Daily Archives: August 19, 2020

2020-08-19: News Headlines

Catherine Henchek, CPS parent and member of Parents 4 Teachers (2020-08-19). In Chicago, teacher-community solidarity forces district to put safety first. liberationnews.org The school district's turnaround shows what can happen when unions and community members work together.

The Canary (2020-08-19). Hapless Hancock defends cabinet colleague Williamson over exam fiasco. thecanary.co Calls for education secretary Gavin Williamson to quit over the A-level grades fiasco are a distraction at a time when he is focused on getting children back to school next month, a Cabinet colleague has said.Health secretary Matt Hancock said all ministers are "trying to do their best" in unprecedented circumstances "and I know that is true of Gavin Williamson".Hancock also acknowledged calls to increase student places at medical schools and promised that the government is working on the problem.Williamson is under intense pressure after he was forced to abandon the algorithm-based system for awarding A-level an…

yenisafak (2020-08-19). Philippines work on use of saliva for COVID-19 testing. yenisafak.com Researchers in Philippines are working to see the possible use of saliva as a sample for coronavirus testing.Maria Rosario Vergeire, a health department official, said Wednesday Filipino researchers were working on the "method of collecting saliva samples for almost a month now," daily Phil Star reported.The archipelago nation Wednesday reported 4,650 new cases and 111 deaths due to the virus. The national death toll climbed to 2,795 after fresh fatalities, while the number of total infections hit 173,774."That is being studied by our lab experts' panel. We forwarded it to our laboratory experts' panel to study a…

Aaron Talley (2020-08-19). This Is What Dystopia Looks Like. thenation.com This Is What Dystopia Looks Like…

Ajamu Baraka (2020-08-18). Trump or Biden: Any Difference for the Global South? globalresearch.ca Congress decided to go on vacation while millions of U.S. workers are in economic limbo and while the United States continues to engage in criminal activity, such as when it seized four Iranian oil tankers that were on their way …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2020-08-18). Video: "The House Cat Flu" is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse… globalresearch.ca This article was first published on April 18, 2020 | The following episode of the Simpsons was released in 2010. | It is a satire. But at the same time it reveals the unspoken truth. The writer of the script is an …

Staff (2020-08-18). Headlines for August 18, 2020. democracynow.org Virtual DNC Kicks Off with Calls for Unity, Speeches by Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders, UNC Switches to Remote Classes After 177 Students Contract COVID-19, Indigenous Groups in Brazil Protest Gov't Inaction on Coronavirus; South Korea Outbreak Grows, Postmaster General Agrees to Testify as Fears Mount over USPS Changes That Could Threaten Election, Special Tribunal Delivers Verdict over 2005 Killing of Ex-Lebanese PM Rafik al-Hariri, Mapuche Protesters Demand Hunger-Striking Leader Be Released, Spanish Royal Family Confirms Exiled Former King Juan Carlos Is in UAE, Trump Admin Finalized Plan to Open Alaska's…

Mondialisation (2020-08-18). Desastre ambiental segundo Marx: faces da crise capitalista (II). globalresearch.ca Continuando a análise comeàßada na primeira parte deste artigo —

Mike Whitney (2020-08-18). CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019; the Elitist Plan to Remake Society. globalresearch.ca Everything we were originally told about the Coronavirus has turned out to be wrong. | In fact, it's not a "novel" one-of-a-kind infection at all, but a member of a larger family of which there have been many iterations in the …

calvin deutschbein (2020-08-18). At North Carolina colleges, 'Safe Jobs Save Lives'. workers.org Chapel Hill, N.C. At 2: 15 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 14 — as the first week of in-person classes at the University of North Carolina wound to a close — the independent student newspaper, the Daily Tarheel, made the announcement: "BREAKING: Carolina Housing reported two COVID-19 clusters today." UE 150 organized . . . |

A Guest Author (2020-08-18). Colonialism intensifies pandemic school crisis for Puerto Ricans. workers.org By Lorraine Liriano Chávez This slightly edited talk was given at the Aug. 6 Workers World Party webinar, "War on the Working Class: the Socialist Response," which featured education workers. Lorraine Liriano Chávez Puerto Rico faces the life-threatening decision of the reopening of schools in the midst of rising COVID-19 . . . |

RT (2020-08-18). Comedian posts satirical tweet claiming convicted RAPIST will speak at Republican convention and internet goes wild. rt.com Convicted Stanford University rapist Brock Turner will speak at the Republican National Convention! It's a comedy bit, not the truth, but in 2020, social media can perhaps be forgiven for losing its ability to tell the difference. | Comedian Jena Friedman announced the disgraced student athlete as RNC 'special guest' on Twitter on Tuesday, provoking a firestorm of responses as a good portion of her audience took it seriously. Would the Republicans seriously invite a registered sex offender — even one with a Stanford University pedigree — to address their convention? | BREAKING NEWS: Brock Turner, Sta…

RT (2020-08-18). Leaky bubble? Michigan college puts students on campus arrest with mandatory Covid-19 tracking app, while staff get to leave. rt.com Michigan's Albion College is requiring incoming students to install a tracking app on their phones that warns the school if they leave campus. The 'Covid bubble' plan lets teachers come and go as they please, however. | The draconian rules, which mandate that students remain within the Albion campus' 4.5-mile perimeter throughout the entire 14-week semester, are part of Albion's plans to create a 'Covid bubble' protecting its entire student body, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Monday. | While Albion claimed students are being restricted to campus in order "to reduce the risk of transmission between the…

The Canary (2020-08-18). Education Secretary resists calls to resign over GCSE and A-level grades U-turn. thecanary.co Education secretary Gavin Williamson has resisted calls to resign over his handling of A-level and GCSE grades in England, but he has apologised to thousands of students for the distress caused.The government announced a U-turn on Monday when it said students would be able to receive grades based on their teachers' estimates following anger over the downgrading of thousands of A-level grades.But Williamson has repeatedly refused to say whether he would consider resigning from his position.The minister said there had been "broad political consensus" across all parties that a standardisation model was needed for te…

Tamba Franàßois Koundouno (2020-08-18). 'Palestine Is a Red Line', Morocco-Israel Relations, Netanyahu's "Normalization" Machine? Moroccan Writers Boycott UAE, Israel. globalresearch.ca Five Moroccan authors have announced their decision to boycott an Emirati literary prize in objection to the UAE's "normalization" deal with Israel, Spanish newspaper According to the report, the Moroccan writers all expressed their dismay and disappointment …

Paul Antonopoulos (2020-08-18). Poland and Lithuania Are Escalating Events in Belarus as They Did with Maidan. globalresearch.ca On August 9, presidential elections were held in Belarus with five candidates bidding to be head of state. According to the Central Election Commission, the incumbent president, Alexander Lukashenko, won in the first round with over 80% of the …

Philip Giraldi (2020-08-18). Managing the Narrative: Corporations and Government Use Internet to Control Information. globalresearch.ca Some Americans continue to believe that when they go to the internet they will get a free flow of useful information that will guide them in making decisions or coming to conclusions about the state of the world. That conceit …

Rep. Ron Paul (2020-08-18). Anthony Fauci Is Out, Sidelined by Trump. Common Sense Might be Returning. Enter Dr. Scott Atlas to the Coronavirus Task Force. globalresearch.ca It is now official: the media has confirmed that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been "sidelined" by Trump. This is nothing new. Fauci has not been fired as head of the NIASD. It is unclear whether this new appointment will trigger …

Rep. Ron Paul (2020-08-18). Anthony Fauci Is Out, "Sidelined" by Trump. Enter Dr. Scott Atlas to the Coronavirus Task Force. globalresearch.ca It is now official: Dr. Anthony Fauci has been "sidelined" by president Trump. This is nothing new. | Dr. Fauci has not been fired as head of the NIAID. Moreover, it is unclear whether this new appointment will trigger a significant …

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-18). "Fake News": Iran Paid Taliban to Kill US Troops… Big Lies Take a Life of Their Own. globalresearch.ca When repeated ad nauseam, Big Lies take on a life of their own. | Before the television age arrived, famed actor/humorist Will Rogers once said: "All I know is what I read in the papers." | He might have added that mind …

Stephen Lendman (2020-08-18). Trump Gives Chinese Parent Company 90 Days to Divest from TikTok. globalresearch.ca US cold war on China risks turning hot if bipartisan hardliners in Washington push things too far. | Their hostile actions are all about wanting China's development, growth, and prominence on the world stage undermined. | Since Trump took office, scores of …

teleSUR (2020-08-18). President Piñera Launches Bidding to Set up 5G Network in Chile. telesurenglish.net Chile's President Sebastian Piñera launched the first bidding process to install the 5G technology in the country, which is one of the first Latin American nations to develop this network. | RELATED: | "The 5G application will be prioritized in essential sectors such as health, education, transportation, and natural disaster control," Piñera said. | Chile will allocate between US$2.65 billion and US$3 billion to dou…

WSWS (2020-08-18). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Colombian Federation of Education Workers conducted a 48-hour strike August 12 and 13 against plans for a rotating reopening of the country's schools that teachers say is unsafe.

teleSUR (2020-08-18). Mexico: 98 Percent of Children Will Study From Home. telesurenglish.net Mexico's Education Secretary Esteban Moctezuma Monday announced that the Learn at Home II program is ready to serve 98 percent of elementary and middle school students. | RELATED: | "We developed a fair strategy for children that considers their socioeconomic conditions and the region in which they live," he said, recalling that face-to-face classes were suspended on March 23. | At that time, the Education Secretary (S…

Elijah J. Magnier (2020-08-18). USA to Iraq: We Will Withdraw but Without Being Humiliated. globalresearch.ca Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi is preparing to meet US President Donald Trump at the White House, about issues that are burdening Iraq. The country is struggling with a stifling economic crisis, the Coronavirus pandemic, the US military presence that …

Prof. Sam Ben-Meir (2020-08-18). Spontaneous Lines: The Art of Rita Blitt. A Yes to Life, A Yes to the World… Art is Life. globalresearch.ca Rita Blitt: Around and Round (Tra Publishing, 2020), looks back at the long and prolific career of this notable American artist. If Blitt's work is about anything then it is about the exuberance, the joy, the …

teleSUR (2020-08-18). Scientists Determine The Order Of COVID-19 Symptoms. telesurenglish.net Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) Monday identified the likely order in which COVID-19 symptoms appear, a finding that could help both patients and doctors to better handle the disease. | RELATED: | The study was led by doctoral candidate Joseph Larsen with faculty advisors Peter Kuhn and James Hicks from the USC Michelson Convergent Science Institute in Cancer (CSI-Cancer). | Specialists conclu…

Califf RM, Hernandez AF, Landray M. (2020-08-18). Weighing the Benefits and Risks of Proliferating Observational Treatment Assessments. jamanetwork.com This Viewpoint discusses the role of observational study designs and data in the rapid stand-up of an evidence base for managing the COVID-19 pandemic, proposing ways to position observational research as a foundation for rapid follow-on randomized evaluation without premature overinterpretation of its findings.

Richard Falk (2020-08-18). Interpreting the UAE/Israel Agreement on Suspending Annexation. globalresearch.ca Any comment on regional implications of the Agreement is, of course, highly speculative as the real reasons for such an initiative are rarely disclosed by those with the power of decision. In this case the uncertainties are magnified by some …

Jorge Arreaza (2020-08-18). Venezuela, and Trump's Irrational Electoral Policy. globalresearch.ca Elections always have an interesting effect on public policy, in particular if the person in charge of designing and implementing a certain policy is up for reelection. In politics, it is logical that an incumbent candidate decides to show successful …

Richard Silverstein (2020-08-18). Former Lebanese Interior Minister Blames Israel for Beirut Attack. globalresearch.ca A former Lebanese Interior Minister has publicly This operation in Beirut was carried out by Israel in a clear and explicit manner," Machnouk said, adding: "It is clear we are looking at a …

Yanis Iqbal (2020-08-18). The Hunger Crisis in Guatemala. globalresearch.ca A report released by Oxfam in July 2020

Robert F. Kennedy Jr (2020-08-18). Video: The Great Vaccine Debate! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz. globalresearch.ca Don't miss this historic debate between Children's Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. | With the current COVID crisis dominating headlines at national and local levels, the topic of vaccines is now front …

Mori M, Krumholz HM, Allore HG. (2020-08-18). Using Latent Class Analysis to Identify Hidden Clinical Phenotypes. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods summarizes latent class analysis, a statistical technique that estimates the probability of patients belonging to a discrete group that shares specific combinations of observed variables, and explains how the technique is used and can be interpreted in observational research.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-08-18). Rights groups demand justice for murdered Baloch student. peoplesdispatch.org A final year student of Karachi University, 23-year-old Hayat Baloch Hayat, was allegedly killed by Pakistan's Frontier Corps personnel after being accused of involvement in a roadside bomb explosion…

teleSUR (2020-08-18). US: Los Angeles to Test All Students and Teachers for COVID-19. telesurenglish.net Los Angeles Unified School District superintendent Austin Beutner announced a COVID-19 testing plan for students and school personnel, as learning activities would resume this fall. | RELATED: | "Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary actions, and while this testing and contact tracing effort is unprecedented, it is necessary and appropriate," Beutner said. | The testing program would start on Monday, August 24, an…

imperial.ac.uk (2020-08-18). Effective test and trace could reduce R by up to 26%. imperial.ac.uk Test and trace could reduce the effective reproduction number, the R number, by up to 26% if carried out quickly and effectively, new research finds.

The Canary (2020-08-18). Estimates of plastic in Atlantic 'massively underestimated'. thecanary.co Estimates of how much plastic has been dumped in the Atlantic Ocean have been "massively underestimated", experts say. | The mass of so-called invisible microplastics found in the upper waters of the Atlantic is around 12-21m tonnes, new research suggests. | But the figure only represents three types of the most common types of plastic litter in a limited size range. | According to a study published in Nature Communications, it is comparable in magnitude to estimates of all plastic waste that has entered the Atlantic over the past 65 years — 17m tonnes. | This suggests the supply of plastic to the ocean has…

The Canary (2020-08-18). Students will receive final GCSE grades on Thursday despite U-turn. thecanary.co GCSE students will receive their final grades on Thursday despite the government's U-turn on grading, exam boards have pledged. | All schools and colleges will receive their pupils' GCSE grades from the exam boards ahead of results day, the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has said. | Exam boards said they have been "working hard" to provide schools and colleges with students' centre assessment grades, which are based on teachers' estimates, or the moderated grades if they are higher. | The announcement comes amid confusion about how GCSE results day would run following the U-turn. | JCQ confirms exam centr…

Fight Back (2020-08-18). Philippines: Killings of rights defenders continue amid COVID-19 spike, economic recession. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Labor NGO: Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER). | Rampant harassment and terroristic acts by the state towards the people made it clear that the Duterte administration does not aim to resolve all the crises brought out by the pandemic, according to Labor NGO Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER). | EILER firmly stands with all the peasant rights defenders and demands accountability for the brutal killings of Randall "Ka Randy" Echanis, 72; Reken Remasog, 24, and Zara Alvarez, 39. | Ka Randy was a…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2020-08-18). Google's Open Letter: Fighting Australia's News Media Bargaining Code. globalresearch.ca Tech giants tend to cast thin veils over threats regarding government regulations. They are also particularly concerned by those more public spirited ones, the sort supposedly made for the broader interest. Google has given us an example of this in …

commondreams (2020-08-18). Researchers' Plan To Release Genetically Engineered American Chestnut Trees in Forests Will Set Dangerous Precedents If Approved. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Shane Quinn (2020-08-18). US Firestorming of Tokyo Rivaled the Hiroshima Bombing. globalresearch.ca Featured image: Charred remains of Japanese civilians after the firebombing of Tokyo on the night of 9—10 March 1945. (Source: Ishikawa K≈çy≈ç / Wikimedia Commons) | In the early hours of 10 March 1945, as America's heavy aircraft dropped over 1,600 …

R.C.A. Achterbergh, E. Hoornenborg, A. Boyd, L. Coyer, S.J.A. Meuzelaar, A.A. Hogewoning, U. Davidovich, M.S. van Rooijen, M.F. Schim van der Loeff, M. Prins, H.J.C. de Vries (2020-08-18). [Original Research] Changes in mental health and drug use among men who have sex with men using daily and event-driven pre-exposure prophylaxis: Results from a prospective demonstration project in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. thelancet.com Mental health disorders are prevalent among those initiating PrEP. We did not find increases in mental health disorders during PrEP use, but rather a decrease in sexual compulsivity and drug use disorders. The initial prevalence of mental health disorders in our study point at the continuous need to address mental health disorders within PrEP programs.

Lauren Novosat (2020-08-18). Money Becomes King: University Greed in the Midst of a Global Pandemic. counterpunch.org Students around the nation prepare to return to campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic and are met with empty promises of safety: social distancing in the classroom, a hybrid education system with in-person and online teaching, an overwhelming feeling that the return to campus will be just as lonely as the long trek home in early

Sasha Abramsky (2020-08-18). Trump's Attacks on Science Will Hasten Climate Catastrophe. thenation.com Trump's Attacks on Science Will Hasten Climate Catastrophe…

Alan MacLeod (2020-08-17). Julian Assange Court Case Delayed Again in Bizarre Circumstances. globalresearch.ca "I have never in my career faced so much difficulty attempting to trial monitor as in Julian Assange's case." — Rebecca Vincent, Director of International Campaigns for Reporters Without Borders. | *** | There were bizarre scenes at Westminster Magistrates' …

Eduardo Campos Lima (2020-08-17). Missionaries Gain Access to Amazon's Indigenous Peoples, Despite Pandemic. globalresearch.ca When the first COVID-19 cases hit Brazil in March, the government agency in charge of protecting the country's Indigenous peoples, the National Indigenous Foundation, ordered all civilians to leave the Indigenous reservations. Only essential workers, such as health care personnel …

Andre Vltchek (2020-08-17). Anti-Racist Uprising Infiltrated by Extreme-Right Hooligans. globalresearch.ca The city of Minneapolis is where it all began. It is where the last drop fell on the surface of a proverbial overflowing lake, causing the dam to burst, consequently starting to destroy the foundations of the empire. | A death …

Andrew Korybko (2020-08-17). Russian-Belarusian Relations: Back to Being Brothers? Crimea 2.0 Is Unlikely. globalresearch.ca Several recent developments in Russian-Belarusian relations — in particular, Belarus' return of 32 suspected Wagner mercenaries to Russia, Belarusian opposition leader Tsepkalo's departure from Russia, and the two phone calls between Presidents Putin and Lukashenko — hint that bilateral ties …