Daily Archives: September 22, 2021

2021-09-22: News Headlines

Brian Berletic (2021-09-22). AUKUS vs China: Inching Toward War. asia-pacificresearch.com

sputniknews (2021-09-22). Awkward Moment as White House Staff Cuts Off Biden-Johnson Meeting in Mid-Sentence. sputniknews.com Biden hosted Johnson at the White House shortly after the meeting of the UN General Assembly. At the meeting, they stressed how the UK-US partnership is "unrivaled in its scale and steadfastness," and discussed the AUKUS defense pact, the free travel of vaccinated Britons to the US, climate change, and girls' education.

Pip Hinman (2021-09-22). Australia's New Anti-China Alliance. asia-pacificresearch.com

_____ (2021-09-22). Racism Denies Common Prosperity In The United States. popularresistance.org Mainstream U.S. media frequently depicts China as a "closed off" country that treats ethnic minorities with contempt and oppression. The New York Times took this baseless accusation further in an op-ed published on September 9 that claimed China was closing itself off from the world and rejecting the English language. No verifiable proof was offered beyond reforms to the education system that seek to address economic and social stressors faced by Chinese families. | The op-ed argued that China's decision to place tighter regulations on its private tutoring and examination process is a sign that the country is clo…

scorinoco (2021-09-22). Paulo Freire's Centennial: Political Pedagogy for Revolutionary Organizations. orinocotribune.com By Derek Ford — Sep 17, 2021 | All revolutionary processes are educational. From organizing meetings and study groups to writing protest speeches and propaganda before the revolutionary moment to creating new revolutionary educational and cultural institutions and training teachers and specialists after the seizure of power, revolution is educational through and through. Yet exactly what kind of educational operations does revolution entail, and how can we understand and practice them? | It is precisely these questions that Paulo Freire addressed in his classic work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. | One hundred…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2021-09-22). Sudan Interim Regime Says It Has Thwarted a Military Coup. globalresearch.ca

Colin Todhunter (2021-09-22). One Year on Since the Farm Laws — India's Farmers' Struggle Set to Intensify. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2021-09-22). Wealth-X report: Billionaire wealth surged during pandemic. wsws.org A new report from research firm Wealth-X found that the global COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the growth of social inequality and witnessed an unprecedented accumulation of wealth among the most privileged layers in society.

Chris MacIntosh (2021-09-22). Global Economic Chaos? BlackRock and Citi Get on Board the "Climate Train" globalresearch.ca

Orinoco Tribune (2021-09-22). Venezuela Denounces Colombia's Violation of Airspace & Biden Impugns Venezuela, Cuba & Belarus at UN. globalresearch.ca

RobertAlvarez (2021-09-22). Big Pharma Corporate Lobby VS. Everyday Americans. ips-dc.org Armed with a "STOP PHARMA GREED" banner and a large, menacing image of a greedy industry executive, member leaders from People's Action rallied in front of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Washington, D.C. headquarters Tuesday to protest drug companies' relentless pursuit of profits at the expense of everyday people. | The 12-foot cardboard PhRMA executive pulled strings to control activists portraying three Congressional "puppets" — Reps. Kathleen Rice (D-NY), Kurt Schrader (D-OR), and Scott Peters (D-CA). These three House members all recently threatened to tank a provision…

Stephen Sefton (2021-09-22). Sergio Ramirez on Nicaragua: Treason All Over Again… globalresearch.ca

Prof. Anatol Lieven (2021-09-22). Congress Wants to Put Even More Troops in Russia's Backyard. globalresearch.ca

Medea Benjamin (2021-09-22). U.S. Militarism's Toxic Impact on Climate Policy. globalresearch.ca

Stephen Lendman (2021-09-22). Indisputable Science. Diabolical Crimes against Humanity: "I Refuse to be Silent": Stephen Lendman. globalresearch.ca

Brian Shilhavy (2021-09-22). Thousands of Fetal Deaths and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women. globalresearch.ca

Children's Health Defense (2021-09-22). 80 Groups, 57 Doctors, 19 Scientists Join CHD in Urging Pennsylvania to Reject 'Smart Meters' Mandate. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-09-22). Mayo researchers link gut microbiome to rheumatoid arthritis prognosis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — A significant indicator of whether a patient with rheumatoid arthritis will improve over the course of disease may lie in part in their gut, according to new research from Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine. The study, published in Genome Medicine, found that predicting a patient's future rheumatoid arthritis prognosis could be possible by zeroing in on the trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that inhabit their gastrointestinal tract, known as the…

John C. A. Manley (2021-09-22). Canada's Elections: People's Party of Canada (PPC) Took a Firm Stance on the "Covid Mandate" and Vaccine Passport. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-09-22). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Listener mailbag — COVID-19 questions answered. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Each week, the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast shares the latest information on COVID-19. On today's episode, Dr. Gregory Poland, an infectious diseases expert and head of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group, answers listeners' coronavirus questions. Dr. Poland discusses the mu variant, understanding breakthrough infections and the importance of flu vaccinations this fall. "The symptoms of COVID-19 and the symptoms of influenza overlap so much that it can be hard to distinguish one from another," says Dr. Poland. What…

The Center Square (2021-09-22). New Hampshire House Speaker Files Bill to Block Vaccine Mandate. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-09-22). The Battle to Suppress Hydroxychloroquine as a Cheap and Effective Drug for the Treatment of Covid-19. globalresearch.ca The campaign against HCQ is carried out through slanderous political statements, media smears, not to mention an authoritative peer reviewed "evaluation" published on May 22nd by The Lancet, which was based on fake figures and test trials.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-09-22). Science Saturday: A new understanding of the inner workings of CAR-T cell therapy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic researchers have biomanufactured chimeric antigen receptor-T cell therapy (CAR-T cell therapy) in a new way to track the cells' cancer-fighting journey and predict toxic side effects. This Mayo Clinic breakthrough, published in Cancer Immunology Research, also could unravel the mystery of how to unleash CAR-T cell therapy to destroy solid tumors. "This new technology allows us to image CAR-T cells after they are given to patients and study their fate," says Saad Kenderian, M.B., Ch.B., a Mayo…

Global Research News (2021-09-22). Selected Articles: The Claim that COVID Jabs Are Safe and Effective Has Fallen Apart. globalresearch.ca By The cohesiveness of society is beginning to tatter into shreds as …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-09-22). A regenerative refresh to cosmetic procedures. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic has launched a regenerative cosmetic service for patients aimed at resetting the body's clock to a time of more youthful function and appearance. The Multidisciplinary Cosmetic Center at Mayo Clinic in Arizona pairs general and facial plastic surgery with dermatologists, gynecologists, vascular surgery, urologists and aestheticists to deliver services grounded in scientific evidence and the latest regenerative technologies. "The emotional and psychosocial benefits of cosmetic surgery are well-researched and clearly documented. It can…

Dr. Byram W. Bridle (2021-09-22). The COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: Letter to President of the University of Guelph: Prof. of Virus Immunology. globalresearch.ca

John W. Whitehead (2021-09-22). Freedom from Fear: Stop Playing the Government's Mind Games. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-09-22). Mayo Clinic patient, physician highlighted by Conquer Cancer Foundation. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Wendy Allen-Rhoades is an oncologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, with expertise in a variety of pediatric and adolescent cancers. Her experience and research background helped her develop a promising treatment plan for Kenedi, a young patient from Wisconsin. Kenedi had a rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare type of cancer that can occur at any age, but most often affects children. Using support from a 2013 Conquer Cancer Young Investigator Award, Dr. Allen-Rhoades has been…

Dr. Mike Yeadon (2021-09-22). Video: A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon. globalresearch.ca

John Solomon (2021-09-22). Sidelined? Hundreds of Navy SEALS Told They Won't be Deployed if They Refuse COVID Vaccine. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2021-09-22). Preserve Human Dignity — Even in the Face of Terrible and Seemingly Hopeless Conditions! globalresearch.ca Incisive article by Dr. Rudolph Haensel first published in April 2020 in the immediate wake of the March 11, 2020 lockdown. Autonomy is the state and attitude to life of self-determination, independence (sovereignty) and self-administration. Philosophically, it is the …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2021-09-22). More Evidence that They Know the COVID Vaccine Is Killing and Maiming People and Yet They Continue Their Death Program. globalresearch.ca

Rodney Atkinson (2021-09-22). Covid Cases Fall in the Least Vaccinated Countries. globalresearch.ca

Joachim Hagopian (2021-09-22). The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed. globalresearch.ca Originally published on Global Research in January 2015 | This article published six years ago, is of utmost relevance to the ongoing covid-19 crisis. What's wrong with America is what's wrong with Big Pharma. And what's wrong with Big …

August Graham (2021-09-22). World Wildlife Fund Calls Out British Banks, Funding Deforestation. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2021-09-22). Faculty at University of Delaware describes unsafe conditions on campus. wsws.org A faculty member at the University of Delaware describes the conditions students and faculty face as the fall semester begins and the inadequate measures taken by the University.

Rick Rozoff (2021-09-22). Anti-imperialist protest against NATO military summit in Athens. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anti-imperialist protest against NATO military summit in Athens A well-crafted report by Tony Seed on the recent NATO Military Committee meeting in Athens and the protests held against it. It's particularly heartening to see trade unionists, women's groups and students involved in opposition to NATO. Here in the U.S. political figures claiming to represent those …

Fight Back (2021-09-22). Dallas protest stands in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners. fightbacknews.org Dallas, TX – On September 19, about 50 people gathered in Belo Garden Park in Downtown Dallas to support six Palestinian political prisoners who recently escaped from Israeli detention, and to call for the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners. The rally was organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, American Muslims for Justice in Palestine, and Students for Justice in Palestine. Chants included "Intifada! Intifada! Long live the Intifada!" "We don't want two states! We want '48!" and "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." | Speeches followed the chants. Jhad Villena of Malaya Move…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-09-22). Consumer Health: Back to school — and bullying. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org For many families, the start of school is a busy, exciting time of year. For some students, though, returning to school also means bullying, and the feelings of anxiety, sadness and loneliness bullying can cause. Up to 20% of students 12—18 experience bullying in the U.S. each year, according to StopBullying.gov, which is a resource managed by the Department of Health and Human Resources dedicated to providing information about bullying. Bullying is a form of…

_____ (2021-09-22). In Central York, Kids Rose Up To Save Books From Their Parents. popularresistance.org The mess in the Central York School District, which includes several suburban townships just north of York, in a county where Donald Trump won 62% of the vote, started after some parents and teachers had hoped to bolster the curriculum around anti-racism in the wake of the George Floyd protest marches in spring 2020. The move backfired when some parents started complaining about the reading list proposed by a committee. "I don't want my daughter growing up feeling guilty because she's white," one parent, Matt Weyant, told a recent school board meeting. Then, panicked school board members imposed "a freeze" on stu…

_____ (2021-09-22). I'm Fighting For Ethnic Studies So My History Won't Be Erased. popularresistance.org Last year, as a massive uprising against systemic racism swept across the world, activists fighting for Black liberation and racial justice put radical demands against institutional racism on the table, such as abolishing and defunding the police. Another key step toward challenging institutional racism is the push for ethnic studies and teaching about systemic racism in U.S. schools. I am part of that fight in California. | Last year, Pittsburg, California's school board passed an ethnic studies resolution and tasked an ethnic studies committee with implementing curricula for the school district. Pittsburg is a…

Manlio Dinucci (2021-09-21). Joe Biden apprendista stregone nucleare. globalresearch.ca Il presidente Biden ha annunciato la nascita dell'Aukus, partenariato strategico-militare tra Stati Uniti, Gran Bretagna e Australia, con ´l'imperativo di assicurare la pace e stabilità a lungo termine nell'Indo-Pacifico ª, la regione che nella geopolitica di Washington si estende dalla costa …

Dr. Shawgi Tell (2021-09-21). Privately Operated Charter Schools in America: History and Analysis. globalresearch.ca

Rick Rozoff (2021-09-21). Foreign Ministry: Syria condemns Turkish hostile actions, affirms its right to respond. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Foreign Ministry: Syria condemns Turkish hostile actions, affirms its right to respond Syria has condemned Turkish hostile actions and violations of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the country, affirming that it reserves a right which is guaranteed by its constitution, principles of the international law and UN charter to respond to these actions, …

_____ (2021-09-21). When McDonalds Came To Denmark. popularresistance.org Every few months, a prominent person or publication points out that McDonalds workers in Denmark receive $22 per hour, 6 weeks of vacation, and sick pay. This compensation comes on top of the general slate of social benefits in Denmark, which includes child allowances, health care, child care, paid leave, retirement, and education through college, among other things. | In these discussions, relatively little is said about how this all came to be. This is sad because it's a good story and because the story provides a good window into why Nordic labor markets are the way they are. | McDonalds opened its first store…

Brotherton SE, Etzel SI. (2021-09-21). Graduate Medical Education, 2020-2021. jamanetwork.com This Appendix presents 2020 National GME Census data detailing the numbers and types of ACGME-accredited training programs and the residents and fellows in them.

Barzansky B, Etzel SI. (2021-09-21). MD-Granting Medical Schools in the United States, 2020-2021. jamanetwork.com This Appendix presents data from the 2020-2021 Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) annual questionnaire, which provides information on the number of students, student demographics, and curriculum content at US medical schools.

WSWS (2021-09-21). Mass infections threatened as students return to UK campuses. wsws.org Even before most students have arrived on campus, outbreaks are being reported at multiple universities. Students and university staff are in this position thanks to the treachery of the education unions.

Yasmeen Afghan (2021-09-21). Kabul Diaries Part 13: Not without my sister. greenleft.org.au Yasmeen Afghan reports that after the Taliban announced only boys and male teachers should resume their studies and work, children began posting pictures holding placards with slogans against the unofficial ban on girls' education.

John Shuck (2021-09-21). COVID: The Movie, the Sequel to 9/11. "Virus, Virus, Fear, Fear …" globalresearch.ca

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