sections which summarize program difficulties and recommend measures for program improvement. (JCD)… [PDF]
(1979). A Dialogue with the Past: Oral History Accounts of Boston's Ethnic Neighborhoods and People. The document presents ten interviews with ethnically diverse Bostonian immigrants who have been long-time residents of their communities. It is part of the 1978-79 Ethnic Heritage Project for Boston Youth, designed for secondary students. Oral history is used to help students gain an understanding of the development of urban-ethnic neighborhoods in Boston. The interviews are arranged in five sections of two interviews each. An introduction contains historical and cultural background material. Interviewees' ages range from 60 to 98. Section I discusses Boston's Chinese community and focuses on everyday life, politics, employment, and personal immigration history. Section II concentrates on the early Irish American community of Dorchester, particularly the education and religion. Section III deals with the black church in Boston and the interviewees' church-community life. Section IV discusses various groups in East Boston and includes an interview with an Italian American woman and a…
(1974). A Guide for Evaluating and Selecting Multicultural Instructional Materials. Designed for both school and community personnel, this guide provides assistance in the evaluation and selection of ethnically valid instructional materials which reflect the role and contributions of the diverse racial and ethnic groups in American society. There is a list of 10 criteria for the selection of instructional materials and a statement of the major considerations involved in choosing textbooks that are racially unbiased. The principal method of evaluation described consists of a series of questions with examples which teachers, educators, publishers, or parents can use to examine the content of either individual passages or an entire text for ethnic or racial bias. The questions focus on omissions, stereotypes, distortions, impositions of standards, contributions, and derogatory language. The guide also suggests a method for correcting unacceptable passages. Finally, there are content analysis questions to be applied to the work as a whole. The appendixes include names… [PDF]
(1984). The Myth of the World of Literature for Australian Students. English in Australia, n68 p51-59 Jun. Briefly reviews two South Australian Education Department curriculum documents that justify the teaching of literature and then argues that newly arrived immigrants and many Australian ethnic minority students are denied the experiences of literature as established in the rationale of the documents. (HOD)…
(1997). Dreamseekers. Creative Approaches to the African American Heritage. Dimensions of Drama Series. This book shows how children and teachers from diverse backgrounds can become, through powerful imaginings, informed participants in the fight for social justice. It addresses significant African American themes, introducing models of excellence in multicultural teaching and presenting creative teachers at work in authentic classrooms. The dramas described in the book share kinship with the notion of "liberation literature." Part 1, "Creativity in Practice," includes: (1) "Incredible Journeys: From Manacles of Oppression to Mantles of Hope" (Anita Manley); (2) "Meeting 'Hattie'" (Cynthia Tyson); (3) "Everybody's History" (Sylvia A. Walton Jackson); (4) "Looking Back to Go Forward: Sharing Experiences through the Arts" (Pam Scheurer and Joan Webb); (5) "Postcards of the Hanging: 1869 African American Poetry, Drama, and Interpretation" (Edna Thomas); (6) "'Galimoto': Our Experience with an African Tale"…
(2005). A Taoist Intersubjective Becoming of "I" and "Thou". Online Submission This is a narrative inquiry of my cross-cultural identity as a teacher in three countries: China, Canada, and the United States of America. Taking an individual approach to cultural studies, I inquired the Chinese-Canadian life experiences of myself and my former student–a Chinese-Canadian woman immigrant. Beyond our similar ethnic and gender backgrounds, we found each other from warring social classes in China. Underneath our differences, we recovered the Taoist intersubjective knowing as our common deep identity with the Chinese culture. I further developed this research with my former student–a Mexican-American male teacher. Underneath our different and opposing gender, social class, and ethnic identities, we reconstructed the Buberian ontology of I and Thou as our common way of relating to each other, listening to and telling each other's cultural stories. We transcended our differences, and reconstructed our identities as fuller cultural beings. I concluded that individuals… [PDF]
(1991). Passages to India: Guide to Using the Audio and Print Programs. [Curriculum Book and Audiotape]. This curriculum packet is based on a National Public Radio series of 10 one-hour programs produced in India between 1986 and 1989. The tape cassette is designed to introduce middle and high school students to the people and land of India. The three programs on the tape include: (1) "Listening to India," which exposes the listener to the sound of everyday Indian life; (2) "On the Shore of Vast Humanity," which presents the diversity of land, religion, and language through poetry and song; and (3) "Beneath the Surface," which offers conversations with six Indian teenagers about their values and life goals. The booklet provides individual lessons to help students understand the complexity of India, its expansive topography, and the diversity of its people. (Contains 17 references.) (EH)…
(1996). The West: Curriculum Package. This document consists of the printed components only of a PBS curriculum package intended to be used with the 9-videotape PBS documentary series entitled "The West." The complete curriculum package includes a teacher's guide, lesson plans, a student guide, audio tapes, a video index, and promotional poster. The teacher's guide and lesson plans introduce the video series and provide objectives, video questions, and activity suggestions. The student guide has hands on activities that encourage students to act as historians and filmmakers and encourages them to tell a historical story of the West through film. Audio tapes share interviews with producer Ken Burns, series producer/director Steven Ives, and series co-writer Dayton Duncan. The video index comprises two indices–a subject index and an alphabetical index. Finally, a promotional poster shows the cast of Buffalo Bill's original 1885 Wild West Show. (RJC)…
(1998). Teaching Every Child Every Day: Learning in Diverse Schools and Classrooms. Advances in Teaching and Learning Series. Chapters in this book address the problems faced in today's diverse neighborhoods, schools, and classrooms, as well as the opportunities diversity provides. The schools, teachers, administrators, families, and communities drawn on in these selections provide examples of the effective integration of what is known about achieving success for all students as they illustrate what can be and is being done. Many techniques, from explicit instruction to discovery-oriented approaches, are incorporated in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. An eclectic combination of teaching approaches is recommended to allow flexibility in meeting the needs of a wide range of students. The following chapters are included: (1) \Self-Renewal: One School's Approach to Meeting the Challenge of Student Diversity\ (Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris); (2) \The Four Blocks: A Balanced Framework for Literacy in Primary Classrooms\ (Patricia M. Cunningham and Dorothy P. Hall); (3) \Portrait of an Engaging…
(1998). Intercultural Communication Activities in the Classroom: Turning Stumbling Blocks into Building Blocks. This paper explores behavior patterns that inhibit effective communication in everyday, educational, and business cross-cultural settings. Opportunities to change these inhibiting patterns, metaphorically referred to as "stumbling blocks," into building blocks or tools for successful intercultural understandings are discussed in the paper through three structured intercultural simulation activities. The paper names six of these stumbling blocks as the assumption of similarities, language differences, non-verbal misinterpretations, preconceptions and stereotypes, tendencies to evaluate, and high anxiety. The paper suggests three activities: (1) the diversity board activity which encourages and challenges students to explore roles of others that they will encounter in a multicultural society; (2) the intercultural dart game, similar to the game "Trivial Pursuit," which concentrates on knowledge of intercultural information; and (3) "BARNGA" which is a… [PDF]
(1991). Symbolism in Japanese Language and Culture: Activities for the Elementary Classroom. Grades–Upper Elementary. This book aims to expose students of grades 4-6 to the language and culture of Japan. The unifying theme of all of the lessons is symbolism in Japanese language and culture. Lessons can be used as a unit or in sections and specific lessons can be presented in isolation. Each day's materials and format are described in detail with specific objectives noted with the procedure for conducting the lessons. No prior knowledge of Japanese language or culture is required of either the teacher or students to use these materials. A pronunciation guide is part of the introduction to the unit. The 13 lessons include: (1) "Japan Bingo"; (2) "Japanese Names"; (3) "Greetings"; (4) "Artifacts"; (5) "Fukuwarai – The Smiling Goddess Game"; (6) "Kanji: Origins of Communication"; (7) "Discovering Authentic Characters"; (8) "Getting Around Tokyo"; (9) "Japanese Geography and Global Perspective"; (10)…