Daily Archives: May 20, 2022

2022-05-20: News Headlines

Fight Back (2022-05-20). San José State students rally for reproductive rights. fightbacknews.org San José, CA – On May 16, about 50 students gathered at the Olympic Black Power Statue, at San José State University, to rally in defense of Roe v. Wade. | Many student and community organizers, as well as concerned students and community members spoke to the importance of preserving Roe v. Wade, and why the right to abortion and reproductive health care is a human right and should be codified into law. Throughout the rally, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Abortion is a human right!" and "My body! My choice!" echoed throughout campus. | This rally was led by members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), along with S…

____ (2022-05-20). Covid rips through US schools during sixth surge. wsws.org The mass infection policies enforced by the federal government have left teachers, staff and students entirely unprotected in schools as cases surge.

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-05-19). Top Reparations Scholar Dr. Sandy Darity Wins Another Award: Harvard Radcliffe Fellowship. moguldom.com Top reparations scholar Dr. William "Sandy" Darity has another accolade to add to his already impressive list. Darity has been selected by the Harvard Radcliffe Institute as one of its 2022-2023 fellows. Darity is one of fellows and four graduate students selected for the renowned fellowship. The institute fosters interdisciplinary research at Harvard University …

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