Daily Archives: October 9, 2021

2021-10-09: News Headlines

Fight Back (2021-10-09). Tampa students protest to defund university police. fightbacknews.org Tampa, FL – On September 29, Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic (SDS) held a protest calling for the University of South Florida (USF) to defund its campus police force. The students pointed to the police force's budget of about $7 million, which is higher than many colleges on campus. Last year, citing budget concerns, USF attempted to close the College of Education, which has a budget of about $6 million, until student protests and public outrage forced them to keep it open. | A speech called attention to the USF police department's participation in the 1033 Program, which allows police departments to buy sur…

Dean Baker (2021-10-09). Cheap Fun Saturday: Job Growth Under Biden and Trump. cepr.net The job gain of 194,000 reported for September was well below what most of us had expected, but the overall picture was considerably brighter than this figure suggests. First, the main factor depressing job growth in the month was a loss of 161,000 jobs in state and local education. That one has me and others …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-10-09). Expert Alert: Advancing individualized medicine through genomics. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — The virtual 10th Annual Individualizing Medicine Conference on Oct. 8—9 will highlight the latest discoveries, diagnostics, therapeutics and emerging approaches in the field of genomics. Attendees will hear from renowned experts and learn first-hand how individualized medicine is transforming clinical practice, research and education. Highlighted topics will include artificial intelligence, health disparities, precision oncology, microbiome, genomic clinical applications and challenges, and many others. Taking the virtual center stage will be keynote speakers Gianrico…

Rick Rozoff (2021-10-09). Video: NATO's 30-nation Military Committee in Georgia Discusses "Permanent Threat from Russia in the Two Breakaway Regions" globalresearch.ca

IMEMC (2021-10-09). Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-10-09). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Treating and preventing liver cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While still relatively rare, the rate of primary liver cancer has been increasing in recent decades, disproportionately affecting minority populations. "Research has shown that Blacks and Hispanics are less likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer at an earlier stage, compared to whites," says Dr. Sumera Ilyas, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist. "And that, in turn, means the odds of being eligible for potentially curative treatments are lower for these patients." These disparities are due to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-10-09). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Breaking down COVID-19 vaccine booster approvals. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The path to approvals for a booster dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has seemed complicated. "This is a confusing set of recommendations," says Dr. Gregory Poland, an infectious diseases expert and head of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group. "So let's look at the four groups approved for only the Pfizer booster, thus far. If you got a primary series of the Pfizer vaccine, you're 65 and older, and it's been six months or more, you…

Anonymous103 (2021-10-09). Global Research: Defeat Or Victory? The War On Afghanistan (2001-2021). southfront.org Illustrative Image | Originally published on — U.S. Vice President…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-10-09). Science Saturday: A robotic GPS for targeting, delivering regenerative biotherapies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A remote-controlled bronchoscope that acts like a GPS system hunts down hard-to-find lung masses and accurately biopsies them, according to a Mayo Clinic collaborative study. This multisite research, which is published in Annals of Thoracic Surgery, lays the foundation for precisely finding early-stage cancer and targeting it with regenerative biotherapeutics needed to stimulate healing. Artificial intelligence gleaned from CT scans directs the robotic fiber optic cable, providing a GPS-like pathway to tiny nodules, or masses, that manual bronchoscopes…

South Front (2021-10-09). Video: Jihadist Attacks in Mali Becoming the Norm, France Withdraws. globalresearch.ca

Zero Hedge (2021-10-09). University of California, Irvine Director of Medical Ethics Placed on 'Investigatory Leave' over Challenge to Vaccine Mandate. globalresearch.ca

Richard Horton (2021-10-09). [Comment] Offline: How others see us. thelancet.com "A victory for science!" Who could possibly disagree with Christel van Geet, Vice-Rector of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Leuven? She was opening a symposium about the defence of rationality during the COVID-19 pandemic, held at the University of Sorbonne, Paris, last week. Jean-Franàßois Delfraissy, President of France's COVID-19 Scientific Council, called COVID-19 vaccines a "miracle". The Rector of the University of Geneva, Yves Flàºckiger, described the contribution of science to the pandemic as "spectacular".

NARAL Pro-Choice America (2021-10-09). Wednesday 10/20: Doubling Down for Passing the Women's Health Protection Act w/ NARAL. indybay.org Online teach-in and call to action…

AAPFBAS (2021-10-09). Thursday 10/14: #TeachTruth: National Teach-in for Truth About Systemic Racism & Sexism in U.S. Curricula. indybay.org Online teach-in via Zoom…

Daniela Jimenez (2021-10-08). Were Pandora Papers a Controlled Leak?—Misión Verdad's William Serafino Comments. orinocotribune.com The Pandora Papers are a controlled leak that does not take aim at the system that privileges US and UK interests, explained William Serafino, a researcher at the Samuel Robinson Institute. | For Serafino, a Venezuelan political scientist, this new case of the Pandora Papers, that recently linked world political leaders and celebrities accused of trying to hide their fortunes in infamous tax havens, constitutes a controlled leak in that "it touches intermediate sectors of the transnational elite" but does not point out "the true root of the problem, which is the system of incentives and privileges that the United…

Dr. Rochagné Kilian (2021-10-08). Video: "Did We Ever Ask Granny?" Emergency Physician Dr. Rochagné Kilian Exposes Health Care Corruption. globalresearch.ca

Zack Kopplin (2021-10-08). The Corruption of the Afghan Presidency. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2021-10-08). Some Schools Remove Police, Others Continue Sending Students To Police. popularresistance.org Chicago – In January 2019, a cell phone video from inside Marshall High School on Chicago's West Side was posted to Facebook. It shows a student, then-16-year-old Dnigma Howard, at the bottom of a staircase, and two Chicago Police officers trying to handcuff her. One of the officers fires his Taser at Dnigma as she's on the ground. | Now, more than two years and a $300,000 settlement with the school district later, many Chicago schools have opted to remove police from their hallways. At the same time, newly released body camera video sheds light on what happened to Dnigma, and data from the US Department of Educa…

Manlio Dinucci (2021-10-08). The True Face of Facebook. globalresearch.ca

Michael Welton (2021-10-08). Canadian Christians And Secularists Contest Including God's Name in the Un Charter of 1948 and the Canadian Charter of 1982. counterpunch.org Canadian historian George Egerton has provided us with two case studies that can serve our purposes of illustrating how the translation process from religious to secular domains works in two epochal moments in Canadian religious and political history: the formation of the United Nations Charter of Human Rights (in 1948) and the Canadian Charter of

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (2021-10-08). Lisa Graves on the Fight for the Post Office, Stevana Sims on Saving Anti-Racist Education. fair.org (image via BillMoyers.com) | This week on CounterSpin: The thing about the US Postal Service: Low-income people get the same service as the rich; rural people get their prescriptions and paychecks and ballots in the same timeframe as those in big cities. The idea has always been that postal service is a public good, not to be mined for profit, and not tiered to give the wealthy yet another leg up. USPS is the second-largest employer in the country, traditionally offering opportunities for people of color—and unlike the number one employer, Walmart, it doesn't subsidize itself by paying wages so low that em…

WSWS (2021-10-08). Sri Lankan teachers take nationwide action, defying government bans. wsws.org The protests, which coincided with World Teachers Day, were held in 300 education divisions and involved over 200 teachers at each location.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2021-10-08). Localizing Reparations During an Era of Intensified Repression. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2021-10-08). 'We're in the Middle of a Major Biological Catastrophe': COVID Expert Dr. Peter McCullough. globalresearch.ca

Michael Welch (2021-10-08). Defeat or Victory? The War on Afghanistan (2001-2021). globalresearch.ca

Mauro Sandri (2021-10-08). La prima sentenza a favore degli OSS contro gli illegittimi licenziamenti dei datori privati. globalresearch.ca Sentenza epocale del tribunale di Milano: dichiarate l'illegittimità dei licenziamenti degli OSS e ribaltate le decine di sentenze contrarie fino ad ora emesse. | Nella trasmissione si parlerà anche delle ricadute di questa sentenza sui sanitari e sul personale scolastico. …

Philip Giraldi (2021-10-08). Silencing Julian Assange: Why Bother with a Trial When You Can Just Kill Him? globalresearch.ca

Paul Antonopoulos (2021-10-08). Taliban Lacks Necessary Finances to Deliver Functioning Government. globalresearch.ca

Viv Forbes (2021-10-08). Climate Lies and Green Energy Propaganda: Time for Truth-Telling in Glasgow. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Andrew Glikson (2021-10-08). The Glasgow Climate Agenda: Global Warming to 2⁰C and Beyond. globalresearch.ca

Mauro Sandri (2021-10-08). Sentenza Epocale: Illegittimi i Licenziamenti degli OSS per problema Covid. globalresearch.ca Sentenza epocale del tribunale di Milano: dichiarate l'illegittimità dei licenziamenti degli OSS (Operatore Socio Sanitario) e ribaltate le decine di sentenze contrarie fino ad ora emesse. Ricadute di questa sentenza sui sanitari e sul personale scolastico | La sentenza n. 2135/2021 …

Rick Rozoff (2021-10-08). Former Top U.S. Army Commander in Europe on Prospects for U.S. Missile System in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Xander Arena (2021-10-08). AE911Truth Celebrates the Milestone — and Verification — of 3,500 Architects and Engineers. globalresearch.ca

The Global Research Team (2021-10-08). How to Challenge Online Censorship. Support Global Research. globalresearch.ca Dear Readers, | For much of this year, independent media — including Global Research — has felt the sting of increased online censorship", in the form of a "crackdown on news that challenges official government narratives". | September 2021 marks our 20th …

Giorgio Parisi (2021-10-08). L'erba voglio che non cresce nemmeno nel giardino del re. globalresearch.ca C'era una volta un re che diceva sempre voglio, voglio e non diceva mai per favore. Un giorno mentre passeggiava nel bosco incontro' un'erba che aveva dei fiorellini gialli tanto carini. | Quei fiorellini gialli piacquero moltissimo a re, che penso': …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2021-10-08). Awakening: Martin Luther King and the Poor People's Campaign. globalresearch.ca

Tom Luongo (2021-10-08). European Energy Crisis — And Is that Gas You Think You're Burning? globalresearch.ca

Carey Gillam (2021-10-08). Bayer Wins Roundup Trial; Plaintiff Fails to Prove Exposure Caused Child's Disease. globalresearch.ca

Gary Weglarz (2021-10-08). Examining the Methods and Means of COVID Propaganda Dissemination. globalresearch.ca

Children's Health Defense (2021-10-08). Think the FDA Is Looking Out for Your Health? History Tells a Different Story. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2021-10-08). Selected Articles: Twenty Years Ago: US Invasion of Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca By CIA responded by preparing to foil Assange's possible Russian-assisted departure to include potential gun battles with Moscow's spies on …

Staff (2021-10-08). Family of Henrietta Lacks Files Lawsuit over Use of Stolen Cells, Lambasts Racist Medical System. democracynow.org The family of Henrietta Lacks has filed a lawsuit against biotech company Thermo Fisher Scientific for making billions in profit from the "HeLa" cell line. Henrietta Lacks was an African American patient at Johns Hopkins University Hospital. Doctors kept her tissue samples without her consent for experimental studies while treating her for cervical cancer in 1951. Benjamin Crump, one of the lawyers for the case, filed 70 years after her death, calls Henrietta Lacks a "cornerstone of modern medicine," as her cells have since played a part in cancer research, the polio vaccine and even COVID-19 vaccines. Ron Lacks,…

Dr. Nicole Delépine (2021-10-08). The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 "Vaccine" globalresearch.ca

Anonymous103 (2021-10-08). Betraying Partners A Commonplace In Relations Between US And Latin American Countries. southfront.org Illustrative ImageWashington supports its allies only when convenient, abandoning them when they become useless. | Written by Lucas Leiroz, research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. | A practice that seems to have become a real "tradition" in American foreign policy is to use emerging countries as trading partners during a short period when it is interesting for Washington, later betraying and abandoning them. In Latin America, the US frequently initiates strategic partnerships with developing nations, respecting the agreements only for a period of time considered "convenie…

Natalie Winters (2021-10-08). Pfizer Lobbying Hits Decade High as Dozens of High-Profile Political Appointees Become Big Pharma Reps. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2021-10-08). The "Killer Vaccine" Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People. globalresearch.ca The stated objective is to enforce the Worldwide vaccination of 7.9 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitized "vaccine passport". The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from the vaccine is overwhelming. Needless to say this is a multi-billion dollar operation for Big Pharma.

Jonathan Cook (2021-10-08). After success against Corbyn, Israel lobby ousts UK scholar. dissidentvoice.org Britain's pro-Israel lobby gained another important scalp last week after a prolonged campaign of intimidation finally pushed a major UK university into firing one of its lecturers. Bristol University dismissed David Miller, a political sociology professor, even though an official investigation had concluded that accusations of antisemitism against him were unfounded. Research by Miller, a …

Staff (2021-10-08). Some Figures on Venezuela-Colombia Border Trade Relations. orinocotribune.com In a report by Jorge Forero, a researcher at the Center for Border Research and Studies, told Sputnik that "trade is the soul of the regi…

Makia Freeman (2021-10-08). COVID Vaccine Contents, What's Inside the Vial? Scientific Findings Reveal Microscopy Images. globalresearch.ca

Brian Shilhavy (2021-10-08). As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase after COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds. globalresearch.ca

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