Daily Archives: October 7, 2019

2019-10-07: News Headlines

Chris Williamson (2019-10-07). Why I tabled an Early-day Motion Calling for the U.K Government to Free Julian Assange. globalresearch.ca The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) recently published a video entitled "Journalism is not a crime." It boldly states that "you can't kill the truth," that "everyone deserves access to information," that "it's vital to hold governments to account" and …

Josue De Luna Navarro (2019-10-07). How Fossil Fuels Pollute STEM Education. counterpunch.org Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a message for policy makers: "Listen to the scientists." As an engineer, I was glad to hear that. But I also believe it's also vital for scientists to be vigilant about whom they listen to. For years, corporations funded junk science trying to undermine the climate consensus. Now, virtually More

Cesar Chelala (2019-10-07). Education is a Neglected Casualty of Wars and Displacements. counterpunch.org One of the neglected consequences of the recent wars and civilian conflicts in many parts of the world is their effect on people's education, particularly children's education. Because of the close connection between education and health, these events have had a severe effect on people's health —particularly on children- and on the countries' development. In More

Staff (2019-10-07). A Decolonial Education Takes Shape at Mauna Kea's Ecological University. truthout.org | | Located near Mauna Kea's summit, Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu is a refuge established to protect Mauna Kea, where hundreds have set up a space offering food, shelter and provisions. An abundant place of wind, water and lava, it is also a piko, Hawaii Island's vital center of convergence sacred for Native Hawaiians (Kanaka Maoli) and supporters like us who stand in solidarity to protect our living environments. A street section protected by k&#…

John W. Whitehead (2019-10-07). John Lennon vs. the Deep State: One Man Against the 'Monster'. globalresearch.ca "You gotta remember, establishment, it's just a name for evil. The monster doesn't care whether it kills all the students or whether there's a revolution. It's not thinking logically, it's out of control."—John Lennon (1969) | John Lennon, born …

Brett Redmayne-Titley (2019-10-07). The Most Important Presidential Election Question (That No One Ever Asks!). globalresearch.ca Once again, the American voter has dutifully begun their quadrennial march to futility at the hands of another election cycle full of false prophets. None seem to realize or remember that the monocracy that they hold so sacrosanct is not- …

Elijah J. Magnier (2019-10-07). The US-Iran Silent War Is Transformed into an "Iraq Uprising" globalresearch.ca The last four days have shown that the ongoing US-Iran war is acutely affecting the whole region. This is now evident in Iraq where more than 105 people have been killed and thousands wounded in the course of demonstrations that …

Andrew Korybko (2019-10-07). India-South Korea Security Cooperation. What Impacts on China? globalresearch.ca The Chinese Communist Party-backed "Global Times" was absolutely correct in publishing an analysis last month warning that "China Should Remain Alert To Indian-South Korean Security Cooperation" because New Delhi is attempting to leverage its newfound military ties with Seoul for …

GMWatch (2019-10-07). Resounding "No" to Monsanto's "Bogus" GM Drought-tolerant Maize. globalresearch.ca After more than 10 years of battling Monsanto's "bogus" drought tolerant maize project, the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has welcomed the decision by the Minister of Agriculture, Ms Thoko Didiza, upholding the decision by the Executive Council: GMO …

Nino Pagliccia (2019-10-07). The Real Venezuela: Dignified, Indivisible and Truthful. globalresearch.ca All those wondering who is in charge in Venezuela, should stop reading the biased and confusing corporate media and should look at who represents the country at the United Nations. The UN is not a perfect institution but it is …

Stephen Lendman (2019-10-07). US Hostility Toward North Korean Sovereign Independence. Why Talks Go Nowhere. globalresearch.ca The US under both right wings of its war party is militantly hostile toward nations it doesn't control. | It's longstanding aim throughout…

Meena Miriam Yust (2019-10-07). Dying Wildlife on a Warming Planet. globalresearch.ca If fish decline, so does a food source for humans and the water birds that feed on fish, and as insect pollinators decline, so do our crops and the plants around us. | *** | The emaciated polar bear, a sorry remnant …

Prof. Marjorie Cohn (2019-10-07). Trump's Stonewalling of Impeachment Inquiry Is an Impeachable Offense. globalresearch.ca As three committees of the House of Representatives proceeded with the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump, the president tweeted, "I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP." …

Hans Stehling (2019-10-07). If 4 Nuclear WMD Are More than Adequate for Israel's Defence — Why Is It Armed with an Estimated 400? globalresearch.ca Because the Israeli government refuses to be a party either to the international nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or the internationally agreed Chemical Weapons or Biological Weapons Conventions (CWC) (BWC), means that unlike the vast majority of UN Member States including …

Targeted Justice (2019-10-07). Vircator Microwave Beams from Satellites against Targeted Individuals: Stop Torture and Experimentation on Citizens' Protest. globalresearch.ca There is a lot more corruption and crimes against humanity happening that people are not aware of. The hidden torture of unconsenting citizens leading us into modern day slavery. The CIA has taken control of the Military-Industrial complex and are …

The Global Research Team (2019-10-07). Global Research: Committed to Curbing Disinformation…With Your Help! globalresearch.ca In a "post-truth" "fake news" era, it is important now more than ever to have a reliable news source that delivers the critical analysis that is ignored or manipulated by the mainstream media. | Global Research is committed to curbing the …

(2019-10-07). Trump Bucks Protests, Opens 725,500 Acres of California's Central Coast to Oil Drilling. globalresearch.ca The Trump administration today dismissed protests and made a formal decision to open 725,500 acres of public lands and mineral estate across California's Central Coast and the Bay Area to new oil and gas drilling and fracking. | The public lands …

Paul Antonopoulos (2019-10-07). Pakistan -China -India Relations: Imran Khan's China Visit Meant to Influence President Xi's Upcoming India Meeting. globalresearch.ca Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan will arrive in Beijing on Tuesday and he will likely try to coordinate with China over the Kashmir issue to gain strong Chinese backing. It is likely that China will also be asked by Khan …

Stephen Lendman (2019-10-07). Iraq Protests: Spontaneous or Made in the USA? globalresearch.ca Time and again, when peaceful protests turn violent in various countries, US dirty hands are involved. | There's no ambiguity about months of protests in Hong Kong, US dirty hands all over them, local elements involved having met with Trump regime …

Union of Concerned Scientists (2019-10-07). 77 Groups Join to Counter Trump Administration Attack on "Science Advice" globalresearch.ca Political appointees in the Trump administration are already starting to eliminate science advisory committees, following a presidential executive order earlier this year directing agencies to reduce the total number of advisory committees by a third. This effort to undermine science …

Renee Parsons (2019-10-07). The Dem-CIA Impeachment. Remove Trump from the Oval Office. globalresearch.ca It has been more than fascinating if not totally absorbing to watch the chain of events unfold over recent days with the Democrats in open cahoots with the CIA. Their joint goal is to remove the implacable Donald Trump from …

Mairead Maguire (2019-10-07). Pathways to Peace. globalresearch.ca I am very happy to be with you all at this conference. I would like to thank David Swanson and World Beyond War for organizing this important event and also all those attending for their work for peace. | I have …

Irina Slav (2019-10-07). A Million-Mile Electric Car Battery? Musk Wasn't Lying. globalresearch.ca When earlier this year Tesla's Elon Musk said the company could soon have batteries lasting for over one million miles, many probably took it as yet another grand promise with less substance than realism requires. Now it seems Musk may …

Larry Romanoff (2019-10-07). Let's Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank. globalresearch.ca Westerners have been for generations infused with a conviction that a nation's central bank must, under threat of great 'moral hazard', be kept separate and independent of that nation's government. The reasons are unclear, but since this mythology qualifies as …

Staff (2019-10-07). The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Polluting Our STEM Schools. truthdig.com Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a message for policy makers: " Listen to the scientists." | As an engineer, I was glad to hear that. But I also believe it's also vital for scientists to be vigilant about whom they listen to. | For years, corporations funded junk science trying to undermine the climate consensus. Now, virtually all scientists agree that fossil fuels are heating the planet, so corporations are taking a new tack: peddling false solutions. | The fossil fuel industry has po…

Peter Oborne (2019-10-07). UK Brexit Crisis: Destructive Agenda Which Could Shape Britain for Decades to Come. globalresearch.ca A man wearing tracksuit bottoms, a hoodie and an untucked shirt slouches into a Tory Party conference. He is tall, balding and in his mid-forties. | His every move is filmed or photographed by a platoon of cameramen as he's followed …

Global Research News (2019-10-07). Selected Articles: Pathways to Peace. globalresearch.ca In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on globalresearch.ca has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide. | We cover a …

Rick Sterling (2019-10-06). An Open Letter to Science and Global Security. dissidentvoice.org Dear Editors at Science and Global Security Science and Global Security (SGS) has been publishing technical articles on arms control and related issues since 1989. I urge you not to succumb to political censorship. Recently it was announced you are withholding publication of an article titled "Computational Forensic Analysis for the Chemical Weapons Attack at …

teleSUR (2019-10-06). Jordan Teachers Win Pay Raise After a Month of Strike. telesurenglish.net Jordan's government said Sunday it has reached a pay deal with the teachers union to end a one-month strike, the country's longest public sector strike that disrupted schooling for more than 1.5 million students. | RELATED: | Jordanians Protest Against IMF Austerity, For 'Bread, Dignity and Freedom' | The deal came after the strike threatened a deepening political crisis when the government last week began legal steps against the unions after they rejected pay hikes the…

RT (2019-10-06). 'I feel like never before': Russian-born LA 'Subway Soprano' gives tearful INTERVIEW after her 1st big stage performance (VIDEO). rt.com 'Subway Soprano' Emily Zamourka, a homeless singer who became a viral sensation overnight, couldn't hold back tears when talking to Ruptly after her first big stage performance. She said she's starting a full-time music career. | Speaking to RT's video agency Ruptly after her performance at the opening of the New Little Italy district in Los Angeles, the Russian-born Zamourka said she felt "like never before in her entire life." She sang an aria from Italian opera composer Giacomo Puccini. | I feel this is… my chance of teaching people the real me, who I was the whole time. | It all started with a tweet o…

The Canary (2019-10-05). Johnson 'wrote letter recommending US businesswoman for Tech City job'. thecanary.co Boris Johnson reportedly wrote a letter recommending American businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri for a job as the head of a technology quango when he was mayor of London.Amid a storm over his association with the former model, leaked emails seen by the Sunday Times showed Mr Johnson was listed as a reference in her application for the role at Tech City.Ms Arcuri was said to have been a 27-year-old student at the time of applying for the £100,000 a year job.It is claimed Boris Johnson wrote a job reference for Ms Arcuri (Danny Lawson/PA)In an email leaked to the paper, she allegedly later wrote: "I still have the…

WSWS (2019-10-05). Ontario education workers set to strike Monday against Ford's savage cuts. wsws.org The Canadian Union of Public Employees and the teachers unions are terrified that a strike will result in a head-on clash with the hated Ford government and trigger a broader working-class challenge to the capitalist elite's austerity agenda.

Fréa Lockley (2019-10-05). Here's how this government is spiralling a homeless crisis for families. thecanary.co On 1 October, "heart-breaking" new figures showed that around two homeless people died every day in 2018. And as new research from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism shows, current government policy means the UK's home…

Alexandra Jacobo (2019-10-05). Bloody Outrage: How party politics is obscuring human rights violations in China. nationofchange.org Earlier this year, a United Nations international tribunal concluded that the illegal, widespread, and systematic practice of forced organ harvesting in China is still ongoing. | Despite the overwhelming evidence of China's on-demand killing of prisoners — many of which are members of peaceful groups that the Chinese government has deemed "prisoners of conscience" — the Chinese government has denied the claims. | Such extraordinary acts of violence on hundreds of thousands of victims should be front and center in the media. Unfortunately, it seems party politics in the United States is getting in t…

teleSUR (2019-10-05). Brazilians Spend More on Transportation Than on Food: Study. telesurenglish.net For the first time, Brazilians are spending more on transportation than on food, according to a study published by Brazilian official statistics agency IBGE on Friday. | Aside from housing bills, food used to be the largest expense for Brazilian families, but the latest study found citizens spend an average 19.6 percent of their budget on transportation and 17.5 percent on food. | RELATED: | Brazil: Four Suspects Arrested for Marielle Franco's Murder | Housing expenses, such as payi…

Saul Foster (2019-10-04). Bolsonaro's highway project targets heart of Amazon region. mronline.org Amazon researchers said the repaved road would trigger an explosion of deforestation in Amazonas, currently Brazil's best preserved rainforest state precisely because it has few good roads. | Source

Shawgi Tell (2019-10-04). False and Diversionary Charter School Dichotomies. dissidentvoice.org There is no shortage of articles, books, reports, blogs, and websites that continually detail the perpetually scandalous and troubled nature of charter schools. Not a day goes by without a report on some sort of infamy, fraud, mismanagement, corruption, or failure in the unaccountable charter school sector. But even articles and reports that are critical …

Ralph Nader (2019-10-04). Shame of a Nation: The 1% Rules, the 99% Lets Them! dissidentvoice.org There has never been more access to food — domestic and imported — yet hunger is an ongoing problem everywhere. In the U.S. alone, 16.5 million children go to bed hungry and 20% of community college students are experiencing "food insecurity." Never have there been more communications technologies, yet it is harder to get through …

Tyler Durden (2019-10-04). Hong Kong Protesters Go on Rampage, Vow to Defy Government's Mask Ban. theantimedia.com The government's attempt to ban masks resulted in hundreds of mostly masked students gathering to chant: "Hongkongers, resist!"

Fight Back (2019-10-04). Labor unions to join national civil rights conference with Angela Davis in November. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – Unions are on the march in defense of their members across the country, with the autoworker strike against GM and strike authorization votes by teachers and other city employees in Chicago. Unions are also defending their members when they leave work and find their lives in danger from the very people paid to protect them: the police. | Labor is joining a new effort to hold the police accountable for the killing, wrongful conviction, and even torture of young Blacks and Latinos. On November 22-24, veteran human rights activist Angela Davis will be in Chicago to re-establish the National Alliance Ag…

Staff (2019-10-03). Study: Indian Politics Legitimize Hate Crimes. therealnews.com A new PERI study says that there is a causal relationship between the rise of the right-wing Hindu nationalist BJP party in India and the rise of hate crimes targeted against minorities, especially against Muslims. Prof. Deepankar Basu discusses the research.

Connor Harney (2019-10-03). Southern worker strikes show the power of solidarity. liberationnews.org Through the courage shown by teachers, auto and telecom workers, the South is beginning to realize once again the power workers can have in unions.

Rob Dunn (2019-10-02). Black Dean of Students Jamie Riley fired in Alabama for telling the truth. liberationnews.org Riley fired for tweets about racist foundations of US society.

Staff (2019-10-02). Headlines for October 2, 2019. democracynow.org Report: Trump Pushed for Shooting Migrants and Placing Alligators & Snakes Along Border, Trump Claims Impeachment Inquiry Is "Coup" as Pompeo Blocks Officials from Testifying, Sen. Grassley Breaks from Trump to Support Protection of Whistleblower, In "Victory for Black People in America," Dallas Officer Convicted of Murdering Black Man Inside His Own Home, Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Georgia Abortion Law, U.S.-N. Korea Talks to Resume as Pyongyang Carries Out New Missile Test, Hong Kong Protesters Stage Sit-in Outside School of Student Shot by Police, Pretrial Hearings Begin in Netanyahu Corruption Case, Per…

Eds. (2019-10-01). New research warns severe climate-related droughts could threaten 60% of Global wheat crop by 2100. mronline.org Even with ambitious global efforts to limit emissions, the study warns, "the increase in the frequency and extent of adverse weather extremes and related shocks on the production side would be unprecedented." | Source

Max Blumenthal (2019-10-01). Pentagon-funded researcher smears 'The Management of Savagery' in error-filled Times Literary Supplement screed. thegrayzone.com Lydia Wilson, a researcher at a US Department of Defense-backed outfit, has taken to the Times Literary Supplement to publish…

Eds. (2019-10-01). Sanders rips 'casual cruelty that motivates Trump and his billionaire friends' as White House moves to strip free school lunches from 500,000 kids. mronline.org Trump is depriving 500,000 kids of their school lunches for no damn reason—even after 139 members of Congress warned him not to. | Source

Fight Back (2019-09-30). Milwaukee: Charges against anti-Nazi student dropped. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – A rally to support Grae Hosmanek at her court hearing on Friday, September 27, was cancelled due to the charges against her being dropped. | On May 6, Hosmanek was arrested and charged for vandalism on UW-Milwaukee's campus. She took hold of a reactionary student's sign that had a swastika and other antisemitic language on it. This student was holding the sign near an event that was being hosted by a Jewish student group. | Hosmanek had attended two court hearings, and the hearing on September 27 would have been the third one. | Young People's Resistance Committee (YPRC) and Milwaukee Area Labor C…

Juliana Musheyev (2019-09-30). Vista high school students demand climate action. liberationnews.org Students from Rancho Buena Vista High School organized a sit-in at Vista City Hall Sept. 27 to demand a stronger climate action plan.

Fight Back (2019-09-29). SDS strengthens at 14th annual national convention. fightbacknews.org Jacksonville, FL — On September 20, New Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapters from across the United States convened at the University of North Florida to reaffirm their commitment to student organizing and to discuss ways to, "Stop Trump, Stop Racism, Stop U.S. Military and Police Terror." The conference peaked at over 80 students with a dozen chapters represented. | Speeches and applause rang through the halls all weekend. Students opened the conference chanting, "Dare to struggle, dare to win!" The conference ended with, "It is our duty to fight for each other, it is our duty to win!" | On Sat…

2019-10-07: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Why I tabled an Early-day Motion Calling for the U.K Government to Free Julian Assange
Chris Williamson | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) recently published a video entitled "Journalism is not a crime." It boldly states that "you can't kill the truth," that "everyone deserves access to information," that "it's vital to hold governments to account" and …

How Fossil Fuels Pollute STEM Education
Josue De Luna Navarro | counterpunch.org | 2019-10-07
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a message for policy makers: "Listen to the scientists." As an engineer, I was glad to hear that. But I also believe it's also vital for scientists to be vigilant about whom they listen to. For years, corporations funded junk science trying to undermine the climate consensus. Now, virtually…

Education is a Neglected Casualty of Wars and Displacements
Cesar Chelala | counterpunch.org | 2019-10-07
One of the neglected consequences of the recent wars and civilian conflicts in many parts of the world is their effect on people's education, particularly children's education. Because of the close connection between education and health, these events have had a severe effect on people's health –particularly on children- and on the countries' development. In…

A Decolonial Education Takes Shape at Mauna Kea's Ecological University
Staff | truthout.org | 2019-10-07
| Located near Mauna Kea's summit, Pu?uhonua o Pu?uhuluhulu is a refuge established to protect Mauna Kea, where hundreds have set up a space offering food, shelter and provisions. An abundant place of wind, water and lava, it is also a piko, Hawaii Island's vital center of convergence sacred for Native Hawaiians (Kanaka Maoli) and supporters like us who stand in solidarity to protect our living environments. A street section protected by k&#…

John Lennon vs. the Deep State: One Man Against the 'Monster'
John W. Whitehead | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
"You gotta remember, establishment, it's just a name for evil. The monster doesn't care whether it kills all the students or whether there's a revolution. It's not thinking logically, it's out of control."–John Lennon (1969) | John Lennon, born …

Pakistan -China -India Relations: Imran Khan's China Visit Meant to Influence President Xi's Upcoming India Meeting
Paul Antonopoulos | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan will arrive in Beijing on Tuesday and he will likely try to coordinate with China over the Kashmir issue to gain strong Chinese backing. It is likely that China will also be asked by Khan …

A Million-Mile Electric Car Battery? Musk Wasn't Lying
Irina Slav | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
When earlier this year Tesla's Elon Musk said the company could soon have batteries lasting for over one million miles, many probably took it as yet another grand promise with less substance than realism requires. Now it seems Musk may …

If 4 Nuclear WMD Are More than Adequate for Israel's Defence — Why Is It Armed with an Estimated 400?
Hans Stehling | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
Because the Israeli government refuses to be a party either to the international nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or the internationally agreed Chemical Weapons or Biological Weapons Conventions (CWC) (BWC), means that unlike the vast majority of UN Member States including …

Vircator Microwave Beams from Satellites against Targeted Individuals: Stop Torture and Experimentation on Citizens' Protest
Targeted Justice | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
There is a lot more corruption and crimes against humanity happening that people are not aware of. The hidden torture of unconsenting citizens leading us into modern day slavery. The CIA has taken control of the Military-Industrial complex and are …

The Dem-CIA Impeachment. Remove Trump from the Oval Office
Renee Parsons | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
It has been more than fascinating if not totally absorbing to watch the chain of events unfold over recent days with the Democrats in open cahoots with the CIA. Their joint goal is to remove the implacable Donald Trump from …

Turkey's Safe-zone and Refugee Peace-corridor in Syria Is a Cover for Encroachment and Territorial Expansion
Sarah Abed | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
On Saturday, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that preparations have been made for a unilateral cross border air and land military operation in the next day or two, in northern Syria, east of the Euphrates River. Erdogan expressed his …

Let's Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank
Larry Romanoff | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
Westerners have been for generations infused with a conviction that a nation's central bank must, under threat of great 'moral hazard', be kept separate and independent of that nation's government. The reasons are unclear, but since this mythology qualifies as …

Trump's Stonewalling of Impeachment Inquiry Is an Impeachable Offense
Prof. Marjorie Cohn | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
As three committees of the House of Representatives proceeded with the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump, the president tweeted, "I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP." …

77 Groups Join to Counter Trump Administration Attack on "Science Advice"
Union of Concerned Scientists | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
Political appointees in the Trump administration are already starting to eliminate science advisory committees, following a presidential executive order earlier this year directing agencies to reduce the total number of advisory committees by a third. This effort to undermine science …

Global Research: Committed to Curbing Disinformation…With Your Help!
The Global Research Team | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
In a "post-truth" "fake news" era, it is important now more than ever to have a reliable news source that delivers the critical analysis that is ignored or manipulated by the mainstream media. | Global Research is committed to curbing the …

Iraq Protests: Spontaneous or Made in the USA?
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
Time and again, when peaceful protests turn violent in various countries, US dirty hands are involved. | There's no ambiguity about months of protests in Hong Kong, US dirty hands all over them, local elements involved having met with Trump regime …

The US-Iran Silent War Is Transformed into an "Iraq Uprising"
Elijah J. Magnier | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
The last four days have shown that the ongoing US-Iran war is acutely affecting the whole region. This is now evident in Iraq where more than 105 people have been killed and thousands wounded in the course of demonstrations that …

US Hostility Toward North Korean Sovereign Independence. Why Talks Go Nowhere
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
The US under both right wings of its war party is militantly hostile toward nations it doesn't control. | It's longstanding aim throughout…

Pathways to Peace
Mairead Maguire | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
I am very happy to be with you all at this conference. I would like to thank David Swanson and World Beyond War for organizing this important event and also all those attending for their work for peace. | I have …

Resounding "No" to Monsanto's "Bogus" GM Drought-tolerant Maize
GMWatch | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
After more than 10 years of battling Monsanto's "bogus" drought tolerant maize project, the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has welcomed the decision by the Minister of Agriculture, Ms Thoko Didiza, upholding the decision by the Executive Council: GMO …

Trump Bucks Protests, Opens 725,500 Acres of California's Central Coast to Oil Drilling

| globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
The Trump administration today dismissed protests and made a formal decision to open 725,500 acres of public lands and mineral estate across California's Central Coast and the Bay Area to new oil and gas drilling and fracking. | The public lands …

India-South Korea Security Cooperation. What Impacts on China?
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
The Chinese Communist Party-backed "Global Times" was absolutely correct in publishing an analysis last month warning that "China Should Remain Alert To Indian-South Korean Security Cooperation" because New Delhi is attempting to leverage its newfound military ties with Seoul for …

The Real Venezuela: Dignified, Indivisible and Truthful
Nino Pagliccia | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
All those wondering who is in charge in Venezuela, should stop reading the biased and confusing corporate media and should look at who represents the country at the United Nations. The UN is not a perfect institution but it is …

Dying Wildlife on a Warming Planet
Meena Miriam Yust | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
If fish decline, so does a food source for humans and the water birds that feed on fish, and as insect pollinators decline, so do our crops and the plants around us. | *** | The emaciated polar bear, a sorry remnant …

The Most Important Presidential Election Question (That No One Ever Asks!)
Brett Redmayne-Titley | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
Once again, the American voter has dutifully begun their quadrennial march to futility at the hands of another election cycle full of false prophets. None seem to realize or remember that the monocracy that they hold so sacrosanct is not- …

The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Polluting Our STEM Schools
Staff | truthdig.com | 2019-10-07
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a message for policy makers: " Listen to the scientists." | As an engineer, I was glad to hear that. But I also believe it's also vital for scientists to be vigilant about whom they listen to. | For years, corporations funded junk science trying to undermine the climate consensus. Now, virtually all scientists agree that fossil fuels are heating the planet, so corporations are taking a new tack: peddling false solutions. | The fossil fuel industry has po…

UK Brexit Crisis: Destructive Agenda Which Could Shape Britain for Decades to Come
Peter Oborne | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
A man wearing tracksuit bottoms, a hoodie and an untucked shirt slouches into a Tory Party conference. He is tall, balding and in his mid-forties. | His every move is filmed or photographed by a platoon of cameramen as he's followed …

Selected Articles: Pathways to Peace
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-07
In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on globalresearch.ca has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide. | We cover a …

An Open Letter to Science and Global Security
Rick Sterling | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-10-06
Dear Editors at Science and Global Security Science and Global Security (SGS) has been publishing technical articles on arms control and related issues since 1989. I urge you not to succumb to political censorship. Recently it was announced you are withholding publication of an article titled "Computational Forensic Analysis for the Chemical Weapons Attack at …

Jordan Teachers Win Pay Raise After a Month of Strike
telesurenglish.net | 2019-10-06
Jordan's government said Sunday it has reached a pay deal with the teachers union to end a one-month strike, the country's longest public sector strike that disrupted schooling for more than 1.5 million students. | RELATED: | Jordanians Protest Against IMF Austerity, For 'Bread, Dignity and Freedom' | The deal came after the strike threatened a deepening political crisis when the government last week began legal steps against the unions after they rejected pay hikes the…

'I feel like never before': Russian-born LA 'Subway Soprano' gives tearful INTERVIEW after her 1st big stage performance (VIDEO)
rt.com | 2019-10-06
'Subway Soprano' Emily Zamourka, a homeless singer who became a viral sensation overnight, couldn't hold back tears when talking to Ruptly after her first big stage performance. She said she's starting a full-time music career. | Speaking to RT's video agency Ruptly after her performance at the opening of the New Little Italy district in Los Angeles, the Russian-born Zamourka said she felt "like never before in her entire life." She sang an aria from Italian opera composer Giacomo Puccini. | I feel this is… my chance of teaching people the real me, who I was the whole time. | It all started with a tweet o…

Ontario education workers set to strike Monday against Ford's savage cuts
wsws.org | 2019-10-05
The Canadian Union of Public Employees and the teachers unions are terrified that a strike will result in a head-on clash with the hated Ford government and trigger a broader working-class challenge to the capitalist elite's austerity agenda.

Here's how this government is spiralling a homeless crisis for families
Fréa Lockley | thecanary.co | 2019-10-05
On 1 October, "heart-breaking" new figures showed that around two homeless people died every day in 2018. And as new research from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism shows, current government policy means the UK's home…

Bloody Outrage: How party politics is obscuring human rights violations in China
Alexandra Jacobo | nationofchange.org | 2019-10-05
Earlier this year, a United Nations international tribunal concluded that the illegal, widespread, and systematic practice of forced organ harvesting in China is still ongoing. | Despite the overwhelming evidence of China's on-demand killing of prisoners — many of which are members of peaceful groups that the Chinese government has deemed "prisoners of conscience" — the Chinese government has denied the claims. | Such extraordinary acts of violence on hundreds of thousands of victims should be front and center in the media. Unfortunately, it seems party politics in the United States is getting in t…

Johnson 'wrote letter recommending US businesswoman for Tech City job'
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-10-05
Boris Johnson reportedly wrote a letter recommending American businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri for a job as the head of a technology quango when he was mayor of London.Amid a storm over his association with the former model, leaked emails seen by the Sunday Times showed Mr Johnson was listed as a reference in her application for the role at Tech City.Ms Arcuri was said to have been a 27-year-old student at the time of applying for the £100,000 a year job.It is claimed Boris Johnson wrote a job reference for Ms Arcuri (Danny Lawson/PA)In an email leaked to the paper, she allegedly later wrote: "I still have the…

Brazilians Spend More on Transportation Than on Food: Study
telesurenglish.net | 2019-10-05
For the first time, Brazilians are spending more on transportation than on food, according to a study published by Brazilian official statistics agency IBGE on Friday. | Aside from housing bills, food used to be the largest expense for Brazilian families, but the latest study found citizens spend an average 19.6 percent of their budget on transportation and 17.5 percent on food. | RELATED: | Brazil: Four Suspects Arrested for Marielle Franco's Murder | Housing expenses, such as payi…

Bolsonaro's highway project targets heart of Amazon region
Saul Foster | mronline.org | 2019-10-04
Amazon researchers said the repaved road would trigger an explosion of deforestation in Amazonas, currently Brazil's best preserved rainforest state precisely because it has few good roads. | Source…

Hong Kong Protesters Go on Rampage, Vow to Defy Government's Mask Ban
Tyler Durden | theantimedia.com | 2019-10-04
The government's attempt to ban masks resulted in hundreds of mostly masked students gathering to chant: "Hongkongers, resist!"

Shame of a Nation: The 1% Rules, the 99% Lets Them!
Ralph Nader | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-10-04
There has never been more access to food — domestic and imported — yet hunger is an ongoing problem everywhere. In the U.S. alone, 16.5 million children go to bed hungry and 20% of community college students are experiencing "food insecurity." Never have there been more communications technologies, yet it is harder to get through …

Labor unions to join national civil rights conference with Angela Davis in November
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-10-04
Chicago, IL – Unions are on the march in defense of their members across the country, with the autoworker strike against GM and strike authorization votes by teachers and other city employees in Chicago. Unions are also defending their members when they leave work and find their lives in danger from the very people paid to protect them: the police. | Labor is joining a new effort to hold the police accountable for the killing, wrongful conviction, and even torture of young Blacks and Latinos. On November 22-24, veteran human rights activist Angela Davis will be in Chicago to re-establish the National Alliance Ag…

False and Diversionary Charter School Dichotomies
Shawgi Tell | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-10-04
There is no shortage of articles, books, reports, blogs, and websites that continually detail the perpetually scandalous and troubled nature of charter schools. Not a day goes by without a report on some sort of infamy, fraud, mismanagement, corruption, or failure in the unaccountable charter school sector. But even articles and reports that are critical …

Study: Indian Politics Legitimize Hate Crimes
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-10-03
A new PERI study says that there is a causal relationship between the rise of the right-wing Hindu nationalist BJP party in India and the rise of hate crimes targeted against minorities, especially against Muslims. Prof. Deepankar Basu discusses the research.

Southern worker strikes show the power of solidarity
Connor Harney | liberationnews.org | 2019-10-03
Through the courage shown by teachers, auto and telecom workers, the South is beginning to realize once again the power workers can have in unions.

Black Dean of Students Jamie Riley fired in Alabama for telling the truth
Rob Dunn | liberationnews.org | 2019-10-02
Riley fired for tweets about racist foundations of US society.

Pentagon-funded researcher smears 'The Management of Savagery' in error-filled Times Literary Supplement screed
Max Blumenthal | thegrayzone.com | 2019-10-01
Lydia Wilson, a researcher at a US Department of Defense-backed outfit, has taken to the Times Literary Supplement to publish…

New research warns severe climate-related droughts could threaten 60% of Global wheat crop by 2100
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-10-01
Even with ambitious global efforts to limit emissions, the study warns, "the increase in the frequency and extent of adverse weather extremes and related shocks on the production side would be unprecedented." | Source…

Vista high school students demand climate action
Juliana Musheyev | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-30
Students from Rancho Buena Vista High School organized a sit-in at Vista City Hall Sept. 27 to demand a stronger climate action plan.

Milwaukee: Charges against anti-Nazi student dropped
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-09-30
Milwaukee, WI – A rally to support Grae Hosmanek at her court hearing on Friday, September 27, was cancelled due to the charges against her being dropped. | On May 6, Hosmanek was arrested and charged for vandalism on UW-Milwaukee's campus. She took hold of a reactionary student's sign that had a swastika and other antisemitic language on it. This student was holding the sign near an event that was being hosted by a Jewish student group. | Hosmanek had attended two court hearings, and the hearing on September 27 would have been the third one. | Young People's Resistance Committee (YPRC) and Milwaukee Area Labor C…

SDS strengthens at 14th annual national convention
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-09-29
Jacksonville, FL — On September 20, New Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapters from across the United States convened at the University of North Florida to reaffirm their commitment to student organizing and to discuss ways to, "Stop Trump, Stop Racism, Stop U.S. Military and Police Terror." The conference peaked at over 80 students with a dozen chapters represented. | Speeches and applause rang through the halls all weekend. Students opened the conference chanting, "Dare to struggle, dare to win!" The conference ended with, "It is our duty to fight for each other, it is our duty to win!" | On Sat…

Chicago Teachers Union authorizes strike
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-09-28
Chicago, IL – The Chicago Teachers Union released totals of the September 24-26 strike authorization vote, on September 26. The CTU Rules and Election Committee reported that as of 9: 30 p.m., the union passed the 75% threshold of members voting "yes." 94% of teachers, clinicians, PSRPs, nurses and librarians voted to authorize a strike to win the schools Chicago's students deserve. | The vote stands as a mandate from CTU members for Chicago Public Schools to uphold promises of equity and educational justice made by Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and that those promises must be in writing in an enforceable contract. This i…